/* This script replicates the functionality of the GT-statement in QSP. In QSP, you can have several jumps in a row after each user-input without a hazzle. That's not the case in SugarCube. Since the first passage doesn't stop rendering when the second one is called the output is scrambled. For the user, that usually looks like a black- or whitescreen. To solve this issue, gt-commands are only excecuted once a passage is completely rendered. To achieve that, they get queued in `pendingGTs` and called on the `:passageend`-event. */ /** * Indicates the number of currently running gt-commands. * Gets reset to 0 on the `:passageend`-event. * Since multiple running gt-events are to be avoided, a number bigger than 1 indicates a bug. * @type {number} */ let gtExecutionCounter = 0; /** * The queued gt-events (FIFO). One entry is the array of arguments the gt-command has to be executed with. * @type {(string|number)[]} */ const pendingGTs = []; /** Execute the next gt-command from `pendingGTs` if the queue is not empty. */ const executeNextPendingGT = ()=>{ if(!pendingGTs.length) return; const nextPendingGT = pendingGTs.shift(); setup.qsp_gt(...nextPendingGT); } $(document).on(':passageend', function (ev) { gtExecutionCounter = 0; executeNextPendingGT(); }); setup.qsp_gt = function(...args){ if(++gtExecutionCounter > 1){ pendingGTs.push(args); return; } const _recursion_limit = 5; setup.recursionCounterGT ??= [0,0]; const recursionInterval = Math.floor(Date.now() / 500); if(setup.recursionCounterGT[0] < recursionInterval) setup.recursionCounterGT = [recursionInterval,0]; setup.recursionCounterGT[1] += 1; if(setup.recursionCounterGT[1] > _recursion_limit){ console.error('Recursion limit reached in GT: (args, here)',args,State.variables.here); return; } let destination = ''; let destinationArgs = []; if(typeof args[0] == 'string'){ destination = args[0]; destinationArgs = args.slice(1); }else if(Array.isArray(args[0])){ destination = args[0][0]; destinationArgs = args[0].slice(1); }else{ console.error(`Argument not reckognized in setup.gt()`,args[0]); } State.variables.ARGSstack = [destinationArgs]; console.log("GT",args,destination,destinationArgs,State.variables.ARGSstack); Engine.play(destination.toLowerCase()); } Macro.add('gt', { skipArgs : false, handler : function () { try{ setup.qsp_gt(...this.args); } catch (ex) { return this.error('ERROR in gt-widget: ' + ex.message); } } });