فهرست منبع

Merge remote-tracking branch 'Violet_Kitten/master'

KevinSmarts 4 سال پیش
8فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه545 افزوده شده و 541 حذف شده
  1. 124 120
  2. 23 23
  3. 43 43
  4. 87 87
  5. 43 43
  6. 59 59
  7. 97 97
  8. 69 69

تفاوت فایلی نمایش داده نمی شود زیرا این فایل بسیار بزرگ است
+ 124 - 120

+ 23 - 23

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Family':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Vladimir <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vladimir/father.jpg"></center>'
-		'You enter the kitchen to see Your stepfather and Kolka laughing at a joke that you can''t quite hear. They both stop laughing as you enter. Anya offers you a chair which you sit on, as Anya sits down next to you. You look around in relief, <font color=#FF00FF>That whole thing was just a dream. Oh it feels so good to be back home.</font> You hear something bumping against the kitchen door.' 
+		'You enter the kitchen to see Your stepfather and Kolka laughing at a joke that you can''t quite hear. They both stop laughing as you enter. Anya offers you a chair which you sit on as Anya sits down next to you. You look around in relief, <font color=#FF00FF>That whole thing was just a dream. Oh it feels so good to be back home.</font> You hear something bumping against the kitchen door.' 
 		act 'Turn to see what it is':	
 			*clr & cla
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Family':
 							*clr & cla
 							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/ra8.mp4"></video></center>'
-							'You can faintly feel something entering your vagina, and can feel your tears leaking down your cheeks. You can faintly hear some soft voices in the distance. "Hey watch her head!...Don''t drop her!....Come on get that door open!" A few seconds later, you hear someone whispering in your ear. "It''s okay <<$pcs_firstname>>. This is your place now. You didn''t think that you can keep that precious body to yourself, did you?"'
+							'You can faintly feel something entering your vagina and can feel your tears leaking down your cheeks. You can faintly hear some soft voices in the distance. "Hey watch her head!...Don''t drop her!....Come on get that door open!" A few seconds later, you hear someone whispering in your ear. "It''s okay <<$pcs_firstname>>. This is your place now. You didn''t think that you can keep that precious body to yourself, did you?"'
 							act 'Turn around':
 								*clr & cla
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Family':
 									*clr & cla
 									'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bedroom/cum/cum10.mp4"></video></center>'								
-									'You suddenly hear Yurik groan as he begins pumping his cum inside of your pussy before walking away while saying to Niko, "What a worthless whore. Couldn''t even rock her hips a bit. If I wanted to fuck a blow up doll, I would have kept fucking her mother." He then leaves, as you start hearing the soft voices again, but they sound closer. "Is she going to be alright?....She will be fine. She just needs some more rest....She''s moving. Do you think she is?..."'
+									'You suddenly hear Yurik groan as he begins pumping his cum inside of your pussy before walking away while saying to Niko, "What a worthless whore. Couldn''t even rock her hips a bit. If I wanted to fuck a blow up doll, I would have kept fucking her mother." He then leaves as you start hearing the soft voices again, but they sound closer. "Is she going to be alright?....She will be fine. She just needs some more rest....She''s moving. Do you think she is?..."'
 									act '...':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath'
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods':
 	VKSmiley = 3
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You can feel grass on your face which you quickly brush away before looking around, and noticing that you are in the middle of the woods with a mist that surrounds you. <font color=#FF00FF>What''s going on? Why am I here? How did I get here? Where am I?</font> You stand up then look around to try to get your bearings when you begin hearing music along with the sounds of laughing in the far distance. <font color=#FF00FF>Where is this music coming from? Was that a person laughing? Maybe they can help me.</font> you begin heading in that direction when you suddenly feel a cold chill down your spine. <font color=#FF00FF>Something about that laughter is...unnerving.</font>'
+	'You can feel grass on your face which you quickly brush away before looking around and noticing that you are in the middle of the woods with a mist that surrounds you. <font color=#FF00FF>What''s going on? Why am I here? How did I get here? Where am I?</font> You stand up then look around to try to get your bearings when you begin hearing music along with the sounds of laughing in the far distance. <font color=#FF00FF>Where is this music coming from? Was that a person laughing? Maybe they can help me.</font> you begin heading in that direction when you suddenly feel a cold chill down your spine. <font color=#FF00FF>Something about that laughter is...unnerving.</font>'
 	'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 7':
 	VKSmiley -= 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/7.jpg"></center>'
-	'<font color=#FF00FF>Will I be trapped here forever? Oh wait, what is that?</font> You can see a pair of train tracks ahead of you, and you can hear the music getting louder, as you approach the tracks.'
+	'<font color=#FF00FF>Will I be trapped here forever? Oh wait, what is that?</font> You can see a pair of train tracks ahead of you and you can hear the music getting louder as you approach the tracks.'
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
 		'You can hear laughing close by.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
@@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'TeeHee':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/teehee.jpg"></center>'
 	if VKTeeHee = 0:
-		'You approach the cat and it turns to you with a creepy grin, as it says, "TeeHee who is thee?" You recoil in shock before replying, "You can talk?" The cat replies, "Only if you want me too, TeeHee." You respond, "Um what do you want exactly?" The cat replies, "What do I want? You approached me TeeHee." You respond, "You''re right. My name is <<$pcs_firstname>>. What is yours?" The cat replies, "My name is TeeHee and I am so happy to meet thee."' 
+		'You approach the cat and it turns to you with a creepy grin as it says, "TeeHee who is thee?" You recoil in shock before replying, "You can talk?" The cat replies, "Only if you want me too, TeeHee." You respond, "Um what do you want exactly?" The cat replies, "What do I want? You approached me TeeHee." You respond, "You''re right. My name is <<$pcs_firstname>>. What is yours?" The cat replies, "My name is TeeHee and I am so happy to meet thee."' 
 		'You pet TeeHee''s head, causing her to begin purring before saying, "This is the end of the path for now. Come with me to return to your own path TeeHee." You reply, "But that woman might need my help." TeeHee frowns as she responds, "She doesn''t need you for reasons you may think. You really should come with me, not WeePee."'
-		'We meet again <<$pcs_firstname>>. Have you come to re-join your own path, or do you wish to stay, and face WeePee''s wrath?'
+		'We meet again <<$pcs_firstname>>. Have you come to re-join your own path, or do you wish to stay and face WeePee''s wrath?'
 	act 'Accept TeeHee''s offer': VKTeeHee = 1 & VKWoods = -1 & VKSmiley = 3 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath 2'
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Smiley 1':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Smiley">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/smiley2.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you are walking through the forest you hear loud laughing behind you then suddenly feel something rubbing across your throat, causing a stream of blood to begin pouring out of your neck. You let out a scream as your energy fades, and the ground rushes toward you...'
+	'As you are walking through the forest you hear loud laughing behind you then suddenly feel something rubbing across your throat, causing a stream of blood to begin pouring out of your neck. You let out a scream as your energy fades and the ground rushes toward you...'
 	act 'Rest in peace': VKSmiley = 3 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath 2'
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'WeePee 1':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"WeePee">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/weepee.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you approach the crying woman, she instantly turns around then lunges toward you, shoving her hand into your chest, and pulling out your heart, as she stares into your eyes, watching your life slowly drain away...'
+	'As you approach the crying woman, she instantly turns around then lunges toward you, shoving her hand into your chest and pulling out your heart as she stares into your eyes, watching your life slowly drain away...'
 	act 'Rest in peace': VKSmiley = 3 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath 2'
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods Hide':
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Smiley">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/smiley.jpg"></center>'
-		'You quickly duck behind a tree just as a horrific looking man, wielding a bloody battle axe and wearing clown makeup, comes out of the mist. He begins laughing loudly as he walks past the tree that you are hiding behind. He doesn''t seem to notice you, as he then walks back into the mist.'
+		'You quickly duck behind a tree just as a horrific looking man, wielding a bloody battle axe and wearing clown makeup, comes out of the mist. He begins laughing loudly as he walks past the tree that you are hiding behind. He doesn''t seem to notice you as he then walks back into the mist.'
 		VKSmiley = rand(3,4)
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Friends':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00>Viktoria "Vicky" Meynold</font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/bedroom/vicky.jpg"></center>'
-	'You slowly open your eyes, and see <<$VK_VikName>> playfully shaking your shoulder. "Hey there sleepy head! Did you sleep well?" You give <<$VK_VikName>> a warm smile. "I guess but...Where am I?" Vicky replies, "After what happened at school, we were bored, so we decided to have you dance for us." You tilt your head. "Dance..for us?" Vicky giggles, as she points to her right. You turn to see Katja Meynold, and Natalia Pavlova sitting on the seats right next to the bed. Katja says, "Come on <<$pcs_firstname>>. What are you waiting for?" Natalia adds, "Don''t worry, I threw away all your clothes. Whores don''t need clothes." You look down and notice that you are naked. Katja suddenly slams the bed frame. "Enough messing around! DANCE WHORE!"'
+	'You slowly open your eyes and see <<$VK_VikName>> playfully shaking your shoulder. "Hey there sleepy head! Did you sleep well?" You give <<$VK_VikName>> a warm smile. "I guess but...Where am I?" Vicky replies, "After what happened at school, we were bored, so we decided to have you dance for us." You tilt your head. "Dance..for us?" Vicky giggles as she points to her right. You turn to see Katja Meynold and Natalia Pavlova sitting on the seats right next to the bed. Katja says, "Come on <<$pcs_firstname>>. What are you waiting for?" Natalia adds, "Don''t worry, I threw away all your clothes. Whores don''t need clothes." You look down and notice that you are naked. Katja suddenly slams the bed frame. "Enough messing around! DANCE WHORE!"'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/Niko/nikomisc/meyhome/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
@@ -392,13 +392,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Friends':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bedroom/sex/cam/Cam2.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'You quickly stand up then begin dancing. <font color=#FF00FF>I need to keep dancing because ...Umm...Why am I dancing?</font> Vicky reaches forward then shoves her fingers inside of your vagina while Katja sticks her finger in your ass. Natalia walks up to you then begins squeezing your breasts. Vicky then says, "And they thought that Sonia was a whore." Katja giggles, as she responds, "That''s just silly. <<$pcs_firstname>> is the only whore here." Natalia replies, "I agree, I don''t even know why she thought that she could hide it." <font color=#FF00FF>Why are they being so mean to me? and why can''t I stop dancing?</font> Vicky gives your ass a firm smack, as she says, "Alright, we kept the boys waiting long enough!"'
+		'You quickly stand up then begin dancing. <font color=#FF00FF>I need to keep dancing because ...Umm...Why am I dancing?</font> Vicky reaches forward then shoves her fingers inside of your vagina while Katja sticks her finger in your ass. Natalia walks up to you then begins squeezing your breasts. Vicky then says, "And they thought that Sonia was a whore." Katja giggles as she responds, "That''s just silly. <<$pcs_firstname>> is the only whore here." Natalia replies, "I agree, I don''t even know why she thought that she could hide it." <font color=#FF00FF>Why are they being so mean to me? and why can''t I stop dancing?</font> Vicky gives your ass a firm smack as she says, "Alright, we kept the boys waiting long enough!"'
 		act 'Boys?':	
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/exposed1.jpg"></center>'
-			'Vicky pulls you toward the door which opens on it''s own, and you end up in the school hallway with all the boys hollering. "Hey everyone! The whore is here!" The boys all charge you and begin rubbing on your body while making lude comments,'
+			'Vicky pulls you toward the door which opens on it''s own and you end up in the school hallway with all the boys hollering. "Hey everyone! The whore is here!" The boys all charge you and begin rubbing on your body while making lude comments,'
 			'Artem: "Here is the whore again! <<$pcs_firstname>> doesn''t even care about trying to hide it."'
 			'Petka: "I know right? She is such a worthless whore. I almost don''t even want her anymore."'
 			'Radomir: "I know right? Her pussy is probably all stretched out by now. It''s like ground zero."'
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Friends':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/hall1.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'Lesko then pulls you up on top of him, and you begin riding his dick while tears stream down your face. <font color=#FF00FF>Why is this happening? Why are they all laughing at me? Please someone make this stop!</font>'
+						'Lesko then pulls you up on top of him and you begin riding his dick while tears stream down your face. <font color=#FF00FF>Why is this happening? Why are they all laughing at me? Please someone make this stop!</font>'
 						act 'Continue riding Lesko':	
 							*clr & cla
@@ -436,14 +436,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Friends':
 								'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Anya <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/progulka.jpg"></center>'	
-								'Suddenly Anya grabs you by your hair then leads you to the door, as she says, "<<$pcs_firstname>> Mom needs to speak with you."'
+								'Suddenly Anya grabs you by your hair then leads you to the door as she says, "<<$pcs_firstname>> Mom needs to speak with you."'
 								act 'Walk through the door':	
 									*clr & cla
 									'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
-									'You enter the room, recognizing it as your apartment. Your mother is standing in front of you with a sneer on her face. "<<$pcs_firstname>> You let those boys get you prenant? I can''t believe you!" Anya adds, "Not only that but she has also been eating my pussy." Your mother''s eyes widen, "SHE WHAT?" Kolka speaks up too. "She also had sex with me, and is the mother of my child." Your mother is seething with rage, as she grabs onto a knife then drives it into your stomach, causing a large stream of cum to leak out.' 
+									'You enter the room, recognizing it as your apartment. Your mother is standing in front of you with a sneer on her face. "<<$pcs_firstname>> You let those boys get you prenant? I can''t believe you!" Anya adds, "Not only that but she has also been eating my pussy." Your mother''s eyes widen, "SHE WHAT?" Kolka speaks up too. "She also had sex with me and is the mother of my child." Your mother is seething with rage as she grabs onto a knife then drives it into your stomach, causing a large stream of cum to leak out.' 
 									act 'Fall':	
 										*clr & cla
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Classroom Dream':
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/rest.jpg"></center>'
-	'You can feel yourself getting getting tired, so you lay your head down on your desk to rest, as you wait for the school period to end. After a few seconds, you hear, "Who''s that, sleeping in my class?" You immediately sit up, pretending that you weren''t laying down, as you continue listening to the teacher teach the lesson, "Always remember to double check the problem, so that you can be confident with your solution." Now let''s move on to the next lesson... How to treat a whore. For this lesson I will need a volunteer. Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, come up in front of the class."' 
+	'You can feel yourself getting getting tired, so you lay your head down on your desk to rest as you wait for the school period to end. After a few seconds, you hear, "Who''s that, sleeping in my class?" You immediately sit up, pretending that you weren''t laying down as you continue listening to the teacher teach the lesson, "Always remember to double check the problem, so that you can be confident with your solution." Now let''s move on to the next lesson... How to treat a whore. For this lesson I will need a volunteer. Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, come up in front of the class."' 
 	act 'Who me?':	
 		*clr & cla
@@ -480,25 +480,25 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Classroom Dream':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/stand.jpg"></center>'
-			'As you reach the front of the class you feel your clothes falling off, you quickly try to grab them, but they dissolve in your hands. You try covering your body, but then the teacher shouts, "STOP COVERING YOURSELF YOUNG LADY! Whores should always keep their fuckholes on display." You can feel your body trembling, as you finally approach the front of the class. The teacher says, "Now this is what you do to a whore. Notice her pussy here? This is the best place to fuck, but don''t get carried away, or she could end up pregnant with a whore baby." He then motions you to come toward him.'		
+			'As you reach the front of the class you feel your clothes falling off, you quickly try to grab them, but they dissolve in your hands. You try covering your body, but then the teacher shouts, "STOP COVERING YOURSELF YOUNG LADY! Whores should always keep their fuckholes on display." You can feel your body trembling as you finally approach the front of the class. The teacher says, "Now this is what you do to a whore. Notice her pussy here? This is the best place to fuck, but don''t get carried away, or she could end up pregnant with a whore baby." He then motions you to come toward him.'		
 			act 'Move closer':	
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/blowjob/blowjob1.gif"></center>'
-				'As soon as you get close the teacher grabs you then pushes you onto your knees. He pushes his penis against your lips, and says, "Open up, for your reward." You open your mouth, allowing his penis to enter. You begin sucking his dick eagerly, for what feels like a few minutes before he grabs your waist then lifts you up, dropping you on top of his desk.' 
+				'As soon as you get close the teacher grabs you then pushes you onto your knees. He pushes his penis against your lips and says, "Open up, for your reward." You open your mouth, allowing his penis to enter. You begin sucking his dick eagerly, for what feels like a few minutes before he grabs your waist then lifts you up, dropping you on top of his desk.' 
 				act 'See what he does':	
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/sex.jpg"></center>'
-					'He then pushes you over then rams his dick inside of you, and begins thrusting. All you can think about if the humiliation of being fucked by your teacher, in front of your class. <font color=#FF00FF>Why is this happening. Why me? Will I never have a normal life again? Will I always be...</font> You suddenly hear a soft voice whispering in your ear, "Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, are you okay? Come on, get up..."'
+					'He then pushes you over then rams his dick inside of you and begins thrusting. All you can think about if the humiliation of being fucked by your teacher, in front of your class. <font color=#FF00FF>Why is this happening. Why me? Will I never have a normal life again? Will I always be...</font> You suddenly hear a soft voice whispering in your ear, "Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, are you okay? Come on, get up..."'
 					act 'Continue':	
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/leave.jpg"></center>'
-						'You open your eyes then see all of the students getting out of their chairs and leaving the class while chatting with each other. You feel a hand on your shoulder shaking you, so you quickly turn to see Natalia with a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright <<$pcs_firstname>>?" You take a second to collect your thoughts before responding, "I don''t know why I keep having these terrible nightmares." Natalia rubs your back, as she responds, "Things must be so hard for you. I''m so sorry." Not wanting to worry Natalia, you give her a fake smile then say, "They''re just dreams, I''ll be fine."' 
+						'You open your eyes then see all of the students getting out of their chairs and leaving the class while chatting with each other. You feel a hand on your shoulder shaking you, so you quickly turn to see Natalia with a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright <<$pcs_firstname>>?" You take a second to collect your thoughts before responding, "I don''t know why I keep having these terrible nightmares." Natalia rubs your back as she responds, "Things must be so hard for you. I''m so sorry." Not wanting to worry Natalia, you give her a fake smile then say, "They''re just dreams, I''ll be fine."' 
 						act 'Smile at Natalia':	
 							*clr & cla
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Puppeteer':
 	VKPuppetDream = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/rest.jpg"></center>'
-	'You can feel the day drag on so slowly, so you rest your head on the desk trying your best to focus on anything but todays lesson, the light occasionally creeps in between your arms so you keep re-adjusting until you can no longer feel any light creeping in, causing you to feel at peace, as you slumber through the lesson.'
+	'You can feel the day drag on so slowly, so you rest your head on the desk trying your best to focus on anything but todays lesson, the light occasionally creeps in between your arms so you keep re-adjusting until you can no longer feel any light creeping in, causing you to feel at peace as you slumber through the lesson.'
 	act 'Wake up':	
 		*clr & cla
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Puppeteer':
 								'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00CC><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 								*pl '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
-								'You quickly jump up screaming to then notice that you are still in class. The whole class is staring at you in shock. Mr. Tsarev asks; in a concerned voice, "Miss <<$pcs_lastname>> what''s wrong?" You stand, completely speechless for a few seconds before hearing the bell sound. You use this time to quickly pack up your things then head for the door, as some of your classmates whisper to each other.'
+								'You quickly jump up screaming to then notice that you are still in class. The whole class is staring at you in shock. Mr. Tsarev asks; in a concerned voice, "Miss <<$pcs_lastname>> what''s wrong?" You stand, completely speechless for a few seconds before hearing the bell sound. You use this time to quickly pack up your things then head for the door as some of your classmates whisper to each other.'
 								'Arkadi: "Whoa, what is her problem?"'
 								'Niko: "Maybe <<$pcs_nickname>> is on the pipe or something?"'

+ 43 - 43

@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Intro':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile1.jpg"></center>'
-		'You give him a harsh stare as you shout, "Beat it punk! I''m not looking for a boyfriend!" He remains completely unfazed, as he responds, "I''m sorry that I bothered you." Niko never loses his smile, as he turns around and walks away. You can''t help but think to yourself. "Why was he so calm? What is it with that guy?" Before shaking your head and walking away.'	
+		'You give him a harsh stare as you shout, "Beat it punk! I''m not looking for a boyfriend!" He remains completely unfazed as he responds, "I''m sorry that I bothered you." Niko never loses his smile as he turns around and walks away. You can''t help but think to yourself. "Why was he so calm? What is it with that guy?" Before shaking your head and walking away.'	
 		act 'Leave':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Lunch Intro':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
-			'You sit down next to Niko, and you both spend the next few minutes, getting to know each other.'
+			'You sit down next to Niko and you both spend the next few minutes, getting to know each other.'
 			act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Lunch Intro':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/charmer2.jpg"></center>'
-		'You give him a harsh stare as you shout, "Beat it punk! I''m not looking for a boyfriend!" He remains completely unfazed, as he responds, "I''m sorry that I bothered you." Niko never loses his smile as he turns around and walks away. You can''t help but think to yourself. <font color=#FF00FF>Why was he so calm? What is it with that guy?</font> Before shaking your head and walking away.'	
+		'You give him a harsh stare as you shout, "Beat it punk! I''m not looking for a boyfriend!" He remains completely unfazed as he responds, "I''m sorry that I bothered you." Niko never loses his smile as he turns around and walks away. You can''t help but think to yourself. <font color=#FF00FF>Why was he so calm? What is it with that guy?</font> Before shaking your head and walking away.'	
 		act 'Leave':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Lunch Chat':
 	if grupTipe[61] = 600:'Niko should not be available at this stage. If you are seeing this in game then please report this on the <font color=#FF00FF>Bug reports</font> thread or to <font color=#E400FF>Violet Kitten</font> on <font color="blue">Discord</font>.'
-	if grupTipe[61] = 4:'Niko is a Gopnik, and spends a lot of time doing what Gopniks usually do: be loud, and drink beer.'
+	if grupTipe[61] = 4:'Niko is a Gopnik and spends a lot of time doing what Gopniks usually do: be loud and drink beer.'
 	if npc_rel['A189'] < 20:'You and Niko don''t get along at all.'
 	if npc_rel['A189'] >= 20 and npc_rel['A189'] < 40:'You and Niko don''t get along very well.'
 	if npc_rel['A189'] >= 40 and npc_rel['A189'] < 60:'You and Niko have a normal relationship.'
@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Lunch Chat':
 	if npc_rel['A189'] >= 80:'You and Niko have a great relationship.'	
 	if NikoPayback = 2 and NikoPayed ! daystart:
-		'You approach Niko, and he turns to you with a puzzled look on his face. "Hmm, how did I not see you earlier? I thought that you might have been sick today, but here you are, so now to business. How will you be paying today?"'
+		'You approach Niko and he turns to you with a puzzled look on his face. "Hmm, how did I not see you earlier? I thought that you might have been sick today, but here you are, so now to business. How will you be paying today?"'
 	elseif NikoPayback = 2:	
 		'You approach Niko, he looks at you with a blank stare, "You''re all payed up today, so what brings you here?"'
 	elseif NikoPayback = 3:	
-		'You approach Niko, and he turns to you then says, "Leave me alone. You are nothing but trouble." You giggle as you walk away.'
+		'You approach Niko and he turns to you then says, "Leave me alone. You are nothing but trouble." You giggle as you walk away.'
-		'You approach Niko, and his eyes light up. "Hello <<$pcs_firstname>>. I''m so glad to see you again. Please take a seat and chat with me."'
+		'You approach Niko and his eyes light up. "Hello <<$pcs_firstname>>. I''m so glad to see you again. Please take a seat and chat with me."'
 	if NikoLuv > -4 and NikoPayback = 0:
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Lunch Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
 			if npc_rel['A189'] < 20:'You and Niko don''t get along at all.'
-			if npc_rel['A189'] >= 20 and npc_rel['A189'] < 40:'You sit down next to Niko, and you both spend the next few minutes, getting to know each other.'
+			if npc_rel['A189'] >= 20 and npc_rel['A189'] < 40:'You sit down next to Niko and you both spend the next few minutes, getting to know each other.'
 			if npc_rel['A189'] >= 40 and npc_rel['A189'] < 60:'You and Niko have a normal relationship.'
 			if npc_rel['A189'] >= 60 and npc_rel['A189'] < 80:'You and Niko have a good relationship.'
 			if npc_rel['A189'] >= 80:'You and Niko have a great relationship.'
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Lunch Chat':
 			minut += 5
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/fuckoff1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You extend your middle finger at Niko, as you walk past him. "Get lost loser." Niko turns his head as he responds. "Am I not worthy?" You continue to walk past him until you reach the hallway.'
+			'You extend your middle finger at Niko as you walk past him. "Get lost loser." Niko turns his head as he responds. "Am I not worthy?" You continue to walk past him until you reach the hallway.'
 			act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Lunch Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
-			'You cast your eyes down, as you reply, "You can use my body, as payment." Niko''s eyes light up, "I was hoping you''d say that. Let''s not waste time." Niko grabs your ass firmly while leading you to the less used restroom.'	
+			'You cast your eyes down as you reply, "You can use my body as payment." Niko''s eyes light up, "I was hoping you''d say that. Let''s not waste time." Niko grabs your ass firmly while leading you to the less used restroom.'	
 			act 'Head to the restroom with Niko':gt 'NikoPayback', 'Payback 3'
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Lunch Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile'+rand(2,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
-			'You walk up to Niko, and place your hand on his crotch, "I know that I already payed you in money, but I want to give you another special payment." Niko''s eyes light up, "Well, there''s no way, I''d say no to that. Let''s get going." Niko gives your ass a firm smack, as you both head toward the less used restroom.'	
+			'You walk up to Niko and place your hand on his crotch, "I know that I already payed you in money, but I want to give you another special payment." Niko''s eyes light up, "Well, there''s no way, I''d say no to that. Let''s get going." Niko gives your ass a firm smack as you both head toward the less used restroom.'	
 			act 'Head to the restroom with Niko':gt 'NikoPayback', 'Payback 3'
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Lunch Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
-			'You reply, "I just want to talk. Is that alright?" Niko shrugs, as he replies, "Sounds fine with me, I have some spare time." You, and Niko spend the next few minutes, chatting about various topics.'
+			'You reply, "I just want to talk. Is that alright?" Niko shrugs as he replies, "Sounds fine with me, I have some spare time." You and Niko spend the next few minutes, chatting about various topics.'
 			act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Lunch Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
-			'You sit down next to Niko, "Hello Niko, I remember you telling me something about a special activity that you have planned." Niko grins, as he replies, "I have something special for us today. Are you ready to find out what it is?" You suddenly feel a cold chill down your spine, as he says that. <font color=#FF00FF>Why do I feel so nervous? I can''t shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen.</font>'
+			'You sit down next to Niko, "Hello Niko, I remember you telling me something about a special activity that you have planned." Niko grins as he replies, "I have something special for us today. Are you ready to find out what it is?" You suddenly feel a cold chill down your spine as he says that. <font color=#FF00FF>Why do I feel so nervous? I can''t shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen.</font>'
 			act '<font color=#FF00FF>Go with Niko</font>':
 				if soniaPS = 0:
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Date Intro':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/charmer2.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you are walking toward the hallway, Niko runs up behind you with a small box in his hand. "<<$pcs_firstname>> I have something for you." He then holds the box in front of you, and slowly opens it, revealing a beautiful purple necklace. "An elegant lady of such beauty, deserves equally stunning jewelry, but I must ask you for a boon in return. I ask only, for permission to take you out on a date after school. What say you?"'
+	'As you are walking toward the hallway, Niko runs up behind you with a small box in his hand. "<<$pcs_firstname>> I have something for you." He then holds the box in front of you and slowly opens it, revealing a beautiful purple necklace. "An elegant lady of such beauty, deserves equally stunning jewelry, but I must ask you for a boon in return. I ask only, for permission to take you out on a date after school. What say you?"'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/jewelry/Necklace1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Date Intro':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/charmer1.jpg"></center>'
-		'You give Niko a warm smile as you take the gift from him. "Thank you Niko, This necklace is so beautiful." Niko looks at you with such loving eyes. "I''m so glad you like it, how about I pick you up after school, and we can both head out together?" You reply, "I might be a bit late so just wait for me at the courtyard, okay?" Niko bows before you. "As you wish m''lady." He then backs away while keeping his head bowed until he turns the corner.'		
+		'You give Niko a warm smile as you take the gift from him. "Thank you Niko, This necklace is so beautiful." Niko looks at you with such loving eyes. "I''m so glad you like it, how about I pick you up after school and we can both head out together?" You reply, "I might be a bit late so just wait for me at the courtyard, okay?" Niko bows before you. "As you wish m''lady." He then backs away while keeping his head bowed until he turns the corner.'		
 		act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Date Intro':
 			minut += 5
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/nodate.jpg"></center>'
-			'"I''m sorry Niko, but I''m not really looking for any kind of relationship right now." Niko gives you a warm smile, as he responds "Don''t worry about it m''lady, I will just wait for the time where you feel yourself ready, for such a venture." You giggle as you respond, "You''re so weird but thanks for understanding. I''ll see you later." You turn around and walk away.'
+			'"I''m sorry Niko, but I''m not really looking for any kind of relationship right now." Niko gives you a warm smile as he responds "Don''t worry about it m''lady, I will just wait for the time where you feel yourself ready, for such a venture." You giggle as you respond, "You''re so weird but thanks for understanding. I''ll see you later." You turn around and walk away.'
 			act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 1':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/niko1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You walk up to Niko, and his eyes light up as he sees you. "Greetings <<$pcs_firstname>>, I hope that you are ready to have a good time."'
+	'You walk up to Niko and his eyes light up as he sees you. "Greetings <<$pcs_firstname>>, I hope that you are ready to have a good time."'
 	act 'I''m ready':	
 		*clr & cla
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 1':
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/Dates/Walk1.jpg"></center>'
-		'"I sure am." Niko gives you a warm smile as he responds, "I figured that we could go to an amusement park, out of town. I will pay our way of course, so come on, let''s get going." Niko takes your hand, and walks you to the train station where you both board the train and get seated.'	
+		'"I sure am." Niko gives you a warm smile as he responds, "I figured that we could go to an amusement park, out of town. I will pay our way of course, so come on, let''s get going." Niko takes your hand and walks you to the train station where you both board the train and get seated.'	
 		act 'Go with Niko':gt 'NikoDates', 'Date 1_1'
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/niko2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You walk up to Niko, and he lowers his cigarette before saying, "Hello <<$pcs_firstname>> I wanted to tell you that I am sorry, for how I acted yesterday. I just wanted to you leave your shell a bit. You always seem so tense." You reply, "Tense? I guess I could try to lighten up a bit. Maybe." Niko smiles as he responds, "Good enough. So are you ready for a surprise I have for you? We could be out all afternoon."'
+	'You walk up to Niko and he lowers his cigarette before saying, "Hello <<$pcs_firstname>> I wanted to tell you that I am sorry, for how I acted yesterday. I just wanted to you leave your shell a bit. You always seem so tense." You reply, "Tense? I guess I could try to lighten up a bit. Maybe." Niko smiles as he responds, "Good enough. So are you ready for a surprise I have for you? We could be out all afternoon."'
 	act 'I''m ready':	
 		*clr & cla
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 3':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/dates/walk4.jpg"></center>'
-		'"I sure am." Niko''s smile widens as he replies, "Great let''s get going." Niko wraps his arm around your waist, as he leads you toward the lake.'	
+		'"I sure am." Niko''s smile widens as he replies, "Great let''s get going." Niko wraps his arm around your waist as he leads you toward the lake.'	
 		act 'Follow Niko''s lead':gt 'NikoDates', 'Date 2'
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 4':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You walk up to Niko, and his eyes light up as he sees you. "Ahhh <<$pcs_firstname>>, I''m so glad to see you. Are you up for a nice relaxing day at the beach?"'
+	'You walk up to Niko and his eyes light up as he sees you. "Ahhh <<$pcs_firstname>>, I''m so glad to see you. Are you up for a nice relaxing day at the beach?"'
 	act 'I''m ready':	
 		*clr & cla
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'New Life':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'		
-		'Niko smiles, as he responds, "Great now let''s head out." Niko wraps his arm around your shoulder then walks you toward the park.'
+		'Niko smiles as he responds, "Great now let''s head out." Niko wraps his arm around your shoulder then walks you toward the park.'
 		gt 'NikoEv2', 'Park'
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Disco Intro':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/brother/upset.jpg"></center>'
-	'You approach Niko, and immediately notice that he is passed out. He must have have a lot to drink today.'
+	'You approach Niko and immediately notice that he is passed out. He must have have a lot to drink today.'
 	act 'Walk away':gt 'gdkin'
@@ -497,23 +497,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Disco Chat':
 	if grupTipe[A189] = 600:'Niko should not be available at this stage. If you are seeing this in game then please report this on the <font color=#FF00FF>Bug reports</font> thread or to <font color=#E400FF>Violet Kitten</font> on <font color="blue">Discord</font>.'
-	if grupTipe[A189] = 4:'Niko is a Gopnik, and spends a lot of time doing what Gopniks usually do: be loud, and drink beer.'
+	if grupTipe[A189] = 4:'Niko is a Gopnik and spends a lot of time doing what Gopniks usually do: be loud and drink beer.'
 	if npc_rel['A189'] < 20:'You and Niko don''t get along at all.'
-	if npc_rel['A189'] >= 20 and npc_rel['A189'] < 40:'You, and Niko don''t get along very well.'
-	if npc_rel['A189'] >= 40 and npc_rel['A189'] < 60:'You, and Niko have a normal relationship.'
-	if npc_rel['A189'] >= 60 and npc_rel['A189'] < 80:'You, and Niko have a good relationship.'
-	if npc_rel['A189'] >= 80:'You, and Niko have a great relationship.'	
+	if npc_rel['A189'] >= 20 and npc_rel['A189'] < 40:'You and Niko don''t get along very well.'
+	if npc_rel['A189'] >= 40 and npc_rel['A189'] < 60:'You and Niko have a normal relationship.'
+	if npc_rel['A189'] >= 60 and npc_rel['A189'] < 80:'You and Niko have a good relationship.'
+	if npc_rel['A189'] >= 80:'You and Niko have a great relationship.'	
 	if NikoLuv > -4 and  NikoPayback = 0 and NikoAlko = 0:
-		'You approach Niko, and he gives you a welcoming smile. "Good to see you again. would you like a drink?"'
+		'You approach Niko and he gives you a welcoming smile. "Good to see you again. would you like a drink?"'
 	elseif NikoLuv > -4 and  NikoPayback = 0 and NikoAlko >= 2:
-		'You approach Niko, and he gives you a welcoming smile. "You''re looking lovely today, Would you like to dance."'
+		'You approach Niko and he gives you a welcoming smile. "You''re looking lovely today, Would you like to dance."'
 	elseif NikoPayback = 2 and NikoPayed ! daystart:
-		'You approach Niko, and he turns to you with a puzzled look on his face. "Hmm, you didn''t show up to school today, were you sick? Bah, it doesn''t matter, you''re here now, so let''s get down to business. My dick is dry and my wallet lite, which one of those issues, will you be solving today?"'
+		'You approach Niko and he turns to you with a puzzled look on his face. "Hmm, you didn''t show up to school today, were you sick? Bah, it doesn''t matter, you''re here now, so let''s get down to business. My dick is dry and my wallet lite, which one of those issues, will you be solving today?"'
 	elseif NikoPayback = 2:	
-		'You approach Niko, and he looks at you with a blank stare, "You''re all payed up today, so why are you talking to me? Trying to mooch a free drink off me?"'
+		'You approach Niko and he looks at you with a blank stare, "You''re all payed up today, so why are you talking to me? Trying to mooch a free drink off me?"'
 	elseif NikoPayback = 3:	
-		'You approach Niko, and he turns to you then says, "Leave me alone. You are nothing but trouble." You giggle as you walk away.'		
+		'You approach Niko and he turns to you then says, "Leave me alone. You are nothing but trouble." You giggle as you walk away.'		
 	if NikoLuv > -4 and  NikoPayback = 0:
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Disco Chat':
 			minut += 10
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/party_rex_party_gost_2_2.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'"I would love to." Niko opens up a bottle of alcohol then hands you the bottle, as he gives you a wink. You both spend the next few minutes drinking, and sharing stories.'		
+			'"I would love to." Niko opens up a bottle of alcohol then hands you the bottle as he gives you a wink. You both spend the next few minutes drinking and sharing stories.'		
 			act 'Get up':gt 'gdkin'
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Disco Chat':
 			minut += 5
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/fuckoff2.jpg"></center>'
-			'You lift up your hands then extend your middle fingers on each hand, "I only drink with men, not boys." Niko shakes his head, as he responds. "Aww, you''re no fun." You turn around then walk toward the dance floor.'
+			'You lift up your hands then extend your middle fingers on each hand, "I only drink with men, not boys." Niko shakes his head as he responds. "Aww, you''re no fun." You turn around then walk toward the dance floor.'
 			act 'Walk away':gt 'gdkin'
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Disco Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/disco/Niko.jpg"></center>'
-			'You downcast your eyes, as you reply, "You can use my body, as payment." Niko''s kneels down then begins rubbing your legs, as he replies,, "I was hoping you''d say that. Let''s not waste time." Niko grabs your ass firmly while leading you to the mens restroom.'	
+			'You downcast your eyes as you reply, "You can use my body as payment." Niko''s kneels down then begins rubbing your legs as he replies,, "I was hoping you''d say that. Let''s not waste time." Niko grabs your ass firmly while leading you to the mens restroom.'	
 			act 'Head to the restroom with Niko':gt 'NikoPayback', 'Payback 3'
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Disco Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile'+rand(2,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
-			'You walk up to Niko then place your hand on his crotch, "I know that I already payed you in money, but I want to give you another special payment." Niko''s eyes light up, "Well, there''s no way, I''d say no to that. Let''s get going." Niko gives your ass a firm smack, as you both head toward the mens restroom.'	
+			'You walk up to Niko then place your hand on his crotch, "I know that I already payed you in money, but I want to give you another special payment." Niko''s eyes light up, "Well, there''s no way, I''d say no to that. Let''s get going." Niko gives your ass a firm smack as you both head toward the mens restroom.'	
 			act 'Head to the restroom with Niko':gt 'NikoPayback', 'Payback 3'
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Disco Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
-			'You reply, "I just want to talk. Is that alright?" Niko shrugs, as he replies, "Sounds fine with me, I have some spare time, but don''t think that you''re getting any free beer off of me." You, and Niko spend the next few minutes, chatting about various topics.'
+			'You reply, "I just want to talk. Is that alright?" Niko shrugs as he replies, "Sounds fine with me, I have some spare time, but don''t think that you''re getting any free beer off of me." You and Niko spend the next few minutes, chatting about various topics.'
 			act 'Finish chatting':gt 'Nikoev', 'Disco Chat'
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Disco Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
-			'You tell Niko. "I would love to stay, but I need to head home early today, or my <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> will freak out." He responds "I know how parents can be, I will always be around, if you ever have a few minutes to spare." You give Niko a warm smile, as you wave goodbye.'
+			'You tell Niko. "I would love to stay, but I need to head home early today, or my <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> will freak out." He responds "I know how parents can be, I will always be around, if you ever have a few minutes to spare." You give Niko a warm smile as you wave goodbye.'
 			act 'Step away':gt 'gdkin'
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Breakup':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'		
-		'Niko then gets noticeably angry, as he responds, "After all the time and money I spent on you? You will not leave me! I will get what I deserve!"' 
+		'Niko then gets noticeably angry as he responds, "After all the time and money I spent on you? You will not leave me! I will get what I deserve!"' 
 		act 'Give him what he deserves':
 			*clr & cla
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Disco Breakup':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'		
-		'Niko then gets noticeably angry, as he responds, "After all the time and money that I spent on you? You will not leave me! I will get what I deserve!"' 
+		'Niko then gets noticeably angry as he responds, "After all the time and money that I spent on you? You will not leave me! I will get what I deserve!"' 
 		act 'Give him what he deserves':
 			*clr & cla
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Disco Breakup 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/brother/aftermath2.jpg"></center>'	
-	'You see Niko on the ground, squirming in pain, and can''t help but feel very satisfied, seeing Niko get what he deserved.'
+	'You see Niko on the ground, squirming in pain and can''t help but feel very satisfied, seeing Niko get what he deserved.'
 	act 'Step away':gt 'gdkin'
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Dimka':
 				minut += 5
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/hug1.jpg"></center>'
-				'You quickly wrap your arms around Niko, holding him tightly as you say, "Thank you so much Nikolai. I never thought that I''d be free from him. You are the best." Niko smiles as he responds, "Seeing you happy is thanks enough." You lower your head as you say, "I hope you don''t think less of me because of the video." Niko replies, "Not at all. We all have talents, and your talents are not exactly...Unwanted." You can feel your cheeks getting red as you reply, "I only did that because.." Niko chuckles before saying, "Don''t worry about it, my princess. Shall we get back to discussing our activities for today?"'
+				'You quickly wrap your arms around Niko, holding him tightly as you say, "Thank you so much Nikolai. I never thought that I''d be free from him. You are the best." Niko smiles as he responds, "Seeing you happy is thanks enough." You lower your head as you say, "I hope you don''t think less of me because of the video." Niko replies, "Not at all. We all have talents and your talents are not exactly...Unwanted." You can feel your cheeks getting red as you reply, "I only did that because.." Niko chuckles before saying, "Don''t worry about it, my princess. Shall we get back to discussing our activities for today?"'
 				if NikoEv >= 17:
 					act 'Sure thing':gt 'NikoEv2', 'Events'

+ 87 - 87

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
-	'Niko guides you through the park, as he says, "So I know this guy that can completely fix your reputation, but when I spoke to him, he was asking for a lot of money to do it, so I figured, if we work together then we could make the money to pay him for helping us." You ask, "Who is this friend exactly, and can he really fix my reputation?" Niko responds, "Well, he is kind of...a...Crime lord, but don''t worry. As long as we pay up then we have nothing to fear. He can get anything he wants. This guy is fearsome, but always true to his word."'
+	'Niko guides you through the park as he says, "So I know this guy that can completely fix your reputation, but when I spoke to him, he was asking for a lot of money to do it, so I figured, if we work together then we could make the money to pay him for helping us." You ask, "Who is this friend exactly and can he really fix my reputation?" Niko responds, "Well, he is kind of...a...Crime lord, but don''t worry. As long as we pay up then we have nothing to fear. He can get anything he wants. This guy is fearsome, but always true to his word."'
 	'You ask, "But how much does he want exactly?" Niko replies, "Uh don''t worry about that. I will handle that when the time comes. Just know that it is a lot!" You shake your head, "How the hell will we be able to pay "A lot" to this man?"'
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/park/shady.jpg"></center>'
 		'"I figured out a great way to make money fast, just bear with me." You sigh then say, "Alright what do I need to do exactly?" Niko replies, "Just follow me." Niko leads you through the park then behind the cinema. When you both arrive then you see two men looking at you with a lustful gaze while rubbing on their crotches. Niko stops you for a few seconds then says, "Listen <<$pcs_firstname>>, Those guys over there are going to help us by giving us money, but they kind of, need you to do something first." You look back at Niko with a frown, "Do I have to have sex with them?" Niko wraps his arm around your neck, "You only need to suck them off. That''s all."'
-		'You lower your head, as you reply, "I don''t want to please anyone but you Niko." Niko rubs your cheek, as he replies, "You will be pleasing me by doing this. The money you earn will go toward restoring your reputation. After you''re done then you and I could head back to my place, for some "quality time," Doesn''t that sound good?"'
+		'You lower your head as you reply, "I don''t want to please anyone but you Niko." Niko rubs your cheek as he replies, "You will be pleasing me by doing this. The money you earn will go toward restoring your reputation. After you''re done then you and I could head back to my place, for some "quality time," Doesn''t that sound good?"'
 		act 'Okay':	
 			*clr & cla
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile3.jpg"></center>'
-			'You give Niko a forced smile as you reply, "Okay, I''ll do it for you." Niko gives you a warm smile as he responds, "That''s my girl, so beautiful, loving, daring, and smart." You both continue walking toward the two men.' 
+			'You give Niko a forced smile as you reply, "Okay, I''ll do it for you." Niko gives you a warm smile as he responds, "That''s my girl, so beautiful, loving, daring and smart." You both continue walking toward the two men.' 
 			act 'Follow Niko''s lead':	
 				*clr & cla
 				minut += 5
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/park/shady.jpg"></center>'	
-				'As you both arrive, one of the men says, "She looks good." He then reaches out to touch you, but his hand is pushed away by Niko. "You need to pay up before you start touching." The guy chuckles, "Of course, of course. Where is my head?" He then nods to the other man, who reaches into his pocket then gives Niko some ruble which Niko counts before nodding to the men then taking a step back, signaling the men to use you. The men begin fondling your breasts, as they kiss your neck. <font color=#FF00FF>This feels so wrong, but Niko needs me to do this. He is counting on me. I must not let him down. I wont let you down Niko.</font>' 
+				'As you both arrive, one of the men says, "She looks good." He then reaches out to touch you, but his hand is pushed away by Niko. "You need to pay up before you start touching." The guy chuckles, "Of course, of course. Where is my head?" He then nods to the other man, who reaches into his pocket then gives Niko some ruble which Niko counts before nodding to the men then taking a step back, signaling the men to use you. The men begin fondling your breasts as they kiss your neck. <font color=#FF00FF>This feels so wrong, but Niko needs me to do this. He is counting on me. I must not let him down. I wont let you down Niko.</font>' 
 				'One of the men takes off your shirt then throws it to the ground. Niko immediately picks it up. One of the men begins pushing you to your knees.'		
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters\pavlovsk\school\boy\fedor\fedorev2\home\3way/foreplay2.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You drop down to your knees in front of them. One of the men shoves his cock into your mouth, as the other pulls out then begins stroking his. You close your eyes, and pretend that you are sucking Niko''s dick. Enjoying the warmth of it on your tongue, the occasional throbs as it leaks pre-cum into your mouth. The other man begins pulling at your hair which tells you that he wants his dick sucked too, You obediently switch dicks, and begin sucking the second man vigorously. After a few seconds, one of the men begins groaning, as he fills your mouth with his cum which you quickly spit out, not knowing if this guy has any STD''s or not.' 
+					'You drop down to your knees in front of them. One of the men shoves his cock into your mouth as the other pulls out then begins stroking his. You close your eyes and pretend that you are sucking Niko''s dick. Enjoying the warmth of it on your tongue, the occasional throbs as it leaks pre-cum into your mouth. The other man begins pulling at your hair which tells you that he wants his dick sucked too, You obediently switch dicks and begin sucking the second man vigorously. After a few seconds, one of the men begins groaning as he fills your mouth with his cum which you quickly spit out, not knowing if this guy has any STD''s or not.' 
 					act 'Continue':	
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/cum/cumhair/cumhair1.jpg"></center>'
-						'The second man soon groans too then begins covering your hair in his cum. Once both men are done, they look down to you then say, "Wow you are really good, girl." Niko approaches you then says, "Great job Princess, I am very proud of you." One of the guys asks, "Can we have her again sometime?" Niko grins as he replies, "Sure you can, just call me when you have the money ready, and I''ll do the rest." The two guys high five, as they walk away.'
+						'The second man soon groans too then begins covering your hair in his cum. Once both men are done, they look down to you then say, "Wow you are really good, girl." Niko approaches you then says, "Great job Princess, I am very proud of you." One of the guys asks, "Can we have her again sometime?" Niko grins as he replies, "Sure you can, just call me when you have the money ready and I''ll do the rest." The two guys high five as they walk away.'
 						gs 'cum_call', 'mouth'
 						gs 'cum_call', 'hair'
 						gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5				
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park':
 							gs 'fame'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/park/walk1.jpg"></center>'
-							'Niko rubs the back of your head. "Let''s get you back to my place, for your reward." You quickly feel your heart warm up. <font color=#FF00FF>My reward? He is going to reward me? What could it be? I really want to know.</font> You then reply, "Okay, Let''s go." Niko rubs your neck as he responds, "So eager, aren''t we? Good." He then chuckles, as he begins walking you toward his house.'
+							'Niko rubs the back of your head. "Let''s get you back to my place, for your reward." You quickly feel your heart warm up. <font color=#FF00FF>My reward? He is going to reward me? What could it be? I really want to know.</font> You then reply, "Okay, Let''s go." Niko rubs your neck as he responds, "So eager, aren''t we? Good." He then chuckles as he begins walking you toward his house.'
 							act 'Follow Niko':gt 'NikoEv2', 'Home Date'
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Home Date':
 	minut += 10
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/home/bedroom/relaxing1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You arrive at Niko''s house, and Niko guides you inside then brings you his room where he lies down on the bed, for a few seconds before patting the bed, signaling you to join him. You lay down on the bed next to him. Niko rubs on your hips, as he says, "You are such a perfect girl. Do you know that?" You give him a very pleased smile. "Well, the perfect boyfriend deserves no less." You feel a little nervous, not knowing how he will respond, but he quickly does. "Aww, you''re so sweet <<$pcs_nickname>>. How would you like to have some fun?" You eagerly reply, "I would love too." Niko chuckles, as he responds, "Good then get washed up, and we will have some fun." You get up, nod then quickly run to the bathroom to wash up.'
+	'You arrive at Niko''s house and Niko guides you inside then brings you his room where he lies down on the bed, for a few seconds before patting the bed, signaling you to join him. You lay down on the bed next to him. Niko rubs on your hips as he says, "You are such a perfect girl. Do you know that?" You give him a very pleased smile. "Well, the perfect boyfriend deserves no less." You feel a little nervous, not knowing how he will respond, but he quickly does. "Aww, you''re so sweet <<$pcs_nickname>>. How would you like to have some fun?" You eagerly reply, "I would love too." Niko chuckles as he responds, "Good then get washed up and we will have some fun." You get up, nod then quickly run to the bathroom to wash up.'
 	act 'Wash up':gt 'NikoDates', 'Quick Wash'
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Reward':
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/kiss3.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'Niko grabs you from behind then begins passionately kissing, and licking your neck. You tilt your head back, and give in to Niko''s passionate embrace. Niko begins walking you toward the bed while removing your top. You help Niko undress you, as you both inch closer to the bed. After you are fully undressed then Niko lifts you up and drops you onto the bed. Niko immediately pounces on top of you then begins passionately kissing you, as he rubs his penis against your vagina.'
+		'Niko grabs you from behind then begins passionately kissing and licking your neck. You tilt your head back and give in to Niko''s passionate embrace. Niko begins walking you toward the bed while removing your top. You help Niko undress you as you both inch closer to the bed. After you are fully undressed then Niko lifts you up and drops you onto the bed. Niko immediately pounces on top of you then begins passionately kissing you as he rubs his penis against your vagina.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Reward':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/vag2.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'Niko starts pumping you even faster, as he gets more excited. You tilt your head back, enjoying Niko''s hard cock; ramming inside you, His strong arms wrapped around you, His dominance as he rams his dick roughly into your vagina.'
+				'Niko starts pumping you even faster as he gets more excited. You tilt your head back, enjoying Niko''s hard cock; ramming inside you, His strong arms wrapped around you, His dominance as he rams his dick roughly into your vagina.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Reward':
 					minut += 5
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/cum/throat.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'Niko continues quickly thrusting his dick further inside of you until he suddenly pulls out of you then says, "<<$pcs_firstname>> open your mouth!" You obediently open your mouth, as Niko climbs on top of your chest then shoves his dick down your throat before groaning, filling you throat with his warm seed. Niko is having such a powerful orgasm that he doesn''t even notice that you are choking on his dick. <font color=#FF00FF>I''m choking. Should I pull away? No! Niko is so happy right now. I must let him finish. I just want you to be happy Niko.</font> You endure the chocking, as your eyes tear up.' 
+					'Niko continues quickly thrusting his dick further inside of you until he suddenly pulls out of you then says, "<<$pcs_firstname>> open your mouth!" You obediently open your mouth as Niko climbs on top of your chest then shoves his dick down your throat before groaning, filling you throat with his warm seed. Niko is having such a powerful orgasm that he doesn''t even notice that you are choking on his dick. <font color=#FF00FF>I''m choking. Should I pull away? No! Niko is so happy right now. I must let him finish. I just want you to be happy Niko.</font> You endure the chocking as your eyes tear up.' 
 					'You do your best to hold back from gagging, not wanting to interrupt Niko''s orgasm. After Niko is finished, he catches his breath then says, "<<$pcs_nickname>> you are simply divine." You take a few seconds to catch you breath before leaning forward to kiss Niko.'	
 					gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Reward':
 						'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Yurik Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/avatars/threaten1.jpg"></center>'
-						'You lean forward to kiss Niko then the door suddenly slams open, as Yurik storms into the room. He grabs you by your hair then pulls you toward the door. Niko jumps out of the bed then shouts, "Yurik what the fuck? I told you that I would repay you as soon as..." Yurik cuts him off, "Shut it boy! I know better than to trust you. I''m taking my prize now, but don''t worry, I will return her when I''m done." Yurik continues pulling you through the hallway, as Niko follows closely behind while constantly trying to get Yurik to back down. "Come on Yurik...Just calm down man." Yurik replies, "I am calm." You then reach a bedroom with a partially open door. Yurik tosses you inside then pushes Niko back before closing the door in his face.'			
+						'You lean forward to kiss Niko then the door suddenly slams open as Yurik storms into the room. He grabs you by your hair then pulls you toward the door. Niko jumps out of the bed then shouts, "Yurik what the fuck? I told you that I would repay you as soon as..." Yurik cuts him off, "Shut it boy! I know better than to trust you. I''m taking my prize now, but don''t worry, I will return her when I''m done." Yurik continues pulling you through the hallway as Niko follows closely behind while constantly trying to get Yurik to back down. "Come on Yurik...Just calm down man." Yurik replies, "I am calm." You then reach a bedroom with a partially open door. Yurik tosses you inside then pushes Niko back before closing the door in his face.'			
 						act 'Continue':	
 							*clr & cla
@@ -154,19 +154,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Reward':
 								*clr & cla
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/sex/deek/deek.jpg"></center>'
-								'You meekly nod, and he says, "Good, you know your place." Yurik lifts you up then drops you on the bed with your head at the foot of the bed then he quickly romoves his pants causing his 19 centimeter penis to spring out. <font color=#FF00FF>Ohh wow. his dick is so big. There is no way that will fit inside me.</font> Yurik approaches your face, as you lay still, in complete shock.'
+								'You meekly nod and he says, "Good, you know your place." Yurik lifts you up then drops you on the bed with your head at the foot of the bed then he quickly romoves his pants causing his 19 centimeter penis to spring out. <font color=#FF00FF>Ohh wow. his dick is so big. There is no way that will fit inside me.</font> Yurik approaches your face as you lay still, in complete shock.'
 								act 'See what Yurik does':	
 									*clr & cla
 									'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/sex/throat/bed1.mp4"></video></center>'
-									'Yurik rams his dick into your mouth, forcing it down your throat. The force of his massive penis entering your throat is too much for you to take. You gag helplessly then begin pleading with Yurik. "Please sir, your dick is too big. It wont fit." Yurik grunts before responding, "It will fit just, keep your mouth open, and shut up." Yurik re-aligns his penis with your mouth then shoves it back in. You do your best to relax your throat, knowing that you have no choice, but to let Yurik have his way with you.' 
+									'Yurik rams his dick into your mouth, forcing it down your throat. The force of his massive penis entering your throat is too much for you to take. You gag helplessly then begin pleading with Yurik. "Please sir, your dick is too big. It wont fit." Yurik grunts before responding, "It will fit just, keep your mouth open and shut up." Yurik re-aligns his penis with your mouth then shoves it back in. You do your best to relax your throat, knowing that you have no choice, but to let Yurik have his way with you.' 
 									act 'Continue sucking his dick':	
 										*clr & cla
 										'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/sex/throat/bed2.mp4"></video></center>'
-										'You can feel Yurik''s hand rubbing on your sensitive parts. You close your eyes, trying to think of anything but the pain you feel, as Yurik roughly fucks your throat. You then open your eyes, and try looking around the room, but your vision is all blurry from the tears streaming from your eyes, so you close them again, waiting for this torment to be over.'
+										'You can feel Yurik''s hand rubbing on your sensitive parts. You close your eyes, trying to think of anything but the pain you feel as Yurik roughly fucks your throat. You then open your eyes and try looking around the room, but your vision is all blurry from the tears streaming from your eyes, so you close them again, waiting for this torment to be over.'
 										gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Reward':
 											*clr & cla
 											'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/cum/throat1.mp4"></video></center>'
-											'Yurik suddenly grabs firmly onto the back of your head then shoves his penis, as far down your throat as he can while groaning loudly. You can feel a surge of cum shooting down your throat which you have no choice but to swallow. Yurik pulls off of you, as you continue swallow the last of his cum. Yurik begins dressing himself then walks up to you; with tears streaming down your face, and says, "Whenever I am around, you will do whatever I say. Do you understand, girl?" You nod meekly, terrified of what Yurik could do to you. Yurik responds, "Good, i will be seeing you around, and don''t try to avoid me, or that will make me ANGRY." Yurik then gets dressed before grabbing you up by your hair then pulling to toward the door where he opens it up before tossing you into Niko''s arms then closing the door.'
+											'Yurik suddenly grabs firmly onto the back of your head then shoves his penis as far down your throat as he can while groaning loudly. You can feel a surge of cum shooting down your throat which you have no choice but to swallow. Yurik pulls off of you as you continue swallow the last of his cum. Yurik begins dressing himself then walks up to you; with tears streaming down your face and says, "Whenever I am around, you will do whatever I say. Do you understand, girl?" You nod meekly, terrified of what Yurik could do to you. Yurik responds, "Good, i will be seeing you around and don''t try to avoid me, or that will make me ANGRY." Yurik then gets dressed before grabbing you up by your hair then pulling to toward the door where he opens it up before tossing you into Niko''s arms then closing the door.'
 											gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy
 											gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
 											gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Reward':
 												'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/charmer2.jpg"></center>'
-												'You begin coughing erratically, as Niko holds you in his arms, "<<$pcs_firstname>> please tell me that you are okay." Niko begins rubbing on your back gently. You continue coughing for almost a full minute, as Niko wipes away your tears. "I''m so sorry <<$pcs_firstname>>. My brother is such a brutish oaf. I will find a way to protect you from him, I promise." You finally finish coughing then return Niko''s hug, and begin crying in his arms, <font color=#FF00FF>He was so rough with me. I couldn''t stop him. He might do that again to me. Please no. Never again. Please.</font> Niko leads you toward the bathroom where he carefully, splashes some water on your face. He then washes your face before leading you back to his room.'
+												'You begin coughing erratically as Niko holds you in his arms, "<<$pcs_firstname>> please tell me that you are okay." Niko begins rubbing on your back gently. You continue coughing for almost a full minute as Niko wipes away your tears. "I''m so sorry <<$pcs_firstname>>. My brother is such a brutish oaf. I will find a way to protect you from him, I promise." You finally finish coughing then return Niko''s hug and begin crying in his arms, <font color=#FF00FF>He was so rough with me. I couldn''t stop him. He might do that again to me. Please no. Never again. Please.</font> Niko leads you toward the bathroom where he carefully, splashes some water on your face. He then washes your face before leading you back to his room.'
 												act 'Enter Niko''s room':	
 													*clr & cla
 													minut += 10
 													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/home/bedroom/laying.jpg"></center>'
-													'As you enter the room, Niko lays you down then climbs into the bed next to you. Niko begins running his fingers through your hair while staring into your eyes. You feel incredibly lightheaded, as your nerves have really drained you of any focused thought. You begin closing your eyes then feel your energy slowly fade away...'
+													'As you enter the room, Niko lays you down then climbs into the bed next to you. Niko begins running his fingers through your hair while staring into your eyes. You feel incredibly lightheaded as your nerves have really drained you of any focused thought. You begin closing your eyes then feel your energy slowly fade away...'
 													act 'Sleep':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Friends'
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Niko Wake':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/charmer2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You open your eyes, and see Niko with a concerned look on his face, he has his hand on your shoulder, shaking you. "<<$pcs_firstname>> are you alright? You looked like you were having an intense dream." You quickly look around the room then take several deep breaths, <font color=#FF00FF>It was a dream. It was only a dream. Oh my. I can''t keep doing this. Why does this keep happening to me? Why me?</font> Niko gives you a kiss on the forehead. "I''m so worried about you. Are you alright?" You nod slowly before saying, "I''m...I''m fine. I just had a nightmare, that''s all."' 
+	'You open your eyes and see Niko with a concerned look on his face, he has his hand on your shoulder, shaking you. "<<$pcs_firstname>> are you alright? You looked like you were having an intense dream." You quickly look around the room then take several deep breaths, <font color=#FF00FF>It was a dream. It was only a dream. Oh my. I can''t keep doing this. Why does this keep happening to me? Why me?</font> Niko gives you a kiss on the forehead. "I''m so worried about you. Are you alright?" You nod slowly before saying, "I''m...I''m fine. I just had a nightmare, that''s all."' 
 	'Niko continues kissing your forehead before responding, "I will do everything in my power to protect you. Just stay strong. Okay <<$pcs_firstname>>?" You nod your head again before saying, "Thank you Niko. I always feel safe in your arms." Niko smiles as he wraps his arms around you.'
@@ -259,14 +259,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#9b5800><<"Petia Alkaev">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/47.jpg"></center>'
-			'As soon, as you enter the locker room, you see Petia Alkaev waiting for you. Niko says, "Here she is." Petia responds, "I heard some things about you <<$pcs_nickname>>. Are they true?" You lower your head then ask, "What have you heard?" Petia replies, "I heard that you are Niko''s whore, and that you do anything Niko tells you too. At least that is what Niko said." You look to Niko, who has a wide smile on his face. Niko nods to you, "No need to be shy <<$pcs_nickname>>, tell him." You lower your head again then say, "Yes it''s true." Niko responds, "What''s true?" with a confident smile on his face.' 
+			'As soon as you enter the locker room, you see Petia Alkaev waiting for you. Niko says, "Here she is." Petia responds, "I heard some things about you <<$pcs_nickname>>. Are they true?" You lower your head then ask, "What have you heard?" Petia replies, "I heard that you are Niko''s whore and that you do anything Niko tells you too. At least that is what Niko said." You look to Niko, who has a wide smile on his face. Niko nods to you, "No need to be shy <<$pcs_nickname>>, tell him." You lower your head again then say, "Yes it''s true." Niko responds, "What''s true?" with a confident smile on his face.' 
 			act 'Tell them':	
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00CC><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				*pl '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
-				'You reply, "I am Niko''s whore." Petia smiles, as he responds, "Good, I always knew that you were a dirty girl. Now let''s do this." In your heart, you know what he wants, but you ask Niko anyway, "What do I need to do?" Niko replies, "Just suck his dick. It should be easy for you." You know that you''ve come too far to go back now, so you approach Petia then drop to your knees in front of him, as he eagerly unbuttons his pants."'
+				'You reply, "I am Niko''s whore." Petia smiles as he responds, "Good, I always knew that you were a dirty girl. Now let''s do this." In your heart, you know what he wants, but you ask Niko anyway, "What do I need to do?" Niko replies, "Just suck his dick. It should be easy for you." You know that you''ve come too far to go back now, so you approach Petia then drop to your knees in front of him as he eagerly unbuttons his pants."'
 				act 'Continue':	
 					*clr & cla
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/petia.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'"You finally open your mouth and wrap your lips around Petia''s dick then begin licking, and sucking it firmly, doing your best to pretend that you are sucking Niko''s dick. You begin focusing on the softness, and warmth of his Petia''s dick in your mouth. You use your tongue to feel out the shape of his penis, brushing against your tongue, enjoying the loud moans that he lets out. <font color=#FF00FF>I must continue pleasing him. He need me to please him. He needs me.</font> You can feel yourself blushing as you continue sucking his dick more rapidly. You can tell by Petia''s constant squirming, that he is close to cumming.'
+						'"You finally open your mouth and wrap your lips around Petia''s dick then begin licking and sucking it firmly, doing your best to pretend that you are sucking Niko''s dick. You begin focusing on the softness and warmth of his Petia''s dick in your mouth. You use your tongue to feel out the shape of his penis, brushing against your tongue, enjoying the loud moans that he lets out. <font color=#FF00FF>I must continue pleasing him. He need me to please him. He needs me.</font> You can feel yourself blushing as you continue sucking his dick more rapidly. You can tell by Petia''s constant squirming, that he is close to cumming.'
 						gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat':
 							*clr & cla
 							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/mouth/cum1.11.mp4"></video></center>'
-							'<font color=#FF00FF>Now is my chance. The moment he and I have been waiting for. The time that he cums, for me... Cum for me, Petia. Cum for me!</font> You quicken your pace then feel his penis throbbing in your mouth, as he begins filling your mouth with his seed. You let Petia''s cum fill your mouth, as you push it around with your tongue, enjoying the warmth and texture of his cum, as it slides down your chin. Petia catches his breath before looking down to you, "Wow <<$pcs_firstname>>, Niko wasn''t lying when he said that you were the best at that. We need to do this again sometime."' 
+							'<font color=#FF00FF>Now is my chance. The moment he and I have been waiting for. The time that he cums, for me... Cum for me, Petia. Cum for me!</font> You quicken your pace then feel his penis throbbing in your mouth as he begins filling your mouth with his seed. You let Petia''s cum fill your mouth as you push it around with your tongue, enjoying the warmth and texture of his cum as it slides down your chin. Petia catches his breath before looking down to you, "Wow <<$pcs_firstname>>, Niko wasn''t lying when he said that you were the best at that. We need to do this again sometime."' 
 							act 'Turn to Niko':	
 								*clr & cla
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat':
 									'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/charmer1.jpg"></center>'	
-									'You look up to Niko, who counts the money before saying, "You were outstanding <<$pcs_firstname>>. We will have the money we need, in no time." Niko then kisses you on your forehead before saying, "Do you think that you can give me a quickie before we head back?" You eagerly nod, as you say, "Of course Niko, I''m always happy to please you." You quickly begin unbuttoning his pants then wrap your lips around his dick, licking, and sucking, as best you can, only wishing to please Niko.'	
+									'You look up to Niko, who counts the money before saying, "You were outstanding <<$pcs_firstname>>. We will have the money we need, in no time." Niko then kisses you on your forehead before saying, "Do you think that you can give me a quickie before we head back?" You eagerly nod as you say, "Of course Niko, I''m always happy to please you." You quickly begin unbuttoning his pants then wrap your lips around his dick, licking and sucking as best you can, only wishing to please Niko.'	
 									act 'Suck Niko''s dick':	
 										*clr & cla
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat':
 										gs 'boyStat', 'A189'										
 										'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/Home/bedroom/sex/bj5.mp4"></video></center>'
-										'You can feel your heart all aflutter, as you continue sucking Niko''s dick. <font color=#FF00FF>Nikolai you are the only one I want to please. The only one love. Please realize that everything I do, I do for you. Please let me be the only one to please you. I will never fail you.</font>' 
+										'You can feel your heart all aflutter as you continue sucking Niko''s dick. <font color=#FF00FF>Nikolai you are the only one I want to please. The only one love. Please realize that everything I do, I do for you. Please let me be the only one to please you. I will never fail you.</font>' 
 										gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat':
 											*clr & cla
 											'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow8.mp4"></video></center>'
-											'You can feel tears running down your cheeks, as you lose yourself in the moment. Niko suddenly begins groaning, as he fills your mouth with his warm seed which you try your best to swallow every drop of, wanting any part of Niko to stay inside you.'
+											'You can feel tears running down your cheeks as you lose yourself in the moment. Niko suddenly begins groaning as he fills your mouth with his warm seed which you try your best to swallow every drop of, wanting any part of Niko to stay inside you.'
 											gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy
 											gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
 											gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat':
 												'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile2.jpg"></center>'	
-												'Niko looks down to you then says, "Oh <<$pcs_firstname>>, you are the most perfect being that could ever exist." Your cheeks are burning red, as you reply, "Thank you Niko, I love you with all my heart, and will always be yours. Forever." Niko leans forward then gives you a long kiss on your forehead before saying, "I am so lucky to have you. Now are you ready to head back?" You happily nod. Niko helps you up to your feet then takes you hand, and walks you out of the locker room, toward the cafeteria.'
+												'Niko looks down to you then says, "Oh <<$pcs_firstname>>, you are the most perfect being that could ever exist." Your cheeks are burning red as you reply, "Thank you Niko, I love you with all my heart and will always be yours. Forever." Niko leans forward then gives you a long kiss on your forehead before saying, "I am so lucky to have you. Now are you ready to head back?" You happily nod. Niko helps you up to your feet then takes you hand and walks you out of the locker room, toward the cafeteria.'
 												act 'Go to the cafeteria':gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lunch'
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/sad1.jpg"></center>'
-			'"That sounds great but I really need to be somewhere very soon." Niko shrugs, as he replies "Oh well. I guess it could wait for another day. Visit me here when you are ready." You wave at Niko, and he returns the wave, as you walk away.'
+			'"That sounds great but I really need to be somewhere very soon." Niko shrugs as he replies "Oh well. I guess it could wait for another day. Visit me here when you are ready." You wave at Niko and he returns the wave as you walk away.'
 			act 'Walk away':gt 'gschool_lunch', 'cafeteria'
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Vicky Talk':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoria [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/vickysmile1.jpg"></center>'
-		'You turn around to see Vicky Meynold with a playful look on her face as she says, "You seem to be spending a lot of time with the boys. having fun out there?" You lower your head, feeling ashamed. Vicky approaches you and places both of her hands on your shoulders then says,. "You still with Niko aren''t you?" You keep your head lowered, as you reply, "Yes... I am." Vicky lightly rocks you from side to side. "Maybe this is the path for you. Maybe you are a... uhh... You know."'		
+		'You turn around to see Vicky Meynold with a playful look on her face as she says, "You seem to be spending a lot of time with the boys. having fun out there?" You lower your head, feeling ashamed. Vicky approaches you and places both of her hands on your shoulders then says,. "You still with Niko aren''t you?" You keep your head lowered as you reply, "Yes... I am." Vicky lightly rocks you from side to side. "Maybe this is the path for you. Maybe you are a... uhh... You know."'		
 		act 'finish her sentence':	
 			*clr & cla
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat 2':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/kiss1.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'Niko leans forward, and gives you a soft kiss before saying, "You''re always making me so proud of you." You give Niko a warm smile, causing him to give you another more passionate kiss. <font color=#FF00FF>His lips are so soft, and his kiss, so passionate. He really does love me. Oh Niko, keep kissing me. Please.</font>' 
+		'Niko leans forward and gives you a soft kiss before saying, "You''re always making me so proud of you." You give Niko a warm smile, causing him to give you another more passionate kiss. <font color=#FF00FF>His lips are so soft and his kiss, so passionate. He really does love me. Oh Niko, keep kissing me. Please.</font>' 
 		act 'Sure':	
 			*clr & cla
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat 2':
 				'<center><b><h4><font color=#9b5800><<"Petia Alkaev">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/47.jpg"></center>'
-				'As you enter the locker room you see Petia waiting for you. You immediately know what he wants, and you turn to Niko then ask, "Do you want me to suck his dick again?" But you say it with a smile. Niko looks at you with a surprised, but pleased look on his face, "You really seem to be getting into this, good, but no, he wants to fuck you this time. Don''t worry, he will pay a lot more this time. so take off your clothes." You obediently nod then remove your clothes. Petia watches you undress while removing his pants and stroking his penis.' 
+				'As you enter the locker room you see Petia waiting for you. You immediately know what he wants and you turn to Niko then ask, "Do you want me to suck his dick again?" But you say it with a smile. Niko looks at you with a surprised, but pleased look on his face, "You really seem to be getting into this, good, but no, he wants to fuck you this time. Don''t worry, he will pay a lot more this time. so take off your clothes." You obediently nod then remove your clothes. Petia watches you undress while removing his pants and stroking his penis.' 
 				'After fully undressing, you walk up to Petia then ask him, "How do you want me?" His jaw is hanging as he freezes for a few moments while scanning you body with his eyes. "SPEAK UP LOSER! TIME IS MONEY!" Niko exclaims. Petia jumps up in shock before replying, "Oh.. Oh.. Oh yes, Over.. By.. Um.. here..Climb on me." He then quickly sits on a bench. You can see the sweat trailing down his face.'
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat 2':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/petia2.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'You climb on top of Petia and feel is rock hard penis entering you vagina, You feel a jolt of pleasure, causing you to moan loudly, Petia moans with you, almost in perfect harmony. You start riding Petia''s cock as he breath heavily in your ear before his breath suddenly stops and he lets out a loud moan as he fills his condom, cumming almost immediately after you begin riding him. <font color=#FF00FF>Oh wow, he couldn''t hold himself back from cumming for even a minute. He must have really wanted me. He may be a smelly loser but he deserves to receive pleasure too, and I gave it to him.</font>'
+						'You climb on top of Petia and feel is rock hard penis entering you vagina, You feel a jolt of pleasure, causing you to moan loudly, Petia moans with you, almost in perfect harmony. You start riding Petia''s cock as he breath heavily in your ear before his breath suddenly stops and he lets out a loud moan as he fills his condom, cumming almost immediately after you begin riding him. <font color=#FF00FF>Oh wow, he couldn''t hold himself back from cumming for even a minute. He must have really wanted me. He may be a smelly loser but he deserves to receive pleasure too and I gave it to him.</font>'
 						gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat 2':
 								'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
-								'After Petia leaves, Niko walks up to you then gives you a passionate kiss before saying, "You did great today. We made some good money." You reply, "Thank you for helping me with this Niko, and for not abandoning me." Niko begins rubbing his hands over your body as he replies, "I will always look after my girl. No one will hurt you while I''m around. Now how about we have a little fun?" You let out a moan as Niko begins rubbing your clitoris. You look Niko in the eyes then say, "I''m always ready to please you."' 
+								'After Petia leaves, Niko walks up to you then gives you a passionate kiss before saying, "You did great today. We made some good money." You reply, "Thank you for helping me with this Niko and for not abandoning me." Niko begins rubbing his hands over your body as he replies, "I will always look after my girl. No one will hurt you while I''m around. Now how about we have a little fun?" You let out a moan as Niko begins rubbing your clitoris. You look Niko in the eyes then say, "I''m always ready to please you."' 
 								act 'Please Niko':
 									*clr & cla
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat 2':
 										*clr & cla
 										'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/bathroom/mens/sex/mensrape4.mp4"></video></center>'
-										'Niko suddenly grabs your head with both hands then brings your face to his, as he asks, "<<$pcs_firstname>> who do you belong too?" Knowing what Niko wants you to say, you happily reply, "I am yours, Nikolai. I will always belong to you." Niko has a confident grin on his face, as he says, "And what''s your role?" You reply, "To please you, whenever you want, and fuck anyone you desire." Niko nods his head in approval, as he begins greatly increasing his pace. You can feel your body getting so hot when you think about how sexy it is to be dominated by Niko. Niko''s breathing increases, signifying to you that he is close to cumming.'
+										'Niko suddenly grabs your head with both hands then brings your face to his as he asks, "<<$pcs_firstname>> who do you belong too?" Knowing what Niko wants you to say, you happily reply, "I am yours, Nikolai. I will always belong to you." Niko has a confident grin on his face as he says, "And what''s your role?" You reply, "To please you, whenever you want and fuck anyone you desire." Niko nods his head in approval as he begins greatly increasing his pace. You can feel your body getting so hot when you think about how sexy it is to be dominated by Niko. Niko''s breathing increases, signifying to you that he is close to cumming.'
 										gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat 2':
 											NikoEv = 16
 											'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/cum5.mp4"></video></center>'
-											'Feeling so turned on, and blinded by the pleasure you scream out, "Cum inside me Niko! Please cum inside me!" Niko thrust one more time before shaking his head, and saying, "No!" Niko then pulls out of you and begins cumming on your ass.' 
+											'Feeling so turned on and blinded by the pleasure you scream out, "Cum inside me Niko! Please cum inside me!" Niko thrust one more time before shaking his head and saying, "No!" Niko then pulls out of you and begins cumming on your ass.' 
 											gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat 2':
 												*clr & cla
 												'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/anal.mp4"></video></center>'
-												'Niko spends a few seconds draining his cum onto your ass before taking a few seconds to catch his breath. Niko then turns to you and says, "You were amazing <<$pcs_firstname>>. So fucking hot." You give Niko a soft kiss before replying, "I''m always happy to please you Niko." Niko gives you a very pleased smile, as he responds, "I really made the right choice in choosing you. That''s for sure. I have some plans for making big money, and I would like you to meet me <font color=#FF00FF>after school</font> where we can discuss it further. Alright I should really head back now." Niko begins buttoning up his pants before leaving the room.'
+												'Niko spends a few seconds draining his cum onto your ass before taking a few seconds to catch his breath. Niko then turns to you and says, "You were amazing <<$pcs_firstname>>. So fucking hot." You give Niko a soft kiss before replying, "I''m always happy to please you Niko." Niko gives you a very pleased smile as he responds, "I really made the right choice in choosing you. That''s for sure. I have some plans for making big money and I would like you to meet me <font color=#FF00FF>after school</font> where we can discuss it further. Alright I should really head back now." Niko begins buttoning up his pants before leaving the room.'
 												gs 'cum_call', 'butt', $boy
 												gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5
 												gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -558,14 +558,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Talk':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/sad1.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you are leaving the cafeteria, you bump into Natalia Pavlova, she quickly says, "Oh <<$pcs_firstname>>. How are you doing? I''ve been really worried about you. I asked my mother about how to stop repeated nightmares, and she gave me 2 dissolvable tablets to give you. They are designed to help ease..." You place your hand on Natalia''s shoulder then say, "You don''t need to worry about me. I don''t get the nightmares anymore. I found the source of my nightmares, and faced it head on."' 
+	'As you are leaving the cafeteria, you bump into Natalia Pavlova, she quickly says, "Oh <<$pcs_firstname>>. How are you doing? I''ve been really worried about you. I asked my mother about how to stop repeated nightmares and she gave me 2 dissolvable tablets to give you. They are designed to help ease..." You place your hand on Natalia''s shoulder then say, "You don''t need to worry about me. I don''t get the nightmares anymore. I found the source of my nightmares and faced it head on."' 
 	act 'Continue':	
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/smile1.jpg"></center>'		
-		'Natalia''s eyes light up, "Really? That''s great! I was really worried that it would only get worst. Please let me know, if they come back." You rub her arm gently, as you reply, "I will. Thank you Natalia. You are very sweet." Natalia blushes, as she says, "I''m...just happy to help." She then waves, as she walk away while looking back at you.'
+		'Natalia''s eyes light up, "Really? That''s great! I was really worried that it would only get worst. Please let me know, if they come back." You rub her arm gently as you reply, "I will. Thank you Natalia. You are very sweet." Natalia blushes as she says, "I''m...just happy to help." She then waves as she walk away while looking back at you.'
 		act 'Continue toward the hallway':gt 'gschool_lunch', 'break'
@@ -592,16 +592,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner 1':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile3.jpg"></center>'
-	'Niko notices you approach then gives you a warm smile, "Hello <<$pcs_firstname>>, I have been making many preparations, and I believe that we are ready to go big league with this business, so we have a very busy afternoon ahead of us. Are you ready to start really making money? I will also be giving you a cut of the profits because I wont have my girl going home empty handed after working so hard."'
+	'Niko notices you approach then gives you a warm smile, "Hello <<$pcs_firstname>>, I have been making many preparations and I believe that we are ready to go big league with this business, so we have a very busy afternoon ahead of us. Are you ready to start really making money? I will also be giving you a cut of the profits because I wont have my girl going home empty handed after working so hard."'
 	act 'I''m ready':	
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 15
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/park/walk1.jpg"></center>'
-		'Niko wraps his arm around your waist then guides you through the residential district, toward the highway. You both spend a few minutes, chatting about various topics on the way there. When you arrive at the highway, Niko leads you toward a diner with many trucks, and motorcycles parked outside. You both enter the diner, and see a bunch of truckers, and bikers; eating lunch.' 
+		'Niko wraps his arm around your waist then guides you through the residential district, toward the highway. You both spend a few minutes, chatting about various topics on the way there. When you arrive at the highway, Niko leads you toward a diner with many trucks and motorcycles parked outside. You both enter the diner and see a bunch of truckers and bikers; eating lunch.' 
-		'Niko approaches one of the bikers sitting in the corner, and says to the biker, "Riding a bike all day must be tough work, I bet you could use some relief, right about now." The biker stares at Niko with a very angry look on his face. "You''re cruising for a bruising kid." Niko looks puzzled. "So you aren''t interested?"'
+		'Niko approaches one of the bikers sitting in the corner and says to the biker, "Riding a bike all day must be tough work, I bet you could use some relief, right about now." The biker stares at Niko with a very angry look on his face. "You''re cruising for a bruising kid." Niko looks puzzled. "So you aren''t interested?"'
 		act 'Continue':	
 			*clr & cla
@@ -614,16 +614,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner 1':
 				minut += 5
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/npc/1.jpg"></center>'
-				'You step forward then wait to see what the biker will do. The biker begins looking you up and down then asks Niko, "Can I touch her a bit? I just want to make sure that she isn''t hiding anything down there." The biker points toward your vagina. Niko chuckles, "Fine, make it quick." The biker begins rubbing on your vagina, for a few seconds before saying, "I''m interested. How much?" Niko responds, "2000 <b>₽</b>" the biker scratches his beard, as he replies, "She better be real good, for that price."' 
+				'You step forward then wait to see what the biker will do. The biker begins looking you up and down then asks Niko, "Can I touch her a bit? I just want to make sure that she isn''t hiding anything down there." The biker points toward your vagina. Niko chuckles, "Fine, make it quick." The biker begins rubbing on your vagina, for a few seconds before saying, "I''m interested. How much?" Niko responds, "2000 <b>₽</b>" the biker scratches his beard as he replies, "She better be real good, for that price."' 
-				'Niko replies, "She certainly is." the biker responds, "So you say, but what guarantee do I have that you are telling the truth? She could be a breathing blow up doll, for all I know." Niko responds, "How about this, For this time only, you can use her now then pay me afterward? Doesn''t that sound fair?" The biker nods, "You have yourself a deal. Come on girl, we''re doing this in the bathroom." The man grabs you by your arm then leads you to the restroom, where he takes off his pants then points to his dick, as he says, "Alright girl, get to work."'
+				'Niko replies, "She certainly is." the biker responds, "So you say, but what guarantee do I have that you are telling the truth? She could be a breathing blow up doll, for all I know." Niko responds, "How about this, For this time only, you can use her now then pay me afterward? Doesn''t that sound fair?" The biker nods, "You have yourself a deal. Come on girl, we''re doing this in the bathroom." The man grabs you by your arm then leads you to the restroom, where he takes off his pants then points to his dick as he says, "Alright girl, get to work."'
 				act 'Suck his dick':	
 					*clr & cla
 					minut += 5
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/1/bj1.jpg"></center>'
-					'You step in front of him before dropping to your knees then wrapping your lips around his dick. You begin licking, and sucking his dick, doing your best to please him. The man begins moaning loudly. <font color=#FF00FF>This man is enjoying this so much. It must have been a long time, if ever, that this man has received a woman''s touch. I may even be his first. I must do my best to make this his best day ever. He will remember me forever.</font> You increase the pace while feeling him fidgeting. After a few more seconds, the man says, "Oh fuck girrrrrl!" The man then begins squirming, as he sprays his load into your mouth and all over your face, you look up at the biker, and see an adoring look on his face, as he looks down at you.' 
+					'You step in front of him before dropping to your knees then wrapping your lips around his dick. You begin licking and sucking his dick, doing your best to please him. The man begins moaning loudly. <font color=#FF00FF>This man is enjoying this so much. It must have been a long time, if ever, that this man has received a woman''s touch. I may even be his first. I must do my best to make this his best day ever. He will remember me forever.</font> You increase the pace while feeling him fidgeting. After a few more seconds, the man says, "Oh fuck girrrrrl!" The man then begins squirming as he sprays his load into your mouth and all over your face, you look up at the biker and see an adoring look on his face as he looks down at you.' 
 					gs 'cum_call', 'face'
 					gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -634,21 +634,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner 1':
 						minut += 5
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/1/bjcum1.jpg"></center>'
-						'You give him a friendly smile, as the cum leaks from your mouth. The biker says, "You are an amazing girl. You were definitely worth every ruble." You give the tip of the mans penis a kiss before he buttons his pants then gives you a wink before leaving the restroom. You wait for him to leave before spitting out the cum into the sink then shortly follow him out of the restroom.'
+						'You give him a friendly smile as the cum leaks from your mouth. The biker says, "You are an amazing girl. You were definitely worth every ruble." You give the tip of the mans penis a kiss before he buttons his pants then gives you a wink before leaving the restroom. You wait for him to leave before spitting out the cum into the sink then shortly follow him out of the restroom.'
 						act 'Leave the restroom':	
 							*clr & cla
 							minut += 5
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/npc/1.jpg"></center>'
-							'You see the biker shake hands with Niko then give him the money. Niko counts the money then gives the biker an approving nod before the biker takes his seat again. Niko turns to you, and says, "Good job <<$pcs_nickname>>. We are making some good progre..."' 
+							'You see the biker shake hands with Niko then give him the money. Niko counts the money then gives the biker an approving nod before the biker takes his seat again. Niko turns to you and says, "Good job <<$pcs_nickname>>. We are making some good progre..."' 
 							act 'Turn around':	
 								*clr & cla
 								minut += 5
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/cum/cumface/blonde/15.jpg"></center>'
-								'You turn to see a nearby trucker examining your face before shouting out, "Is that what I think it is? Hey guys look at this girl. She is walking around with cum leaking off of her face!" You freeze in place. <font color=#FF00FF>Oh shit! I forgot to wash up. How did I forget that? I''m walking around with cum dripping off my chin. How could I forget?</font> the truckers, and bikers in the room surround you then begin talking to each other.'
+								'You turn to see a nearby trucker examining your face before shouting out, "Is that what I think it is? Hey guys look at this girl. She is walking around with cum leaking off of her face!" You freeze in place. <font color=#FF00FF>Oh shit! I forgot to wash up. How did I forget that? I''m walking around with cum dripping off my chin. How could I forget?</font> the truckers and bikers in the room surround you then begin talking to each other.'
 								act 'Listen to them':	
 									*clr & cla
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner 1':
 										'Biker3: I wonder how much she''s chargin''?'
-									'Niko chuckles, as he replies, "She is my girl, and it will be 2000 <b>₽</b>, per customer." All of the truckers, and bikers begin lining up in front of Niko giving him money, before approaching you. <font color=#FF00FF>Am I about to have sex with all these men? How can I satisfy that many men? I don''t know if I can even handle that.</font> The men begin undressing you, as they roughly finger your holes. You close your eyes, as one of the men pushes you down on your knees, as another shoves his dick into your mouth.'
+									'Niko chuckles as he replies, "She is my girl and it will be 2000 <b>₽</b>, per customer." All of the truckers and bikers begin lining up in front of Niko giving him money, before approaching you. <font color=#FF00FF>Am I about to have sex with all these men? How can I satisfy that many men? I don''t know if I can even handle that.</font> The men begin undressing you as they roughly finger your holes. You close your eyes as one of the men pushes you down on your knees as another shoves his dick into your mouth.'
 									act 'Suck their dicks':	
 										*clr & cla
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner 1':
 										exhibition_exp += 1
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/gang/1.jpg"></center>'
-										'You begin obediently sucking the man''s dick, knowing that it is too late to go back now. You close your eyes and try to focus on how warm the man''s dick is in your mouth when the man suddenly groans, and pulls out of your mouth then covers your face in his cum. Another man quickly takes his place, as the man behind you grabs your head then pulls it toward his dick which you immediately wrap your lips around, sucking eagerly, knowing the sooner they cum, the sooner you can leave. The men begin talking to each other.'
+										'You begin obediently sucking the man''s dick, knowing that it is too late to go back now. You close your eyes and try to focus on how warm the man''s dick is in your mouth when the man suddenly groans and pulls out of your mouth then covers your face in his cum. Another man quickly takes his place as the man behind you grabs your head then pulls it toward his dick which you immediately wrap your lips around, sucking eagerly, knowing the sooner they cum, the sooner you can leave. The men begin talking to each other.'
 										act 'Listen to what they say':	
 											*clr & cla
@@ -683,8 +683,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner 1':
 											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/gang/2.jpg"></center>'
 											'Trucker1: This girl is smokin'' hot. I hope she comes around here more often.'
-											'Waiter: Oh she can cum around here as much, as she wants.'
-											'The guys begin laughing as the man who''s dick you are sucking groans, giving you barely enough time to pull his penis out of your mouth where it covers your face with his warm cum. You feel the man''s cum dripping down your face, as another biker approaches you then takes a close look at you before saying, "I''m not sticking my dick in her cum covered mouth." He then lifts you up, and places you down on a nearby stool.'
+											'Waiter: Oh she can cum around here as much as she wants.'
+											'The guys begin laughing as the man who''s dick you are sucking groans, giving you barely enough time to pull his penis out of your mouth where it covers your face with his warm cum. You feel the man''s cum dripping down your face as another biker approaches you then takes a close look at you before saying, "I''m not sticking my dick in her cum covered mouth." He then lifts you up and places you down on a nearby stool.'
 											gs 'cum_call', 'face'
 											gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
 											gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
@@ -697,16 +697,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner 1':
 												*clr & cla
 												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/gang/3.jpg"></center>'
-												'The men begin holding your legs open, as another lines his penis with your vagina. You suddenly feel the man shove his penis inside of your vagina, causing a jolt of pleasure to fill your body, and evoking a loud moan from you.'
+												'The men begin holding your legs open as another lines his penis with your vagina. You suddenly feel the man shove his penis inside of your vagina, causing a jolt of pleasure to fill your body and evoking a loud moan from you.'
 												'Biker1: This whore really likes her pussy fucked.'
 												'Trucker: I bet she has been waiting to get fucked all day.'
 												if sexcontra >= 3 or protect >= 2:
-													'You close your eyes, and only focus on the pleasure building up inside you. The man fucking you, suddenly groans, and you can feel his warm seed filling the condom inside you. The man continues thrusting, trying to milk himself dry inside of you. Another trucker approaches you then says "Looks like that hole is all used up. I guess I will have to take this one." The man rubs his dick against your anus.'
+													'You close your eyes and only focus on the pleasure building up inside you. The man fucking you, suddenly groans and you can feel his warm seed filling the condom inside you. The man continues thrusting, trying to milk himself dry inside of you. Another trucker approaches you then says "Looks like that hole is all used up. I guess I will have to take this one." The man rubs his dick against your anus.'
 													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/cum/cum61.jpg"></center>'
-													'You close your eyes, and only focus on the pleasure building up inside you. The man fucking you, suddenly groans, and you can feel his warm seed filling your pussy. The man continues thrusting inside you, trying to milk himself dry inside of you. Another trucker approaches you then says "Looks like that hole is all used up. I guess I will have to take this one." The man rubs his dick against your anus.'
+													'You close your eyes and only focus on the pleasure building up inside you. The man fucking you, suddenly groans and you can feel his warm seed filling your pussy. The man continues thrusting inside you, trying to milk himself dry inside of you. Another trucker approaches you then says "Looks like that hole is all used up. I guess I will have to take this one." The man rubs his dick against your anus.'
 													'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bedroom/cum/cum5.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -719,14 +719,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner 1':
 													*clr & cla
 													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/gang/4.jpg"></center>'
-													'The man suddenly shoves his dick into your ass, causing a surge of pain to fill your ass. You scream out in pain, as Niko shouts, "Hey take it easy! She is not a fucking blow up doll!" The man nods then gives your ass a few seconds to adjust to his dick before casually fucking it.' 
+													'The man suddenly shoves his dick into your ass, causing a surge of pain to fill your ass. You scream out in pain as Niko shouts, "Hey take it easy! She is not a fucking blow up doll!" The man nods then gives your ass a few seconds to adjust to his dick before casually fucking it.' 
 													act 'Anal':	
 														*clr & cla
 														minut -= 5
 														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/gang/5.jpg"></center>'
-														'<font color=#FF00FF>That man was so rough, but Niko...My Niko protected me like he said he would.</font> As the man continues fucking your ass, another man grabs your head then turns it to face a third man''s dick which you immediately wrap your lips around before licking, and sucking it eagerly. The pain in your ass fades, as pleasure takes it''s place. You close your eyes, and submit to the pleasure when another man approaches you.'
+														'<font color=#FF00FF>That man was so rough, but Niko...My Niko protected me like he said he would.</font> As the man continues fucking your ass, another man grabs your head then turns it to face a third man''s dick which you immediately wrap your lips around before licking and sucking it eagerly. The pain in your ass fades as pleasure takes it''s place. You close your eyes and submit to the pleasure when another man approaches you.'
 														gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
 														gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5
@@ -771,11 +771,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner 1':
 																	if sexcontra >= 3 or protect >= 2:
 																		'Completely entranced in the pleasure, you firmly suck on the man''s dick, wanting only to give the men the same pleasure that they are giving you. The men start breathing heavily, for a few seconds before groaning almost simultaneously, filling their condoms at the same time. You keep your eyes closed while only focusing on the condom simultaneously filling up inside you. The men milk their cocks, for a few seconds before sitting back in their seats.' 
-																		'You look around to see who is next when you notice that everyone is sitting down, chatting with each other, as if nothing had happened. Niko helps you onto your feet then says, "You did amazing today! I am so proud of you. Get washed up then I will take you home, but don''t worry. I will give you a nice reward tomorrow." You meekly nod, as Niko walks you to the bathroom.'
+																		'You look around to see who is next when you notice that everyone is sitting down, chatting with each other as if nothing had happened. Niko helps you onto your feet then says, "You did amazing today! I am so proud of you. Get washed up then I will take you home, but don''t worry. I will give you a nice reward tomorrow." You meekly nod as Niko walks you to the bathroom.'
 																		'Completely entranced in the pleasure, you firmly suck on the man''s dick, wanting only to give the men the same pleasure that they are giving you. The men start breathing heavily, for a few seconds before groaning almost simultaneously, filling your body from all sides with the big strong bikers and truckers cum. You keep your eyes closed while only focusing on their warm cum filling your entire body. The men milk their cocks inside you, for a few seconds before sitting back in their seats.' 
-																		'You look around to see who is next when you notice that everyone is sitting down, chatting with each other, as if nothing had happened. Niko helps you onto your feet then says, "You did amazing today! I am so proud of you. Get washed up then I will take you home, but don''t worry. I will give you a nice reward tomorrow." You meekly nod, as Niko walks you to the bathroom.'
+																		'You look around to see who is next when you notice that everyone is sitting down, chatting with each other as if nothing had happened. Niko helps you onto your feet then says, "You did amazing today! I am so proud of you. Get washed up then I will take you home, but don''t worry. I will give you a nice reward tomorrow." You meekly nod as Niko walks you to the bathroom.'
 																	gs 'cum_call', 'face'
 																	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner 1':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/sad1.jpg"></center>'
-			'"That sounds great but I really need to be somewhere very soon." Niko shrugs, as he replies "Oh well. I guess it could wait, for another day. Visit me here when you are ready." You wave at Niko, and he returns the wave, as you walk away.'
+			'"That sounds great but I really need to be somewhere very soon." Niko shrugs as he replies "Oh well. I guess it could wait, for another day. Visit me here when you are ready." You wave at Niko and he returns the wave as you walk away.'
 			act 'Walk away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner Washup':
 	'<center><h4><font color="blue">Bathroom</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/facecleanse.jpg"></center>'
-	'You grab a few paper towels then approach the sink to clean yourself, as thoroughly, as possible while taking a few seconds to enjoy a splash of warm water on your face, leaving you feeling refreshed, as you finish up, and walk away from the sink.'
+	'You grab a few paper towels then approach the sink to clean yourself as thoroughly as possible while taking a few seconds to enjoy a splash of warm water on your face, leaving you feeling refreshed as you finish up and walk away from the sink.'
 	act 'Dry off':gt 'NikoEv2', 'Diner Exit'
@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner Exit':
 	money += 2400
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/payment.jpg"></center>'
-	'You walk out of the diner to find Niko waiting for you. "You did great today <<$pcs_nickname>>. I am so proud of you. Here is your share of the profits." Niko hands you 2400 <b>₽</b> You look up to Niko then say, "I thought that you would give me half. There were at least six men in there." Niko places his hand on your shoulder with a sympathetic look on his face. "I wanted to split it half way, but it would take us too long to pay up on that debt. You don''t want your reputation to remain this way, do you?" You lower your head, as you reply. "I don''t..I''m sorry. I was just being greedy."' 
+	'You walk out of the diner to find Niko waiting for you. "You did great today <<$pcs_nickname>>. I am so proud of you. Here is your share of the profits." Niko hands you 2400 <b>₽</b> You look up to Niko then say, "I thought that you would give me half. There were at least six men in there." Niko places his hand on your shoulder with a sympathetic look on his face. "I wanted to split it half way, but it would take us too long to pay up on that debt. You don''t want your reputation to remain this way, do you?" You lower your head as you reply. "I don''t..I''m sorry. I was just being greedy."' 
 	act 'Listen to Niko':	
 		*clr & cla
@@ -867,21 +867,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Reward 2':
 	gs 'fame'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/kiss.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you approach Niko, he throws his cigarette to the ground then wraps his arm around your lower back, and pulls you toward him before giving you a very passionate kiss. You eagerly begin massaging his tongue with your, in a long passionate kiss that lasts for a full minute before Niko slowly pulls away then says, "I''ve been thinking about you all day, and I am ready to reward you for all your hard work." Niko then begins leading you to his house.'
+	'As you approach Niko, he throws his cigarette to the ground then wraps his arm around your lower back and pulls you toward him before giving you a very passionate kiss. You eagerly begin massaging his tongue with your, in a long passionate kiss that lasts for a full minute before Niko slowly pulls away then says, "I''ve been thinking about you all day and I am ready to reward you for all your hard work." Niko then begins leading you to his house.'
 	act 'Niko''s house':	
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 10
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/kiss3.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'As soon, as you enter Niko''s house he pulls you toward him then gives you another passionate kiss, as he begins undressing you. <font color=#FF00FF>Oh his kisses are so passionate. He wants me so bad. I want him too. Please take me Nikolai. Take me!</font> Niko finishes undressing you then begins removing his clothes, as you help him undress. Niko pulls you to the bedroom then pushes you onto the bed.'		
+		'As soon as you enter Niko''s house he pulls you toward him then gives you another passionate kiss as he begins undressing you. <font color=#FF00FF>Oh his kisses are so passionate. He wants me so bad. I want him too. Please take me Nikolai. Take me!</font> Niko finishes undressing you then begins removing his clothes as you help him undress. Niko pulls you to the bedroom then pushes you onto the bed.'		
 		act 'Lay back':	
 			*clr & cla
 			gs 'clothing', 'strip'
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/cuni.mp4"></video></center>'		
-			'Niko spreads your legs then begin licking your vagina gently, but firmly. You lay back, enjoying Niko''s soft tongue on your clitoris. You look down to Niko then say, "Your tongue is so soft. Please keep doing that." Niko gives you a wink as he continues gently but firmly, licking on your clitoris, causing the pleasure inside of you to build up quickly. After a few minutes, you feel the pleasure building up to it''s climax when your body suddenly erupts into pleasure, causing your muscles to tighten up, as you spasm, unable to focus on anything, but the pleasure filling you. You let out a scream, as you reach the end of your climax. You take a few seconds to catch your breath before looking down to Niko with a loving smile on his face.'
+			'Niko spreads your legs then begin licking your vagina gently, but firmly. You lay back, enjoying Niko''s soft tongue on your clitoris. You look down to Niko then say, "Your tongue is so soft. Please keep doing that." Niko gives you a wink as he continues gently but firmly, licking on your clitoris, causing the pleasure inside of you to build up quickly. After a few minutes, you feel the pleasure building up to it''s climax when your body suddenly erupts into pleasure, causing your muscles to tighten up as you spasm, unable to focus on anything, but the pleasure filling you. You let out a scream as you reach the end of your climax. You take a few seconds to catch your breath before looking down to Niko with a loving smile on his face.'
 			$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 			gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 5
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Reward 2':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bedroom/sex/lick1.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You rise to your knees, then crawl up to Niko and lightly grip the shaft of his penis, slowly licking up the shaft to the top, where you gently kiss the tip of Niko''s penis while staring into his eyes to let him know how much he mean to you. Niko places his hand on your face, "You are so beautiful <<$pcs_firstname>>, the perfect girl." You can feel your heart beating faster, as Niko''s loving words warm your rapidly beating heart.' 
+				'You rise to your knees, then crawl up to Niko and lightly grip the shaft of his penis, slowly licking up the shaft to the top, where you gently kiss the tip of Niko''s penis while staring into his eyes to let him know how much he mean to you. Niko places his hand on your face, "You are so beautiful <<$pcs_firstname>>, the perfect girl." You can feel your heart beating faster as Niko''s loving words warm your rapidly beating heart.' 
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Reward 2':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/bj.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You begin sucking on Niko''s dick. <font color=#FF00FF>Oh Niko you are so perfect. I only want to please you. To see you happy. To give you the bliss that you give me. I love you Nikolai.</font> Niko tilts his head back, as he lets out a light moan before looking down to you then saying, "<<$pcs_nickname>> come here." He beckons you to come closer.'
+					'You begin sucking on Niko''s dick. <font color=#FF00FF>Oh Niko you are so perfect. I only want to please you. To see you happy. To give you the bliss that you give me. I love you Nikolai.</font> Niko tilts his head back as he lets out a light moan before looking down to you then saying, "<<$pcs_nickname>> come here." He beckons you to come closer.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
@@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Reward 2':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/cowgirlkiss2.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'You crawl up to Niko''s face then give him a passionate kiss, as you grab onto his penis, and guide it inside of your vagina. You begin thrusting yourself on top of Niko''s dick, pushing it deeper inside you. Niko suddenly grabs onto your back then kisses you more firmly while pushing himself deeper inside you. After a few seconds, Niko ends the kiss to catch his breath, and you take this time to look him in the eyes, as you say,' 
+						'You crawl up to Niko''s face then give him a passionate kiss as you grab onto his penis and guide it inside of your vagina. You begin thrusting yourself on top of Niko''s dick, pushing it deeper inside you. Niko suddenly grabs onto your back then kisses you more firmly while pushing himself deeper inside you. After a few seconds, Niko ends the kiss to catch his breath and you take this time to look him in the eyes as you say,' 
 						gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5
@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Reward 2':
 							minut -= 5
 							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/cowgirlkiss.mp4"></video></center>'
-							'"I love you Nikolai. I love you with all my heart, and every fiber of my being." Niko has a guilty look on his face, as he says, "I love you too <<$pcs_firstname>>. You a very precious to me." You continue staring into Niko''s eyes, as he continues thrusting his penis inside of you. Niko''s grunts, as he says, "I have to pull out now."'
+							'"I love you Nikolai. I love you with all my heart and every fiber of my being." Niko has a guilty look on his face as he says, "I love you too <<$pcs_firstname>>. You a very precious to me." You continue staring into Niko''s eyes as he continues thrusting his penis inside of you. Niko''s grunts as he says, "I have to pull out now."'
 							gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5
@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Reward 2':
 								*clr & cla
 								'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow8.mp4"></video></center>'
-								'You quickly pull off of Niko then wrap your lips around his dick, and begin sucking. Niko tilts his head back then begins cumming in your mouth, as you do your best to suck every drop out of Niko''s dick. Niko''s warm seed fills your mouth, as you continue swallowing, and sucking his dick dry. After Niko is fully spent, he gently grabs your face then brings it to his, giving you a gentle kiss on the lips before saying, "I am so lucky to have such a beautiful and obedient girl like you." You reply, "I feel so lucky to have you in my life too, Nikolai." Niko rubs on your forehead then gets up, and heads to the bathroom to get washed up.'
+								'You quickly pull off of Niko then wrap your lips around his dick and begin sucking. Niko tilts his head back then begins cumming in your mouth as you do your best to suck every drop out of Niko''s dick. Niko''s warm seed fills your mouth as you continue swallowing and sucking his dick dry. After Niko is fully spent, he gently grabs your face then brings it to his, giving you a gentle kiss on the lips before saying, "I am so lucky to have such a beautiful and obedient girl like you." You reply, "I feel so lucky to have you in my life too, Nikolai." Niko rubs on your forehead then gets up and heads to the bathroom to get washed up.'
 								gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy 
 								gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
 								gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -946,13 +946,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Yurik BJ':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Yurik Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/home/livingroom.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you reach the bottom of the stairs, you suddenly hear "Hey girl." You turn to see Yurik sitting in the living room in front of the TV. He motions you to come toward him, so you comply, and Yurik says, "Suck my dick." Yurik then points to his crotch. You meekly nod your head, knowing what could happen if you dare to disobey him. You walk up in front of him then unbutton his pants, pulling out his gaint penis then wrapping your lips around it.'
+	'As you reach the bottom of the stairs, you suddenly hear "Hey girl." You turn to see Yurik sitting in the living room in front of the TV. He motions you to come toward him, so you comply and Yurik says, "Suck my dick." Yurik then points to his crotch. You meekly nod your head, knowing what could happen if you dare to disobey him. You walk up in front of him then unbutton his pants, pulling out his gaint penis then wrapping your lips around it.'
 	act 'Suck Yurik''s dick':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/sex/bj/bj1.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'You begin sucking Yurik''s massive dick, trying your best to fit as much of it in your mouth, as you can. Yurik continues watching the TV, as if you weren''t even there. <font color=#FF00FF>Am I not doing a good enough job. Why isn''t he enjoying this? I must try harder.</font> You begin licking his penis rapidly, trying to get a response from him. You pull his dick out of your mouth, and begin licking the tip of it which causes him to grunt, and look down to you.'
+		'You begin sucking Yurik''s massive dick, trying your best to fit as much of it in your mouth as you can. Yurik continues watching the TV as if you weren''t even there. <font color=#FF00FF>Am I not doing a good enough job. Why isn''t he enjoying this? I must try harder.</font> You begin licking his penis rapidly, trying to get a response from him. You pull his dick out of your mouth and begin licking the tip of it which causes him to grunt and look down to you.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Yurik BJ':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/sex/abuse/slap1.mp4"></video></center>'	
-			'Yurik suddenly give you a firm, but not very powerful slap, as he says, "Hey don''t go fucking around down there. I told you to suck, not play with my dick, so get back to sucking."' 
+			'Yurik suddenly give you a firm, but not very powerful slap as he says, "Hey don''t go fucking around down there. I told you to suck, not play with my dick, so get back to sucking."' 
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Yurik BJ':
 				minut -= 5
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/sex/bj/bj1.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You meekly nod then continue sucking his dick. After a few seconds, Yurik looks down to you, and says, "You don''t need to worry girl. You''re doing good." You suddenly feel a lot more confident, knowing that he actually does enjoy what you are doing for him. After a few seconds, you can hear Yurik breathing loudly then he begins rubbing on your head.'
+				'You meekly nod then continue sucking his dick. After a few seconds, Yurik looks down to you and says, "You don''t need to worry girl. You''re doing good." You suddenly feel a lot more confident, knowing that he actually does enjoy what you are doing for him. After a few seconds, you can hear Yurik breathing loudly then he begins rubbing on your head.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
@@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Yurik BJ':
 					minut += 5
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/sex/bj/bj1.mp4"></video></center>'	
-					'You quicken your pace then suddenly Yurik groans, as he begins pumping your mouth full of his warm cum which you do your best to swallow every drop of. After Yurik is spent, he says to you, "I''m done girl. You can go back to Niko now." You get up then start walking away when you hear Yurik say, "And good job girl." You walk back up the stairs with a smile on your face.'
+					'You quicken your pace then suddenly Yurik groans as he begins pumping your mouth full of his warm cum which you do your best to swallow every drop of. After Yurik is spent, he says to you, "I''m done girl. You can go back to Niko now." You get up then start walking away when you hear Yurik say, "And good job girl." You walk back up the stairs with a smile on your face.'
 					gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy 
 					gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Yurik BJ':
 						'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile1.jpg"></center>'
-						'As you reach the top of the stairs, you see Niko walk out of the bathroom. Niko gives you a smile, as he says, "Are you ready to head home. I''m ready to walk you home whenever you are ready." You return the smile, as you nod. Niko then takes your hand then walks you out of the house, toward your apartment. When you reach your apartment Niko says,  "I had a wonderful time with you today. It is fun to sometimes relax, and enjoy each other''s company isn''t it?" You nod happily, as you reply, "I always enjoy being with you." Niko chuckles before responding, "You are just too sweet, anyway have a good night." Niko leans forward then gives you a kiss on the cheek before turning around, and walking away.'
+						'As you reach the top of the stairs, you see Niko walk out of the bathroom. Niko gives you a smile as he says, "Are you ready to head home. I''m ready to walk you home whenever you are ready." You return the smile as you nod. Niko then takes your hand then walks you out of the house, toward your apartment. When you reach your apartment Niko says,  "I had a wonderful time with you today. It is fun to sometimes relax and enjoy each other''s company isn''t it?" You nod happily as you reply, "I always enjoy being with you." Niko chuckles before responding, "You are just too sweet, anyway have a good night." Niko leans forward then gives you a kiss on the cheek before turning around and walking away.'
 						act 'Enter apartment':gt 'KorrPar'	
@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Diner 2':
 		minut += 15
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/park/walk1.jpg"></center>'
-		'Niko says, "Excellent, today we a going back to the diner to make a lot of money. We are making great progress, and I would like us to keep it up." You give Niko a nervous smile then he places his hands on your cheeks. "Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>>, I will make sure that the customer only go one, or two at a time. No more group activities, unless you are cool with it." You give Niko a grateful nod, as he takes your hand then leads you toward the diner while you both chat about various topics on the way.'		
+		'Niko says, "Excellent, today we a going back to the diner to make a lot of money. We are making great progress and I would like us to keep it up." You give Niko a nervous smile then he places his hands on your cheeks. "Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>>, I will make sure that the customer only go one, or two at a time. No more group activities, unless you are cool with it." You give Niko a grateful nod as he takes your hand then leads you toward the diner while you both chat about various topics on the way.'		
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/exterior1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1029,10 +1029,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Diner 2':
 			'As soon as you both enter the diner, all of the patrons turn to you then start happily greeting you.'
 			'Biker1: "Hey girl, glad to see you back."'
 			'Trucker1: "You''re lookin'' good girl."'
-			'Trucker2: "I wish my wife looked as good, as you."'
+			'Trucker2: "I wish my wife looked as good as you."'
 			'Trucker3: "Is that the girl you were talking about? The slu...." another guy shoves him in the ribs before whispering, "Watch what you say. We don''t want her to leave."'
-			'You can feel your cheeks growing red, as you respond to all of the attention. "Thank you all for welcoming me back. I''m...glad to be back." Niko then nods, and says, "I agree. It is good to be back. If anyone would like to spend some time with my girl here then let me know what you want, and I will set it up." Niko guides you to the corner of the room then sits down with you, as a few men line up nearby, one of them asks you. "What is your name girl?"'
+			'You can feel your cheeks growing red as you respond to all of the attention. "Thank you all for welcoming me back. I''m...glad to be back." Niko then nods and says, "I agree. It is good to be back. If anyone would like to spend some time with my girl here then let me know what you want and I will set it up." Niko guides you to the corner of the room then sits down with you as a few men line up nearby, one of them asks you. "What is your name girl?"'
 			act 'Give them your real name':	
 				*clr & cla
@@ -1041,7 +1041,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Diner 2':
 				'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff00cc><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				*pl '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
-				'You tell them, "My name is <<$pcs_firstname>>. It''s nice to meet you." The man says, "<<$pcs_firstname>> is a very cute name, it really suits you." You give the men a friendly smile, as one of them approaches Niko.'
+				'You tell them, "My name is <<$pcs_firstname>>. It''s nice to meet you." The man says, "<<$pcs_firstname>> is a very cute name, it really suits you." You give the men a friendly smile as one of them approaches Niko.'
 				act 'Continue':gt 'NikoSlut', 'Customer 1'
@@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Diner 2':
 				'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff00cc><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				*pl '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
-				'You tell them, "My name is <<$NikoSlutName>>. It''s nice to meet you." The man says, "<<$NikoSlutName>> huh? That is is a pretty name." You give the men a friendly smile, as one of them approaches Niko.'
+				'You tell them, "My name is <<$NikoSlutName>>. It''s nice to meet you." The man says, "<<$NikoSlutName>> huh? That is is a pretty name." You give the men a friendly smile as one of them approaches Niko.'
 				act 'Continue':gt 'NikoSlut', 'Customer 1'
@@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Diner 2':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/sad1.jpg"></center>'
-			'"That sounds great but I really need to be somewhere very soon." Niko shrugs, as he replies "Oh well. I guess it could wait, for another day. Visit me here when you are ready." You wave at Niko, and he returns the wave, as you walk away.'
+			'"That sounds great but I really need to be somewhere very soon." Niko shrugs as he replies "Oh well. I guess it could wait, for another day. Visit me here when you are ready." You wave at Niko and he returns the wave as you walk away.'
 			act 'Walk away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
@@ -1097,20 +1097,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Diner Exit 2':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#E600FB><<"Lera Tsarev & Lena Kotov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/bully/park/1.jpg"></center>'
-		'You turn and immediately recognize the girls following you, as Lena Kotov, and Lera Tsarev. They both have wide grins on their faces. Lena then says to you, "Hey slut! How many cocks have you sucked today?" Lera then says, "I think the easier question would be how many cocks have you not sucked today?" You try to ignore them as they then walk right in front of you and Niko, and Lena says, "Why don''t you give us a little show, slut?" Niko then says in a stern voice, "Not now ladies!" Lena then says, "Awww are we hurting your little whore''s feelings?" She then begins laughing as Lera walks directly in front of you, blocking you from moving. "Hey little slut. We''re waiting for your show."'
+		'You turn and immediately recognize the girls following you as Lena Kotov and Lera Tsarev. They both have wide grins on their faces. Lena then says to you, "Hey slut! How many cocks have you sucked today?" Lera then says, "I think the easier question would be how many cocks have you not sucked today?" You try to ignore them as they then walk right in front of you and Niko and Lena says, "Why don''t you give us a little show, slut?" Niko then says in a stern voice, "Not now ladies!" Lena then says, "Awww are we hurting your little whore''s feelings?" She then begins laughing as Lera walks directly in front of you, blocking you from moving. "Hey little slut. We''re waiting for your show."'
 		act 'See what Niko does':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'			
-			'Niko then shouts, "Enough girls! why don''t you both go to the disco, I heard that Vicky has been fucking the boys there. Roman sent me the pictures. He said that Vicky is now the new town slut. You should check it out." Lera sarcastically replies, "Oh my, I totally don''t want to miss that. Hey Lena, we need to start running over there before it is too late." She then jogs in place before giggling. Lena then says, "As if we would ever believe any of your bullshit Niko." Niko shakes his head then barges through them as he pulls you with him. You try to ignore the girls, as Niko leads you to your apartment. You can hear Lena singing, "Little slut, Little slut, where does she go? Little slut, Little slut, Who will she blow?" Before Lera answers, "Well everyone silly." They then follow you for another minute before getting bored and leaving.' 
+			'Niko then shouts, "Enough girls! why don''t you both go to the disco, I heard that Vicky has been fucking the boys there. Roman sent me the pictures. He said that Vicky is now the new town slut. You should check it out." Lera sarcastically replies, "Oh my, I totally don''t want to miss that. Hey Lena, we need to start running over there before it is too late." She then jogs in place before giggling. Lena then says, "As if we would ever believe any of your bullshit Niko." Niko shakes his head then barges through them as he pulls you with him. You try to ignore the girls as Niko leads you to your apartment. You can hear Lena singing, "Little slut, Little slut, where does she go? Little slut, Little slut, Who will she blow?" Before Lera answers, "Well everyone silly." They then follow you for another minute before getting bored and leaving.' 
 			act 'Walk home with Niko':
 				*clr & cla
 				minut += 5
-				'You finally make it to your apartment your apartment, Niko grabs onto your shoulder then flips you around before giving you a very passionate kiss. Afterward Niko whispers in your ear, "I love you <<$pcs_firstname>>. Never forget it." You can feel your face growing flushed, as you reply, "I love you too Nikolai. I love you with all my heart." You then give him another passionate kiss before backing into your apartment.'	
+				'You finally make it to your apartment your apartment, Niko grabs onto your shoulder then flips you around before giving you a very passionate kiss. Afterward Niko whispers in your ear, "I love you <<$pcs_firstname>>. Never forget it." You can feel your face growing flushed as you reply, "I love you too Nikolai. I love you with all my heart." You then give him another passionate kiss before backing into your apartment.'	
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/endkiss.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Diner Slut':
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/park/walk1.jpg"></center>'		
-		'Niko says, "You''re always making me so proud. Let''s get going." Niko then takes your hand, and leads you toward the diner while you both chat about various topics on the way.'
+		'Niko says, "You''re always making me so proud. Let''s get going." Niko then takes your hand and leads you toward the diner while you both chat about various topics on the way.'
 		act 'Walk to Diner':
 			*clr & cla
@@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Diner Slut':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/drink.jpg"></center>'
-			'You both arrive at the diner, and Niko takes a seat then offers you one. Niko orders a few drinks, as you both make yourself comfortable. You and Niko spend the next few minutes chatting while you wait for customers to arrive.'
+			'You both arrive at the diner and Niko takes a seat then offers you one. Niko orders a few drinks as you both make yourself comfortable. You and Niko spend the next few minutes chatting while you wait for customers to arrive.'
 			act 'Wait for customers':gt 'NikoSlut', 'Customers'
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Diner Slut':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/sad1.jpg"></center>'
-			'"That sounds great but I really need to be somewhere very soon." Niko shrugs, as he replies "Oh well. I guess it could wait, for another day. Visit me here when you are ready." You wave at Niko, and he returns the wave, as you walk away.'
+			'"That sounds great but I really need to be somewhere very soon." Niko shrugs as he replies "Oh well. I guess it could wait, for another day. Visit me here when you are ready." You wave at Niko and he returns the wave as you walk away.'
 			act 'Walk away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'

+ 43 - 43

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Aftermath':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/vicky/vickysmile.jpg"></center>'
-	'You slowly open your eyes, and see <<$VK_VikName>> playfully shaking your shoulder. "Hey there sleepy head! Did you sleep well?" You give <<$VK_VikName>> a warm smile. "I guess but...Where am I?" <<$VK_VikName>> replies, "After what happened at school, we couldn''t just leave you alone, to be abused by the boys, so we brought you back to our place." You scratch your head. "We?" <<$VK_VikName>> smiles then turns to her left.' 
+	'You slowly open your eyes and see <<$VK_VikName>> playfully shaking your shoulder. "Hey there sleepy head! Did you sleep well?" You give <<$VK_VikName>> a warm smile. "I guess but...Where am I?" <<$VK_VikName>> replies, "After what happened at school, we couldn''t just leave you alone, to be abused by the boys, so we brought you back to our place." You scratch your head. "We?" <<$VK_VikName>> smiles then turns to her left.' 
 	act 'Turn with her':	
 		*clr & cla		
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Aftermath':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/bedroom/katja2.jpg"></center>'		
-		'You turn to see Katja Meynold, and Natalia Pavlova sitting on the seats right next to the bed. Katja says, "I''m so glad that you are okay. I was worried when you didn''t wake up." Natalia adds, "I also cleaned your hair for you. It was... Messy" You look around the room then back at <<$VK_VikName>>. "Thank you all, for helping me. I can''t believe what happened in school was not a dream. I want it to be a dream, so bad." You can feel tears forming under your eyes. Katja hugs you, as she says, "I don''t know what caused it, but we will find a way to make things better. You didn''t deserve what they did to you."' 
+		'You turn to see Katja Meynold and Natalia Pavlova sitting on the seats right next to the bed. Katja says, "I''m so glad that you are okay. I was worried when you didn''t wake up." Natalia adds, "I also cleaned your hair for you. It was... Messy" You look around the room then back at <<$VK_VikName>>. "Thank you all, for helping me. I can''t believe what happened in school was not a dream. I want it to be a dream, so bad." You can feel tears forming under your eyes. Katja hugs you as she says, "I don''t know what caused it, but we will find a way to make things better. You didn''t deserve what they did to you."' 
-		'<<$VK_VikName>> places her hand on your shoulder then says, "There, there, you''ll be alright." Natalia gives you a very supportive smile as she lightly squeezes your hand, as Katja sighs, "What is going at school these days, first Sonia and now <<$pcs_firstname>>. These boys are animals." You reply, "Yes they are." Natalia places her hand on your leg, "<<$pcs_firstname>> what happened exactly?"'
+		'<<$VK_VikName>> places her hand on your shoulder then says, "There, there, you''ll be alright." Natalia gives you a very supportive smile as she lightly squeezes your hand as Katja sighs, "What is going at school these days, first Sonia and now <<$pcs_firstname>>. These boys are animals." You reply, "Yes they are." Natalia places her hand on your leg, "<<$pcs_firstname>> what happened exactly?"'
 		act 'Tell them your story':	
 			*clr & cla
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Aftermath':
 				'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/bedroom/natalia.jpg"></center>'			
-				'You look up, surprised by their opinions of Niko. "But he treats me with such love and compassion. He always calls me his princess." Katja places her arms around your neck. "Listen <<$pcs_nickname>>, you can go out with whoever you want. I am just concerned that he will use you." You lay back, as you consider your options, Natalia asks, "So how did you end up...naked at school?"'
+				'You look up, surprised by their opinions of Niko. "But he treats me with such love and compassion. He always calls me his princess." Katja places her arms around your neck. "Listen <<$pcs_nickname>>, you can go out with whoever you want. I am just concerned that he will use you." You lay back as you consider your options, Natalia asks, "So how did you end up...naked at school?"'
 				act 'Return to your story':	
 					*clr & cla
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Aftermath':
 					'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'	
-					'"Niko is always teaching me how to be more confident, and daring. He tells me to do things that are very scary at first, but end up being very exciting. I don''t know why it excites me so much, but I feel so alive when I am with Niko. He always makes me feel safe, and he tells me..." Katja cuts you off. "Makes you feel safe? Like how he kept you safe today?" You lower your head, and remain silent, for a few seconds before Katja says, "I''m sorry <<$pcs_firstname>>, I just get so angry when I see good people getting used by assholes like him. Continue your story, please."' 
+					'"Niko is always teaching me how to be more confident and daring. He tells me to do things that are very scary at first, but end up being very exciting. I don''t know why it excites me so much, but I feel so alive when I am with Niko. He always makes me feel safe and he tells me..." Katja cuts you off. "Makes you feel safe? Like how he kept you safe today?" You lower your head and remain silent, for a few seconds before Katja says, "I''m sorry <<$pcs_firstname>>, I just get so angry when I see good people getting used by assholes like him. Continue your story, please."' 
 					act 'Continue your story':	
 						*clr & cla
@@ -64,21 +64,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Aftermath':
 						'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/bedroom/vicky.jpg"></center>'					
-						'You take a second before continuing your story. "He helps me find my confidence, and break out of my safety bubble. I''m alway trying something new, and facing my fears. I...I just don''t know what to do without him. Niko always guides me in bettering myself, and feeling so alive." <<$VK_VikName>> places her hand on your shoulder, "If you really care for him then maybe you can work things out with Niko..." Katja immediately cuts <<$VK_VikName>> off, "No! You need to dump that freak! Do you really want to stay with a boy who stripped you down, and let those gopnik punks...RAPE YOU!!!?" Natalia tries to calm her. "We might not like him, but it is <<$pcs_firstname>>''s decision, and we can''t control her. We can only give her our advice, and hope that she makes the right decision...on her own."'
+						'You take a second before continuing your story. "He helps me find my confidence and break out of my safety bubble. I''m alway trying something new and facing my fears. I...I just don''t know what to do without him. Niko always guides me in bettering myself and feeling so alive." <<$VK_VikName>> places her hand on your shoulder, "If you really care for him then maybe you can work things out with Niko..." Katja immediately cuts <<$VK_VikName>> off, "No! You need to dump that freak! Do you really want to stay with a boy who stripped you down and let those gopnik punks...RAPE YOU!!!?" Natalia tries to calm her. "We might not like him, but it is <<$pcs_firstname>>''s decision and we can''t control her. We can only give her our advice and hope that she makes the right decision...on her own."'
 						act 'Continue':	
 							*clr & cla
 							'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/vicky/vickysmile.jpg"></center>'
-							'You lightly grip your hair, as you respond, "I just...need to think about this, for a while." <<$VK_VikName>> stands up, and says in a cheerful tone, "Well you take all the time you need. If you need anything then don''t be afraid to holler." <<$VK_VikName>> then walks toward the door then motions the other girls to follow.' 
+							'You lightly grip your hair as you respond, "I just...need to think about this, for a while." <<$VK_VikName>> stands up and says in a cheerful tone, "Well you take all the time you need. If you need anything then don''t be afraid to holler." <<$VK_VikName>> then walks toward the door then motions the other girls to follow.' 
 							act 'Watch <<$VK_VikName>> leave':	
 								*clr & cla
 								'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/bedroom/katja2.jpg"></center>'							
-								'Katja gets up then tells you, "I''m sorry that I have been a bit stern, I just don''t want to see what happened today repeat itself. When you finish resting then come see me okay? We can have a nice chat together, and don''t worry, I wont lecture you again." Natalia adds, "Come see me too, I would like to speak with you. Now get some rest." The girls leave the room, as you lay down and close your eyes...'
+								'Katja gets up then tells you, "I''m sorry that I have been a bit stern, I just don''t want to see what happened today repeat itself. When you finish resting then come see me okay? We can have a nice chat together and don''t worry, I wont lecture you again." Natalia adds, "Come see me too, I would like to speak with you. Now get some rest." The girls leave the room as you lay down and close your eyes...'
 								act 'Rest':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods'
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Aftermath 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
-	'You quickly jump up, and see Katja with a concerned look on her face. "It''s okay <<$pcs_firstname>>. You were just having a bad dream." You look around the room, trying to get your bearings then turn to Katja, "Thank you Katja, I hope these nightmare don''t become a habit." Katja rubs your forehead, as she responds,"Everything will be alright. You don''t worry need to worry about anything right now. You are among friends. Remember that." As she lightly rubs your forehead. You give her a smile and an approving nod. Katja returns the smile before saying, "Now that''s what I like to see, a fresh smile."' 
+	'You quickly jump up and see Katja with a concerned look on her face. "It''s okay <<$pcs_firstname>>. You were just having a bad dream." You look around the room, trying to get your bearings then turn to Katja, "Thank you Katja, I hope these nightmare don''t become a habit." Katja rubs your forehead as she responds,"Everything will be alright. You don''t worry need to worry about anything right now. You are among friends. Remember that." As she lightly rubs your forehead. You give her a smile and an approving nod. Katja returns the smile before saying, "Now that''s what I like to see, a fresh smile."' 
 	'You both giggle before Katja tells you, "Vicky has something planned that she thinks we will all enjoy. It''s hard to imagine what it is but who knows? It might be fun. Anyway you should get yourself washed up. A nice relaxing bath can work wonders for the body and mind. You should also see Vicky when you have the chance. She will be pleased to see you up.' 
 	if NataliaPavlovaQW >= 10:
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Lounge':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Lounge</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/hall.jpg"></center>'
-	'Spacious room with a sofa and armchairs, on the wall hangs a large plasma TV, located next to the bookcase, and on the opposite side is the fireplace, from the hall there is access to a bright garden, overgrown with grapes'
+	'Spacious room with a sofa and armchairs, on the wall hangs a large plasma TV, located next to the bookcase and on the opposite side is the fireplace, from the hall there is access to a bright garden, overgrown with grapes'
 	if VKNatChat = 0:
 		'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Natalia Chat''">Natalia</a>, leaning against the fireplace. She appears lost in thought.'
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Lounge':
 	elseif VKAftermathEvent = 3 and VKNatChat = 4 and NikoAftermath = 1 and VKKatjaChat = 3:
 		'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Katja and Natalia 2''">Katja and Natalia</a>, sitting on the couch, chatting with each other.'		
 	elseif VKAftermathEvent = 3 and VKNatChat < 3 and NikoAftermath = 1:
-		'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Natalia Chat 3''">Natalia</a>, leaning against the fireplace, as she runs her fingers through her hair.'
+		'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Natalia Chat 3''">Natalia</a>, leaning against the fireplace as she runs her fingers through her hair.'
 	elseif VKNatChat = 4 and NikoAftermath = 1 and VKKatjaChat < 3:
 		'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Natalia Chat 4''">Natalia</a>, leaning against the fireplace. She look to you with a warm smile.'
 	elseif VKNatChat = 3 and NikoAftermath = 1 and VKKatjaChat = 3:
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Room':
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Vicky''s room</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/vika_room.jpg"></center>'
-	'<<$VK_VikName>>''s room is always in a mess. It''s clean, but everything is scattered all over the place. There are soft toys laying around in enormous quantities, and all the walls are plastered with posters of pop stars and film actors.'
+	'<<$VK_VikName>>''s room is always in a mess. It''s clean, but everything is scattered all over the place. There are soft toys laying around in enormous quantities and all the walls are plastered with posters of pop stars and film actors.'
 	'There''s a laptop on the table by the window, it accidentally brings a sense of orderliness. The stacks of magazines resemble music speakers. The rooms centerpiece is the ginormous bed, next to it is a wardrobe. There''s a lone chair somewhere in the corner hidden under all the stuff.'
 	if VKAftermathEvent = 3 and NikoAftermath = 1 and VKVickyChat = 3:
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Meal Time':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoria [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/vicky/vickysmile.jpg"></center>'
-	'You walk into the kitchen, as Katja, and Natalia enter. You all take a seat at the table just as <<$VK_VikName>> approaches with a big chocolate cake. Katja says, "wow...That''s a big cake. Are you sure we can even eat all that?" <<$VK_VikName>> responds, "Well whatever we don''t eat, we can always pop in the fridge for later." <<$VK_VikName>> then grabs a knife then begins cutting the cake into slices, placing it on a plate then hands them out to each of you. Natalia takes a big bite of a cupcake then responds, "Thank you Vicky. This cake is so yummy." <<$VK_VikName>> nods with a warm smile on her face. "I''m glad that you like them. It took me freaking ages to get the batter right. Why is everyone else just staring? Eat up!" She then flutters her arms. You and the girls laugh as you all spend the next 15 minutes, eating cake while chatting about various topics.'
+	'You walk into the kitchen as Katja and Natalia enter. You all take a seat at the table just as <<$VK_VikName>> approaches with a big chocolate cake. Katja says, "wow...That''s a big cake. Are you sure we can even eat all that?" <<$VK_VikName>> responds, "Well whatever we don''t eat, we can always pop in the fridge for later." <<$VK_VikName>> then grabs a knife then begins cutting the cake into slices, placing it on a plate then hands them out to each of you. Natalia takes a big bite of a cupcake then responds, "Thank you Vicky. This cake is so yummy." <<$VK_VikName>> nods with a warm smile on her face. "I''m glad that you like them. It took me freaking ages to get the batter right. Why is everyone else just staring? Eat up!" She then flutters her arms. You and the girls laugh as you all spend the next 15 minutes, eating cake while chatting about various topics.'
 	act 'Finish eating':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Meal Time':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/smile1.jpg"></center>'				
-			'Natalia gets up next and says, "We should get going <<$pcs_firstname>>. Their mom should be coming home soon and we''d only disturb her." <<$VK_VikName>> nods, as she responds, "I''ll be waiting by the front door when you are ready to go, and before you go, can you do me a favor and make sure that Katja doesn''t use all my hair care products. I told her she can use some, but that Kat can''t keep her hands off my things." Natalia adds, "When you have a moment please see me in the lounge. I have something I would like to ask you." You nod at Natalia, as she, and <<$VK_VikName>> walk out of the kitchen.'
+			'Natalia gets up next and says, "We should get going <<$pcs_firstname>>. Their mom should be coming home soon and we''d only disturb her." <<$VK_VikName>> nods as she responds, "I''ll be waiting by the front door when you are ready to go and before you go, can you do me a favor and make sure that Katja doesn''t use all my hair care products. I told her she can use some, but that Kat can''t keep her hands off my things." Natalia adds, "When you have a moment please see me in the lounge. I have something I would like to ask you." You nod at Natalia as she and <<$VK_VikName>> walk out of the kitchen.'
 			act 'Stand up':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Kitchen'
@@ -387,15 +387,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Chat':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/vicky/vickysmile.jpg"></center>'
 	if VKVickyChat = 0 and VKMeyLock = 0:
-		'As you are approaching <<$VK_VikName>>, she looks up from her phone then flashes you a warm smile, as she says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re up? How have you been holding up? Everything has been so grim lately." You reply, "Thank you <<$VK_VikName>>. I am still really sore and kind of worried of my future. Do you think that there is any chance that I could undo what happened yesterday?" <<$VK_VikName>> lightly places her hands on your arms before replying, "Don''t worry about that. Kat and I are looking into it. Don''t worry." She then playfully shakes you side to side while smiling.' 
+		'As you are approaching <<$VK_VikName>>, she looks up from her phone then flashes you a warm smile as she says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re up? How have you been holding up? Everything has been so grim lately." You reply, "Thank you <<$VK_VikName>>. I am still really sore and kind of worried of my future. Do you think that there is any chance that I could undo what happened yesterday?" <<$VK_VikName>> lightly places her hands on your arms before replying, "Don''t worry about that. Kat and I are looking into it. Don''t worry." She then playfully shakes you side to side while smiling.' 
-		'You nod, as you reply, "You''re right, I should try to relax. I just don''t know why Niko just... Left me... He must have gotten held up with something important and couldn''t return in time to protect me. He might be looking for me right now." <<$VK_VikName>> firmly grabs onto your shoulders as she says, in a cute but stern tone, "Listen <<$pcs_nickname>>, I know that you must be feeling really frazzled after your ordeal but you need to try to relax." You take a deep breath then say, "I just... Need help... I need Niko to save me, like he always does..." You can feel tears streaming down your cheeks. "Do you really care for Niko? Even after what happened?" You downcast your eyes as you nod,' 
+		'You nod as you reply, "You''re right, I should try to relax. I just don''t know why Niko just... Left me... He must have gotten held up with something important and couldn''t return in time to protect me. He might be looking for me right now." <<$VK_VikName>> firmly grabs onto your shoulders as she says, in a cute but stern tone, "Listen <<$pcs_nickname>>, I know that you must be feeling really frazzled after your ordeal but you need to try to relax." You take a deep breath then say, "I just... Need help... I need Niko to save me, like he always does..." You can feel tears streaming down your cheeks. "Do you really care for Niko? Even after what happened?" You downcast your eyes as you nod,' 
 		'<<$VK_VikName>> says, "Then maybe you and him could work things out. There is always hope." You look up to her as you reply, "So do you think that I should stay with Niko? Kat didn''t seem to believe that." <<$VK_VikName>> says, "There is no where to go but up from here so if you feel happy with Niko then stay with Niko. Seems simple enough." You nod you head then say, "Well I have a lot of thinking to do." <<$VK_VikName>> gives you a playful smile, "Don''t spend all day thinking or you will have no time to start DOing... and also don''t be so damn formal. You can call me Vicky!" She then returns to playing on her phone.'
 	elseif VKVickyChat = 0:
-		'As you are approaching <<$VK_VikName>>, she looks up from her phone then flashes you a warm smile, as she says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re up? How have you been holding up? Everything has been so grim lately." You reply, "Thank you <<$VK_VikName>>. I am still really sore and kind of worried of my future. Do you think that there is any chance that I could undo what happened yesterday?" <<$VK_VikName>> lightly places her hands on your arms before replying, "Don''t worry about that. Kat and I will handle that. Don''t worry." She then playfully shakes you side to side while smiling.' 
+		'As you are approaching <<$VK_VikName>>, she looks up from her phone then flashes you a warm smile as she says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re up? How have you been holding up? Everything has been so grim lately." You reply, "Thank you <<$VK_VikName>>. I am still really sore and kind of worried of my future. Do you think that there is any chance that I could undo what happened yesterday?" <<$VK_VikName>> lightly places her hands on your arms before replying, "Don''t worry about that. Kat and I will handle that. Don''t worry." She then playfully shakes you side to side while smiling.' 
-		'You nod, as you reply, "You''re right, I should try to relax. I just don''t know why Niko just... Left me... He must have gotten held up with something important and couldn''t return in time to protect me. He might be looking for me right now." <<$VK_VikName>> firmly grabs onto your shoulders as she says, in a cute but stern tone, "Listen <<$pcs_nickname>>, I know that you must be feeling really frazzled after your ordeal but you need to try to relax." You take a deep breath then say, "I just... Need help... I need Niko to save me, like he always does..." You can feel tears streaming down your cheeks. "Do you really care for Niko? Even after what happened?" You downcast your eyes as you nod,' 
+		'You nod as you reply, "You''re right, I should try to relax. I just don''t know why Niko just... Left me... He must have gotten held up with something important and couldn''t return in time to protect me. He might be looking for me right now." <<$VK_VikName>> firmly grabs onto your shoulders as she says, in a cute but stern tone, "Listen <<$pcs_nickname>>, I know that you must be feeling really frazzled after your ordeal but you need to try to relax." You take a deep breath then say, "I just... Need help... I need Niko to save me, like he always does..." You can feel tears streaming down your cheeks. "Do you really care for Niko? Even after what happened?" You downcast your eyes as you nod,' 
 		'<<$VK_VikName>> says, "Then maybe you and him could work things out. There is always hope." You look up to her as you reply, "So do you think that I should stay with Niko? Kat didn''t seem to believe that." <<$VK_VikName>> says, "There is no where to go but up from here so if you feel happy with Niko then stay with Niko. Seems simple enough." You nod you head then say, "Well I have a lot of thinking to do." <<$VK_VikName>> gives you a playful smile, "Don''t spend all day thinking or you will have no time to start DOing." She then returns to playing on her phone.'
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Chat 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/vicky/vickysmile2.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you leave the bathroom, <<$VK_VikName>> walks out of the kitchen then flashes you a playful smile, as she says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>! You look all cleaned up. I bet you are feeling right as rain right now. I just finished baking us all something fun and sweet. You can get something to eat right now or help me fetch the girls. Your choice!"'
+	'As you leave the bathroom, <<$VK_VikName>> walks out of the kitchen then flashes you a playful smile as she says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>! You look all cleaned up. I bet you are feeling right as rain right now. I just finished baking us all something fun and sweet. You can get something to eat right now or help me fetch the girls. Your choice!"'
 	if VKKatjaBath = 1:
 		'<<$VK_VikName>> suddenly tilts her head and looks over your shoulder before saying, "Kat is that you coming out of the bathroom that our good friend <<$pcs_nickname>> was just bathing herself in?" Katja looks surprised and embarrassed as she replies, "Uhh, no... I wasn''t doing anything." <<$VK_VikName>> playfully says, "Not doing anything huh? Then why were you two alone in there?" Katja begins walking toward her room as <<$VK_VikName>> follows her while saying, "Were you both doing what I think you were? If so then you hasve been a naughty girl Kat" Katja puts her hand in front of <<$VK_VikName>>''s face as <<$VK_VikName>> follows her to her room before Katja slams the door in her face. <<$VK_VikName>> giggles as leans against the wall giving you approving wink.'
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Goodbye':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/vicky/vicky2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You open the front door then walk out, as <<$VK_VikName>> quickly comes running up to you. "I hope that you had a great time here. Remember that you always have friends here okay? You don''t need to be alone." You give Vicky an approving nod as you. "Thank you for everything Vicky. I owe you all so much." <<$VK_VikName>> replies, "Bah you don''t owe us anything." But then she playfully whispers, "But I wont argue if you anted to get me a new phone." Before sticking out her tongue, making a goofy face. You giggle as <<$VK_VikName>> waves goodbye while closing the door.'
+	'You open the front door then walk out as <<$VK_VikName>> quickly comes running up to you. "I hope that you had a great time here. Remember that you always have friends here okay? You don''t need to be alone." You give Vicky an approving nod as you. "Thank you for everything Vicky. I owe you all so much." <<$VK_VikName>> replies, "Bah you don''t owe us anything." But then she playfully whispers, "But I wont argue if you anted to get me a new phone." Before sticking out her tongue, making a goofy face. You giggle as <<$VK_VikName>> waves goodbye while closing the door.'
 	if VKNatChat = 4:
 		act 'Walk home with Natalia':NikoAftermath = 0 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Walk'
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Chat':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/bedroom/katja2.jpg"></center>'
 	if VKKatjaChat < 1:
 		pcs_makeup = 3
-		'As you approach Katja, she waves you over. You stand next to her before she walks around you while keeping her eyes on the mirror. "Let''s gussy you up." Katja reaches into her hand bag then takes out her compact makeup case. She pulls out her brush then begins applying some makeup on you, for a few seconds before saying, "Look at that pretty girl in the mirror. Isn''t she lovely?" You reply, "I agree, she is so pretty, but what about me?" Katja smirks, as she places her fingertip on your nose. "I was referring to you, silly." You both giggle before Katja asks, "So, how are you holding up?" You reply, "I have a lot to think about." Katja responds, "Make sure that you take your time, and think carefully about your future because one wrong decision, can go a long way."' 	
+		'As you approach Katja, she waves you over. You stand next to her before she walks around you while keeping her eyes on the mirror. "Let''s gussy you up." Katja reaches into her hand bag then takes out her compact makeup case. She pulls out her brush then begins applying some makeup on you, for a few seconds before saying, "Look at that pretty girl in the mirror. Isn''t she lovely?" You reply, "I agree, she is so pretty, but what about me?" Katja smirks as she places her fingertip on your nose. "I was referring to you, silly." You both giggle before Katja asks, "So, how are you holding up?" You reply, "I have a lot to think about." Katja responds, "Make sure that you take your time and think carefully about your future because one wrong decision, can go a long way."' 	
 		'You approach Katja and she continues tweezing her eyebrow as she tells you, "You should talk to Natalia and Vicky then you should jump into the bath before Vicky hogs it." You nod as you walk toward the hallway.'
@@ -545,9 +545,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff00cc><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			*pl '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
 			if VKNatChat = 0:
-				'You sarcastically reply, "Tell me about it." Katja lightly squeezes your shoulders, "No one can change who you are beside you. Remember that. Anyway you should take a bath before Vicky decides to gussy herself in there because trust me when I say, you wont be able to use bathroom anytime this century." You poke Katja in her arm as you reply, "Oh stop. I''m sure she''s not that bad." She giggles, as she pulls out her tweezers then begins plucking her eyebrows while telling you, "Oh, by the way, Natalia wanted to speak to you, she seems very worried about you. She is such a sweet girl. It''s a shame that she isn''t more talkative in school." You reply, "I agree. I will go speak with her." You then give Katja a nod before stepping away.'
+				'You sarcastically reply, "Tell me about it." Katja lightly squeezes your shoulders, "No one can change who you are beside you. Remember that. Anyway you should take a bath before Vicky decides to gussy herself in there because trust me when I say, you wont be able to use bathroom anytime this century." You poke Katja in her arm as you reply, "Oh stop. I''m sure she''s not that bad." She giggles as she pulls out her tweezers then begins plucking her eyebrows while telling you, "Oh, by the way, Natalia wanted to speak to you, she seems very worried about you. She is such a sweet girl. It''s a shame that she isn''t more talkative in school." You reply, "I agree. I will go speak with her." You then give Katja a nod before stepping away.'
-				'You sarcastically reply, "Tell me about it." Katja lightly squeezes your shoulders, "No one can change who you are beside you. Remember that. Anyway you should take a bath before Vicky decides to gussy herself in there because trust me when I say, you wont be able to use bathroom anytime this century." You poke Katja in her arm as you reply, "Oh stop. I''m sure she''s not that bad." She giggles, as she pulls out her tweezers then begins plucking her eyebrows while telling you, "Oh, by the way, Natalia wanted to speak to you, she seems very worried about you. She is such a sweet girl. It''s a shame that she isn''t more talkative in school." You reply, "It''s alright, I already spoke with her" Katja gives you a nod then says, "Good, I hate seeing her worried like that, but you get washed up. You don''t to miss whatever Natalia has planned." You nod at Katja before stepping away.'
+				'You sarcastically reply, "Tell me about it." Katja lightly squeezes your shoulders, "No one can change who you are beside you. Remember that. Anyway you should take a bath before Vicky decides to gussy herself in there because trust me when I say, you wont be able to use bathroom anytime this century." You poke Katja in her arm as you reply, "Oh stop. I''m sure she''s not that bad." She giggles as she pulls out her tweezers then begins plucking her eyebrows while telling you, "Oh, by the way, Natalia wanted to speak to you, she seems very worried about you. She is such a sweet girl. It''s a shame that she isn''t more talkative in school." You reply, "It''s alright, I already spoke with her" Katja gives you a nod then says, "Good, I hate seeing her worried like that, but you get washed up. You don''t to miss whatever Natalia has planned." You nod at Katja before stepping away.'
 			act 'Walk away':VKKatjaChat = 1 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Katja Room'
@@ -574,9 +574,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Chat 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/bedroom/katja2.jpg"></center>'
 	if VKKatjaChat < 2 and VKKatBath = 1 or VKKatjaChat < 2 and VKKatjaBath = 1:
-		'You walk up to Katja, and she turns to you and smiles. "I hope that you enjoyed our time together." You give her a wink that she returns before saying, "Also I hope that Vicky has been making you nervous at all. She is sprite chicken that one. Can never sit still for long." You lightly giggle before replying, "Everything has been going great. I have really been enjoying my time here." Katja places both of her hands on your shoulders then says, "That''s great. I wouldn''t want to be known for being a terrible host." You and her then giggle as you say, "Speaking of Vicky, she finished whatever she was cooking and wants us to head to the kitchen." Katja nods and says, "Sounds good I have the munchies right now. See you there and don''t worry if you are running a bit late because I''ll be sure to save you a plate." Katja then leaves the room.'
+		'You walk up to Katja and she turns to you and smiles. "I hope that you enjoyed our time together." You give her a wink that she returns before saying, "Also I hope that Vicky has been making you nervous at all. She is sprite chicken that one. Can never sit still for long." You lightly giggle before replying, "Everything has been going great. I have really been enjoying my time here." Katja places both of her hands on your shoulders then says, "That''s great. I wouldn''t want to be known for being a terrible host." You and her then giggle as you say, "Speaking of Vicky, she finished whatever she was cooking and wants us to head to the kitchen." Katja nods and says, "Sounds good I have the munchies right now. See you there and don''t worry if you are running a bit late because I''ll be sure to save you a plate." Katja then leaves the room.'
 	elseif VKKatjaChat < 2:
-		'You walk up to Katja, and she turns to you and smiles. "All cleaned up I see. I hope that Vicky has been making you nervous at all. She is sprite chicken that one. Can never sit still for long." You lightly giggle before replying, "Everything has been going great. I have really been enjoying my time here." Katja places both of her hands on your shoulders then says, "That''s great. I wouldn''t want to be known for being a terrible host." You and her then giggle as you say, "Speaking of Vicky, she finished whatever she was cooking and wants us to head to the kitchen." Katja nods and says, "Sounds good I have the munchies right now. See you there and don''t worry if you are running a bit late because I''ll be sure to save you a plate." Katja then leaves the room.'
+		'You walk up to Katja and she turns to you and smiles. "All cleaned up I see. I hope that Vicky has been making you nervous at all. She is sprite chicken that one. Can never sit still for long." You lightly giggle before replying, "Everything has been going great. I have really been enjoying my time here." Katja places both of her hands on your shoulders then says, "That''s great. I wouldn''t want to be known for being a terrible host." You and her then giggle as you say, "Speaking of Vicky, she finished whatever she was cooking and wants us to head to the kitchen." Katja nods and says, "Sounds good I have the munchies right now. See you there and don''t worry if you are running a bit late because I''ll be sure to save you a plate." Katja then leaves the room.'
 	act 'Walk away':VKKatjaChat = 2 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Katja Room'
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Chat 3':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
-	'You sit down next to Katja, and she turns to you. "I know that I said that I wouldn''t lecture you, but that boy Niko is not what he seems. He doesn''t care about you, he is just trying to use you. I only tell you this because I care about you. Don''t let this punk corrupt you." You look at your feet while you consider what she said. Katja begins rubbing on your shoulders, "You can do better then him <<$pcs_firstname>>. Don''t let him trick you into believing otherwise. I just needed to tell you that before I left. Please stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>. You are too good a girl to be used like that." Katja gets up then waves goodbye, as she walks out of the bedroom.'
+	'You sit down next to Katja and she turns to you. "I know that I said that I wouldn''t lecture you, but that boy Niko is not what he seems. He doesn''t care about you, he is just trying to use you. I only tell you this because I care about you. Don''t let this punk corrupt you." You look at your feet while you consider what she said. Katja begins rubbing on your shoulders, "You can do better then him <<$pcs_firstname>>. Don''t let him trick you into believing otherwise. I just needed to tell you that before I left. Please stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>. You are too good a girl to be used like that." Katja gets up then waves goodbye as she walks out of the bedroom.'
 	act 'Walk away':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Katja Room'
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Chat 4':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/bedroom/katja2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You sit down next to Katja, and she turns to you and says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, it was great having you here. Feel free to pay us another visit sometime." Katja then winks at you before turning back to the TV screen.'
+	'You sit down next to Katja and she turns to you and says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, it was great having you here. Feel free to pay us another visit sometime." Katja then winks at you before turning back to the TV screen.'
 	act 'Walk away':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
@@ -617,9 +617,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja and Natalia':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/lounge/Natalia3.jpg"></center>'
-		'Natalia''s eyes light up, as she responds, "Great are you ready to head out now or would you like to speak to <<$VK_VikName>>, or Katja first?"'
+		'Natalia''s eyes light up as she responds, "Great are you ready to head out now or would you like to speak to <<$VK_VikName>>, or Katja first?"'
-		act 'Stay to chat with <<$VK_VikName>>, and Katja':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
+		act 'Stay to chat with <<$VK_VikName>> and Katja':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
 		act '<font color=#FF00FF>Leave house with Natalia</font>':VKNatChat = 5 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Walk'
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja and Natalia':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/lounge/Natalia2.jpg"></center>'	
-		'"I would love too, but I have other places I need to be today, maybe next time." Natalia lowers her head, "Okay I guess...Just stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>. I...I''m concerned for you." You reply, "That is really sweet Natalia, but I''m fine." Natalia responds, "I''m glad to hear that. Goodbye <<$pcs_firstname>>." Natalia then walks out of the house while giving both, you, and <<$VK_VikName>> a friendly smile.'
+		'"I would love too, but I have other places I need to be today, maybe next time." Natalia lowers her head, "Okay I guess...Just stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>. I...I''m concerned for you." You reply, "That is really sweet Natalia, but I''m fine." Natalia responds, "I''m glad to hear that. Goodbye <<$pcs_firstname>>." Natalia then walks out of the house while giving both, you and <<$VK_VikName>> a friendly smile.'
 		act 'Wave goodbye':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Chat':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	if VKNatChat = 0:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/lounge/natalia3.jpg"></center>'
-		'As soon as you approach, Natalia turns to you before flashing you a smile. "<<$pcs_firstname>> you''re up! How are you feeling?" You return the smile, as you reply, "I''m feeling much better now. I hope that I didn''t worry you." Natalia giggles before replying, "I''m just glad that you''re okay. I have never seen anyone go through as much as you did today, but I''m sure everything will work out in the end." You reply, "I can only hope." Natalia responds, "Try not to let things get to you." You reply, "Don''t worry I wont." Natalia says, "Good, I will always be around, if you want to talk."' 
+		'As soon as you approach, Natalia turns to you before flashing you a smile. "<<$pcs_firstname>> you''re up! How are you feeling?" You return the smile as you reply, "I''m feeling much better now. I hope that I didn''t worry you." Natalia giggles before replying, "I''m just glad that you''re okay. I have never seen anyone go through as much as you did today, but I''m sure everything will work out in the end." You reply, "I can only hope." Natalia responds, "Try not to let things get to you." You reply, "Don''t worry I wont." Natalia says, "Good, I will always be around, if you want to talk."' 
 		'You respond, "Thank you, for everything you all have done for me. I shutter to think of what would have happened to me if you weren''t around." Natalia replies with a warm smile before saying, "You are very welcome. Now you should take a relaxing bath before <<$VK_VikName>> is finished cooking."'
 		act 'Walk away':VKNatChat = 1 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Chat 3':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/lounge/natalia2.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you approach Natalia, she asks, "How did you like the cupcakes? I found them very tasty." You reply, "They were super yummy, <<$VK_VikName>> could win a cooking contest, if we had those, that is." Natalia giggles before asking, "We are going to be leaving in a bit, and I wanted to ask you...Would you like to walk home with me?"'
+	'As you approach Natalia, she asks, "How did you like the cupcakes? I found them very tasty." You reply, "They were super yummy, <<$VK_VikName>> could win a cooking contest, if we had those, that is." Natalia giggles before asking, "We are going to be leaving in a bit and I wanted to ask you...Would you like to walk home with me?"'
 	act 'I would love too':
 		*clr & cla	
@@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Chat 3':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/lounge/natalia3.jpg"></center>'
-		'Natalia''s eyes light up, as she responds, "Great are you ready to head out now or would you like to speak to <<$VK_VikName>>, or Katja first?"'
+		'Natalia''s eyes light up as she responds, "Great are you ready to head out now or would you like to speak to <<$VK_VikName>>, or Katja first?"'
 		act 'Stay to chat with <<$VK_VikName>> and Katja':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Chat 3':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/lounge/natalia2.jpg"></center>'	
-		'"I would love too, but I have other places I need to be today, maybe next time." Natalia lowers her head, "Okay I guess...Just stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>. I...I''m concerned for you." You reply, "That is really sweet Natalia, but I''m fine." Natalia responds, "I''m glad to hear that. Goodbye <<$pcs_firstname>>." Natalia then walks out of the house while giving both, you, and <<$VK_VikName>> a friendly smile.'
+		'"I would love too, but I have other places I need to be today, maybe next time." Natalia lowers her head, "Okay I guess...Just stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>. I...I''m concerned for you." You reply, "That is really sweet Natalia, but I''m fine." Natalia responds, "I''m glad to hear that. Goodbye <<$pcs_firstname>>." Natalia then walks out of the house while giving both, you and <<$VK_VikName>> a friendly smile.'
 		act 'Wave goodbye':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Walk':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meyhome/vicky/vicky2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You, and Natalia begin walking toward the front door. <<$VK_VikName>> asks, "Are you two ready to head out?" You both nod simultaneously as <<$VK_VikName>> holds the door open for you. As you are walking past <<$VK_VikName>>, she leans forward then whispers in your ear, "Don''t forget what I said earlier. Whatever makes you happier, is the path you should follow. What''s the point of living a boring life?" She then gives you a wink, as you and Natalia head into town.'
+	'You and Natalia begin walking toward the front door. <<$VK_VikName>> asks, "Are you two ready to head out?" You both nod simultaneously as <<$VK_VikName>> holds the door open for you. As you are walking past <<$VK_VikName>>, she leans forward then whispers in your ear, "Don''t forget what I said earlier. Whatever makes you happier, is the path you should follow. What''s the point of living a boring life?" She then gives you a wink as you and Natalia head into town.'
 	act 'Continue walking':
 		*clr & cla	
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Walk':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/Natalia/love/sad1.jpg"></center>'
-			'Natalia lowers her head, "Oh, ok then, sorry for asking." You both walk home in silence. When you reach your door Natalia says, "Stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>, and remember to do whatever you feel is right. Goodbye." You wave goodbye to Natalia, as she walks away.'	
+			'Natalia lowers her head, "Oh, ok then, sorry for asking." You both walk home in silence. When you reach your door Natalia says, "Stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>> and remember to do whatever you feel is right. Goodbye." You wave goodbye to Natalia as she walks away.'	
 			act 'Enter your apartment':gt 'korrPar'
@@ -767,14 +767,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Park':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/park/sit.jpg"></center>'
-	'You, and Natalia walk through the park while having small talk until you sit down on a bench, and Natalia sits down next to you. Natalia smiles, as she asks, "What do you plan to do with Niko?" You reply, "I don''t know yet. I need to sleep on it." Natalia nods slowly, "I guess that''s fair, I''m just worried about you. No one can go through what you did, and be unphased." You nod, as you reply, "Nothing will be the same, I know that, but I can still choose where I go from here." Natalia places her hand on your knee. "You don''t need to be alone in this. If you ever need anything then you can always talk to me." You give Natalia a warm smile as you reply, "That''s so sweet of you, but why do you care so much about what happens to me? I''m no one special."'
+	'You and Natalia walk through the park while having small talk until you sit down on a bench and Natalia sits down next to you. Natalia smiles as she asks, "What do you plan to do with Niko?" You reply, "I don''t know yet. I need to sleep on it." Natalia nods slowly, "I guess that''s fair, I''m just worried about you. No one can go through what you did and be unphased." You nod as you reply, "Nothing will be the same, I know that, but I can still choose where I go from here." Natalia places her hand on your knee. "You don''t need to be alone in this. If you ever need anything then you can always talk to me." You give Natalia a warm smile as you reply, "That''s so sweet of you, but why do you care so much about what happens to me? I''m no one special."'
 	if SexTalkNatalia = 4 or NataliaPavlovaQW >= 10:
-		'"I..um..care for you, I..." Natalia remains silent for a few seconds, as she rubs her arm while staring at the ground, in front of her.'
+		'"I..um..care for you, I..." Natalia remains silent for a few seconds as she rubs her arm while staring at the ground, in front of her.'
 		act 'Kiss her':VKNataliaKiss = 1 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Kiss'
 		act 'Change subject':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Park 2'
-		'"I just couldn''t leave you like that. You looked so scared, and helpless. I needed to help in any way I can." You place your hand on her knee, "Thank you Natalia. You saved me." Natalia''s face grows red, as she replies, "I didn''t do it alone, but you''re welcome." Natalia gives you a meek smile.'
+		'"I just couldn''t leave you like that. You looked so scared and helpless. I needed to help in any way I can." You place your hand on her knee, "Thank you Natalia. You saved me." Natalia''s face grows red as she replies, "I didn''t do it alone, but you''re welcome." Natalia gives you a meek smile.'
 		act 'Continue talking':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Park 2'
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Park 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big240.jpg"></center>'
-	'You, and Natalia continue chatting for a few minutes before Natalia looks at her phone then says, "Wow, I can''t believe it gotten so late. We should really get home." You both walk home.  When you reach your door Natalia says, "Stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>, and remember to follow your heart. Have a good night." You then wave goodbye to Natalia, as she walks away.'
+	'You and Natalia continue chatting for a few minutes before Natalia looks at her phone then says, "Wow, I can''t believe it gotten so late. We should really get home." You both walk home.  When you reach your door Natalia says, "Stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>> and remember to follow your heart. Have a good night." You then wave goodbye to Natalia as she walks away.'
 	act 'Enter your apartment':gt 'korrPar'
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Kiss':
 	*clr & cla	
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/kiss1.mp4"></video></center>'  	
-	'You place your hand on Natalia''s cheek then gently pull her face to yours. You both share a passionate kiss for what feels like two minutes. After you finish, you both stare into each others eyes, as you whisper to her, "Thank you for saving me Natalia. i will never forget what you have done for me." Natalia''s face is very red, as she replies, "I would do anything for you. You only need to ask." You reply, "You''re so sweet Natalia, and I am so lucky to have you." Natalia gives you a trembling smile before she quickly darts forward, giving you another passionate kiss.'
+	'You place your hand on Natalia''s cheek then gently pull her face to yours. You both share a passionate kiss for what feels like two minutes. After you finish, you both stare into each others eyes as you whisper to her, "Thank you for saving me Natalia. i will never forget what you have done for me." Natalia''s face is very red as she replies, "I would do anything for you. You only need to ask." You reply, "You''re so sweet Natalia and I am so lucky to have you." Natalia gives you a trembling smile before she quickly darts forward, giving you another passionate kiss.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5, 'lesbian'
@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Kiss':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/park/natalia1.jpg"></center>'	
-		'After a long passionate kiss, Natalia begins giggling playfully then checks her phone before saying, "It''s getting late, maybe we should start heading home." You reply, "Sure, let''s walk home." As you are walking home, Natalia wraps her fingers around yours then gives you an innocent smile. When you arrive at your apartment, Natalia says, "Please stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>, I care for you so much... Just remember to follow your heart, and I''m sure that everything will work out for you. Have a good night." Natalia then gives you a soft kiss before walking away while looking back at you with an innocent smile.'
+		'After a long passionate kiss, Natalia begins giggling playfully then checks her phone before saying, "It''s getting late, maybe we should start heading home." You reply, "Sure, let''s walk home." As you are walking home, Natalia wraps her fingers around yours then gives you an innocent smile. When you arrive at your apartment, Natalia says, "Please stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>, I care for you so much... Just remember to follow your heart and I''m sure that everything will work out for you. Have a good night." Natalia then gives you a soft kiss before walking away while looking back at you with an innocent smile.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 10, 'lesbian'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Bath':
 						cla & *clr
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/giving/4.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'Katja slowly begins to slide one of her fingers into your vagina then does her best to please you with it. She runs her finger inside of you, brushing against your g-spot with the tip of her finger as you begin moaning louder. Katja looks up to you as you feel the pleasure building to an almost unsustainable amount, as you begin moaning loudly, feeling like you will burst into an orgasm at any second.'
+						'Katja slowly begins to slide one of her fingers into your vagina then does her best to please you with it. She runs her finger inside of you, brushing against your g-spot with the tip of her finger as you begin moaning louder. Katja looks up to you as you feel the pleasure building to an almost unsustainable amount as you begin moaning loudly, feeling like you will burst into an orgasm at any second.'
 						act 'Orgasm':	
 							cla & *clr

+ 59 - 59

@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Payback':
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/fight/grab.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you are walking toward the hallway, you feel hands covering your mouth then you feel your ribs being struck, causing you to recoil in pain, as you are dragged into the nearby bathroom.'
+	'As you are walking toward the hallway, you feel hands covering your mouth then you feel your ribs being struck, causing you to recoil in pain as you are dragged into the nearby bathroom.'
 	act 'Continue':	
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/scene.jpg"></center>'
 		if NikoVolkovQW = -1:
-			'As soon as you reach the bathroom, you feel your shirt being pulled up, as someone whispers in your ear, "You think that you can just dump me after all I''ve done for you? Well you are so fucking wrong! You will be my bitch, whether you like it or not." You recognize Niko''s voice, as he continues stripping you.'	
+			'As soon as you reach the bathroom, you feel your shirt being pulled up as someone whispers in your ear, "You think that you can just dump me after all I''ve done for you? Well you are so fucking wrong! You will be my bitch, whether you like it or not." You recognize Niko''s voice as he continues stripping you.'	
-			'As soon as you reach the bathroom, you feel your shirt being pulled up, as someone whispers in your ear, "You have been running your fucking mouth, for far too long, and now I have a few other uses for it. You will now be my bitch, whether you like it or not." You recognize Niko''s voice, as he continues stripping you.'
+			'As soon as you reach the bathroom, you feel your shirt being pulled up as someone whispers in your ear, "You have been running your fucking mouth, for far too long and now I have a few other uses for it. You will now be my bitch, whether you like it or not." You recognize Niko''s voice as he continues stripping you.'
 		act 'Plead':	
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Payback':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
 			if NikoVolkovQW = -1:
-				'"Please stop Niko, I''m so sorry for breaking up with you. I was just really upset, and didn''t give you a chance. Please forgive me." Niko scuffs then replies, "Don''t give me that bullshit! you don''t give a shit about me, but you will pay me back. From now on you will either pay me 200 <b>₽</b> everyday, or I will be using your body, as payment. Do you understand bitch?"'
+				'"Please stop Niko, I''m so sorry for breaking up with you. I was just really upset and didn''t give you a chance. Please forgive me." Niko scuffs then replies, "Don''t give me that bullshit! you don''t give a shit about me, but you will pay me back. From now on you will either pay me 200 <b>₽</b> everyday, or I will be using your body as payment. Do you understand bitch?"'
-				'"Please stop Niko, I''m so sorry for insulting you. I don''t know what came over me. and never gave you a chance. Please forgive me." Niko scuffs then replies, "Don''t give me that bullshit! your not fucking sorry, but you will be. From now on you will either pay me 200 <b>₽</b> everyday, or I will be using your body, as payment. Do you understand bitch?"'
+				'"Please stop Niko, I''m so sorry for insulting you. I don''t know what came over me. and never gave you a chance. Please forgive me." Niko scuffs then replies, "Don''t give me that bullshit! your not fucking sorry, but you will be. From now on you will either pay me 200 <b>₽</b> everyday, or I will be using your body as payment. Do you understand bitch?"'
 			act 'I understand':	
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Payback':
 						'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile'+rand(2,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
-						'You hand Niko 200 <b>₽</b>, and Niko counts it before giving you an approving nod, "Excellent, See you tomorrow <<$pcs_nickname>>, and don''t try to avoid me, or things will end badly, for you." Niko puts the money in his pocket then walks away. You take a minute to get dressed then try to regain your composure before leaving the restroom.'
+						'You hand Niko 200 <b>₽</b> and Niko counts it before giving you an approving nod, "Excellent, See you tomorrow <<$pcs_nickname>> and don''t try to avoid me, or things will end badly, for you." Niko puts the money in his pocket then walks away. You take a minute to get dressed then try to regain your composure before leaving the restroom.'
 						act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lunch', 'break'
@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Payback':
 					minut += 5
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/bj1.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You lower your head, as you slowly drop to your knees in front of Niko, he gives you a confident grin, as he begins unbuttoning his pants. You soon feel Niko''s penis rubbing against your lips, so you take a deep breath then wrap your lips around it, sucking it intently trying to make Niko cum, as quicly, as possible. Niko leans back while griping your head with one hand.'
+					'You lower your head as you slowly drop to your knees in front of Niko, he gives you a confident grin as he begins unbuttoning his pants. You soon feel Niko''s penis rubbing against your lips, so you take a deep breath then wrap your lips around it, sucking it intently trying to make Niko cum as quicly as possible. Niko leans back while griping your head with one hand.'
 					act 'Make Niko cum':	
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/facial1.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'You increase your pace as you look up at Niko, noticing how much he is enjoying your performance. You stare him in the eyes, as you hear him begin groaning. You suddenly feel Niko''s warm seed filling your mouth, one squirt at a time. You look up to Niko with his cum slowly leaking out of your mouth, Niko then looks down to you, and says, "What are you waiting for? Swallow my cum bitch!" You give Niko a meek nod then begin swallowing his cum, and after you finish, Niko pulls your head to the ground and says, "You missed a few drops, Lick it off the floor!" not wanting to anger Niko further, you obediently begin licking the last drops of cum off the floor. "Now that''s better, I''ll see you tomorrow. Remember what I said, and don''t ever try to avoid me."'	
+						'You increase your pace as you look up at Niko, noticing how much he is enjoying your performance. You stare him in the eyes as you hear him begin groaning. You suddenly feel Niko''s warm seed filling your mouth, one squirt at a time. You look up to Niko with his cum slowly leaking out of your mouth, Niko then looks down to you and says, "What are you waiting for? Swallow my cum bitch!" You give Niko a meek nod then begin swallowing his cum and after you finish, Niko pulls your head to the ground and says, "You missed a few drops, Lick it off the floor!" not wanting to anger Niko further, you obediently begin licking the last drops of cum off the floor. "Now that''s better, I''ll see you tomorrow. Remember what I said and don''t ever try to avoid me."'	
 						act 'Stand up':gt 'FedorMisc', 'Restroom'
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
-	'You walk out of the cafeteria, and see Niko standing in the hallway on his phone.'
+	'You walk out of the cafeteria and see Niko standing in the hallway on his phone.'
 	act 'Approach Niko':	
 		*clr & cla
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 2':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile'+rand(2,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
-		'You approach Niko, and a confident grin covers his face, as he says, "You showed up? Good. How will you be paying today?"'		
+		'You approach Niko and a confident grin covers his face as he says, "You showed up? Good. How will you be paying today?"'		
 		if money >= 200:
 			act 'Money (200 <b>₽</b>)':	
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 2':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile'+rand(2,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
-			'You downcast your eyes, as you reply, "You can use my body, as payment." Niko''s eyes light up, "I was hoping you''d say that. Let''s not waste time." Niko grabs your ass firmly while leading you to the less used restroom.'
+			'You downcast your eyes as you reply, "You can use my body as payment." Niko''s eyes light up, "I was hoping you''d say that. Let''s not waste time." Niko grabs your ass firmly while leading you to the less used restroom.'
 			act 'Head to the restroom with Niko':gt 'NikoPayback', 'Payback 3'
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 2':
 			minut += 5
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall01.jpg"></center>'
-			'You lower your head then quickly walk past Niko, hoping that he won''t notice you, and to your relief, he doesn''t seem to notice. You let out a sigh of relief before heading to the hallway,'
+			'You lower your head then quickly walk past Niko, hoping that he won''t notice you and to your relief, he doesn''t seem to notice. You let out a sigh of relief before heading to the hallway,'
 			act 'Continue':gt 'gschool_lunch', 'break'
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 2':
 			minut += 5
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/fight/grab.jpg"></center>'
-			'You lower your head then quickly walk past Niko, hoping that he won''t notice you. After a few steps, you suddenly feel Niko''s hand on your throat, choking you firmly, as he whispers in your ear, "You wouldn''t be trying to avoid me, would you?" You meekly shake your head, trying to speak, but unable breath freely within Niko''s steel grip, Niko then pulls you into the restroom.'
+			'You lower your head then quickly walk past Niko, hoping that he won''t notice you. After a few steps, you suddenly feel Niko''s hand on your throat, choking you firmly as he whispers in your ear, "You wouldn''t be trying to avoid me, would you?" You meekly shake your head, trying to speak, but unable breath freely within Niko''s steel grip, Niko then pulls you into the restroom.'
 			act 'Continue':gt 'NikoPayback', 'Payback 4'			
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/bj1.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'You drop down to your knees then begin unbuttoning Niko''s pants. Niko looks down at you with a confident grin, as you finish pulling down his pants. Niko rubs his dick against your lips, signaling you to suck on it. You wrap your lips around Niko''s dick then begin licking and sucking it firmly, not wanting to anger him. Niko then looks down at you and says, "Good girl. Keep it up." You continue sucking Niko''s dick at a moderate pace, not wanting to overdo it.'
+		'You drop down to your knees then begin unbuttoning Niko''s pants. Niko looks down at you with a confident grin as you finish pulling down his pants. Niko rubs his dick against your lips, signaling you to suck on it. You wrap your lips around Niko''s dick then begin licking and sucking it firmly, not wanting to anger him. Niko then looks down at you and says, "Good girl. Keep it up." You continue sucking Niko''s dick at a moderate pace, not wanting to overdo it.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'					
 		gs 'stat'	
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/bj2.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'After a few more seconds, Niko begins moaning, as he runs his fingers through your hair before grabbing your head with both hands, and pushes his penis down your throat, as he begin spraying his warm seed down your throat. You try your best not to gag, as Niko continues to pump his warm cum down your throat while you swallow every drop of it. After Niko finishes, he looks down to you then says, "You are really good at that. I will see you again soon. Niko buttons his pants then walks out of the restroom."'
+			'After a few more seconds, Niko begins moaning as he runs his fingers through your hair before grabbing your head with both hands and pushes his penis down your throat as he begin spraying his warm seed down your throat. You try your best not to gag as Niko continues to pump his warm cum down your throat while you swallow every drop of it. After Niko finishes, he looks down to you then says, "You are really good at that. I will see you again soon. Niko buttons his pants then walks out of the restroom."'
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow8.mp4"></video></center>'			
 			gs 'cum_call', 'face', $boy
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/virgin.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You downcast your eyes as you tell Niko. "I''m a virgin but I don''t want to be one anymore." Niko recoils in shock before responding, "Wow you are? I guess I can help you with that. Thanks for offering." Niko then gently guides you toward the sink then undresses you from the waist down before unbuttoning his pants, and pressing his dick against you vagina. Niko whispers in your ear, "I will take this slow for you ok?" You gratefully nod as Niko slowly pushes his penis inside of your vagina, causing your hymen to stretch for his dick, and after a few seconds, you feel your hymen give. You can feel a slight pain in your vagina, as your hymen breaks, and is soon increase slightly when Niko thrusts his hips, pushing his penis deeper inside you, and fucking you at a moderate rate.'
+			'You downcast your eyes as you tell Niko. "I''m a virgin but I don''t want to be one anymore." Niko recoils in shock before responding, "Wow you are? I guess I can help you with that. Thanks for offering." Niko then gently guides you toward the sink then undresses you from the waist down before unbuttoning his pants and pressing his dick against you vagina. Niko whispers in your ear, "I will take this slow for you ok?" You gratefully nod as Niko slowly pushes his penis inside of your vagina, causing your hymen to stretch for his dick and after a few seconds, you feel your hymen give. You can feel a slight pain in your vagina as your hymen breaks and is soon increase slightly when Niko thrusts his hips, pushing his penis deeper inside you and fucking you at a moderate rate.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'	
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/bathroom/voyvag.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'After a minute, all the pain fades and is replaced by pleasure. You try you best to give in to the pleasure. Niko begins fucking you harder before quickly pulling out of you then groaning, as he begin milking his penis over your ass. Squirt by squirt, Niko''s cum covers your asscheeks. Niko takes a few seconds to catch his breath before saying, "You were great <<$pcs_firstname>>, I can''t wait to fuck you again." Niko then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'			
+				'After a minute, all the pain fades and is replaced by pleasure. You try you best to give in to the pleasure. Niko begins fucking you harder before quickly pulling out of you then groaning as he begin milking his penis over your ass. Squirt by squirt, Niko''s cum covers your asscheeks. Niko takes a few seconds to catch his breath before saying, "You were great <<$pcs_firstname>>, I can''t wait to fuck you again." Niko then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'			
 				gs 'cum_call', 'butt', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/vaginal1.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You grab onto Niko''s hand then place it between your legs, as you say, "I want you to fuck my pussy." Niko''s eyes light up as he replies, "Good girl. That was just what I wanted to hear." Niko then begin undressing you before spinning you around then pulling you toward him. You can feel Niko penis pressed against your vagina then suddenly feel it enter you, causing a jolt of pleasure to fill your vagina. Niko lightly grips your neck as he pushes you down on his rock hard cock, filling your vagina almost completely with his dick. You close your eyes, and give in to the pleasure filling you, as Niko continues to fuck your pussy.'
+			'You grab onto Niko''s hand then place it between your legs as you say, "I want you to fuck my pussy." Niko''s eyes light up as he replies, "Good girl. That was just what I wanted to hear." Niko then begin undressing you before spinning you around then pulling you toward him. You can feel Niko penis pressed against your vagina then suddenly feel it enter you, causing a jolt of pleasure to fill your vagina. Niko lightly grips your neck as he pushes you down on his rock hard cock, filling your vagina almost completely with his dick. You close your eyes and give in to the pleasure filling you as Niko continues to fuck your pussy.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/vaginal2.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'Niko suddenly grabs onto your stomach and leg, lifting you up in the air, as he continues pushing you onto his hard penis. You start moaning out loud, as Niko whispers in your ear. "You are really liking it, aren''t you <<$pcs_firstname>>." You turn to Niko then nod, and that seems to excite Niko, resulting in him greatly increasing his pace. Niko continues fucking you until he suddenly pulls out of you then begin rubbing his penis in between your thighs, milking his dick on the ground in front of you. After Niko catches his breath, he turns to you and says, "You are a great fuck <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''ll see you again soon." Niko buttons his pants before walking out of the restroom.'		
+				'Niko suddenly grabs onto your stomach and leg, lifting you up in the air as he continues pushing you onto his hard penis. You start moaning out loud as Niko whispers in your ear. "You are really liking it, aren''t you <<$pcs_firstname>>." You turn to Niko then nod and that seems to excite Niko, resulting in him greatly increasing his pace. Niko continues fucking you until he suddenly pulls out of you then begin rubbing his penis in between your thighs, milking his dick on the ground in front of you. After Niko catches his breath, he turns to you and says, "You are a great fuck <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''ll see you again soon." Niko buttons his pants before walking out of the restroom.'		
 				gs 'cum_call', 'legs', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/ride.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'You approach Niko then place your hand on his crotch, as you say, "I want to ride your cock, so why don''t you make yourself comfortable?" Niko''s eyes light up as he replies, "You really are a naughty little minx, aren''t you?" Niko then unbuttons his pants then sits on top of a nearby toilet. You quickly undress, before approaching Niko''s hard penis before aliening it with your vagina then pushing Niko''s dick inside you. Niko begins lightly moaning as you begin riding his hard cock. You begin moaning with NIko, feeling only his hard penis, pushing its way deeper inside you.'
+		'You approach Niko then place your hand on his crotch as you say, "I want to ride your cock, so why don''t you make yourself comfortable?" Niko''s eyes light up as he replies, "You really are a naughty little minx, aren''t you?" Niko then unbuttons his pants then sits on top of a nearby toilet. You quickly undress, before approaching Niko''s hard penis before aliening it with your vagina then pushing Niko''s dick inside you. Niko begins lightly moaning as you begin riding his hard cock. You begin moaning with NIko, feeling only his hard penis, pushing its way deeper inside you.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/sex/bimbo.boy1,7.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You begin riding his hard cock while closing your eyes, and focusing on the pleasure building up inside of you. Niko begins spanking your ass while saying to you, "You really seem to be getting the hang of this <<$pcs_nickname>>. Good girl." Niko begins breathing heavier for a few seconds before his breath stops, as Niko pushes you forward then pulls out of you, covering your ass with his seed. You let out a needed moan, as Niko seed covers your lower back. Niko finishes milking himself on your ass when he says, "You are getting better. Well you are all payed up for today. See you next time." Niko then smacks your ass before buttoning his pants then leaving the restroom.'		
+			'You begin riding his hard cock while closing your eyes and focusing on the pleasure building up inside of you. Niko begins spanking your ass while saying to you, "You really seem to be getting the hang of this <<$pcs_nickname>>. Good girl." Niko begins breathing heavier for a few seconds before his breath stops as Niko pushes you forward then pulls out of you, covering your ass with his seed. You let out a needed moan as Niko seed covers your lower back. Niko finishes milking himself on your ass when he says, "You are getting better. Well you are all payed up for today. See you next time." Niko then smacks your ass before buttoning his pants then leaving the restroom.'		
 			gs 'cum_call', 'butt', $boy
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/bathroom/voyanal.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'You lean forward then whisper in Niko''s ear, "I want you to fuck my ass." Niko''s eyes light up, as he replies, "I always knew that you were a wild girl. Let''s do this." He then gives your ass a firm smack, as he begins wetting his hand in the sink then lubing up his dick. You pulls down your pants then bend over, getting yourself ready for Niko. You close your eyes, and focus on Niko''s dick firmly pushing its way inside of your ass, evoking moans from you and Niko both.'
+		'You lean forward then whisper in Niko''s ear, "I want you to fuck my ass." Niko''s eyes light up as he replies, "I always knew that you were a wild girl. Let''s do this." He then gives your ass a firm smack as he begins wetting his hand in the sink then lubing up his dick. You pulls down your pants then bend over, getting yourself ready for Niko. You close your eyes and focus on Niko''s dick firmly pushing its way inside of your ass, evoking moans from you and Niko both.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/anal1.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'Niko begins thrusting his dick deeper in your ass, as you lift your leg up, placing it on the nearby toilet seat, givng Niko better access. You continue staring into Niko''s eyes when they suddenly squint. Niko groans as he begins pumping your ass with his warm seed.' 
+			'Niko begins thrusting his dick deeper in your ass as you lift your leg up, placing it on the nearby toilet seat, givng Niko better access. You continue staring into Niko''s eyes when they suddenly squint. Niko groans as he begins pumping your ass with his warm seed.' 
 			'You can feel his penis throbbing inside of you, filling you with a pleasant warmth. Niko catches his breath before saying, "You did good today. Keep it up." Niko smacks your ass before buttoning his pants then leaving the restroom.'	
 			gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy
@@ -306,17 +306,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 	if VK = 1:
 		'After you are fully undressed, Niko says, "It''s time for you to put that mouth of yours to good use. Suck my fucking dick bitch!" Niko pulls down his pants then presses the tip of his penis against your lips.'
 	elseif VK = 2:
-		'After you are fully undressed, Niko says, "Today you will be my little pee slut, understand?" You lower your head, and nod, as Niko pulls down his pants then says, "Open your mouth and say ahh."'
+		'After you are fully undressed, Niko says, "Today you will be my little pee slut, understand?" You lower your head and nod as Niko pulls down his pants then says, "Open your mouth and say ahh."'
 	elseif VK = 3 and pcs_vag = 0 or VK = 4 and pcs_vag = 0:
-		'After you are fully undressed, Niko says, "I''m gonna fuck your pussy today, so spread those legs!" You quickly reply, "But I can''t...I''m...I''m a virgin." Niko''s eyes light up. "Really? Today really is my lucky day. I get to fuck a virgin, and take your innocence from you at the same time." You recoil in shock. "Please no! Why would you want take that from me?" Niko replies, "Because it will make you sad, that''s why. Now get over to the sink then spread those fucking legs of yours, or I will!"'
+		'After you are fully undressed, Niko says, "I''m gonna fuck your pussy today, so spread those legs!" You quickly reply, "But I can''t...I''m...I''m a virgin." Niko''s eyes light up. "Really? Today really is my lucky day. I get to fuck a virgin and take your innocence from you at the same time." You recoil in shock. "Please no! Why would you want take that from me?" Niko replies, "Because it will make you sad, that''s why. Now get over to the sink then spread those fucking legs of yours, or I will!"'
 	elseif VK = 3:
 		'After you are fully undressed, Niko says, "I''m gonna fuck your pussy today, so spread those legs!"'		
 	elseif VK = 4:
 		'After you are fully undressed, Niko says, "You will be riding my dick today, so get over here." You meekly nod as you approach him. Niko unbuttons his pants then grabs you then turns you around before wrapping his hand around your neck, pulling you onto his dick.'
 	elseif VK = 5:
-		'After you are fully undressed, Niko says, "I want to fuck your ass, so spread those cheeks of yours." You meekly nod before bending over and spreading your cheeks, as NIko approaches you while unbuttoning his pants.'
+		'After you are fully undressed, Niko says, "I want to fuck your ass, so spread those cheeks of yours." You meekly nod before bending over and spreading your cheeks as NIko approaches you while unbuttoning his pants.'
 	elseif VK = 6:
-		'After you are fully undressed, Niko says, "I''m fucking your ass, now get over here bitch!" Niko grabs you by your hair then pulls you toward the urinal then shoves your head in it, as he unbuttons his pants.'	
+		'After you are fully undressed, Niko says, "I''m fucking your ass, now get over here bitch!" Niko grabs you by your hair then pulls you toward the urinal then shoves your head in it as he unbuttons his pants.'	
 	if VK = 1:
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/bj3.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You wrap your lips around Niko'' penis then begin sucking it firmly. Niko looks down to you then spits on your face before saying, "You are my fucking bitch! Don''t you ever forget that." You continue sucking his dick while trying to ignore Niko, as he occasionally spits in your face.'		
+			'You wrap your lips around Niko'' penis then begin sucking it firmly. Niko looks down to you then spits on your face before saying, "You are my fucking bitch! Don''t you ever forget that." You continue sucking his dick while trying to ignore Niko as he occasionally spits in your face.'		
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -347,13 +347,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/piss1.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You open your mouth and close your eyes, waiting for Niko to start. A few seconds later you feel warm liquid spraying in your face, filling your mouth, and getting in your nose. Niko shouts, "SWALLOW IT ALL BITCH!" You try your best not to gag, as you attempt to swallow all of him bitter tasting urine. You can''t keep your self from gagging as Niko continues shooting his urine down your throat. Niko suddenly rubs his penis against your lips before shoving it into your mouth.'			
+			'You open your mouth and close your eyes, waiting for Niko to start. A few seconds later you feel warm liquid spraying in your face, filling your mouth and getting in your nose. Niko shouts, "SWALLOW IT ALL BITCH!" You try your best not to gag as you attempt to swallow all of him bitter tasting urine. You can''t keep your self from gagging as Niko continues shooting his urine down your throat. Niko suddenly rubs his penis against your lips before shoving it into your mouth.'			
 			gs 'arousal', 'pee', -5, 'sub', 'humiliation'
 			act 'Suck Niko''s dick':	
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow3.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You know exactly what he want, and begin sucking Niko''s dick, trying your best to get him off as quickly as possible, knowing that the sooner he finishes, the sooner you can wash up and leave. You lick and suck Niko''s dick while trying your best to ignore the rotten taste in your mouth and the mildly burning of Niko''s urine on your face. Niko looks down to you then says, "There you go <<$pcs_firstname>>. Keep behaving like this, and we will get along just fine." He then tilts his head back and begins moaning. Niko suddenly grabs the back of your head, and begin filling your throat with his warm cum, as you try your best to swallow every drop of it. After Niko finishes, he turn to you and says, "You are learning, Good keep it up." Niko then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
+				'You know exactly what he want and begin sucking Niko''s dick, trying your best to get him off as quickly as possible, knowing that the sooner he finishes, the sooner you can wash up and leave. You lick and suck Niko''s dick while trying your best to ignore the rotten taste in your mouth and the mildly burning of Niko''s urine on your face. Niko looks down to you then says, "There you go <<$pcs_firstname>>. Keep behaving like this and we will get along just fine." He then tilts his head back and begins moaning. Niko suddenly grabs the back of your head and begin filling your throat with his warm cum as you try your best to swallow every drop of it. After Niko finishes, he turn to you and says, "You are learning, Good keep it up." Niko then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/bathroom/voyvag.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You slowly approach the sink then spread your legs, as Niko approaches behind you. You can feel tears streaming down your face, as Niko drops his pants then rubs his penis against your vagina before forcing it inside, causing a powerful jolt of pain to fill your vagina. Niko waste no time, and begin thrusting his penis inside you very roughly, as he whispers in your ear, "Oops there goes your virginity. How does it feel to be a real woman?" You lower your head in silence while trying to focus on anything, but the pain.'		
+			'You slowly approach the sink then spread your legs as Niko approaches behind you. You can feel tears streaming down your face as Niko drops his pants then rubs his penis against your vagina before forcing it inside, causing a powerful jolt of pain to fill your vagina. Niko waste no time and begin thrusting his penis inside you very roughly as he whispers in your ear, "Oops there goes your virginity. How does it feel to be a real woman?" You lower your head in silence while trying to focus on anything, but the pain.'		
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 				if pcs_vag = 0:pcs_vag += 1
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/virgin.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'Niko quickly increases the pace of his thrusts, fucking you harder, as you close your eyes, waiting for it to be over. Niko''s breathing hastens before stopping, as he pulls out of you then begins spraying his warm seed over your ass. You wait for Niko to finish milking his penis on your ass before asking, "May I please go now?" Niko catches his breath before replying, "Yeah sure. You''re all payed up for today." You quickly grab a few paper towels then clean the blood off of your legs before grabbing your clothes, and getting dressed. After you are fully dressed, you quickly run out of the boys restroom.'
+				'Niko quickly increases the pace of his thrusts, fucking you harder as you close your eyes, waiting for it to be over. Niko''s breathing hastens before stopping as he pulls out of you then begins spraying his warm seed over your ass. You wait for Niko to finish milking his penis on your ass before asking, "May I please go now?" Niko catches his breath before replying, "Yeah sure. You''re all payed up for today." You quickly grab a few paper towels then clean the blood off of your legs before grabbing your clothes and getting dressed. After you are fully dressed, you quickly run out of the boys restroom.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'butt', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/vaginal1.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You slowly approach the sink then spread your legs, as Niko approaches behind you. You can feel Niko''s penis pressing against your vagina before he shoves it inside, evoking a moan from you, feeling his dick rapidly entering you. Niko whispers in your ear, "You like it when I shove my dick inside you, don''t you <<$pcs_nickname>>?"'
+			'You slowly approach the sink then spread your legs as Niko approaches behind you. You can feel Niko''s penis pressing against your vagina before he shoves it inside, evoking a moan from you, feeling his dick rapidly entering you. Niko whispers in your ear, "You like it when I shove my dick inside you, don''t you <<$pcs_nickname>>?"'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/vaginal2.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You turn to Niko, as he points toward the mirror and says, "Look in that mirror. Do you know what you see? A filthy whore, getting what she deserves. Get used to that sight." You do as he says, as you feel, and see tears running down your cheeks. Watching you in tears must have pushed Niko to the edge, as he pulls out of you then begins covering your back with his warm seed. After Niko milks his penis on your back, he says, "Remember your place <<$pcs_firstname>>, and never try to avoid me again." He then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
+				'You turn to Niko as he points toward the mirror and says, "Look in that mirror. Do you know what you see? A filthy whore, getting what she deserves. Get used to that sight." You do as he says as you feel and see tears running down your cheeks. Watching you in tears must have pushed Niko to the edge as he pulls out of you then begins covering your back with his warm seed. After Niko milks his penis on your back, he says, "Remember your place <<$pcs_firstname>> and never try to avoid me again." He then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'butt', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/vaginal1.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You can feel Niko penis pushing its way inside of your vagina, causing a jolt of pleasure to fill you. Niko continues fucking you as he leans forward, and whispers in your ear. "Who do you belong to bitch?" Knowing better than to anger Niko, you reluctantly reply, "I belong to you Niko." Niko chuckles as he responds, "Yes you do, and never forget it." Niko wraps one of his arms around your stomach, and the other on your leg then lifts you up.'
+			'You can feel Niko penis pushing its way inside of your vagina, causing a jolt of pleasure to fill you. Niko continues fucking you as he leans forward and whispers in your ear. "Who do you belong to bitch?" Knowing better than to anger Niko, you reluctantly reply, "I belong to you Niko." Niko chuckles as he responds, "Yes you do and never forget it." Niko wraps one of his arms around your stomach and the other on your leg then lifts you up.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/thighs.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'Niko continues fucking you as he keeps you off the ground. You can''t help but feel somewhat impressed at his strength, as he holds you up. You can hear Niko whispering in your ear. "How are you liking your fucking?" You look back at him then nod which seems to turn him on ,as he begins breathing faster. Niko''s breath suddenly stops as he pulls his dick out of you then begins rubbing his dick between your legs, milking his penis on the floor in front of you. After Niko finishes, you turn to him then ask, "Are you satisfied Niko? May I leave now?" Niko gives your ass a firm smack as he replies, "You can go now, but never forget that you belong to me." You quickly pick up your clothes then get dressed before leaving the boys restroom.'
+				'Niko continues fucking you as he keeps you off the ground. You can''t help but feel somewhat impressed at his strength as he holds you up. You can hear Niko whispering in your ear. "How are you liking your fucking?" You look back at him then nod which seems to turn him on ,as he begins breathing faster. Niko''s breath suddenly stops as he pulls his dick out of you then begins rubbing his dick between your legs, milking his penis on the floor in front of you. After Niko finishes, you turn to him then ask, "Are you satisfied Niko? May I leave now?" Niko gives your ass a firm smack as he replies, "You can go now, but never forget that you belong to me." You quickly pick up your clothes then get dressed before leaving the boys restroom.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/bathroom/voyanal.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You feel Niko''s penis pressing against your anus then feel him suddenly force it inside you, evoking a groan of pain to escape you. Niko wastes no time, as he begins fucking your ass roughly. You let out a few groans of pain, as Niko continues fucking your ass before leaning forward then whispering in your ear. "How does it feel to know that you belong to me?" You look back at him in silence, not knowing what he wants you to say. Niko grins as he smacks your ass firmly.'
+			'You feel Niko''s penis pressing against your anus then feel him suddenly force it inside you, evoking a groan of pain to escape you. Niko wastes no time as he begins fucking your ass roughly. You let out a few groans of pain as Niko continues fucking your ass before leaning forward then whispering in your ear. "How does it feel to know that you belong to me?" You look back at him in silence, not knowing what he wants you to say. Niko grins as he smacks your ass firmly.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/anal1.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'Knowing that the faster Niko cums, the quicker this torment will be over, turn to face Niko then stare into his eyes. Niko begins struggling to hold back from cumming then begins groaning, filling up your ass with his warm seed. You focus on the throbbing of his hard penis in your ass, filling you with his warm cum. After Niko finishes, he pulls out of you, causing a stream of cum to leak out of your ass, and onto the floor. Niko then says, "You did good <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''ll see you tomorrow." You then gather your clothes, and get dressed before leaving the boys restroom.'
+				'Knowing that the faster Niko cums, the quicker this torment will be over, turn to face Niko then stare into his eyes. Niko begins struggling to hold back from cumming then begins groaning, filling up your ass with his warm seed. You focus on the throbbing of his hard penis in your ass, filling you with his warm cum. After Niko finishes, he pulls out of you, causing a stream of cum to leak out of your ass and onto the floor. Niko then says, "You did good <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''ll see you tomorrow." You then gather your clothes and get dressed before leaving the boys restroom.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/anal2.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You look back at Niko, as he pushes his penis inside you, causing a sharp pain to fill your ass, evoking a groan from you, as you hold onto the bottom of the urinal. You can only feel the pain building up in your ass, as Niko continues roughly fucking you. Niko leans forward and grabs onto your hair, as he says, "You really shouldn''t have tried to avoid me bitch. This could have been quick and painless, but you had to piss me off."'
+			'You look back at Niko as he pushes his penis inside you, causing a sharp pain to fill your ass, evoking a groan from you as you hold onto the bottom of the urinal. You can only feel the pain building up in your ass as Niko continues roughly fucking you. Niko leans forward and grabs onto your hair as he says, "You really shouldn''t have tried to avoid me bitch. This could have been quick and painless, but you had to piss me off."'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -468,9 +468,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/anal3.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'Niko suddenly lifts you up by your hair then pulls you toward one of the stalls before shoving your head into the toilet. You hold your breath as the water covers your face, hoping that Niko lets you out to breath soon. Niko pulls you out of the toilet for a few seconds to catch your breath before shoving you back in. All you can think about is not drowning, even as your anus is growing sore from Niko hard penis ramming inside. After a few more seconds, Niko suddenly pulls you out of the toilet, as he begins groaning, filling your ass with his warm seed.' 
+				'Niko suddenly lifts you up by your hair then pulls you toward one of the stalls before shoving your head into the toilet. You hold your breath as the water covers your face, hoping that Niko lets you out to breath soon. Niko pulls you out of the toilet for a few seconds to catch your breath before shoving you back in. All you can think about is not drowning, even as your anus is growing sore from Niko hard penis ramming inside. After a few more seconds, Niko suddenly pulls you out of the toilet as he begins groaning, filling your ass with his warm seed.' 
-				'Niko continues thrusting his penis inside you, milking it completely. After Niko finishes, he says, "Now hopefully you''ve learned your lesson, and won''t try to avoid me again." You turn to him then meekly nod, as he buttons his pants then leaves the restroom while you remain to catch your breath.'
+				'Niko continues thrusting his penis inside you, milking it completely. After Niko finishes, he says, "Now hopefully you''ve learned your lesson and won''t try to avoid me again." You turn to him then meekly nod as he buttons his pants then leaves the restroom while you remain to catch your breath.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -492,14 +492,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Help':
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/console1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You move toward Fedor then wrap your arms around him as you say, "Fyodor I...I need your help." Fedor gently rubs your back, as he responds, "Please <<$pcs_firstname>>, tell me what''s wrong." You can feel tears streaming down your face, as you reply, "Nikolai Volkov has been bullying me at lunch everyday. Please make him stop." Fedor clenches his fist, "That little gopnik shit! I will make him pay. Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>> the next time he tries I will bash his face in!"'
+	'You move toward Fedor then wrap your arms around him as you say, "Fyodor I...I need your help." Fedor gently rubs your back as he responds, "Please <<$pcs_firstname>>, tell me what''s wrong." You can feel tears streaming down your face as you reply, "Nikolai Volkov has been bullying me at lunch everyday. Please make him stop." Fedor clenches his fist, "That little gopnik shit! I will make him pay. Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>> the next time he tries I will bash his face in!"'
 	act 'Thank Fedor':
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/console2.jpg"></center>'		
-		'You quickly look up to Fedor then give him a passionate kiss before saying, "Thank you Fyodor, I always feel so safe with you." Fedor wipes your tears as he responds, "You will always be safe with me, and I will make sure that gopnik punk finds out the hard way what happens when someone fucks with you." You then reply, "Thank you Fyodor." before hearing the school bell. Fedor says, "Well it''s time for class. Don''t forget that i will always keep you safe." You give Fedor a loving smile before walking toward your next class.'
+		'You quickly look up to Fedor then give him a passionate kiss before saying, "Thank you Fyodor, I always feel so safe with you." Fedor wipes your tears as he responds, "You will always be safe with me and I will make sure that gopnik punk finds out the hard way what happens when someone fucks with you." You then reply, "Thank you Fyodor." before hearing the school bell. Fedor says, "Well it''s time for class. Don''t forget that i will always keep you safe." You give Fedor a loving smile before walking toward your next class.'
 		act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Help 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You approach Niko, and a confident grin covers his face, as he says, "You showed up? Good. How will you be paying today?" You reply, "I...I want you to leave me alone." Niko chuckles as he replies, "Well that''s not up to you now is it? For wasting my time, you will be paying me in both, money and pleasure. Now let''s get moving." Niko grabs your hand then begins pulling you into the restroom...'
+	'You approach Niko and a confident grin covers his face as he says, "You showed up? Good. How will you be paying today?" You reply, "I...I want you to leave me alone." Niko chuckles as he replies, "Well that''s not up to you now is it? For wasting my time, you will be paying me in both, money and pleasure. Now let''s get moving." Niko grabs your hand then begins pulling you into the restroom...'
 	act 'Continue':	
 		*clr & cla
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Help 2':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big5.jpg"></center>'
-		'After turning the corner, Niko suddenly recoils back, as Fedor''s fist makes contact, causing Niko to drop to the ground, holding his face. Fedor shouts, "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH <<$pcs_firstname>>! I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT HAPPENS WITH SHITHEADS LIKE YOU." Fedor begins punching Niko as he tries to block the blows. Suddenly Fedor gets tackled.'		
+		'After turning the corner, Niko suddenly recoils back as Fedor''s fist makes contact, causing Niko to drop to the ground, holding his face. Fedor shouts, "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH <<$pcs_firstname>>! I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT HAPPENS WITH SHITHEADS LIKE YOU." Fedor begins punching Niko as he tries to block the blows. Suddenly Fedor gets tackled.'		
 		act 'Turn to Fedor':	
 			*clr & cla
@@ -537,14 +537,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Help 2':
 				'<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Ivan Prokhorov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big3.jpg"></center>'
-				'You turn to see Ivan Prokhorov standing over Niko. Ivan immediately rushes toward Roman, grabbing him by his arms then lifting him up before slamming him onto the ground. "Teaming up on my friend, and his girl? Not on my watch." Ivan then helps Fedor up before lifting up his foot then driving it into Roman''s face. Fedor takes a second to recover before immediately climbing on Niko then repeatedly punching him. After a few punches, Ivan pulls Fedor off then says, "Come on man, it''s done."'
+				'You turn to see Ivan Prokhorov standing over Niko. Ivan immediately rushes toward Roman, grabbing him by his arms then lifting him up before slamming him onto the ground. "Teaming up on my friend and his girl? Not on my watch." Ivan then helps Fedor up before lifting up his foot then driving it into Roman''s face. Fedor takes a second to recover before immediately climbing on Niko then repeatedly punching him. After a few punches, Ivan pulls Fedor off then says, "Come on man, it''s done."'
 				act 'Place your hand on Fedor''s shoulder':
 					*clr & cla
 					minut += 1
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/console1.jpg"></center>'
-					'Fedor takes a few seconds to catch his breath before asking you, "Are you alright <<$pcs_firstname>>? You took quite a hit there." You quickly hug Fedor, as you reply, "I''m great, thanks to you two." Ivan replies, "It was nothing special. I just won''t let punks like them, hurt my friends." Fedor wraps his arms around you then says, "This is the last time that punk will ever hurt you. You are safe." You return the hug then hear the class bell, signaling the beginning of class. Fedor takes your hand then leads you toward you next class. While Ivan stays behind to "Chat" with Niko and Roman.'
+					'Fedor takes a few seconds to catch his breath before asking you, "Are you alright <<$pcs_firstname>>? You took quite a hit there." You quickly hug Fedor as you reply, "I''m great, thanks to you two." Ivan replies, "It was nothing special. I just won''t let punks like them, hurt my friends." Fedor wraps his arms around you then says, "This is the last time that punk will ever hurt you. You are safe." You return the hug then hear the class bell, signaling the beginning of class. Fedor takes your hand then leads you toward you next class. While Ivan stays behind to "Chat" with Niko and Roman.'
 					act 'Return to the hallway':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fyodor Help':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You approach Niko, and a confident grin covers his face, as he says, "You showed up? Good. How will you be paying today?" You reply, "I...I want you to leave me alone." Niko chuckles as he replies, "Well that''s not up to you now is it? For wasting my time, you will be paying me in both, money and pleasure. Now let''s get moving." Niko grabs your hand then begins pulling you into the restroom...'
+	'You approach Niko and a confident grin covers his face as he says, "You showed up? Good. How will you be paying today?" You reply, "I...I want you to leave me alone." Niko chuckles as he replies, "Well that''s not up to you now is it? For wasting my time, you will be paying me in both, money and pleasure. Now let''s get moving." Niko grabs your hand then begins pulling you into the restroom...'
 	act 'Continue':	
 		*clr & cla
@@ -569,14 +569,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fyodor Help':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/fight/down.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you reach the restroom, Niko tosses you to the ground then approaches you when suddenly, Fedor quickly walks into the room, and punches Niko in his face, knocking him to the ground before climbing on him, and punching him repeatedly. After a few punches Niko says, "Whoa chill out man, <<$pcs_firstname>> and I were just playing a game. Do you see? She is laughing right now." Fedor turns to you just as Niko winds up his fist, ramming it into Fedor''s face before quickly pushing Fedor off of him then running to the door. You quickly grab Niko''s shirt turning him to you before scratching him in his face then pushing him onto the ground, giving Fedor enough time to recover then climb on top of Niko again, punching him in the face.'	
+		'As you reach the restroom, Niko tosses you to the ground then approaches you when suddenly, Fedor quickly walks into the room and punches Niko in his face, knocking him to the ground before climbing on him and punching him repeatedly. After a few punches Niko says, "Whoa chill out man, <<$pcs_firstname>> and I were just playing a game. Do you see? She is laughing right now." Fedor turns to you just as Niko winds up his fist, ramming it into Fedor''s face before quickly pushing Fedor off of him then running to the door. You quickly grab Niko''s shirt turning him to you before scratching him in his face then pushing him onto the ground, giving Fedor enough time to recover then climb on top of Niko again, punching him in the face.'	
 		act 'Enjoy the show':	
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 2
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/console2.jpg"></center>'
-			'You watch in satisfaction at Niko getting what he deserves, for a few seconds before Fedor finally calms down then climbs off of Niko then walks up to you, and wraps his arms around you before asking, "Are you alright? He didn''t hurt you did he?" You reply, "No but I did enjoy you hurting him." Fedor chuckles, "Anyone who messes with you, wil share the same treatment.." You lean forward then give Fedor a passionate kiss which lasts for almost a full minute. After the kiss, Fedor says, "You should get back to recess before you miss it. I will have a chat with NIko. Go on, enjoy your recess." You give Fedor a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the restroom.'
+			'You watch in satisfaction at Niko getting what he deserves, for a few seconds before Fedor finally calms down then climbs off of Niko then walks up to you and wraps his arms around you before asking, "Are you alright? He didn''t hurt you did he?" You reply, "No but I did enjoy you hurting him." Fedor chuckles, "Anyone who messes with you, wil share the same treatment.." You lean forward then give Fedor a passionate kiss which lasts for almost a full minute. After the kiss, Fedor says, "You should get back to recess before you miss it. I will have a chat with NIko. Go on, enjoy your recess." You give Fedor a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the restroom.'
 			act 'Return to the hallway':gt 'gschool_lunch', 'break'
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Ivan Help':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Ivan Prokhorov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/ivan/sad1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You walk up to Ivan then downcast your eyes before saying, "Ivan I need your help...I..." Ivan''s face saddens, as he wraps his arms around you. "What''s wrong <<$pcs_firstname>>? You can tell me."'
+	'You walk up to Ivan then downcast your eyes before saying, "Ivan I need your help...I..." Ivan''s face saddens as he wraps his arms around you. "What''s wrong <<$pcs_firstname>>? You can tell me."'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/ivan/hug1.jpg"></center>'	
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Ivan Help':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Ivan Prokhorov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/ivan/angry1.jpg"></center>'
-		'You try to collect your thoughts before saying, "Ever since I broke up with Niko, he has been raping me at lunchtime and I..." Ivan agrily slams one of the lockers, as he says, "That slimy little shit! This will not continue <<$pcs_firstname>>, I will put an end to it. You don''t need to worry. I will end this." You wrap your arms around Ivan then say, "Thank you so much. I didn''t know what to do." Ivan replies, "That kind of shit is unacceptable. You will be safe again, I promise you that." You give Ivan a soft kiss on the cheek then walk away while he angrily begins cracking his knuckles.'			
+		'You try to collect your thoughts before saying, "Ever since I broke up with Niko, he has been raping me at lunchtime and I..." Ivan agrily slams one of the lockers as he says, "That slimy little shit! This will not continue <<$pcs_firstname>>, I will put an end to it. You don''t need to worry. I will end this." You wrap your arms around Ivan then say, "Thank you so much. I didn''t know what to do." Ivan replies, "That kind of shit is unacceptable. You will be safe again, I promise you that." You give Ivan a soft kiss on the cheek then walk away while he angrily begins cracking his knuckles.'			
 		act 'Return to the hallway':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -612,14 +612,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Ivan Help 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile2.jpg"></center>'	
-	'You approach Niko, and a confident grin covers his face, as he says, "You showed up? Goo..." Niko quickly pauses when he notices Ivan approaching. Ivan drives his fist into Niko''s stomach then says, "I hear that you have been giving <<$pcs_firstname>> a hard time. Allow me to return the favor." Ivan then begins chocking Niko, as Niko tries to squirm out of Ivan steel grasp. After a few seconds, Ivan releases Niko, causing Niko to drop to the ground. Ivan stands over Niko and says, "That was a warning. Give <<$pcs_firstname>> a hard time again, and I won''t hold back."'
+	'You approach Niko and a confident grin covers his face as he says, "You showed up? Goo..." Niko quickly pauses when he notices Ivan approaching. Ivan drives his fist into Niko''s stomach then says, "I hear that you have been giving <<$pcs_firstname>> a hard time. Allow me to return the favor." Ivan then begins chocking Niko as Niko tries to squirm out of Ivan steel grasp. After a few seconds, Ivan releases Niko, causing Niko to drop to the ground. Ivan stands over Niko and says, "That was a warning. Give <<$pcs_firstname>> a hard time again and I won''t hold back."'
 	act 'Continue':
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 2
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/ivan/hug1.jpg"></center>'
-		'Niko quickly nods, obviously frightened of Ivan. Ivan then gives you a hug as he says, "You''ll be fine now. If he bothers you again then let me know, and I will set him straight." You gratefully nod, as Ivan turns around then walks away. You turn around to leave when you notice Vitek walking up to Niko then lightly places his foot on his back, as he says, "I always told you that your big mouth would get you into trouble." Vitek then steps off of Niko then laughs, as he walks away.'		
+		'Niko quickly nods, obviously frightened of Ivan. Ivan then gives you a hug as he says, "You''ll be fine now. If he bothers you again then let me know and I will set him straight." You gratefully nod as Ivan turns around then walks away. You turn around to leave when you notice Vitek walking up to Niko then lightly places his foot on his back as he says, "I always told you that your big mouth would get you into trouble." Vitek then steps off of Niko then laughs as he walks away.'		
 		act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lunch', 'break'
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Help':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Viktor [Vitek] Kotov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big9.jpg"></center>'
-	'You say to Vitek, "Um Viktor I need..." Dan unintentionally cuts you off, "Oh yeah, have you guys seen that big breasted bitch handing out freebies by..." Vitek says, "Hold that thought. <<$pcs_nickname>> we''re having guy talk right now, you and I can chat later." You try add, "But I really need..." Vasily suddenly intentionally falls to the ground then says, "You need to cheer up, you look so glum. Here, I will tell you a joke rated everyone..." Dan adds, "You mean rated immature, right?" The guys begin laughing, as you get more agitated at them ignoring you.'
+	'You say to Vitek, "Um Viktor I need..." Dan unintentionally cuts you off, "Oh yeah, have you guys seen that big breasted bitch handing out freebies by..." Vitek says, "Hold that thought. <<$pcs_nickname>> we''re having guy talk right now, you and I can chat later." You try add, "But I really need..." Vasily suddenly intentionally falls to the ground then says, "You need to cheer up, you look so glum. Here, I will tell you a joke rated everyone..." Dan adds, "You mean rated immature, right?" The guys begin laughing as you get more agitated at them ignoring you.'
 	act 'Scream out':	
 		*clr & cla
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Help':
 			minut += 5
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/kiss3.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'Vitek continuously kicks Niko in the ribs, as Vasily joins him while saying, "We''ll show you what happens to those who fuck with <<$pcs_firstname>>." After a few minutes, Vitek takes a few seconds to catch his breath before approaching you, wrapping his arms around you, and saying, "I''m sorry that I didn''t listen to you, but don''t worry, I will make this sack of shit pay for touching you. You shouldn''t stick around for this. Go on, and I''ll see you later." You lean forward, and give Vitek a passionate kiss before saying, "Thank you Viktor. I always feel so safe with you." Vitek gives you ass a light smack before responding, "You know it <<$pcs_nickname>>. Now get going, I have some business to finish here." You happily nod before leaving the restroom.'	
+			'Vitek continuously kicks Niko in the ribs as Vasily joins him while saying, "We''ll show you what happens to those who fuck with <<$pcs_firstname>>." After a few minutes, Vitek takes a few seconds to catch his breath before approaching you, wrapping his arms around you and saying, "I''m sorry that I didn''t listen to you, but don''t worry, I will make this sack of shit pay for touching you. You shouldn''t stick around for this. Go on and I''ll see you later." You lean forward and give Vitek a passionate kiss before saying, "Thank you Viktor. I always feel so safe with you." Vitek gives you ass a light smack before responding, "You know it <<$pcs_nickname>>. Now get going, I have some business to finish here." You happily nod before leaving the restroom.'	
 			act 'Continue toward the hallway':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -663,15 +663,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Help 2':
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/sad2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You approach Vitek and he says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, want a drink?" You reply, "I need to ask for your help, Niko has been raping me at lunch and..." Vitek''s eyes widen as he says, "He did what?" You remain quite, as you feel tears dripping down your cheek. Vitek tosses his bottle to the ground, causing a loud shatter which draws everyone in the discos attention. Vitek angrily walks over the broken glass, as he approaches Niko. Niko suddenly asks, "Whoa what''s going on?" Vitek replies, "You have been fucking with my girl?"'
+	'You approach Vitek and he says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, want a drink?" You reply, "I need to ask for your help, Niko has been raping me at lunch and..." Vitek''s eyes widen as he says, "He did what?" You remain quite as you feel tears dripping down your cheek. Vitek tosses his bottle to the ground, causing a loud shatter which draws everyone in the discos attention. Vitek angrily walks over the broken glass as he approaches Niko. Niko suddenly asks, "Whoa what''s going on?" Vitek replies, "You have been fucking with my girl?"'
 	act 'Continue':	
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/fight/down.jpg"></center>'
-		'Niko immediately tries to run away when Vasily drives his fist into Niko''s face before saying, "You don''t fuck with <<$pcs_nickname>> without dealing with us." You can feel your heart warming up, as you realize how safe you are with Vitek, and Vasily around. Niko continuously tries to crawl away, but is grabbed by Vitek, who lifts him up then slams him onto the ground before climbing on top of him then repeatedly punching him in the face. Vasily approaches you then says, "You are safe now <<$pcs_firstname>>. We will make sure that Niko never touches you again."' 
+		'Niko immediately tries to run away when Vasily drives his fist into Niko''s face before saying, "You don''t fuck with <<$pcs_nickname>> without dealing with us." You can feel your heart warming up as you realize how safe you are with Vitek and Vasily around. Niko continuously tries to crawl away, but is grabbed by Vitek, who lifts him up then slams him onto the ground before climbing on top of him then repeatedly punching him in the face. Vasily approaches you then says, "You are safe now <<$pcs_firstname>>. We will make sure that Niko never touches you again."' 
-		'You give Vasily a hug as you respond, "Thank you all so much for your help. You''re the best." Vasily gives you a pat on the back before saying, "You don''t need to thank us. It''s a mans job to keep girls safe. Here have a drink on me." Vasily hands you a bottle of beer then turns back around to join Vitek, and Dan in beating Niko.'		
+		'You give Vasily a hug as you respond, "Thank you all so much for your help. You''re the best." Vasily gives you a pat on the back before saying, "You don''t need to thank us. It''s a mans job to keep girls safe. Here have a drink on me." Vasily hands you a bottle of beer then turns back around to join Vitek and Dan in beating Niko.'		
 		act 'Walk away':gt 'gdkin'
 		act 'Have a drink then walk away': gs 'drugs', 'alcohol', 'beer' & gt 'gdkin'

+ 97 - 97

@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 1':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/1/bj1.jpg"></center>'
-		'You walk up in front of the man then get down on your knees in front of him. You look him in the eyes, as you wrap your lips around his dick, noticing the look of pleasure on his face, as he looks down at you. The biker continuously gives you complements, as you suck his dick.'
+		'You walk up in front of the man then get down on your knees in front of him. You look him in the eyes as you wrap your lips around his dick, noticing the look of pleasure on his face as he looks down at you. The biker continuously gives you complements as you suck his dick.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dom'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'On your face':
@@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 1':
 			'You are so good at that <<$NikoSlutName>>, keep going.'
 			'Such a beautiful girl, just like that.'
 			'Your tongue is so soft.'
-			'After a few minutes, the man looks down to you, and says, "I''m about to cum. Get ready."'
+			'After a few minutes, the man looks down to you and says, "I''m about to cum. Get ready."'
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dom'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'On your face':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/1/bjcum1.jpg"></center>'
-				'You pull his dick out of your mouth then smile, as you watch him jerking his penis in front of your face then suddenly begins shooting cum all over your face, as you close your eyes, enjoying the warmth of his hot cum; pouring on your face. After the man is finished, he looks down to you, and says, "You are so good at that." He then puts his pants back on, and leaves the restroom.'
+				'You pull his dick out of your mouth then smile as you watch him jerking his penis in front of your face then suddenly begins shooting cum all over your face as you close your eyes, enjoying the warmth of his hot cum; pouring on your face. After the man is finished, he looks down to you and says, "You are so good at that." He then puts his pants back on and leaves the restroom.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'face', 'Biker'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dom'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 1':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/1/bjcum2.jpg"></center>'
-				'You continue sucking his dick, as he groans then begins cumming in your mouth. You begin swallowing every drop of the man''s cum, not wanting to disappoint hi while enjoying the creamy texture, and wamth of his cum, as it slides down your throat. After the man is finished, he looks down to you, and says, "Wow you actually swallowed it. Thank you girl, that was really sexy." He then puts his pants back on, and leaves the restroom.'
+				'You continue sucking his dick as he groans then begins cumming in your mouth. You begin swallowing every drop of the man''s cum, not wanting to disappoint hi while enjoying the creamy texture and wamth of his cum as it slides down your throat. After the man is finished, he looks down to you and says, "Wow you actually swallowed it. Thank you girl, that was really sexy." He then puts his pants back on and leaves the restroom.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'Biker'
 				gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'dom'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 1':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/1/vag1.jpg"></center>'
-		'You say to the man, "I want to ride your dick." The man''s eyes light up, as he says, "That sounds great. Let''s do it." You patiently watch him lay down on the ground then beckon you to join him. You climb on top of him while guiding his penis inside of your vagina, giving him a very sweet smile. You begin riding his dick while keeping eye contact. The man frequently moans as you continue riding his hard dick.'
+		'You say to the man, "I want to ride your dick." The man''s eyes light up as he says, "That sounds great. Let''s do it." You patiently watch him lay down on the ground then beckon you to join him. You climb on top of him while guiding his penis inside of your vagina, giving him a very sweet smile. You begin riding his dick while keeping eye contact. The man frequently moans as you continue riding his hard dick.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'dom'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 1':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/1/vag2.jpg"></center>'
-				'The man reaches out for your hands which you happily let him grab onto, and you wrap your fingers around his while looking him in his eyes which are full of love. <font color=#FF00FF>This man is so affectionate. He looks at me with such love. I may have been the first girl that he has ever had sex with. Oh the love in his eyes is so beautiful. I don''t want him to look away. Keep looking at me with those eyes, and don''t stop.</font> Feeling so turned on by his passionate eyes.'
+				'The man reaches out for your hands which you happily let him grab onto and you wrap your fingers around his while looking him in his eyes which are full of love. <font color=#FF00FF>This man is so affectionate. He looks at me with such love. I may have been the first girl that he has ever had sex with. Oh the love in his eyes is so beautiful. I don''t want him to look away. Keep looking at me with those eyes and don''t stop.</font> Feeling so turned on by his passionate eyes.'
-				'The man suddenly groans, and you feel the condom expanding, as he fills it up. You can slightly feel the warmth of the condom inside you. The man looks you in the eyes, and says, "Thank you so much <<$NikoSlutName>>. You are such a beautiful girl, and I would gladly pay you every day, for your services." The man puts his pants on then walks out of the restroom, as you follow behind.'
+				'The man suddenly groans and you feel the condom expanding as he fills it up. You can slightly feel the warmth of the condom inside you. The man looks you in the eyes and says, "Thank you so much <<$NikoSlutName>>. You are such a beautiful girl and I would gladly pay you every day, for your services." The man puts his pants on then walks out of the restroom as you follow behind.'
 				gs 'cum_call', '', 'Biker'
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'dom'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 1':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/1/vag2.jpg"></center>'
-				'The man reaches out for your hands which you happily let him grab onto, and you wrap your fingers around his while looking him in his eyes which are full of love. <font color=#FF00FF>This man is so affectionate. He looks at me with such love. I may have been the first girl that he has ever had sex with. Oh the love in his eyes is so beautiful. I don''t want him to look away. Keep looking at me with those eyes, and don''t stop.</font> Feeling so turned on by his passionate eyes.'
+				'The man reaches out for your hands which you happily let him grab onto and you wrap your fingers around his while looking him in his eyes which are full of love. <font color=#FF00FF>This man is so affectionate. He looks at me with such love. I may have been the first girl that he has ever had sex with. Oh the love in his eyes is so beautiful. I don''t want him to look away. Keep looking at me with those eyes and don''t stop.</font> Feeling so turned on by his passionate eyes.'
 				gs 'cum_call', '', 'Biker'
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'dom'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 1':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/Home/bedroom/cum/cum3.mp4"></video></center>'	
-					'The man suddenly groans, and you feel his hard penis throbbing inside you, filling up your womb with his warm seed.'
-					'The man looks you in the eyes, and says, "Thank you so much <<$NikoSlutName>>. You are such a perfect girl, and I would gladly pay you every day, for your services." The man puts his pants on then walks out of the restroom, as you follow behind.'
+					'The man suddenly groans and you feel his hard penis throbbing inside you, filling up your womb with his warm seed.'
+					'The man looks you in the eyes and says, "Thank you so much <<$NikoSlutName>>. You are such a perfect girl and I would gladly pay you every day, for your services." The man puts his pants on then walks out of the restroom as you follow behind.'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Biker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'dom'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 1':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/1/anal1.jpg"></center>'
-		'You lean over the toilet, and spit on your two fingers then use them to lubricate your anus. The man immediatly realizes what you are doing then lines up behind you then slowly inserts his penis inside of your anus, causing you to let out a low, but long lasting moan. After you anus adjusts, for this man''s penis then he begins thrusting his thick penis in your ass. The pleasure of his big dick is so intense, as it squeezes its way through your ass. The man begins moaning loudly before saying, "Holy fuck! Your ass is so tight." You can tell by his heavy breathing that he is about ready to cum.'
+		'You lean over the toilet and spit on your two fingers then use them to lubricate your anus. The man immediatly realizes what you are doing then lines up behind you then slowly inserts his penis inside of your anus, causing you to let out a low, but long lasting moan. After you anus adjusts, for this man''s penis then he begins thrusting his thick penis in your ass. The pleasure of his big dick is so intense as it squeezes its way through your ass. The man begins moaning loudly before saying, "Holy fuck! Your ass is so tight." You can tell by his heavy breathing that he is about ready to cum.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10, 'dom'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 1':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/1/anal2.jpg"></center>'
-				'You lift your leg then begin pushing the man''s dick further inside you until you hear him groan, as he begins filling the condom with his warm cum. You can feel the throbbing of his thick penis inside you, and the warmth of his cum, as it fills the condom. After the man finishes, he says, "You are so sexy. I hope you stop by this diner everyday. I will always be willing to have you again." He then puts his pants back on, and leaves the restroom.'
+				'You lift your leg then begin pushing the man''s dick further inside you until you hear him groan as he begins filling the condom with his warm cum. You can feel the throbbing of his thick penis inside you and the warmth of his cum as it fills the condom. After the man finishes, he says, "You are so sexy. I hope you stop by this diner everyday. I will always be willing to have you again." He then puts his pants back on and leaves the restroom.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Biker'
 				gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'dom'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 1':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/analcreampie/cumAnal1.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You lift your leg then begin pushing the man''s dick further inside you until you hear him groan, as he begins filling your anus with his warm cum. You can feel the throbbing of his thick penis inside you, and the warmth of his cum, as it fills you. After the man finishes he says, "You are so fucking sexy. I hope you stop by this diner everyday. I will always be willing to have you again." He then puts his pants back on, and leaves the restroom.'
+				'You lift your leg then begin pushing the man''s dick further inside you until you hear him groan as he begins filling your anus with his warm cum. You can feel the throbbing of his thick penis inside you and the warmth of his cum as it fills you. After the man finishes he says, "You are so fucking sexy. I hope you stop by this diner everyday. I will always be willing to have you again." He then puts his pants back on and leaves the restroom.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Biker'
 				gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'dom'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -197,26 +197,26 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 2':
 	minut += 15
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/borisdiner/npc/2.jpg"></center>'
-	'A trucker approaches Niko then says, "I want to feel her up a bit then fuck her, behind the diner." Niko responds, "Sure, but I will be keeping an eye on things." The trucker responds, "Sure, whatever works for you." The trucker hands Niko the money then all three of you get up, and head to the back of the diner.'
+	'A trucker approaches Niko then says, "I want to feel her up a bit then fuck her, behind the diner." Niko responds, "Sure, but I will be keeping an eye on things." The trucker responds, "Sure, whatever works for you." The trucker hands Niko the money then all three of you get up and head to the back of the diner.'
 	act 'Continue':
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/2/touch' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
-		'Once you reach the back of the diner, the man begins pulling your clothes aside then starts sucking on your nipples, as he begins rubbing your clitoris. You let the man caress your body, as you enjoy the stimulation, and appreciation for him providing some foreplay before having sex with you. After a few seconds, the man says, "Sit down and spread your legs, I want a closer look." You obediently do as he says, sitting down then spreading your legs for him. The begins touching your vaginal lips, and rubbing on your clitoris firmly. He obviously seem to enjoy your body, as he mutters, "Ah yeah, that''s nice. What a cute pussy."'
+		'Once you reach the back of the diner, the man begins pulling your clothes aside then starts sucking on your nipples as he begins rubbing your clitoris. You let the man caress your body as you enjoy the stimulation and appreciation for him providing some foreplay before having sex with you. After a few seconds, the man says, "Sit down and spread your legs, I want a closer look." You obediently do as he says, sitting down then spreading your legs for him. The begins touching your vaginal lips and rubbing on your clitoris firmly. He obviously seem to enjoy your body as he mutters, "Ah yeah, that''s nice. What a cute pussy."'
 		act 'Continue':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/2/bj.jpg"></center>'
-			'As you reach forward, and grab onto the man''s crotch, he immediately pulls down his pants then let''s you touch his hard penis. You lean more, and wrap your lips around his dick, hearing him let out a long moan, as you are sucking, and licking his rack hard cock.'
+			'As you reach forward and grab onto the man''s crotch, he immediately pulls down his pants then let''s you touch his hard penis. You lean more and wrap your lips around his dick, hearing him let out a long moan as you are sucking and licking his rack hard cock.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Blowjob (Swallow)':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow7.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'He begins squirming almost immediately then groans, as he fills you mouth with his cum. <font color=#FF00FF>Wow, he came so quickly. Touching on my body must have really turned him on.</font> The man fully milks his dick in your mouth before pulling up his pants then saying, "Damn girl, you really got me off quickly. Great work." He then walks back into the diner, as Niko approaches you. "Are you ready for another customer, or would you like to clean up first?"'
+				'He begins squirming almost immediately then groans as he fills you mouth with his cum. <font color=#FF00FF>Wow, he came so quickly. Touching on my body must have really turned him on.</font> The man fully milks his dick in your mouth before pulling up his pants then saying, "Damn girl, you really got me off quickly. Great work." He then walks back into the diner as Niko approaches you. "Are you ready for another customer, or would you like to clean up first?"'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'Trucker'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 2':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow7.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'As you reach forward, and grab onto the man''s crotch, he immediately pulls down his pants then let''s you touch his hard penis. You lean more, and wrap your lips around his dick, hearing him let out a long moan, as you are sucking, and licking his rock hard cock. He begins squirming almost immediately then groans, as he fills you mouth with his cum. <font color=#FF00FF>Wow, he came so quickly. Touching on my body must have really turned him on.</font> The man fully milks his dick in your mouth before pulling up his pants then saying, "Damn girl, you really got me off quickly. great work." He then walks back into the diner, as you spit his cum onto the floor. Niko approaches you then asks, "Are you ready for another customer, or would you like to clean up first?"'
+				'As you reach forward and grab onto the man''s crotch, he immediately pulls down his pants then let''s you touch his hard penis. You lean more and wrap your lips around his dick, hearing him let out a long moan as you are sucking and licking his rock hard cock. He begins squirming almost immediately then groans as he fills you mouth with his cum. <font color=#FF00FF>Wow, he came so quickly. Touching on my body must have really turned him on.</font> The man fully milks his dick in your mouth before pulling up his pants then saying, "Damn girl, you really got me off quickly. great work." He then walks back into the diner as you spit his cum onto the floor. Niko approaches you then asks, "Are you ready for another customer, or would you like to clean up first?"'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 2':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/2/vag1.jpg"></center>'
-				'You get up and walk over to the nearby wall then spread your legs while leaning forward, and rubbing on your vagina, signaling him to fuck your pussy. The man quickly realizes what you want, and walks up behind you. The mans slowly shoves his rock hard cock, inside of your vagina, causing a jolt of pleasure to fill you. The man begins rapidly fucking your pussy while muttering to himself. "Uh what a fucking tight pussy. I could fuck it for days." The man begins breathing heavily, as he continues fucking your pussy.'
+				'You get up and walk over to the nearby wall then spread your legs while leaning forward and rubbing on your vagina, signaling him to fuck your pussy. The man quickly realizes what you want and walks up behind you. The mans slowly shoves his rock hard cock, inside of your vagina, causing a jolt of pleasure to fill you. The man begins rapidly fucking your pussy while muttering to himself. "Uh what a fucking tight pussy. I could fuck it for days." The man begins breathing heavily as he continues fucking your pussy.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 2':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/2/vag2.jpg"></center>'
-						'The man''s breathing suddenly stops, as he begin filling the condom with his warm seed. You feel the condom expanding, as it is being filled with his warm cum. After the man takes a few seconds to catch his breath, he says, "You were incredible girl, I will definitely be using your services again." The man pulls up his pants then walks back into the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "Great work. Now let''s get back to the diner. We don''t want to keep your customers waiting." You and Niko head back inside the diner.'
+						'The man''s breathing suddenly stops as he begin filling the condom with his warm seed. You feel the condom expanding as it is being filled with his warm cum. After the man takes a few seconds to catch his breath, he says, "You were incredible girl, I will definitely be using your services again." The man pulls up his pants then walks back into the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "Great work. Now let''s get back to the diner. We don''t want to keep your customers waiting." You and Niko head back inside the diner.'
 						gs 'cum_call', '', 'Trucker'
 						gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 						gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 2':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/Home/bedroom/cum/cum10.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'The man''s breathing suddenly stops, as he begins pumping your vagina with his warm seed. You close your eyes, and focus on the warmth of the man''s cum filling you. <font color=#FF00FF>I can''t believe that I''m letting this man, who I don''t even know cum inside me. Am I insane?</font> The man pulls out of you, causing his cum to leak out, as he says, "That was amazing, You are one sexy girl <<$NikoSlutName>>. I can''t wait to use your services again." The man watches his cum leaking out of you, as he pulls up his pants then walks back to the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "Are you ready for another customer, or would you like to clean up first?"'
+						'The man''s breathing suddenly stops as he begins pumping your vagina with his warm seed. You close your eyes and focus on the warmth of the man''s cum filling you. <font color=#FF00FF>I can''t believe that I''m letting this man, who I don''t even know cum inside me. Am I insane?</font> The man pulls out of you, causing his cum to leak out as he says, "That was amazing, You are one sexy girl <<$NikoSlutName>>. I can''t wait to use your services again." The man watches his cum leaking out of you as he pulls up his pants then walks back to the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "Are you ready for another customer, or would you like to clean up first?"'
 						gs 'cum_call', '', 'Trucker'
 						gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 						gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 2':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/2/anal1.jpg"></center>'
-				'You get up, and walk over to the nearby wall then lean forward while lubricating your anus, signaling him to fuck your ass. The man''s eyes light up as he approaches you then begins rubbing his penis against you anus before slowly pushing it inside. You moan as you feel his warm hard cock, enter your ass, pushing its way inside you. The man start moaning with you before muttering under his breath. "Fuck her ass is so tight. I won''t last long at this rate." The man begin fucking your ass, as he moans loudly.'
+				'You get up and walk over to the nearby wall then lean forward while lubricating your anus, signaling him to fuck your ass. The man''s eyes light up as he approaches you then begins rubbing his penis against you anus before slowly pushing it inside. You moan as you feel his warm hard cock, enter your ass, pushing its way inside you. The man start moaning with you before muttering under his breath. "Fuck her ass is so tight. I won''t last long at this rate." The man begin fucking your ass as he moans loudly.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 2':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/2/anal2.jpg"></center>'
-						'The man gives you a few more thrusts before groaning, as he fills the condom with his warm cum. You can feel his penis rapidly throbbing inside you, expanding the condom to the brim with his warm cum. After the man is finishes he says, "You are the best fuck I have ever had. I will look forward to seeing you again." He then pulls up his pants then heads back inside the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "Great work. Now let''s get back to the diner. We don''t want to keep your customers waiting." You and Niko head back inside the diner.'
+						'The man gives you a few more thrusts before groaning as he fills the condom with his warm cum. You can feel his penis rapidly throbbing inside you, expanding the condom to the brim with his warm cum. After the man is finishes he says, "You are the best fuck I have ever had. I will look forward to seeing you again." He then pulls up his pants then heads back inside the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "Great work. Now let''s get back to the diner. We don''t want to keep your customers waiting." You and Niko head back inside the diner.'
 						gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Trucker'
 						gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 						gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 2':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/analcreampie/cumAnal1.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'The man gives you a few more thrusts before groaning, as he fills your ass with his warm cum. You can feel his penis rapidly throbbing inside you, filling your ass up to the brim with his warm cum. After the man is finishes he says, "You are the best fuck I have ever had. I will look forward to seeing you again." He then pulls up his pants then heads back inside the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "Are you ready for another customer, or would you like to clean up first?"'
+						'The man gives you a few more thrusts before groaning as he fills your ass with his warm cum. You can feel his penis rapidly throbbing inside you, filling your ass up to the brim with his warm cum. After the man is finishes he says, "You are the best fuck I have ever had. I will look forward to seeing you again." He then pulls up his pants then heads back inside the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "Are you ready for another customer, or would you like to clean up first?"'
 						gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Trucker'
 						gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 						gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -342,13 +342,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 3':
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/3/undress' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
-		'As soon as you enter the restroom, the man begin kissing your chest, as he begin undressing you. You let him undress you, as he runs his hands over your body, gently rubbing, and squeezing your breasts, and buttocks. After a few more seconds, you are completely naked with the man taking off his pants while staring at your nude body. The man approaches you then begins rubbing your vagina, as he asks, "So <<$NikoSlutName>>, are you ready to get your pussy fucked?"'
+		'As soon as you enter the restroom, the man begin kissing your chest as he begin undressing you. You let him undress you as he runs his hands over your body, gently rubbing and squeezing your breasts and buttocks. After a few more seconds, you are completely naked with the man taking off his pants while staring at your nude body. The man approaches you then begins rubbing your vagina as he asks, "So <<$NikoSlutName>>, are you ready to get your pussy fucked?"'
 		act 'Ride his cock':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/3/ride1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You lightly push the man down on the toilet then say, "I want to ride that hard cock of yours." The man happily smiles, as he responds, "Hell yeah! We can do that." You slowly approach then mount the man''s rock hard cock while keeping your ass to his face. You can feel his hard penis slowly pushing its way inside you, causing a very gradual build of pleasure to fill your body, as you begin riding him at an increased pace. The man begins moaning, as you ride him while saying, "Damn girl, you are so fucking hot."'
+			'You lightly push the man down on the toilet then say, "I want to ride that hard cock of yours." The man happily smiles as he responds, "Hell yeah! We can do that." You slowly approach then mount the man''s rock hard cock while keeping your ass to his face. You can feel his hard penis slowly pushing its way inside you, causing a very gradual build of pleasure to fill your body as you begin riding him at an increased pace. The man begins moaning as you ride him while saying, "Damn girl, you are so fucking hot."'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 3':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/3/ride2.jpg"></center>'
-					'You increase the pace of your thrusts, feeling his hard cock pushing its way deeper inside you. The man begins breathing heavily. The man says, "Oh fuck I''m gonna cum." You look back at him then stare him in the eyes, as you reply, "Cum baby, cum." The man squints his eyes then begins groaning, ans you feel the condom inside you expanding, as he fills it with warm cum. You stare into his eyes, enjoying the look of blissful pleasure his eyes display. After the man catches his breath, he says, "That was incredible <<$NikoSlutName>>. You are one sexy girl." He then kisses you on the cheek before getting dressed, and leaving the restroom.'
+					'You increase the pace of your thrusts, feeling his hard cock pushing its way deeper inside you. The man begins breathing heavily. The man says, "Oh fuck I''m gonna cum." You look back at him then stare him in the eyes as you reply, "Cum baby, cum." The man squints his eyes then begins groaning, ans you feel the condom inside you expanding as he fills it with warm cum. You stare into his eyes, enjoying the look of blissful pleasure his eyes display. After the man catches his breath, he says, "That was incredible <<$NikoSlutName>>. You are one sexy girl." He then kisses you on the cheek before getting dressed and leaving the restroom.'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Biker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 3':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/cum81.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You increase the pace of your thrusts, feeling his hard cock pushing its way deeper inside you. The man begins breathing heavily. The man says, "Oh fuck I''m gonna cum." You look back at him then stare him in the eyes, as you reply, "Cum inside me." The man squints his eyes then begins pumping your vagina with his warm seed. You close your eyes, and focus on the throbbing of his penis inside you, as it fills your womb with his warm seed. After the man catches his breath, he says, "That was incredible <<$NikoSlutName>>. You are one sexy girl." He then kisses you on the cheek before getting dressed, and leaving the restroom.'
+					'You increase the pace of your thrusts, feeling his hard cock pushing its way deeper inside you. The man begins breathing heavily. The man says, "Oh fuck I''m gonna cum." You look back at him then stare him in the eyes as you reply, "Cum inside me." The man squints his eyes then begins pumping your vagina with his warm seed. You close your eyes and focus on the throbbing of his penis inside you as it fills your womb with his warm seed. After the man catches his breath, he says, "That was incredible <<$NikoSlutName>>. You are one sexy girl." He then kisses you on the cheek before getting dressed and leaving the restroom.'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Biker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 3':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/3/vag1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You sit down of the sink then signal the man to fuck your vagina. The man nods happily then aligns his penis with your vagina before pushing it inside you, causing a jolt of pleasure to fill your abdomen. The man begins fucking you while holding one of your legs up. You can feel the pleasuring building up inside you, as the man continues to ram his hard cock inside of your wet vagina. The man looks down to you, and says, "Who''s a naughty girl?" You give him a mischievous smirk, as you reply, "I am. Now why don''t you give this naughty girl a good fucking?" The man chuckles, as he replies, "Oh I''ll give you a good fucking. I hope you''re ready."'
+			'You sit down of the sink then signal the man to fuck your vagina. The man nods happily then aligns his penis with your vagina before pushing it inside you, causing a jolt of pleasure to fill your abdomen. The man begins fucking you while holding one of your legs up. You can feel the pleasuring building up inside you as the man continues to ram his hard cock inside of your wet vagina. The man looks down to you and says, "Who''s a naughty girl?" You give him a mischievous smirk as you reply, "I am. Now why don''t you give this naughty girl a good fucking?" The man chuckles as he replies, "Oh I''ll give you a good fucking. I hope you''re ready."'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 3':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/3/vag2.jpg"></center>'
-					'The man continues to fuck you at an increased pace until he suddenly rams his dick deep inside you, and begins groaning. You can feel his penis throbbing inside you, pumping the condom with his warm seed. You let out a loud moan, as the man continues thrusting his dick inside you, milking his penis into the condom, causing it to expand with the warmth of his cum filling it. After the man finishes, he pulls out of you then says, "Wow I never fucked a girl as hot as you. I will definitely look forward to seeing you again." He then puts on his pants before leaving the restroom.'
+					'The man continues to fuck you at an increased pace until he suddenly rams his dick deep inside you and begins groaning. You can feel his penis throbbing inside you, pumping the condom with his warm seed. You let out a loud moan as the man continues thrusting his dick inside you, milking his penis into the condom, causing it to expand with the warmth of his cum filling it. After the man finishes, he pulls out of you then says, "Wow I never fucked a girl as hot as you. I will definitely look forward to seeing you again." He then puts on his pants before leaving the restroom.'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Biker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 3':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/Home/bedroom/cum/cum5.mp4"></video></center>'	
-					'The man continues to fuck you at an increased pace until he suddenly rams his dick deep inside you, and begins groaning. You can feel his penis throbbing inside you, pumping your womb with his warm seed. You let out a loud moan, as the man continues thrusting his dick inside you, milking his penis inside you. After the man finishes, he pulls out of you, causing a stream of cum to pour out of your vagina, and onto the counter. The man looks at you then says, "Wow I never fucked a girl as hot as you. I will definitely look forward to seeing you again." He then puts on his pants before leaving the restroom.'
+					'The man continues to fuck you at an increased pace until he suddenly rams his dick deep inside you and begins groaning. You can feel his penis throbbing inside you, pumping your womb with his warm seed. You let out a loud moan as the man continues thrusting his dick inside you, milking his penis inside you. After the man finishes, he pulls out of you, causing a stream of cum to pour out of your vagina and onto the counter. The man looks at you then says, "Wow I never fucked a girl as hot as you. I will definitely look forward to seeing you again." He then puts on his pants before leaving the restroom.'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Biker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -439,27 +439,27 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 4':
 	minut += 15
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/borisdiner/npc/4.jpg"></center>'
-	'A biker approaches Niko then says, "I want to fuck <<$NikoSlutName>> out in the back." Niko responds, "Sure thing, but I will be keeping an eye on things." The Biker Responds, "Well you better not be keeping an eye on my dick, or we''re gonna have a problem." They both laugh, as the man pays Niko then guides you to the back of the diner while Niko follows.'
+	'A biker approaches Niko then says, "I want to fuck <<$NikoSlutName>> out in the back." Niko responds, "Sure thing, but I will be keeping an eye on things." The Biker Responds, "Well you better not be keeping an eye on my dick, or we''re gonna have a problem." They both laugh as the man pays Niko then guides you to the back of the diner while Niko follows.'
 	act 'Follow the man':
 		*clr & cla
 		gs 'clothing', 'strip'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/4/undress' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
-		'As soon as you get outside of the diner, the man takes a deep breath then says, "Nothing like getting some fresh air while fucking a cute little thing like yourself. Now take off your clothes." You obediently nod, as you remove your clothes the man pulls down his pants then starts masterbating, as he watches you undress.'
+		'As soon as you get outside of the diner, the man takes a deep breath then says, "Nothing like getting some fresh air while fucking a cute little thing like yourself. Now take off your clothes." You obediently nod as you remove your clothes the man pulls down his pants then starts masterbating as he watches you undress.'
 		act 'Blowjob':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/4/bj1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You sit down on a nearby tire then begin sucking his dick while he occasionally squeezes your breasts, and spanks your ass. The man looks down at you, and says, "Show me what a dirty little slut you are, and suck my fucking dick." You increase the pace, feeling his dick occasionally throbbing, as it leaks pre-cum into your mouth. He definitely won''t last long at this point.'
+			'You sit down on a nearby tire then begin sucking his dick while he occasionally squeezes your breasts and spanks your ass. The man looks down at you and says, "Show me what a dirty little slut you are and suck my fucking dick." You increase the pace, feeling his dick occasionally throbbing as it leaks pre-cum into your mouth. He definitely won''t last long at this point.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Make him cum (Swallow)':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow7.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You start rapidly licking and sucking his dick when you hear him moan, as he begins filling your mouth with his warm seed which you swallow every drop of, knowing that it will please him. The man looks down to you, and says, "You are a good little slut. I will definitely be having you again." The man then pulls his pants up then walks back into the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "Are you ready, for another customer, or would you like to wash up first?"'
+				'You start rapidly licking and sucking his dick when you hear him moan as he begins filling your mouth with his warm seed which you swallow every drop of, knowing that it will please him. The man looks down to you and says, "You are a good little slut. I will definitely be having you again." The man then pulls his pants up then walks back into the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "Are you ready, for another customer, or would you like to wash up first?"'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'Biker'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 4':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/4/bj2.jpg"></center>'
-				'You start rapidly licking and sucking his dick when you hear him moan, as he begins filling your mouth with his warm seed which you spit out into the nearby trashcan, causing the man to frown as he looks down to you, and says, "Does it really taste that bad? Oh well, You were great. I look forward to doing this again." The man then pulls his pants up then walks back into the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "Are you ready, for another customer, or would you like to wash up first?"'
+				'You start rapidly licking and sucking his dick when you hear him moan as he begins filling your mouth with his warm seed which you spit out into the nearby trashcan, causing the man to frown as he looks down to you and says, "Does it really taste that bad? Oh well, You were great. I look forward to doing this again." The man then pulls his pants up then walks back into the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "Are you ready, for another customer, or would you like to wash up first?"'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 4':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/4/vag1.jpg"></center>'
-			'After you undress, you look back at the man while rubbing your body. The man approaches you then pushes you against a nearby tire then aligns his penis with your vagina then looks you in the eye, as he pushes it inside you, causing a jolt of pleasure to fill your body. The man wastes no time, and begin rapidly fucking your pussy, as you lay back, and let him do as he pleases. You maintain eye contact with the man, as he begins lightly moaning before saying, "You like to being fucked in your pussy don''t you?" You nod eagerly, as you reply, "Oh yes. I love being fucked in tight little pussy." Your words clearly have an effect on him, as he begins moaning louder then begins squinting his eyes.'
+			'After you undress, you look back at the man while rubbing your body. The man approaches you then pushes you against a nearby tire then aligns his penis with your vagina then looks you in the eye as he pushes it inside you, causing a jolt of pleasure to fill your body. The man wastes no time and begin rapidly fucking your pussy as you lay back and let him do as he pleases. You maintain eye contact with the man as he begins lightly moaning before saying, "You like to being fucked in your pussy don''t you?" You nod eagerly as you reply, "Oh yes. I love being fucked in tight little pussy." Your words clearly have an effect on him as he begins moaning louder then begins squinting his eyes.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 4':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/4/vag1.jpg"></center>'
-					'You begin rocking your hips up and down to help stimulate him when he starts groaning. You can feel his penis throbbing inside you, as he fills the condom with his warm seed, You continue to stare into his eyes, and admire the blissful look in his eyes, as he reaches his climax. The man catches his breath before saying, "That was the best fuck, I had in a long time. Your pussy is fine, girl." He then pulls his pants up then walks back into the diner. Niko approaches you, and says, "You did a great job. Now let''s get back to the diner. We don''t want to keep your customers waiting." You and Niko head back inside the diner.'
+					'You begin rocking your hips up and down to help stimulate him when he starts groaning. You can feel his penis throbbing inside you as he fills the condom with his warm seed, You continue to stare into his eyes and admire the blissful look in his eyes as he reaches his climax. The man catches his breath before saying, "That was the best fuck, I had in a long time. Your pussy is fine, girl." He then pulls his pants up then walks back into the diner. Niko approaches you and says, "You did a great job. Now let''s get back to the diner. We don''t want to keep your customers waiting." You and Niko head back inside the diner.'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Biker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 4':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/4/vag1.jpg"></center>'
-					'You begin rocking your hips up and down to help stimulate him when he starts groaning. You can feel his penis throbbing inside you, as it begins filling your womb with his warm seed, You continue to stare into his eyes, and admire the blissful look in his eyes, as he reaches his climax. The man catches his breath before saying, "That was the best fuck, I had in a long time. Your pussy is fine, girl." He then pulls his pants up then walks back into the diner. Niko then approaches you, and says, "Well done <<$pcs_nickname>>. You should probably get washed up for the next customer."'
+					'You begin rocking your hips up and down to help stimulate him when he starts groaning. You can feel his penis throbbing inside you as it begins filling your womb with his warm seed, You continue to stare into his eyes and admire the blissful look in his eyes as he reaches his climax. The man catches his breath before saying, "That was the best fuck, I had in a long time. Your pussy is fine, girl." He then pulls his pants up then walks back into the diner. Niko then approaches you and says, "Well done <<$pcs_nickname>>. You should probably get washed up for the next customer."'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Biker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -544,13 +544,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 5':
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/5/intro.jpg"></center>'
-		'You both exit the diner using the rear entrance, and the trucker leaps down the stoop then offers you a hand. "Careful young lady, Don''t want you to fall and sprain your ankle." You give him a smile as you take his hand. Once you are safely on the ground the trucker asks you, "So pretty lady, What position would you like to do?" <font color=#FF00FF>He''s asking me? I guess he really is a gentleman.</font>'
+		'You both exit the diner using the rear entrance and the trucker leaps down the stoop then offers you a hand. "Careful young lady, Don''t want you to fall and sprain your ankle." You give him a smile as you take his hand. Once you are safely on the ground the trucker asks you, "So pretty lady, What position would you like to do?" <font color=#FF00FF>He''s asking me? I guess he really is a gentleman.</font>'
 		act 'Blowjob':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/5/bj1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You slowly drop to your knees in front of him then unbutton his pants, as he gives you a warm smile while running his finger through your hair. "You are such a pretty lady." You give him a wink as you take his penis out of his pants then begin licking it gently before sliding it into your mouth, and sucking it firmly. The trucker begins moaning almost instantaneously. <font color=#FF00FF>He seems really sweet. I wonder if he is this pleasant to all woman or just me.</font> The trucker begins stroking your cheek, as he says, "You are doing great, just like that." You can feel the man''s penis lightly throbbing, as he continues moaning louder, signaling that he is close to cumming.'
+			'You slowly drop to your knees in front of him then unbutton his pants as he gives you a warm smile while running his finger through your hair. "You are such a pretty lady." You give him a wink as you take his penis out of his pants then begin licking it gently before sliding it into your mouth and sucking it firmly. The trucker begins moaning almost instantaneously. <font color=#FF00FF>He seems really sweet. I wonder if he is this pleasant to all woman or just me.</font> The trucker begins stroking your cheek as he says, "You are doing great, just like that." You can feel the man''s penis lightly throbbing as he continues moaning louder, signaling that he is close to cumming.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 5':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow6.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You begin stroking the shaft of his penis while continuing to suck until you hear the moan lean back, as his penis begins throbbing in your mouth, filling your mouth with his warm seed. You spend a few seconds using your tongue to play with his cum before finally swallowing it. The trucker looks down to you, and says, "You are great at that. Thank you young lady. I really enjoyed that." He then buttons his pants before heading back inside. Niko then walks up to you and says, "Are you ready for another customer, or would you like to clean up first?"'
+				'You begin stroking the shaft of his penis while continuing to suck until you hear the moan lean back as his penis begins throbbing in your mouth, filling your mouth with his warm seed. You spend a few seconds using your tongue to play with his cum before finally swallowing it. The trucker looks down to you and says, "You are great at that. Thank you young lady. I really enjoyed that." He then buttons his pants before heading back inside. Niko then walks up to you and says, "Are you ready for another customer, or would you like to clean up first?"'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'Keith'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 5':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/5/bj1.jpg"></center>'
-				'You begin stroking the shaft of his penis while continuing to suck until you hear the moan lean back, as his penis begins throbbing in your mouth, filling your mouth with his warm seed. You spend a few seconds using your tongue to play with his cum before finally spitting it onto the floor. The trucker looks down to you, and says, "You are great at that. Thank you young lady. I really enjoyed that." He then buttons his pants before heading back inside. Niko then walks up to you and says, "Are you ready for another customer, or would you like to clean up first?"'
+				'You begin stroking the shaft of his penis while continuing to suck until you hear the moan lean back as his penis begins throbbing in your mouth, filling your mouth with his warm seed. You spend a few seconds using your tongue to play with his cum before finally spitting it onto the floor. The trucker looks down to you and says, "You are great at that. Thank you young lady. I really enjoyed that." He then buttons his pants before heading back inside. Niko then walks up to you and says, "Are you ready for another customer, or would you like to clean up first?"'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 5':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/5/vag1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You begin unbuttoning the trucker''s pants as you say, "I want you to fuck my pussy." The man looks at you with a very pleased smile on his face, as he says, "That''s what I''m talking about." He then begin unbuttoning his pants, as he walks up to you then aligns his penis with your vagina before pushing his dick inside of you, causing a jolt of pleasure to hit you. The trucker begins thrusting his penis inside of you. You and him start moaning together, as he continues fucking you. The trucker''s moaning grows louder, as he approaches his climax.'
+			'You begin unbuttoning the trucker''s pants as you say, "I want you to fuck my pussy." The man looks at you with a very pleased smile on his face as he says, "That''s what I''m talking about." He then begin unbuttoning his pants as he walks up to you then aligns his penis with your vagina before pushing his dick inside of you, causing a jolt of pleasure to hit you. The trucker begins thrusting his penis inside of you. You and him start moaning together as he continues fucking you. The trucker''s moaning grows louder as he approaches his climax.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 5':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/5/vag2.jpg"></center>'
-					'You begin thrusting your hips along with the trucker, increasing the tempo which causes the man to begin groaning, as he fills the condom inside you with his seed. You can feel the condom expanding inside you, and getting warmer, as his cum fills it. After the trucker catches his breath, he says, "You are one rockin'' babe. Thank you, and please don''t hesitate to stop by, and give old Keith a visit." He then buttons his pants before walking back into the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "You have done some great work today, Let''s keep up the pace." Niko then takes your hand then guides you back into the diner.'
+					'You begin thrusting your hips along with the trucker, increasing the tempo which causes the man to begin groaning as he fills the condom inside you with his seed. You can feel the condom expanding inside you and getting warmer as his cum fills it. After the trucker catches his breath, he says, "You are one rockin'' babe. Thank you and please don''t hesitate to stop by and give old Keith a visit." He then buttons his pants before walking back into the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "You have done some great work today, Let''s keep up the pace." Niko then takes your hand then guides you back into the diner.'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Keith'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 5':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/Home/bedroom/cum/cum10.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You begin thrusting your hips along with the trucker, increasing the tempo which causes the man to begin groaning, as he fills you womb with his warm seed. You can feel the throbbing of his penis inside you, as it pumps you with his warm cum. After the trucker catches his breath, he says, "You are one rockin'' babe. Thank you, and please don''t hesitate to stop by, and give old Keith a visit." He then buttons his pants before walking back into the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "You have done some great work today, Are you ready to head back or would you like to wash up first?"'
+					'You begin thrusting your hips along with the trucker, increasing the tempo which causes the man to begin groaning as he fills you womb with his warm seed. You can feel the throbbing of his penis inside you as it pumps you with his warm cum. After the trucker catches his breath, he says, "You are one rockin'' babe. Thank you and please don''t hesitate to stop by and give old Keith a visit." He then buttons his pants before walking back into the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "You have done some great work today, Are you ready to head back or would you like to wash up first?"'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Keith'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 5':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/5/anal1.jpg"></center>'
 			'You begin unbuttoning the trucker''s pants as you say, "I want you to fuck my ass." The truckers eyes light up. "Hot damn, that sound great to me." You giggle at his accent as you pull down his pants then begin lubing his penis before approaching the nearby wall. You bend over then give the trucker a seductive wink, causing him to approach you then slowly push his penis inside of your ass.'
-			'You close your eyes then focus on his hard penis slowly making its way inside you. After the trucker gives your ass a chance to adjust to his penis, he begins slowly thrusting, causing pleasure to build, as you anus tightens around his dick. The trucker begin moaning loudly before saying, "You''re rear end is so tight. It''s so nice feeling."'
+			'You close your eyes then focus on his hard penis slowly making its way inside you. After the trucker gives your ass a chance to adjust to his penis, he begins slowly thrusting, causing pleasure to build as you anus tightens around his dick. The trucker begin moaning loudly before saying, "You''re rear end is so tight. It''s so nice feeling."'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 5':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/5/anal2.jpg"></center>'
-					'You begin rocking your hips, causing his dick to rub against you inner anus, and evoking a loud moan from him. After a few seconds, the man firmly grabs on your hips then groans, as he begins filling the condom with his warm seed. You can feel the condom inside you growing warm, as it expands inside you. After the man catches his breath, he looks down at you and says, "You have the greatest darn ass I have ever had. You go girl, and please stop by again, and give old Keith a visit." He then buttons his pants then returns to the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "You have done well. Let''s return to your customers." Niko then leads you back into the diner.'
+					'You begin rocking your hips, causing his dick to rub against you inner anus and evoking a loud moan from him. After a few seconds, the man firmly grabs on your hips then groans as he begins filling the condom with his warm seed. You can feel the condom inside you growing warm as it expands inside you. After the man catches his breath, he looks down at you and says, "You have the greatest darn ass I have ever had. You go girl and please stop by again and give old Keith a visit." He then buttons his pants then returns to the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "You have done well. Let''s return to your customers." Niko then leads you back into the diner.'
 					gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Keith'
 					gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 5':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/analcreampie/cumanal2.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You begin rocking your hips, causing his dick to rub against you inner anus, and evoking a loud moan from him. After a few seconds, the man firmly grabs on your hips then groans, as he begins filling your ass with his warm seed. You can feel his hard penis throbbing inside you, as it pumps your anus with his warm cum. After the man catches his breath, he looks down at you and says, "You have the greatest darn ass, I''ve ever had. You go girl, and please stop by again, and give old Keith a visit." He then buttons his pants then returns to the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "You have done well. Would you like to return to your customer, or would you like to wash up first?"'
+					'You begin rocking your hips, causing his dick to rub against you inner anus and evoking a loud moan from him. After a few seconds, the man firmly grabs on your hips then groans as he begins filling your ass with his warm seed. You can feel his hard penis throbbing inside you as it pumps your anus with his warm cum. After the man catches his breath, he looks down at you and says, "You have the greatest darn ass, I''ve ever had. You go girl and please stop by again and give old Keith a visit." He then buttons his pants then returns to the diner. Niko approaches you then says, "You have done well. Would you like to return to your customer, or would you like to wash up first?"'
 					gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Keith'
 					gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 6':
 	gs 'fame'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/borisdiner/npc/6.jpg"></center>'
-	'A trucker approaches Niko then says, "I would like to borrow this young lady for a few minutes. How much?" Niko replies, "2000 <b>₽</b>" The trucker hands Niko the money then leads you out of the diner, as Niko follows closely behind. Once outside the trucker says, "Alright young lady, pull down your pants then get ready for the biggest dick you''ve ever had." You nod then do as he says.'
+	'A trucker approaches Niko then says, "I would like to borrow this young lady for a few minutes. How much?" Niko replies, "2000 <b>₽</b>" The trucker hands Niko the money then leads you out of the diner as Niko follows closely behind. Once outside the trucker says, "Alright young lady, pull down your pants then get ready for the biggest dick you''ve ever had." You nod then do as he says.'
 	VK = rand(1,2)
 	if VK = 1:
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 6':
 			minut -= 5
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/6/vag1.jpg"></center>'
-			'The trucker unbuttons his pants then sits down on a bench before motioning you to mount him. The give the man a smile as you turn around in front of him then begin riding his hard penis. You continue riding the mans dick when he says, "Now that is what a bitch is for. Spread your cheeks for me bitch!" You do as he says, and spread your ass cheeks for him. The trucker begins roughly fingering your anus, causing strong pressure to build up inside your ass, as his finger is shoved deeper inside of you.'		
+			'The trucker unbuttons his pants then sits down on a bench before motioning you to mount him. The give the man a smile as you turn around in front of him then begin riding his hard penis. You continue riding the mans dick when he says, "Now that is what a bitch is for. Spread your cheeks for me bitch!" You do as he says and spread your ass cheeks for him. The trucker begins roughly fingering your anus, causing strong pressure to build up inside your ass as his finger is shoved deeper inside of you.'		
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 5, 'sub'				
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'			
 			gs 'stat'		
@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 6':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/sex/throat/3.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'The man shoves his penis in your mouth then forces you to gag on his dick while he fucks your throat, as you try your best to relax your throat, and let him fuck it. You can see in the corner of your eyes Niko approaching the man with an angry look on his face. You wave at him to let him know that you are okay, and he relaxes.' 
+					'The man shoves his penis in your mouth then forces you to gag on his dick while he fucks your throat as you try your best to relax your throat and let him fuck it. You can see in the corner of your eyes Niko approaching the man with an angry look on his face. You wave at him to let him know that you are okay and he relaxes.' 
 					act 'Make him cum':	
 						*clr & cla
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 6':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/sex/throat/3.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'The man shoves his penis in your mouth then forces you to gag on his dick while he fucks your throat, as you try your best to relax your throat, and let him fuck it. You can see in the corner of your eyes Niko approaching the man with an angry look on his face. You wave at him to let him know that you are okay, and he relaxes. Suddenly the man groans then begins filling your throat with his warm seed, causing his cum to shoot down your throat which you try to cough out, causing it to leak out of your nose. The man takes a second to catch his breath before saying, "You look like an angry cum dragon." He then bursts into laughter before pulling up his pants, and walking away. Niko then approaches you and says, "Are you alright? That looked rough." You nod with a smile on your face. Niko then replies, "Good, I hope you are ready for another customer, or would you like to wash up first?"'
+					'The man shoves his penis in your mouth then forces you to gag on his dick while he fucks your throat as you try your best to relax your throat and let him fuck it. You can see in the corner of your eyes Niko approaching the man with an angry look on his face. You wave at him to let him know that you are okay and he relaxes. Suddenly the man groans then begins filling your throat with his warm seed, causing his cum to shoot down your throat which you try to cough out, causing it to leak out of your nose. The man takes a second to catch his breath before saying, "You look like an angry cum dragon." He then bursts into laughter before pulling up his pants and walking away. Niko then approaches you and says, "Are you alright? That looked rough." You nod with a smile on your face. Niko then replies, "Good, I hope you are ready for another customer, or would you like to wash up first?"'
 					gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'				
 					gs 'stat'		
@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 6':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/6/rear1.jpg"></center>'
-			'The trucker grabs you by your hips then pushes you toward a nearby tree before bending you over. The trucker rubs his penis against your vagina for a few seconds before sliding it inside, causing a jolt of pleasure to fill your lower abdomen. The man begins fucking you roughly, as he says, "How do you like my dick bitch?" You reply, "It''s so big and feels so good inside my pussy." The man then smacks your ass, as he responds, "You know it girl." He then picks up his pace.'		
+			'The trucker grabs you by your hips then pushes you toward a nearby tree before bending you over. The trucker rubs his penis against your vagina for a few seconds before sliding it inside, causing a jolt of pleasure to fill your lower abdomen. The man begins fucking you roughly as he says, "How do you like my dick bitch?" You reply, "It''s so big and feels so good inside my pussy." The man then smacks your ass as he responds, "You know it girl." He then picks up his pace.'		
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'				
 			gs 'stat'		
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 6':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/6/rear2.jpg"></center>'
-				'You grab onto the tree as the man''s dick is ramming so far inside your vagina that it starts to hurt. You try standing up so that his access to your pussy is limited to slow him down a bit. The man leans forward then pinches your nipples, as he says, "Time for you to swallow my load bitch. Get down on your knees." You meekly nod, relieved that he isn''t going to fuck you anymore then drop to your knees in front of him.'
+				'You grab onto the tree as the man''s dick is ramming so far inside your vagina that it starts to hurt. You try standing up so that his access to your pussy is limited to slow him down a bit. The man leans forward then pinches your nipples as he says, "Time for you to swallow my load bitch. Get down on your knees." You meekly nod, relieved that he isn''t going to fuck you anymore then drop to your knees in front of him.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'			
 				gs 'stat'		
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 6':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/sex/throat/3.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'The man shoves his penis in your mouth then forces you to gag on his dick while he fucks your throat, as you try your best to relax your throat, and let him fuck it. You can see in the corner of your eyes Niko approaching the man with an angry look on his face. You wave at him to let him know that you are okay, and he relaxes.' 
+					'The man shoves his penis in your mouth then forces you to gag on his dick while he fucks your throat as you try your best to relax your throat and let him fuck it. You can see in the corner of your eyes Niko approaching the man with an angry look on his face. You wave at him to let him know that you are okay and he relaxes.' 
 					act 'Make him cum':	
 						*clr & cla
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 6':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/sex/throat/3.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'The man shoves his penis in your mouth then forces you to gag on his dick while he fucks your throat, as you try your best to relax your throat, and let him fuck it. You can see in the corner of your eyes Niko approaching the man with an angry look on his face. You wave at him to let him know that you are okay, and he relaxes. Suddenly the man groans then begins filling your throat with his warm seed, causing his cum to shoot down your throat which you try to cough out, causing it to leak out of your nose. The man takes a second to catch his breath before saying, "You look like an angry cum dragon." He then bursts into laughter before pulling up his pants, and walking away. Niko then approaches you and says, "Are you alright? That looked rough." You nod with a smile on your face. Niko then replies, "Good, I hope you are ready for another customer, or would you like to wash up first?"'
+					'The man shoves his penis in your mouth then forces you to gag on his dick while he fucks your throat as you try your best to relax your throat and let him fuck it. You can see in the corner of your eyes Niko approaching the man with an angry look on his face. You wave at him to let him know that you are okay and he relaxes. Suddenly the man groans then begins filling your throat with his warm seed, causing his cum to shoot down your throat which you try to cough out, causing it to leak out of your nose. The man takes a second to catch his breath before saying, "You look like an angry cum dragon." He then bursts into laughter before pulling up his pants and walking away. Niko then approaches you and says, "Are you alright? That looked rough." You nod with a smile on your face. Niko then replies, "Good, I hope you are ready for another customer, or would you like to wash up first?"'
 					gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'				
 					gs 'stat'		
@@ -812,13 +812,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 7':
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/borisdiner/npc/7.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you reach the back room, the trucker begins kissing your neck, and squeezing your breasts. You can feel the man''s hand sliding down your pants, and rubbing up your vagina, as you reach down, and rub on his crotch, feeling it fully erect in his pants. The man whispers in your ear, "How would you like to do this?"'
+		'As you reach the back room, the trucker begins kissing your neck and squeezing your breasts. You can feel the man''s hand sliding down your pants and rubbing up your vagina as you reach down and rub on his crotch, feeling it fully erect in his pants. The man whispers in your ear, "How would you like to do this?"'
 		act 'Blowjob':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/7/bj1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You drop to your knees in front of him then begin unbuttoning his pants, causing his fully erect penis to spring up, almost hitting your nose. You begin gently stroking it, causing the man to moan before you take his dick into your mouth, and begin sucking it firmly. The man lets out a moan before saying, "That''s a good girl. Now play with your nipples for me." You obediently nod then pinch your nipples slightly.'
+			'You drop to your knees in front of him then begin unbuttoning his pants, causing his fully erect penis to spring up, almost hitting your nose. You begin gently stroking it, causing the man to moan before you take his dick into your mouth and begin sucking it firmly. The man lets out a moan before saying, "That''s a good girl. Now play with your nipples for me." You obediently nod then pinch your nipples slightly.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 7':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow3.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You begin sucking his dick at an increased pace, causing the man to let out occasional grunts. After a few more seconds, the man groans, as his hard cock begins throbbing in your mouth, filling your throat with his warm seed which you do your best to swallow every drop of. After the man finishes, he buttons his pants then reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet then placing some money in your pocket. "Here is a little tip for you. Buy yourself something nice." You give him a smile as you respond, "Thank you so much." He gives you a wink before escorting you out of the back room.'
+				'You begin sucking his dick at an increased pace, causing the man to let out occasional grunts. After a few more seconds, the man groans as his hard cock begins throbbing in your mouth, filling your throat with his warm seed which you do your best to swallow every drop of. After the man finishes, he buttons his pants then reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet then placing some money in your pocket. "Here is a little tip for you. Buy yourself something nice." You give him a smile as you respond, "Thank you so much." He gives you a wink before escorting you out of the back room.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'Trucker'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 7':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/7/bj2.jpg"></center>'
-				'You begin sucking his dick at an increased pace, causing the man to let out occasional grunts. After a few more seconds, the man groans, as his hard cock begins throbbing in your mouth, filling your throat with his warm seed which you do your best to block from sliding down then spit into the garbage. After the man finishes, he buttons his pants then says, "You must really hate the taste huh? You did a good job, Thank you <<$NikoSlutName>>. Now let''s get you back to your pimp." He then escorts you out of the back room.'
+				'You begin sucking his dick at an increased pace, causing the man to let out occasional grunts. After a few more seconds, the man groans as his hard cock begins throbbing in your mouth, filling your throat with his warm seed which you do your best to block from sliding down then spit into the garbage. After the man finishes, he buttons his pants then says, "You must really hate the taste huh? You did a good job, Thank you <<$NikoSlutName>>. Now let''s get you back to your pimp." He then escorts you out of the back room.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 7':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/7/ride1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You lean forward then whisper in his ear, "I want to ride your cock." The man gets noticably excited, as he responds, "Now that''s a good girl." He then rubs your cheek as you remove your pants. The trucker lays on the ground then signals you to ride him. You mount him, guiding his penis inside of your vagina  before riding him at a moderate pace. The man suddenly lifts you up by your legs, pushing his dick deeper inside of you, as he whispers in your ear, "How does it feel <<$NikoSlutName>>? Good?" You meekly nod your head, enjoying the pressure of his dick deep inside of your vagina.'
+			'You lean forward then whisper in his ear, "I want to ride your cock." The man gets noticably excited as he responds, "Now that''s a good girl." He then rubs your cheek as you remove your pants. The trucker lays on the ground then signals you to ride him. You mount him, guiding his penis inside of your vagina  before riding him at a moderate pace. The man suddenly lifts you up by your legs, pushing his dick deeper inside of you as he whispers in your ear, "How does it feel <<$NikoSlutName>>? Good?" You meekly nod your head, enjoying the pressure of his dick deep inside of your vagina.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 7':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/7/ride2.jpg"></center>'
-					'You continue riding his dick while he lets out soft moans, and after a few minutes, the man groans, filling up the condom inside of you. You let out a needed moan as the condom expands inside of you. After the man finishes, he buttons his pants then reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet then placing some money in your pocket. "Here is a little tip for you. Buy yourself something nice." You give him a smile as you respond, "Thank you so much." He gives you a wink before escorting you out of the back room.'
+					'You continue riding his dick while he lets out soft moans and after a few minutes, the man groans, filling up the condom inside of you. You let out a needed moan as the condom expands inside of you. After the man finishes, he buttons his pants then reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet then placing some money in your pocket. "Here is a little tip for you. Buy yourself something nice." You give him a smile as you respond, "Thank you so much." He gives you a wink before escorting you out of the back room.'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Trucker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 7':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/cum81.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You continue riding his dick while he lets out soft moans, and after a few minutes, the man groans, filling up your womb with his warm seed. You let out a needed moan, as feel his hot cum filling you up. After the man finishes, he buttons his pants then reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet then placing some money in your pocket. "Here is a little tip for you. Buy yourself something nice." You give him a smile as you respond, "Thank you so much." He gives you a wink before escorting you out of the back room.'
+					'You continue riding his dick while he lets out soft moans and after a few minutes, the man groans, filling up your womb with his warm seed. You let out a needed moan as feel his hot cum filling you up. After the man finishes, he buttons his pants then reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet then placing some money in your pocket. "Here is a little tip for you. Buy yourself something nice." You give him a smile as you respond, "Thank you so much." He gives you a wink before escorting you out of the back room.'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Trucker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 7':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/7/rear1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You turn around then slowly begin removing your pants before leaning over the desk then rubbing your fingers across your vagina, signaling him to fuck you. The man happily approaches you before shoving him penis inside of you vagina then thrusting his hip, pushing his penis deeper inside you. The trucker begins moaning as he fucks you at a moderate pace, as he says, "How are you enjoying this sweetie?" You give him a smile, as you reply, "I''m loving it."'
+			'You turn around then slowly begin removing your pants before leaning over the desk then rubbing your fingers across your vagina, signaling him to fuck you. The man happily approaches you before shoving him penis inside of you vagina then thrusting his hip, pushing his penis deeper inside you. The trucker begins moaning as he fucks you at a moderate pace as he says, "How are you enjoying this sweetie?" You give him a smile as you reply, "I''m loving it."'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 7':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/7/rear2.jpg"></center>'
-					'The man returns the smile as he quickens his pace, fucking you faster, and harder before letting out a groan, as he begins filling up the condom. You close your eyes and focus on the condom expanding inside of you, with the warmth of his cum. After the man finishes, he buttons his pants then reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet then placing some money in your pocket. "Here is a little tip for you. Buy yourself something nice." You give him a smile as you respond, "Thank you so much." He gives you a wink before escorting you out of the back room.'
+					'The man returns the smile as he quickens his pace, fucking you faster and harder before letting out a groan as he begins filling up the condom. You close your eyes and focus on the condom expanding inside of you, with the warmth of his cum. After the man finishes, he buttons his pants then reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet then placing some money in your pocket. "Here is a little tip for you. Buy yourself something nice." You give him a smile as you respond, "Thank you so much." He gives you a wink before escorting you out of the back room.'
 					gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Trucker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 7':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/Home/bedroom/cum/cum10.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'The man returns the smile as he quickens his pace, fucking you faster, and harder before letting out a groan, as he begins filling up your womb with his seed. You close your eyes and focus on the warmth of his cum filling you up. After the man finishes, he buttons his pants then reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet then placing some money in your pocket. "Here is a little tip for you. Buy yourself something nice." You give him a smile as you respond, "Thank you so much." He gives you a wink before escorting you out of the back room.'
+					'The man returns the smile as he quickens his pace, fucking you faster and harder before letting out a groan as he begins filling up your womb with his seed. You close your eyes and focus on the warmth of his cum filling you up. After the man finishes, he buttons his pants then reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet then placing some money in your pocket. "Here is a little tip for you. Buy yourself something nice." You give him a smile as you respond, "Thank you so much." He gives you a wink before escorting you out of the back room.'
 					gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Trucker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -939,20 +939,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 8':
 	minut += 15
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/borisdiner/npc/8.jpg"></center>'
-	'A trucker approaches Niko then says, "Hello there. How much for this one''s services?" Niko replies, "2000 <b>₽</b>" The trucker responds, "Fair enough. Here you go." He hands Niko the money then offers you his hand which you take, as he leads you toward the restroom.'
+	'A trucker approaches Niko then says, "Hello there. How much for this one''s services?" Niko replies, "2000 <b>₽</b>" The trucker responds, "Fair enough. Here you go." He hands Niko the money then offers you his hand which you take as he leads you toward the restroom.'
 	act 'Continue':
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/borisdiner/npc/8.jpg"></center>'
-		'After entering the restroom, the trucker says to you, "You can you take off your clothes now." You nod then begin undressing as the man unbuttons his pants then pulls out his penis, and begins gently stroking it, as he watches you undress. After you are fully undressed the man begins running his hands across your body, as he asks, "What position are you best at?"'
+		'After entering the restroom, the trucker says to you, "You can you take off your clothes now." You nod then begin undressing as the man unbuttons his pants then pulls out his penis and begins gently stroking it as he watches you undress. After you are fully undressed the man begins running his hands across your body as he asks, "What position are you best at?"'
 		act 'Drop down to your knees':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/8/bj1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You approach the trucker then drop down to your knees in front of him then begin rubbing on his crotch through his pants before unbuttoning his pants, and then taking his dick into your hand and stroking it gently while staring up at him. The man moans lightly before looking down to you, and saying, "So you''re good with your hands huh?" You smile at him while stroking his penis faster. You then begin licking the tip of his penis while keeping eye contact with him.'
+			'You approach the trucker then drop down to your knees in front of him then begin rubbing on his crotch through his pants before unbuttoning his pants and then taking his dick into your hand and stroking it gently while staring up at him. The man moans lightly before looking down to you and saying, "So you''re good with your hands huh?" You smile at him while stroking his penis faster. You then begin licking the tip of his penis while keeping eye contact with him.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Suck his dick':
@@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 8':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow4.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'After a few more seconds, the man groans as his penis begins throbbing in your mouth, filling it with his warm seed which you let slide down your throat, and into your belly. The man takes a few seconds to catch his breath before saying, "You were outstanding <<$NikoSlutName>>. I look forward to seeing you again soon." He then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
+					'After a few more seconds, the man groans as his penis begins throbbing in your mouth, filling it with his warm seed which you let slide down your throat and into your belly. The man takes a few seconds to catch his breath before saying, "You were outstanding <<$NikoSlutName>>. I look forward to seeing you again soon." He then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
 					gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'Trucker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
@@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 8':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/mouth/cum1.11.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You take ther truckers dick into you mouth, firmly wrapping your lips around it before licking and sucking it. The man begins moaning frequently, clearly enjoying your performance. After a few more seconds, the man groans as his penis begins throbbing in your mouth, filling it with his warm seed which you let leak out of your mouth, and onto the floor. The man takes a few seconds to catch his breath before saying, "You were outstanding <<$NikoSlutName>>. I look forward to seeing you again soon." He then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
+					'You take ther truckers dick into you mouth, firmly wrapping your lips around it before licking and sucking it. The man begins moaning frequently, clearly enjoying your performance. After a few more seconds, the man groans as his penis begins throbbing in your mouth, filling it with his warm seed which you let leak out of your mouth and onto the floor. The man takes a few seconds to catch his breath before saying, "You were outstanding <<$NikoSlutName>>. I look forward to seeing you again soon." He then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					gs 'stat'
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 8':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/8/vag1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You take the truckers hand then guide him to the toilet before giving him a light push, causing him to fall onto it. You unbutton his pants then begin stroking his penis for a few seconds before turning around, and aligning his penis with your vagina. You slowly lower yourself onto his penis, feeling it move deeper inside you, expanding your inside to its size. You start riding his dick slowly. The trucker grabs onto your breasts then gives them a firm squeeze before licking your nipple.'
+			'You take the truckers hand then guide him to the toilet before giving him a light push, causing him to fall onto it. You unbutton his pants then begin stroking his penis for a few seconds before turning around and aligning his penis with your vagina. You slowly lower yourself onto his penis, feeling it move deeper inside you, expanding your inside to its size. You start riding his dick slowly. The trucker grabs onto your breasts then gives them a firm squeeze before licking your nipple.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 8':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/8/vag2.jpg"></center>'
-					'You ride him faster as he continues licking your nipples while moaning. After a minute the man groans, as you feel a warmth building up inside you, as the truckers penis begins throbbing, as it fills the condom with his cum. After the trucker is spent, he pats your thighs before saying, "You were great <<$NikoSlutName>>. I can''t wait to do this again. I hope you will stop by the diner again soon." He then stands up then buttons his pants then throws away the condom before leaving the restroom.'
+					'You ride him faster as he continues licking your nipples while moaning. After a minute the man groans as you feel a warmth building up inside you as the truckers penis begins throbbing as it fills the condom with his cum. After the trucker is spent, he pats your thighs before saying, "You were great <<$NikoSlutName>>. I can''t wait to do this again. I hope you will stop by the diner again soon." He then stands up then buttons his pants then throws away the condom before leaving the restroom.'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Trucker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 8':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/cum81.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You ride him faster as he continues licking your nipples while moaning. After a minute the man groans, as you feel a warm liquid filling your womb, causing you to let out a loud moan. His dick continues throbbing, as it pumps you full of his cum. After the trucker is spent, he pats your thighs before saying, "You were great <<$NikoSlutName>>. I can''t wait to do this again. I hope you will stop by the diner again soon." He then stands up then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
+					'You ride him faster as he continues licking your nipples while moaning. After a minute the man groans as you feel a warm liquid filling your womb, causing you to let out a loud moan. His dick continues throbbing as it pumps you full of his cum. After the trucker is spent, he pats your thighs before saying, "You were great <<$NikoSlutName>>. I can''t wait to do this again. I hope you will stop by the diner again soon." He then stands up then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Trucker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 8':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/8/anal1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You approach the trucker then begin unbuttoning his pants then take his penis out then quickly turn on the sink, wetting your fingertips which you use to lubricate your anus before giving the man a wink then turning around, lifting your ass toward him. The man begins rubbing on your ass with his hands before rubbing the tip of his penis against your anus. You close your eyes, as you feel his hard cock pushing its way inside of you, expanding your anus to fit his erect penis. The man gives your ass a few seconds to adjust to his dick before thrusting his hips, pushing his dick further inside of you while you rock your hips to match his pace.'
+			'You approach the trucker then begin unbuttoning his pants then take his penis out then quickly turn on the sink, wetting your fingertips which you use to lubricate your anus before giving the man a wink then turning around, lifting your ass toward him. The man begins rubbing on your ass with his hands before rubbing the tip of his penis against your anus. You close your eyes as you feel his hard cock pushing its way inside of you, expanding your anus to fit his erect penis. The man gives your ass a few seconds to adjust to his dick before thrusting his hips, pushing his dick further inside of you while you rock your hips to match his pace.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 8':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/8/anal2.jpg"></center>'
-					'You begin thrusting faster as the man begins moaning loudly before saying, "Your ass is so damn tight. Oh hell, I won''t last long." after a few more seconds the man groans and begins pumping your ass with his warm cum. The warth quickly fils your ass, as his penis continues throbbing inside of you. After the man finishes, he pulls out of you, causing his warm cum to leak out of you, and onto the floor. The man says, "You are a great girl. I hope that you stop by here more often." He then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
+					'You begin thrusting faster as the man begins moaning loudly before saying, "Your ass is so damn tight. Oh hell, I won''t last long." after a few more seconds the man groans and begins pumping your ass with his warm cum. The warth quickly fils your ass as his penis continues throbbing inside of you. After the man finishes, he pulls out of you, causing his warm cum to leak out of you and onto the floor. The man says, "You are a great girl. I hope that you stop by here more often." He then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
 					gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Trucker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -1083,14 +1083,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 9':
 	minut += 15
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/borisdiner/npc/6.jpg"></center>'
-	'A trucker approaches Niko then says, "I wound like to borrow <<$NikoSlutName>> for a few minutes." Niko replies, "Sure, pay 2000 <b>₽</b>, and you can borrow her for a time." The trucker responds, "Kinda high but I guess I can spare a few bucks." He hands Niko the money then wraps his arm around your waist, and leads you toward the restroom.'
+	'A trucker approaches Niko then says, "I wound like to borrow <<$NikoSlutName>> for a few minutes." Niko replies, "Sure, pay 2000 <b>₽</b> and you can borrow her for a time." The trucker responds, "Kinda high but I guess I can spare a few bucks." He hands Niko the money then wraps his arm around your waist and leads you toward the restroom.'
 	if VK = 1:
 		act 'Continue':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/6/bj1.jpg"></center>'
-			'As soon as you arrive at the restroom the trucker rubs the back of your neck then says, "Hey <<$NikoSlutName>> why don''t you be a good girl, and suck my dick?" You give him a smile then nod, causing him to begin grinning, as he says, "Now that''s a good girl." You begin unbuttoning his pants before pulling out his penis then licking up the shaft until you reach the tip, causing the man to flinch a little.'
+			'As soon as you arrive at the restroom the trucker rubs the back of your neck then says, "Hey <<$NikoSlutName>> why don''t you be a good girl and suck my dick?" You give him a smile then nod, causing him to begin grinning as he says, "Now that''s a good girl." You begin unbuttoning his pants before pulling out his penis then licking up the shaft until you reach the tip, causing the man to flinch a little.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 9':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bedroom/cum/cum1.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You wrap you lips around the truckers dick, evoking a moan from him. You begin sucking his dick while massaging his cock with your tongue, enjoying the warmth of his penis in your mouth. After a minute, the trucker groans, as he begin pumping his seed into your mouth which you lets slide down your throat, feeling the sting as it goes down into your belly. The trucker catches his breath then says, "You are a really good cocksucker. I will definitely be calling for your services again." He then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
+				'You wrap you lips around the truckers dick, evoking a moan from him. You begin sucking his dick while massaging his cock with your tongue, enjoying the warmth of his penis in your mouth. After a minute, the trucker groans as he begin pumping his seed into your mouth which you lets slide down your throat, feeling the sting as it goes down into your belly. The trucker catches his breath then says, "You are a really good cocksucker. I will definitely be calling for your services again." He then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'Trucker'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 9':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/6/bj2.jpg"></center>'
-				'You wrap you lips around the truckers dick, evoking a moan from him. You begin sucking his dick while massaging his cock with your tongue, enjoying the warmth of his penis in your mouth. After a minute, the trucker groans, as he begin pumping his seed into your mouth which you let slide out of you mouth, as you tip your head sideways, letting his warm cum leak out. The trucker catches his breath then says, "You are a really good cocksucker. I will definitely be calling for your services again." He then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
+				'You wrap you lips around the truckers dick, evoking a moan from him. You begin sucking his dick while massaging his cock with your tongue, enjoying the warmth of his penis in your mouth. After a minute, the trucker groans as he begin pumping his seed into your mouth which you let slide out of you mouth as you tip your head sideways, letting his warm cum leak out. The trucker catches his breath then says, "You are a really good cocksucker. I will definitely be calling for your services again." He then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 9':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/6/ride1.jpg"></center>'
-			'As soon as you arrive at the restroom the trucker runs his hand up your leg before saying, "I want your pussy wraped around my dick." You happily nod, causing the man to grin widely before saying, "Gooood Girrrrll." He then smacks your ass before pulling his pants down, and sitting down on the toilet seat. You align your vagina with his penis then press yourself down onto his hard cock, feeling it squeezing its way inside of you, evoking moans from both of you.'
+			'As soon as you arrive at the restroom the trucker runs his hand up your leg before saying, "I want your pussy wraped around my dick." You happily nod, causing the man to grin widely before saying, "Gooood Girrrrll." He then smacks your ass before pulling his pants down and sitting down on the toilet seat. You align your vagina with his penis then press yourself down onto his hard cock, feeling it squeezing its way inside of you, evoking moans from both of you.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 9':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/6/ride2.jpg"></center>'
-					'You begin riding his cock at an increased pace while he pulls your shirt down, exposing your breast which his squeezes, as you continue riding his hard cock. After a few minutes, the trucker groans, filling the condom with his warm seed. You focus on the condom expanding inside of you until the man finishes, and says to you. "You were great <<$NikoSlutName>>, I will definitely be visiting you again." He then pulls up his pants then leaves the restroom.'
+					'You begin riding his cock at an increased pace while he pulls your shirt down, exposing your breast which his squeezes as you continue riding his hard cock. After a few minutes, the trucker groans, filling the condom with his warm seed. You focus on the condom expanding inside of you until the man finishes and says to you. "You were great <<$NikoSlutName>>, I will definitely be visiting you again." He then pulls up his pants then leaves the restroom.'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Trucker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 9':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/cum81.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You begin riding his cock at an increased pace while he pulls your shirt down, exposing your breast which his squeezes, as you continue riding his hard cock. After a few minutes, the trucker groans, filling your womb with his warm seed. You focus on the warmth of his cum filling you, and the subtle throbbing of his penis, pumping you with his hot seed. As soon as the man finishes, he says to you. "You were great <<$NikoSlutName>>, I will definitely be visiting you again." He then pulls up his pants then leaves the restroom.'
+					'You begin riding his cock at an increased pace while he pulls your shirt down, exposing your breast which his squeezes as you continue riding his hard cock. After a few minutes, the trucker groans, filling your womb with his warm seed. You focus on the warmth of his cum filling you and the subtle throbbing of his penis, pumping you with his hot seed. As soon as the man finishes, he says to you. "You were great <<$NikoSlutName>>, I will definitely be visiting you again." He then pulls up his pants then leaves the restroom.'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'Trucker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 9':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/6/anal2.jpg"></center>'
-					'You lean against the urinal, enjoying the pleasure building up in your ass, as he continuously pounds your ass with his big hard cock, ramming it deeper in your ass, as you moan loudly, giving into the pleasure. After a few more seconds, the trucker groans, filling your ass with his warm seed. You focus on the throbbing of his penis, as he fills your ass to the brim with his warm cum. After he finishes, the trucker says, "You are the best fuck, a man can ask for. Good girl." He then smacks your ass before pulling up his pants then leaving the restroom.'
+					'You lean against the urinal, enjoying the pleasure building up in your ass as he continuously pounds your ass with his big hard cock, ramming it deeper in your ass as you moan loudly, giving into the pleasure. After a few more seconds, the trucker groans, filling your ass with his warm seed. You focus on the throbbing of his penis as he fills your ass to the brim with his warm cum. After he finishes, the trucker says, "You are the best fuck, a man can ask for. Good girl." He then smacks your ass before pulling up his pants then leaving the restroom.'
 					gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Trucker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 9':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/analcreampie/cumanal1.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You lean against the urinal, enjoying the pleasure building up in your ass, as he continuously pounds your ass with his big hard cock, ramming it deeper in your ass, as you moan loudly, giving into the pleasure. After a few more seconds, the trucker groans, filling the condom with his warm seed. You focus on the condom expanding inside of you, as the trucker fills it to the brim with his warm cum. After he finishes, the trucker says, "You are the best fuck, a man can ask for. Good girl." He then smacks your ass before pulling up his pants then leaving the restroom.'
+					'You lean against the urinal, enjoying the pleasure building up in your ass as he continuously pounds your ass with his big hard cock, ramming it deeper in your ass as you moan loudly, giving into the pleasure. After a few more seconds, the trucker groans, filling the condom with his warm seed. You focus on the condom expanding inside of you as the trucker fills it to the brim with his warm cum. After he finishes, the trucker says, "You are the best fuck, a man can ask for. Good girl." He then smacks your ass before pulling up his pants then leaving the restroom.'
 					gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Trucker'
 					gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Biker Attack':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Suspicious Biker">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/borisdiner/npc/11.jpg"></center>'
-	'A suspicious looking biker approaches you then firmly states, "Hey bitch, you''re coming with me." Niko gets up then says, "If you want <<$NikoSlutName>>''s services then you speak with me." The biker pushes Niko back onto his seat. "I don''t talk to boys, now get lost. She is the one I want." Niko gets up then immediately lunges at the man, but the man quickly rams his fist into Niko''s face, sending him face first, onto the ground. You try to back away when the biker grabs you by the hair then says, in a menacing voice, "You''re coming with me bitch. I need a new fuck toy, and you will do nicely." He then begins pulling you outside when Niko reaches into his pocket, pulling out a knife before lunging at the man again, only to get caught by the throat. The biker twists Niko''s wrist, causing him to drop the knife, as the man continues choking Niko while you try to tug him off. You try your best to save Niko, as you see him choking under the biker steel grip. The biker says to Niko, "You tried to use a knife on me boy? Big mistake."'
+	'A suspicious looking biker approaches you then firmly states, "Hey bitch, you''re coming with me." Niko gets up then says, "If you want <<$NikoSlutName>>''s services then you speak with me." The biker pushes Niko back onto his seat. "I don''t talk to boys, now get lost. She is the one I want." Niko gets up then immediately lunges at the man, but the man quickly rams his fist into Niko''s face, sending him face first, onto the ground. You try to back away when the biker grabs you by the hair then says, in a menacing voice, "You''re coming with me bitch. I need a new fuck toy and you will do nicely." He then begins pulling you outside when Niko reaches into his pocket, pulling out a knife before lunging at the man again, only to get caught by the throat. The biker twists Niko''s wrist, causing him to drop the knife as the man continues choking Niko while you try to tug him off. You try your best to save Niko as you see him choking under the biker steel grip. The biker says to Niko, "You tried to use a knife on me boy? Big mistake."'
 	act 'Help Niko':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -1234,21 +1234,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Biker Attack':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff00cc><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		*pl '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
-		'You punch the biker as hard as you can, but he barely reacts before turning to you, and smacking you with the back of his hand. You look in horror as Niko''s squirming is ceasing. You scream out, "STOP IT! YOU''RE KILLING HIM!!!" The biker turns to you then smirks, as he replies, "Am I?" He then shrugs, obviously not caring if he kills Niko. You charge at the biker again, trying one last time to save Niko when you are suddenly grabbed from behind then pulled back, as the one who grabbed you, charges past, ramming his fist into the bikers face, sending him falling onto the floor. The man then climbs on top of the biker, and begins repeatedly punching the biker while shouting. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY BROTHER! YOU WORTHLESS SACK OF SHIT! I WILL FUCKING TEAR YOU APART!"'
+		'You punch the biker as hard as you can, but he barely reacts before turning to you and smacking you with the back of his hand. You look in horror as Niko''s squirming is ceasing. You scream out, "STOP IT! YOU''RE KILLING HIM!!!" The biker turns to you then smirks as he replies, "Am I?" He then shrugs, obviously not caring if he kills Niko. You charge at the biker again, trying one last time to save Niko when you are suddenly grabbed from behind then pulled back as the one who grabbed you, charges past, ramming his fist into the bikers face, sending him falling onto the floor. The man then climbs on top of the biker and begins repeatedly punching the biker while shouting. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY BROTHER! YOU WORTHLESS SACK OF SHIT! I WILL FUCKING TEAR YOU APART!"'
 		act 'Look closer':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Yurik Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/avatars/yurik2.jpg"></center>'
-			'You take a closer look and recognize the man as Yurik Volkov. You quickly run to Niko then check if he is okay while Yurik continues beating the biker to a pulp. You ask Niko, "Niko please tell me that you are you alright." Niko groans as he braces his throat, clearly in too much pain to speak. You turn to watch Yurik beating on the Biker, as the diner staff watch in fear, clearly too scared of Yurik''s rage to break it up.'
+			'You take a closer look and recognize the man as Yurik Volkov. You quickly run to Niko then check if he is okay while Yurik continues beating the biker to a pulp. You ask Niko, "Niko please tell me that you are you alright." Niko groans as he braces his throat, clearly in too much pain to speak. You turn to watch Yurik beating on the Biker as the diner staff watch in fear, clearly too scared of Yurik''s rage to break it up.'
 			act 'Approach Yurik':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/fight/down.jpg"></center>'
-				'After a few more moments you slowly approach Yurik then slowly place your hand on his shoulder. Yurik quickly tuens, causing you to flint, and brace yourself for him to hit you, but to your relief he doesn''t hit you, and climbs off of the biker. Yurik takes a few seconds to catch his breath then looks at his brother still on the floor before quickly kicking the downed biker one last time while stating, "If I ever see you around here again, I will bury you alive." The biker seems to be unconscious. You turn to see Niko trying to get up.'
+				'After a few more moments you slowly approach Yurik then slowly place your hand on his shoulder. Yurik quickly tuens, causing you to flint and brace yourself for him to hit you, but to your relief he doesn''t hit you and climbs off of the biker. Yurik takes a few seconds to catch his breath then looks at his brother still on the floor before quickly kicking the downed biker one last time while stating, "If I ever see you around here again, I will bury you alive." The biker seems to be unconscious. You turn to see Niko trying to get up.'
 				act 'Help Niko up':
 					*clr & cla
@@ -1259,14 +1259,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Biker Attack':
 					'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/bruised1.jpg"></center>'
-					'You kneel next to Niko then place his arm around your neck, and try to lift him when Yurik approaches you both then wraps Niko''s other arm aound his neck then says, "Let a man handle this." You nod and let Yurik carry Niko out of the diner. You look back at the diner staff, and see them all discussing what ot do next, as you leave the diner.'
+					'You kneel next to Niko then place his arm around your neck and try to lift him when Yurik approaches you both then wraps Niko''s other arm aound his neck then says, "Let a man handle this." You nod and let Yurik carry Niko out of the diner. You look back at the diner staff and see them all discussing what ot do next as you leave the diner.'
 					act 'Watch them ride away':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Yurik Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/bike2.jpg"></center>'
-						'Yurik carries his brother to his motorcycle then turns to you, and says, "Don''t worry girl. I will take him home to rest. You go and do... Whatever you girls do." Yurik starts the engine then rides off while holding onto Niko, keeping him from falling off.'
+						'Yurik carries his brother to his motorcycle then turns to you and says, "Don''t worry girl. I will take him home to rest. You go and do... Whatever you girls do." Yurik starts the engine then rides off while holding onto Niko, keeping him from falling off.'
 						act 'Turn away':nroad = 20 & gt 'road'
@@ -1320,7 +1320,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Meal1':
 	money -= 200
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/borisdiner/food/meal1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You order some eggs, it doesn''t take to long until your food is ready. You get a plate of two eggs, hashbrowns, biscuit, and some fruit, along with a cup hot tea. The food is better than expected.'
+	'You order some eggs, it doesn''t take to long until your food is ready. You get a plate of two eggs, hashbrowns, biscuit and some fruit, along with a cup hot tea. The food is better than expected.'
 	act 'Finish':gt 'NikoSlut', 'diner_inside'
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Mens Restroom':
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/borisdiner/m_restroom.jpg"></center>'
-	'This restroom has a <a href="exec:gt ''NikoSlut'', ''Wash''">sink</a>, 3 urinals, and a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirror</a>. A pretty funky smell fills the room, and judging by the stains on the wall, the guys who use this restroom aren''t very good at aiming.'
+	'This restroom has a <a href="exec:gt ''NikoSlut'', ''Wash''">sink</a>, 3 urinals and a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirror</a>. A pretty funky smell fills the room and judging by the stains on the wall, the guys who use this restroom aren''t very good at aiming.'
 	if NikoSlut = 2:
 		act 'Return to Niko':gt 'NikoSlut', 'Customers'
@@ -1401,7 +1401,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Ladies Restroom':
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/borisdiner/l_restroom.jpg"></center>'
-	'This restroom has 5 <a href="exec:gt ''NikoSlut'', ''Wash''">sink</a>, 5 <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirrors</a>, and 3 stalls. This restroom is very clean, and looks pretty unused. I suppose that there aren''t many women who visit this diner.'
+	'This restroom has 5 <a href="exec:gt ''NikoSlut'', ''Wash''">sink</a>, 5 <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirrors</a> and 3 stalls. This restroom is very clean and looks pretty unused. I suppose that there aren''t many women who visit this diner.'
 	if NikoSlut = 2:
 		act 'Return to Niko':gt 'NikoSlut', 'Customers'
@@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Wash':
 	'<center><h4><font color="blue">Bathroom</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/facecleanse.jpg"></center>'
-	'You grab a few paper towels then approach the sink to clean yourself, as thoroughly, as possible while taking a few seconds to enjoy a splash of warm water on your face, leaving you feeling refreshed as you finish up and walk away from the sink.'
+	'You grab a few paper towels then approach the sink to clean yourself as thoroughly as possible while taking a few seconds to enjoy a splash of warm water on your face, leaving you feeling refreshed as you finish up and walk away from the sink.'
 	if NikoSlut > 1:
 		act 'Dry off':gt 'NikoSlut', 'Customers'
@@ -1456,7 +1456,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Diner Exit':
 			'Once you both leave the diner, Niko gives you a kiss on the cheek then says, "You have done some great work today, keep it up." Niko hands you your cut of the profit. He takes your hand in his and starts to walk you home.'
 			act 'Walk home':
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/kiss1.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'As you walk back home, the two of you chat about various topics. When you reach your apartment build, he opens the door for you and then walks you up the stairs. Once at your door, Niko gives you a soft passionate kiss then he turns around, and walks away. You watch him until he is out of sight walking down the stairs and then go into your apartment.'
+				'As you walk back home, the two of you chat about various topics. When you reach your apartment build, he opens the door for you and then walks you up the stairs. Once at your door, Niko gives you a soft passionate kiss then he turns around and walks away. You watch him until he is out of sight walking down the stairs and then go into your apartment.'
 				act 'Wave goodbye':NikoProfit = 0 & gt 'korrPar'

+ 69 - 69

@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/jewelry/cuffs.jpg"></center>'
-		'You reassure yourself, as you see Niko take out the collar that you wore the other day then places it around your neck, followed by a pair of matching leather cuffs which Niko begins placing around your wrists. You can feel your heart racing even faster.'
+		'You reassure yourself as you see Niko take out the collar that you wore the other day then places it around your neck, followed by a pair of matching leather cuffs which Niko begins placing around your wrists. You can feel your heart racing even faster.'
 		act 'Continue':
 			*clr & cla
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/locker2.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You immediately understand what he wants, and begin sucking his dick thoroughly, trying your best to please him. Niko looks down to you, and says, "You''re doing great <<$pcs_nickname>>, keep it up." Niko''s approval gives you a warm feeling in your heart. <font color=#FF00FF>I''m doing good. Niko likes what I''m doing for him. I only want to please you Niko. Please cum for me. I want your seed inside me.</font>'
+				'You immediately understand what he wants and begin sucking his dick thoroughly, trying your best to please him. Niko looks down to you and says, "You''re doing great <<$pcs_nickname>>, keep it up." Niko''s approval gives you a warm feeling in your heart. <font color=#FF00FF>I''m doing good. Niko likes what I''m doing for him. I only want to please you Niko. Please cum for me. I want your seed inside me.</font>'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow3.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'Niko begins lightly moaning before grabbing onto your hair then pushing his cock down your throat, filling your throat with his warm cum. You enjoy the warm feeling of his cum entering your throat, and the rapid throbbing of his penis, as it pumps your throat with his seed.' 
+					'Niko begins lightly moaning before grabbing onto your hair then pushing his cock down your throat, filling your throat with his warm cum. You enjoy the warm feeling of his cum entering your throat and the rapid throbbing of his penis as it pumps your throat with his seed.' 
 					gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'A189', 1
 					gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 								'<center><b><font color="green"><<"Denis [Dan] Ryzhov">></font></b></center>'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big10.jpg"></center>'
-								'You see Dan Ryzhov standing in front of you with a wolfish grin on his face, "Well well, I never thought that you were into this kind of stuff." He begins pinching your nipples. You then exclaim, "Dan stop! What are you doing here?" He replies, "Ever since I saw Niko walking you around then I''ve been keeping an eye on you, and saw you doing some pretty naughty things, and I like naughty things." He then lifts you to your feet.' 
+								'You see Dan Ryzhov standing in front of you with a wolfish grin on his face, "Well well, I never thought that you were into this kind of stuff." He begins pinching your nipples. You then exclaim, "Dan stop! What are you doing here?" He replies, "Ever since I saw Niko walking you around then I''ve been keeping an eye on you and saw you doing some pretty naughty things and I like naughty things." He then lifts you to your feet.' 
 								gs 'arousal', 'flash', 2, 'sub', 'humiliation'
 								gs 'stat'
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 									minut += 2
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/locker4.jpg"></center>'
-									'You shout at Dan, "Let go of me, or I''ll scream!" Dan''s grin grows even wider, and who would hear you? Everyone is in the cafeteria, laughing, and shouting over each other. Even if someone heard you, would you like them to see you chained up naked, like this? Maybe I should just walk you into the cafeteria where you can scream all you want." <font color=#FF00FF>I''m completely naked. If he walks me into the cafeteria then I will be completely humiliated.</font>'
+									'You shout at Dan, "Let go of me, or I''ll scream!" Dan''s grin grows even wider and who would hear you? Everyone is in the cafeteria, laughing and shouting over each other. Even if someone heard you, would you like them to see you chained up naked, like this? Maybe I should just walk you into the cafeteria where you can scream all you want." <font color=#FF00FF>I''m completely naked. If he walks me into the cafeteria then I will be completely humiliated.</font>'
 									gs 'arousal', 'flash', 2, 'sub', 'humiliation'
 									gs 'stat'
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 										*clr & cla
 										'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/locker5.mp4"></video></center>'	
-										'You lower your head in submission, "Please don''t do that. I''ll stay quiet." Dan quickly turns you around then unbuttons his pants before sliding his dick inside of your ass, causing a surge of pressure, and pain to fill your ass. Dan wastes no time and begins fucking your ass, slowly at first then continues picking up the pace. <font color=#FF00FF>I can''t believe this is happening. Niko where are you? Please help me!</font> Dan continues fucking your ass when his phone begins ringing.'
+										'You lower your head in submission, "Please don''t do that. I''ll stay quiet." Dan quickly turns you around then unbuttons his pants before sliding his dick inside of your ass, causing a surge of pressure and pain to fill your ass. Dan wastes no time and begins fucking your ass, slowly at first then continues picking up the pace. <font color=#FF00FF>I can''t believe this is happening. Niko where are you? Please help me!</font> Dan continues fucking your ass when his phone begins ringing.'
-										'Dan doesn''t even stop fucking you, as he answers his phone. The person on the other end of the phone says something to Dan, to which he responds, "I can''t right now. I''m too busy fucking <<$pcs_firstname>>''s ass." Your eyes widen, as Dan continues, "Yeah, I''m in the locker room...Sure you can come." <font color=#FF00FF>Did he just tell someone about this? Who was he talking too? I can''t do anything. Please tell me I''m dreaming.</font>'
+										'Dan doesn''t even stop fucking you as he answers his phone. The person on the other end of the phone says something to Dan, to which he responds, "I can''t right now. I''m too busy fucking <<$pcs_firstname>>''s ass." Your eyes widen as Dan continues, "Yeah, I''m in the locker room...Sure you can come." <font color=#FF00FF>Did he just tell someone about this? Who was he talking too? I can''t do anything. Please tell me I''m dreaming.</font>'
 										$orgasm_txt = ''
 										gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
 										gs 'stat'
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 											*clr & cla
 											'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/locker6.mp4"></video></center>'
-											'Dan hangs up as he replies, "It was just Vitek, don''t worry about it." He begins fucking you harder, as you try ask, "Why...mmmmm...Why''d you....mmmm..Tell him abo...." Dan wraps his hand around your neck, bringing your head to his face. "He is my friend, and I believe in sharing, don''t you?" You suddenly hear the locker room door open again then turn to see who it is...'
+											'Dan hangs up as he replies, "It was just Vitek, don''t worry about it." He begins fucking you harder as you try ask, "Why...mmmmm...Why''d you....mmmm..Tell him abo...." Dan wraps his hand around your neck, bringing your head to his face. "He is my friend and I believe in sharing, don''t you?" You suddenly hear the locker room door open again then turn to see who it is...'
 											$orgasm_txt = ''
 											gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
 											gs 'stat'
@@ -109,13 +109,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big9.jpg"></center>'
 												if kotovloveQW > 0:
 													kotovloveQW = -1
-													'Vitek and Vasily enter the room then Vitek begins shouting at Dan, "What the fuck do you think you''re doing Dan? <<$pcs_firstname>> is mine!" Dan suddenly rams his dick far in your ass, causing you to scream, as he fills your ass with his cum. You feel his dick throbbing inside you, as his warm cum fills your ass. Vitek suddenly wraps his hand around Dan''s throat, "Answer my fucking question! What are you doing, fucking my girl?" Dan chokes on his words as he tries to explain, "<<$pcs_firstname>> is a...whore, and I can...Grr...prove it. Check this out," Dan reaches into his pocket then pulls out his phone, and taps the screen a few times. After a few more taps, he lift the phone up to Vitek''s face. A video plays where you hear sucking sounds followed by a groan then shortly after hear yourself saying,'
+													'Vitek and Vasily enter the room then Vitek begins shouting at Dan, "What the fuck do you think you''re doing Dan? <<$pcs_firstname>> is mine!" Dan suddenly rams his dick far in your ass, causing you to scream as he fills your ass with his cum. You feel his dick throbbing inside you as his warm cum fills your ass. Vitek suddenly wraps his hand around Dan''s throat, "Answer my fucking question! What are you doing, fucking my girl?" Dan chokes on his words as he tries to explain, "<<$pcs_firstname>> is a...whore and I can...Grr...prove it. Check this out," Dan reaches into his pocket then pulls out his phone and taps the screen a few times. After a few more taps, he lift the phone up to Vitek''s face. A video plays where you hear sucking sounds followed by a groan then shortly after hear yourself saying,'
-													'"I love you Nikolai. I love you with all my heart." You suddenly realize what that Dan must have recorded you, as you sucked Niko''s dick in the hallway, after school. <font color=#FF00FF>There is no way I can talk my way out of this. What will Viktor do to me?</font> Vitek watches the video for a few more seconds before releasing Dan''s throat then turning to you with his face; seething with rage. "You fucking worthless whore!" He then lifts his hand, and smacks you hard, knocking you to the ground. Vitek begins smashing a nearby garbage can in rage then Dan places his hand on Vitek''s shoulder, "It''s alright Vitek, you don''t need her, you never did." Vitek takes a few seconds to calm himself then brushes Dan''s hand off his shoulder, as he unbuttons his pants then pushes his dick against your lips. "What are you waiting for, whore? Start sucking." You meekly nod before wrapping your lips around his dick.'
+													'"I love you Nikolai. I love you with all my heart." You suddenly realize what that Dan must have recorded you as you sucked Niko''s dick in the hallway, after school. <font color=#FF00FF>There is no way I can talk my way out of this. What will Viktor do to me?</font> Vitek watches the video for a few more seconds before releasing Dan''s throat then turning to you with his face; seething with rage. "You fucking worthless whore!" He then lifts his hand and smacks you hard, knocking you to the ground. Vitek begins smashing a nearby garbage can in rage then Dan places his hand on Vitek''s shoulder, "It''s alright Vitek, you don''t need her, you never did." Vitek takes a few seconds to calm himself then brushes Dan''s hand off his shoulder as he unbuttons his pants then pushes his dick against your lips. "What are you waiting for, whore? Start sucking." You meekly nod before wrapping your lips around his dick.'
-													'Vitek and Vasily enter the room then quickly begin whistling at you before Vitek says, "I thought that Dan was fucking with me when he told me about this." Dan suddenly rams his dick far in your ass, causing you to scream, as he fills your ass with his cum. You feel his dick throbbing inside you, as his warm cum fills your ass. "You take a second to catch your breath when you look up to see Vitek''s dick in your face. "What are you waiting for slut? Start sucking."'
+													'Vitek and Vasily enter the room then quickly begin whistling at you before Vitek says, "I thought that Dan was fucking with me when he told me about this." Dan suddenly rams his dick far in your ass, causing you to scream as he fills your ass with his cum. You feel his dick throbbing inside you as his warm cum fills your ass. "You take a second to catch your breath when you look up to see Vitek''s dick in your face. "What are you waiting for slut? Start sucking."'
-													'You plead, "Please don''t. I need to get back to..." Vitek wraps his hand around your throat. "That can wait, now get sucking." Dan pulls out of you, causing you to feel a rush of pressure, as it evokes a moan to escape your mouth. Vitek immediately takes advantage of this, and shoves his dick into your mouth.'
+													'You plead, "Please don''t. I need to get back to..." Vitek wraps his hand around your throat. "That can wait, now get sucking." Dan pulls out of you, causing you to feel a rush of pressure as it evokes a moan to escape your mouth. Vitek immediately takes advantage of this and shoves his dick into your mouth.'
 												$orgasm_txt = ''
 												gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'A10', 1
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 													'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/sex/rand_scoolboy6.mp4"></video></center>'
 													if kotovloveQw = -1:
-														'You begin obediently sucking Vitek''s dick, knowing better than to anger him further. Vasily has his dick out too, and begins poking your cheek with it. You quickly pull away from Vitek''s dick then suck on Vasily''s hard cock. You spend the next few minutes alternating between their cocks while Vitek roughly squeezes your breasts.' 
+														'You begin obediently sucking Vitek''s dick, knowing better than to anger him further. Vasily has his dick out too and begins poking your cheek with it. You quickly pull away from Vitek''s dick then suck on Vasily''s hard cock. You spend the next few minutes alternating between their cocks while Vitek roughly squeezes your breasts.' 
-														'You begin obediently sucking Vitek''s dick, knowing better than to anger him. Vasily has his dick out too, and begins poking your cheek with it. You quickly pull away from Vitek''s dick then suck on Vasily''s hard cock. You spend the next few minutes alternating between their cocks while Vitek squeezes your breasts.' 
+														'You begin obediently sucking Vitek''s dick, knowing better than to anger him. Vasily has his dick out too and begins poking your cheek with it. You quickly pull away from Vitek''s dick then suck on Vasily''s hard cock. You spend the next few minutes alternating between their cocks while Vitek squeezes your breasts.' 
 													gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 													gs 'stat'											
@@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 														'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow9.mp4"></video></center>'
 														if kotovloveQw = -1:
-															'Eventually Vitek grabs your hair, forcing his dick down your throat, as he fills you throat with his cum. You swallow as much as you can before Vasily pulls your head to his dick then begins cumming on your face, covering your face in his warm cum. You take a few seconds catching your breath, as you listen to them talk.'
+															'Eventually Vitek grabs your hair, forcing his dick down your throat as he fills you throat with his cum. You swallow as much as you can before Vasily pulls your head to his dick then begins cumming on your face, covering your face in his warm cum. You take a few seconds catching your breath as you listen to them talk.'
 															'Dan: I told you that she was a freak. She loves getting fucked. She was basically begging me to fuck her ass.'
 															'Vasily: Come on guys we already have Sonia, we don''t need <<$pcs_nickname>> too.'
 															'Dan: She might me like Sonia 2.0, It would be wrong for us to NOT to show her off. Now is the perfect time too. I saw the teachers, leaving the cafeteria while I was on my way here.'
 															'Vitek: Sounds good to me. You hear that <<$pcs_firstname>>? You gonna get, what a whore like you, deserves. Now get up! You''re coming with us!'
-															'Eventually Vitek grabs your hair, forcing his dick down your throat, as he fills you throat with his cum. You swallow as much as you can before Vasily pulls your head to his dick then begins cumming on your face, covering your face in his warm cum. You take a few seconds catching your breath, as you listen to them talk.'
+															'Eventually Vitek grabs your hair, forcing his dick down your throat as he fills you throat with his cum. You swallow as much as you can before Vasily pulls your head to his dick then begins cumming on your face, covering your face in his warm cum. You take a few seconds catching your breath as you listen to them talk.'
 															'Dan: I told you that she was a freak. She loves getting fucked. She was basically begging me to fuck her ass.'
 															'Vasily: Come on guys, we already have Sonia, we don''t need <<$pcs_nickname>> too.'
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 															inhib_exp += 2
 															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/wos.jpg"></center>'
-															'<font color=#FF00FF>No this can''t be! Why is this happening? This will ruin my reputation forever. I will be an outcast like Sonia. The boys will abuse me. This can''t be happening.</font>"Please don''t do this. I will do anything! Please just let me go." Vitek pulls on your collar. "Less talking, more walking." Vitek walks you out of the locker room, as Dan tells you, "Don''t worry <<$pcs_firstname>>, you will get used to it. Imagine it, every boy in school will be giving you a lot of attention. You will be popular among all the boys." You look back to Vasily, and he whispers in your ear, "I''m sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, but I can''t help you. It''s too late." As he follows closely behind you.'
+															'<font color=#FF00FF>No this can''t be! Why is this happening? This will ruin my reputation forever. I will be an outcast like Sonia. The boys will abuse me. This can''t be happening.</font>"Please don''t do this. I will do anything! Please just let me go." Vitek pulls on your collar. "Less talking, more walking." Vitek walks you out of the locker room as Dan tells you, "Don''t worry <<$pcs_firstname>>, you will get used to it. Imagine it, every boy in school will be giving you a lot of attention. You will be popular among all the boys." You look back to Vasily and he whispers in your ear, "I''m sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, but I can''t help you. It''s too late." As he follows closely behind you.'
 															gs 'arousal', 'flash', 2, 'sub', 'humiliation', 'exhibitionism'
 															gs 'stat'
@@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 																*clr & cla
 																inhib_exp += 2
-																'Your heart is pounding, and you can feel tears streaming down your eyes. <font color=#FF00FF>I''m going to lose everything. My life will never be the same again. Please let this be a bad dream. PLEEEEEEASE!</font> You close your eyes, trying to wake up when you hear the sounds of chatting, and laughter, informing you that you are passing the cafeteria.'
+																'Your heart is pounding and you can feel tears streaming down your eyes. <font color=#FF00FF>I''m going to lose everything. My life will never be the same again. Please let this be a bad dream. PLEEEEEEASE!</font> You close your eyes, trying to wake up when you hear the sounds of chatting and laughter, informing you that you are passing the cafeteria.'
 																if fedorkozlovQW > 1 or fedorKozlovQW < -10:
-																	'You suddenly hear Fedor Kozlov shouting, "What are you guys doing with <<$pcs_firstname>>?" Dan begins laughing, as he replies, "Didn''t <<$pcs_firstname>> tell you? She wants to join Sonia as our fuck puppet." Fedor looks to you with concerning eyes, "They are lying, aren''t they?"'
+																	'You suddenly hear Fedor Kozlov shouting, "What are you guys doing with <<$pcs_firstname>>?" Dan begins laughing as he replies, "Didn''t <<$pcs_firstname>> tell you? She wants to join Sonia as our fuck puppet." Fedor looks to you with concerning eyes, "They are lying, aren''t they?"'
 																	if fedorKozlovQW < -10:
 																		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/outcast/outcast2.jpg"></center>'
@@ -200,9 +200,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 																		*clr & cla
 																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/fedor.jpg"></center>'
-																		'You run to Fedor then jump into his arms, as he stares into your eyes, "Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>>. I will keep you safe." Vitek shouts, "Hey, she is ours, give her back." Fedor stands his ground, "No, she is mine!" Vitek walks up to his face, "What did you say, punk?" Dan approaches them, and says, "Hey, I''m sure that Fedor is just misunderstanding what''s going on. Let me explain. <<$pcs_firstname>> has been a very naughty girl, who has been fucking many other students." Fedor responds, "Bullshit! I know <<$pcs_firstname>>, and she''s better than that." Dan responds, "Ohh really? Watch this, and decide for yourself."'
+																		'You run to Fedor then jump into his arms as he stares into your eyes, "Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>>. I will keep you safe." Vitek shouts, "Hey, she is ours, give her back." Fedor stands his ground, "No, she is mine!" Vitek walks up to his face, "What did you say, punk?" Dan approaches them and says, "Hey, I''m sure that Fedor is just misunderstanding what''s going on. Let me explain. <<$pcs_firstname>> has been a very naughty girl, who has been fucking many other students." Fedor responds, "Bullshit! I know <<$pcs_firstname>> and she''s better than that." Dan responds, "Ohh really? Watch this and decide for yourself."'
-																		'Dan shows Fedor the video of you sucking off Niko then confessing your love to him. Fedor''s face grows pale. "Why <<$pcs_firstname>>?...Why?" You lower your head, "I..." You can''t collect your words. Fedor clenches his fist. "<<$pcs_nickname>> promise me right here, and now, that you will never see Niko ever again!"'
+																		'Dan shows Fedor the video of you sucking off Niko then confessing your love to him. Fedor''s face grows pale. "Why <<$pcs_firstname>>?...Why?" You lower your head, "I..." You can''t collect your words. Fedor clenches his fist. "<<$pcs_nickname>> promise me right here and now, that you will never see Niko ever again!"'
 																		gs 'arousal', 'flash', 2, 'sub', 'humiliation','exhibitionism'
 																		gs 'stat'
@@ -218,12 +218,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 																			if fedorkozlovQW < -10:
 																				'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Viktor [Vitek] Kotov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big9.jpg"></center>'
-																				'Fedor leans over then whispers in your ear, "Run." You quickly begin running, as Fedor runs to the nearby trash can then tosses it at Vitek. Vitek blocks it as Fedor charges him, tackling him to the ground. You continue running, as Vitek and Dan, beat up on Fedor. You look back to see Dan climb off of Fedor then start to run to you before Vasily pretends to trip, and falls on Dan, causing them both to fall to the ground, long enough for you to make you way to the locker room where you find the bag with your clothes in it. You spent a minute getting dressed before walking to the hallway, just outside of your classroom.'
+																				'Fedor leans over then whispers in your ear, "Run." You quickly begin running as Fedor runs to the nearby trash can then tosses it at Vitek. Vitek blocks it as Fedor charges him, tackling him to the ground. You continue running as Vitek and Dan, beat up on Fedor. You look back to see Dan climb off of Fedor then start to run to you before Vasily pretends to trip and falls on Dan, causing them both to fall to the ground, long enough for you to make you way to the locker room where you find the bag with your clothes in it. You spent a minute getting dressed before walking to the hallway, just outside of your classroom.'
 																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/ivan/school/jocks.jpg"></center>'
-																				'Fedor suddenly pulls you behind him, as he exclaims, "<<$pcs_firstname>> is not going with you, and that''s final!" Vitek rams his fist into Fedor''s stomach, knocking him back, and bringing him to his knees. You quickly sneak away, as the gopniks surround Fedor, Shortly after, you hear someone shout, "What the fuck is going on here?" You see Ivan Prokhorov, and a few of the other jocks, walking out of the cafeteria. Vitek shouts, "Get lost! This doesn''t concern you." Ivan walks right up to Vitek''s face then replies, "When you attack my friend then it does concern me." The jocks begin surrounding the gopniks.'
+																				'Fedor suddenly pulls you behind him as he exclaims, "<<$pcs_firstname>> is not going with you and that''s final!" Vitek rams his fist into Fedor''s stomach, knocking him back and bringing him to his knees. You quickly sneak away as the gopniks surround Fedor, Shortly after, you hear someone shout, "What the fuck is going on here?" You see Ivan Prokhorov and a few of the other jocks, walking out of the cafeteria. Vitek shouts, "Get lost! This doesn''t concern you." Ivan walks right up to Vitek''s face then replies, "When you attack my friend then it does concern me." The jocks begin surrounding the gopniks.'
-																				'Vitek looks around him, as he spends a few seconds in silence before finally saying, "Oh well, I have better things to do anyway. Let''s get going boys." Vitek turns around then walks away, as the jocks move out of their way, letting them go. Fedor turns to you then gives you a wink before being helped up by Ivan. You quickly run back to the locker room, and find the bag with your clothes which you put on before returning to the hallway.'
+																				'Vitek looks around him as he spends a few seconds in silence before finally saying, "Oh well, I have better things to do anyway. Let''s get going boys." Vitek turns around then walks away as the jocks move out of their way, letting them go. Fedor turns to you then gives you a wink before being helped up by Ivan. You quickly run back to the locker room and find the bag with your clothes which you put on before returning to the hallway.'
 																			act 'Hallway':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' & gt 'gschool_lessons', 'afternoon'
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 																			'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/fedorsad.jpg"></center>'
-																			'You lower you head in silence. Fedor sighs, as he responds, "I guess that you care for him more... Fine have fun with your new boyfriend. I just don''t care anymore." Fedor walks away without saying another word.'
+																			'You lower you head in silence. Fedor sighs as he responds, "I guess that you care for him more... Fine have fun with your new boyfriend. I just don''t care anymore." Fedor walks away without saying another word.'
 																			act 'Run to Fedor':
 																				*clr & cla
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 																		npc_rel['A5'] = 25
 																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/fedor.jpg"></center>'
-																		'You run to Fedor then jump into his arms, as he stares into your eyes, "Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>>. I will keep you safe." Vitek shouts, "Hey, she is ours, give her back." Fedor stands his ground, "No, she is mine!" Vitek walks up to his face, "What did you say punk?" Dan adds, "Hey, I''m sure Fedor misunderstands what''s going on, let me explain. <<$pcs_firstname>> has been a very naughty girl who has been fucking many other students." Fedor responds, "Bullshit! I know <<$pcs_firstname>>, and she''s better than that." Dan responds, "Ohh really? Watch this, and decide for yourself."'
+																		'You run to Fedor then jump into his arms as he stares into your eyes, "Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>>. I will keep you safe." Vitek shouts, "Hey, she is ours, give her back." Fedor stands his ground, "No, she is mine!" Vitek walks up to his face, "What did you say punk?" Dan adds, "Hey, I''m sure Fedor misunderstands what''s going on, let me explain. <<$pcs_firstname>> has been a very naughty girl who has been fucking many other students." Fedor responds, "Bullshit! I know <<$pcs_firstname>> and she''s better than that." Dan responds, "Ohh really? Watch this and decide for yourself."'
 																		gs 'arousal', 'flash', 5, 'sub', 'humiliation', 'exhibitionism'
 																		gs 'stat'
 																		act 'See what happens':
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 																			'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/fedorangry.jpg"></center>'
-																			'Dan shows Fedor the video of you sucking off Niko then confessing your love to him. Fedor''s face grows red with anger. "You..You bitch! How could you just use me like that?" You lower your head, "I..." You can''t collect your words. Fedor grabs the back of your neck then pushes you toward Vitek who catches you, "Have fun with her. I don''t want her anymore." Dan pats Fedor on the back, as he responds, "Why don''t you join us? We were just about to show her off to everyone else." Fedor nods as the gopniks lead you to the stairwell.'
+																			'Dan shows Fedor the video of you sucking off Niko then confessing your love to him. Fedor''s face grows red with anger. "You..You bitch! How could you just use me like that?" You lower your head, "I..." You can''t collect your words. Fedor grabs the back of your neck then pushes you toward Vitek who catches you, "Have fun with her. I don''t want her anymore." Dan pats Fedor on the back as he responds, "Why don''t you join us? We were just about to show her off to everyone else." Fedor nods as the gopniks lead you to the stairwell.'
 																			gs 'arousal', 'flash', 2, 'sub', 'humiliation', 'exhibitionism'
 																			gs 'stat'
 																			act 'Enter cafeteria':gt 'NikoWhore', 'Exposed'
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Exposed':
 	gs 'fame'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/wos.jpg"></center>'
-	'You close your eyes, as you are led down the hallway. You can hear students in the hallway talking about you.' 
+	'You close your eyes as you are led down the hallway. You can hear students in the hallway talking about you.' 
 	if hotcat >= 6 and salocatnow < 5:
 		'Feofan: Holy crap, now <<$pcs_firstname>> is a whore too? I love this school!'
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Exposed':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff00cc><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		*pl '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
-		'You reach the stairwell and Vitek shouts out, "Hey boys! Look who has decided to join Sonia as the school whore! <<$pcs_firstname>> <<$pcs_lastname>>!" The gopniks get noticeably excited, as they begin talking to each other.'
+		'You reach the stairwell and Vitek shouts out, "Hey boys! Look who has decided to join Sonia as the school whore! <<$pcs_firstname>> <<$pcs_lastname>>!" The gopniks get noticeably excited as they begin talking to each other.'
 		if hotcat >= 6:
 			'Radomir Popov: "So <<$pcs_nickname>> decided to join the party. She looks good enough. Hey <<$pcs_nickname>> ever been with a real man before?'
 			'Valentin: "She is better looking than Sonia. I will give her that."'
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Exposed':
 				'<center><b><h4><font color=#be0457><<"Pauline Sebagotulina">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big24.jpg"></center>'				
-				'Ekaterina stands up and gives Dan a shove. "Watch it or I will make you eat something of your own." Dan puts his hands up, then she walks up the stairs to apparently go eat in peace. Dan snickers once she walks away, as Pauline pulls out her phone then begins recording you before saying, in a patronizing voice, "Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>>, we''ll make you a star... Now smile for the camera."'
+				'Ekaterina stands up and gives Dan a shove. "Watch it or I will make you eat something of your own." Dan puts his hands up, then she walks up the stairs to apparently go eat in peace. Dan snickers once she walks away as Pauline pulls out her phone then begins recording you before saying, in a patronizing voice, "Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>>, we''ll make you a star... Now smile for the camera."'
 				gs 'arousal', 'flash', 2, 'sub', 'humiliation', 'exhibitionism'
 				gs 'stat'	
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Exposed':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/exposed1.jpg"></center>'
-						'Lena then says, "Alright let''s not keep everyone waiting. If <<$pcs_nickname>> wants some dick then lets get her some dick." She then pushes you to the boys, who quickly begin fondling your body. You can feel your body trembling, as some of the boys begin running their hands across your body. Dan spanks your ass, as he shouts out, "Alright, Who want''s to fuck this slut?" Your jaw opens in shock, your entire body trembling, knowing that everything you had in this school, your friends, your dignity, and your reputation are completely lost now.'
+						'Lena then says, "Alright let''s not keep everyone waiting. If <<$pcs_nickname>> wants some dick then lets get her some dick." She then pushes you to the boys, who quickly begin fondling your body. You can feel your body trembling as some of the boys begin running their hands across your body. Dan spanks your ass as he shouts out, "Alright, Who want''s to fuck this slut?" Your jaw opens in shock, your entire body trembling, knowing that everything you had in this school, your friends, your dignity and your reputation are completely lost now.'
 						gs 'arousal', 'flash', 2, 'sub', 'humiliation', 'exhibitionism'
 						gs 'stat'
@@ -412,11 +412,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Exposed':
 								if npc_rel['A144'] >= 80:
 									'Anushka holds out her hand to you. "Come on, lets get out of here!" Dan walks in front of her. "Leave it Nush, <<$pcs_nickname>> likes it... She wants to stay." Then he turns towards you. "Don''t you slut?" You stare at Anushka, too terrified to speak. Anushka shouts, "<<$pcs_nickname>>! Say something!" You want to say something but your body wont let you. Taking your silence as acceptance, Anushka just sighs in a defeated tone then gives you a look of pity. "See, what did I tell you? Now stop being such a buzz kill and either join in, or shove off!" She then says to Dan. "Fuck you asshole." Dan only grins as he adds, "Anywhere, any time, sweet cheeks."'
-									'Valentin pulls Anushka away while Alyona follows, he pulls her to where the stairs exit out into the hallway. Anushka jerks her arm away from him. Valentin puts his hands in the air. "Just go Nush, you can''t do anything here... So just go." She shakes her head in disgust at him. "Fuck you Val." She then turns and walks off while Alyona gives Roman a dirty look, as she follows Anushka. Valentin calls after them. "Come on, don''t be like that Nush." Then he starts walking back to the group. "Fuck... She is pissed." Radomir pats him on the shoulder. "She will get over it, she always does."'
+									'Valentin pulls Anushka away while Alyona follows, he pulls her to where the stairs exit out into the hallway. Anushka jerks her arm away from him. Valentin puts his hands in the air. "Just go Nush, you can''t do anything here... So just go." She shakes her head in disgust at him. "Fuck you Val." She then turns and walks off while Alyona gives Roman a dirty look as she follows Anushka. Valentin calls after them. "Come on, don''t be like that Nush." Then he starts walking back to the group. "Fuck... She is pissed." Radomir pats him on the shoulder. "She will get over it, she always does."'
 								elseif npc_rel['A144'] >= 50:
 									'Alyona pulls out a switch blade as a response to the threat. "Just try it asshole and I will cut your dick off!" Roman replies, in a menacing tone, "Do you even know how to use that thing little lady?" Valentin quickly grabs the girls then pulls them away. Arkadi pulls Roman back clearly trying to calm him down. While Valentin pulls Anushka by the arm to where the stairs lead out into the hallway. They seem to be arguing but you can''t hear what they are saying. Finally Anushka jerks her arm free and Alyona makes a threatening motion with the knife again.'
-									'Valentin puts up his hands and takes a step back. "Fucking assholes! All of you!" Anushka exclaims before giving you one final glance, her eyes begging you to come to her, but when you don''t, she just looks at you with pity then walks off, flipping Valentin off. While he shoots after her. "Don''t be that way Nush, come on!" Valentin then turns and walks back to the group, as Lena says to you. "No one is coming to save you slut."'
+									'Valentin puts up his hands and takes a step back. "Fucking assholes! All of you!" Anushka exclaims before giving you one final glance, her eyes begging you to come to her, but when you don''t, she just looks at you with pity then walks off, flipping Valentin off. While he shoots after her. "Don''t be that way Nush, come on!" Valentin then turns and walks back to the group as Lena says to you. "No one is coming to save you slut."'
 									'Dan takes a step closer to them. "Yeah? I''m cool with that, just let me know. We can do that now if you want." Anushka and Alyona look at him a moment then each other, then back to him before laughing. "As if." Then they get up and walk away together laughing, while a annoyed Dan turns back to you.'
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Exposed':
 									*clr & cla
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/exposed2.jpg"></center>'
-									'Once Anushka and Alyona leave, Radomir Popov steps up to you then begins fingering your vagina, "I want to fuck her first." Dan laughs, as he replies, "You mean second, right?" He then turns you around, and spreads your ass cheeks, causing his cum to leak out of your ass. Radomir replies, "Ohh shit, she really is a filthy whore. I''m still fucking her though." He grabs you by the hair then unbuttons his pants, and lays down, as he pulls you on top of him.'		
+									'Once Anushka and Alyona leave, Radomir Popov steps up to you then begins fingering your vagina, "I want to fuck her first." Dan laughs as he replies, "You mean second, right?" He then turns you around and spreads your ass cheeks, causing his cum to leak out of your ass. Radomir replies, "Ohh shit, she really is a filthy whore. I''m still fucking her though." He grabs you by the hair then unbuttons his pants and lays down as he pulls you on top of him.'		
 									$orgasm_txt = ''
 									gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 5, 'sub', 'exhibitionism', 'humiliation', 'gangbang'
 									gs 'stat'		
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Exposed':
 										inhib_exp = 5
 										'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/lock1.mp4"></video></center>'
-										'You can feel Radomir''s penis enter your vagina causing a jolt of pressure as your weight pushes his cock completely inside of you. knowing that it is too late to go back, you begin riding Radomir. You can hear the boys cheering, as they enjoy the show. You can still see Pauline recording you and the other girls cheering with malicious smirks on their faces.'
+										'You can feel Radomir''s penis enter your vagina causing a jolt of pressure as your weight pushes his cock completely inside of you. knowing that it is too late to go back, you begin riding Radomir. You can hear the boys cheering as they enjoy the show. You can still see Pauline recording you and the other girls cheering with malicious smirks on their faces.'
 										$orgasm_txt = ''
 										gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'exhibitionism', 'humiliation', 'gangbang'
 										gs 'stat'
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Exposed':
 											*clr & cla
 											'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bedroom/cum/cum7.mp4"></video></center>'
-											'Radomir pulls out of you then begins cumming on your feet, as you milk him. Feeling his cock throbbing in your hand, His warm cum landing on your feet. You use the comfort of his warm cum to distract you from your racing thoughts.'
+											'Radomir pulls out of you then begins cumming on your feet as you milk him. Feeling his cock throbbing in your hand, His warm cum landing on your feet. You use the comfort of his warm cum to distract you from your racing thoughts.'
 											$orgasm_txt = ''
 											gs 'cum_call', 'feet', 'A158', 1
 											gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'exhibitionism', 'humiliation', 'gangbang'
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Exposed':
 														'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Elžbieta [Bella] Artamonov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big22.jpg"></center>'
-														'Bella Artamonov, who seems to have just walked down the stairs, continues shouting at the boys, "I don''t want to see this shit! Why can''t you fucking perverts just do this shit somewhere else?" She tries making her way past everyone with out letting anyone touch her. Dan replies, "You heard the girl. Let''s take <<$pcs_firstname>> back to the locker room. Everyone who wants to join can tag along." Dan and Roman grab your arms then lead you toward the locker room, as many of the boys, and a few girls follow along.'
+														'Bella Artamonov, who seems to have just walked down the stairs, continues shouting at the boys, "I don''t want to see this shit! Why can''t you fucking perverts just do this shit somewhere else?" She tries making her way past everyone with out letting anyone touch her. Dan replies, "You heard the girl. Let''s take <<$pcs_firstname>> back to the locker room. Everyone who wants to join can tag along." Dan and Roman grab your arms then lead you toward the locker room as many of the boys and a few girls follow along.'
 														gs 'arousal', 'flash', 2, 'sub', 'humiliation', 'exhibitionism'
 														gs 'stat'
 														act 'Locker room': gt 'NikoWhore', 'Locker Room 2'
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 2':
 	inhib_exp += 1
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/lock2.mp4"></video></center>'
-	'As soon as you reach the locker room, Dan shoves you into the crowd, and Roman Yakovlev catches you then turns you around. You feel Roman''s penis entering your vagina then his pace begins increasing as he holds onto your waist, pushing you against his crotch. <font color=#FF00FF>This is it. This is my life now. How did I let this happen?</font> Roman leans forward, and whispers in your ear, "How does my dick feel <<$pcs_nickname>>? Isn''t it the biggest dick you ever had?"'
+	'As soon as you reach the locker room, Dan shoves you into the crowd and Roman Yakovlev catches you then turns you around. You feel Roman''s penis entering your vagina then his pace begins increasing as he holds onto your waist, pushing you against his crotch. <font color=#FF00FF>This is it. This is my life now. How did I let this happen?</font> Roman leans forward and whispers in your ear, "How does my dick feel <<$pcs_nickname>>? Isn''t it the biggest dick you ever had?"'
 	$orgasm_txt = ''
 	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'exhibitionism', 'humiliation', 'gangbang'
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 2':
 		minut -= 5
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/cum5.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'You meekly nod, not wanting to upset him. After a few more seconds, Roman pulls out of you and groans, covering your back in his cum. Roman gives your ass a firm smack, as he says, "Damn <<$pcs_firstname>>, you have a tight pussy. We have to do this again sometime." Arkadi suddenly shouts, "Hey Roman don''t hog her, all for yourself." Roman laughs, as he pulls up his pants then pushes you toward the other boys, causing you to fall on your knees in front of the Gopniks, who are holding their dicks in their hand.'
+		'You meekly nod, not wanting to upset him. After a few more seconds, Roman pulls out of you and groans, covering your back in his cum. Roman gives your ass a firm smack as he says, "Damn <<$pcs_firstname>>, you have a tight pussy. We have to do this again sometime." Arkadi suddenly shouts, "Hey Roman don''t hog her, all for yourself." Roman laughs as he pulls up his pants then pushes you toward the other boys, causing you to fall on your knees in front of the Gopniks, who are holding their dicks in their hand.'
 		$orgasm_txt = ''
 		gs 'cum_call', 'back', 'A157', 1
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'exhibitionism', 'humiliation', 'gangbang'
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 2':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/lock4.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'After a few seconds, Vitek lifts you up by your shoulders then says, "Enough warm up, who is ready to fuck this bitch?" Dan waves his hand then says, "I could go for seconds." Vitek gives him an approving nod as he lifts you up then lowers you on top of Dan''s hard cock. You let out a loud moan, as Dan''s cock enters you. You begin riding Dan''s dick, felling him pushing deeper inside you and enjoying the boys cheering you on. You look around and see a few of the nerdy boys peeking in from the doorway. They are rubbing their crotches, but then looking around to make sure that no one notices them. The fact that you are turning them on, causes you to feel even more aroused then you already are. Dan suddenly states, "Get ready for another facial, slut!"'
+					'After a few seconds, Vitek lifts you up by your shoulders then says, "Enough warm up, who is ready to fuck this bitch?" Dan waves his hand then says, "I could go for seconds." Vitek gives him an approving nod as he lifts you up then lowers you on top of Dan''s hard cock. You let out a loud moan as Dan''s cock enters you. You begin riding Dan''s dick, felling him pushing deeper inside you and enjoying the boys cheering you on. You look around and see a few of the nerdy boys peeking in from the doorway. They are rubbing their crotches, but then looking around to make sure that no one notices them. The fact that you are turning them on, causes you to feel even more aroused then you already are. Dan suddenly states, "Get ready for another facial, slut!"'
 					$orgasm_txt = ''
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'exhibitionism', 'humiliation', 'gangbang'
 					gs 'stat'
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 2':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/facial5.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'You quickly pull off of Dan then drop to your knees, as he covers your face in his warm seed. You rub your face against Dan''s penis, enjoying how your face sticks to his dick, as you rub against it. Dan pulls up his pants then says, "You''re a nasty little slut, aren''t you <<$pcs_nickname>>?" Dan then casually walks toward the door leading out of the Locker room, as he turns to Vasily and says, "Hey Shulga, you just gonna stand there? Go on, help yourself." Vasily lowers his head, obviously lost in thought before Lena approaches him and says, "Go on Shulga. What are you waiting for?" Lera stands right beside him then says, "Maybe he is in love with our little whore. Is that true Shulga? Do you loooovvve <<$pcs_firstname>>? Do you want her to have your babies?" Vasily shakes his head before responding, "No, of course not. I could never love a whore!" as he quickly approaches to you.'
+						'You quickly pull off of Dan then drop to your knees as he covers your face in his warm seed. You rub your face against Dan''s penis, enjoying how your face sticks to his dick as you rub against it. Dan pulls up his pants then says, "You''re a nasty little slut, aren''t you <<$pcs_nickname>>?" Dan then casually walks toward the door leading out of the Locker room as he turns to Vasily and says, "Hey Shulga, you just gonna stand there? Go on, help yourself." Vasily lowers his head, obviously lost in thought before Lena approaches him and says, "Go on Shulga. What are you waiting for?" Lera stands right beside him then says, "Maybe he is in love with our little whore. Is that true Shulga? Do you loooovvve <<$pcs_firstname>>? Do you want her to have your babies?" Vasily shakes his head before responding, "No, of course not. I could never love a whore!" as he quickly approaches to you.'
 						gs 'cum_call', 'face', 'A10', 1
 						gs 'stat'
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 2':
 							*clr & cla
 							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/lock5.mp4"></video></center>'	
-							'Vasily spreads your legs then pushes his penis inside of you, causing a jolt of pleasure. Shulga''s hard cock enters you, and starts rubbing against your g spot. Vasily stares you in the eyes with a very sad look on his face, as he whispers, "I wish things ended up differently <<$pcs_firstname>> but there is no turning back now." as he continues fucking you, his frown disappears and he starts getting into fucking you. Increasing his pace.'
+							'Vasily spreads your legs then pushes his penis inside of you, causing a jolt of pleasure. Shulga''s hard cock enters you and starts rubbing against your g spot. Vasily stares you in the eyes with a very sad look on his face as he whispers, "I wish things ended up differently <<$pcs_firstname>> but there is no turning back now." as he continues fucking you, his frown disappears and he starts getting into fucking you. Increasing his pace.'
 							$orgasm_txt = ''
 							gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'exhibitionism', 'humiliation', 'gangbang'
 							gs 'stat'
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 2':
 								minut -= 5
 								'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/cum110.mp4"></video></center>'
-								'You continue staring Vasily in his eyes, as you hear him groan. He pulls out of you and sprays his warm seed all over your chest as you instinctively stroke his cock, milking his penis. Vasily then takes a few seconds to catch his breath before whispering in your ear, "You are so beautiful <<$pcs_firstname>>. Too bad it had to come to this but you''ll get used to it." He then climbs off of you then pulls his pants up, and gives Vitek a high five before leaving the locker room. Vitek then lifts you up, and says, "You better be ready bitch because I''m ready for seconds." Vitek then pushes you onto your knees then has you spend the next 10 seconds lubing his dick before he shoves it into your ass.'
+								'You continue staring Vasily in his eyes as you hear him groan. He pulls out of you and sprays his warm seed all over your chest as you instinctively stroke his cock, milking his penis. Vasily then takes a few seconds to catch his breath before whispering in your ear, "You are so beautiful <<$pcs_firstname>>. Too bad it had to come to this but you''ll get used to it." He then climbs off of you then pulls his pants up and gives Vitek a high five before leaving the locker room. Vitek then lifts you up and says, "You better be ready bitch because I''m ready for seconds." Vitek then pushes you onto your knees then has you spend the next 10 seconds lubing his dick before he shoves it into your ass.'
 								$orgasm_txt = ''
 								gs 'cum_call', 'breasts', 'A11', 1
 								gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'exhibitionism', 'humiliation', 'gangbang'
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 2':
 									*clr & cla
 									'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/smroom/event/rought/dog9.mp4"></video></center>'
-									'Vitek fucks your ass slowly at first, but then picks up the pace. You let out high pitch squeals, as you feel Vitek''s penis rubbing against your inner ass. His big hard cock, pushing it''s way deeper inside you as his strong hands firmly grips you hair. Yuo feel completely at his mercy as he continues to ram is cock in your sore asshole.' 
+									'Vitek fucks your ass slowly at first, but then picks up the pace. You let out high pitch squeals as you feel Vitek''s penis rubbing against your inner ass. His big hard cock, pushing it''s way deeper inside you as his strong hands firmly grips you hair. Yuo feel completely at his mercy as he continues to ram is cock in your sore asshole.' 
 									$orgasm_txt = ''
 									gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'exhibitionism', 'humiliation', 'gangbang'
 									gs 'stat'
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 2':
 										minut -= 5
 										'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/analcreampie/cumAnal2.mp4"></video></center>'
-										'<font color=#FF00FF>Vitek is so strong and aggressive. He is always so rough. Why is he always so angry?</font> After a few more seconds, Vitek says, "This is what a whore like you deserves." Vitek then fills your ass with his warm seed. You can feel Vitek''s hot cum filling your ass and then leaking out, as he pulls out of you. "You better get used to this <<$pcs_firstname>> Because this is your new life now." Vitek pulls up his pants then leaves the locker room.'
+										'<font color=#FF00FF>Vitek is so strong and aggressive. He is always so rough. Why is he always so angry?</font> After a few more seconds, Vitek says, "This is what a whore like you deserves." Vitek then fills your ass with his warm seed. You can feel Vitek''s hot cum filling your ass and then leaking out as he pulls out of you. "You better get used to this <<$pcs_firstname>> Because this is your new life now." Vitek pulls up his pants then leaves the locker room.'
 										$orgasm_txt = ''
 										gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'A9', 1
 										gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'exhibitionism', 'humiliation', 'gangbang'
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 2':
 											minut -= 5
 											'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/lock6.mp4"></video></center>'
-											'Valentin walks up to you then says, "I guess I''m up. Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>>, I''ll make this quick." As he pushes his hard cock inside of your vagina causing a jolt of pain as your sore vagina is once again used. Valentin continuously rams his cock into your pussy, slamming the head of his penis against your g-spot. You don''t have enough breath to moan but with Valentin''s rough thrusts. You can feel Vitek''s cum leaking out of your ass, as you hear Lera say, "Damn, look at <<$pcs_nickname>>, leaking like an overfilled water balloon." causing the girls to giggle. Valentin then pulls out of you and says, "Open your moth slut!"'
+											'Valentin walks up to you then says, "I guess I''m up. Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>>, I''ll make this quick." As he pushes his hard cock inside of your vagina causing a jolt of pain as your sore vagina is once again used. Valentin continuously rams his cock into your pussy, slamming the head of his penis against your g-spot. You don''t have enough breath to moan but with Valentin''s rough thrusts. You can feel Vitek''s cum leaking out of your ass as you hear Lera say, "Damn, look at <<$pcs_nickname>>, leaking like an overfilled water balloon." causing the girls to giggle. Valentin then pulls out of you and says, "Open your moth slut!"'
 											$orgasm_txt = ''
 											gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'exhibitionism', 'humiliation', 'gangbang'
 											gs 'stat'
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 2':
 															'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff00cc><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 															*pl '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
-															'You can feel all of your energy sapped, your will... Broken, as you lay there in silence with the boys moving closer. You take this moment of silence to think to yourself, <font color=#FF00FF>So this is my life now. What did I do to deserve this? Why is this happening to me? This can''t be real.</font> Tears begin streaming down your cheeks, as you hear footsteps. You look up to see Artem, Petka and Petia standing over you.'
+															'You can feel all of your energy sapped, your will... Broken as you lay there in silence with the boys moving closer. You take this moment of silence to think to yourself, <font color=#FF00FF>So this is my life now. What did I do to deserve this? Why is this happening to me? This can''t be real.</font> Tears begin streaming down your cheeks as you hear footsteps. You look up to see Artem, Petka and Petia standing over you.'
 															if artembf = 1 and artembrokenheart = 0 and artemblok = 0:
 																artembf = 0
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 2':
 																*clr & cla
 																'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/lock7.mp4"></video></center>'
-																'Petka begins fondling your breasts as Artem spreads your legs, pulls out his penis then lines it up with your pussy. You then feel his penis entering your sore vagina, You lay still, as Artem begins fucking you. Barely able to feel anything anymore. You look around the room and only see Artem, Petka, Petia, Lena, Lera and Pauline still in the room. Pauline continues filming you as the others watch you get fucked. Artem''s pace increases as he gets more excited. You can hear his balls slamming against your ass.'
+																'Petka begins fondling your breasts as Artem spreads your legs, pulls out his penis then lines it up with your pussy. You then feel his penis entering your sore vagina, You lay still as Artem begins fucking you. Barely able to feel anything anymore. You look around the room and only see Artem, Petka, Petia, Lena, Lera and Pauline still in the room. Pauline continues filming you as the others watch you get fucked. Artem''s pace increases as he gets more excited. You can hear his balls slamming against your ass.'
 																$orgasm_txt = ''
 																gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'exhibitionism', 'humiliation', 'gangbang', 'prostitution'
 																gs 'stat'
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 2':
 																	minut -= 5
 																	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/facial7.mp4"></video></center>'
-																	'Artem suddenly pulls out of you then begins painting your stomach with his cum before buttoning his pants then giving you a light kiss on the cheek before leaving the room. You suddenly hear heavy breathing over you. You look up to see Petia standing over you with his penis in his hand, stroking it over your face. He then suddenly groans, as he begins cumming all over your face. Petia storms out of the room shortly after, as Petka begins pushing his penis inside you.'
+																	'Artem suddenly pulls out of you then begins painting your stomach with his cum before buttoning his pants then giving you a light kiss on the cheek before leaving the room. You suddenly hear heavy breathing over you. You look up to see Petia standing over you with his penis in his hand, stroking it over your face. He then suddenly groans as he begins cumming all over your face. Petia storms out of the room shortly after as Petka begins pushing his penis inside you.'
 																	$orgasm_txt = ''
 																	gs 'cum_call', 'stomach', 'A2', 1
 																	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'exhibitionism', 'humiliation', 'gangbang', 'prostitution'
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 2':
 																		*clr & cla
 																		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/lock8.mp4"></video></center>'
-																		'Petka begins fucking you, thrusting at an increased pace, as he holds your legs open, giving himself easier access. You have no fight left, your strength is gone, your entire body is numb, you feel nothing, as Petka continues using your body. <font color=#FF00FF>Wha...what''s going...feel...so hot...head...can''t think...why...</font>'
+																		'Petka begins fucking you, thrusting at an increased pace as he holds your legs open, giving himself easier access. You have no fight left, your strength is gone, your entire body is numb, you feel nothing as Petka continues using your body. <font color=#FF00FF>Wha...what''s going...feel...so hot...head...can''t think...why...</font>'
 																		$orgasm_txt = ''
 																		gs 'cum_call', 'stomach', 'A6', 1
 																		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'exhibitionism', 'humiliation', 'gangbang', 'prostitution'
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame':
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/hallway/wos1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You walk into the school building, and hear many of the students whispering to each other. One of the girls, calls out, "Look who it is, It''s <<$pcs_firstname>> the filthy whore!" You immediately lower your head in shame, pretending not to hear her.' 
+	'You walk into the school building and hear many of the students whispering to each other. One of the girls, calls out, "Look who it is, It''s <<$pcs_firstname>> the filthy whore!" You immediately lower your head in shame, pretending not to hear her.' 
 	act 'Try to ignore them':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -738,14 +738,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00CC><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			*pl '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
-			'<font color=#FF00FF>Maybe Roman can help me out, he is being nice to me when he doesn''t have to.</font> You meekly nod to the boy, and his eyes light up, as he replies, "Great! let''s get going." He then grabs your arm, and guides you to the restroom.'
+			'<font color=#FF00FF>Maybe Roman can help me out, he is being nice to me when he doesn''t have to.</font> You meekly nod to the boy and his eyes light up as he replies, "Great! let''s get going." He then grabs your arm and guides you to the restroom.'
 			act 'Follow him to the Restroom':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Roman Yakovlev">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big157.jpg"></center>'
-				'You both arrive at the restroom, and Roman pulls you to a mirror then stands behind you then whispers in your ear, "Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>. You were amazing yesterday and I can''t stop thinking about your rockin'' bod, and cute face. I want another round, and don''t worry, I''ll be gentle."' 
+				'You both arrive at the restroom and Roman pulls you to a mirror then stands behind you then whispers in your ear, "Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>. You were amazing yesterday and I can''t stop thinking about your rockin'' bod and cute face. I want another round and don''t worry, I''ll be gentle."' 
 				act 'Continue':
 					*clr & cla
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame':
 					gs 'clothing', 'strip'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/restroom/1.jpg"></center>'
-					'He begins undressing you, as he runs his hands down your body. You can feel you shirt being removed, followed by your pants. Roman finishes undressing you then begins sliding his hand up your leg arriving at you vagina which he begins fingering, as you close your eyes, letting him do as he wants to your body. After a few seconds, Roman begins taking off his shirt then pulling down his pants. Roman whispers in your ear, "I''ve never had a girl suck my balls before. I want you to be the first." He then lightly pushes down on your shoulders.'
+					'He begins undressing you as he runs his hands down your body. You can feel you shirt being removed, followed by your pants. Roman finishes undressing you then begins sliding his hand up your leg arriving at you vagina which he begins fingering as you close your eyes, letting him do as he wants to your body. After a few seconds, Roman begins taking off his shirt then pulling down his pants. Roman whispers in your ear, "I''ve never had a girl suck my balls before. I want you to be the first." He then lightly pushes down on your shoulders.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					gs 'stat'
@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame':
 										*clr & cla
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/restroom/6.jpg"></center>'
-										'Even though the pain is quite severe, you do as he says, not wanting to disappoint him. Feeling his dry dick roughly scraping against your inner ass. You close your eyes and try to think of anything other than the pain. <font color=#FF00FF>Please cum soon. Please. I can''t take much more of this. Please just cum. PLEEEEAASE!</font> to your relief you hear Roman groan then feel his warm seed filling your ass. You focus on the warm as he continues pumping you with his cum. After Roman is spent, he pushes you off of him then says, "You were great <<$pcs_firstname>>. We should do this again sometime." You reply, "Does that mean that we can out together maybe?" Roman laughs as he replies, "Hell no! I fuck whores, not date them, but you have my permission to keep dreaming about me though." Roman chuckles and gives you a wink, as he gets dressed then leaves you alone in the restroom. <font color=#FF00FF>So...He didn''t care for me. Does no one care for me? I need someone. Why wont anyone care for me anymore?</font> you suddenly hear, "Ah there you are. I''ve been looking all over for you."'
+										'Even though the pain is quite severe, you do as he says, not wanting to disappoint him. Feeling his dry dick roughly scraping against your inner ass. You close your eyes and try to think of anything other than the pain. <font color=#FF00FF>Please cum soon. Please. I can''t take much more of this. Please just cum. PLEEEEAASE!</font> to your relief you hear Roman groan then feel his warm seed filling your ass. You focus on the warm as he continues pumping you with his cum. After Roman is spent, he pushes you off of him then says, "You were great <<$pcs_firstname>>. We should do this again sometime." You reply, "Does that mean that we can out together maybe?" Roman laughs as he replies, "Hell no! I fuck whores, not date them, but you have my permission to keep dreaming about me though." Roman chuckles and gives you a wink as he gets dressed then leaves you alone in the restroom. <font color=#FF00FF>So...He didn''t care for me. Does no one care for me? I need someone. Why wont anyone care for me anymore?</font> you suddenly hear, "Ah there you are. I''ve been looking all over for you."'
 										gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'A189', 1
 										gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
 										gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame':
 											'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/sad2.jpg"></center>'
-											'You turn to see Niko standing over you. "I''ve been so worried about you <<$pcs_firstname>>, I heard what happened yesterday, and I am so sorry about what happened. What shitty luck, but don''t worry, your safe with me <<$pcs_firstname>>." He then hugs you.'
+											'You turn to see Niko standing over you. "I''ve been so worried about you <<$pcs_firstname>>, I heard what happened yesterday and I am so sorry about what happened. What shitty luck, but don''t worry, your safe with me <<$pcs_firstname>>." He then hugs you.'
 											act 'Return the hug':
 												*clr & cla
@@ -816,14 +816,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame':
 												'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile2.jpg"></center>'
-												'You return the hug, as you think to yourself, <font color=#FF00FF>I know Katja told me that he is no good for me, but I need him. Niko takes care of me, and I just want to make him happy. I know that he wouldn''t lie to me. I''m sure that he will even find a way to clear my reputation. I just need to do what he says. Ohh Nikolai, I love you so much.</font>' 
+												'You return the hug as you think to yourself, <font color=#FF00FF>I know Katja told me that he is no good for me, but I need him. Niko takes care of me and I just want to make him happy. I know that he wouldn''t lie to me. I''m sure that he will even find a way to clear my reputation. I just need to do what he says. Ohh Nikolai, I love you so much.</font>' 
 												act 'Continue':
 													*clr & cla
 													'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/charmer2.jpg"></center>'												
-													'Niko kisses your forehead then says, "You know that you can always trust me right?" You eagerly nod with a big smile on your face, "Of course I do. I love you Nikolai." Niko returns the smile as he leans forward, and gives you a very passionate kiss. After you both finish your kiss, Niko rubs your cheek then says, "I know that you''ve been through a lot, but you look so beautiful, and your body is so perfect. Could you please suck my dick? I would be so grateful." He continues to rub your cheek gently.'
+													'Niko kisses your forehead then says, "You know that you can always trust me right?" You eagerly nod with a big smile on your face, "Of course I do. I love you Nikolai." Niko returns the smile as he leans forward and gives you a very passionate kiss. After you both finish your kiss, Niko rubs your cheek then says, "I know that you''ve been through a lot, but you look so beautiful and your body is so perfect. Could you please suck my dick? I would be so grateful." He continues to rub your cheek gently.'
 													act 'Suck Niko''s dick':
 														*clr & cla
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame':
 															*clr & cla
 															'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/mouth/cum1.11.mp4"></video></center>'
-															'You continue sucking Niko''s dick firmly while staring into his eyes, enjoying the pleased look that he is giving you which shows you that you are doing a good job. Suddenly Niko''s eyes squint as he groans, filling your mouth with his warm seed which you swallow eagerly, enjoying the warmth of it sliding down your throat, and even the sting, as it goes down. Niko places his hand on your cheek, gently stroking it with his thumb, as he says, "You are so perfect <<$pcs_firstname>>. I am so lucky to have you, and don''t worry, I will find a way to fix what happened yesterday. Meet me after school, and we will go out on a nice walk. We''ll discuss what to do next then." Niko kisses you on your forehead before zipping his pants then leaving the restroom.'
+															'You continue sucking Niko''s dick firmly while staring into his eyes, enjoying the pleased look that he is giving you which shows you that you are doing a good job. Suddenly Niko''s eyes squint as he groans, filling your mouth with his warm seed which you swallow eagerly, enjoying the warmth of it sliding down your throat and even the sting as it goes down. Niko places his hand on your cheek, gently stroking it with his thumb as he says, "You are so perfect <<$pcs_firstname>>. I am so lucky to have you and don''t worry, I will find a way to fix what happened yesterday. Meet me after school and we will go out on a nice walk. We''ll discuss what to do next then." Niko kisses you on your forehead before zipping his pants then leaving the restroom.'
 															gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'A189', 1
 															gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 															gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -863,14 +863,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame':
 													'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile2.jpg"></center>'
-													'You lower your posture as you reply, "Alright, what do I have to lose? I doubt anything could get any worst." Niko wraps his arms around you then brings his face to yours before responding, "Come on <<$pcs_firstname>>. That attitude wont solve anything. Meet me after school then we will work on fixing your reputation. You can trust me, and try to cheer up." You nod your head while giving Niko a warm smile. <font color=#FF00FF>I don''t know how, but I know that Niko will find a way to help me. Niko loves me as much as I do him. I know in my heart that he will always protect me.</font>' 
+													'You lower your posture as you reply, "Alright, what do I have to lose? I doubt anything could get any worst." Niko wraps his arms around you then brings his face to yours before responding, "Come on <<$pcs_firstname>>. That attitude wont solve anything. Meet me after school then we will work on fixing your reputation. You can trust me and try to cheer up." You nod your head while giving Niko a warm smile. <font color=#FF00FF>I don''t know how, but I know that Niko will find a way to help me. Niko loves me as much as I do him. I know in my heart that he will always protect me.</font>' 
 													act 'Kiss Niko':
 														*clr & cla
 														minut += 5
 														'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/kiss2.mp4"></video></center>'
-														'You lean forward then give Niko a passionate kiss. After the kiss, Niko says, "You are such a incredible girl. I always feel so lucky to have you, now don''t forget to meet me after school. I will be waiting in the courtyard." You nod your head, as Niko turns around then walks out of the restroom. You quickly get dressed then follow him out.'
+														'You lean forward then give Niko a passionate kiss. After the kiss, Niko says, "You are such a incredible girl. I always feel so lucky to have you, now don''t forget to meet me after school. I will be waiting in the courtyard." You nod your head as Niko turns around then walks out of the restroom. You quickly get dressed then follow him out.'
 														act 'Go to class':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' & gt 'gschool_lessons', 'bulding'
@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame':
 													minut += 5
 													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/restroom/ouch.jpg"></center>'
-													'You quickly push Niko away. "Fuck you! You are just lying to me like you always do! I''m not trusting you anymore! Stay away from me!" Niko gets noticeably angry, "You ungrateful bitch! I have done so much for you, and spent so much on you. You better fucking apologize!" You nod your head. "Sure, I''ll apologize." You take two steps forward then ram your knee into Niko''s balls then spit on him before grabbing your clothes, and walking out of the restroom.'
+													'You quickly push Niko away. "Fuck you! You are just lying to me like you always do! I''m not trusting you anymore! Stay away from me!" Niko gets noticeably angry, "You ungrateful bitch! I have done so much for you and spent so much on you. You better fucking apologize!" You nod your head. "Sure, I''ll apologize." You take two steps forward then ram your knee into Niko''s balls then spit on him before grabbing your clothes and walking out of the restroom.'
 													act 'Go to class':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' & gt 'gschool_lessons', 'bulding'
@@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/hallway/wos3.jpg"></center>'
-		'You keep your head lowered, as you quicken your pace. One of the boys smacks your ass hard, causing you to jump up, but you try to ignore it while you feel tears streaming down your face. <font color=#FF00FF>Is this what my life will be like for now on? Will things ever go back to the way they were before? Why is this happening? What did I do wrong? Can''t they just leave me alone?</font>' 
+		'You keep your head lowered as you quicken your pace. One of the boys smacks your ass hard, causing you to jump up, but you try to ignore it while you feel tears streaming down your face. <font color=#FF00FF>Is this what my life will be like for now on? Will things ever go back to the way they were before? Why is this happening? What did I do wrong? Can''t they just leave me alone?</font>' 
 		act 'Continue walking':
 			*clr & cla
@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
-	'You look up to see Niko with a very distressed look on his face, "<<$pcs_firstname>> please tell me you''re ok." You take a few seconds to collect your thoughts then respond, "I...I''m scared Nikolai. I don''t think things will ever be normal for me again. I''m just a whore to everyone. What do I do Niko? What do I do?" Tears are streaming down your face, as Niko holds you in his arms, "I''m sorry about what happened to you, I wish I was there to prevent it, but I will always be here for you when you need me. Remember that. I will always be here for you." You begin weeping in his arms, as he holds you tighter.'
+	'You look up to see Niko with a very distressed look on his face, "<<$pcs_firstname>> please tell me you''re ok." You take a few seconds to collect your thoughts then respond, "I...I''m scared Nikolai. I don''t think things will ever be normal for me again. I''m just a whore to everyone. What do I do Niko? What do I do?" Tears are streaming down your face as Niko holds you in his arms, "I''m sorry about what happened to you, I wish I was there to prevent it, but I will always be here for you when you need me. Remember that. I will always be here for you." You begin weeping in his arms as he holds you tighter.'
 	act 'Weep in his arms':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame 2':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/charmer1.jpg"></center>'		
-			'You tighten your arms around Niko, as he kisses your neck firmly. "Everything will be alright. I will find a way to fix this, just follow my lead and everything will be alright, ok?" You reply, "I will do whatever you say Nikolai, just please stay with me. I need you now more than ever." Niko responds, "Don''t worry <<$pcs_firstname>>, I''m not going anywhere, now let''s get you to class." Niko guides you to your first class.'
+			'You tighten your arms around Niko as he kisses your neck firmly. "Everything will be alright. I will find a way to fix this, just follow my lead and everything will be alright, ok?" You reply, "I will do whatever you say Nikolai, just please stay with me. I need you now more than ever." Niko responds, "Don''t worry <<$pcs_firstname>>, I''m not going anywhere, now let''s get you to class." Niko guides you to your first class.'
 			act 'Go to class':minut += 5 & gt 'gschool_lessons', 'bulding'
@@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame 2':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
-		'You suddenly pull away from Niko while shouting, "Where the fuck were you yesterday? You left me cuffed on the floor then I got raped, and humiliated!" Niko sighs as he replies, "I totally forgot <<$pcs_firstname>>, I''m sorry. I know that is no excuse, but we can make things better." You quickly shout back, "Make things better? How the fuck can you make things better? I am nothing but a whore to everyone now! I have lost everything!" Niko smirks, as he replies, "I know someone that can restore your reputation for you." You recoil in shock, "Really? How?" Niko says, "Let''s talk about this at my place tonight."'
+		'You suddenly pull away from Niko while shouting, "Where the fuck were you yesterday? You left me cuffed on the floor then I got raped and humiliated!" Niko sighs as he replies, "I totally forgot <<$pcs_firstname>>, I''m sorry. I know that is no excuse, but we can make things better." You quickly shout back, "Make things better? How the fuck can you make things better? I am nothing but a whore to everyone now! I have lost everything!" Niko smirks as he replies, "I know someone that can restore your reputation for you." You recoil in shock, "Really? How?" Niko says, "Let''s talk about this at my place tonight."'
 		act 'Stay with Niko':
 			*clr & cla
@@ -961,13 +961,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame 2':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile2.jpg"></center>'
-			'You lower your posture as you reply, "Alright, what do I have to lose? I doubt anything could get any worst." Niko wraps his arms around you then brings his face to yours before responding, "Come on <<$pcs_firstname>>. That attitude wont solve anything. Meet me after school then we will work on fixing your reputation, trust me, and try to cheer up." You nod your head while giving Niko a warm smile. <font color=#FF00FF>I don''t know how, but I know that Niko will find a way to help me. Niko loves me as much as I do him. I know in my heart that he will always protect me.</font>'
+			'You lower your posture as you reply, "Alright, what do I have to lose? I doubt anything could get any worst." Niko wraps his arms around you then brings his face to yours before responding, "Come on <<$pcs_firstname>>. That attitude wont solve anything. Meet me after school then we will work on fixing your reputation, trust me and try to cheer up." You nod your head while giving Niko a warm smile. <font color=#FF00FF>I don''t know how, but I know that Niko will find a way to help me. Niko loves me as much as I do him. I know in my heart that he will always protect me.</font>'
 			act 'Push him away':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/kiss2.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You lean forward then give Niko a passionate kiss. After the kiss, Niko says, "You are such a incredible girl. I always feel so lucky to have you, now don''t forget to meet me after school. I will be waiting in the courtyard." You nod, as Niko turns around then walks away. You quickly get dressed then follow him to the hallway.'
+				'You lean forward then give Niko a passionate kiss. After the kiss, Niko says, "You are such a incredible girl. I always feel so lucky to have you, now don''t forget to meet me after school. I will be waiting in the courtyard." You nod as Niko turns around then walks away. You quickly get dressed then follow him to the hallway.'
 				act 'Go to class':minut += 5 & gt 'gschool_lessons', 'bulding'
@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Walk Of Shame 2':
 			NikoPayback = 1
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/restroom/ouch.jpg"></center>'
-			'You quickly push Niko away. "Fuck you! You are just lying to me like you always do! I''m not trusting you anymore! Stay away from me!" Niko gets noticeably angry, "You ungrateful bitch! I have done so much for you, and spent, so much on you. You better fucking apologize!" You nod your head. "Sure, I''ll apologize." You take two steps forward then ram your knee into Niko''s balls then spit on him before grabbing your clothes, and walking away.'
+			'You quickly push Niko away. "Fuck you! You are just lying to me like you always do! I''m not trusting you anymore! Stay away from me!" Niko gets noticeably angry, "You ungrateful bitch! I have done so much for you and spent, so much on you. You better fucking apologize!" You nod your head. "Sure, I''ll apologize." You take two steps forward then ram your knee into Niko''s balls then spit on him before grabbing your clothes and walking away.'
 			act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'bulding'

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