enemy 13 KB

  1. # enemy
  2. !!Calculation of the enemy`s attack
  3. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  4. cla
  5. !in this block is selected on the basis of the variable program enemy attacks
  6. if program = 0:
  7. !Action Programme simple attacker fizuhoy
  8. xgt 'enemy', 'fighter'
  9. elseif program = 1:
  10. !Action Programme fizuha and knives
  11. xgt 'enemy', 'fighter2'
  12. elseif program = 2:
  13. !Action Programme fizuha, knives, fog
  14. xgt 'enemy', 'fighter3'
  15. elseif program = 3:
  16. !Action Programme fizuha, knives, fog, Clones
  17. xgt 'enemy', 'fighter4'
  18. elseif program = 4:
  19. !Action Programme fizuha, knives, fog, Clones, paralysis
  20. xgt 'enemy', 'fighter5'
  21. elseif program = 5:
  22. !Action Programme Kisame
  23. xgt 'enemy', 'kisame'
  24. elseif program = 6:
  25. !Action Programme Toby
  26. xgt 'enemy', 'tobi'
  27. elseif program = 7:
  28. !Action Programme Toby
  29. xgt 'enemy', 'gedomazo'
  30. elseif program = 8:
  31. !program of action firearms
  32. xgt 'enemy', 'gun'
  33. elseif program = 9:
  34. !Action Programme Sasori
  35. xgt 'enemy', 'sasori'
  36. elseif program = 10:
  37. !Action Programme Conan
  38. xgt 'enemy', 'konan'
  39. elseif program = 11:
  40. !Action Programme Hidan
  41. xgt 'enemy', 'hidan'
  42. end
  43. end
  44. if $ARGS[0] = 'hidan':
  45. cla
  46. if zerkaloV > 0:barierV = 0
  47. if zerkaloV <= 0:barierV = 5500
  48. if healthV < vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5:healthV = vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5
  49. if zerkaloV > 0:
  50. healthV = vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5
  51. mannaV = intelV * magikV + magikV * 100 + vitalV * 10
  52. willpowerV = willV * 10
  53. health -= 400
  54. manna -= 500
  55. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> yells "RITUAL BEGINS!" and stands in a circle inscribed in blood on the ground.</font></b>'
  56. '<b><font color="red">He stabs himself and you feel like the pain pierces the body.</font></b>'
  57. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  58. exit
  59. elseif zerkaloV <= 0 and defence > 0:
  60. damTipV = 5000
  61. bonusShV = 100
  62. hidanAtk = 1
  63. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> yells "Your existence offends DZHASHINA MY GOD!" and throws you in his scythe trehlezviynuyu driving it by a line.</font></b>'
  64. if klon > 0:klon = klon / 2 & '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> yells "Mraz I slaughter YOU LIKE A PIG!"</font></b>'
  65. xgt 'atakA1', 'atak'
  66. exit
  67. elseif zerkaloV <= 0 and defence <= 0:
  68. damTipV = 300
  69. bonusShV = 100
  70. hidanAtk = 1
  71. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> yells "You will die a blasphemer!" and throws you in his scythe trehlezviynuyu driving it by a line.</font></b>'
  72. if klon > 0:klon = 0 & '<b><font color="red">Your clones turned into steam from the blow spit. <<$nameV>> yells "I IMMORTAL Ravager! And YOU SHIT!"</font></b>'
  73. if tuman > 0:tuman = 0 & '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> yells "You´re pathetic in their vain attempts SPRYATATSYA FROM ME!"</font></b>'
  74. xgt 'atakA1', 'atak'
  75. exit
  76. end
  77. end
  78. if $ARGS[0] = 'konan':
  79. cla
  80. if round < 6:
  81. mannaV -= 10
  82. damTipV = 500
  83. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> adds signs hands and you are flying sheets of paper.</font></b>'
  84. if klon > 0:klon = 0 & '<b><font color="red">Your clones turned into steam from hitting the paper.</font></b>'
  85. xgt 'atakA1', 'atak'
  86. exit
  87. elseif round >= 6:
  88. if unmaterialV > 5 and defence > 0:
  89. mannaV -= 250
  90. damTipV = 15000
  91. bonusShV = 100
  92. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> takes to the air on the white wings and pulled out from her wings paper falls on you in a flood of flying with terrible speed paper swords.</font></b>'
  93. if klon > 0:klon = 0 & '<b><font color="red">Your clones turned into steam from hitting the paper.</font></b>'
  94. xgt 'atakA1', 'atak'
  95. exit
  96. elseif unmaterialV > 5 and defence <= 0:
  97. mannaV -= 20
  98. damTipV = 450
  99. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> creates a paper boomerangs that fly in your direction.</font></b>'
  100. xgt 'atakA1', 'atak'
  101. exit
  102. elseif defenceV <= 0 and unmaterialV <= 5:
  103. mannaV -= 250
  104. defenceV += 3000
  105. defenceMV += 3000
  106. defenceWV += 3000
  107. '<b><font color="red">Conan shoots up to its paper wings like an angel. Around it starts spinning paper creating her protection.</font></b>'
  108. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  109. exit
  110. elseif unmaterialV <= 2 and konanD < 3:
  111. mannaV -= 150
  112. konanD += 1
  113. '<b><font color="red">Conan stops meditating in the air.</font></b>'
  114. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  115. exit
  116. elseif konanD >= 3:
  117. mannaV -= 250
  118. konanD = 0
  119. unmaterialV = 20
  120. '<b><font color="red">Conan crumbles in the air for thousands of sheets of paper.</font></b>'
  121. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  122. exit
  123. end
  124. end
  125. end
  126. if $ARGS[0] = 'sasori':
  127. cla
  128. if SasoriBody > 1:damTipV = 1000
  129. if SasoriBody = 1:damTipV = 2000
  130. poisonAV = 1
  131. defenceV += 10
  132. defenceMV += 20
  133. defenceWV += 50
  134. mannaV -= 10
  135. if SasoriBody = 1 and defence > 0:
  136. defSasori = defence * 20 / 100
  137. defence -= defSasori
  138. '<b><font color="red">of rain falls on top of steel needles greatly weaken your defenses.</font></b>'
  139. end
  140. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> shoots at you the whole cloud of poisonous spines.</font></b>'
  141. if klon > 0:klon = 0 & '<b><font color="red">Your clones turned into steam from the blow needle.</font></b>'
  142. xgt 'atakA1', 'atak'
  143. end
  144. if $ARGS[0] = 'gedomazo':
  145. cla
  146. if klon <= 0 and tuman <= 0:
  147. magweapbonusV = 5000
  148. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> with a furious roar of effort on you for its huge stone fist.</font></b>'
  149. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  150. exit
  151. elseif klon > 0 or tuman > 0:
  152. klon = 0
  153. tuman = 0
  154. mannaV -= 500
  155. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> makes a terrible roar and air shock wave sweeps over the battlefield.</font></b>'
  156. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  157. exit
  158. end
  159. end
  160. if $ARGS[0] = 'tobi':
  161. cla
  162. !!program attacks Toby
  163. if unmaterialV <= 0 and IzanagiV = 0 and GedoMazo = 0:
  164. *clr
  165. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> fingers to his lips and said quietly, "KUCHIE SAINT BUT JITSU."</font></b>'
  166. '<b><font color="red">you will see Huge stone statue of a demon, and you rushed to the attack.</font></b>'
  167. GedoMazo = 1
  168. $nameV = 'Gedo Mazo'
  169. !!stats
  170. strenV = 1000
  171. speedV = 100
  172. agilV = 90
  173. reactV = 100
  174. vitalV = 5000
  175. intelV = 50
  176. willV = 50
  177. !!skills
  178. magikV = 1
  179. boxingV = 100
  180. shootV = 100
  181. !!parameters
  182. healthV = vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5
  183. mannaV = intelV * magikV + magikV * 100 + vitalV * 10
  184. willpowerV = willV * 10
  185. BonusAtakV = 0
  186. BonusDefV = 0
  187. !!Programme of Action
  188. barierV = 1500
  189. program = 7
  190. xgt 'fight', 'start'
  191. exit
  192. elseif unmaterialV <= 2 and IzanagiV = 0 and GedoMazo > 0 and TobiStena = 0:
  193. mannaV -= 500
  194. TobiStena = 1
  195. defenceV += 25000
  196. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> makes Arcanum and reinforcing the skin blackens his body and creating protection of 25,000 units.</font></b>'
  197. barierV = 2000
  198. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  199. exit
  200. elseif unmaterialV <= 2 and IzanagiV = 0 and GedoMazo > 0 and TobiStena = 1:
  201. mannaV += 6000
  202. TobiStena = 2
  203. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> makes the magic sign and you feel like it´s magical energy increases sharply.</font></b>'
  204. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  205. exit
  206. elseif stun > 0:
  207. magweapbonusV = 2000
  208. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> triumphantly said, "Now you´re dead."</font></b>'
  209. '<b><font color="red">He grabs you by the throat and lifts his hand in the air.</font></b>'
  210. '<b><font color="red">His fingers like steel and they squeeze your throat with terrible force.</font></b>'
  211. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  212. exit
  213. elseif defence >= 5000:
  214. defence = 0
  215. defenceM = 0
  216. defenceActPar = 0
  217. defenceActParM = 0
  218. defenceAct = 0
  219. defenceActM = 0
  220. defAtk = 0
  221. mannaV -= 100
  222. stunV = 1
  223. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> close your eyes and you saw of him as a tear ran down a drop of blood.</font></b>'
  224. '<b><font color="red">He opened his eyes become completely red with black veins and said Amaterasu</font></b>'
  225. '<b><font color="red">In your face rushed black devouring flames destroy your lightning protection.</font></b>'
  226. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  227. exit
  228. elseif tuman > 0:
  229. tumanV += tuman
  230. tuman = 0
  231. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> adds the magic signs your hands and mist coming under his control enveloping the review of you.</font></b>'
  232. '<b><font color="red">He will attack you.</font></b>'
  233. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  234. exit
  235. elseif unmaterialV > 0 and klon <= 0:
  236. stunnerV = 1
  237. mannaV -= 20
  238. magweapbonusV = 800
  239. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> attacks you gathered the manna in the hand.</font></b>'
  240. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  241. exit
  242. elseif unmaterialV > 0 and klon > 0:
  243. klon = 0
  244. stunV = 1
  245. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> adds signs hands and all your clones just turn into steam.</font></b>'
  246. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  247. exit
  248. elseif unmaterialV <= 0 and tobizanagi < 2:
  249. mannaV -= 250
  250. tobizanagi += 1
  251. !!unmaterialV = 10
  252. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> adds the characters by hand.</font></b>'
  253. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  254. exit
  255. elseif unmaterialV <= 0 and tobizanagi = 2:
  256. mannaV -= 250
  257. tobizanagi = 0
  258. unmaterialV = 20
  259. stunV = 1
  260. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> folds his hands and marks around his eyes twisted vortex.</font></b>'
  261. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  262. exit
  263. end
  264. end
  265. if $ARGS[0] = 'kisame':
  266. cla
  267. !!program attack Kisame
  268. if defenceV <= 0 and kisamePro = 0:
  269. kisamePro = 1
  270. mannaV -= 150
  271. defenceV += 1500
  272. defenceMV += 1500
  273. defenceWV += 1500
  274. defenceActParV = 500
  275. defenceActParMV = 500
  276. defenceActV = 10
  277. defenceActMV = 10
  278. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> adds the marks around his hands and formed water sphere protecting it from damage.</font></b>'
  279. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  280. exit
  281. elseif defenceV <= 1000 and kisamePro > 0:
  282. mannaV -= 500
  283. defenceV += 5000
  284. defenceMV += 5000
  285. defenceWV += 5000
  286. defenceActParV = 500
  287. defenceActParMV = 500
  288. defenceActV = 10
  289. defenceActMV = 10
  290. defAtkMV = 10
  291. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> adds the marks and the space around the hands begins pogruzhatsya water.</font></b>'
  292. if klon > 0:klon = 0 & '<b><font color="red">Your clones turned into steam from hitting the water.</font></b>'
  293. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  294. exit
  295. elseif defenceV > 1000:
  296. kisamerand= rand(0, 3)
  297. if kisamerand= 0:
  298. klonV += 3
  299. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> adds the characters by hand.</font></b>'
  300. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  301. exit
  302. elseif kisamerand> 0:
  303. mannaV -= 250
  304. damTipV = 1500
  305. damTipMV = 2500
  306. bonusShV = 50
  307. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> adds the characters in the hands and fly sharks have created from the water.</font></b>'
  308. if klon > 0:klon = 0 & '<b><font color="red">Your clones turned into steam from hitting the water.</font></b>'
  309. xgt 'atakA1', 'atak'
  310. exit
  311. end
  312. end
  313. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> attacks.</font></b>'
  314. xgt 'enemy', 'fighter'
  315. end
  316. if $ARGS[0] = 'gun':
  317. cla
  318. !!program directly attack
  319. !!gs 'atak'
  320. damTipV = 1500
  321. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> shoots at you.</font></b>'
  322. xgt 'atakA1', 'atak'
  323. end
  324. if $ARGS[0] = 'fighter':
  325. cla
  326. !!program directly attack
  327. !!gs 'atak'
  328. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  329. end
  330. if $ARGS[0] = 'fighter2':
  331. cla
  332. !!program directly attack
  333. deystrand = rand(0, 1)
  334. if deystrand = 0:
  335. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  336. elseif deystrand = 1:
  337. knifeV = rand(1, 3)
  338. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> have a throws <<knifeV>> the blades</font></b>'
  339. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  340. end
  341. end
  342. if $ARGS[0] = 'fighter3':
  343. cla
  344. !!program directly attack
  345. if tuman = 0 and tumanV < 5 and mannaV > 10:
  346. mannaV -= 10
  347. tumanV += 10
  348. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> produces a fog on the battlefield.</font></b>'
  349. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  350. exit
  351. end
  352. deystrand = rand(0, 1)
  353. if deystrand = 0:
  354. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  355. elseif deystrand = 1:
  356. knifeV = rand(1, 3)
  357. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> have a throws <<knifeV>> the blades</font></b>'
  358. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  359. end
  360. end
  361. if $ARGS[0] = 'fighter4':
  362. cla
  363. !!program directly attack
  364. if tuman = 0 and tumanV < 5 and mannaV > 10:
  365. mannaV -= 10
  366. tumanV += 10
  367. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> produces a fog on the battlefield.</font></b>'
  368. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  369. exit
  370. elseif klonV < 1 and mannaV > 15:
  371. mannaV -= 15
  372. klonV += 1
  373. '<b><font color="green">is washed</font></b>'
  374. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  375. exit
  376. end
  377. deystrand = rand(0, 1)
  378. if deystrand = 0:
  379. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  380. elseif deystrand = 1:
  381. knifeV = rand(1, 3)
  382. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> have a throws <<knifeV>> the blades</font></b>'
  383. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  384. end
  385. end
  386. if $ARGS[0] = 'fighter5':
  387. cla
  388. !!program directly attack
  389. if tuman = 0 and tumanV < 5 and mannaV > 10:
  390. mannaV -= 10
  391. tumanV += 10
  392. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> produces a fog on the battlefield.</font></b>'
  393. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  394. exit
  395. elseif klonV < 1 and mannaV > 15:
  396. mannaV -= 15
  397. klonV += 1
  398. '<b><font color="green">is washed</font></b>'
  399. xgt 'fight', 'sta'
  400. exit
  401. elseif stun < 1 and manna > 20:
  402. stunnerV = 1
  403. mannaV -= 20
  404. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> attacks you Gouge.</font></b>'
  405. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  406. end
  407. deystrand = rand(0, 1)
  408. if deystrand = 0:
  409. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  410. elseif deystrand = 1:
  411. knifeV = rand(1, 3)
  412. '<b><font color="red"><<$nameV>> have a throws <<knifeV>> the blades</font></b>'
  413. xgt 'atak', 'enemy'
  414. end
  415. end
  416. --- enemy ---------------------------------