placer_gskver 4.6 KB

  1. # placer_gskver
  2. if hour >= 22 or hour < 8:
  3. encounter = 0
  4. else
  5. encounter = rand(0, 5)
  6. end
  7. if encounter = 0:
  8. !!no one in the park
  9. $textEvent = 'In the park is quiet and deserted. No one in sight.'
  10. elseif encounter = 1:
  11. !!people in the park 1mother walking with a baby 2old_man 3woman with shopping bags 4two young girls
  12. encrand = rand(0, 4)
  13. if encrand = 0:$textEvent = 'In the park on the sidewalk strolls a young mother with a stroller.'
  14. if encrand = 1 and cloth_vid = 0:$textEvent = 'In the park on the sidewalk walks a lonely old man with a newspaper in his hand.'
  15. if encrand = 1 and cloth_vid = 1:
  16. $textEvent='In a park on the sidewalk walking a lonely old man with a newspaper in his hand. The old man came up to you and said: "Look, young lady, I have something for you-whats is"'
  17. act 'see':gt'parkBimbo','pos1'
  18. end
  19. if encrand = 2:$textEvent = 'In the park on the sidewalk is a woman with shopping bags who decided to shorten the path passing through the square.'
  20. if encrand = 3:$textEvent = 'In the park on the sidewalk stroll two young girls.'
  21. if encrand = 4:
  22. kol_man = rand(1, 5)
  23. if kol_man = 1:$textSub = 'is a guy'
  24. if kol_man = 2:$textSub = 'are two guys'
  25. if kol_man = 3:$textSub = 'are three guys'
  26. if kol_man = 4:$textSub = 'four guys'
  27. if kol_man = 5:$textSub = 'five guys'
  28. $textEvent = 'In the park on the sidewalk <<$textSub>>.'
  29. mass_ver_zn = 1
  30. know_status = 1
  31. end
  32. elseif encounter = 2:
  33. !!dog in the park
  34. $textEvent = 'In the park is quiet and deserted only lonely dog ​​sniffs to something near the boardwalk.'
  35. elseif encounter = 3:
  36. !!young people in the park company
  37. $textEvent = 'In the park on a bench sits youth campaign.'
  38. kol_man = rand(2, 6)
  39. mass_ver_zn = 1
  40. know_status = 1
  41. elseif encounter = 4:
  42. !!Gopnik in the park
  43. kol_man = rand(3, 6)
  44. $textEvent = 'In the park sitting on his haunches Gopnik and drink beer.'
  45. mass_ver_zn = 1
  46. know_status = 2
  47. elseif encounter = 5:
  48. !!couple in love in the park
  49. $textEvent = 'In the park walks a couple in love.'
  50. elseif encounter = 6:
  51. !!in the square of the familiar class
  52. end
  53. if dickfrend > 0:ver_zn = 0
  54. gs 'placer_man'
  55. if hour >= 8 and hour < 22:'<center><img src="images/gevent/skver.jpg"></center>'
  56. if hour >= 22 or hour < 8:'<center><img src="images/gevent/skver.jpg"></center>'
  57. if Frend_num > 0:
  58. 'together with <<$ev_name_om>> you have come to a quiet garden square. <<$textEvent>>'
  59. if dickfrend > 0:
  60. !!your friend guy
  61. if kol_man = 1 and $text_znak = '':$kol_man_text_no = 'After the guy looked at you, he turned away.'
  62. if kol_man > 1 and $text_znak = '':$kol_man_text_no = 'Once you guys are inspected, they turned their backs.'
  63. if kol_man > 0:'You looked <<$kol_man_prefiks>> appreciatively <<$kol_man_text>>. <<$kol_man_text_no>>.'+$text_znak
  64. !!action with a guy whom came to the square
  65. elseif dickfrend = 0:
  66. !!your friend girl
  67. if ver_zn = 1:
  68. 'At you with his girlfriend looked <<$kol_man_prefiks>> appreciatively <<$kol_man_text>>.'
  69. if kol_man = 1:'A guy came up to you and said, "<<$text_znak>>"'
  70. if kol_man > 1:'Guys come to you and one of the guys said "<<$text_znak>>"'
  71. act 'meet':
  72. cls
  73. if p_dom < 80:
  74. gt 'placer_act'
  75. elseif p_dom >= 80:
  76. gs 'stat'
  77. '<<$ev_name>> hissed in your ear "I''m not acquainted with someone on the street. If you want to, stay, and I will go."'
  78. act 'Go with a friend':gt 'placer_end'
  79. act 'can you go, and I''ll stay':
  80. Frend_num = 0
  81. gt 'placer_act'
  82. end
  83. end
  84. end
  85. elseif ver_zn = 0 and kol_man > 0:
  86. if kol_man = 1:$kol_man_text_no = 'After the guy looked at you, he turned away.'
  87. if kol_man > 1:$kol_man_text_no = 'Once you guys are inspected, they turned their backs.'
  88. 'At you with his girlfriend looked <<$kol_man_prefiks>> appreciatively <<$kol_man_text>>. <<$kol_man_text_no>>.'
  89. end
  90. !!acts with the girl you came
  91. end
  92. act 'Continue to walk':gt 'placer_end'
  93. elseif Frend_num = 0:
  94. 'You stroll through the quiet park. <<$textEvent>>'
  95. if ver_zn = 1:
  96. 'You looked <<$kol_man_prefiks>> appreciatively <<$kol_man_text>>.'
  97. if kol_man = 1:'The guy came up to you and said, "<<$text_znak>>"'
  98. if kol_man > 1:'Guys come to you and one of the guys said "<<$text_znak>>"'
  99. act 'meet':gt 'placer_act'
  100. elseif ver_zn = 0 and kol_man > 0:
  101. if kol_man = 1:$kol_man_text_no = 'After the guy looked at you, he turned away.'
  102. if kol_man > 1:$kol_man_text_no = 'Once you guys are inspected, they turned their backs.'
  103. 'You looked <<$kol_man_prefiks>> appreciatively <<$kol_man_text>>. <<$kol_man_text_no>>.'
  104. end
  105. act 'Leave':gt 'gskver'
  106. end
  107. gs 'stat'
  108. --- placer_gskver ---------------------------------