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Merge remote-tracking branch 'netuttki/master'

Kevin_Smarts 1 год назад
1 измененных файлов с 71 добавлено и 43 удалено
  1. 71 43

+ 71 - 43

@@ -66,13 +66,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'table':
 	act 'Get up from the table':gt 'city_kafe', 'start'
 	act 'Order from the menu (0:05)':gs 'food_menu'
-	if kafe_food < (pcs_ate + pcs_drank):
-		if rand(1, 10) > 5:
-			gs 'boy'
-			'A man comes over to your table <<$boybody>> <<$boybod>> <<$boyface>> introducing himself as <<$boydesc>>.'
-			xgt 'city_kafe', 'razvod'
-		end
-	end
+	!!if kafe_food < (pcs_ate + pcs_drank):
+	!!	if rand(1, 10) > 5:
+	!!		gs 'boy'
+	!!		'A man comes over to your table <<$boybody>> <<$boybod>> <<$boyface>> introducing himself as <<$boydesc>>.'
+	!!		xgt 'city_kafe', 'razvod'
+	!!	end
+	!!end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'fabi2':
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fabi':
 	act 'Yes':
 		minut += 5
+		workKafe['job'] = 1
 		gs 'stat'
 		'You hand over your work book and Fabi takes it with a smile. "Good! Now remember, you have to be here between 11:00 and noon, Monday through Friday."'
@@ -199,6 +200,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'beg1':
 	$menu_arg = 'beg1'
 	menu_off = 0
 	workKafe['tips_roll'] += 30
+	!!set time to 15:30
+	if hour <= 15: minut += (15-hour) * 60 +30 - minut
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/cafe/BEG-001.jpg"></center>'
 	'The lunch rush starts strong and stays strong, and you spend the first few hours running frantically just to keep up. It''s not bad though – all your customers are in good moods and nobody has any major problems, and being busy like this makes the time go fast. If every day were like this you''d have no complaints.'
 	act 'Lunch time': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch'
@@ -209,6 +213,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'beg2':
 	$menu_arg = 'beg2'
 	menu_off = 0
 	workKafe['tips_roll'] -= 30
+	!!set time to 15:30
+	if hour <= 15: minut += (15-hour) * 60 +30 - minut
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/cafe/BEG-002.jpg"></center>'
 	'Today starts off slow but builds so that a couple hours in the place is almost as full as it ever gets during lunch. It''s not bad at first, but there''s always that one table that messes up your day. This time it''s a group of young executive-types who talk loudly amongst themselves and place very particular orders, each changing their minds several times as they tell you what they want. You double-check the orders before you leave the table and you''re sure you have it right, but when you bring them their food, each of them complains that something is wrong. One of them claims he ordered something you''re sure he never mentioned at all! You get the suspicion that they might be doing it just to screw with someone who can''t screw back, but as much as you''d like to argue, you''re just too busy. Besides, Fabi insists that an American-style diner should have American-style service, which he says is "The customer is always right." Sometimes the customers are wrong and sometimes they''re jerks, but you do it Fabi''s way and do your best to put the unpleasantness behind you.'
 	act 'Lunch time': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch'
@@ -219,6 +227,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'beg3':
 	$menu_arg = 'beg3'
 	menu_off = 0
 	workKafe['tips_roll'] += 30
+	!!set time to 15:30
+	if hour <= 15: minut += (15-hour) * 60 +30 - minut
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/cafe/BEG-003.jpg"></center>'
 	'Some days are just fun, and today is one of them. The crowd for lunch isn''t huge but it is happy, with some families (maybe tourists) and bunch of regular customers who are happy to see you and who engage you in good-natured banter and teasing. Everyone seems like they''re having a good time, and some of them include you in it for a few moments. Aside from the normal issues that arise, the first part of the day flows smoothly and easily, and you make decent tips too.'
 	act 'Lunch time': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch'
@@ -229,6 +241,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'beg4':
 	$menu_arg = 'beg4'
 	menu_off = 0
 	workKafe['tips_roll'] -= 30
+	!!set time to 15:30
+	if hour <= 15: minut += (15-hour) * 60 +30 - minut
+	gs 'stat'
 	npc_rel['A41'] += 1
@@ -248,6 +264,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'beg5':
 	$menu_arg = 'beg5'
 	menu_off = 0
 	workKafe['tips_roll'] += 40
+	!!set time to 15:30
+	if hour <= 15: minut += (15-hour) * 60 +30 - minut
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/cafe/BEG-005.jpg"></center>'
 	'You get slammed as soon as the doors open, a flood of people filling every table and not slowing for hours. It''s all you can do to keep your head above water as you run from table to table taking orders, delivering food, checking on customers, and resolving issues. It''s stressful and challenging, but you don''t screw up anything major and your customers leave satisfied, which is about the best you can expect from a day like today.'
 	act 'Lunch time': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch'
@@ -258,6 +278,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'beg6':
 	$menu_arg = 'beg6'
 	menu_off = 0
 	workKafe['tips_roll'] -= 40
+	!!set time to 15:30
+	if hour <= 15: minut += (15-hour) * 60 +30 - minut
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/cafe/BEG-006.jpg"></center>'
 	'Today is one of those days you wish you''d stayed in bed. The customers are inexplicably grumpy, you make a few irksome mistakes, there are complaints about the menu and the food, and generally everything kind of sucks. It only gets worse toward the end of lunch rush when two groups of young men, all of them already very drunk in spite of the early hour, get into a shouting match that rapidly escalates into shoving. Fabi and Ashot hurry to push them out the doors and onto the street, where they continue to argue and shout at each other for some time. All of this frightens off customers, which means you have fewer people to wait on and you get fewer tips.'
 	act 'Lunch time': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch'
@@ -266,15 +290,12 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'lunch':
 	$location_type = 'event'
 	*clr & cla
-	!!set time to 15:30
-	minut += 270 - minut
-	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><font color="maroon">The Roadhouse</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/cafe/kafe.jpg"></center>'
 	'Your break time comes, giving you a chance to sit down, eat some food, talk to your coworkers, and maybe go to the bathroom.'
 	if city_cafe['lunch'] ! daystart:
-		act 'Eat lunch': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch'
+		act 'Eat lunch': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch_alone'
 	if city_cafe['lunch_talk'] ! daystart:
 		act 'Talk to Fabi': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch_fabi'
@@ -282,30 +303,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'lunch':
 		act 'Talk to Marisha': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch_marisha'
 		act 'Talk to Nika': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch_nika'
-	act 'Go to the bathroom': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch_bath'
+	!!act 'Go to the bathroom': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch_bath'
 	act 'Return to work': gt 'city_kafe', 'events'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'lunch':
-	city_cafe['lunch'] = daystart
-	frost = 0
-	minut += 15
-	pcs_health += 10
-	fat += 4
-	pcs_energy += 40
-	if pcs_hydra >= 100:
-		pcs_hydra += 20
-	else
-		pcs_hydra += 40
-	end
-	cumspclnt = 2
-	gs 'cum_cleanup'
-	pcs_breath = 0
-	gs 'food', 'aftermeal'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'lunch_alone':
+	gs 'city_kafe', 'eat_lunch'
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/food/food_'+rand(1, 4)+'.jpg"></center>'
 	'You take your time eating your meal and playing on your phone. It''s just a light lunch but quite tasty and<<$mtxt>>'
-	gs 'stat'
 	act 'Finish': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch'
@@ -313,15 +319,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'lunch_fabi':
 	city_cafe['lunch_talk'] = daystart
 	minut += 10
 	npc_rel['A41'] += 1
+	!!gs 'city_kafe', 'eat_lunch'
 	*clr & cla
-	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><font color="maroon">The Roadhouse</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/cafe/fabi/FAB-001.jpg"></center>'
 	'You spend much of your break chatting with Fabi. He''s a nice man, kind and generous, but he always has a lot on his mind and he always looks tired. He talks to you about his favorite topics: American cuisine, American culture, American music, and how the people of St. Petersburg just don''t understand what he''s trying to achieve with the Roadhouse.'
 	if city_cafe['lunch'] ! daystart:
 		act 'Eat lunch': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch'
-	act 'Go to the bathroom': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch_bath'
+	!!act 'Go to the bathroom': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch_bath'
 	act 'Return to work': gt 'city_kafe', 'events'
@@ -329,15 +335,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'lunch_ashot':
 	city_cafe['lunch_talk'] = daystart
 	minut += 10
 	npc_rel['A42'] += 1
+	!!gs 'city_kafe', 'eat_lunch'
 	*clr & cla
-	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><font color="maroon">The Roadhouse</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/cafe/Ashot/ASH-001.jpg"></center>'
 	'Most of your break is spent in the kitchen chatting with Ashot, whose irrepressible good mood and constant smile seem as much a part of him as north and south are parts of the compass. He tells you stories about his family, many of which revolve around him doing something crazy and being a disappointment to his parents, something he doesn''t seem too bothered about. "They''ll be proud of me yet!" he vows cheerfully.'
 	if city_cafe['lunch'] ! daystart:
 		act 'Eat lunch': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch'
-	act 'Go to the bathroom': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch_bath'
+	!!act 'Go to the bathroom': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch_bath'
 	act 'Return to work': gt 'city_kafe', 'events'
@@ -345,15 +351,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'lunch_marisha':
 	city_cafe['lunch_talk'] = daystart
 	minut += 10
 	npc_rel['A93'] += 1
+	gs 'city_kafe', 'eat_lunch'
 	*clr & cla
-	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><font color="maroon">The Roadhouse</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/cafe/Marisha/MAR-001.jpg"></center>'
 	'Marisha has some quiet time when you''re on break and you two spend it chatting as much as her duties permit. Honestly, you do most of the talking, as she is as guarded and reserved as she always is at work, but she listens with interest and makes comments and asks questions that make you think about things in new ways. She''s a smart girl, even if she usually chooses not to show it, and you can''t help but wonder if waitressing in a diner is really the best use of her talents.'
 	if city_cafe['lunch'] ! daystart:
 		act 'Eat lunch': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch'
-	act 'Go to the bathroom': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch_bath'
+	!!act 'Go to the bathroom': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch_bath'
 	act 'Return to work': gt 'city_kafe', 'events'
@@ -361,25 +367,42 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'lunch_nika':
 	city_cafe['lunch_talk'] = daystart
 	minut += 10
 	npc_rel['A43'] += 1
+	gs 'city_kafe', 'eat_lunch'
 	*clr & cla
-	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><font color="maroon">The Roadhouse</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/cafe/Nika/NIK-001.jpg"></center>'
 	'You eat your lunch in the kitchen, spending the time talking to Nika as she washes dishes. She''s bright, bubbly, and energetic as always, talking about partying and clubbing – she''s especially fond of the nightclub over in the City Center – and how much fun St. Petersburg can be if you don''t have a steady guy to tie you down. She definitely seems to be enjoying her life, and she tells you tales of prowling the streets until dawn and shutting down every fun bar in town.'
 	if city_cafe['lunch'] ! daystart:
 		act 'Eat lunch': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch'
-	act 'Go to the bathroom': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch_bath'
+	!!act 'Go to the bathroom': gt 'city_kafe', 'lunch_bath'
 	act 'Return to work': gt 'city_kafe', 'events'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'events':
-	!!set time to 18:00
-	if hour = 15:
-		minut += 180 - minut
+if $ARGS[0] = 'eat_lunch':
+	city_cafe['lunch'] = daystart
+	frost = 0
+	minut += 15
+	pcs_health += 10
+	fat += 4
+	pcs_energy += 40
+	if pcs_hydra >= 100:
+		pcs_hydra += 20
-		minut += 120 - minut
+		pcs_hydra += 40
+	cumspclnt = 2
+	gs 'cum_cleanup'
+	pcs_breath = 0
+	gs 'food', 'aftermeal'
+	gs 'stat'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'events':
+	!!set time to 18:00
+	if hour < 18: minut += (18-hour)*60 - minut
 	if city_cafe['events_firsttime'] = 0:
 		gt 'city_kafe', 1
 	elseif city_cafe['events_firsttime'] = 1:
@@ -415,6 +438,7 @@ if ARGS[0] = 1:
 	'"And because of that, I can afford to pay my rent and buy the necessities of life," she tells you with a grin. "I couldn''t otherwise. Give it some thought."'
 	act 'Return to work': gt 'city_kafe', 'shift_end'
 elseif ARGS[0] = 2:
 	npc_rel['A41'] += 1
 	minut += 10
@@ -439,6 +463,7 @@ elseif ARGS[0] = 2:
 	'Fabi is suddenly nervous as though he just realized he said something he shouldn''t have, and he gathers together the papers he was working on and stands up from his desk. "Um, never mind. That''s not something you need to worry about. I''ll just finish these up back in the office."'
 	act 'Return to work': gt 'city_kafe', 'shift_end'
 elseif ARGS[0] = 3:
 	npc_rel['A43'] += 1
 	minut += 10
@@ -463,6 +488,7 @@ elseif ARGS[0] = 3:
 	'You don''t know what to say to that, so you change the subject to the St. Petersburg nightlife, which is something Nika seems intimately familiar with, and spend the next few minutes talking with her about party spots until customers come in that you need to attend to.'
 	act 'Return to work': gt 'city_kafe', 'shift_end'
 elseif ARGS[0] = 4:
 	npc_rel['A42'] += 1
 	minut += 10
@@ -499,7 +525,9 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'shift_end':
-	minut += 120
+	!! set to 20:00
+	if hour < 20: minut += (20-hour)*60 - minut
 	if rand(0,5) = 0:
 		gt 'city_kafe', 'end_1'
 	elseif rand(0,4) = 0: