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rachels 3 år sedan
1 ändrade filer med 14 tillägg och 14 borttagningar
  1. 14 14

+ 14 - 14

@@ -969,8 +969,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'lesson1':
     '"Exactly! Of course, I admit that it isn''t as easy as just wishing for something. We wizards have spent millennia perfecting a methodology to ease the process in the form of spells, but at best, that is an <i>if you do this, this happens</i> situation. Your willpower is the true drive behind spellcasting and you will soon discover that beyond using rituals for training, the most basic effects can be implemented just as a reflex action, with more powerful magic getting easier as you grow in power and experience. And now for the fun part!"'
 	act 'Continue':
-		spellKnown[Fog] += 1
-		spellKnown[painblock] += 1
+		spellKnown['fog'] += 1
+		spellKnown['painblock'] += 1
 		'<center><img src="images/characters/city/tatiana/Tatianalesson.jpg"></center>'
         'Tatiana gets up with a jump and begins to slowly move her hands in a series of complex gestures accompanied with some weird words, and soon, rolling mist begins to fall through her fingers, quickly obscuring the vision in the room.'
         '"Spooky isn''t it? This is Fog <<$pcs_nickname>>, one of the most venerable and simple spells. It''s a favorite of the High Sidhe that used it in ancient ages for that <i>other wordly</i> scenery in their holdings. Today - thanks to The Veil - it has fallen into disuse, but it''s useful for a quick and dirty combat distraction."'
@@ -984,8 +984,8 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'lesson2':
 	*clr & cla
 	tat_lesson_number += 1
-	spellKnown[clone] += 1
-	spellKnown[curewounds] += 1
+	spellKnown['clone'] += 1
+	spellKnown['curewounds'] += 1
 	'<center><img src="images/characters/city/tatiana/Tatianalesson.jpg"></center>'
     'Juggling the talisman''s fragment between her fingers, Tatiana seems ready for your next lesson, and without missing a beat, she shows you some new magical passes that causes a second Tatiana to appear.'
     '"Neat trick, isn''t it <<$pcs_nickname>>? Now look at this!"'
@@ -998,8 +998,8 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'lesson3':
 	*clr & cla
 	tat_lesson_number += 1
-	spellKnown[stun] += 1
-	spellKnown[curewounds2] += 1
+	spellKnown['stun'] += 1
+	spellKnown['curewounds2'] += 1
 	'<center><img src="images/characters/city/tatiana/Tatianalesson.jpg"></center>'
     'After your <i>show</i>, a blushing Tatiana looks at you, her lips quivering as she seems to struggle to speak. It''s strange, as Tatiana has never been affected by your <i>performances</i>. Maybe you have broken her resistance? That seems to be the case as she moves her hand towards your chin. She caresses you and whispers, and suddenly your muscles fight to move.'
     '"This is your fault <<$pcs_nickname>>! All that shiny mana! All that beautiful... you! I''m not going to let Reinhold, The Council or anyone else put their hands on you! You are mine and mine alone, and I know! I know that you will eventually learn to love me as much as I love you!"'
@@ -1011,8 +1011,8 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'lesson4':
 	*clr & cla
 	tat_lesson_number += 1
-	spellKnown[wind] += 1
-	spellKnown[curedisease] += 1
+	spellKnown['wind'] += 1
+	spellKnown['curedisease'] += 1
 	'<center><img src="images/characters/city/tatiana/Tatianalesson.jpg"></center>'
     'Tatiana doesn''t waste any time and begins to cast Fog, so the workshop is filled with wispy ribbons of mist.'
     '"This, <<$pcs_nickname>>, is Gust of Wind. The companion to the venerable Fog, and responsible for those creepy cold winds that scare the kids that get too close to my little hideout. Beyond that, its primary use in this age is to dispel Fog in a combat situation, as it lacks the power to do much beyond blowing the leaves."'
@@ -1023,8 +1023,8 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'lesson5':
 	*clr & cla
 	tat_lesson_number += 1
-	spellKnown[heal] += 1
-	spellKnown[multiclone] += 1
+	spellKnown['heal'] += 1
+	spellKnown['multiclone'] += 1
 	'<center><img src="images/characters/city/tatiana/Tatianalesson.jpg"></center>'
     'Tatiana doesn''t wait for you to recover before placing a folder into your hands. Inside it is several photocopies full of magic theory for a spell, accompanied with photos showing hand gestures and a DVD.'
     '"The old geezers will scream bloody murder if they see this <i>disrespect</i>, but, hey, they aren''t here! Those files will help you learn the more advanced Multi Clone spell. There isn''t a great mystery about it. It''s a combat spell that creates four clones of you that copy your movements and will disappear if touched, taking any hits meant for you."'
@@ -1035,8 +1035,8 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'lesson6':
 	*clr & cla
 	tat_lesson_number += 1
-	spellKnown[regenerate] += 1
-	spellKnown[energo] += 1
+	spellKnown['regenerate'] += 1
+	spellKnown['energo'] += 1
 	'<center><img src="images/characters/city/tatiana/Tatianalesson.jpg"></center>'
     'Without paying attention to your recovering form, Tatiana begins to rummage through the stands until she picks up a screwdriver and returns to your side. She kneels, extends her left hand over the floor and slams the screwdriver down. There is a loud crack and you feel a subtle mana explosion as the tool fails to hurt her, but with determination, Tatiana continues her assault, until two more tries later, the tool manages to impale the offending hand.'
     '"Okay <<$pcs_nickname>>, I was tired of explaining without demonstartions, and this way I can demonstrate two spells. The first one is Energy Shield, a combat spell, and your last line of defense if everything else fails. Unfortunately, it has two flaws - first: It is ablative, which means that will lose efficiency as it absorbs damage, and - two: It is designed for use against low-impact attacks, like punches and the occasional melee weapon, but anything more potent will shred it. So don''t try to go against bullets."'
@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'lesson7':
 	*clr & cla
 	tat_lesson_number += 1
-	spellKnown[haste] += 1
+	spellKnown['haste'] += 1
 	'<center><img src="images/characters/city/tatiana/Tatianalesson.jpg"></center>'
     'After your last <i>peep show</i>, Tatiana gives you an old leather-bound folder that contains instructions for a new spell. What catches your attention are the series of carefully manuscripted notes that radiate a faint magical aura. There is even the soft smell of... dahlias?'
     '"Yeah, I know <<$pcs_nickname>>... pretty. These are the sort of things that our elders do with their free time. They don''t seem to realize that the printing press is a thing, but let''s continue with your training."'
@@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'lesson8':
 	*clr & cla
 	tat_lesson_number += 1
-	spellKnown[berserk] += 1
+	spellKnown['berserk'] += 1
 	'<center><img src="images/characters/city/tatiana/Tatianalesson.jpg"></center>'
     'Tatiana looks a little off, with a distant gaze, thinking about something as you recover from your last <i>ride</i>. It takes you to loudly cough to take her away from that reverie, and make her pay attention to your naked, kneeling form.'
     '"Hm? Sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>. I was just... you know thinking in ways to continue milking your mana, but... I remember that I have this little thing called <i>morality</i>, and a deal to respect... Damn!"'