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Porn NPCs that I hope I didn't break.

Vengeance11 2 лет назад
3 измененных файлов с 67 добавлено и 64 удалено
  1. 14 14
  2. 26 26
  3. 27 24

+ 14 - 14

@@ -583,8 +583,8 @@ $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '7140667332 7978651826 7440682263 1631105202 21453579
 $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Alexander'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Alexei'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Radimov'
-$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Alexei Steel'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Alexei works as a porn actor ever since he lost his job as a steel worker. He has a son and a daughter, and happily married. He planned porn as a temporary thing, but it become permanent, since he can spend more time with his family doing this, earning more money than with any other physical job. And he is sellable, being almost two meters tall and built like a blond, blue eyed, braided viking.'
+$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Alexei Radimov'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Alexei has worked in porn ever since he lost his job as a steel worker. He has a teenage son and daughter and is happily married, but enjoys his job none the less. He only planned to do porn as a temporary thing, but eventually chose to make it permanent since it allows him to spend more time with his family and earn more money than any other job could offer. He is sellable too, being almost two meters tall and built like a tank.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19851110
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -600,8 +600,8 @@ $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '7008670756 7958693370 7059741341 1566986214 17328805
 $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Sergei'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Seryozha'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Tatarov'
-$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Sergei Stone'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Sergei is smooth, charming and handsome, but a real ass. Nobody likes to work with him, but he is a true professional and a really good actor. There are rumors about him raping a schoolgirl, but nobody knows anything.'
+$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Sergei Tatarov'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Sergei is smooth, charming and handsome, but a real asshole. Nobody likes to work with him, but he is a true professional and a really good actor. There are rumors about him raping a schoolgirl, but nobody knows anything about it.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19960311
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -616,8 +616,8 @@ $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '1086487692 7476661390 7698010724 1870038241 18709784
 $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Egor'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Egori'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Klyuyev'
-$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor George Drake'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Egor''s wife has been passed away for three years, he was cooped up in his home alone and his pension was really low when he saw a porn movie about an old guy fucking schoolgirls. He thought he would like to try out this, because he missed female company and the pay must be good too. He tried it out, and sticked with it. Everyone likes him, being a nice old grandpa who proudly shows his grandson''s pictures to everyone.'
+$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Egor Klyuyev'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Egor is a 50 something year old widow, his wife having died a few years ago. He was cooped up in his home living off welfare and watching porn. He decided to sign up himself and now he''s living his dream life of fucking hot younger girls all day long, a fact that he likes to proudly boast about.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19550311
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -633,8 +633,8 @@ $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '7955917440 7472108604 7013900784 1016721320 19680968
 $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Ignatio'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Ignat'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Vedenin'
-$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Jason Black'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Ignat is from Kaliningrad and he lives in his own rented apartment near campus. He is a university student, and he thought this is a good way to make money and fuck girls at the same time. He is athletic, handsome and intelligent.'
+$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Ignat Vedenin'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Ignat is from Kaliningrad and he lives in his own rented apartment near campus. He is a university student who signed up for the pussy and the money. He is athletic, handsome and intelligent.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19980501
 npc_intel['A<<npctemp>>'] = rand(40,50)
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
@@ -651,8 +651,8 @@ $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '7169919752 7587835065 7871488903 1779229534 11591011
 $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Simeon'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Syoma'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Rodionov'
-$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Simon Lee'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Symoa appears quite average: not athletic, average height, brown hair and brown eyes. He was a clerk at a store before he quit and traveled to the city looking for a new job. One of the actresses recommended him to try porn, because he appears inexhaustible in bed, capable to do it for hours, and his refactory period is nonexistent, meaning he could come in a girl and keep going without break. He obviously always has a job.'
+$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Simon Rodionov'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Symoa appears quite average: not athletic, average height, brown hair and brown eyes. He was a clerk at a store in a small town before he quit and traveled to the city looking for something new. By chance, he met and bedded one of the studio''s actresses, who recommended that he try porn since he appeared to be inexhaustible in bed, capable of fucking for hours on end without rest.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19941212
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -668,8 +668,8 @@ $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '7086114440 7277581517 7759004439 7806044180 78472404
 $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Vasilij'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Vasya'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Harkov'
-$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Alec Thorn'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Vasya and his sister Roza are both in the porn business, ever since they inherited a large amount of debt from their parents, leaving no real alternative to repay it. And you do not just admit to the russian mob that you cannot pay. So he dropped his work as car salesman and started doing porn, and anything else that might get him money fast. '
+$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Vasya Harkov'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Vasya and his sister Roza have been in the porn business ever since they inherited a large amount of debt from their parents. He dropped his job as car salesman and started doing porn, as well as anything else that might get him money fast.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19950727
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -684,8 +684,8 @@ $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '7320830648 7530535660 7541232906 7105571576 78040900
 $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Boris'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Borya'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Tabrov'
-$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Bob Stone'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Borya is an actor. Or would be if he could get a job, but until he gets more than occasional commercials, he have to live from something, and he chose porn. He is not especially enthusiastic about it, but he is the only male actor who can convincingly perform dialogs.'
+$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Boris Tabrov'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'An aspiring middle aged actor who has been stuck doing porn for years, with only the occasional low budget commerical to his name. He''s not entirely enthusastic about his job, but it pays the bills and his acting background makes him rather convincing on camera.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19930812
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'

+ 26 - 26

@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '7894193659 7682081397 7204840012 1999784485 14578629
 $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Daniil'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Danek'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Rasnik'
-$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Daniel Scott'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Danek is a high functioning drug addict, using only heroin and so far managed to keep it a secret. He does porn so he would have money to buy the expensive stuff, because everything else is just "poison". On the set he is always "sober", but he regularly shoots up afterwards.'
+$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Daniel Rasnik'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Danek is a high functioning drug addict, but has so far managed to keep it a secret. He does porn to buy the expensive stuff, because everything else is just "poison" to him. He is always "sober" on set, but regularly shoots up afterwards.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19910222
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '7997566748 7105919378 7895527285 1850847152 11683950
 $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Pyotr'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Pepik'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Izratam'
-$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Peter Hunt'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Pepik is a true exhibitionist, and he enjoys doing porn. He does not do relationships, he is in his ''hunting phase'' as he likes to call it. He likes to brag about having at least six children from six different women, but this could be a lie to shape his public image, since he always has plenty of money, and never seen around with any child.'
+$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Peter Izratam'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Pepik is a true exhibitionist, and enjoys doing porn. He does not do relationships, but likes to brag about having at least six children from six different women. This is likely a lie to shape his public image, since he always has plenty of money and is never seen around any children.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19970427
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '7241994349 7588712776 7761775617 1033432556 18824923
 $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Oleg'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Alusha'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Taburov'
-$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor John Hook'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Alusha has been a soldier until he has been dishonorably discharged because falling asleep on guard duty blind drunk. He still is an alcoholic, without it he has the shakes. But in the porn business being slightly drunk is not a huge problem, until he is functioning. His temper is a bigger problem, he do swears something awfully.'
+$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actor Oleg Taburov'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Oleg was a soldier until he was dishonorably discharged after falling asleep on guard duty while drunk. He is still an alcoholic, but in the porn business being slightly drunk is not a huge problem. His short temper is the bigger problem.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19881111
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '7086114441 7277581517 7759004439 7806044180 78472404
 $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Rozalina'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Roza'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Harkov'
-$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actress Rose Scarlet'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Roza and her older brother Vasya are both in the porn business, she agreed to do it after being raped for late payment. She decided that if she is fucked either way, then at least she would decide it. She dropped out of the university where she was learning to be a doctor, and started her porn ''career''. And since she is beautiful, she is popular enough to be able to repay her parents'' debt to the Bratva.'
+$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Porn actress Scarlett Rose'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Roza and her older brother Vasya are both in the porn business, "agreeing" to do it after she was raped for late repayment of her debt. She dropped out of university where she was learning to be a doctor, and started her porn "career", hoping to get the debt hunters off her back as soon as she can.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19980202
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 1
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Krystal'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'K'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Boytsov'
 $npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'K'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'A part time pornstar, part time model, she''s very cheerful and friendly and sex seems to exude from every facet of her life.'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'A part time pornstar, part time model, she''s very cheerful and friendly. Sex seems to exude from every facet of her life.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19930404
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 1
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -557,11 +557,11 @@ npc_dick['A<<npctemp>>'] = 16
 npctemp = 234
 $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '9695699672 2188071337 5246878581 9504515633 1030174716 8079090096 1524386291'
-$npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Elena'
-$npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Elli'
-$npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Yaroslava'
-$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Elli'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'A College student who pays the bills by occasionally acting in porn.'
+$npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Eleanor'
+$npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Ellie'
+$npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Bishop'
+$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Ellie Knight'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'An American exchange student who does porn and stripping on the side to pay her way through life. The fact that she''s American makes her unpopular with her co-stars, but she makes up for this by being good at her job.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19961209
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 1
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -576,8 +576,8 @@ $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '1659877224 0446724555 3103627999 3833951928 14976967
 $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Juliana'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Juli'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Slavenka'
-$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Juli'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'A pornstar in her late twenties. She knows she can''t keep doing this for much longer and is trying to make as much money as she can before retirement.'
+$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Jules Jordan'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'A popular veteran porn star in her late twenties. She''s one of the oldest girls at the studio and is past her prime, surrounded by fresher, younger talent. As a result, she is rather bitter and hostile to her co-stars and is looking for a way out of the industry.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19880703
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 1
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -592,8 +592,8 @@ $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '4420463501 4700373866 1041563160 2521275829 68395716
 $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Valentina'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Tina'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Kuznetsova'
-$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Tina'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'A self absorbed pornstar. She thinks way too much of herself and is often hostile to other female stars.'
+$npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Katrina Valentine'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'An up and coming porn starlet in her early 20s. Since she's rather fresh talent, she's popular with casting directors and gets nearly all the best roles. This has massively inflated her ego, so she is rather arrogant and self absorbed.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19930404
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 1
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Aliana'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Alli'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Smirnova'
 $npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Alli'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'She signed up with the porn studio the moment she turned 18. She gets a lot of ageplay roles because she looks very young.'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'A fresh and young faced teen who is obsessed with porn. Against her parents wishes, she joined the studio on her 18th birthday and is always eager to get on camera. Her young age and attractive teen appearance gives her a lot of age play roles and makes her popular with her male co-stars.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19980523
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 1
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Glinina'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Glinina'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Chebotarev'
 $npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Glinina'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Artems mother, she works at the community center library as the librarian. She meet her husband, Artems father when they both attended Pavlovsk Secondary School and started dating then. They both attend to the University in Saint Petersburg and after both graduating got married and moved back to Pavlovsk, when her husband Masharin was offered a job at the Palace as a office administrator for the computer system. Soon after she got pregnant with Artem and she now hopes her son will have the same kind of happy life her and her husband had. She hopes he meets a nice smart girl in school and they can go to college together before settling down to get married and have kids.'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Artem''s mother, who works at the community center library as the librarian. She meet her husband when they both attended Pavlovsk Secondary School and started dating. They also both attended the University in Saint Petersburg and after graduating, got married and moved back to Pavlovsk, when her husband Masharin was offered a job at the Palace as an office administrator. Soon after, she got pregnant with Artem and she now hopes her son will have the same kind of happy life her and her husband had. She hopes he meets a nice smart girl in school and they can go to college together before settling down to get married and have kids.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19980106
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 1
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Masharin'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Masharin'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Chebotarev'
 $npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Masharin'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Artems father works at the Palace tourism office as their office administrator, head of their IT department. He meet his wife when they was both still in Secondary school in Pavlovsk and they started dating. They kept dating through college when they both attended the University in Saint Petersburg. After school Masharin go the job offer to work at the Palace tourism office in the IT department, so they moved back to Pavlovsk. Soon after Artem was born and they have had a happy and wonderful life. Now he and his wife and hoping Artem meets a nice girl and can have the same kind of experience they did.'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Artem''s father works at the Palace tourism office as their office administrator, head of their IT department. He met his wife when they were both still in Secondary school in Pavlovsk and they started dating. They kept dating through college when they both attended the University in Saint Petersburg. After college, Masharin got the offer to work at the Palace tourism office in the IT department, so they moved back to Pavlovsk. Soon after Artem was born and they have had a happy and wonderful life. Now he and his wife are hoping Artem meets a nice girl and can have the same kind of experience they did.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19690703
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Lebogang'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Lebo'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Kayode'
 $npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Lebogang'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'He is Djibril''s closet friend in Russia, the both live on the same floor in the same dorm and he also attends the University. He is also from Africa.'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Djibril''s closet friend in Russia. They both live on the same floor in the same dorm and he also attends the University. He is also from Africa.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Ermias'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Ermias'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Okeke'
 $npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Ermias'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Ermias is Lebogang dorm roommate and friend. He is also from Africa.'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Ermias is Lebogang''s dorm roommate and friend. He is also from Africa.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Farai'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Farai'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Ihejirika'
 $npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Farai'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'He is Djibril''s room mate at the university dorms. He is also from Africa.'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Djibril''s roommate at the university dorms. He is also from Africa.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Haruna'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Haruna'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Babatunde'
 $npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Harunae'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Haruna is close friends with Djibril, they both meet their freshmen year. He also lives on the same floor of the dorms as well, he is also from Africa.'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Haruna is close friends with Djibril, having met in their freshmen year. He lives on the same floor of the dorms, and is also from Africa.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Idowu'
 $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Idowu'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Arendse'
 $npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Idowu'
-$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Idowu is Haruna''s roommate and friend, the live in the same dorm room and both attend the University. He is also from Africa.'
+$npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Idowu is Haruna''s roommate and friend. They live in the same dorm room and both attend the University. He is also from Africa.'
 npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 npc_gender['A<<npctemp>>'] = 0
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'

+ 27 - 24

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # pornfilm
 menu_off = 1
@@ -9,34 +9,34 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pornactor':
 			akrand = rand(1,10)
 			if akrand = 1:
-				$pakter[num] = 'Alexei'
+				$pakter[num] = 'Alexei Radimov'
 				$pakterID[num] = 'A193'
 			elseif akrand = 2:
-				$pakter[num] = 'Seryozha'
+				$pakter[num] = 'Sergei Tatarov'
 				$pakterID[num] = 'A194'
 			elseif akrand = 3:
-				$pakter[num] = 'Egori'
+				$pakter[num] = 'Egor Klyuyev'
 				$pakterID[num] = 'A195'
 			elseif akrand = 4:
-				$pakter[num] = 'Ignat'
+				$pakter[num] = 'Ignat Vedenin'
 				$pakterID[num] = 'A196'
 			elseif akrand = 5:
-				$pakter[num] = 'Syoma'
+				$pakter[num] = 'Simon Rodionov'
 				$pakterID[num] = 'A197'
 			elseif akrand = 6:
-				$pakter[num] = 'Vasya'
+				$pakter[num] = 'Vasya Harkov'
 				$pakterID[num] = 'A198'
 			elseif akrand = 7:
-				$pakter[num] = 'Borya'
+				$pakter[num] = 'Boris Tabrov'
 				$pakterID[num] = 'A199'
 			elseif akrand = 8:
-				$pakter[num] = 'Danek'
+				$pakter[num] = 'Daniel Rasnik'
 				$pakterID[num] = 'A200'
 			elseif akrand = 9:
-				$pakter[num] = 'Pepik'
+				$pakter[num] = 'Peter Izratam'
 				$pakterID[num] = 'A201'
 			elseif akrand = 10:
-				$pakter[num] = 'Alusha'
+				$pakter[num] = 'Oleg Taburov'
 				$pakterID[num] = 'A202'
 			if num < pfactor:
@@ -61,17 +61,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pornactress':
 				$paktress[num] = 'K'
 				$pactressID[num] = 'A207'
 			elseif akrand = 2:
-				$paktress[num] = 'Elli'
+				$paktress[num] = 'Ellie Knight'
 				$pactressID[num] = 'A234'
 			elseif akrand = 3:
-				$paktress[num] = 'Juli'
+				$paktress[num] = 'Jules Jordan'
 				$pactressID[num] = 'A235'
 			elseif akrand = 4:
-				$paktress[num] = 'Tina'
+				$paktress[num] = 'Katrina Valentine'
 				$pactressID[num] = 'A236'
 			elseif akrand = 5:
-				$paktress[num] = 'Alli'
+				$paktress[num] = 'Alexa Haze'
 				$pactressID[num] = 'A237'
+			elseif akrand = 6:
+			    $paktress[num] = 'Scarlett Rose'
+				$pactressID[num] = 'A203'
 			if num < pfactor:
 				num2 = pfactor
@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'The set is already bustling with assistants preparing the set for the shoot.'
-	'<<$pakter[1]>> is your co-star for this shoot. He standing to the side, slowly stroking his member.'
+	'<<$pakter[1]>> is your co-star for this shoot. He standing to the side, slowly stroking his dick.'
 	act 'Undress and start':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -133,7 +136,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'The set is already bustling with assistants preparing the set for the shoot.'
-	'<<$pakter[1]>> is your co-star for this shoot. He is standing to the side, slowly stroking his member.'
+	'<<$pakter[1]>> is your co-star for this shoot. He is standing to the side, slowly stroking his dick.'
 	act 'Undress and start':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -155,7 +158,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/redlight/studio_porn/sex/deep.mp4"></video></center>'
 				'<<$pakter[1]>> grabs your hair in his fists and begins to fuck your mouth, driving his cock down your throat with every thrust.'
-				'After a few minutes of this, he takes his cock out and you wipe the saliva from your mouth.'
+				'After a few minutes of this, he takes his cock out and you wipe the saliva from your mouth while gasping for air.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'exhibitionism'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -200,7 +203,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'The set is already bustling with assistants preparing the set for the shoot.'
-	'<<$pakter[1]>> is your co-star for this shoot. He is standing to the side, slowly stroking his inviting member.'
+	'<<$pakter[1]>> is your co-star for this shoot. He is standing to the side, slowly stroking his dick.'
 	act 'Undress and start':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -214,7 +217,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 		act 'Blow him':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/redlight/studio_porn/sex/bj.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You take his shaft into your mouth and start passionately sucking his dick while gazing up at <<$patker[1]>>, giving him and the camera a seductive look. As you continue sucking, you reach between your legs and slowly massage your clit.'
+			'You take his shaft into your mouth and start passionately sucking his dick while gazing up at him, giving him and the camera a seductive look. As you continue sucking, you reach between your legs and slowly massage your clit.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'exhibitionism'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -284,7 +287,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '4':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'The set is already bustling with assistants preparing the set for the shoot.'
-	'<<$pakter[1]>> is your co-star for this shoot. He is standing to the side, slowly stroking his impressive member.'
+	'<<$pakter[1]>> is your co-star for this shoot. He is standing to the side, slowly stroking his dick.'
 	act 'Undress and start':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -561,7 +564,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '7':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'The set is already bustling with assistants preparing the set for the shoot.'
-	'Your co-star for this shoot is <<$pakter[1]>>. He is standing to the side, slowly stroking his member.'
+	'Your co-star for this shoot is <<$pakter[1]>>. He is standing to the side, slowly stroking his dick.'
 	act 'Undress and start':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -1508,7 +1511,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '15':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'The set is already bustling with assistants preparing the set for the shoot.'
-	'<<$pakter[1]>> is your co-star for this shoot. He is standing to the side, slowly stroking his member.'
+	'<<$pakter[1]>> is your co-star for this shoot. He is standing to the side, slowly stroking his dick.'
 	act 'Undress and start':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -1621,7 +1624,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '16':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'The set is already bustling with assistants preparing the set for the shoot.'
-	'<<$pakter[1]>> is your co-star for this shoot. He is standing to the side, slowly stroking his inviting member.'
+	'<<$pakter[1]>> is your co-star for this shoot. He is standing to the side, slowly stroking his dick.'
 	act 'Undress and start':
 		*clr & cla