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Changed the way chore disappointment works a bit, and finished adding grandpa's. Added disappointment talk. Also cleaned up a few minor things.

richard_butte hace 4 años
Se han modificado 3 ficheros con 140 adiciones y 22 borrados
  1. 81 16
  2. 58 3
  3. 1 3

+ 81 - 16

@@ -1511,43 +1511,108 @@ end
 !! disappointing grandma
 if grandmaQW['chore_clean_floor'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_clean_floor'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_clean_floor'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_clean_floor'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_wash_clothes'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_wash_clothes'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_wash_clothes'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_wash_clothes'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_milk_cow'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_milk_cow'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_milk_cow'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_milk_cow'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_groceries'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_groceries'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_groceries'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_groceries'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_can_mushrooms'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_can_mushrooms'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_can_mushrooms'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_can_mushrooms'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_can_berries'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_can_berries'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_can_berries'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_can_berries'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_can_veggies'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_can_veggies'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_can_veggies'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_can_veggies'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_feed_chickens'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_feed_chickens'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_feed_chickens'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_feed_chickens'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_work_in_garden'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_work_in_garden'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_work_in_garden'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_work_in_garden'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_water_garden'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_water_garden'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_water_garden'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_water_garden'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_collect_strawberries'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_collect_strawberries'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_collect_strawberries'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_collect_strawberries'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_collect_fruit'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_collect_fruit'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_collect_fruit'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_collect_fruit'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_harvest_garden'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_harvest_garden'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_harvest_garden'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_harvest_garden'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_gather_mushrooms'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_gather_mushrooms'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_gather_mushrooms'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_gather_mushrooms'] = 0
 	grandmaQW['chore_mushroom_quantity'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_gather_berries'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_gather_berries'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_gather_berries'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_gather_berries'] = 0
 	grandmaQW['chore_berry_quantity'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 elseif grandmaQW['chore_gather_both'] = 1 or grandmaQW['chore_gather_both'] = 2:
-	grandmaQW['chore_gather_both'] = 3
+	grandmaQW['chore_gather_both'] = 0
 	grandmaQW['chore_mushroom_quantity'] = 0
 	grandmaQW['chore_berry_quantity'] = 0
+	grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1
+!!disappointing grandpa
+if grandpaQW['chore_fetch_firewood'] = 1 or grandpaQW['chore_fetch_firewood'] = 2:
+	grandpaQW['chore_fetch_firewood'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1
+elseif grandpaQW['chore_feed_horse'] = 1 or grandpaQW['chore_feed_horse'] = 2:
+	grandpaQW['chore_feed_horse'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1
+elseif grandpaQW['chore_feed_cow'] = 1 or grandpaQW['chore_feed_cow'] = 2:
+	grandpaQW['chore_feed_cow'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1
+elseif grandpaQW['chore_clean_yard'] = 1 or grandpaQW['chore_clean_yard'] = 2:
+	grandpaQW['chore_clean_yard'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1
+elseif grandpaQW['chore_feed_boar'] = 1 or grandpaQW['chore_feed_boar'] = 2:
+	grandpaQW['chore_feed_boar'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1
+elseif grandpaQW['chore_bathe_horse'] = 1 or grandpaQW['chore_bathe_horse'] = 2:
+	grandpaQW['chore_bathe_horse'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['chore_bathe_horse_prog'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1
+elseif grandpaQW['chore_brush_horse'] = 1 or grandpaQW['chore_brush_horse'] = 2:
+	grandpaQW['chore_brush_horse'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1
+elseif grandpaQW['chore_lead_horse_to_field'] = 1 or grandpaQW['chore_lead_horse_to_field'] = 2:
+	grandpaQW['chore_lead_horse_to_field'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1
+elseif grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle'] = 1 or grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle'] = 2:
+	grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1
+elseif grandpaQW['chore_lead_cow_to_field'] = 1 or grandpaQW['chore_lead_cow_to_field'] = 2:
+	grandpaQW['chore_lead_cow_to_field'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1
+elseif grandpaQW['chore_gather_mushrooms'] = 1 or grandpaQW['chore_gather_mushrooms'] = 2:
+	grandpaQW['chore_gather_mushrooms'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['chore_mushroom_quantity'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1
+elseif grandpaQW['chore_gather_berries'] = 1 or grandpaQW['chore_gather_berries'] = 2:
+	grandpaQW['chore_gather_berries'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['chore_berry_quantity'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1
+elseif grandpaQW['chore_gather_both'] = 1 or grandpaQW['chore_gather_both'] = 2:
+	grandpaQW['chore_gather_both'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['chore_mushroom_quantity'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['chore_berry_quantity'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1
+elseif grandpaQW['chore_bale_hay'] = 1 or grandpaQW['chore_bale_hay'] = 2:
+	grandpaQW['chore_bale_hay'] = 0
+	grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1
 !! end of new grandparent chore stuff, for 0.8.0
 if catout ! 0: catout = 0

+ 58 - 3

@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
 !! grandmaQW['last_month_paid']					The most recent month Grandma paid Sveta for her help (i.e. was it the current month?)
 !! grandmaQW['nudity_trouble']					Semi-abstract representation of how annoyed Grandma is by Svetas exhibitionism. At 10 she reprimands Sveta (no effect).
 !! grandmaQW['talked_about_gadukino']			0/1 - has Sveta asked Grandma about Gadukino? Makes the "Ask about Gadukino" option a one-time thing.
+!! grandmaQW['disappointment']					0/1 - marks if you failed a chore and Grandma is disappointed in you. Causes a lecture and -1 to help_amount
 !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 !! Quest Variables - Grandpa
@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@
 !! grandpaQW['last_day_talked']					The most recent day Sveta chatted with Grandpa.
 !! grandpaQW['last_hour_talked']				The most recent hour Sveta chatted with Grandpa. Checked against hour, allows for several chats through the day.
 !! grandpaQW['talked_about_forest']				0/1 - has Sveta asked Grandpa about the forest? Makes the "Ask about forest" option a one-time thing.
+!! grandmaQW['disappointment']					0/1 - marks if you failed a chore and Grandpa is disappointed in you. Causes a lecture and -1 to help_amount
@@ -298,8 +300,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'main':
-	act 'Talk to Grandma':gt 'gadhouse','grandma'
-	act 'Talk to Grandpa':gt 'gadhouse','grandpa'
+	if (hour >= 6 and hour < 10) or (hour >= 12 and hour < 20): act 'Talk to Grandma':gt 'gadhouse','grandma'
+	if (hour >= 6 and hour < 13) or (hour >= 15 and hour < 20): act 'Talk to Grandpa':gt 'gadhouse','grandpa'
 	act 'Prepare a full meal (0:30)':gs 'food', 'm_meal'
 	act 'Prepare a light meal (0:25)':gs 'food', 's_meal'
 	act 'Have a snack (0:15)':gs 'food', 'snack'
@@ -363,6 +365,30 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'main':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'grandma':
+	!!Grandma is disappointed in you for failing to do a chore you promised
+	if grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 1:
+		*clr & cla
+		menu_off = 1
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		grandmaQW['disappointment'] = 0
+		grandmaQW['help_amount'] -= 1
+		pcs_mood -= 5
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/grandma.jpg"></center>'
+		'Grandma frowns at you as you approach her. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, you said you would help me yesterday, and you did not."'
+		'You cringe a little as you remember what you told her you would do. "I''m sorry Grandma, I forgot all about it..."'
+		'"I am an old woman, child. It is difficult for me to do many of the things I once could. But I can still do them if I know I have to."'
+		'You look at the ground, feeling guilty, as she continues: "But it is even harder for me if I expected help and did not receive it."'
+		'"Sorry, Grandma," you mumble again.'
+		'She softens a little, finally. "It''s okay child," she says. "But it makes it harder for me to give you your allowance for sweets if you cannot follow through on your promises."'
+		'"Yes, ma''am," you nod.'
+		'"All right child," she says, patting your shoulder softly. "Go on now, I am sure you have things to do."'
+		act 'Continue':gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
+		exit
+	end
 	*clr & cla
 	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 2
@@ -869,6 +895,35 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'grandma':
 if $ARGS[0]='grandpa':
+	!!Grandpa is disappointed in you for failing to do a chore you promised
+	if grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 1:
+		*clr & cla
+		menu_off = 1
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		grandpaQW['disappointment'] = 0
+		grandmaQW['help_amount'] -= 1
+		pcs_mood -= 5
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/grandpa.jpg"></center>'
+		'Your grandfather scowls at you as you approach him.'
+		'<br>"<<$pcs_firstname>>. I am disappointed in you," he says flatly.'
+		'"What? Why?" you ask, taken aback a bit by his demeanor.'
+		'"Yesterday I asked you to help me, and you agreed. And here we are, today, and I find that you did not."'
+		'"Oh n-no, Grandpa," you stutter, "I forgot all about it! I''m sorry!"'
+		'"Quiet, child. I wasn''t done speaking. You promised to help and did not, which means you lied."'
+		'<br>You stare at him, crestfallen.'
+		'<br>"And I don''t want your apologies. A <<$pcs_lastname>> keeps their word, or their word is worth nothing."'
+		'Your eyes tear up a bit as your grandfather berates you. "Yes, sir," you mumble quietly.'
+		'"I would rather you tell me flat-out if you do not want to help, <<$pcs_firstname>>. At least that makes you honest, even if lazy."'
+		'"Grandpa, I honestly just forg-" you begin, but he cuts you off.'
+		'"Hush, child. I don''t care for excuses. Now go on, some of us have work to do."'
+		'<br>You silently turn and walk away, feeling guilty.'
+		act 'Continue':gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
+		exit
+	end
 	*clr & cla
 	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 2

+ 1 - 3

@@ -189,8 +189,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'boar':
 			minut += 30
-			grandmaQW['help_amount'] += 1
-			grandpaQW['chore_feed_boar'] = 0
+			grandpaQW['chore_feed_boar'] = 2
 			hndiwrk_exp += rand(0,3)
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -248,7 +247,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cow':
 			minut += 60
-			grandmaQW['help_amount'] += 1
 			hndiwrk_exp += rand(0,3)
 			gs 'stat'