#128 Custom Start -> Purse selection -> Dolls shows wrong purses

4 سال پیش باز شده توسط KeyMasterOfGozer · 2 دیدگاه

When doing custom start, selecting your purse, All of the purse stores work correctly except the "Dolls" store shows the purses for the "Cheap" store, but when you pick, it correctly pick a Dolls purse, even though you can't see which one until after you pick.

When doing custom start, selecting your purse, All of the purse stores work correctly except the "Dolls" store shows the purses for the "Cheap" store, but when you pick, it correctly pick a Dolls purse, even though you can't see which one until after you pick.
Kevin_Smarts نظر 4 سال پیش

I thought I fixed this one. :confused:

I thought I fixed this one. :confused:
Kevin_Smarts نظر 4 سال پیش

Yeah, I did. Why haven't you got the latest version? No, no, I take that back. How haven't you got the latest version? ?

Its fixed anyway. :smile:

Yeah, I did. Why haven't you got the latest version? No, no, I take that back. How haven't you got the latest version? ? Its fixed anyway. :smile:
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