#253 [Added] Bunch of additions to the therapist scene

Kevin_Smarts hat 5 Commits von lagooncompany/Therapist nach Kevin_Smarts/master vor 1 Jahr zusammengeführt
lagooncompany kommentierte vor 1 Jahr

[Added] A scene when pc is walking into school after having sex with the therapist

[Added] A condition to play unused uniform stripping videos if the pc is wearing school uniform while visiting the therapist

[Added] Willpower costs for wearing non exhibitionist clothing after a therapist event

[Added] A scene when pc is walking into school after having sex with the therapist [Added] A condition to play unused uniform stripping videos if the pc is wearing school uniform while visiting the therapist [Added] Willpower costs for wearing non exhibitionist clothing after a therapist event
Kevin_Smarts hat vor 1 Jahr geschlossen
Kevin_Smarts kommentierte vor 1 Jahr

Thanks, this all looks great!

Thanks, this all looks great!
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