#294 [changed] Modify driving lesson requirements to allow the fake passport to work

Kharita ingin menggabungkan 1 komit dari Kharita/fakepassport-allows-driving menjadi Kevin_Smarts/master

Modify driving lesson requirements to allow the fake passport to work, in locations/dk.

This aligns player expectations that the fake passport allows them to do everything an over 18 person can do.

Modify driving lesson requirements to allow the fake passport to work, in locations/dk. This aligns player expectations that the fake passport allows them to do everything an over 18 person can do.
Kevin_Smarts komentar 2 bulan lalu

This is intentional. The fake passport works for things like nightclub and photo studio but it wouldn't hold up with government checks needed for driving license.

This is intentional. The fake passport works for things like nightclub and photo studio but it wouldn't hold up with government checks needed for driving license.
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