#295 [fixed] correct the action label in the shared apartment to show Oleg's name correctly

Kevin_Smarts scala 1 commity/ów z Kharita/fix-olegs-room-name do Kevin_Smarts/master 2 miesięcy temu
Kharita skomentował 2 miesięcy temu

currently, from the shared apartment there are 3 rooms shown:

  • Yakov's room (goes to Oleg's room)
  • Nestor's room
  • Yakov's room

This fixes the label on the first room to show Oleg's name correctly.

currently, from the shared apartment there are 3 rooms shown: - Yakov's room (goes to Oleg's room) - Nestor's room - Yakov's room This fixes the label on the first room to show Oleg's name correctly.
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