# shoes !!This is the main file for shoes, like clothes but for your feet. $shoe_list_line = { !! a single line in a shoe list (shoe rack, etc) !! ARGS 0 - action type (shoe rack, sell, store, forsale) !! ARGS 1 - shoe type !! ARGS 2 - shoe index gs 'themes', 'clothing', 1 $RESULT = '' if Enable_clothwidth > 0: shoe_temp = Enable_clothwidth - 1 else shoe_temp = 75 & !shoe widdefault to 75 end $RESULT +='' killvar 'shoe_temp' gs 'shoe_attributes', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2] gs 'shoe_description2', $ARGS[2] $RESULT += '<> <><<$description>>' if ShoStyle = 2: $RESULT += 'Yes' else $RESULT += 'No' end if ShoStyle = 1: $RESULT += 'Yes' else $RESULT += 'No' end $RESULT += 'View' $RESULT += '' if sloc ! 1:$RESULT += ' Storage
' if sloc ! 0:$RESULT += ' Wardrobe
' if sloc ! 2:$RESULT += ' Unwanted' $RESULT += '' } if $ARGS[0] = 'dest0': *clr dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>_shoe_s[<>] = 0' gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] end if $ARGS[0] = 'dest1': *clr dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>_shoe_s[<>] = 1' gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] end if $ARGS[0] = 'dest2': *clr dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>_shoe_s[<>] = 2' gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] end if $ARGS[0] = 'view_shoe_list': !! ARGS 0 - view_shoe_list !! ARGS 1 - action type (wardrobe, storage, unwanted, sell) !! ARGS 2 - brothel flag (brothel) $regularwornshoetype = '' act 'Return':gt 'wardrobe', 'start' if $ARGS[1] ! 'sell' :'
Wardrobe StorageUnwanted
' if $ARGS[1] ! 'sell' : '
Select shoes to wear *Bonus to attractiveness only applied in wardrobe and outdoors.
' if $shoeworntype ! 'none': act 'Remove shoes': gs 'shoes', 'strip' gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] end end end if $ARGS[1] = 'wardrobe': sloc = 0 end if $ARGS[1] = 'store': sloc = 1 end if $ARGS[1] = 'unwanted': sloc = 2 end $bgcolor='#f3f4ee' '
' i = 1 :loopmoncheri_shoe if moncheri_shoe[i] = 1 and moncheri_shoe_s[i] = sloc:*P dyneval($shoe_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'moncheri', i) i += 1 if i <= 40:jump 'loopmoncheri_shoe' i = 1 :loopcats_shoe if cats_shoe[i] = 1 and cats_shoe_s[i] = sloc:*P dyneval($shoe_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'cats', i) i += 1 if i <= 20:jump 'loopcats_shoe' i = 1 :loopbomba_shoe if bomba_shoe[i] = 1 and bomba_shoe_s[i] = sloc:*P dyneval($shoe_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'bomba', i) i += 1 if i <= 40:jump 'loopbomba_shoe' i = 1 :loopdolls_shoe if dolls_shoe[i] = 1 and dolls_shoe_s[i] = sloc:*P dyneval($shoe_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'dolls', i) i += 1 if i <= 30:jump 'loopdolls_shoe' i = 1 :loopgm_shoe if gm_shoe[i] = 1 and gm_shoe_s[i] = sloc:*P dyneval($shoe_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'gm', i) i += 1 if i <= 30:jump 'loopgm_shoe' i = 1 :looperoto_shoe if eroto_shoe[i] = 1 and eroto_shoe_s[i] = sloc:*P dyneval($shoe_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'eroto', i) i += 1 if i <= 30:jump 'looperoto_shoe' i = 1 :loopscandalicious_shoe if scandalicious_shoe[i] = 1 and scandalicious_shoe_s[i] = sloc:*P dyneval($shoe_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'scandalicious', i) i += 1 if i <= 30:jump 'loopscandalicious_shoe' i = 1 :loopdanilovich_shoe if danilovich_shoe[i] = 1 and danilovich_shoe_s[i] = sloc:*P dyneval($shoe_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'danilovich', i) i += 1 if i <= 40:jump 'loopdanilovich_shoe' '
' end if $ARGS[0] = 'moncheri': *P FUNC('$attributes_moncheri_shoes', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1]) elseif $ARGS[0] = 'cats': *P FUNC('$attributes_cats_shoes', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1]) elseif $ARGS[0] = 'bomba': *P FUNC('$attributes_bomba_shoes', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1]) elseif $ARGS[0] = 'dolls': *P FUNC('$attributes_dolls_shoes', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1]) elseif $ARGS[0] = 'gm': *P FUNC('$attributes_gm_shoes', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1]) elseif $ARGS[0] = 'eroto': *P FUNC('$attributes_eroto_shoes', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1]) elseif $ARGS[0] = 'scandalicious': *P FUNC('$attributes_scandalicious_shoes', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1]) elseif $ARGS[0] = 'danilovich': *P FUNC('$attributes_danilovich_shoes', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1]) end if $ARGS[0] = 'gym': if $regularwornshoetype = '': $regularwornshoetype = $shoeworntype regularwornshoenumber = shoewornnumber end '
' i = 1 :loopdanilovich_shoe2 if danilovich_shoe[i] = 1 and danilovich_shoe_s[i] = 0:'' i += 1 if i <= 40:jump 'loopdanilovich_shoe2' act 'Return': gt $loc, $loc_arg if $shoeworntype ! $regularwornshoetype: gs 'shoes', 'gym2' end if $ARGS[0] = 'gym2': act 'Put your regular shoes back on': $shoeworntype = $regularwornshoetype shoewornnumber = regularwornshoenumber killvar '$regularwornshoetype' killvar 'regularwornshoenumber' gt 'shoes', 'gym' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'view_shoe_item': !! ARGS 0 - view_shoe_item !! ARGS 1 = action type (wardrobe, shop, sell) !! ARGS 2 - shoes type !! ARGS 3 - shoes index !! ARGS 4 - price for shop cla '
' gs 'shoe_attributes', $ARGS[2], ARGS[3] FUNC('$shoe_description', $ARGS[2]) + '<>' *nl gs 'shoe_description2', $ARGS[2] '<<$description>>' *nl if ShoStyle = 1:'This shoe is considered stripper style and most suitable for stripping or whoring.' if ShoStyle = 2:'This shoe is considered bimbo style and makes your mind drift toward sexual thoughts.' if ShoStyle = 3:'This shoe is considered alternative style and makes you feel more assertive and aggressive.' if $ARGS[1] = 'shop': if dyneval('RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>_shoe[<>]') = 1: 'You already own these shoes.' act 'Leave': gt $loc, $loc_arg else price = ('<>' * ((5 * ShoQuality) + 100) / 100) * 1000 / (1250 - Clothingstock[ARGS[3]]) * 3 / 2 price = price / 50 * 50 'Price: <> ' act 'Leave': gt $loc, $loc_arg if money >= Price: act 'Buy (cash)': h = 0 if ShoStyle = 2:h = 10 if ShoStyle = 5:h = 20 h += (3 * ShoQuality) money -= price dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>_shoe[<>] = 1' gt $loc, $loc_arg end else 'You do not have enough cash to buy these shoes.' end if karta + bankDebtLimit >= price: act 'Buy (card)': h = 0 if ShoStyle = 2:h = 10 if ShoStyle = 5:h = 20 h += (3 * ShoQuality) karta -= price dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>_shoe[<>] = 1' gt $loc, $loc_arg end else 'You do not have enough money in your bank to buy these shoes.' end end elseif $ARGS[1] = 'wardrobe': if $regularwornshoetype = '': act 'Leave in closet':gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] else act 'Return': gt 'shoes', 'gym' end act 'Wear': gs 'shoes', 'wear', $ARGS[2], ARGS[3] if $regularwornshoetype = '': gt 'wardrobe', 'start' else gt 'shoes', 'gym' end end elseif $ARGS[1] = 'store' or $ARGS[1] = 'unwanted': act 'Return':gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] end end if $ARGS[0] = 'strip': if $shoesworntype = 'none': exit $shoelastworntype = $shoeworntype shoelastwornnumber = shoewornnumber $shoeworntype = 'none' shoewornnumber = 0 ShoQuality = 0 ShoHeels = 0 ShoCut = 0 ShoStyle = 0 PShoQuality = 0 PShoHeels = 0 PShoCut = 0 PShoStyle = 0 end if $ARGS[0] = 'setup': end if $ARGS[0] = 'wear': !! ARGS 0 - action !! ARGS 1 - shoe type name / last worn !! ARGS 2 - shoe index if $ARGS[1] = 'last_worn': $shoeworntype = $shoelastworntype shoewornnumber = shoelastwornnumber else $shoeworntype = $ARGS[1] shoewornnumber = ARGS[2] end if $shoeworntype = 'none': PShoQuaility = 0 PShoCut = 0 PShoHeels = 0 PShoStyle = 0 exit end gs 'shoe_attributes', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2] dynamic '<<$ARGS[1]>>S[<>] = 0' PShoQuality = ShoQuality PShoHeels = ShoHeels PShoCut = ShoCut PShoStyle = ShoStyle !!Bimbo shoe check so bonus will be applied if PShoStyle = 2: bimbosh = 1 !Calculations for shoes beauty, multiplied by natural beauty if PShoHeels > 0: if PShoHeels = 1: PXShoHeels = 25 elseif PShoHeels = 2: PXShoHeels = 50 elseif PShoHeels = 3: PXShoHeels = 100 elseif PShoHeels = 4: PXShoHeels = 150 elseif PShoHeels = 5: PXShoHeels = 200 elseif PShoHeels = 6: PXShoHeels = 300 elseif PShoHeels >= 7: PXShoHeels = 400 end end end --- shoes ---------------------------------