# fertility if $ARGS[0] = 'birth_control': !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !! Birth control !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !! Birth Control Management variables !! !! tabletkimm : The modifier for the current mood of the MC. !! tabletkiap : Autopill factor affecting the liklihood you took your pill as you should have !! tabletkipt : Pill Dicipline Take increase !! tabletkipi : Pill Dicipline Dont take increase !! tabletkicpd : Current MC Pill Dicipline !! tabletkichday : Current day that the Birth Control is being evaluated for !! tabletkicheck : If the birth control from shot (2) or pill (1) !! tabletki : How many packages of Birth Control Pills there are !! tabletkiold : Total number packages of expired pills !! tabletkifake : Total number packages of fake/counterfeit pills !! tabletkirej : Total number packages of factory rejected pills !! tabletkifert : Total number packages of subsituted fertility pills !! tabletkisug : Total number packages of sugar pills !! pillsleft : Total number packages of pills in current package !! tabletkishot : The flag for being on the Birth Control shot. !! pillcon : The number for the current birth control chemical level. !! pilldays : The number of consecutive days (you believe) you have taken your pill if Luth > (LutH_Max-75) and placebopart <= 0: placebopart = 8 placebopart -= 1 if tabletkishot <= 0: pillcon -= 1000 & pillcon2 -= 1000 if pillcon < 0: pillcon = 0 if pillcon2 < 0: pillcon2 = 0 if tabletkicheck = 2: if tabletkishot ! 0: !!cycle = 1 mesec = 0 if rand(0,1000) = 1000: EggRH = rand(20,80) else EggRH = 0 end FocH = EggRH end if tabletkishot <= 0: pillcon -= 29000 pillcon2 -= 29000 if tabletkishot < 0: tabletkishot = 0 end if shotdays = -8: tabletkicheck = 0 shotdue = 0 if birth_control['implant_status'] > 0: 'Your birth control shot is no longer protecting you.' end elseif shotdays <= 0: if shotdays = 0: shotdue = 7 else shotdue -= 1 end if birth_control['implant_status'] > 0: 'The chemicals regulating your fertility cycle are wearing off, you need to get your shot in <> days.' end elseif shotdays > 1 and shotdays < 5 and birth_control['implant_status'] = 0: 'You are due for a birth control shot soon if you do not get one, you might get pregnant.' elseif shotdays = 1 and birth_control['implant_status'] = 0: 'Your birth control shot is due for renewal tomorrow.' end if shotdays > -100:shotdays -=1 if tabletkishot > 0:tabletkishot -= 1 end !! birth_control['implant_status'] !! 0: No implant !! 3: Implant (more than 30 days left) !! 2: Implant (less than 30 days left) !! 1: Empty implant if birth_control['implant_status'] > 1: pcs_skin += rand(0,1) pillcon += ((pillcon + 15000) / 25) + 4000 if pillcon > 40000: pillcon = 40000 pillcon2 += ((pillcon2 + 15000) / 25) + 4000 if pillcon2 > 40000: pillcon2 = 40000 birth_control['implant_timer'] -= 1 if (birth_control['implant_timer'] - 1090) > 0: gs 'pain', '<<(birth_control[''implant_timer''] - 1090)*2>>', 'armL', 'ache' elseif birth_control['implant_timer'] > 0 and birth_control['implant_timer'] < 30: birth_control['implant_status'] = 2 'Your birth control implant is only good for <> more'+iif(birth_control['implant_timer'] = 1, 'day.', 'days.') elseif birth_control['implant_timer'] < 0: birth_control['implant_status'] = 1 'You should renew or remove your birth control implant.' end elseif birth_control['implant_status'] = 1: 'You should renew or remove your birth control implant.' end tabletkipd += tabletkipi tabletkipi = 0 tabletkipt = 0 if tabletkicheck = 1: if tabletki = 0 and pillsleft[ptype] = 0: tabletkicheck = 0 'You are out of birth control pills.' tabletkipi = -5 elseif tabletki = 0 and pillsleft[ptype] = 28: 'You have just opened your last package of birth control pills. You need to buy more.' elseif tabletki = 0 and pillsleft[ptype] <= 5: 'You are running out of birth control pills, you only have a few left.' end end if tabletkicheck = 1 and tabletkichday < daystart: tabletkichday = daystart tabletkimm = (100*(pcs_willpwr / willpowermax)) + pcs_mood if pcs_sleep < 10: tabletkimm -= (100- (pcs_sleep * 10)) end if pcs_willpwr < willpowermax / 4: tabletkimm = tabletkimm / 4 elseif pcs_mood < 10: tabletkimm = tabletkimm / 2 end tabletkiap = tabletkimm tabletkiap += (pcs_intel * 4) + (pcs_sprt * 2) + (age * 3) tabletkiap -= ((kid * 30) + (abort * 2) - (tabletkipd * ((60 - age) / 10))) temprand = rand(0,(200 + (tabletkimm - ((100 - pcs_sprt) * 3)))) tabletkiap += temprand if tabletkiap < 300: if tabletkipd > -10: if pcs_willpwr < willpowermax / 4: pilldaychk = 0 'You stare at your package of birth control pills, you know you should take one but you can''t quite work up enough effort to care.' elseif pcs_mood < 10: pilldaychk = 0 'You stare at your package of birth control pills, but you don''t open it.' elseif pcs_sleep < 10: pilldaychk = 0 'You fumble with your birth control pills, trying to get a pill out. You finally give up too tired to manage it.' else pilldaychk = 0 'You just realized you forgot to take your birth control pill today.' end end tabletkipt = 2 tabletkipi = -4 else if tabletkiap < 350: temprand = rand(0,5) else temprand = rand(0,1000) end if temprand = 0: temprand = rand(0,1) if temprand = 0: gs 'din_bad','takepill' tabletkipt = -2 tabletkipi = 1 else tabletkipt = 3 tabletkipi = -3 end if tabletkipd > -10: pilldaychk = 0 'You find yourself holding the bottle of birth control pills, you cannot remember if you took one or not.' end if tabletkipd > 0: if rand(0,9) = 0: if tabletkipt < 0: pilldaychk = 0 'You don''t think you have taken your pill today.' else pilldaychk = 1 'You think you have taken your pill today.' end else if tabletkipt > 0: pilldaychk = 0 'You don''t think you have taken your pill today.' else pilldaychk = 1 'You think you have taken your pill today.' end end end else 'You take your birth control pill for the day.' pilldaychk = 1 gs 'din_bad','takepill' if rand(0,7) = 0 and tabletkiday >= (daystart - 1): tabletkipd += 1 tabletkiday = daystart tabletkipt = 0 tabletkipi = 0 end end elseif tabletkicheck = 0: if tabletkiday >= (daystart - 1) and tabletkipt = 0 and rand(0,7) = 0: tabletkipt = 1 if pillcon > 0 and tabletkipi = 0 and rand(0,3) = 0 and (tabletkiday + 15) > daystart = 0: tabletkipi = -1 end if pilldaychk = 1: pilldays += 1 else pilldays -= 1 end pilldaychk = 0 if pilldays > 18: pilldays = 18 if pilldays < 0: pilldays = 0 if pillcon > 38000: birth_control['safe'] = 1 else birth_control['safe'] = 0 end if pillcon2 > 38000: birth_control['think_safe'] = 1 else birth_control['think_safe'] = 0 end $MenCal[] = $str(cycle) if ArrSize('$MenCal') = 60: killvar '$MenCal',0 end if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_arrcheat': !! npc_pregtalk[] 0/1: Does character A# know that you are currently pregnant !! pcs_pregtalk 0/1: Has PC been told she is pregnant *clr & cla '

Cheat Menu - OOX Debug

' if cycle = 0: $cycletemp[1] = 'menstruating with <> hours remaining' elseif cycle = 1: cycletemp[6] = (Foch_Max-FocH) $cycletemp[1] = 'in your follicular phase with an egg release hormone level of <> with around <> hours remaining until ovulation' elseif cycle = 2: $cycletemp[1] = 'ovulating with around <> hours remaining until your luteal phase begins and <> remaining egg release hormone. You have <> unfertilized egg and <> unimplanted zygote. It has been <> hours since ovulation began' elseif cycle = 3: cycletemp[6] = (LutH_Max-LutH) $cycletemp[1] = 'in your luteal phase with <> foetus and <> unimplanted zygote. Your body currently has a pregnancy chemical level of <>. It has been <> hours since you ovulated. You have around <> hours remaining until menstruation or official pregnancy' elseif cycle = 4: $cycletemp[1] = 'in your post pregnancy recovery phase. You have around <> hours remaining before your follicular phase begins' elseif cycle = 5: $cycletemp[1] = 'pregnant. Your body currently has a pregnancy chemical level of <>. You have <> baby growing inside you' elseif cycle = 6: $cycletemp[1] = 'menopausal' else $cycletemp[1] = 'an unknown value' end if steriletu < 0: $cycletemp[2]= '. You have had a tubal ligation procedure' else $cycletemp[2]= '' end if lactation['active'] > 0: $cycletemp[3]= '. You are lactating. You currently have <> millilitres of milk stored, with a capacity of <> millilitres' else $cycletemp[3]= '' end if tabletkicheck = 2: $cycletemp[4] = '. You are currently protected from pregnancy by a birth control shot. You have <> days until it runs out' elseif tabletkicheck = 1: if tabletkiday = daystart: $cycletemp[6] = '. You have taken your pill today' else $cycletemp[6] = '. You have not taken your pill today' end $cycletemp[4] = '. You automatically take your pill. Your current pill discipline is <><<$cycletemp[6]>>. <> will be added to your pill discipline if you take the pill now, and <> will be added to your pill discipline if you do no additional action. You currently have <> units of birth control chemical in your body, though you believe it is actually <>.' elseif pillcon2 > 0: $cycletemp[4] = '. You currently have <> units of birth control chemical in your body, but you think it is actually <>.' else $cycletemp[4] = '' end if pilldays > 0: $cycletemp[8] = '. You believe you have taken your birth control pill <> days in a row' else $cycletemp[8] = '' end 'You are currently <<$cycletemp[1]>><<$cycletemp[2]>><<$cycletemp[4]>><<$cycletemp[8]>>. Your womb damage is at <> and your Ovary damage is at <><<$cycletemp[2]>>. You have been cummed on or inside yourself <> times.' cycletemp[4] = arrsize('$wombpotfath') if cycletemp[4] > 0: cycletemp = 0 'Potential Father List (of <>):' :cumcpfloop if $wombpotfath[cycletemp] ! 'unknown': $cycletemp[5] = $npc_usedname[$wombpotfath[cycletemp]] else $cycletemp[5] = '' end 'Father <>: <<$wombpotfath[cycletemp]>> - <<$cycletemp[5]>>' cycletemp += 1 if cycletemp < arrsize('$wombpotfath'): jump 'cumcpfloop' else 'No listed potential fathers.' end cycletemp[4] = arrsize('$cumarrnam') if cycletemp[4] > 0: cycletemp = 0 'Sperm in your womb (of <>):' '' :cumcswloop if cumarrdel[cycletemp] = 0: $cycletemp[2] = 'Vaginal intercourse' elseif cumarrdel[cycletemp] = 1: $cycletemp[2] = 'From spatter on the vagina' elseif cumarrdel[cycletemp] = 2: $cycletemp[2] = 'From the anal area' elseif cumarrdel[cycletemp] = 3: $cycletemp[2] = 'From sperm on clothing' elseif cumarrdel[cycletemp] = 4: $cycletemp[2] = 'From sperm on fingers' elseif cumarrdel[cycletemp] = 5: $cycletemp[2] = 'From sperm on wipes' else $cycletemp[2] = 'improperly defined' end if cumarrcon[cycletemp] = 0: $cycletemp[3] = 'No contraception used' elseif cumarrcon[cycletemp] = 1: $cycletemp[3] = 'You lied about being on the pill' elseif cumarrcon[cycletemp] = 2: $cycletemp[3] = iif(birth_control['implant_status'] > 1, 'You have a birth control implant', 'You were on the pill') elseif cumarrcon[cycletemp] = 3: $cycletemp[3] = 'You used a condom' elseif cumarrcon[cycletemp] = 4: $cycletemp[3] = 'The condom broke' elseif cumarrcon[cycletemp] = 5: $cycletemp[3] = 'The condom slipped off inside you' elseif cumarrcon[cycletemp] = 6: $cycletemp[3] = 'The condom was sabotaged by someone else' elseif cumarrcon[cycletemp] = 7: $cycletemp[3] = 'You sabotaged the condom' elseif cumarrcon[cycletemp] = 8: $cycletemp[3] = 'Precum had sperm in it' elseif cumarrcon[cycletemp] = 9: $cycletemp[3] = 'Semen from a previous sexual act was pushed into the vagina' else $cycletemp[3] = 'improperly defined' end $cycletemp[5] = $npc_usedname[$cumarrnam[cycletemp]] !'Index number: <>. Sperm ID: <>. Sperm Owner: <<$cumarrnam[cycletemp]>>. Sperm Potential Potency: <> Sperm Current Potency: <>. Sperm Method of Acquisition: <<$cycletemp[2]>>. Sperm Contraception Type: <<$cycletemp[3]>>. Sperm Age in Hours: <>. If you know who did it (0 means no): <>.' *P '' cycletemp += 1 if cycletemp < arrsize('$cumarrnam'): jump 'cumcswloop' else '
IndexIDOwnerPotential PotencyCurrent PotencyMethod of AcquisitionContraception TypeAge in HoursAwareDNA
<><><<$cumarrnam[cycletemp]>> - <<$cycletemp[5]>><> Sperm<> Sperm<<$cycletemp[2]>><<$cycletemp[3]>><><><<$npc_dna[$cumarrnam[cycletemp]]>>
' end else 'No sperm is registered in your womb.' end cycletemp[4] = arrsize('sparrvol') if cycletemp[4] > 0: cycletemp = 0 'Sperm spatter (of <>):' '' :cumcsbloop cycletemp[2] = (sparrvol[cycletemp]/10) if sparrloc[cycletemp] = 0: $cycletemp[3] = 'In your Vagina' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 1: $cycletemp[3] = 'On your labia' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 2: $cycletemp[3] = 'On your panties over your vagina' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 3: $cycletemp[3] = 'In your anus' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 4: $cycletemp[3] = 'On your butt' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 5: $cycletemp[3] = 'On your panties over your butt' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 6: $cycletemp[3] = 'On your clothes in your groin area' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 7: $cycletemp[3] = 'On your clothes' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 8: $cycletemp[3] = 'On your back' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 9: $cycletemp[3] = 'On your legs' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 10: $cycletemp[3] = 'On your arms' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 11: $cycletemp[3] = 'On your face' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 12: $cycletemp[3] = 'Inside your mouth' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 13: $cycletemp[3] = 'On your hands' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 14: $cycletemp[3] = 'On your stomach' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 15: $cycletemp[3] = 'On your breasts' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 16: $cycletemp[3] = 'In your hair' elseif sparrloc[cycletemp] = 17: $cycletemp[3] = 'In a condom in your vagina' else $cycletemp[3] = 'improperly defined' end $cycletemp[5] = $npc_usedname[$sparrnam[cycletemp]] !'Index number: <>. Spatter Sperm ID: <>. Spatter Sperm Owner: <<$sparrnam[cycletemp]>>. Spatter Potential Potency: <> Spatter Age in Hours: <>. If you know who did it (0 means no): <>. Spatter Volume: <> Milliliters. Spatter Location: <<$cycletemp[3]>>. Spatter Spread Value: <>.' *P '' cycletemp += 1 if cycletemp < arrsize('sparrvol'): jump 'cumcsbloop' else '
IndexIDSperm OwnerPotential PotencyAge in HoursAwareVolume (ml)LocationSpread Value
<><><<$sparrnam[cycletemp]>> - <<$cycletemp[5]>><><><><><<$cycletemp[3]>><>
' end else 'No sperm spatter is registered.' end cycletemp[4] = arrsize('$ChildFath') if cycletemp[4] > 0: cycletemp = 0 if $wombthfath ! 'unknown': 'Current father set as the father you think is of the children in the womb: <<$wombthfath>>' 'Babies and Children (of <>):' '' :cumcbcloop if polkid[cycletemp] = 0: $cycletemp[2] = 'F' else $cycletemp[2] = 'M' end if babyptype[cycletemp] = 0: $cycletemp[3] = 'Zygote' elseif babyptype[cycletemp] = 1: $cycletemp[3] = 'Healthy Implantation' elseif babyptype[cycletemp] = 2: $cycletemp[3] = 'Ectopic Pregnancy' elseif babyptype[cycletemp] = 3: $cycletemp[3] = 'Breach' elseif babyptype[cycletemp] = 40: $cycletemp[3] = 'Damaged Foetus from Alcohol/Smoking/Other drugs' elseif babyptype[cycletemp] = 45: $cycletemp[3] = 'Damaged Foetus from other sources' elseif babyptype[cycletemp] = 50: $cycletemp[3] = 'Severely Damaged Foetus' elseif babyptype[cycletemp] = 100: $cycletemp[3] = 'Foetal Death' elseif babyptype[cycletemp] = 105: $cycletemp[3] = 'Foetal Death, will not self purge' else $cycletemp[3] = 'Unlabelled Ptype' end if ChildConType[cycletemp] = 0: $cycletemp[4] = 'No contraception used' elseif ChildConType[cycletemp] = 1: $cycletemp[4] = 'You lied about being on the pill' elseif ChildConType[cycletemp] = 2: $cycletemp[4] = 'You were on the pill' elseif ChildConType[cycletemp] = 3: $cycletemp[4] = 'You used a condom' elseif ChildConType[cycletemp] = 4: $cycletemp[4] = 'The condom broke' elseif ChildConType[cycletemp] = 5: $cycletemp[4] = 'The condom slipped off inside you' elseif ChildConType[cycletemp] = 6: $cycletemp[4] = 'The condom was sabotaged by someone else' elseif ChildConType[cycletemp] = 7: $cycletemp[4] = 'You sabotaged the condom' else $cycletemp[4] = 'improperly defined' end $cycletemp[5] = $npc_usedname[$ChildFath[cycletemp]] if $ChildThFath[cycletemp] ! 'unknown': $cycletemp[7] = $npc_usedname[$ChildThFath[cycletemp]] else $cycletemp[7] = '' end !'Index number: <>. Name of the kid: <<$kidname[cycletemp]>>. Age of the kid: <>. Born(M/D/Y): <> / <> / <>. Sex: <<$cycletemp[2]>>. Pregnancy Type: <<$cycletemp[3]>>. Biological Father: <<$ChildFath[cycletemp]>>. Believed Father: <<$ChildThFath[cycletemp]>>. Child Eye Color: <>. Child Hair Color: <>. Child Type: <<$childtype[cycletemp]>>. Child Contraceptive Type: <<$cycletemp[4]>>' *P '' cycletemp += 1 if cycletemp < arrsize('$ChildFath'): jump 'cumcbcloop' else '
IndexNameAgeBorn(M/D/Y)SexPregnancy TypeBiological FatherBelieved FatherEye ColorHair ColorTypeContraception TypeChild DNA
<><<$kidname[cycletemp]>><><> / <> / <><<$cycletemp[2]>><<$cycletemp[3]>><<$ChildFath[cycletemp]>> - <<$cycletemp[5]>><<$ChildThFath[cycletemp]>> - <<$cycletemp[7]>><><><<$childtype[cycletemp]>><<$cycletemp[4]>><<$kid_dna[cycletemp]>>
' end else 'No Pregnancies registered.' end killvar '$cycletemp' act 'Return to cheat index': dynamic $cheatmenu end --- fertility ---------------------------------