# shortgs !! following function counts the number of guys which PC slept with. !! use func('shortgs','guy') or func('shortgs','guy',X) for subset (X can be 'A','B','C','AB','AC','BC') if $ARGS[0] = 'guy': r_sht=0 if $ARGS[1] = '': $temptask = 'ABC' else $temptask = $ARGS[1] :loop_shtty $temptaskchar = mid($temptask,1,1) $temptask = mid($temptask,2,len($temptask)-1) s_sht=0 :loop_shya if s_sht<=dyneval("result = <<$temptaskchar>>arraynumber"): s_sht += 1 if npc_sex['<<$temptaskchar>><>'] > 0: r_sht = r_sht + iif(npc_gender['<<$temptaskchar>><>'] = 0,1,0) jump 'loop_shya' end if len($temptask) > 0:jump 'loop_shtty' result = r_sht killvar 'r_sht' killvar '$temptask' killvar '$temptaskchar' killvar 's_sht' end &! --- guy --- !! following function counts the number of girls which PC slept with. !! use func('shortgs','girl') or func('shortgs','girl',X) for subset (X can be 'A','B','C','AB','AC','BC') if $ARGS[0] = 'girl': r_sht=0 if $ARGS[1] = '': $temptask = 'ABC' else $temptask = $ARGS[1] :loop_shttl $temptaskchar = mid($temptask,1,1) $temptask = mid($temptask,2,len($temptask)-1) s_sht=0 :loop_shl if s_sht<=dyneval("result = <<$temptaskchar>>arraynumber"): s_sht += 1 if npc_sex['<<$temptaskchar>><>'] > 0: r_sht = r_sht + iif(npc_gender['<<$temptaskchar>><>'] = 1,1,0) jump 'loop_shl' end if len($temptask) > 0: jump 'loop_shttl' result = r_sht killvar 'r_sht' killvar '$temptask' killvar '$temptaskchar' killvar 's_sht' end &! --- girl --- !! following procedure should be used when PC gets naked, but it should be paired with the reverse procedure !! use gs 'shortgs','undress' if $ARGS[0] = 'undress': gs 'underwear', 'remove' gs 'clothing','strip' end &! --- undress --- !! reverse procedure, it can be modified for lose or stolen panties later. !! use gs 'shortgs','dress' if $ARGS[0] = 'dress': gs 'clothing','wear_last_worn' gs 'underwear', 'wear' end &! --- dress --- !! procedure, which prevents PC to leave a room naked. !! use gs 'shortgs','checkdress',' <<$loc>>,<<$loc_arg>> ' or equivalent if $ARGS[0] = 'checkdress': if $clothingworntype = 'nude': msg 'You need to get dressed before going out.' dynamic 'gt <<$ARGS[1]>>' end end &! --- checkdress --- !! this is an integer sqrt function !! call func('shortgs','sqrt', n) if $ARGS[0] = 'sqrt': sqrtnum = ARGS[1] if sqrtnum = 0: result = 0 & exit sqrtn = sqrtnum/2 + 1 sqrtn1 = (sqrtn + sqrtnum / sqrtn) / 2 :sqrtloop if sqrtn1 < sqrtn: sqrtn = sqrtn1 sqrtn1 = (sqrtn + sqrtnum / sqrtn) / 2 jump 'sqrtloop' end result = sqrtn end !! this function calculates modul of given arguments as it was coordinates in cartezian systeme !! use func('shortgs','modul',n1,n2,..n8) if $ARGS[0] = 'modul': modul_sum = ARGS[1]*ARGS[1]+ARGS[2]*ARGS[2]+ARGS[3]*ARGS[3]+ARGS[4]*ARGS[4]+ARGS[5]*ARGS[5]+ARGS[6]*ARGS[6]+ARGS[7]*ARGS[7]+ARGS[8]*ARGS[8] result = func('shortgs','sqrt',modul_sum) killvar 'modul_sum' end !! day of week 1 - Monday .. 7 - Sunday if $ARGS[0] = 'dow': if ARGS[1]=0: D_dow = day M_dow = month Y_dow = year else D_dow = ARGS[3] M_dow = ARGS[2] Y_dow = ARGS[1] end dow_a = (14 - M_dow) / 12 dow_Y = Y_dow - dow_a dow_M = M_dow + 12*dow_a - 2 dummy = (D_dow + dow_y + dow_y/4 - dow_y/100 + dow_y/400 + (31*dow_m)/12) mod 7 if dummy = 0: dummy = 7 result = dummy end !! day of year !! use xdoy = func('shortgs','doy',year,month,day) if $ARGS[0] = 'doy': doy_N1 = 275 * ARGS[2] / 9 doy_N2 = (ARGS[2] + 9) / 12 doy_N3 = 1 + (ARGS[1] - 4 * (ARGS[1] / 4) + 2) / 3 result = doy_N1 - (doy_N2 * doy_N3) + ARGS[3] - 30 end if $ARGS[0] = 'mk1': gs 'saveposition' *clr & cla $mk_subst['0'] = 'M' & $mk_subst['1'] = 'F' & $mk_subst['2'] = 'O' & $mk_subst['3'] = 'L' & $mk_subst['4'] = 'R' & $mk_subst['5'] = 'P' '
' '' '' i = ArrSize('$MenCal') empty0 = week + 29 - i - 1 empty1 = min(28,empty0) full1 = max(0,28 - empty0) empty2 = max(0,empty0-28) full2 = i - full1 empty3 = 28 - empty2 - full2 count=0 $tabmc = '' :tabmcl1 if empty1 > 0: empty1 -=1 & $tabmc +='' & jump 'tabmcl1' :tabmcl2 if full1 > 0: full1 -=1 if $MenCal[count]='0': $tabmc +='' else $tabmc +='' count +=1 jump 'tabmcl1' end $tabmc += '' :tabmcl3 if empty2 > 0: empty2 -=1 & $tabmc +='' & jump 'tabmcl3' :tabmcl4 if full2 > 0: full2 -=1 if $MenCal[count]='0': $tabmc +='' else $tabmc +='' count +=1 jump 'tabmcl4' end :tabmcl5 if empty3 > 0: empty3 -=1 & $tabmc +='' & jump 'tabmcl5' $tabmc += '
MonTueWenThuFriSatSunMonTueWenThuFriSatSun MonTueWenThuFriSatSunMonTueWenThuFriSatSun
' $tabmc act 'Back': gt 'restoreposition' end !! use gs 'shortgs','mk' if $ARGS[0] = 'mk': gs 'saveposition' *clr & cla copyarr '$MenCalCopy','$MenCal' length_of_month_field = arrsize('$MenCalCopy') if daystart - firstmens > 40: mensnotfound = 1 i = 0 :tabmcfm if $MenCalCopy[length_of_month_field-i] = '0' and $MenCalCopy[length_of_month_field-i-1] = '3': mensnotfound = 0 i += 1 if i < length_of_month_field and mensnotfound = 1: jump 'tabmcfm' if mensnotfound = 0: firstmens = daystart - i + 1 end end i=1 :tabmcc1 if daystart - firstmens < 40: if (daystart - firstmens + i) = 28: $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#df2020"' elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 29: $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#df3030"' elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 30: $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#df4040"' elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 12: $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#d8ff00"' elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 13: $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#d0ff00"' elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 14: $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#c8ff00"' elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 15: $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#c0ff00"' elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 16: $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#d0ff00"' elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 12+28: $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#d8ff00"' elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 13+28: $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#d0ff00"' elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 14+28: $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#c8ff00"' elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 15+28: $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#c0ff00"' elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 16+28: $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#d0ff00"' else $MenCalCopy[] = '' end i += 1 if i < 40: jump 'tabmcc1' end i = length_of_month_field :tabmcc2 if i > 0: if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '2' and i = 1 : $MenCalCopy[i-1] = ' bgcolor="#c0ff00"' if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '2' and $MenCalCopy[i-2] = '2': $MenCalCopy[i-1] = ' bgcolor="#c0ff00"' if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '2' and $MenCalCopy[i-2] = '1': $MenCalCopy[i-1] = ' bgcolor="#80ff00"' & $MenCalCopy[i-2] = ' bgcolor="#90ff00"' & $MenCalCopy[i-3] = ' bgcolor="#a0ff00"' & $MenCalCopy[i-4] = ' bgcolor="#b0ff00"' & $MenCalCopy[i-5] = ' bgcolor="#c0ff00"' if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '1' and (daystart - firstmens - length_of_month_field + i) < 12: $MenCalCopy[i-1] ='' if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '1' and (daystart - firstmens - length_of_month_field + i) = 12: $MenCalCopy[i-1] =' bgcolor="#b0ff00"' if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '1' and (daystart - firstmens - length_of_month_field + i) = 13: $MenCalCopy[i-1] =' bgcolor="#a0ff00"' if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '1' and (daystart - firstmens - length_of_month_field + i) = 14: $MenCalCopy[i-1] =' bgcolor="#90ff00"' if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '1' and (daystart - firstmens - length_of_month_field + i) = 15: $MenCalCopy[i-1] =' bgcolor="#80ff00"' if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '1' and (daystart - firstmens - length_of_month_field + i) > 15: $MenCalCopy[i-1] ='' if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '0': $MenCalCopy[i-1] =' bgcolor="#df2020"' if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '3': $MenCalCopy[i-1] ='' if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '4': $MenCalCopy[i-1] ='' if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '5': $MenCalCopy[i-1] ='' if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '6': $MenCalCopy[i-1] ='' i -= 1 jump 'tabmcc2' end cur_day_doy = func('shortgs','doy',year,month,day) if month = 1: dif_days = cur_day_doy + 30 prev_month = 12 prev_month_length = 31 else prev_month = month - 1 dif_days = cur_day_doy - func('shortgs','doy',year,prev_month,1) prev_month_length = func('shortgs','doy',year,month,1) - func('shortgs','doy',year,prev_month,1) end first_month_first_day_week = week - (dif_days mod 7) first_month_first_day_index = length_of_month_field -1 - dif_days r = first_month_first_day_index if first_month_first_day_week < 1: first_month_first_day_week += 7 i = 42 :tabmc21 $mk1_mdays[] = ' ' & i -= 1 & if i > 0: jump 'tabmc21' i = 0 :tabmc21a $mk1_mdays[i+first_month_first_day_week-1] = $str(i+1) i += 1 if i < prev_month_length: jump 'tabmc21a' $prev_month_name = $mid($monthName[prev_month],1,1) + '
' + $mid($monthName[prev_month],2,1) + '
' + $mid($monthName[prev_month],3,1) k = 0 $tabmc ='
' $tabmc +='
' $tabmc +='' month_weeks = (first_month_first_day_week + prev_month_length + 5)/7 - 1 i = month_weeks :tabmc22 $tabmc +='' j = 7 if i = month_weeks:$tabmc +='' :tabmc23 if j > 0: j -=1 if $mk1_mdays[k]=' ': $tabmc +='' else $tabmc +='> ><<$mk1_mdays[k]>>' r +=1 end k +=1 jump 'tabmc23' & !<<$MenCalCopy[r]>> end if i > 0: i -=1 & $tabmc +='' & jump 'tabmc22' killvar '$mk1_mdays' killvar '$mk1_mdays_color' !! current month if month = 12: dif_days = day - 1 cur_month = month cur_month_length = 31 else dif_days = day - 1 cur_month_length = func('shortgs','doy',year,month+1,1) - func('shortgs','doy',year,month,1) end second_month_first_day_week = week - (dif_days mod 7) second_month_first_day_index = length_of_month_field -1 - dif_days if second_month_first_day_week < 1: second_month_first_day_week += 7 i = 42 :tabmc31 $mk1_mdays[] = ' ' & i -= 1 & if i > 0: jump 'tabmc31' i = 0 :tabmc31a $mk1_mdays[i+second_month_first_day_week-1] = $str(i+1) i += 1 if i < cur_month_length: jump 'tabmc31a' $cur_month_name = $mid($monthName[month],1,1) + '
' + $mid($monthName[month],2,1) + '
' + $mid($monthName[month],3,1) k = 0 month_weeks = (second_month_first_day_week + cur_month_length + 5)/7 - 1 i = month_weeks :tabmc32 $tabmc +='
' j = 7 if i = month_weeks:$tabmc +='' :tabmc33 if j > 0: j -=1 if $mk1_mdays[k]=' ': $tabmc +='' else if day + second_month_first_day_week - 2 = k: $tabmc +='> ><<$mk1_mdays[k]>>' else $tabmc +='> ><<$mk1_mdays[k]>>' r +=1 end k +=1 jump 'tabmc33' end if i > 0: i -=1 & $tabmc +='' & jump 'tabmc32' killvar '$mk1_mdays' killvar '$mk1_mdays_color' !! next month if month = 12: dif_days = 31 - day + 1 next_month = 1 next_month_length = 31 elseif month = 11: dif_days = 30 - day + 1 next_month = 12 next_month_length = 31 else next_month = month + 1 dif_days = cur_month_length - day + 1 next_month_length = func('shortgs','doy',year,month+2,1) - func('shortgs','doy',year,month+1,1) end next_month_first_day_week = week + (dif_days mod 7) next_month_first_day_index = length_of_month_field -1 - dif_days if next_month_first_day_week < 1: next_month_first_day_week += 7 i = 35 :tabmc41 $mk1_mdays[] = ' ' & i -= 1 & if i > 0: jump 'tabmc41' i = 0 :tabmc41a $mk1_mdays[i+next_month_first_day_week-1] = $str(i+1) !! if next_month_first_day_index + i >= 0: $mk1_mdays[i+next_month_first_day_week-1] += $mk_subst[$MenCal[second_month_first_day_index + i]] i += 1 if i < next_month_length: jump 'tabmc41a' $next_month_name = $mid($monthName[next_month],1,1) + '
' + $mid($monthName[next_month],2,1) + '
' + $mid($monthName[next_month],3,1) k = 0 month_weeks = (next_month_first_day_week + next_month_length + 5)/7 - 1 i = month_weeks :tabmc42 $tabmc +='
' j = 7 if i = month_weeks:$tabmc +='' :tabmc43 if j > 0: j -=1 if $mk1_mdays[k]=' ': $tabmc +='' else $tabmc +='> ><<$mk1_mdays[k]>>' r +=1 end k +=1 jump 'tabmc43' end if i > 0: i -=1 & $tabmc +='' & jump 'tabmc42' killvar '$mk1_mdays' $tabmc += '
' $tabmc act 'Back': gt 'restoreposition' end !! gs 'shortgs','fonts' if $ARGS[0] = 'fonts': if $ARGS[1] = 'refresh': jump 'fontsloop' else $dynamicreturn = $ARGS[1] $OpenPhraseSave = $ARGS[2] $ClosePhraseSave = $ARGS[3] end gs 'saveposition' $fontlist[] = 'Lucida' & $fontlist[] = 'Ariel' & $fontlist[] = 'Tahoma' & $fontlist[] = 'Verdana' & $fontlist[] = 'Courier New' & $fontlist[] = 'Courier' & $fontlist[] = 'Georgia' & $fontlist[] = 'Times New Roman' & $fontlist[] = 'Garamond' & $fontlist[] = 'Bookman' & $fontlist[] = 'Times New Roman' & $fontlist[] = 'Times' & $fontlist[] = 'Comic Sans MS' & $fontlist[] = 'Trebuchet MS' & $fontlist[] = 'Impact' & $fontlist[] = 'BankGothic' $fontcolor[] = 'aqua' & $fontcolor[] = 'black' & $fontcolor[] = 'blue' & $fontcolor[] = 'magenta' & $fontcolor[] = 'green' & $fontcolor[] = 'gray' & $fontcolor[] = 'lime' & $fontcolor[] = 'maroon' & $fontcolor[] = 'navy' & $fontcolor[] = 'olive' & $fontcolor[] = 'purple' & $fontcolor[] = 'red' & $fontcolor[] = 'silver' & $fontcolor[] = 'teal' & $fontcolor[] = 'white' & $fontcolor[] = 'yellow' i = 15 :fontsloop0 if $CurFont = $fontlist[i]: curfont = i if $CurColor = $fontcolor[i]: curcolor = i i -= 1 if i > 0: jump 'fontsloop0' jump 'fontsloop1' :fontsloop $OpenPhrase = ''+$CurBold+$CurItalic $ClosePhrase = $CurItalicBack+$CurBoldBack+'' :fontsloop1 *clr & cla $OpenPhrase+'Current font is <<$CurFont>> Size <>, the color is <<$CurColor>>, the Bold is <'',''On'',''Off'')>> and Italic is <'',''On'',''Off'')>>'+$ClosePhrase 'Change the Font' 'Change the Color' 'Change the BoldState' 'Change the ItalicState' 'Decrease the Font   Increase the font' act 'Back': killvar '$fontlist' killvar '$fontcolor' dynamic '<<$OpenPhraseSave>> = $OpenPhrase' dynamic '<<$ClosePhraseSave>> = $ClosePhrase' if $dynamicreturn ! '': dynamic 'dynamic <<$dynamicreturn>>' gt 'restoreposition' end end !! use gs 'shortgs','ncp_update' if $ARGS[0] = 'ncp_update': copyarr 'copy_npc_QW','npc_QW' copyarr 'copy_npc_rel','npc_rel' copyarr 'copy_npc_love','npc_love' copyarr '$copy_npc_usedname','$npc_usedname' gs 'npcstatic1' gs 'npcstatic2' gs 'npcstatic3' gs 'npcstatic4' gs 'npcstatic5' i = arrsize('copy_npc_QW') j = 1 :loopnpcupdate $boy = 'A<>' npc_QW[$boy] = copy_npc_QW[$boy] npc_rel[$boy] = copy_npc_rel[$boy] npc_love[$boy] = copy_npc_love[$boy] $npc_usedname[$boy] = $copy_npc_usedname[$boy] j += 1 if j <= i: jump 'loopnpcupdate' killvar 'copy_npc_QW' killvar 'copy_npc_rel' killvar 'copy_npc_love' killvar '$copy_npc_usedname' end !! this function returns the numeric index of the array element which is indexed by string value. !! call func('shortgs', 'get_me_index', 'name of array','string index') !! the array can be both numeric or string: Be aware, for the search is used the value 'SearchTag' for string arrays and -2147483648 for numeric arrays. !! if the array consists such value, the fuction can mess the array content and return wrong value !! changed the value for detecting numeric element from -999 to -2147483648 (November 2020) if $ARGS[0] = 'get_me_index': $test = '<<$ARGS[1]>>[''<<$ARGS[2]>>'']' testas0 = arrsize('<<$ARGS[1]>>') if $mid($test,1,1)='$': $temp=dyneval('$result=<<$test>>') dynamic '<<$test>> = ''SearchTag'' ' testas1 = arrsize('<<$ARGS[1]>>') if testas0 = testas1: res = dyneval('result = arrpos(''<<$ARGS[1]>>'',''SearchTag'')') dynamic '<<$test>> = $temp' else res = -1 killvar '<<$ARGS[1]>>',testas0 end else temp=dyneval('result=<<$test>>') dynamic '<<$test>> = -2147483648' testas1 = arrsize('<<$ARGS[1]>>') if testas0 = testas1: res = dyneval('result = arrpos(''<<$ARGS[1]>>'',-2147483648)') dynamic '<<$test>> = <>' else res = -1 killvar '<<$ARGS[1]>>',testas0 end end result = res end !! call gs 'shortgs', 'remove_array_element', 'name of array','string index' if $ARGS[0] = 'remove_array_element': i = func('shortgs', 'get_me_index', $ARGS[1],$ARGS[2]) killvar '<<$ARGS[1]>>',i end if $ARGS[0] = 'testsize': '$npc_dna = ' + arrsize('$npc_dna') 'npc_firstname = ' + arrsize('$npc_firstname') '$npc_lastname = ' + arrsize('$npc_lastname') 'npc_nickname = ' + arrsize('$npc_nickname') '$npc_notes = ' + arrsize('$npc_notes') '$npc_occupation = ' + arrsize('$npc_occupation') '$npc_perstype = ' + arrsize('$npc_perstype') '$npc_pic = ' + arrsize('$npc_pic') '$npc_thdick = ' + arrsize('$npc_thdick') '$npc_usedname = ' + arrsize('$npc_usedname') 'npc_apprnc = ' + arrsize('npc_apprnc') 'npc_bust = ' + arrsize('npc_bust') 'npc_outfit = ' + arrsize('npc_outfit') 'npc_style = ' + arrsize('npc_style') 'npc_dick = ' + arrsize('npc_dick') 'npc_dob = ' + arrsize('npc_dob') 'npc_drunk = ' + arrsize('npc_drunk') 'npc_gender = ' + arrsize('npc_gender') 'npc_haircol = ' + arrsize('npc_haircol') 'npc_height = ' + arrsize('npc_height') 'npc_horny = ' + arrsize('npc_horny') 'npc_intel = ' + arrsize('npc_intel') 'npc_love = ' + arrsize('npc_love') 'npc_QW = ' + arrsize('npc_QW') 'npc_rel = ' + arrsize('npc_rel') 'npc_sex = ' + arrsize('npc_sex') 'npc_sexskill = ' + arrsize('npc_sexskill') 'npc_spermpot = ' + arrsize('npc_spermpot') 'npc_herpes = ' + arrsize('npc_herpes') 'npc_syth = ' + arrsize('npc_syth') 'npc_gon = ' + arrsize('npc_gon') 'npc_thrush = ' + arrsize('npc_thrush') 'npc_apt_type = ' + arrsize('npc_apt_type') 'npc_apt_number = ' + arrsize('npc_apt_number') '$npc_apt_bedroom = ' + arrsize('$npc_apt_bedroom') '$npc_apt_kitchen = ' + arrsize('$npc_apt_kitchen') '$npc_apt_livingroom = ' + arrsize('$npc_apt_livingroom') '$npc_apt_bathroom = ' + arrsize('$npc_apt_bathroom') 'npc_perv = ' + arrsize('npc_perv') 'npc_finance = ' + arrsize('npc_finance') 'npc_humor = ' + arrsize('npc_humor') 'npc_fav_pos = ' + arrsize('npc_fav_pos') 'npc_tit_pref = ' + arrsize('npc_tit_pref') 'npc_addit = ' + arrsize('npc_addit') 'npc_doors = ' + arrsize('npc_doors') 'npc_goal = ' + arrsize('npc_goal') 'npc_fidelity = ' + arrsize('npc_fidelity') 'npc_lover_days = ' + arrsize('npc_lover_days') 'npc_lover_keys = ' + arrsize('npc_lover_keys') end if $ARGS[0] = 'npctest': ' --- init --- ' gs 'shortgs', 'testsize' gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'stranger', rand(18,45),1 $npc_notes[$npclastgenerated] $npclastgenerated ' --- gen npc C --- ' gs 'shortgs', 'testsize' gs 'npcpreservec', $npclastgenerated $npc_notes[$npclastsaved] $npclastsaved ' --- sav npc C to npc B --- ' gs 'shortgs', 'testsize' gs 'npccleanc',$npclastsaved ' --- delete npc B --- ' gs 'shortgs', 'testsize' end if $ARGS[0] = 'replace header': wait(ARGS[1]) RH_Count = ARGS[2] $RH_temp = $MAINTXT :RH_label RH_temp_lenght = LEN($RH_temp) RH_temp_LFpos = STRPOS($RH_temp,'\n') $RH_temp = $MID($RH_temp, RH_temp_LFpos+1, RH_temp_lenght - RH_temp_LFpos) RH_Count -=1 if RH_Count > 0: jump 'RH_label' *clr $ARGS[3] & $ARGS[4] & $ARGS[5] & $ARGS[6] & $ARGS[7] $RH_temp killvar '$RH_temp' killvar 'RH_Count' killvar 'RH_temp_lenght' killvar 'RH_temp_LFpos' end if $ARGS[0]='img msg': $shortgstemp = '
' msg $shortgstemp killvar '$shortgstemp' end !! Used for dividing with accurate rounding up/down if $ARGS[0] = 'round_divide': !! ARGS[1] = value you want divided !! ARGS[2] = divider !! func('shortgs','round_divide', number, divider) !! func('shortgs','round_divide', 12345, 7) if ARGS[2] ! 0: temp_number = ARGS[1]/ARGS[2] if (ARGS[2] mod 2 ! 0 and ARGS[1] mod ARGS[2] > ARGS[2]/2) or (ARGS[2] mod 2 = 0 and ARGS[1] mod ARGS[2] >= ARGS[2]/2): temp_number += 1 result = temp_number killvar 'temp_number' else msg 'Error: No dividing by 0! You trying to make the universe disappear?' end end !! Used for rounding numbers to the nearest multiple of ARGS[2] if $ARGS[0] = 'round_tool': !! ARGS[1] = value you want rounded !! ARGS[2] = nearest multiple to round to !! func('shortgs','round_tool', number, multiple) !! func('shortgs','round_tool', 12345, 10) if ARGS[2] ! 0: temp_multiple = ARGS[2] result = func('shortgs','round_divide', ARGS[1], ARGS[2]) * temp_multiple killvar 'temp_multiple' else msg 'Error: Can''t round to 0!' end end !! Randomly picks one of the items plugged in !! !! Option 1: (has 6 input limit) !! $ARGS[1] = 'string' or 'number' to specify what youre plugging in (can also be blank for numbers) !! $ARGS[2-7] = strings or numbers to pick from, limited to 6 !! Example 1: func('shortgs', 'rand_pick', 'string', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta', 'epsilon', 'zeta') !! Example 2: func('shortgs', 'rand_pick', '', 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13) !! !! Option 2: (no limitations, has to be delimited) !! $ARGS[1] = 'delimit' - used for larger numbers of items to pick from !! $ARGS[2] = 'string' or 'number' to specify what youre plugging in (can also be blank for numbers) !! $ARGS[3] = Delimited string to parse !! $ARGS[4] = Delimiter used (Default = '|' pipe) !! Example 1: func('shortgs', 'rand_pick', 'delimit', 'string', 'alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|zeta') !! Example 2: func('shortgs', 'rand_pick', 'delimit', 'number', '1-12-123-1234-12345-123456', '-') !! Example 3: func('shortgs', 'rand_pick', 'delimit', '', '', '.') if $ARGS[0] = 'rand_pick': if $ARGS[1] = 'delimit': if $ARGS[2] = 'string': gs 'shortgs', 'parse_string', '$rand_pick_temp', $ARGS[3], $ARGS[4] $result = $rand_pick_temp[rand(0, arrsize('$rand_pick_temp')-1)] killvar '$rand_pick_temp' else gs 'shortgs', 'parse_string', 'rand_pick_temp', $ARGS[3], $ARGS[4] result = rand_pick_temp[rand(0, arrsize('rand_pick_temp')-1)] killvar 'rand_pick_temp' end else if arrsize('ARGS') > 2: if $ARGS[1] = 'string': $result = $ARGS[rand(2, arrsize('$ARGS')-1)] else result = ARGS[rand(2, arrsize('ARGS')-1)] end else msg 'Error: ''rand_pick'' is missing ARGS' end end end !! Parse delimited string into an array !! $ARGS[1] = ArrayName (has to include $ for string values) !! $ARGS[2] = Delimited string to parse !! $ARGS[3] = Delimiter used (Default = '|' pipe) !! Example 1: gs 'shortgs', 'parse_string', '$my_array', 'alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|zeta' !! Example 2: gs 'shortgs', 'parse_string', 'my_array', '1-12-123-1234-12345-123456', '-' if $ARGS[0] = 'parse_string': !! Some failsafes (blank array name, blank string or no delimiters in string) if $ARGS[1] ! '': if $ARGS[2] ! '' and instr($ARGS[2],iif($ARGS[3] = '', '|', $ARGS[3])) > 0: !! Set delimiter with default if needed if $ARGS[3] = '': $ParserTmpDelim = '|' else $ParserTmpDelim = $ARGS[3] end !! Clear temp array if needed killvar 'ParserTmpArr' & killvar '$ParserTmpArr' $ParserTmpStr = $ARGS[2] !! Loop through string until no more delimiters found :StringParser01 ParserTmpIdx = instr($ParserTmpStr, $ParserTmpDelim) if ParserTmpIdx > 0: if mid($ARGS[1],1,1) = '$': $ParserTmpArr[] = mid($ParserTmpStr, 1, ParserTmpIdx-1) $ParserTmpStr = mid($ParserTmpStr, ParserTmpIdx+1) else ParserTmpArr[] = mid($ParserTmpStr, 1, ParserTmpIdx-1) $ParserTmpStr = mid($ParserTmpStr, ParserTmpIdx+1) end jump 'StringParser01' !! Get last part since no more delimiters were found and copy to the final array elseif mid($ARGS[1],1,1) = '$': $ParserTmpArr[] = $ParserTmpStr copyarr $ARGS[1], '$ParserTmpArr' else ParserTmpArr[] = $ParserTmpStr copyarr $ARGS[1], 'ParserTmpArr' end killvar '$ParserTmpDelim' killvar '$ParserTmpStr' killvar 'ParserTmpIdx' killvar 'ParserTmpArr' & killvar '$ParserTmpArr' else msg 'Error: No delimited string found!' end else msg 'Error: No array name found!' end end --- shortgs ---------------------------------