gadhouse.qsrc 48 KB

  1. # gadhouse
  3. !!
  4. !! Quest Variables - Grandma
  5. !! -------------------------
  6. !! grandmaQW['chore_type'] Variable for storage of the rand() that picks which chore to assign.
  7. !!
  8. !! grandmaQW['chore_clean_floor'] 0/1 - is the "clean the floor" quest active?
  9. !! grandmaQW['chore_collect_fruit'] 0/1 - is the "collect fruit" quest active?
  10. !! grandmaQW['chore_collect_strawberries'] 0/1 - is the "collect strawberries" quest active?
  11. !! grandmaQW['chore_feed_chickens'] 0/1 - is the "feed the chickens" quest active?
  12. !! grandmaQW['chore_harvest_garden'] 0/1 - is the "harvest veggies from the garden" quest active?
  13. !! grandmaQW['chore_milk_cow'] 0/1 - is the "milk the cow" quest active?
  14. !! grandmaQW['chore_wash_clothes'] 0/1 - is the "wash Grandpa's clothes" quest active?
  15. !! grandmaQW['chore_water_garden'] 0/1 - is the "water the garden" quest active?
  16. !! grandmaQW['chore_work_in_garden'] 0/1 - is the "work in the garden" quest active?
  17. !!
  18. !! Other Variables - Grandma
  19. !! -------------------------
  20. !! grandmaQW['help_amount'] Semi-abstract representation of how helpful Sveta has been. Longer, more arduous tasks get more points.
  21. !! grandmaQW['last_day_asked_for_story'] The most recent day Sveta asked Grandma to tell her a story. Checked against daystart (i.e. was it today?)
  22. !! grandmaQW['last_day_helped'] The most recent day Sveta asked Grandma if she could help her with anything.
  23. !! grandmaQW['last_day_talked'] The most recent day Sveta chatted with Grandma.
  24. !! grandmaQW['last_hour_talked'] The most recent hour Sveta chatted with Grandma. Checked against hour, allows for several chats through the day.
  25. !! grandmaQW['last_month_paid'] The most recent month Grandma paid Sveta for her help (i.e. was it the current month?)
  26. !! grandmaQW['nudity_trouble'] Semi-abstract representation of how annoyed Grandma is by Svetas exhibitionism. At 10 she reprimands Sveta (no effect).
  27. !! grandmaQW['talked_about_gadukino'] 0/1 - has Sveta asked Grandma about Gadukino? Makes the "Ask about Gadukino" option a one-time thing.
  28. !!
  29. !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. !!
  31. !! Quest Variables - Grandpa
  32. !! -------------------------
  33. !! grandpaQW['chore_type'] Variable for storage of the rand() that picks which chore to assign.
  34. !!
  35. !! grandpaQW['chore_bale_hay'] 0/1 - is the "bale hay in the field" quest active?
  36. !! grandpaQW['chore_bathe_horse'] 0/1 - is the "bathe the horse in the river" quest active?
  37. !! grandpaQW['chore_brush_horse'] 0/1 - is the "brush the horse" quest active?
  38. !! grandpaQW['chore_clean_yard'] 0/1 - is the "clean the yard" quest active?
  39. !! grandpaQW['chore_feed_boar'] 0/1 - is the "feed the pig" quest active?
  40. !! grandpaQW['chore_feed_cow'] 0/1 - is the "feed the cow" quest active?
  41. !! grandpaQW['chore_feed_horse'] 0/1 - is the "feed the horse" quest active?
  42. !! grandpaQW['chore_fetch_firewood'] 0/1 - is the "fetch firewood from the barn" quest active?
  43. !! grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle'] 0/1 - is the "herd cows in the field" quest active?
  44. !! grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle_experience'] Has Sveta ever done the "herd cows in the field" quest before? (Practically useless, barely changes a couple of action descriptions.)
  45. !! grandpaQW['chore_lead_cow_to_field'] 0/1 - is the "just take the cow to the field and drop it off there" quest active?
  46. !! grandpaQW['chore_lead_horse_to_field'] 0/1 - is the "take the horse to the field" quest active?
  47. !!
  48. !! grandpaQW['chore_gather_from_forest'] Variable storage for the type of "gather mushrooms/berries from the forest" quest. Possible values: '', 'mushroom', 'berry', 'both'
  49. !! grandpaQW['chore_mushroom_quantity'] How many kg of mushrooms does Grandpa want? Used with chore_gather_from_forest.
  50. !! grandpaQW['chore_berry_quantity'] How many kg of berries does Grandpa want? Used with chore_gather_from_forest.
  51. !!
  52. !!
  53. !! Other Variables - Grandpa
  54. !! -------------------------
  55. !! grandpaQW['last_day_helped'] The most recent day Sveta asked Grandpa if she could help him with anything.
  56. !! grandpaQW['last_day_talked'] The most recent day Sveta chatted with Grandpa.
  57. !! grandpaQW['last_hour_talked'] The most recent hour Sveta chatted with Grandpa. Checked against hour, allows for several chats through the day.
  58. !! grandpaQW['talked_about_forest'] 0/1 - has Sveta asked Grandpa about the forest? Makes the "Ask about forest" option a one-time thing.
  59. !!
  61. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  63. $location_type = 'indoors'
  64. $metka = 'start'
  65. $loc = 'gadhouse'
  66. $menu_loc = 'gadhouse'
  67. $menu_arg = ''
  68. menu_off = 0
  69. $locclass = 'singleroom'
  70. curr_home = 2
  71. display_bb = 1
  72. *clr & cla
  73. frost = 0
  74. mira_temp = rand(1,5)
  75. if grandmaQW['last_month_paid'] ! month and hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
  76. grandmaQW['last_month_paid'] = month
  77. if grandmaQW['help_amount'] > 0: money += grandmaQW['help_amount'] * 50
  78. money += 2000
  79. minut += 10
  80. gs 'stat'
  81. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/grandmahelp.jpg"></center>'
  82. if gadstay = 0:
  83. 'Upon entering the house, you let out a screech as you catch sight of your grandmother, throwing yourself at her, wrapping your arms around her neck. She embraces you tightly. She starts by saying "Dear <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re only skin and bones, but don''t worry, a few months here and you''ll be looking your usual self again ."'
  84. '"But look at you, you sure have grown up. A young woman." she says proudly. She continues "Grandpa and I keep getting older and older and need some help around the house. What do you say youngling? You will not have to do much. Here''s the deal, you lend us a helping hand on the farm as much as possible, and we will pay you for each chore you do. It will be a great life lesson, you will learn about hard work. What do you say?"'
  85. '"Of course I''ll help out, Grandma." you answer.'
  86. '"I''m glad to hear that <<$pcs_nickname>>, here is little something upfront so you know we are serious," Grandma says and hands over <<2000 + grandmaQW[''help_amount''] * 50>> rubels.'
  87. '"Thanks Babushka!" you kiss her on the cheek before you head on out.'
  88. else
  89. 'When you got out of bed, your grandmother called you over to her.'
  90. '"I imagine you''ve spent all your allowance on sweets so lets see what we can do to give you some more pocket money, hmmmm?" she says as she opens her purse.'
  91. if grandmaQW['help_amount'] > 0:
  92. '"You were quite helpful over the last few weeks, so here''s <<2000 + grandmaQW[''help_amount''] * 50>> rubles." She starts to hand you the money, then lifts it away with a stern look, "But you can always do more work, young lady!" she scolds gently then smiles as she gives you the money.'
  93. else
  94. '"We really could have used your help last month," she says mournfully as she counts out some bills. "Maybe this month you''ll do more to help us?" She looks at you sternly as she hands you 2000 rubles.'
  95. end
  96. gs 'stat'
  97. end
  98. grandmaQW['help_amount'] = 0
  99. act 'Continue': gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  100. elseif $grandpaQW['chore_gather_from_forest'] = 'mushroom' and boletus >= grandpaQW['chore_mushroom_quantity'] and hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
  101. *clr & cla
  102. grandmaQW['help_amount'] += 1
  103. boletus -= grandpaQW['chore_mushroom_quantity']
  104. minut += 5
  105. $grandpaQW['chore_gather_from_forest'] = ''
  106. gs 'stat'
  107. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/grandpa1.jpg"></center>'
  108. 'Upon entering the house you immediately walk up to grandpa.'
  109. '"Grandpa, here are the mushrooms!"'
  110. '"Thank you <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''ve made an old man very happy," your grandfather replies with a smile. "The mushrooms are in a part of the forest that is difficult to reach."'
  111. '"I can still go and gather more mushrooms, if you want?"'
  112. '"There''s no need <<$pcs_nickname>>." - said your grandpa. "But if I need some help, I''ll be sure to let you know."'
  113. 'You kiss your grandfather on the cheek and get on with your day.'
  114. act 'Continue': grandpaQW['chore_mushroom_quantity'] = 0 & gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  115. elseif $grandpaQW['chore_gather_from_forest'] = 'both' and boletus >= grandpaQW['chore_mushroom_quantity'] and bilberry >= grandpaQW['chore_berry_quantity'] and hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
  116. *clr & cla
  117. grandmaQW['help_amount'] += 1
  118. boletus -= grandpaQW['chore_mushroom_quantity']
  119. bilberry -= grandpaQW['chore_berry_quantity']
  120. minut += 5
  121. $grandpaQW['chore_gather_from_forest'] = ''
  122. gs 'stat'
  123. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/grandpa1.jpg"></center>'
  124. 'Upon entering the house you immediately walk up to grandpa.'
  125. '"Grandpa, here are the mushrooms and berries!"'
  126. '"Oh, thank you <<$pcs_nickname>>." you grandpa replied.'
  127. '"If you want, I can go out for an another run."'
  128. '"You don''t need to do that <<$pcs_nickname>>," your grandpa said. "But I''ll be sure to let you know if something comes up."'
  129. 'You give your grandpa a smooch on the cheek and go on with your day.'
  130. act 'Continue': grandpaQW['chore_mushroom_quantity'] = 0 & grandpaQW['chore_berry_quantity'] = 0 & gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  131. elseif $grandpaQW['chore_gather_from_forest'] = 'berry' and bilberry >= grandpaQW['chore_berry_quantity'] and hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
  132. *clr & cla
  133. grandmaQW['help_amount'] += 1
  134. bilberry -= grandpaQW['chore_berry_quantity']
  135. minut += 5
  136. $grandpaQW['chore_gather_from_forest'] = ''
  137. gs 'stat'
  138. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/grandpa1.jpg"></center>'
  139. 'Upon entering the house you immediately walk up to grandpa.'
  140. '"Grandpa, here are the berries!"'
  141. '"Oh, thank you, nicely done," grandpa replied. "It''s hard for your grandmother to gather the berries, and the berries are needed so she can make jam for the winter."'
  142. '"If you need some more berries I''ll be glad to go out and gather some more."'
  143. '"There''s no need <<$pcs_nickname>>," your grandpa said. "But if your grandma need some more berries, I''ll let you know."'
  144. 'You kiss your grandfather on the cheek, you go on with your business.'
  145. act 'Continue': grandpaQW['chore_berry_quantity'] = 0 & gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  146. elseif mira_temp = 1 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 19 and npc_rel['A60'] >= 15 and Mira_no = 0 and sunWeather = 0 and mira_guestday ! daystart and (npc_QW['A63'] < 13 or miragopQW >= 10 or mirasex > 1):
  147. *clr & cla
  148. mira_guestday = daystart
  149. minut += 5
  150. mira_guest = 1
  151. gs 'stat'
  152. gs 'miroslava', 'miraclothes'
  153. 'You notice Mira coming towards your grandparents home.'
  154. 'You step out on the porch and greet Mira. She replies "Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>, I was really bored being all alone at home. Do you want to do something?"'
  155. act 'Continue':gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  156. else
  157. gt 'gadhouse', 'main'
  158. end
  159. end
  160. !125e
  161. if $ARGS[0] = 'main':
  162. $metkaM = 'main'
  163. $locM = 'gadhouse'
  164. $locclass = 'livingr'
  165. $menu_loc = 'gadhouse'
  166. $menu_arg = 'main'
  167. menu_off = 0
  168. *clr & cla
  169. gs 'stat'
  170. '<center><H4>Your Grandparents'' Cottage</H4></center>'
  171. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/izba.jpg"></center>'
  172. 'A fairly simple cottage in the village of Gadukino which your grandparents call home. In the main room there is a huge <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing), and a <a href="exec:gad = 1 & gt ''bed'', ''start''">bed</a> where you can rest. The bed is more comfortable than it looks.'
  173. 'There is an old <a href="exec:gt ''TV'',''gad''">television</a> in the living room. It''s positioned next to a body length <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirror</a>.'
  174. 'You can check your weight on your grandma''s old mechanical <a href="exec:msg ''<center>Your weight is <<pcs_weight>> kg<br>Your body mass index (BMI) is <<bmi_calc>>.<br><<$bmi_desc>></center>''">scales</a>.'
  175. if hour < 8:
  176. temp = rand(0,9)
  177. if temp = 0:'In a box filled with scraps of cloth, <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''villagecat''">Boniface</a> is curled up sleeping peacefully.'
  178. elseif hour >= 8 and hour < 12 and sunWeather = 1:
  179. temp = rand(0,2)
  180. if temp = 1:'On the table by the window <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''villagecat''">Boniface</a> is busy cleaning himself with his tongue.'
  181. if temp = 2:'On the table by the window <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''villagecat''">Boniface</a> lies lazily, soaking up some sunshine rays.'
  182. elseif hour >= 8 and hour < 12 and sunWeather = 0:
  183. temp = rand(0,1)
  184. if temp = 0: 'In a box filled with scraps of cloth, <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''villagecat''">Boniface</a> is curled up sleeping peacefully.'
  185. if temp = 1: 'On the table by the window <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''villagecat''">Boniface</a> is staring in disgust at the rain outside.'
  186. elseif hour >= 12 and hour < 18:
  187. temp = rand(0,5)
  188. if temp = 3:'Next to the table by the window <a href="exec:feedcat = 1 & gt ''gadhouse'',''villagecat''">Boniface</a> stretches and meows loudly, it''s time for dinner.'
  189. if temp = 4 and sunWeather = 1: 'On the table by the window <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''villagecat''">Boniface</a> lies lazily, soaking up some sunshine rays.'
  190. if temp = 4 and sunWeather = 0: 'In a box filled with scraps of cloth, <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''villagecat''">Boniface</a> is curled up sleeping peacefully.'
  191. elseif hour >= 18 and hour < 22 and catout ! 2:
  192. temp = rand(0,3)
  193. if temp = 0:'<a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''villagecat''">Boniface</a> is stalking around the main floor, looking for a nice juicy mouse to play with.'
  194. if temp = 1 and catout = 0: catout = 1 &'<a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''villagecat''">Boniface</a> twines around your ankles then goes to the door meowing pitifully.'
  195. elseif hour >= 22:
  196. temp = rand(0,2)
  197. if temp = 1:'In a box filled with scraps of cloth, <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''villagecat''">Boniface</a> is curled up sleeping peacefully.'
  198. end
  199. if hour >= 6 and hour < 8:
  200. 'Your <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandma'' ">grandmother</a> is puttering around in the kitchen, making breakfast.'
  201. 'Your <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandpa'' ">grandfather</a> is sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a black cup of coffee.'
  202. elseif hour >= 8 and hour < 10:
  203. 'Your <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandma'' ">grandmother</a> is slowly wandering through the house, tidying up as she goes along.'
  204. 'Your <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandpa'' ">grandfather</a> is sitting in his recliner, watching the morning news.'
  205. elseif hour >= 10 and hour < 11:
  206. 'Your grandmother is napping on the sofa, curled up under a heavy quilt.'
  207. 'Your <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandpa'' ">grandfather</a> is sitting in his recliner, watching the morning news.'
  208. elseif hour >= 11 and hour < 12:
  209. 'Your grandmother is napping on the sofa, curled up under a heavy quilt.'
  210. 'Your <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandpa'' ">grandfather</a> is sitting next to her, stroking her hair and faintly smiling.'
  211. elseif hour >= 12 and hour < 13:
  212. 'Your <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandma'' ">grandmother</a> is in the kitchen, making a sandwich, while your <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandpa'' ">grandfather</a> waits at the kitchen table.'
  213. elseif hour >= 13 and hour < 15:
  214. 'Your <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandma'' ">grandmother</a> is sitting by the window, '+iif(sunWeather = 0, 'watching the rain','looking outside')+'.'
  215. 'Your grandfather is leaned back in his recliner, fast asleep.'
  216. elseif hour >= 15 and hour < 17:
  217. 'Your <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandma'' ">grandmother</a> and <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandpa'' ">grandfather</a> are watching an old-timey-looking show on the TV.'
  218. elseif hour >= 17 and hour < 18:
  219. 'Your <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandma'' ">grandmother</a> is puttering around in the kitchen, making dinner.'
  220. 'Your <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandpa'' ">grandfather</a> is sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for grandma to bring his food.'
  221. elseif hour >= 18 and hour < 20:
  222. 'Your <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandma'' ">grandmother</a> and <a href="exec: gt ''gadhouse'',''grandpa'' ">grandfather</a> are watching the evening news on the TV.'
  223. else
  224. 'Your grandparents are asleep. They sleep in separate beds, which is quite strange since they''re still madly in love with each other.'
  225. end
  226. if mira_guest = 1: MiraLoc = 6 & '<a href="exec: gt ''miroslava'', ''Start''">Mira</a> is sitting next to you.'
  227. gs 'stat'
  228. gs 'themes', 'indoors'
  229. gs 'kit_din'
  230. !125s
  231. !{
  232. !New family system, skip for now.
  233. gs 'zz_family', 'father_sheduler'
  234. if $father['location'] = $curloc and home_owned[2] = 1:
  235. 'Your parents room.'
  236. gs 'gadukino_event', 'go_home'
  237. end
  238. }
  239. if week = 6 and hour > 12 and family_trip_month ! month: indorf = 1
  240. if indorf = 1:
  241. 'Your parents are relaxing inside.'
  242. if staygad ! daystart and home_owned[2] = 1: gs 'gadukino_event', 'go_home'
  243. end
  244. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
  245. act 'Go outside':minut += 1 & gt 'gaddvor'
  246. elseif $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  247. act 'Go outside naked':
  248. *clr & cla
  249. menu_off = 1
  250. minut += 1
  251. inhib_exp += rand(0,2)
  252. grandmaQW['nudity_trouble'] += rand(1,3)
  253. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/gaddvor_nude.jpg"></center>'
  254. 'It''s certainly risky leaving the hosue like this, and while it''s unlikely anyone saw you go outside naked, there''s a thrill in almost getting caught'
  255. gs 'arousal', 'flash', 10, 'exhibitionism'
  256. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  257. gs 'stat'
  258. act 'Continue': gt 'gaddvor'
  259. end
  260. elseif $clothingworntype = 'nude' and ($pantyworntype ! 'none' or $braworntype ! 'none'):
  261. act 'Go outside in your underwear':
  262. *clr & cla
  263. menu_off = 1
  264. minut += 1
  265. inhib_exp += rand(0,2)
  266. grandmaQW['nudity_trouble'] += rand(1,3)
  267. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/gaddvor_nude.jpg"></center>''It''s certainly risky leaving the hosue like this, and while it''s unlikely anyone saw you go outside in your underwear, there''s a thrill in almost getting caught'
  268. gs 'arousal', 'flashlite', 10, 'exhibitionism'
  269. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  270. gs 'stat'
  271. act 'Continue': gt 'gaddvor'
  272. end
  273. end
  274. if grandmaQW['chore_clean_floor'] = 1:
  275. act 'Clean the floor for Grandma (1:00)':
  276. *clr & cla
  277. minut += 60
  278. grandmaQW['chore_clean_floor'] = 0
  279. grandmaQW['help_amount'] += 1
  280. gs'stat'
  281. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/washfloor.jpg"></center>'
  282. 'You grab a bucket and a rag, and get down on your knees and begin scrubbing the floor. Within the hour the floor shines and you are satisfied with the work you''ve done. You put the cleaning supplies into a corner and continue on with your day.'
  283. act 'Continue':gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  284. end
  285. end
  286. if grandmaQW['chore_wash_clothes'] = 1:
  287. act 'Wash Grandpa''s clothes for Grandma (1:00)':
  288. *clr & cla
  289. minut += 60
  290. grandmaQW['chore_wash_clothes'] = 0
  291. grandmaQW['help_amount'] += 1
  292. gs'stat'
  293. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/washclothes1.jpg"></center>'
  294. 'You pick up your grandfather''s dirty clothes and take them with you outside, where you soak them in the metal basin for an hour.'
  295. act 'Hang the Laundry':
  296. *clr & cla
  297. minut += 10
  298. gs'stat'
  299. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/washclothes2.jpg"></center>'
  300. 'Once you are done with the washing, you walk over to the clothesline where you carefully hang the clothes to dry.'
  301. act 'Continue':gt'gaddvor'
  302. end
  303. end
  304. end
  305. act 'Prepare a full meal (0:30)':gs 'food', 'm_meal'
  306. act 'Prepare a light meal (0:25)':gs 'food', 's_meal'
  307. act 'Have a snack (0:15)':gs 'food', 'snack'
  308. dynamic $sandwich
  309. dynamic $driwater
  310. dynamic $dritea
  311. dynamic $fill_bottle
  312. dynamic $edaD
  313. dynamic $pranik
  314. dynamic $fatdel
  315. dynamic $lekarstvo
  316. dynamic $vitamin
  317. gs 'events', 'read'
  318. gs 'subkid'
  319. if gobelen>0:'You have <<gobelen>> completed tapestries.'
  320. if pcs_sewng >= 40 and tkan > 0:
  321. 'You have enough fabric for <<tkan>> lessons.'
  322. elseif pcs_sewng >= 40 and tkan <= 0:
  323. 'You do not have any fabric.'
  324. end
  325. if pcs_sewng >= 80:
  326. if newgobelen = 0 and tkan > 0:
  327. act'Start a new tapestry':
  328. *clr & cla
  329. menu_off = 1
  330. tkan -= 1
  331. newgobelen = 1
  332. minut += 15
  333. gs'stat'
  334. 'You spend 15 minutes at the embroidery frame, preparing the fabric and outlining the pattern for the tapestry.'
  335. act'Set the tapestry aside':gt 'gadhouse', 'main'
  336. end
  337. end
  338. if newgobelen >= 1:
  339. 'Your tapestry is <<newgobelen/10>> percent finished.'
  340. act'Work on the tapestry for an hour':
  341. *clr & cla
  342. menu_off = 1
  343. minut += 60
  344. sewng_exp += rand(pcs_intel/10, pcs_intel/5)
  345. gobramax = (pcs_sewng - 70) * 6
  346. gobramin = (pcs_sewng - 70) * 2
  347. newgobelen += rand(gobramin,gobramax)
  348. gs'stat'
  349. if newgobelen < 1000:'You spent an hour working on your tapestry, which is now <<newgobelen/10>> percent finished.'
  350. if newgobelen >= 1000:
  351. newgobelen = 0
  352. gobelen+=1
  353. 'Your work on the tapestry is done.'
  354. end
  355. act'Set the tapestry aside':gt 'gadhouse', 'main'
  356. end
  357. end
  358. end
  359. if rand(0,2) ! 0: gs 'din_bad' & dynamic $mobile_check
  360. act 'Relax on your bed': gt 'bed', 'start'
  361. end
  362. if $ARGS[0] = 'grandma':
  363. *clr & cla
  364. menu_off = 1
  365. minut += 2
  366. if grandmaQW['last_day_talked'] ! daystart: grandmaQW['last_hour_talked'] = 0
  367. gs 'stat'
  368. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/grandma.jpg"></center>'
  369. 'Your grandma is extremely old, and almost never leaves the house. Most of the time she just sits on her bed watching TV, or is slowly cleaning.'
  370. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  371. 'Grandma looks a little shocked but its nothing she hasn''t seen before.'
  372. '"Go put some clothes on dear, you''ll give your poor grandpa a heart attack if he sees you."'
  373. act 'Maybe you should get dressed before talking to her':gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  374. else
  375. act 'Leave her alone':gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  376. if grigory_flower > 0 and grigory_flower < 10: act 'Talk to her about the flowers': gt 'grigory', 'flower4'
  377. if grandmaQW['last_day_helped'] ! daystart: act 'Offer to help out': grandmaQW['last_day_helped'] = daystart & gt'grandmahelp', 'start'
  378. if grandmaQW['talked_about_gadukino'] = 0:
  379. act 'Ask about the village (0:10)':
  380. *clr & cla
  381. grandmaQW['talked_about_gadukino'] = 1
  382. minut += 10
  383. pcs_mood += 5
  384. gs 'stat'
  385. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/grandma.jpg"></center>'
  386. 'You sit next to grandma, eager to have her tell you more about the village.'
  387. '"Don''t you remember <<$pcs_nickname>>? You''ve visited us many times," said grandma.'
  388. '"The last time I visited here I was really young. I remember some of the houses, but the clearest memory I have is going swimming with Mitya." you reply.'
  389. '"And look how big you''ve become! Just look at you." grandma smiled.'
  390. 'She begins telling you about the village.'
  391. '"The village is small, as you know. You’’ll probably find Mitya by the river or the beach where you can go swimming and sunbathe. There are still some fishermen here in the village if you want to go fishing, ask around after Stepan, he’’ll lend you a fishing rod."'
  392. '"There is nothing interesting in the village itself. Oh yes... I just remembered... recently a new family moved in, a single parent with his daughter. Could you imagine that, someone new moving in? The girl is about your age. Her father works in the city and from the rumors I''ve heard he''s hardly here because his work forces him to stay in the city most of the time. You''ll probably meet her while you take a walk in the village."'
  393. '"In the outskirts of the village is the field where the cattle graze and beyond the field is the forest. You''ll usually find our local hunter Andrew in the forest. He often brings along his friends to hunt, they often stay there for days. They say he built a hut somewhere in the forest. So, if you meet Andrew and his friends out there, don''t be afraid. If you want to go to the forest make sure to ask grandfather first."'
  394. '"If you like running, you can take a run on the road leading into the forest. Or you can take a ride on our old bike. I''m pretty sure the bike is in the shed. Make sure to look for it if you''re interested. And if you want to watch your figure, then go to the garden, have some fruit, it''s as healthy as the diet meals you''re eating, if not more healthier."'
  395. '"That''s about it my dear granddaughter. Now run along, don''t bother me anymore. My soap opera "Santa Barbara" is about to begin, I don''t want to miss a second of it."'
  396. act 'Continue':gt 'gadhouse', 'grandma'
  397. end
  398. end
  399. !125e
  400. if hour >= grandmaQW['last_hour_talked'] + 3:
  401. act 'Chat with your grandmother (0:10)':
  402. *clr & cla
  403. grandmaQW['last_hour_talked'] = hour
  404. grandmaQW['last_day_talked'] = daystart
  405. minut += 10
  406. pcs_mood += RAND(5,10)
  407. gs 'stat'
  408. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/grandma.jpg"></center>'
  409. 'You spend some time talking with your grandmother. She''s sometimes difficult to understand. Her nearly toothless mouth makes the pronunciation of words difficult for her. Most of what she says boils down to the same thing, life is much more fun when you''re young!'
  410. act 'Continue':gt 'gadhouse', 'grandma'
  411. end
  412. end
  413. if grandmaQW['last_day_asked_for_story'] ! daystart:
  414. act 'Ask her to tell you a story (0:20)':
  415. *clr & cla
  416. grandmaQW['last_day_asked_for_story'] = daystart
  417. minut += 20
  418. pcs_mood += rand(10,15)
  419. gs 'stat'
  420. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/babushka.jpg"></center>'
  421. 'When you ask your grandmother to tell you a story, she mumbles something. Nevertheless, after a brief second or two, she decides on a story to share with you today, she begins to talk slowly.'
  422. temp = rand(0,7)
  423. if temp = 0:
  424. '"There was this one time my parents allowed me to stay at my friend''s home for the night. During the night, a lot of snow fell... and we heard a soft knock on the door!" she says in an ominous voice.'
  425. '"We listened more closely, but could only hear the wind whistling through the trees... so we decided to go back to sleep. Then we heard the knocking again!"'
  426. '"We both ran quickly to the window, but couldn''t see anything other than snow. The knocking became more persistent, and the voice of a small girl begged us to open the door! My friend and I moved to the middle of the room, tightly hugging one another... we were terrified!"'
  427. '"The knocking continued into the morning, even when the blizzard stopped. It sounded like someone was panicking, but when we told her parents in the morning, they didn''t believe us. When we went outside... there was no tracks on the snow! As if it never happened!"'
  428. '"We never heard the voice or the knocking ever again after that, but I still feel bad for not going downstairs to answer the door. What if some girl was actually there, begging for our help? I hope she''s okay..."'
  429. elseif temp = 1:
  430. '"I had a friend when I was younger." she says, in an ominous voice. "Her husband died at her house, he was a drunken bastard. He got drunk one day and died of alcohol poisoning in the very house."'
  431. '"One day she came home from work, and the floor boards all of a sudden started creaking! And through the glass panes in the door in the hallway, she could see the silhouette of a man. It looked remarkably like her late husband!"'
  432. '"She was terrified! She quickly left her house, and only went back when I promised to go with her... but of course, we found nothing. Do you believe in ghosts, <<$pcs_nickname>>? Because ever since then, I do..."'
  433. elseif temp = 2:
  434. '"I wasn''t born in Gadukino, I grew up in a different village", your grandmother begins. "This is a true story, by the way!"'
  435. '"When I was still a little girl, one of our neighbors died. Then, less than two weeks later, one of his brothers died too! And as the legend goes, death comes in threes..."'
  436. '"His one surviving sister was terrified. She was a friend of mine, but her parents wouldn''t let her leave the house."'
  437. '"It was well into the winter season then, and people could only go to other towns by sleigh. For forty days, they waited... just when they were about to accept that the legend might not be true, they found one of her relatives. Dead. Muzhik I believe his name was, he was found frozen solid, basically a block of ice! He''d tried to attend his cousin''s funeral, but it cost him his life!"'
  438. '"Death is not to be trifled with, <<$pcs_nickname>>... her parents were smart to hide her, otherwise she might''ve died instead!"'
  439. elseif temp = 3:
  440. '"This really happened!" your grandmother reassures you. "When I was young, basically your age... it was just after the war. No one believed in superstition or anything like that. Those were tough times, all anyone cared about was how to get their next meal on the table for their family."'
  441. '"We all went to bed, but our cat kept meowing at me! It just wouldn''t let me sleep, for hours and hours!"'
  442. '"When I finally caught some sleep and woke up the next morning, my father was next to my bed. He said when he cleaned out the furnace of ashes, he found the remains of our dead cat in there!"'
  443. 'You see her eyes tear up. "No one knew how she got there... no one noticed anything! Except for me. To this day I believe she was trying to warn me, asking for my help..."'
  444. 'Your grandmother shrugs, wiping a tear from her eye. You put your hand on her knee reassuringly, but don''t really know what to say to comfort her.'
  445. !125s
  446. elseif temp = 4:
  447. '"I will tell you a story about an event that happened in the village I was brought up. One day a woman from a place far up in the northern Soviet Union moved to our village."'
  448. '"The woman lived alone with this gorgeous dog, it was of white color, quite large and quiet as a mouse. After a while the dog died and the woman did''nt want to bury it."'
  449. '"She always said it''s a shame to throw away the pelt since it was so furry. She spent some time thinking about what she could make of this pelt. After a while she decided to make a fur collar of the pelt."'
  450. '"It took about two months and she got really sick... I among others visited her, and everything looked fine at the first glance. But as soon as I closed the door she started acting erratic and was hallucinating, these were the characteristics of a rabies. Since she was living alone no one noticed it before it was too late to save her life..."'
  451. elseif temp = 5:
  452. '"One evening during the Christmas holidays in my younger days I was hanging out with my girlfriends in the kitchen. It was my school friends, so we were always up to some mischief all the time."'
  453. '"We were home alone, and one of my friends persuades us to do a séance. She tells us that a fortune-teller had explained to her how one could summon a spirit. So we light some candles and began chanting for the spirits to show themself."'
  454. '"I managed to summon the profile of a male figure. He was holding something resembling a bouquet of flowers. My second friend summoned a kettle looking object while my last friend managed to summon an infant which frightened us."'
  455. '"Not being discouraged we decided to try again excited by what we would manage to summon this time. This time I summoned a large steamer. My second friend didn''t summon anything special, but my third friend summoned the same infant again, the difference this time was that the infant was in a stroller."'
  456. '"We ended the séance and went back doing ordinary stuff. All of a sudden we heard a knock on the door, it was the young man from the séance. He pulled out a beautiful bouquet of roses for me and gave them to me. I asked him what the reason was but he just answered that he got a feeling that he should deliver flowers to a girl in this specific village. I got the chills, because I remembered the man with a bouquet of flowers from the séance."'
  457. '"The most interesting thing that happened was a few months after our séance, my friend that summoned the baby got pregnant. And by the end of the year she had a baby by the young age of 15. So beware when you meet a fortune-teller you never know what might happen..."'
  458. elseif temp = 6:
  459. '"I remember sitting down as we are right now," your grandma starts, but suddenly as if she remembered something, she sadly sighs "There are no more matches..."'
  460. 'You look at her perplexed, questioning what she''s talking about. "We do have matches in the kitchen or if you want I can run over to the store to buy some."'
  461. '"You don''t get it, <<$pcs_nickname>>. The matches today are not as good as those made long time ago. I miss those matches we had during the Great Patriotic War, before they had to move the factory to the far east... Those matches were magical, not like this crap we have now... Ugh..."'
  462. !Keep the word brigade if you want to change the text. It''s what the people working on the kolkhoz were called.
  463. elseif temp = 7:
  464. '"One day my mother, rest her soul, sent us four siblings out to the forest for berry gathering", your grandma begins. "We took our berry collectors and headed out. We reached the entrance of the forest pretty quickly and decided that it would be best to split up to complete the task faster. Since we were familiar with the area we all dispersed to our cherished spots and began gathering berries."'
  465. '"My favorite spot was a plot surrounded by dense bushes and in the middle of the plot there was a huge stump. It’’s was really a great spot and as I approached I noticed very large number of ripe strawberries. I was rejoicing over the thought that I would gather more than my brothers, slowly gathering the berries and putting them in my berry collector. All of a sudden I hear some rustling behind the bushes. I turn towards the sound, but I''m met with silence. I didn''t notice anyone but I still couldn''t get rid of the eerie feeling."'
  466. '"I shook off the eerie feeling and go back gathering strawberries again. All of a sudden I get this strange feeling... I look up and I see a person squatting on the stump. He''s completely still and just stares at me. I got really scared and ran away screaming and crying towards my brothers. They tried to stop and calm me down, but I just kept on running. My brothers started running after me, trying to keep up. I could hear my oldest brother shouting to run towards the kolkhoz. You see <<$pcs_nickname>> long time ago we had central collective farms that were called kolkhoz, your grandma explains."'
  467. '"We were lucky that the farms were close to the forest and didn''t have to run through the woods for long. I kept looking back if this person was following us but there was no sign of him. We knew we were safe when we see the farmers belonging to the brigade. My brothers and I ran up to the foreman and explained to him what had happened. He immediately grabbed the phone and called someone. The other farmers reassured us that we were safe now. After we had calmed down we got sent home. Our mother met as at home, she fed us and comforted me."'
  468. '"The following day we were informed that not far from the train station Ratomka some people found dismantled railroad rails. Apparently it was done by the same man that I came across in the forest. I didn''t know it then but before the war our area was prone to sabotage by infiltrators, and staying hidden was easy, as the territory is covered by forest, stretching all the way to the border."'
  469. '"Ever since that day the fear I experienced never disappeared, as I''ve felt it through my whole life. I’ll carry on this fear for the remaining days of my life…"'
  470. end
  471. !125e
  472. act 'Thank her for the story':gt 'gadhouse', 'grandma'
  473. end
  474. end
  475. end
  476. end
  477. if $ARGS[0]='grandpa':
  478. *clr & cla
  479. menu_off = 1
  480. minut += 2
  481. if grandpaQW['last_day_talked'] ! daystart:grandpaQW['last_hour_talked'] = 0
  482. gs 'stat'
  483. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/grandpa.jpg"></center>'
  484. 'Your grandfather is a grumpy old man, who is always complaining about the village elders and how they have neglected the village to barely being fit to live in. He can walk, but requires a cane. He doesn''t really leave the house any more, unless he really has to.'
  485. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  486. 'Grandpa looks shocked but it doesn''t stop him from having a good look at you.'
  487. '"My God <<$pcs_nickname>>! Are you trying to give me a heart attack? Go and put some clothes on!"'
  488. act 'Maybe you should get dressed before talking to him':gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  489. else
  490. act 'Leave him alone':gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  491. if grigory_flower > 0 and grigory_flower < 10: act 'Talk to him about the flowers': gt 'grigory', 'flower3'
  492. if $grandpaQW['chore_gather_from_forest'] = 'mushroom':
  493. 'You promise to bring grandpa <<grandpaQW[''chore_mushroom_quantity'']>> kg of mushrooms.'
  494. elseif $grandpaQW['chore_gather_from_forest'] = 'berry':
  495. 'You promise to bring grandpa <<grandpaQW[''chore_berry_quantity'']>> kg of berries.'
  496. elseif $grandpaQW['chore_gather_from_forest'] = 'both':
  497. 'You promise to bring grandpa <<grandpaQW[''chore_mushroom_quantity'']>> kg mushrooms and <<grandpaQW[''chore_berry_quantity'']>> kg of berries.'
  498. end
  499. if grandpaQW['last_day_helped'] ! daystart:act 'Offer to help':grandpaQW['last_day_helped'] = daystart & gt'grandpahelp', 'start'
  500. if grandpaQW['talked_about_forest'] = 0:
  501. act 'Ask about the forest (0:10)':
  502. *clr & cla
  503. grandpaQW['talked_about_forest'] = 1
  504. minut += 10
  505. pcs_mood += 5
  506. goforest += 1
  507. gs 'stat'
  508. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/grandpa1.jpg"></center>'
  509. '"Listen carefully <<$pcs_nickname>>. You want to explore the forest and that''s great. But be sure of your surroundings, without having any knowledge of the forest you may easily get lost. Don''t go exploring too deep in the forest, because the mushrooms and berries can be found at the edge of the forest. If you choose to explore the forest you''ll find a swamp in the middle of the forest. You can find mushrooms and berries there too... Going into the forest at night is not recommended, wild boars may attack, and you might end up really hurt."'
  510. '"If you manage to get lost and can''t find your way out of the forest before it gets dark, then light a fire and sit still there until morning. The beasts in the forest are afraid of the fire, so they won''t approach you."'
  511. '"There''s one more thing... While you''re in the woods, avoid dressing yourself up in fancy clothes. You might damage them. It''s better to dress in more comfortable clothes instead..."'
  512. '"Well, I think that''s everything <<$pcs_nickname>>, run along now, and remember what I''ve told you."'
  513. act 'Continue':gt 'gadhouse', 'grandpa'
  514. end
  515. end
  516. if hour >= grandpaQW['last_hour_talked'] + 3:
  517. act 'Chat with your grandfather (0:10)':
  518. *clr & cla
  519. grandpaQW['last_hour_talked'] = hour
  520. grandpaQW['last_day_talked'] = daystart
  521. minut += 10
  522. pcs_mood += RAND(5,10)
  523. gs 'stat'
  524. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/grandpa1.jpg"></center>'
  525. 'Your grandfather stops complaining and smiles at you, he loves telling stories. He has lived a rich and eventful life, and you enjoy listening to his stories and talking to him. He mostly reminisces about his past, and reflects on his earlier life.'
  526. act 'Continue':gt 'gadhouse', 'grandpa'
  527. end
  528. end
  529. end
  530. end
  531. if $ARGS[0]='villagecat':
  532. *clr & cla
  533. menu_off = 1
  534. minut += 2
  535. gs 'stat'
  536. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/villcat.jpg"></center>'
  537. 'Your grandparents'' fat tomcat, Boniface, is aware of you approaching him, even though his eyes are closed. He tracks you with his ears and simply ignores you.'
  538. act 'Leave Boniface alone':minut += 2 & gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  539. act 'Pet Boniface':
  540. *clr & cla
  541. minut += 5
  542. pcs_mood += RAND(1,4)
  543. gs 'stat'
  544. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/villcat1.jpg"></center>'
  545. 'You gently pet Boniface, giving him a good scratch behind the ears. You hear him start to purr. As soon as you stop scratching him, the purring stops too. That lazy bastard... he''s living the good life!'
  546. act 'Continue':minut += 2 & gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  547. end
  548. if feedcat = 1:
  549. act 'Feed Boniface':
  550. *clr & cla
  551. minut +=5
  552. gs 'stat'
  553. feedcat = 2
  554. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/feedboniface.mp4"></video></center>'
  555. 'When Boniface sees you moving towards the cupboard, he jumps down off of the table and runs to his food dish. It is obvious that he feels that you are moving far too slowly and rattles his bowl to make sure you understand that he is starving while you dawdle.'
  556. act 'Continue': gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  557. end
  558. end
  559. if catout = 1:
  560. act 'Let Boniface Out':
  561. if sunWeather = 0:
  562. *clr & cla
  563. minut += 10
  564. gs 'stat'
  565. 'You open the door for Boniface who saunters around you only to stop in the doorway as he becomes aware that it is raining out. He glares up at you as if the rain was your fault. He stares out into the wet for another moment then sedately turns around and goes back to his box.'
  566. act 'Continue': gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  567. else
  568. *clr & cla
  569. minut +=10
  570. gs 'stat'
  571. catout = 2
  572. 'You open the door for Boniface who saunters around you only to stop in the doorway as he stops to consider if he really wants to go outside. After considering all the pros and cons, he finally decides to go out.'
  573. act 'Continue': gt 'gadhouse', 'start'
  574. end
  575. end
  576. end
  577. end
  578. if $ARGS[0] = 'intro':
  579. cla & *clr
  580. $metka = ''
  581. $loc = 'gadhouse'
  582. $temp_nickname = '<<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>>'
  583. grandmaQW['last_month_paid'] = month
  584. display_bb = 1
  585. menu_off = 1
  586. hour = 6
  587. gs 'stat'
  588. music_loop = 0
  589. CLOSE ALL
  590. '<center><H4>Your Grandparents'' Cottage</H4></center>'
  591. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost4.jpg"></center>'
  592. *nl
  593. 'All of a sudden you hear a familiar voice yell out, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, time to get up. You can''t spend the whole day laying around!"'
  594. wait 2000
  595. $npc_nickname['A29'] = input('<center>What name do you address your mother by?<br>Mother (default), Mum, Mom, Mama, etc.</center>')
  596. if $npc_nickname['A29'] = '':$npc_nickname['A29'] = '<<$temp_nickname>>'
  597. killvar '$temp_nickname'
  598. act 'Continue':
  599. cla & *clr
  600. minut += 2
  601. gs 'stat'
  602. '<center><H4>Your Grandparents'' Cottage</H4></center>'
  603. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost5.jpg"></center>'
  604. *nl
  605. 'You tiredly open your eyes seeing your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> standing over you, "Fifteen more minutes..."'
  606. 'Your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> lets out a loud sigh, "No, up now!" as she yanks the cover off...'
  607. '"<<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>>!" you exclaim, as you feel a slight cold breeze hit your body.'
  608. if month = 6:
  609. '"Listen!, I''m heading back to Pavlovsk this morning, and I don''t want to hear excuses, <<$pcs_nickname>>. You said you''d help out your grandparents during the summer holidays. So, from now on set your alarm, so you can wake up at a reasonable time." <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> says as she stares at you expectantly.'
  610. else
  611. '"Listen!, I''m heading back to Pavlovsk this morning, and I don''t want to hear excuses, <<$pcs_nickname>>. The summer holidays will be over soon and you need to get used to waking up early, for when school starts. So, from now on set your alarm, so you can wake up at a reasonable time." <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> says as she stares at you expectantly.'
  612. end
  613. act 'Get up':
  614. cla & *clr
  615. minut += 2
  616. gs 'stat'
  617. '<center><H4>Your Grandparents'' Cottage</H4></center>'
  618. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost4.jpg"></center>'
  619. *nl
  620. if month = 6:
  621. 'As soon as you get off your now coverless bed, your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> is quick to resume her nagging, telling you again what you already heard from her a few moments ago. "The work around the farm normally gets done in the morning, so you can''t sleep in anymore, not even for another fifteen minutes." She''s not even looking at you while she talks, but luckily for you that means she misses you rolling your eyes.'
  622. else
  623. ' As soon as you get off your now coverless bed, your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> is quick to resume her nagging, telling you again what you already heard from her a few moments ago. "Summer is almost over, you can''t sleep in anymore, not even for another fifteen minutes." She''s not even looking at you while she talks, but luckily for you that means she misses you rolling your eyes.'
  624. end
  625. '"What are you going to do when school starts, or when you get a job? You better get into the habit of setting your alarm so you can wake up bright and early."'
  626. act 'Continue':
  627. cla & *clr
  628. minut += 2
  629. gs 'stat'
  630. '<center><H4>Your Grandparents'' Cottage</H4></center>'
  631. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost5.jpg"></center>'
  632. *nl
  633. 'You let out an exasperated sigh, "Yeah, yeah I know, you told me that already. So, how early are we talking?"'
  634. if month = 6:
  635. 'Your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> shoots you a sharp look and you know to fix your attitude or else. "Well, depends on what you plan to do in the morning. There''s showering and brushing your teeth, doing your hair and then makeup and shaving if you really need to. If I remember right...Anya used to wake up at 06:00 when she slept here. Besides, while you are staying at your grandparents house, you should be up extra early helping them tend to the farm, this isn''t a holiday camp!"'
  636. else
  637. 'Your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> shoots you a sharp look and you know to fix your attitude or else. "Well, depends on what you plan to do in the morning. There''s showering and brushing your teeth, doing your hair and then makeup and shaving if you really need to. If I remember right...Anya used to wake up at 06:00 for school. Besides, while you are staying at your grandparents house, you should be up extra early helping them tend to the farm, this isn''t a holiday camp!"'
  638. end
  639. act 'Continue':
  640. cla & *clr
  641. minut += 2
  642. gs 'stat'
  643. '<center><H4>Your Grandparents'' Cottage</H4></center>'
  644. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost4.jpg"></center>'
  645. *nl
  646. '"You want me to wake up that early?!" You huff. "Can''t I wake up at like... 07:00?"'
  647. if month = 6:
  648. 'Your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> shrugs. "You could, but then you might have to cut corners or your grandparents will have started work without you, and I won''t be having any of that." she warns you before making her way outside. "Oh, don''t forget; when you get back to Pavlovsk, you need to head down to the clinic and see the gynecologist for a check up. Not just once, but every month," she adds quickly.'
  649. else
  650. 'Your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> shrugs. "You could, but then you might have to cut corners or even end up running late to school, and I won''t be having any of that. Your teachers won''t either," she warns you before making her way outside. "Oh, don''t forget; when you get back to Pavlovsk, you need to head down to the clinic and see the gynecologist for a check up. Not just once, but every month," she adds quickly.'
  651. end
  652. act 'But why do I--':
  653. cla & *clr
  654. minut += 2
  655. gs 'stat'
  656. $loc = 'gadhouse'
  657. $metka = 'start'
  658. '<center><H4>Your Grandparents'' Cottage</H4></center>'
  659. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost5.jpg"></center>'
  660. *nl
  661. 'Before you can finish, she cuts you off. "I''m not going to have you running around town like so many of those other girls I see! Opening their legs for any boy that comes around..." She shakes her head in disgust. "I want a referral every month and it better tell me you''re still a virgin or else, understand?" <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> says as she storms off towards your grandparent''s outside door. "Don''t forget to talk to your grandparent''s and ask if they need help!" she says loudly. Without waiting for your response, she closes the door, and with that, she''s gone.'
  662. act 'I understand...':gt 'budilnik', 'start'
  663. end
  664. end
  665. end
  666. end
  667. end
  668. end
  669. --- gadhouse ---------------------------------