272_IvanEv 15 KB

  1. # IvanEv
  2. <<<<<<< 272_IvanEv
  3. ivansportday = day
  4. gs 'stat'
  5. '<center><B><font color = maroon><<$npcName[3]>> <<$npcSurName[3]>></font></B></center>'
  6. '<center><img src="images\qwest\alter\npc3.jpg"></center>'
  7. if $loc = 'gdksport':
  8. 'Ivan grinned seeing you "Hello <<$name>>, you´re here too zanimaeshsya sports?" You confirmed his words. Ivan nodded. "I´ve been training for boxing go. Soon the competition."'
  9. act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport'
  10. if kotovVSprohorov = 1:
  11. end
  12. if kotovVSprohorov = 0:
  13. 'Ivan thought about something and said, "I have today sparring with Kotov from our class. Want to see?"'
  14. act 'Want':
  15. cls
  16. kotovVSprohorov = 1
  17. gs 'stat'
  18. 'You entered the hall where trained local boxing club. In the hall stood ineradicable smell of old leather pears and sweat. A few guys hit on pears practicing strokes, several mirrors before doing the moves. In the ring was already Kotov, shorts, helmet and gloves. "Hey Proshka I´ll wait for you much? Go to the ring!" Prokhorov smirked, quickly pulled the helmet on your head, put on gloves and entered the ring. You sat down on the bench. Many of the guys, too, began to look, what will happen in the ring.'
  19. act 'Watch':
  20. cls
  21. minut += 3
  22. dom += 1
  23. gs 'stat'
  24. 'Immediately struck that Ivan is much higher than Vitek Kotov Kotov but broader in the shoulders and much more muscular. Guys bumped gloves in salute and departed from each other stood in the rack. Cats like a whirlwind attacked Ivan. Ivan began to retreat fighting jabs. Became apparent that Kotov embedded in shots, but can not get Ivan. Ivan is not strong blows of his left hand almost immediately began to get cats in the head. Here there was a loud bang, and the head jerked Kotova, and the Vitek otsupil step. Ivan kick right hand was very sharp and detailed. Vitek began to retreat and fight. Roles were reversed in the ring, now crushed and put pressure Ivan Kotov. It became apparent that Vic is the sweat pours and he began to choke. And Ivan Kotov meanwhile shot sharp and precise strokes of the race. Vitek also fighting could not get Prokhorov. There was another loud bang and Vic head jerked to the side, and he was visibly staggered. Coach whistle whistle "So at the corners, the end of the round. Victor, What the hell you like a tank Presch Ivan? Ivan class above you. Use jab feint if you will shove, I can not catch you separate them, then you will treat a concussion. " Witek standing in the corner and tried sweating prodyshatsya. Ivan looked fresh and not tired. Finally coach whistle whistle "second round."'
  25. act 'Watch':
  26. cls
  27. minut += 3
  28. dom += 1
  29. gs 'stat'
  30. 'In the second round, Ivan became easy on your feet moving around the circle and beat Victor light blows with his left hand, almost all the blows fell cats in the head, but Victor was not responding to them trying to get closer Ivan suddenly he abruptly threw a left hook to the head of Ivan Prokhorov had time to raise hands and close the head, but then a second blow Kotova landed with a loud bang Ivan in the stomach. Ivan noticeably bent down and began to retreat and move from side to side. Cats happy and began to settle on Ivan throwing hands with incredible speed. Here he managed to get Ivan´s head and legs buckled Ivan. Coach again whistled the whistle. "Ivan, keep him at a distance, do not let close!" It has been seen as Ivan nose bleeds he wipes his glove. Coach whistled again "Round."'
  31. act 'Watch':
  32. cls
  33. minut += 3
  34. dom += 1
  35. gs 'stat'
  36. 'Ivan began to move easily on his feet throwing his left hand on his head which regularly ran constantly attacking Kotov. Victor threw hand, but Ivan managed to remove the head from bumps and knocks over his arm Kotova, there was a loud bang and Kotov got ass in the ring. Some of the guys who are watching the fight with admiration said "Great cross struck Vanya." Long and nasty whistle whistle coach. "Ivan, well done, well caught on the cross. Victor, are you okay?" Witek got to his feet and angrily looked at Ivan through clenched teeth. "I´m all right." Coach nodded "Well, then continue." The guys came back to the center of the ring and greeting each other blow gloves started the fight. Witek was noticeably quieter and often tried to go away from the blows Prokhorov. Ivan was moving on his feet and threw scathing attack, many of them hit the target. Witek suddenly intensified and tucked in the corner of Ivan, two powerful blows immediately hit in the stomach and Ivan Prokhorov clutching Vic hung on it. Whistle blew trainer "Ivan, protect body. Okay, relax a little bit." Boys stood in their corners, it was noticeable that they are both covered in sweat and panting. Ivan wiped the blood flowing from the nose, and Victor hands kneaded. Coach whistle whistle "fourth round"'
  37. act 'Watch':
  38. cls
  39. minut += 3
  40. dom += 1
  41. gs 'stat'
  42. 'Began the fourth round and Victor began circling around the ring trying to drive into the corner of Ivan. Ivan noticeably tired and his movements became slower in the ring, but his punches are still regularly fetched Kotova. Suddenly there was a cotton and Ivan staggered Victor still got him in the head. Ivan began to retreat from close hands Kotova and Witek with renewed vigor to protect Ivan thrashed. Suddenly, one of the blows to the stomach slapped Prokhorov and he bent down, Kotov hit uppercut swing and the head of Ivan. Ivan hung on Victor. Coach whistle whistle "Ivan, move on his feet, hit jab, do not sleep in the ring." Coach whistled again and the guys continued. Witek were pressing on Ivan, but Ivan has already recovered and fought light and quick strokes. Here´s head jerked from Ivan and Ivan hit hard recoiling hanging on the ropes, Kotov immediately rushed to Ivan with a view to finish it, but the whistle blew coach. "Okay, enough for today. Ivan, get some rest and paws will practice defense corps. You weak this part." Witek scowled, "What do I do?" Coach shrugged "Invent something, not small."'
  43. act 'Ask the coach who won':
  44. cls
  45. minut += 3
  46. gs 'stat'
  47. 'You asked an elderly coach who won. Coach looked at you as if you had just said. "It´s sparring, there are no winners. But if it was a real battle, it would certainly be defeated Ivan. In combat count the number of strokes, their strength does not matter. Ivan struck a dozen times more punches." Kotov heard coach zabubnel "Certainly otpizdish in shit, and then another and lose. Proshka same broke, if not whistle, I would put it. Fucking master of sports." On the coach said with exasperation, "Kotov, you´re not in the alley, it is a sport and it has rules, according to the rules you lose, learn not to expose all your head off." Cats with exasperation took off his gloves and went to the corner where lay the rod and weights. Coach looked after him "That´s only and can swing." Prokhorov has already recovered and went to the coach. Coach began to wear long leather paws on his hands.'
  48. act 'Can I like to practice?':
  49. cls
  50. minut += 3
  51. gs 'stat'
  52. 'You asked an elderly trainer whether you can train too. Coach grinned. "You see, there´s no other girls. Who are you going to stand in sparring? And without sparing it will not stall, and a children´s game." You offered to put you in sparring with guys. Surround you guys giggled. Smiled even coach. "You saw the fight, imagine what will happen to you if some sort Kotov you accidentally hit in full force. I´m not going in my old age, still in jail get for what you in training accidentally injure somebody."'
  53. act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport'
  54. end
  55. end
  56. end
  57. end
  58. end
  59. end
  60. end
  61. end
  62. =======
  63. ivansportday=day
  64. gs'stat'
  65. '<center><B><font color=maroon><<$npcName[3]>> <<$npcSurName[3]>></font></B></center>'
  66. '<center><img src="qwest/alter/npc/3.jpg" ></center>'
  67. if $loc='gdksport':
  68. 'Ivan grinned seeing you "Hello World, you are here?" You confirmed his words. Ivan nodded. "I`ve been to the gym boxing go. soon competition."'
  69. act 'Get_Away':gt'gdksport'
  70. if kotovVSprohorov=1:
  71. end
  72. if kotovVSprohorov=0:
  73. 'Ivan thought about it and said "I now sparring with Kotov from our class. want to see?"'
  74. act 'want_to':
  75. cls
  76. kotovVSprohorov=1
  77. gs'stat'
  78. 'You entered the hall where trained local boxing club. The hall was ineradicable smell of old leather and sweat pears. A couple of guys hit on pears practicing strokes, several mirrors before practiced movement. In the ring was already Cats, shorts, helmet and gloves. "Hey Proshka! I `ll wait for you as? Go to the ring!" Prokhorov grinned, quickly pulled his helmet on his head, put on gloves and stepped into the ring. You sat on the bench. Many of the men also began to look, what will happen in the ring.'
  79. act 'watch':
  80. cls
  81. minut+=3
  82. dom+=1
  83. gs'stat'
  84. 'Immediately caught my eye, Ivan is much higher, Vitek than Kotov, Kotov but broader in the shoulders and much Defined. Guys bumped gloves in greeting . Cats like a whirlwind attacked Ivan. Ivan began to retreat fighting jabs. was noticeably, Cats that can be embedded in strikes, but can not get Ivan. Ivan is not strong blows of his left hand almost immediately started to get cats in the head. Here there was a loud bang, Kotov and his head jerked, and he Vitek otsupil step. His right hand Ivan was very sharp and detailed. Vitek began to retreat and fight back. Roles were reversed in the ring, Ivan now put pressure and pressed Kotova. was noticeably, that Victor already pouring perspiration and he began to choke. And meanwhile. Vitek same fighting could not get Prokhorov. There was another loud bang and my head snapped towards Vic, and he was visibly staggered. Coach whistle whistle "So at the corners, end of the round. Victor! What the hell are you Presch like a tank Ivan? Ivan class above you. Use jab, feint, if you will shove, I can not catch you to separate, then you will treat concussion." Vitek standing in the corner was sweating and trying prodyshatsya. Ivan looked fresh and not tired. Finally coach whistle whistle "second round."'
  85. act 'watch':
  86. cls
  87. minut+=3
  88. dom+=1
  89. gs'stat'
  90. 'In the second round , almost all the blows fell cats in the head, but Victor did not react to them, Suddenly he threw a left hook to the head of Ivan, Prokhorov had to raise their hands and close the head, but then a second blow Kotova landed with a loud bang Ivan `s stomach. Ivan noticeably bent down and began to retreat and move from side to side. Cats happy and began to settle on Ivan throwing hands with incredible speed. Here he was able to get Ivan `s head and legs buckled Ivan. Coach again whistled the whistle. "Ivan, keep him at a distance, do not let close!" It has been seen as a nose bleed Ivan he wipes his glove. Coach whistled again "third round."'
  91. act 'watch':
  92. cls
  93. minut+=3
  94. dom+=1
  95. gs'stat'
  96. 'Ivan began to move easily on his feet throwing his left hand on his head which regularly ran constantly attacking Kotov. Victor threw hand, but Ivan managed to remove the head from bumps and knocks over his arm Kotova, there was a loud bang and Kotov got ass in the ring. Someone of the guys watching the fight with admiration noticed "Excellent cross struck Vanka." Long and nasty whistle whistle coach. "Ivan, good_for_you, well caught in the cross. Victor, are you ok?" Witek got to his feet and angrily looked at Ivan through clenched teeth. "I`m fine." Coach nodded "Well then continue." The guys came back to the center of the ring and greeted each other blow gloves began to fight. Vitek became noticeably quieter and more tried to go away from the blows Prokhorov. Ivan was moving on his feet and threw punches scathing, many of which hit the target. Vitek suddenly intensified and tucked in a corner of Ivan, two powerful blows immediately hit in the stomach and Ivan Prokhorov clutching Victor hung on it. There was a whistle coach "Ivan, protecting the shell. Okay ." The boys stood in their corners, it was noticeable that they are both covered in sweat and panting. Ivan wiping the blood flowing from the nose, Victor and exercise hands. Coach whistle whistle "fourth round"'
  97. act 'watch':
  98. cls
  99. minut+=3
  100. dom+=1
  101. gs'stat'
  102. 'Began the fourth round and Victor began to circle around the ring trying to drive into the corner of Ivan. Ivan visibly tired and his movements became slower in the ring, but his punches are still regularly fetched Kotova. Suddenly there was cotton and Ivan staggered, Victor still got it in his head. Ivan began to retreat to close the hands of Kotova, Vitek and thrashed with renewed vigor for the Protection of Ivan. Suddenly, Cats hit uppercut, Ivan and his head swayed. Ivan hung on Victor. Coach whistle whistle "Ivan, move on his feet, Bey jab, do not sleep in the ring." Coach whistled again and the boys continued. Vitek were pressing on Ivan, but Ivan has recovered and fought back light and quick strokes. Behold the head of Ivan jerked by powerful strike and Ivan recoiled hanging on the ropes, Cats immediately rushed to Ivan in order to finish it, but the whistle blew coach. "Fair_Enough, enough for today. Ivan, get some rest and legs, will practice defense corps. You weak this component." Vitek nabychilsya, "And what should I do?" The coach shrugged "Think of something, not small."'
  103. act 'Ask the coach who won':
  104. cls
  105. minut+=3
  106. gs'stat'
  107. 'You asked an elderly coach who won. The coach looked at you, as if he had just noticed you. "This sparring, There are no winners here. But if it was a real battle, it would certainly be defeated Ivan. In combat, their strength does not matter. Ivan struck a dozen times more punches." Cats heard coach zabubnel "Of_Course, otpizdish in shit, and then also lose. Proshka as broken, if not whistle, I would put it. Master of Sports fucking." On the coach noticed with irritation "cats, you`re not in the alley, is a sport, and he has the right, according to the rules you lose, learn not to expose his head off everywhere." Cats with irritation off his gloves and went into a corner, where lay the bar and weights. The coach looked after him "Here alone can, swing." Prokhorov has regained consciousness and went to the coach. The coach began to wear big leather paws on his hands.'
  108. act 'Can I be like training?':
  109. cls
  110. minut+=3
  111. gs'stat'
  112. 'You asked an elderly trainer whether you can also train. The coach smiled. "You see, there is no other girls. Who are you going to stand in sparring? And it is not without sparring boxing will, a children`s game." You offered to put you in sparring with guys. Surround you guys giggled. Smiled even coach. "You saw the fight, imagine, what will happen to you, if some sort of Kotov you accidentally hit in full force. I`m not old age, even in prison get, for, that you were in training, somebody accidentally injure."'
  113. act 'Get_Away':gt'gdksport'
  114. end
  115. end
  116. end
  117. end
  118. end
  119. end
  120. end
  121. end
  122. >>>>>>> 272_IvanEv
  123. else
  124. end
  125. --- IvanEv ---------------------------------