hookup_morning.qsrc 53 KB

  1. # hookup_morning
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'morning':
  3. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/romance/misc/wakeup1.mp4"></video></center>'
  4. if pcs_makeup > 1:
  5. pcs_makeup = 0
  6. vidageday -= 1
  7. *nl
  8. if hookup['hangover'] = 1:
  9. !! hungover
  10. 'A sharp lance of pain pierces your consciousness, bringing you out of sleep. You wake up blearily, head <i>pounding</i> with an awful hangover. With an internal groan, you realize your makeup still smeared across your face from last night too.'
  11. else
  12. 'Something stirs in your mind and you slowly come to consciousness. Blearily, you wake up, wondering why your face feels itchy before you internally groan, realizing you never washed off your makeup last night and it''s now smeared across your face.'
  13. end
  14. elseif hookup['hangover'] = 1:
  15. 'A sharp lance of pain pierces your consciousness, bringing you out of sleep. You wake up blearily, head <i>pounding</i> with an awful hangover.'
  16. else
  17. 'Something stirs in your mind and you slowly come to consciousness. Blearily, you rub your forehead, yawning as you wake up.'
  18. end
  19. if kanikuli = 0 and StoryLine = 1 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and SchoolBlock = 0 and week < 6:
  20. !! late for school
  21. act'Continue':gt'hookup_morning','late_for_school'
  22. else
  23. *nl
  24. gs'hookup_morning','wakeup'
  25. end
  26. end
  27. if $ARGS[0] = 'late_for_school':
  28. cla & *clr
  29. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/romance/misc/wakeup2.mp4"></video></center>'
  30. 'Eyes fluttering open, you see the faint light of the sun before they go wide in shock. You grab your phone and turn on the screen.'
  31. *nl
  32. '<b><<$month>> <<day>></b>'
  33. '<b><<$week>></b>'
  34. if minut = 0:
  35. '<b><<hour>>:00</b>'
  36. elseif minut > 9:
  37. '<b><<hour>>:0<<minut>></b>'
  38. else
  39. '<b><<hour>>:<<minut>></b>'
  40. end
  41. *nl
  42. '<i>Oh fuck! You have to get to school!</i>'
  43. act'<i>Get dressed!</i>':
  44. cla & *clr
  45. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  46. gs'clothing','wear_last_worn'
  47. gs'underwear','wear'
  48. 'Scrambling from the bed, you start grabbing your clothes and throwing them on as fast as you can.'
  49. if PCloStyle2 = 4:
  50. !! you were wearing your school uniform last night
  51. 'You probably don''t have time for a shower, but at least you don''t have to run home and change clothes, you think gratefully to yourself as your pull on your disgarded uniform from last night.'
  52. else
  53. 'You need to get home and change into your uniform! You''re not sure if you have time for a shower, but you definitely <i>need</i> to get your uniform!'
  54. end
  55. if hookup['continuation'] = 0:hookup['continuation'] = rand(0,2)
  56. if hookup['continuation'] = 0:
  57. '"Hey, where''re you going?" <<$npc_firstname>> says, turning over and squinting at you with sleepy eyes. "What''s the rush?"'
  58. act'I need to be somewhere!':
  59. cla & *nl
  60. '"I''m gonna be late for something!" you huff out. With one last quick check, you make sure all your clothes are in place and rush out the door, leaving <<$npc_firstname>> and your night together behind you.'
  61. act'Leave':gs'hookup_after','exit'
  62. end
  63. act'I''m gonna be late for school!':
  64. cla & *nl
  65. if PCloStyle2 = 4:
  66. !! you were wearing your school uniform last night
  67. '"I need to go! I''m going to be late for school!" you huff out. You quickly check your uniform one last time, making sure everything''s in place. It''s a bit wrinkled from laying in a pile all night, but it''ll have to do in a pinch. Not even saying goodbye, you rush out the door, leaving <<$npc_firstname>> and your night together behind you.'
  68. else
  69. '"I need to go! I''m going to be late for school!" you huff out. With one last quick check, you make sure all your clothes are in place and rush out the door, leaving <<$npc_firstname>> and your night together behind you.'
  70. end
  71. act'Leave':gs'hookup_after','exit'
  72. end
  73. elseif hookup['continuation'] = 1:
  74. !! FWB/Booty calls?
  75. '"I had a good time last night," he says, seeming to ignore your panic.'
  76. '"Yeah?" you reply absentmindedly, looking for your purse.'
  77. '"I''d love to hook up with you again sometime."'
  78. '"What, just like fuck buddies or something?" you say, kneeling on the floor looking under the furniture.'
  79. '"Yeah."'
  80. elseif hookup['continuation'] = 2:
  81. !! Ask to start dating
  82. '"I know you''re in a rush but I just wanted to let you know I had a really good time last night."'
  83. '"Yeah?" you reply absentmindedly, looking for your purse.'
  84. '"Could I see you again sometime? Take you out on a date or something?"'
  85. end
  86. if hookup['continuation'] > 0:
  87. act'I don''t have time for this!':
  88. cla & *clr
  89. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  90. '"I really don''t have time for this right now! Gotta go!"'
  91. if PCloStyle2 = 4:
  92. !! you were wearing your school uniform last night
  93. 'You quickly check your uniform one last time, making sure everything''s in place. It''s a bit wrinkled from laying in a pile all night, but it''ll have to do in a pinch. Not even saying goodbye, you rush out the door, leaving <<$npc_firstname>> and your night together behind you.'
  94. else
  95. 'With one last quick check, you make sure all your clothes are in place and rush out the door, leaving <<$npc_firstname>> and your night together behind you.'
  96. end
  97. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  98. end
  99. act'<i>Sure!Callme!</i>':
  100. cla & *clr
  101. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  102. '"Uhh, sure!"'
  103. '<i>Found it!</i> You grab your purse from where it slipped under the bed. Standing back up, you pull a pen from it and frantically scribble your number down on a piece of paper you found while you were looking around.'
  104. if hookup['continuation'] = 1:
  105. '"Call me when you want to hook up!" you shout over your shoulder as you run out the door.'
  106. elseif hookup['continuation'] = 2:
  107. '"Call me when you want to hang out!" you shout over your shoulder as you run out the door.'
  108. end
  109. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  110. end
  111. end
  112. end
  113. end
  114. if $ARGS[0] = 'wakeup':
  115. !!{ if npc_earlyriser = 1:
  116. !! he woke up before you
  117. if npc_generous[$npclastsaved] = 1 and npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] ! 1:
  118. !! breakfast in bed
  119. hookup['b_i_b'] = 1
  120. 'You wake up, blearily blinking and slightly confused, trying to get your bearings. You''re in someone else''s room that isn''t your own.'
  121. if npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] = 2:
  122. 'Slowly, you realize you smell food.'
  123. else
  124. 'You start when the door opens and <<$npc_firstname>> walks in holding a tray.'
  125. '"Sorry about that," he grins. "You were still sleeping so I didn''t want to wake you up. I made breakfast."'
  126. end
  127. act'Clingy much?':
  128. cla & *clr
  129. !! IMAGE HERE
  130. 'Geez, clingy much?'
  131. act'Take the food':
  132. end
  133. act'Wow, thanks!':
  134. cla & *clr
  135. !! IMAGE HERE
  136. end
  137. else
  138. 'You wake up, blearily blinking and slightly confused, trying to get your bearings. You''re in someone else''s room that isn''t your own.'
  139. if npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] = 1:
  140. 'It''s a... dorm room...?'
  141. elseif npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] = 2:
  142. 'He''s in the shower'
  143. elseif npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] = 3:
  144. 'He''s in the shower and you can hear it through the wall'
  145. else
  146. 'You''re alone'
  147. end
  148. end
  149. elseif npc_latesleeper = 1:
  150. 'You turn and see him still sleeping next to you.'
  151. act'Slip out of bed':
  152. cla & *clr
  153. !! IMAGE HERE
  154. 'Slip out of bed, get dressed'
  155. act'Sneak out':
  156. cla & *clr
  157. !! IMAGE HERE
  158. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  159. end
  160. act'Leave your number behind':
  161. cla & *clr
  162. !! IMAGE HERE
  163. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  164. end
  165. end
  166. act'Look for the shower':
  167. dynamic $showerdin
  168. end
  169. act'Wake him up with a blowjob':
  170. cla & *clr
  171. !! IMAGE HERE
  172. gs 'arousal','bj',rand(2,5)
  173. gs 'stat'
  174. 'You blow him until he wakes up.'
  175. act'Keep sucking':
  176. gs 'arousal','bj',rand(2,5)
  177. gs 'stat'
  178. 'I''m gonna cum!'
  179. act'Let him cum in your mouth':
  180. act'Let him cum on your face':
  181. end
  182. if pcs_vag > 0:
  183. act'Let''s fuck':
  184. hookup['position'] = rand(1,3)
  185. if hookup['position'] = 1:
  186. !! IMAGE HERE
  187. elseif hookup['position'] = 2:
  188. elseif hookup['position'] = 3:
  189. end
  190. if hookup['condom'] = 1:
  191. 'He starts reaching for a condom'
  192. act'Wait for him':
  193. 'Impatient waiting'
  194. act'Sex':gt'hookup_morning','morning_fuck'
  195. end
  196. act'Skip it!'
  197. 'Skip it! I need you inside me now!'
  198. if npc_condomconscious = 1:
  199. 'No'
  200. else
  201. hookup['condom'] = 2
  202. 'Hell yeah'
  203. end
  204. act'Sex':gt'hookup_morning','morning_fuck'
  205. end
  206. else
  207. end
  208. gt'hookup_morning','fuck'
  209. end
  210. end
  211. end
  212. if npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] > 2:
  213. act'Put your underwear on':
  214. end
  215. act'Go explore his place':gt'hookup_morning','explore'
  216. act'Find the kitchen':
  217. end
  218. else}
  219. 'Turning over, you see <<$npc_firstname>> laying next to you. He stirs as well and rolls over to face you, prying open his eyes.'
  220. '"Mornin''," he mumbles. "You just wake up too?"'
  221. '"Yeah," you mumble back.'
  222. act'I need coffee':
  223. cla & *clr
  224. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  225. hookup['coffee'] = 1
  226. '"I could really use a cup of coffee," you say.'
  227. if npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] > 2:
  228. !! if not a studio or a dorm
  229. '"Me too. I have some in the kitchen if you wanna come with."'
  230. act'Sure':
  231. cla & *clr
  232. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/romance/misc/nude_walk1.mp4"></video></center>'
  233. '"Sure, lead the way."'
  234. 'You climb out of bed, not bothering to get dressed as you follow him. You already spent the night naked with him, what''s a cup of coffee longer?'
  235. if npc_apt_spare[$npclastsaved] = 1:
  236. 'You can''t help but peek into the other rooms as you pass. Through one door is the <a href="exec:gs ''shortgs'',''img msg'',''$npc_apt_living[$npclastsaved]''">living room</a> you passed through last night from the front door. The memory is somewhat hazy as you mostly remember focusing on <<$npc_firstname>>''s body, instead of what the room looked like. Inside another room, you find <a href="exec:gs ''shortgs'',''img msg'',''$npc_apt_spare[$npclastsaved]''">a desk with a monitor and a keyboard on top.</a> <i>Bit of a gamer huh?</i> you think to yourself, strutting past.'
  237. *nl
  238. 'After your snooping, you quickly continue onward into the kitchen where <<$npc_firstname>> is already filling the pot with water.'
  239. elseif npc_apt_spare[$npclastsaved] = 2:
  240. 'You can''t help but peek into the other rooms as you pass. Through one door is the <a href="exec:gs ''shortgs'',''img msg'',''$npc_apt_living[$npclastsaved]''">living room</a> you passed through last night from the front door. The memory is somewhat hazy as you mostly remember focusing on <<$npc_firstname>>''s body, instead of what the room looked like. Inside another room, you find <a href="exec:gs ''shortgs'',''img msg'',''$npc_apt_spare[$npclastsaved]''">a room filled with various exercise equipment.</a> <i>Likes to work out huh?</i> you think to yourself, strutting past.'
  241. *nl
  242. 'After your snooping, you quickly continue onward into the kitchen where <<$npc_firstname>> is already filling the pot with water.'
  243. else
  244. 'You can''t help but peek into the other rooms as you pass. Through one door is the <a href="exec:gs ''shortgs'',''img msg'',''$npc_apt_living[$npclastsaved]''">living room</a> you passed through last night from the front door. The memory is somewhat hazy as you mostly remember focusing on <<$npc_firstname>>''s body, instead of what the room looked like. After your snooping, you quickly continue onward into the kitchen where <<$npc_firstname>> is already filling the pot with water.'
  245. end
  246. act'Wait':gt'hookup_morning','coffee'
  247. end
  248. act'I''ll catch up (get dressed first)':
  249. cla & *clr
  250. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  251. '"Sounds good, but I''ll catch up. I think I''d like to avoid any accidents with hot drinks and bare skin," you smirk.'
  252. '"Yeah that''s a good idea," he agrees. Reaching down, he pulls on a pair of shorts before stepping out of the room. "Just come out whenever you''re ready."'
  253. '"I will," you reply as the door clicks shut behind him.'
  254. act'Get dressed':
  255. cla & *clr
  256. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  257. gs'clothing','wear_last_worn'
  258. gs'underwear','wear'
  259. gs'stat'
  260. 'Grabbing your own clothes, you pull them on, smoothing out the wrinkles as best you can from where they were strewn across the floor last night before leaving to join <<$npc_firstname>> in the kitchen.'
  261. act'Continue':gt'hookup_morning','coffee'
  262. end
  263. end
  264. act'Borrow your shower?':gt'hookup_morning','shower'
  265. else
  266. '"Me too. Let me just get the pot going." Getting up from the bed, he steps across his tiny room to his little kitchen and starts rifling through cupboards, pulling out various coffee paraphernalia.'
  267. act'Wait in bed':
  268. cla & *clr
  269. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  270. 'You cuddle up in the sheets, savoring their warmth and waiting while the coffee brews. A few minutes later, <<$npc_firstname>> pours two cups, bringing one over to you.'
  271. '"Here you go."'
  272. '"Thanks," you smile, taking the cup from him and bringing it to your lips.'
  273. act'Focus on the coffee':
  274. cla & *clr
  275. minut += 2
  276. gs 'beverage','coffee'
  277. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/drinking/coffee_bed1.jpg"></center>'
  278. 'Your attention is completely consumed by the coffee as you drink it greedily. It''s cheap stuff, but caffeine is caffeine and you savor every gulp. Within a couple minutes, the mug is empty.'
  279. act'Time to get going':
  280. cla & *clr
  281. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/drinking/coffee_bed1.jpg"></center>'
  282. '"That was great," you sigh. "But I should get going."'
  283. 'Hauling yourself to your feet, you clamber out of bed and start picking your clothes up from where you threw them on the floor last night.'
  284. act'Get dressed':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  285. gs'hookup_morning','later_nude'
  286. end
  287. !! act'Doing anything later today?':
  288. end
  289. act'Make small talk':
  290. cla & *clr
  291. minut += 2
  292. gs 'beverage','coffee'
  293. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/drinking/coffee_bed1.jpg"></center>'
  294. 'You make small talk while drinking coffee.'
  295. act'Time to get going':
  296. cla & *clr
  297. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  298. '"That was great," you sigh. "But I should get going."'
  299. 'Hauling yourself to your feet, you clamber out of bed and start picking your clothes up from where you threw them on the floor last night.'
  300. act'Get dressed':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  301. gs'hookup_morning','later_nude'
  302. end
  303. end
  304. end
  305. act'Get dressed':
  306. cla & *clr
  307. gs'hookup_after','dress'
  308. minut += 1
  309. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  310. 'While the coffee brews, you haul yourself out of bed and pick up your clothes from where you threw them last night. You frown, noticing they''re a bit wrinkled, but it''s not like you cared much about hanging it up last night or anything like that. Whatever, nothing you can do about it now.'
  311. *nl
  312. 'By the time you''ve pulled them on, the coffee is done and <<$npc_firstname>> pours two cups, handing one to you.'
  313. '"Thanks," you smile, taking it gratefully.'
  314. act'Drink':
  315. cla & *clr
  316. minut += 2
  317. gs 'beverage','coffee'
  318. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  319. 'It''s cheap stuff, but caffeine is caffeine and you drink it greedily, savoring every gulp. Within a couple minutes, the mug is empty.'
  320. act'Time to get going':
  321. cla & *clr
  322. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  323. '"That was great," you sigh. "But I should get going."'
  324. 'You put the empty mug in <<$npc_firstname>>''s sink and turn around to grab your stuff.'
  325. act'Gather your things':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  326. gs'hookup_morning','later_dressed'
  327. end
  328. end
  329. act'Make small talk':
  330. cla & *clr
  331. minut += 2
  332. gs 'beverage','coffee'
  333. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  334. 'You make small talk while drinking coffee.'
  335. act'Time to get going':
  336. cla & *clr
  337. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  338. '"That was great," you sigh. "But I should get going."'
  339. 'Hauling yourself to your feet, you clamber out of bed and start picking your clothes up from where you threw them on the floor last night.'
  340. act'Gather your things':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  341. gs'hookup_morning','later_dressed'
  342. end
  343. end
  344. end
  345. act'Borrow your shower?':gt'hookup_morning','shower'
  346. end
  347. end
  348. act'Can I use your shower?':gt'hookup_morning','shower'
  349. !! end
  350. !! this end is for earlyrising and latesleeping
  351. end
  352. if $ARGS[0] = 'shower':
  353. hookup['morning_shower'] = 1
  354. $npc_apt_bathroom[$npclastsaved]
  355. if npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] > 2:
  356. '"Actually, do you mind if I borrow your shower?"'
  357. '"Yeah, go ahead. You can catch up when you''re done."'
  358. '"Thanks," you smile gratefully as he leaves the room. Hauling yourself out of the bed, you duck out the door yourself, finding <<$npc_firstname>>''s bathroom in the hallway and hop in the shower.'
  359. else
  360. '"Mind if I borrow your shower?" you ask, glancing towards the bathroom door of his small apartment.'
  361. '"Yeah, go ahead."'
  362. '"Thanks," you smile gratefully. Hauling yourself out of the bed, you duck inside, twist the faucet of the shower.'
  363. end
  364. act'Shower':
  365. cla & *clr
  366. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/home/bathroom/dush.mp4"></video></center>'
  367. minut += 10
  368. shampoo += 1
  369. 'You twist the faucet and hot water comes rushing out, sighing in pleasure as it pours over your skin. <i>That feels so nice...</i> After enjoying it for a little while, you borrow <<$npc_firstname>>''s shampoo and start scrubbing your hair, washing it out shortly after.'
  370. dynamic $showerdin
  371. *nl
  372. 'Figuring you''ve used enough of his water, you turn off the tap and step out.'
  373. if hookup['coffee'] = 1 and npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] > 2:
  374. act'Go to the kitchen':gt'hookup_morning','coffee'
  375. act'Go get dressed':
  376. cla & *clr
  377. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  378. gs'clothing','wear_last_worn'
  379. gs'underwear','wear'
  380. gs'stat'
  381. 'Heading back to <<$npc_firstname>>''s room, you pick up your clothes off the floor and tug them on over your wet hair before leaving again to join him in the kitchen.'
  382. act'Go to the kitchen':gt'hookup_morning','coffee'
  383. end
  384. elseif hookup['coffee'] = 1:
  385. act'Time for coffee':gt'hookup_morning','coffee'
  386. act'Go get dressed':
  387. cla & *clr
  388. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  389. gs'clothing','wear_last_worn'
  390. gs'underwear','wear'
  391. gs'stat'
  392. 'Stepping out of the bathroom, you''re immediately hit by the smell of cooked food.'
  393. '"Coffee''s done," <<$npc_firstname>> says, gesturing to his side where the pot is filled black liquid. "Help yourself when you''re ready. I thought I''d fry up some eggs while you were in there."'
  394. '"Thanks," you say, beginning to pick up your clothes. "I''m just going to get dressed first. Don''t want any accidents."'
  395. '"Yeah sure. Help yourself when you''re ready."'
  396. 'You tug your clothes on, frowning at the wrinkles on them. Well, that''s going to happen when you throw your clothes on the ground rushing to get into somebody''s pants.'
  397. act'Just coffee':
  398. cla & *clr
  399. minut += 2
  400. gs 'beverage','coffee'
  401. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  402. 'You grab a mug and fill it up, drinking greedily. It''s cheap stuff, but caffeine is caffeine and you savor every gulp. Within a couple minutes, the mug is empty.'
  403. '"No breakfast for you?"'
  404. '"Coffee is all I need," you smile back.'
  405. act'Time to get going':
  406. cla & *clr
  407. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  408. '"That was great," you sigh. "But I should get going."'
  409. 'You put the empty mug in <<$npc_firstname>>''s sink and turn around to grab your stuff.'
  410. act'Gather your things':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  411. gs'hookup_morning','later'
  412. end
  413. end
  414. act'Have breakfast together':gt'hookup_morning','eggs'
  415. end
  416. elseif hookup['b_i_b'] = 1:
  417. act'Join <<$npc_firstname>> for breakfast':gt'hookup_morning','breakfast'
  418. act'Get dressed':
  419. cla & *clr
  420. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  421. gs'clothing','wear_last_worn'
  422. gs'underwear','wear'
  423. gs'stat'
  424. if npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] > 2:
  425. 'Feeling refreshed, you leave the bathroom and head back to <<$npc_firstname>>''s room to tug on your clothes.'
  426. act'Skip out on <<$npc_firstname>>':
  427. cla & *clr
  428. $npc_apt_hall
  429. 'While you''re at it, you grab the rest of your things and head straight for the door. You pass by the kitchen on the way and <<$npc_firstname>> watches you with confusion.'
  430. '"Hey! Where''re you going? You''re not staying for breakfast?"'
  431. '"Sorry, I really can''t stay."'
  432. '"Wait but-"'
  433. '"Toodles!" You waggle your fingers and slip in and out the door in a second.'
  434. *nl
  435. '<i>Ugh. Why can''t a one night stand just be a one night stand anymore?</i>'
  436. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  437. end
  438. act'Head to the kitchen':gt'hookup_morning','breakfast'
  439. else
  440. 'Stepping out of the bathroom, you''re immediately hit by the smell of the food again.'
  441. '"Have a good time in there?"'
  442. '"The best," you grin back, heading straight for your clothes and tugging them on.'
  443. '"So, gonna join me for breakfast then?"'
  444. act'Nope, gotta go (skip out)':
  445. cla & *clr
  446. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  447. '"Nope, gotta go."'
  448. '"You sure? I-"'
  449. '"Nah, I''m good." Grabbing the rest of your things, you pop open the door and waggle your fingers at him. "Toodles!" and shut the door behind you.'
  450. *nl
  451. '<i>Geez. Who cooks breakfast after a hookup?</i>'
  452. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  453. end
  454. act'Just coffee':
  455. cla & *clr
  456. minut += 2
  457. gs 'beverage','coffee'
  458. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  459. '"Just coffee for me," you smile. Grabbing a mug, you fill it up with coffee and enjoy a long sip. It''s cheap stuff, but caffeine is caffeine and you savor every gulp. Within a couple minutes, the mug is empty.'
  460. act'Time to get going':
  461. cla & *clr
  462. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  463. '"That was great," you sigh. "But I should get going."'
  464. 'You put the empty mug in <<$npc_firstname>>''s sink and turn around to grab your stuff.'
  465. act'Gather your things':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  466. gs'hookup_morning','later'
  467. end
  468. end
  469. act'Sure':gt'hookup_morning','breakfast'
  470. end
  471. end
  472. else
  473. act'Dry off':
  474. cla & *clr
  475. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  476. 'You step out of the bathroom and see <<$npc_firstname>> still laying in bed.'
  477. '"Love that view," he smirks, shamelessly ogling your moist naked body.'
  478. '"Thanks, I really needed that," you smile back. "I should really get going though."'
  479. act'Get dressed':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  480. gs'hookup_morning','later'
  481. end
  482. end
  483. end
  484. end
  485. !!{
  486. if $ARGS[0] = 'hangover':
  487. 'He wakes up at the same time as you'
  488. :loopwakeup3
  489. if hookup['hangover'] = 1:
  490. act'I need coffee':
  491. cla & *nl
  492. '"I desperately need coffee," you wince, rubbing your brow as if will somehow make your blindingly painful headache go away.'
  493. '"Me too." <<$npc_firstname>> says, seemingly in the same state.'
  494. end
  495. act'Can I use your shower?':
  496. end
  497. act'I need coffee and a shower'
  498. end
  499. else
  500. end
  501. if hookup['im_hungover'] = 0:
  502. act'I''m so hungover':
  503. cla & *clr
  504. hookup['im_hungover'] = 1
  505. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  506. '"I''m so hungover right now," you groan.'
  507. '"Same..."'
  508. end
  509. end
  510. end}
  511. if $ARGS[0] = 'explore':
  512. hookup['explore'] = 1
  513. if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
  514. !! IMAGE HERE
  515. else
  516. !! IMAGE HERE
  517. end
  518. if npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] = 3:
  519. 'End up in the kitchen'
  520. elseif npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] = 4:
  521. 'Peek into a bunch of rooms, get naked surprised by roommates.'
  522. elseif npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] = 5:
  523. 'Peek into a bunch of rooms, end up in the kitchen.'
  524. elseif npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] = 6:
  525. 'Peek into a bunch of rooms, they''re very high quality.'
  526. end
  527. end
  528. if $ARGS[0] = 'kitchen':
  529. act'Look for some cereal':
  530. cla & *clr
  531. if hookup['hangover'] = 1:
  532. else
  533. end
  534. if npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] = 1:
  535. !! studio apartment
  536. '<<$npc_firstname>> wakes up'
  537. else
  538. '<<$npc_firstname>> comes out'
  539. end
  540. end
  541. act'Get a glass of water':
  542. cla & *clr
  543. if hookup['hangover'] = 1:
  544. else
  545. end
  546. if npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] = 1:
  547. !! studio apartment
  548. '<<$npc_firstname>> wakes up'
  549. else
  550. '<<$npc_firstname>> comes out'
  551. end
  552. end
  553. act'Cook breakfast':
  554. cla & *clr
  555. if hookup['hangover'] = 1:
  556. 'You despreately need some thing to deal with this pounding headache'
  557. else
  558. 'You cook breakfast normally.'
  559. end
  560. if npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] = 4 and hookup['explore'] ! 1:
  561. '<<$npc_firstname>>''s roommates come out'
  562. act'Shriek':
  563. end
  564. act'Act casual':
  565. end
  566. else
  567. if npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] = 1:
  568. !! studio apartment
  569. '<<$npc_firstname>> wakes up'
  570. else
  571. '<<$npc_firstname>> comes out'
  572. end
  573. '"Made us breakfast"'
  574. act'Eat together':
  575. cla & *clr
  576. !!{if npc_perv >= 70 or ($braworntype = 'none' and npc_perv >= 50):
  577. 'He starts coming onto you'
  578. act'Stop it':
  579. end
  580. act'Let''s take this to the bedroom':gt'hookup_morning','morning_sex'
  581. else}
  582. act'Finish eating and clean up':
  583. cla & *clr
  584. !! IMAGE HERE
  585. 'You clean up together'
  586. gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  587. end
  588. act'Can I borrow your shower?':
  589. dynamic $showerdin
  590. gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  591. end
  592. gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  593. !!end
  594. end
  595. end
  596. end
  597. end
  598. if $ARGS[0] = 'coffee':
  599. if npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] > 2:
  600. !! not a studio or dorm
  601. $npc_apt_kitchen
  602. if hookup['morning_shower'] = 1:
  603. 'As you wander towards the kitchen, you sniff the air, detecting something more than just coffee.'
  604. '"That smells nice," you say, entering the room.'
  605. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  606. '"Yeah," <<$npc_firstname>> says, turning to face you. "Since you were going to be a little while, I thought I''d make some eg-"'
  607. 'He stops mid sentence when he sees you standing there naked, hair still wet from the shower. You smirk at his stare.'
  608. '"Thanks."'
  609. else
  610. '"Yeah," <<$npc_firstname>> says, turning to face you. "Since you were going to be a little while, I thought I''d make some eggs in the meantime. Coffee''s already done if you want to pour yourself a cup."'
  611. '"Thanks."'
  612. end
  613. act'Just have coffee':
  614. cla & *clr
  615. minut += 2
  616. gs 'beverage','coffee'
  617. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  618. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/drinking/nude_coffee1.jpg"></center>'
  619. else
  620. $npc_apt_kitchen
  621. end
  622. 'You grab a mug and fill it up, drinking greedily. It''s cheap stuff, but caffeine is caffeine and you savor every gulp. Within a couple minutes, the mug is empty.'
  623. '"No breakfast for you?"'
  624. '"Coffee is all I need," you smile back.'
  625. act'Time to get going':
  626. cla & *clr
  627. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  628. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/romance/misc/nude_kitchen1.jpg"></center>'
  629. '"That was great," you sigh. "But I should get going."'
  630. 'You put the empty mug in <<$npc_firstname>>''s sink and head back to his room to get dressed.'
  631. else
  632. $npc_apt_kitchen
  633. '"That was great," you sigh. "But I should get going."'
  634. 'You put the empty mug in <<$npc_firstname>>''s sink and turn around to grab your stuff.'
  635. end
  636. act'Gather your things':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  637. gs'hookup_morning','later'
  638. end
  639. end
  640. act'Have breakfast with him':gt'hookup_morning','eggs'
  641. else
  642. minut += 5
  643. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  644. 'You follow <<$npc_firstname>> to the kitchen and sit down at his table, waiting patiently while he pulls coffee paraphernalia from his cupboards and begins brewing. A few minutes later, he hands you a steaming cup of joe, which you gratefully accept.'
  645. else
  646. 'You step into the kitchen and are immediately hit by the wonderful smell of coffee.'
  647. '"Hey, you''re just in time. Pot just finished brewing." He pours a cup and hands it to you, which you gratefully accept.'
  648. end
  649. act'Drink':
  650. cla & *clr
  651. minut += 2
  652. gs 'beverage','coffee'
  653. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  654. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/drinking/nude_coffee1.jpg"></center>'
  655. else
  656. $npc_apt_kitchen
  657. end
  658. 'You drink deeply, savoring the hot liquid as it runs down your throat. It''s cheap stuff, but caffeine is caffeine and you gulp it down greedily. Within a couple minutes, the mug is empty.'
  659. act'Time to get going':
  660. cla & *nl
  661. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  662. '"That was great," you sigh. "But I should get going."'
  663. 'You put the empty mug in <<$npc_firstname>>''s sink and head back to his room to get dressed.'
  664. act'Get dressed':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  665. else
  666. '"That was great," you sigh. "But I should get going."'
  667. 'You put the empty mug in <<$npc_firstname>>''s sink and turn around to grab your stuff.'
  668. act'Gather your things':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  669. end
  670. end
  671. end
  672. act'Make small talk':
  673. cla & *clr
  674. minut += 2
  675. gs 'beverage','coffee'
  676. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  677. !! if possible, replace with two people drinking coffee naked
  678. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/drinking/nude_coffee1.jpg"></center>'
  679. 'You make small talk as you sip your coffee.'
  680. else
  681. $npc_apt_kitchen
  682. 'You make small talk as you sip your coffee.'
  683. end
  684. act'Time to get going':
  685. cla & *nl
  686. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  687. '"That was great," you sigh. "But I should get going."'
  688. 'You put the empty mug in <<$npc_firstname>>''s sink and head back to his room to get dressed.'
  689. act'Get dressed':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  690. else
  691. '"That was great," you sigh. "But I should get going."'
  692. 'You put the empty mug in <<$npc_firstname>>''s sink and turn around to grab your stuff.'
  693. act'Gather your things':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  694. end
  695. end
  696. end
  697. end
  698. else
  699. !! studio apartment/dorm
  700. $npc_apt_kitchen
  701. if hookup['morning_shower'] = 1 and $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  702. 'Stepping out of the bathroom, you''re immediately hit by the smell of cooked food.'
  703. '"That smells nice," you say, stepping out into the room.'
  704. '"Yeah," <<$npc_firstname>> says, turning to face you. "Since you were going to be a little while, I thought I''d make some eggs."'
  705. 'Ignoring your clothes and the eggs, you head straight to the coffee pot, grabbing a mug and filling it to the brim.'
  706. act'Just coffee':
  707. cla & *clr
  708. minut += 2
  709. gs 'beverage','coffee'
  710. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/drinking/nude_coffee1.jpg"></center>'
  711. 'You grab a mug and fill it up, drinking greedily. It''s cheap stuff, but caffeine is caffeine and you savor every gulp. Within a couple minutes, the mug is empty.'
  712. '"No breakfast for you? Or... anything else...?"'
  713. '"Coffee is all I need," you smirk back.'
  714. act'Time to get going':
  715. cla & *clr
  716. $npc_apt_kitchen
  717. '"That was great," you sigh. "But I should get going."'
  718. 'You put the empty mug in <<$npc_firstname>>''s sink and turn around to grab your stuff.'
  719. act'Gather your things':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  720. gs'hookup_morning','later'
  721. end
  722. end
  723. act'Have breakfast together':gt'hookup_morning','eggs'
  724. end
  725. end
  726. end
  727. if $ARGS[0] = 'eggs':
  728. gs'food','family_meals','breakfast'
  729. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  730. !! if possible replace with two people eating breakfast naked
  731. $npc_apt_kitchen
  732. 'The two of you enjoy your eggs and coffee together. The coffee is cheap, the eggs are alright, but the company is pleasant as you chit-chat about nothing. Soon enough, your cups are empty and your plates are clean.'
  733. act'I should go':
  734. cla & *nl
  735. '"Well, I should probably get going," you say, standing up and putting your dishes in the sink. You head back to <<$npc_firstname>>''s bedroom, with him following along behind.'
  736. act'Get dressed':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  737. end
  738. else
  739. if npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] = 1:
  740. $npc_apt_kitchen
  741. elseif npc_apt_type[$npclastsaved] = 2:
  742. $npc_apt_kitchen
  743. else
  744. $npc_apt_kitchen
  745. end
  746. 'The two of you enjoy your eggs and coffee together. The coffee is cheap, the eggs are alright, but the company is pleasant.'
  747. act'I should go':
  748. cla & *nl
  749. '"Well, I should probably get going," you say, standing up and putting your dishes in the sink.'
  750. act'Grab your things':gt'hookup_morning','morning_leave'
  751. end
  752. end
  753. end
  754. if $ARGS[0] = 'breakfast':
  755. if hookup['morning_shower'] = 1:
  756. else
  757. end
  758. end
  759. if $ARGS[0] = 'morning_leave':
  760. if hookup['continuation'] = 0:hookup['continuation'] = rand(0,2)
  761. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  762. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  763. gs'clothing','wear_last_worn'
  764. if hookup['dress'] = 1:
  765. 'You pick up your dress off the floor, pulling your head through it and down over your shoulders.'
  766. if hookup['continuation'] > 0:
  767. '"I had a great time last night," <<$npc_firstname>> says, watching you.'
  768. $hookup['reaction'] = 'pulling your dress all the way down and smoothing out the skirt.'
  769. end
  770. elseif PCloSkirt > 0:
  771. 'You pick your skirt off the floor, pulling it up your legs and over your hips.'
  772. if hookup['continuation'] > 0:
  773. '"I had a great time last night," <<$npc_firstname>> says, watching you dress.'
  774. $hookup['reaction'] = 'pulling your top down over shoulders and tugging it past your breasts and all the way down.'
  775. end
  776. else
  777. 'You pick your pants off the floor, putting your legs through and tugging it up over your hips.'
  778. if hookup['continuation'] > 0:
  779. '"I had a great time last night," <<$npc_firstname>> says, watching you dress.'
  780. $hookup['reaction'] = 'pulling your top down over shoulders and tugging it past your breasts and all the way down.'
  781. end
  782. end
  783. gs'clothing','strip'
  784. if hookup['continuation'] > 0:
  785. gs'hookup_morning','continuation_reponse1'
  786. else
  787. gs'hookup_morning','later_nude'
  788. end
  789. else
  790. $npc_apt_bedroom[$npclastsaved]
  791. 'Stooping down next to the bed, you find your purse on the floor and scoop it up before heading towards the exit.'
  792. if hookup['continuation'] > 0:
  793. '"You know," <<$npc_firstname>> says, leaning against the door frame. "I had a great time last night."'
  794. gs'hookup_morning','continuation_reponse1'
  795. else
  796. gs'hookup_morning','later_dressed'
  797. end
  798. end
  799. end
  800. if $ARGS[0] = 'continuation_reponse1':
  801. act'Yeah?':
  802. cla
  803. '"Yeah?" you reply, <<$hookup[''reaction'']>>'
  804. gs'hookup_morning','continuation_reponse2'
  805. end
  806. act'Me too':
  807. cla
  808. '"Yeah, me too," you smile, <<$hookup[''reaction'']>>'
  809. gs'hookup_morning','continuation_reponse2'
  810. end
  811. act'If you say so':
  812. cla
  813. '"If you say so," you shrug, <<$hookup[''reaction'']>>'
  814. gs'hookup_morning','continuation_reponse2'
  815. end
  816. end
  817. if $ARGS[0] = 'continuation_reponse2':
  818. if hookup['continuation'] = 1:
  819. !! FWB/Booty calls?
  820. '"I was thinking maybe we should hook up again sometime. You down for it?"'
  821. '"Like what? Just Booty calls?"'
  822. '"Yeah, nothing serious. Just sex."'
  823. elseif hookup['continuation'] = 2:
  824. !! Ask to start dating
  825. '"I was wondering... would you be up for seeing each other again? Maybe on a... date? Or something?"'
  826. end
  827. gs'hookup_morning','continuation_reponse3'
  828. end
  829. if $ARGS[0] = 'continuation_reponse3':
  830. act'This was a one night stand':
  831. cla & *nl
  832. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  833. '"Sorry," you shake your head. "This was a one time thing. I''m not looking for anything lasting."'
  834. if hookup['continuation'] = 1:
  835. '"Whatever, your loss," he shrugs.'
  836. '"Pfft-! Yeah, sure," you snigger back, pulling on the rest of your clothes. You give yourself a once over, making sure everything''s in place and wave goodbye as you head towards the door.'
  837. elseif hookup['continuation'] = 2:
  838. '"Oh. Uhh, well..." <<$npc_firstname>> trails off and you''re left in an extremely uncomfortable silence while you get dressed in front of him.'
  839. '<i>Holy fuck this is awkward,</i> you think to yourself as you pull the last of your clothes on. After giving yourself a once over, you give <<$npc_firstname>> a strained smile and wave goodbye, quickly striding towards the door to escape.'
  840. end
  841. gs'hookup_after','dress'
  842. else
  843. '"Sorry," you shake your head. "This was a one time thing. I''m not looking for anything lasting."'
  844. if hookup['continuation'] = 1:
  845. '"Whatever, your loss," he shrugs.'
  846. '"Pfft-! Yeah, sure," you snigger back, turning towards the door. "Still, maybe we''ll run into each other again or something. See you."'
  847. 'With a half-hearted goodbye, you open the door and leave <<$npc_firstname>>''s apartment.'
  848. elseif hookup['continuation'] = 2:
  849. '"Oh. Uhh, well..." <<$npc_firstname>> trails off and you''re left in an extremely uncomfortable silence.'
  850. '<i>Well this is awkward...</i> you think to yourself as you turn towards the door.'
  851. '"I guess I''ll see you later then... or... well... not..." There''s another awkward silence. Not knowing what else to do, you just open the door and close it behind you without another word.'
  852. end
  853. end
  854. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  855. end
  856. act'Sure':
  857. cla & *clr
  858. $npc_apt_hall
  859. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  860. if hookup['continuation'] = 1:
  861. !! npc_QW = 1
  862. '"Sure, sounds fun," you smile.'
  863. 'You tell him your number while you finished getting dressed and he taps it into his phone. A few moments later, a notification pings in your messages:'
  864. *nl
  865. hookup['text_message'] = rand(1,2)
  866. if hookup['text_message'] = 1:
  867. ' <b><font color="blue">hey fuck buddy</font></b>'
  868. *nl
  869. '"Hey yourself," you say aloud, looking up at him. "Anyways, see you around."'
  870. elseif hookup['text_message'] = 2:
  871. *nl
  872. ' <b><font color="blue">send nudes</font></b>'
  873. *nl
  874. '"We''ll see about that," you smirk back. "Anyways, see you around."'
  875. end
  876. 'Your little exchange done, you wave him goodbye and head out the door.'
  877. elseif hookup['continuation'] = 2:
  878. !! npc_QW = 2
  879. '"Yeah, I think I''d like that," you smile gently.'
  880. 'You tell him your number while you finished getting dressed and he taps it into his phone. A few moments later, a notification pings in your messages:'
  881. *nl
  882. hookup['text_message'] = rand(1,2)
  883. if hookup['text_message'] = 1:
  884. ' <b><font color="blue">hey cutie</font></b>'
  885. *nl'"Hey yourself," you say aloud, looking up at him. "Anyways, see you around."'
  886. elseif hookup['text_message'] = 2:
  887. ' <b><font color="blue">dont forget to call :)</font></b>'
  888. *nl
  889. '"I won''t," you promise.'
  890. end
  891. 'That bit of business done, you wave him goodbye and head out the door.'
  892. end
  893. gs'hookup_after','dress'
  894. else
  895. $npc_apt_hall
  896. if hookup['continuation'] = 1:
  897. !! npc_QW = 1
  898. '"Sure, sounds fun," you smile.'
  899. 'Leaning against the door, you tell him your number while he taps it into his phone. A few moments later, a notification pings in your messages:'
  900. *nl
  901. hookup['text_message'] = rand(1,2)
  902. if hookup['text_message'] = 1:
  903. ' <b><font color="blue">hey fuck buddy</font></b>'
  904. *nl
  905. '"Hey yourself," you say aloud, looking up at him. "Anyways, see you around."'
  906. elseif hookup['text_message'] = 2:
  907. ' <b><font color="blue">send nudes</font></b>'
  908. *nl
  909. '"We''ll see about that," you smirk back. "Anyways, see you around."'
  910. end
  911. 'Your little exchange done, you wave him goodbye and head out the door.'
  912. elseif hookup['continuation'] = 2:
  913. !! npc_QW = 2
  914. '"Yeah, I think I''d like that," you smile gently.'
  915. 'Leaning against the door, you tell him your number while he taps it into his phone. A few moments later, a notification pings in your messages:'
  916. *nl
  917. hookup['text_message'] = rand(1,2)
  918. if hookup['text_message'] = 1:
  919. ' <b><font color="blue">hey cutie</font></b>'
  920. *nl
  921. '"Hey yourself," you say aloud, looking up at him. "Anyways, see you around."'
  922. elseif hookup['text_message'] = 2:
  923. ' <b><font color="blue">dont forget to call :)</font></b>'
  924. *nl
  925. '"I won''t," you promise.'
  926. end
  927. 'That bit of business done, you wave him goodbye and head out the door.'
  928. end
  929. end
  930. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  931. end
  932. if hookup['continuation'] = 2:
  933. act'I''m not up for anything serious':
  934. cla & *clr
  935. $npc_apt_hall
  936. '"I''m not looking for anything serious right now."'
  937. act'Sorry':
  938. cla & *nl
  939. '"Sorry..."'
  940. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  941. gs'hookup_after','dress'
  942. '"Oh. Uhh, well, it''s fine I guess..." <<$npc_firstname>> trails off and you''re left in an extremely uncomfortable silence while you get dressed in front of him.'
  943. '<i>Holy fuck this is awkward,</i> you think to yourself as you pull the last of your clothes on. After giving yourself a once over, you give <<$npc_firstname>> a strained smile and wave goodbye, quickly striding towards the door to escape.'
  944. else
  945. '"Oh. Uhh, well, it''s fine I guess..." <<$npc_firstname>> trails off and you''re left in an extremely uncomfortable silence while you get dressed in front of him.'
  946. '<i>Well this is awkward...</i> you think to yourself as you turn towards the door.'
  947. '"I guess I''ll see you later then... or... well... not..." There''s another awkward silence. Not knowing what else to do, you just open the door and close it behind you without another word.'
  948. end
  949. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  950. end
  951. act'If it''s just a hookup...':
  952. cla & *nl
  953. '"If it''s just a hookup," you continue. "or something like last night, I wouldn''t mind getting together for some fun, but I''m just not interested in dating anybody."'
  954. if rand(1,10) > 7:
  955. '"Well... If it means I can see you again, then sure I guess." <<$npc_firstname>> doesn''t really seem satisfied with the results, but he still tells you his number while you tap it into your contact list.'
  956. '"So uhh, yeah... Call me sometime?"'
  957. '"If I need some relief," you say with a shrug. You wave an awkward goodbye, you head out the door and out of <<$npc_firstname>>''s apartment.'
  958. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  959. else
  960. '"No," he shakes his head. "I don''t want to get led on by you if you''re only interested in a fuck and not anything real. Guess this is just a one night stand."'
  961. act'Taken aback':
  962. cla & *clr
  963. $npc_apt_hall
  964. 'You blink in surprise, recoiling slightly at his words. That response really wasn''t what you saw coming. After all, what guy just gives up free access to sex?'
  965. '"Uhh well, uhh... Alright... Guess I won''t see you later then..." you respond awkwardly. After giving yourself a once over, you give <<$npc_firstname>> a strained smile and wave goodbye, quickly striding towards out the door.'
  966. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  967. end
  968. act'It''s to be expected':
  969. cla & *clr
  970. $npc_apt_hall
  971. 'You nod to yourself, admittedly a little bit wistfully. It''s to be expected from a guy like him. But if he wants something more, you just can''t give it to him. You''re only after pleasure, you don''t want to get tangled up in a relationship.'
  972. '"Well, guess I won''t see you around then so... Bye?" You wave <<$npc_firstname>> goodbye and stride out the door, unable to feel that this little bit of fun took a bit of a damper turn right at the end.'
  973. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  974. end
  975. end
  976. end
  977. end
  978. end
  979. end
  980. if $ARGS[0] = 'later_nude':
  981. if hookup['fuck'] > 0:
  982. $hookup['fun'] = 'fuck'
  983. else
  984. $hookup['fun'] = 'fun'
  985. end
  986. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':gs'hookup_after','dress'
  987. if hookup['continuation'] = 0:hookup['continuation'] = rand(0,2)
  988. act'I should go':
  989. cla & *clr
  990. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  991. if hookup['dress'] = 1:
  992. '"Well," you say, almost apologetically, pulling your dress down over your breasts and smoothing it out over your legs. "I should go."'
  993. else
  994. '"Well," you say, almost apologetically, throwing your top over your shoulders and down over your breasts. "I should go."'
  995. end
  996. '"Alright. See you around. Or not. Whatever."'
  997. 'You smirk and shrug on the rest of your clothes before heading out the door.'
  998. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  999. end
  1000. act'Thanks for the <<$hookup[''fun'']>>':
  1001. cla & *clr
  1002. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  1003. if hookup['dress'] = 1:
  1004. '"Well, thanks for the <<$hookup[''fun'']>>," you say, smoothing your skirt out over your legs.'
  1005. else
  1006. '"Well, thanks for the <<$hookup[''fun'']>>," you say, pulling your top down over your head.'
  1007. end
  1008. '"Right back at you," he smiles in return.'
  1009. '"I gotta get going though."'
  1010. '"Alright. See you around. Or not. Whatever."'
  1011. 'You smirk and shrug on the rest of your clothes before heading out the door.'
  1012. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  1013. end
  1014. act'We should hook up again later':
  1015. cla & *clr
  1016. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  1017. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':gs'hookup_after','dress'
  1018. if hookup['dress'] = 1:
  1019. '"We should hook up again some time," you say, pulling your dress over head.'
  1020. $hookup['reaction1'] = 'as you finish pulling your dress all the way down'
  1021. $hookup['reaction2'] = 'finish smoothing out the wrinkles in your skirt'
  1022. elseif PCloSkirt > 0:
  1023. '"We should hook up again some time," you say, pulling your skirt up over your hips.'
  1024. $hookup['reaction1'] = 'your top just above your breasts ready to be pulled down'
  1025. $hookup['reaction2'] = 'tug your top all the way down'
  1026. else
  1027. '"We should hook up again some time," you say, pulling your pants up over your hips.'
  1028. $hookup['reaction1'] = 'your top just above your breasts ready to be pulled down'
  1029. $hookup['reaction2'] = 'tug your top all the way down'
  1030. end
  1031. if rand(1,3) = 1:
  1032. '"Nah, this was a one time thing. I never fuck the same girl twice."'
  1033. 'You pause for a moment, <<$hookup[''reaction1'']>>, giving him a look. "Seriously?"'
  1034. '"Do I look like I''m kidding?" he grins back, clearly satisfied with himself.'
  1035. '<i>Free access to pussy and you''re just gonna turn it down. Whatever...</i> you think to yourself as you <<$hookup[''reaction2'']>>.'
  1036. *nl
  1037. 'Once you''re done, you grab your things and leave. <<$npc_firstname>> doesn''t say a word as you close the door behind you.'
  1038. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  1039. else
  1040. '"What, like fuck buddies?"'
  1041. '"Why not?" you smirk.'
  1042. '"Sure, I''ll sleep with you again if you''re offering."'
  1043. 'You tell him your number while you finished getting dressed and he taps it into his phone. A few moments later, a notification pings in your messages:'
  1044. if hookup['text_message'] = 1:
  1045. ' <b><font color="blue">hey fuck buddy</font></b>'
  1046. '"Hey yourself," you say aloud, looking up at him. "Anyways, see you around."'
  1047. elseif hookup['text_message'] = 2:
  1048. ' <b><font color="blue">send nudes</font></b>'
  1049. *nl
  1050. '"We''ll see about that," you roll your eyes back. "Anyways, see you around."'
  1051. end
  1052. 'That little exchange done, you cheerfullly wave him goodbye and head out the door.'
  1053. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  1054. end
  1055. end
  1056. act'Maybe I could see you again sometime?':
  1057. cla & *clr
  1058. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  1059. gs'hookup_after','dress'
  1060. if hookup['dress'] = 1:
  1061. '"Maybe I could see you again? Maybe we could go on a date?" you say, pulling your dress over head.'
  1062. $hookup['reaction1'] = 'as you finish pulling your dress all the way down'
  1063. $hookup['reaction2'] = 'finish smoothing out the wrinkles in your skirt'
  1064. elseif PCloSkirt > 0:
  1065. '"Maybe I could see you again? Maybe we could go on a date?" you say, pulling your skirt up over your hips.'
  1066. $hookup['reaction1'] = 'your top just above your breasts ready to be pulled down'
  1067. $hookup['reaction2'] = 'tug your top all the way down'
  1068. else
  1069. '"Maybe I could see you again? Maybe we could go on a date?" you say, pulling your pants up over your hips.'
  1070. $hookup['reaction1'] = 'your top just above your breasts ready to be pulled down'
  1071. $hookup['reaction2'] = 'tug your top all the way down'
  1072. end
  1073. if rand(1,3) = 1:
  1074. '"Nah, this was a one time thing. I never fuck the same girl twice."'
  1075. 'You pause for a moment, <<$hookup[''reaction1'']>>, giving him a look. "Seriously?"'
  1076. '"Do I look like I''m kidding?" he grins back, clearly satisfied with himself.'
  1077. '<i>Wow... You can really pick em, huh <<$pcs_nickname>>...</i> you think to yourself as you <<$hookup[''reaction2'']>>. <i>Ugh. Whatever...</i>'
  1078. *nl
  1079. 'Once you''re done, you grab your things and leave. <<$npc_firstname>> doesn''t say a word as you close the door behind you.'
  1080. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  1081. else
  1082. '"You mean like a date?"'
  1083. '"Yeah... like a date..."'
  1084. 'For a moment you feel intensely awkward as you finish tugging on your clothes waiting for his response, but when you turn to look at him he''s smiling.'
  1085. '"A date... Yeah, I''d like to take you on a date sometime." Your expression bursts into a smile as well, unable to contain yourself.'
  1086. 'You tell him your number while you finished getting dressed and he taps it into his phone. A few moments later, a notification pings in your messages:'
  1087. *nl
  1088. hookup['text_message'] = rand(1,2)
  1089. if hookup['text_message'] = 1:
  1090. ' <b><font color="blue">hey cutie</font></b>'
  1091. '"Hey yourself," you say aloud, looking up at him. "Anyways, see you around."'
  1092. elseif hookup['text_message'] = 2:
  1093. ' <b><font color="blue">dont forget to call :)</font></b>'
  1094. *nl
  1095. '"I won''t," you promise.'
  1096. end
  1097. 'That little exchange done, you cheerfullly wave him goodbye and head out the door.'
  1098. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  1099. end
  1100. end
  1101. end
  1102. if $ARGS[0] = 'later_dressed':
  1103. act'We should hook up again later':
  1104. cla & *nl
  1105. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':gs'hookup_after','dress'
  1106. '"You know, I was thinking you say," stopping at the door. "We should hook up again some time."'
  1107. if rand(1,3) = 1:
  1108. '"Nah, this was a one time thing. I never fuck the same girl twice."'
  1109. 'You pause for a moment, giving him a look. "Seriously?"'
  1110. '"Do I look like I''m kidding?" he grins back, clearly satisfied with himself.'
  1111. '<i>Free access to pussy and you''re just gonna turn it down. Whatever...</i> you think to yourself, rolling your eyes and turning towards the door.'
  1112. *nl
  1113. 'You grab the handle and fling it open, leaving in exasperation.'
  1114. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  1115. else
  1116. '"What, like fuck buddies?"'
  1117. '"Why not?" you smirk.'
  1118. '"Sure, I''ll sleep with you again if you''re offering."'
  1119. 'You tell him your number while you finished getting dressed and he taps it into his phone. A few moments later, a notification pings in your messages:'
  1120. if hookup['text_message'] = 1:
  1121. ' <b><font color="blue">hey fuck buddy</font></b>'
  1122. '"Hey yourself," you say aloud, looking up at him. "Anyways, see you around."'
  1123. elseif hookup['text_message'] = 2:
  1124. ' <b><font color="blue">send nudes</font></b>'
  1125. *nl
  1126. '"We''ll see about that," you roll your eyes back. "Anyways, see you around."'
  1127. end
  1128. 'That little exchange done, you wink as you pass him and head out the door.'
  1129. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  1130. end
  1131. end
  1132. act'Maybe I could see you again sometime?':
  1133. cla & *nl
  1134. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':gs'hookup_after','dress'
  1135. '"I was thinking..." you say, stopping at the door. "Maybe I could see you again? Like a... date...?"'
  1136. if rand(1,3) = 1:
  1137. '"Nah, this was a one time thing. I never fuck the same girl twice."'
  1138. 'You pause for a moment, <<$hookup[''reaction1'']>>, giving him a look. "Seriously?"'
  1139. '"Do I look like I''m kidding?" he grins back, clearly satisfied with himself.'
  1140. '<i>Wow... You can really pick em, huh <<$pcs_nickname>>...</i> you think to yourself as you <<$hookup[''reaction2'']>>. <i>Ugh. Whatever...</i>'
  1141. *nl
  1142. 'Once you''re done, you grab your things and leave. <<$npc_firstname>> doesn''t say a word as you close the door behind you.'
  1143. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  1144. else
  1145. 'For a moment you feel intensely awkward as you wait for his response, but when you turn to look at him he''s smiling.'
  1146. '"A date... Yeah, I''d like to take you on a date sometime." Your expression bursts into a smile as well, unable to contain yourself.'
  1147. 'You tell him your number and he taps it into his phone. A few moments later, a notification pings in your messages:'
  1148. *nl
  1149. hookup['text_message'] = rand(1,2)
  1150. if hookup['text_message'] = 1:
  1151. ' <b><font color="blue">hey cutie</font></b>'
  1152. '"Hey yourself," you say aloud, looking up at him. "Anyways, see you around."'
  1153. elseif hookup['text_message'] = 2:
  1154. ' <b><font color="blue">dont forget to call :)</font></b>'
  1155. *nl
  1156. '"I won''t," you promise.'
  1157. end
  1158. 'That little exchange done, you cheerfullly wave him goodbye and head out the door.'
  1159. act'Leave':gt'hookup_after','exit'
  1160. end
  1161. end
  1162. end
  1163. !! ------------------------------------ Morning Sex Stuff -------------------------------------------------------
  1164. --- hookup_morning ---------------------------------