wardrobe.qsrc 24 KB

  1. # wardrobe
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. PShoQuality = ShoQuality
  4. PShoHeels = ShoHeels
  5. PShoCut = ShoCut
  6. PShoStyle = ShoStyle
  7. $wloc = 'wardrobe'
  8. menu_off = 1
  9. gs 'stat'
  10. if CloBra = 1: gs 'bras', 'remove'
  11. if CloPanties = 1: gs 'panties','remove'
  12. if $sports_clothing_name = '':$sports_clothing_name = 'default sports outfit'
  13. if $clothingworntype = 'misc_outfits' and clothingwornnumber = '1':
  14. gs 'clothing', 'swamp_clothes', 0
  15. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  16. end
  17. if ward_img_hgt = 0:ward_img_hgt = 150
  18. '<h3><center><b><font color="maroon">Wardrobe overview</b></h3>'
  19. if $pursepantytype ! '' or $pursebratype ! '':
  20. '<center>You put the '+iif($pursepantytype ! '','panties','')+iif($pursepantytype ! '' and $pursebratype ! '',' and ','')+iif($pursebratype ! '','bra','')+' from your purse back in the wardrobe.</center><br>'
  21. killvar '$pursepantytype' & killvar 'pursepantynumber'
  22. killvar '$pursebratype' & killvar 'pursebranumber'
  23. end
  24. '<center><font color="maroon">These are the clothes you are currently wearing - Click on an item to change it</font></center><center><table border=0 cellspacing=<<ward_img_hgt/25>> cellpadding=5>'
  25. *p '<TH>Bra worn</TH><TH>Outfit worn</TH><TH>Coat (only worn outside when cold)</TH>'
  26. *P '<TR><TD><center><a href="exec:gt ''bras'', ''view_bra_list'', ''wardrobe''"><img Height = <<ward_img_hgt>> src="<<FUNC(''$body_image'',''bra'')>>"></a></center></TD><TD><center><a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''list''"><img Height = <<ward_img_hgt * 2>> src="<<FUNC(''$body_image'',''clothes'')>>"></a></center></TD><TD><center>'
  27. if $coatworntype = 'none':
  28. '<a href="exec:gt ''coats'', ''view_coat_list''">Search the wardrobe</a>'
  29. else
  30. '<a href="exec:gt ''coats'', ''view_coat_list'', ''wardrobe''"><img Height = <<ward_img_hgt * 2>> src="<<FUNC(''$body_image'', ''coat'')>>"></a>'
  31. end
  32. '</center></TD><TR><TD><center>'
  33. if $braworntype ! 'none':
  34. '<a href="exec:gs ''bras'', ''remove'' & gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">Remove</a>'
  35. else
  36. 'Remove'
  37. end
  38. '</center></TD><TD><center>'
  39. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
  40. '<a href="exec:gs ''clothing'', ''strip'' & gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">Remove</a>'
  41. else
  42. 'Remove'
  43. end
  44. '</center></TD><TD><center>'
  45. if $coatworntype ! 'none':
  46. '<a href="exec:gs ''coats'', ''remove'' & gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">Remove</a>'
  47. else
  48. 'Remove'
  49. end
  50. '</center></TD>'
  51. *p '<TR><TH>Panties worn</TH><TH>Shoes (Only worn outside)</TH><TH>Purse worn</TH>'
  52. *P '<TR><TD><center><a href="exec:gt ''panties'', ''view_panty_list'', ''wardrobe''"><img Height = <<ward_img_hgt>> src="<<FUNC(''$body_image'',''panties'')>>"></a></center></TD><TD><center><a href="exec:gt ''shoes'', ''view_shoe_list'', ''wardrobe''"><img Height = <<ward_img_hgt>> src="<<FUNC(''$body_image'', ''shoes'')>>"></a></center></TD><TD><center>'
  53. if bag = 1:
  54. '<a href="exec:gt ''purses'', ''view_purse_list'',''wardrobe''"><img Height = <<ward_img_hgt>> src="<<FUNC(''$purse_image'', $currentpursetype, currentpursenumber)>>"></a>'
  55. else
  56. '<a href="exec:gt ''purses'', ''view_purse_list'',''wardrobe''">Search the wardrobe</a>'
  57. end
  58. '</center></TD><TR><TD><center>'
  59. if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
  60. '<a href="exec:gs ''panties'', ''remove'' & gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">Remove</a>'
  61. else
  62. 'Remove'
  63. end
  64. '</center></TD><TD><center>'
  65. if $shoeworntype ! 'none':
  66. '<a href="exec:gs ''shoes'', ''strip'' & gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">Remove</a>'
  67. else
  68. 'Remove'
  69. end
  70. '</center></TD><TD><center>'
  71. if bag = 1:
  72. '<a href="exec:gs ''purses'', ''remove'' & gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">Remove</a>'
  73. else
  74. 'Remove'
  75. end
  76. '</center></TD><TR><TD><TD><center>'
  77. if ($clothingworntype ! 'nude' and ($coatworntype ! 'none' or bag > 0)) or ($coatworntype ! 'none' and bag > 0):
  78. '<a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''removeall'' & gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">Remove all items</a>'
  79. else
  80. 'Remove all items'
  81. end
  82. *nl
  83. '<center><font color="grey">Save/load outfits with "Managed saved clothing sets".</font></center>'
  84. '<TD></center></TD></table></center>'
  85. act 'Close wardrobe': killvar '$wloc' & gt $loc, $loc_arg
  86. act 'Strip all clothing':
  87. gs 'bras', 'remove'
  88. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  89. gs 'panties', 'remove'
  90. gs 'shoes', 'strip'
  91. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  92. end
  93. act 'Organise your wardrobe': org_loc = 1 & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', 'wardrobe'
  94. act 'Manage saved clothing sets': gt 'wardrobe', 'default'
  95. act 'Set image size for this view':
  96. ward_img_hgt = input("Enter height in pixels you want for images on this page <br>(Default 150, min 50, max 500)")
  97. if ward_img_hgt < 50:
  98. ward_img_hgt = 50
  99. elseif ward_img_hgt > 500:
  100. ward_img_hgt = 500
  101. end
  102. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  103. end
  104. end
  105. if $ARGS[0] = 'removeall':
  106. gs 'bras', 'remove'
  107. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  108. gs 'panties', 'remove'
  109. gs 'shoes', 'strip'
  110. gs 'purses', 'remove'
  111. gs 'coats', 'remove'
  112. end
  113. !!---------------------------Oufit stuff----------------------------------
  114. if $ARGS[0] = 'default':
  115. gs 'stat'
  116. '<center><b>Default outfits</b></center>'
  117. '<center><font color="grey">You can overwrite and rename default outfits, but you cannot delete a default outfit.</font></center>'
  118. *nl
  119. '<center><table width="600">'
  120. '<tr><td>'
  121. '<b><<$sports_clothing_name>>:</b> <a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''sports_entry_wear''">Wear</a> | <a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''sports_entry_set''">Overwrite</a> | <a href="exec:$sports_clothing_name = ''default sports outfit'' & gt ''wardrobe'', ''default''">Reset name</a>'
  122. '</td></tr>'
  123. '</table></center>'
  124. '<center><b>Custom outfits</b></center>'
  125. '<center><font color="grey">Choose your clothing, then select "Add as a new custom set" to save your clothing choice</font></center>'
  126. *nl
  127. '<center><table width="600">'
  128. '<tr><td>'
  129. if ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber') > 0:
  130. i = 0
  131. :loopdefclothing
  132. '<b><<$def_clothing_name[i]>>:</b> <a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''default_entry_wear'', <<i>>">Wear</a> | <a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''default_entry_set'', <<i>>">Overwrite</a> | <a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''default_entry_rename'', <<i>>">Rename</a> | <a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''default_entry_delete'', <<i>>">Delete</a> | <a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''default_entry_up'', <<i>>">↑</a> | <a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''default_entry_down'', <<i>>">↓</a>'
  133. i += 1
  134. if i < ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber'):jump 'loopdefclothing'
  135. end
  136. '</td></tr>'
  137. '</table></center>'
  138. act 'Return':
  139. if quick_dress = 1:
  140. killvar '$wloc'
  141. killvar 'quick_dress'
  142. gt $loc, $loc_arg
  143. else
  144. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  145. end
  146. end
  147. act 'Add as a new custom set': gt 'wardrobe', 'default_entry_set', ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber')
  148. '<center>Note: Selecting an outfit will show the bonus for equipped shoes, this is only applied when outside.</center>'
  149. end
  150. if $ARGS[0] = 'default_entry_wear':
  151. gs 'stat'
  152. default_entry = ARGS[1]
  153. gs 'clothing_attributes', $defclothingtype[default_entry], defclothingnumber[default_entry]
  154. if ARRPOS('$CloLosTyp', $defclothingtype[default_entry]) ! -1 and ARRPOS('CloLosNum', defclothingnumber[default_entry]) ! -1:
  155. msg '<center>You''ve lost part of this set, and are unable to wear all items.<br>Maybe you can find the missing clothes somewhere?</center>'
  156. else
  157. gs 'clothing', 'wear', $defclothingtype[default_entry], defclothingnumber[default_entry]
  158. end
  159. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$defbratype[default_entry]>>_bras[<<defbranumber[default_entry]>>]') = 0:
  160. $defbratype[default_entry] = 'none' & defbranumber[default_entry] = 0
  161. end
  162. if $defbratype[default_entry] = 'none':
  163. if $braworntype ! 'none': gs 'bras', 'remove'
  164. else
  165. gs 'bras', 'wear', $defbratype[default_entry], defbranumber[default_entry]
  166. end
  167. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$defpantytype[default_entry]>>_panties[<<defpantynumber[default_entry]>>]') = 0:
  168. $defpantytype[default_entry] = 'none' & defpantynumber[default_entry] = 0
  169. end
  170. if $defpantytype[default_entry] = 'none':
  171. if $pantyworntype ! 'none': gs 'panties', 'remove'
  172. else
  173. gs 'panties', 'wear', $defpantytype[default_entry], defpantynumber[default_entry]
  174. end
  175. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$defshoetype[default_entry]>>_shoe[<<defshoenumber[default_entry]>>]') = 0:
  176. $defshoetype[default_entry] = 'none' & defshoenumber[default_entry] = 0
  177. else
  178. gs 'shoes', 'wear', $defshoetype[default_entry], defshoenumber[default_entry]
  179. end
  180. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$defpursetype[default_entry]>>_purses[<<defpursenumber[default_entry]>>]') = 0:
  181. $defpursetype[default_entry] = 'none' & defpursenumber[default_entry] = 0
  182. else
  183. $currentpursetype = $defpursetype[default_entry]
  184. currentpursenumber = defpursenumber[default_entry]
  185. end
  186. if $currentpursetype = 'none':
  187. bag = 0
  188. else
  189. bag = 1
  190. end
  191. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$defcoattype[default_entry]>>[<<defcoatnumber[default_entry]>>]') = 0:
  192. $defcoattype[default_entry] = 'none' & defcoatnumber[default_entry] = 0
  193. else
  194. gs 'coats', 'wear', $defcoattype[default_entry], defcoatnumber[default_entry]
  195. end
  196. !! default school girl uniform is always allowed to be worn if still in school
  197. if StoryLine = 1 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and SchoolBlock = 0 and $defclothingtype[default_entry] = 'gm_school' and defclothingnumber[default_entry] = 6:
  198. cls
  199. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  200. 'Your put on your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit without any problems.'
  201. act 'Return to wardrobe':
  202. killvar 'default_entry'
  203. gs 'stat'
  204. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  205. end
  206. !! do not own this clothing anymore
  207. elseif dyneval('RESULT = <<$defclothingtype[default_entry]>>[<<defclothingnumber[default_entry]>>]') = 0:
  208. cls
  209. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/strip/strip2.jpg"></center>'
  210. 'As you go to pull your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit out of your wardrobe you remember you don''t own that piece of clothing anymore. Maybe you should buy it again? Guess you will have to find something else to wear.'
  211. act 'Return to wardrobe':
  212. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  213. killvar 'default_entry'
  214. gs 'stat'
  215. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  216. end
  217. !! strength of clothing is less than or equal to 0
  218. elseif dyneval('RESULT = <<$defclothingtype[default_entry]>>_h[<<defclothingnumber[default_entry]>>]') <= 0:
  219. cls
  220. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/vika_game_strip16.mp4"></video></center>'
  221. 'Your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit has worn out and can''t be used anymore. Guess you will have to find something else to wear.'
  222. act 'Strip out of worn out clothing':
  223. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  224. killvar 'default_entry'
  225. gs 'stat'
  226. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  227. end
  228. !! clothing exhibition is greater than player exhibition
  229. elseif CloInhibit > pcs_inhib:
  230. cls
  231. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/bimbo.strip6.mp4"></video></center>'
  232. 'You don''t feel daring enough to wear your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit. Maybe you will be confident enough in the future? Guess you will have to find something else to wear.'
  233. act 'Strip out of revealing clothing':
  234. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  235. killvar 'default_entry'
  236. gs 'stat'
  237. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  238. end
  239. !! not exercise clothing, and not loose fitting
  240. elseif $defclothingtype[default_entry] ! 'danilovich' and CloStyle ! 5:
  241. !! check for if the hipsize is too far from your hipsize
  242. dynamic 'RESULT = <<$defclothingtype[default_entry]>>_b[<<defclothingnumber[default_entry]>>]'
  243. if RESULT < pcs_hips - 8 or RESULT > pcs_hips + 8:
  244. cls
  245. iif(RESULT < pcs_hips - 8,'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/therapist/dressup.mp4"></video></center>','<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/therapist/stripping1.mp4"></video></center>')
  246. 'As you put on your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit you notice it doesn''t fit correctly anymore. It''s ' + iif(RESULT < pcs_hips - 8,'unbearably tight and uncomfortable to wear.','extremely loose and won''t stay in place no matter how hard you try.') + ' You must have ' + iif(RESULT < pcs_hips - 8,'gained','lost') + ' some weight since this was purchased or last tailored. You will have to get this clothing resized before you can wear it again.'
  247. act 'Strip out of ill-fitting clothing':
  248. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  249. killvar 'default_entry'
  250. gs 'stat'
  251. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  252. end
  253. !! clothing ok to wear after passing hip check
  254. else
  255. cls
  256. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  257. 'Your put on your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit without any problems.'
  258. act 'Return to wardrobe':
  259. killvar 'default_entry'
  260. gs 'stat'
  261. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  262. end
  263. end
  264. !! clothing ok to wear without needing hip check and passing all other checks
  265. else
  266. cls
  267. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  268. 'Your put on your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit without any problems.'
  269. act 'Return to wardrobe':
  270. killvar 'default_entry'
  271. gs 'stat'
  272. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  273. end
  274. end
  275. end
  276. if $ARGS[0] = 'default_entry_set':
  277. gs 'stat'
  278. i = ARGS[1]
  279. $defclothingtype[i] = $clothingworntype
  280. defclothingnumber[i] = clothingwornnumber
  281. $defbratype[i] = $braworntype
  282. defbranumber[i] = brawornnumber
  283. $defpantytype[i] = $pantyworntype
  284. defpantynumber[i] = pantywornnumber
  285. $defshoetype[i] = $shoeworntype
  286. defshoenumber[i] = shoewornnumber
  287. if bag = 1:
  288. $defpursetype[i] = $currentpursetype
  289. defpursenumber[i] = currentpursenumber
  290. else
  291. $defpursetype[i] = 'none'
  292. end
  293. $defcoattype[i] = $coatworntype
  294. defcoatnumber[i] = coatwornnumber
  295. $def_clothing_temp = '<<$def_clothing_name[i]>>'
  296. $def_clothing_name[i] = input ('<center>Enter a name for this outfit set<br><font color="grey">Leaving blank will reuse current name.</font></center>')
  297. if $def_clothing_name[i] = '' and $def_clothing_temp = '':
  298. $def_clothing_name[i] = 'Custom <<i>>'
  299. elseif $def_clothing_name[i] = '':
  300. $def_clothing_name[i] = '<<$def_clothing_temp>>'
  301. end
  302. gt 'wardrobe', 'default'
  303. end
  304. if $ARGS[0] = 'default_entry_rename':
  305. gs 'stat'
  306. i = ARGS[1]
  307. $def_clothing_temp = '<<$def_clothing_name[i]>>'
  308. $def_clothing_name[i] = input ('<center>Enter a name for this outfit set<br><font color="grey">Leaving blank will reuse current name.</font></center>')
  309. if $def_clothing_name[i] = '' and $def_clothing_temp = '':
  310. $def_clothing_name[i] = 'Custom <<i>>'
  311. elseif $def_clothing_name[i] = '':
  312. $def_clothing_name[i] = '<<$def_clothing_temp>>'
  313. end
  314. gt 'wardrobe', 'default'
  315. end
  316. if $ARGS[0] = 'default_entry_up':
  317. gs 'stat'
  318. i = ARGS[1]
  319. if i = 0:
  320. j = ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber') - 1
  321. else
  322. j = i - 1
  323. end
  324. $tempclothingworntype = $defclothingtype[i]
  325. tempclothingwornnumber = defclothingnumber[i]
  326. $tempbraworntype = $defbratype[i]
  327. tempbrawornnumber = defbranumber[i]
  328. $temppantyworntype = $defpantytype[i]
  329. temppantywornnumber = defpantynumber[i]
  330. $tempshoeworntype = $defshoetype[i]
  331. tempshoewornnumber = defshoenumber[i]
  332. $tempcurrentpursetype = $defpursetype[i]
  333. tempcurrentpursenumber = defpursenumber[i]
  334. $tempcurrentcoattype = $defcoattype[i]
  335. tempcurrentcoatnumber = defcoatnumber[i]
  336. $def_clothing_temp = '<<$def_clothing_name[i]>>'
  337. $defclothingtype[i] = $defclothingtype[j]
  338. defclothingnumber[i] = defclothingnumber[j]
  339. $defbratype[i] = $defbratype[j]
  340. defbranumber[i] = defbranumber[j]
  341. $defpantytype[i] = $defpantytype[j]
  342. defpantynumber[i] = defpantynumber[j]
  343. $defshoetype[i] = $defshoetype[j]
  344. defshoenumber[i] = defshoenumber[j]
  345. $defpursetype[i] = $defpursetype[j]
  346. defpursenumber[i] = defpursenumber[j]
  347. $defcoattype[i] = $defcoattype[j]
  348. defcoatnumber[i] = defcoatnumber[j]
  349. $def_clothing_name[i] = '<<$def_clothing_name[j]>>'
  350. $defclothingtype[j] = $tempclothingworntype
  351. defclothingnumber[j] = tempclothingwornnumber
  352. $defbratype[j] = $tempbraworntype
  353. defbranumber[j] = tempbrawornnumber
  354. $defpantytype[j] = $temppantyworntype
  355. defpantynumber[j] = temppantywornnumber
  356. $defshoetype[j] = $tempshoeworntype
  357. defshoenumber[j] = tempshoewornnumber
  358. $defpursetype[j] = $tempcurrentpursetype
  359. defpursenumber[j] = tempcurrentpursenumber
  360. $defcoattype[j] = $tempcurrentcoattype
  361. defcoatnumber[j] = tempcurrentcoatnumber
  362. $def_clothing_name[j] = '<<$def_clothing_temp>>'
  363. gt 'wardrobe', 'default'
  364. end
  365. if $ARGS[0] = 'default_entry_down':
  366. gs 'stat'
  367. i = ARGS[1]
  368. if i = ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber') - 1:
  369. j = 0
  370. else
  371. j = i + 1
  372. end
  373. $tempclothingworntype = $defclothingtype[i]
  374. tempclothingwornnumber = defclothingnumber[i]
  375. $tempbraworntype = $defbratype[i]
  376. tempbrawornnumber = defbranumber[i]
  377. $temppantyworntype = $defpantytype[i]
  378. temppantywornnumber = defpantynumber[i]
  379. $tempshoeworntype = $defshoetype[i]
  380. tempshoewornnumber = defshoenumber[i]
  381. $tempcurrentpursetype = $defpursetype[i]
  382. tempcurrentpursenumber = defpursenumber[i]
  383. $tempcurrentcoattype = $defcoattype[i]
  384. tempcurrentcoatnumber = defcoatnumber[i]
  385. $def_clothing_temp = '<<$def_clothing_name[i]>>'
  386. $defclothingtype[i] = $defclothingtype[j]
  387. defclothingnumber[i] = defclothingnumber[j]
  388. $defbratype[i] = $defbratype[j]
  389. defbranumber[i] = defbranumber[j]
  390. $defpantytype[i] = $defpantytype[j]
  391. defpantynumber[i] = defpantynumber[j]
  392. $defshoetype[i] = $defshoetype[j]
  393. defshoenumber[i] = defshoenumber[j]
  394. $defpursetype[i] = $defpursetype[j]
  395. defpursenumber[i] = defpursenumber[j]
  396. $defcoattype[i] = $defcoattype[j]
  397. defcoatnumber[i] = defcoatnumber[j]
  398. $def_clothing_name[i] = '<<$def_clothing_name[j]>>'
  399. $defclothingtype[j] = $tempclothingworntype
  400. defclothingnumber[j] = tempclothingwornnumber
  401. $defbratype[j] = $tempbraworntype
  402. defbranumber[j] = tempbrawornnumber
  403. $defpantytype[j] = $temppantyworntype
  404. defpantynumber[j] = temppantywornnumber
  405. $defshoetype[j] = $tempshoeworntype
  406. defshoenumber[j] = tempshoewornnumber
  407. $defpursetype[j] = $tempcurrentpursetype
  408. defpursenumber[j] = tempcurrentpursenumber
  409. $defcoattype[j] = $tempcurrentcoattype
  410. defcoatnumber[j] = tempcurrentcoatnumber
  411. $def_clothing_name[j] = '<<$def_clothing_temp>>'
  412. gt 'wardrobe', 'default'
  413. end
  414. if $ARGS[0] = 'default_entry_delete':
  415. gs 'stat'
  416. i = ARGS[1]
  417. killvar 'defclothingtype', i
  418. killvar 'defclothingnumber', i
  419. killvar 'defbratype', i
  420. killvar 'defbranumber', i
  421. killvar 'defpantytype', i
  422. killvar 'defpantynumber', i
  423. killvar 'defshoetype', i
  424. killvar 'defshoenumber', i
  425. killvar 'defpursetype', i
  426. killvar 'defpursenumber', i
  427. killvar 'defcoattype', i
  428. killvar 'defcoatnumber', i
  429. killvar 'def_clothing_name', i
  430. gt 'wardrobe', 'default'
  431. end
  432. !!-- sports outfit stuff
  433. if $ARGS[0] = 'sports_entry_set':
  434. gs 'stat'
  435. if $clothingworntype ! 'danilovich' OR $shoeworntype ! 'danilovich':
  436. MSG 'The sports outfit needs to include exercise clothes and training shoes'
  437. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  438. else
  439. gs 'stat'
  440. $sportsclothingtype = $clothingworntype
  441. sportsclothingnumber = clothingwornnumber
  442. $sportsbratype = $braworntype
  443. sportsbranumber = brawornnumber
  444. $sportspantytype = $pantyworntype
  445. sportspantynumber = pantywornnumber
  446. $sportsshoetype = $shoeworntype
  447. sportsshoenumber = shoewornnumber
  448. $sportspursetype = $currentpursetype
  449. sportspursenumber = currentpursenumber
  450. $sportscoattype = $currentcoattype
  451. sportscoatnumber = currentcoatnumber
  452. $sports_clothing_temp = '<<$sports_clothing_name>>'
  453. $sports_clothing_name = input ('<center>Enter a name for this outfit set<br><font color="grey">Leaving blank will reuse current name.</font></center>')
  454. if $sports_clothing_name = '' and $sports_clothing_temp = '':
  455. $sports_clothing_name = 'default sports outfit'
  456. elseif $sports_clothing_name = '':
  457. $sports_clothing_name = '<<$sports_clothing_temp>>'
  458. end
  459. gt 'wardrobe', 'default'
  460. end
  461. end
  462. if $ARGS[0] = 'sports_entry_wear':
  463. gs 'stat'
  464. !gs 'wardrobe', 'prev_entry_set' this does not exist
  465. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'danilovich_outfits', sportsclothingnumber
  466. if ARRPOS('$CloLosTyp', 'danilovich') ! -1 and ARRPOS('CloLosNum', sportsclothingnumber) ! -1:
  467. msg '<center>You''ve lost part of this set, and are unable to wear all items.<br>Maybe you can find the missing clothes somewhere?</center>'
  468. else
  469. gs 'clothing', 'wear', 'danilovich', sportsclothingnumber
  470. end
  471. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$sportsbratype>>_bras[<<sportsbranumber>>]') = 0: $sportsbratype = 'none' & sportsbranumber = 0
  472. gs 'bras', 'wear', $sportsbratype, sportsbranumber
  473. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$sportspantytype>>_panties[<<sportspantynumber>>]') = 0: $sportspantytype = 'none' & sportspantynumber = 0
  474. gs 'panties', 'wear', $sportspantytype, sportspantynumber
  475. gs 'shoes', 'wear', 'danilovich', sportsshoenumber
  476. minut += 2
  477. gs 'stat'
  478. !! do not own this clothing anymore
  479. if dyneval('RESULT = danilovich[<<sportsclothingnumber>>]') = 0:
  480. cls
  481. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/strip/strip2.jpg"></center>'
  482. 'As you go to pull your sports outfit out of your wardrobe you remember you don''t own that piece of clothing anymore. Maybe you should buy it again? Guess you will have to find something else to wear.'
  483. !gs 'wardrobe', 'prev_entry_set' this does not exist
  484. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  485. gs 'stat'
  486. !! strength of clothing is less than or equal to 0
  487. elseif dyneval('RESULT = danilovich_h[<<sportsclothingnumber>>]') <= 0:
  488. cls
  489. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/vika_game_strip16.mp4"></video></center>'
  490. 'Your sports outfit has worn out and can''t be used anymore. Guess you will have to find something else to wear.'
  491. !gs 'wardrobe', 'prev_entry_set' this does not exist
  492. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  493. gs 'stat'
  494. !! clothing exhibition is greater than player exhibition
  495. elseif CloInhibit > pcs_inhib:
  496. cls
  497. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/bimbo.strip6.mp4"></video></center>'
  498. 'You don''t feel daring enough to wear your sports outfit. Maybe you will be confident enough in the future? Guess you will have to find something else to wear.'
  499. !gs 'wardrobe', 'prev_entry_set' this does not exist
  500. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  501. gs 'stat'
  502. !! clothing ok to wear without needing hip check and passing all other checks
  503. else
  504. cls
  505. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
  506. 'You put on your sports outfit without any problems.'
  507. end
  508. act 'Return':
  509. if $wloc = 'wardrobe':
  510. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  511. elseif $wloc = 'workout':
  512. gt 'exercise', 'workout'
  513. else
  514. gt $loc, $loc_arg
  515. end
  516. end
  517. end
  518. if $ARGS[0] = 'sports_outfit':
  519. gs 'stat'
  520. if $clothingworntype ! 'danilovich' or $shoeworntype ! 'danilovich':
  521. act 'Change into: <<$sports_clothing_name>>': gs 'wardrobe', 'sports_entry_wear'
  522. end
  523. end
  524. if $ARGS[0] = 'school_outfit':
  525. ! check to see if player has created a school uniform outfit
  526. if ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber') > 0:
  527. SchoolOutfitLoop = 0
  528. :FindSchoolOutfit
  529. gs 'clothing_attributes', $defclothingtype[SchoolOutfitLoop], defclothingnumber[SchoolOutfitLoop]
  530. ! found an outfit that includes a school uniform
  531. if CloStyle2 = 4:
  532. tempSchtype = 0
  533. ! if they have worn a uniform recently we will use that rather than the one in the outfit
  534. if schtype <> 0:
  535. tempSchtype = schtype
  536. $tempSchbrand = $schbrand
  537. end
  538. ! put the outfit on
  539. gs 'wardrobe', 'default_entry_wear', SchoolOutfitLoop
  540. !over ride the uniform with the most recent one used if there was one
  541. if tempSchtype <> 0:
  542. clothingwornnumber = tempSchtype
  543. $clothingworntype = $tempSchbrand
  544. schtype = clothingwornnumber
  545. $schbrand = $clothingworntype
  546. end
  547. jump 'FoundSchoolOutfit'
  548. end
  549. SchoolOutfitLoop += 1
  550. if SchoolOutfitLoop < ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber'):jump 'FindSchoolOutfit'
  551. :FoundSchoolOutfit
  552. killvar 'SchoolOutfitLoop'
  553. killvar 'tempSchtype'
  554. killvar '$tempSchbrand'
  555. end
  556. ! if no uniform found or the one selected is worn out, use the default one
  557. if schtype = 0 or dyneval('RESULT = <<$schbrand>>_h[<<schtype>>]') <= 0:
  558. schtype = 6
  559. $schbrand = 'gm_school'
  560. end
  561. gs 'clothing', 'wear', $schbrand, schtype
  562. end
  563. --- wardrobe ---------------------------------