143_WorkHosp 12 KB

  1. # WorkHosp
  2. <<<<<<< 143_WorkHosp
  3. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  4. $sexloc = $CURLOC
  5. gs 'stat'
  6. set jobhosprand = rand(0,9)
  7. '<center><B><font color = maroon>Clinic</font></B></center>'
  8. '<center><img src="images\img\spaln\hospital.jpg"></center>'
  9. 'The clinic are hard at work, patients sit in queues, doctors are receiving, nurses rush from office to office.'
  10. act 'Work in the procedural':
  11. set minut += 60
  12. if jobhosprand = 0: gt 'WorkHosp','2'
  13. 'You worked in the treatment room.'
  14. cla
  15. act 'Move away': gt 'WorkHosp','start'
  16. =======
  17. if $ARGS[0]='start':
  18. $sexloc = $CURLOC
  19. gs'stat'
  20. set jobhosprand=rand(0,9)
  21. '<center><B><font color=maroon>clinic</font></B></center>'
  22. '<center><img src="img/spaln/hospital.jpg" ></center>'
  23. 'In the clinic are hard at work, Patients sit in queues, doctors are receiving, nurses rush from office to office.'
  24. act'Work in the procedural':
  25. set minut+=60
  26. if jobhosprand=0:gt 'WorkHosp','2'
  27. 'You worked in the procedural.'
  28. cla
  29. act 'move_away':gt'WorkHosp','start'
  30. >>>>>>> 143_WorkHosp
  31. end
  32. <<<<<<< 143_WorkHosp
  33. act 'Help the doctor at the reception':
  34. set minut += 60
  35. if jobhosprand = 0: gt 'WorkHosp','3'
  36. =======
  37. act'Helps doctors at the reception':
  38. set minut+=60
  39. if jobhosprand=0:gt 'WorkHosp','3'
  40. >>>>>>> 143_WorkHosp
  41. 'You helped a doctor at the reception.'
  42. cla
  43. <<<<<<< 143_WorkHosp
  44. act 'Move away': gt 'WorkHosp','start'
  45. =======
  46. act 'move_away':gt'WorkHosp','start'
  47. >>>>>>> 143_WorkHosp
  48. end
  49. <<<<<<< 143_WorkHosp
  50. act 'Relax in nursing':
  51. set minut += 30
  52. 'You relax.'
  53. cla
  54. act 'Masturbate (0:15)':
  55. set minut += 15
  56. set mastrrand = rand(0,2)
  57. if mastrrand = 0:
  58. gt 'WorkHosp','1'
  59. else
  60. set picrand = 11
  61. cla
  62. *clr
  63. set mastr += 1
  64. '<center><img src="images\img\mastr\mastr<<picrand>>.jpg "></center>'
  65. 'You matrubiruete.'
  66. set horny = 0
  67. set orgasm += 1
  68. 'Pritnoe gradually grow warm and throbbing in the lower abdomen, then descend to the feeling you and your entire body covered hot waves of orgasm'
  69. end
  70. act 'Exit': gt 'WorkHosp','start'
  71. end
  72. act 'Move away': gt 'WorkHosp','start'
  73. =======
  74. act'Relax in nursing':
  75. set minut+=30
  76. 'you relax.'
  77. cla
  78. act 'masturbate 15 min':
  79. set minut+=15
  80. set mastrrand=rand(0,2)
  81. if mastrrand=0:
  82. gt 'WorkHosp','1'
  83. else:
  84. set picrand=11
  85. cla
  86. *clr
  87. set mastr += 1
  88. '<center><img src="img/mastr/mastr<<picrand>>.jpg" ></center>'
  89. 'you matrubiruete.'
  90. set horny = 0
  91. set orgasm+=1
  92. 'Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling descend on you and your entire body covered hot waves of orgasm'
  93. end
  94. act 'Go_Out':gt'WorkHosp','start'
  95. end
  96. act 'move_away':gt'WorkHosp','start'
  97. >>>>>>> 143_WorkHosp
  98. end
  99. <<<<<<< 143_WorkHosp
  100. act 'There in the cafeteria':
  101. set minut += 30
  102. set health += 10
  103. set manna += 5
  104. set willpower += 5
  105. if energy >= 30:
  106. set fat += 5
  107. 'You can no longer have.'
  108. end
  109. if energy >= 20 and energy < 30:
  110. set fat += 3
  111. set energy += 10
  112. 'You pushed through the power of a meal.'
  113. end
  114. if energy < 20:
  115. set energy += 20
  116. set fat += 1
  117. 'You gladly ate the food.'
  118. end
  119. if water >= 20:
  120. 'Tea in you no longer climbs.'
  121. end
  122. if water < 20:
  123. 'You gladly drank a mug of tea.'
  124. set water += 20
  125. end
  126. end
  127. act 'Chat with Kate':
  128. set minut += 30
  129. kat = kat + 1
  130. if kat > 60 and military = 0: gt 'WorkHosp','milit'
  131. =======
  132. act'There is a cafeteria':
  133. set minut = minut + 30
  134. set health = health + 10
  135. set manna = manna + 5
  136. set willpower = willpower + 5
  137. if energy >= 30:
  138. set fat = fat + 5
  139. 'You can no longer have.'
  140. end
  141. if energy >= 20 and energy < 30:
  142. set fat = fat + 3
  143. set energy = energy + 10
  144. 'You pushed through the power of a meal.'
  145. end
  146. if energy < 20:
  147. set energy = energy +20
  148. set fat = fat + 1
  149. 'You gladly ate food.'
  150. end
  151. if water >= 20:
  152. 'Tea in you no longer climbs.'
  153. end
  154. if water < 20:
  155. 'You gladly drank a cup of tea.'
  156. set water = water +20
  157. end
  158. end
  159. act'Chat with Kate':
  160. set minut+=30
  161. kat = kat + 1
  162. if kat > 60 and military = 0:gt 'WorkHosp','milit'
  163. >>>>>>> 143_WorkHosp
  164. 'You chatted with Kate.'
  165. cla
  166. <<<<<<< 143_WorkHosp
  167. if kat > 50:
  168. act 'Suggest uedinitsa': gt 'WorkHosp','0'
  169. end
  170. act 'Move away': gt 'WorkHosp','start'
  171. =======
  172. if kat>50:
  173. act 'suggest uedinitsa':gt 'WorkHosp','0'
  174. end
  175. act 'move_away':gt'WorkHosp','start'
  176. >>>>>>> 143_WorkHosp
  177. end
  178. if hour >= 16:
  179. cls
  180. <<<<<<< 143_WorkHosp
  181. '<center><B><font color = maroon>Clinic</font></B></center>'
  182. '<center><img src="images\img\spaln\hospital.jpg"></center>'
  183. 'Your shift ended.'
  184. act 'Go home': gt 'street'
  185. =======
  186. '<center><B><font color=maroon>clinic</font></B></center>'
  187. '<center><img src="img/spaln/hospital.jpg" ></center>'
  188. 'Your shift ended.'
  189. act 'go home':gt'street'
  190. >>>>>>> 143_WorkHosp
  191. end
  192. end
  193. if $ARGS[0] = 'milit':
  194. military = 1
  195. <<<<<<< 143_WorkHosp
  196. '"Listen, I immediately offered to earn the weekend, but I have plans. Overall the thing is close to the city are often held war games, well, according to the rules that need to be attended by doctors there. Do not be afraid you will be there with you doctor, so the maximum that you have to do is to stick patches. short if you decide on a Saturday bus at the clinic, he was waiting for from 6 to 9 hours. Yeah I almost forgot to pay for two days of 5000. "'
  197. cla
  198. act 'Move away': gt 'WorkHosp','start'
  199. =======
  200. '"Listen, I then offered to earn weekend, but I have plans. In the general case is close to the city often hold war games, Well. Do not be afraid you will be there with you doctor, so that the maximum that you have to do is stick plasters. In short if you decide on a Saturday bus at clinic, He waits with 6 prior_to 9 hours. Yes 5 thousand."'
  201. cla
  202. act 'move_away':gt'WorkHosp','start'
  203. >>>>>>> 143_WorkHosp
  204. end
  205. if $ARGS[0] = '0':
  206. cla
  207. *clr
  208. <<<<<<< 143_WorkHosp
  209. set katprorand = rand(0,2)
  210. if katprorand = 0:
  211. set girl += 1
  212. set lesbian += 1
  213. set picrand = 11
  214. xgt 'lezbsex','var'
  215. end
  216. if katprorand = 1:
  217. '<center><img src="images\img\spaln\hospsex7.jpg"></center>'
  218. 'Only you and Kat began to fondle each other as to the treatment the patient is entered. You backed away from her trying to pretend that nothing happened, on the contrary, Kate did not hesitate and was lying on the couch with her legs spread wide, proudly showing off her wet pussy on your tongue, and looked appealingly at the guy look inviting him prisoedinitsa.'
  219. act 'Exit': gt 'WorkHosp','start'
  220. act 'Amuse':
  221. set girl += 1
  222. set guy += 1
  223. set lesbian += 1
  224. set picrand = 12
  225. gt 'podrsex','var'
  226. end
  227. end
  228. if katprorand = 2:
  229. '<center><img src="images\img\spaln\hospsex8.jpg"></center>'
  230. 'When your games were in full swing in procedural included two doctors, but you were already so excited that not paying any attention to them continued, and when men began to caress you, you just degradability radvinuli legs wider, inviting them into your vagina.'
  231. act 'Entertain':
  232. set gang += 1
  233. set picrand = 11
  234. xgt 'sexdvanadva','var'
  235. end
  236. end
  237. =======
  238. set katprorand=rand(0,2)
  239. if katprorand=0:
  240. set girl+=1
  241. set lesbian+=1
  242. set picrand=11
  243. xgt'lezbsex','var'
  244. end
  245. if katprorand=1:
  246. '<center><img src="img/spaln/hospsex7.jpg" ></center>'
  247. 'Once you Kat began to fondle each other as to the treatment the patient is entered. You recoiled from it trying to pretend that nothing happened, Kate , proudly showing off her wet pussy on your language, and invitingly looked at the guy, look inviting him prisoedinitsa.'
  248. act 'Go_Out':gt'WorkHosp','start'
  249. act 'amuse':
  250. set girl+=1
  251. set guy+=1
  252. set lesbian+=1
  253. set picrand=12
  254. gt'podrsex','var'
  255. end
  256. end
  257. if katprorand=2:
  258. '<center><img src="img/spaln/hospsex8.jpg" ></center>'
  259. 'When your game has been in full swing in the procedural included two doctors, but you were already so excited that not paying any attention to them continued, and when men began to caress you, you only degradability wider radvinuli feet, inviting them into your vagina.'
  260. act 'have_a_good_time':
  261. set gang+=1
  262. set picrand=11
  263. xgt'sexdvanadva','var'
  264. end
  265. end
  266. >>>>>>> 143_WorkHosp
  267. end
  268. if $ARGS[0] = '1':
  269. cla
  270. *clr
  271. <<<<<<< 143_WorkHosp
  272. set mastrrand = rand(0,1)
  273. if mastrrand = 0:
  274. '<center><img src="images\img\spaln\hospsex9.jpg"></center>'
  275. 'While you samozabveno masturbate, trying to bring herself to orgasm, the doctor enters the room, you are so keen that only notice it when his hand starts to pull your head to a standing member.'
  276. if horny < 50: act 'Break and run': gt 'WorkHosp','start'
  277. act 'Amuse':
  278. set guy += 1
  279. set picrand = 12
  280. gt 'sex','minet'
  281. end
  282. end
  283. if mastrrand = 1:
  284. '<center><img src="images\img\spaln\hospsex10.jpg"></center>'
  285. 'While you samozabveno masturbate, trying to bring herself to orgasm in the room includes two doctors, you are so keen that only notice them when they stand in front of you with members shaved and masturbate.'
  286. if horny < 50: act 'Leave': gt 'WorkHosp','start'
  287. set picrand = rand(12,13)
  288. act 'Amuse': set guy += 2 & xgt 'sexdvoe','var'
  289. end
  290. =======
  291. set mastrrand=rand(0,1)
  292. if mastrrand=0:
  293. '<center><img src="img/spaln/hospsex9.jpg" ></center>'
  294. 'While you masturbate samozabveno, trying to bring herself to orgasm, enters the room doctor, you are so passionate about a notice that it is only when his hand starts to pull your head to the standing member.'
  295. if horny<50:act 'To escape and run away':gt'WorkHosp','start'
  296. act 'amuse':
  297. set guy+=1
  298. set picrand=12
  299. gt'sex','minet'
  300. end
  301. end
  302. if mastrrand=1:
  303. '<center><img src="img/spaln/hospsex10.jpg" ></center>'
  304. 'While you masturbate samozabveno, trying to bring herself to orgasm, the room included two doctors, you are so passionate that only notice them when they stand in front of you with the members and masturbate shaved.'
  305. if horny<50:act 'escape':gt'WorkHosp','start'
  306. set picrand=rand(12,13)
  307. act 'amuse':set guy+=2&xgt'sexdvoe','var'
  308. end
  309. >>>>>>> 143_WorkHosp
  310. end
  311. if $ARGS[0] = '2':
  312. cla
  313. *clr
  314. <<<<<<< 143_WorkHosp
  315. set picrand = rand(13,15)
  316. '<center><img src="images\img\spaln\hospsex11.jpg"></center>'
  317. 'To you and the patient comes from the doorway taking his pants demonstrates his flaccid penis and asks you to help him as you see it is not worth it. Mind you realize that it´s all just a silly gimmick that would fuck you, but you still feel sorry for him. And suddenly it does not worth it, and you will be able to pick it up, but what if he just no luck with girls and if today is not lucky, he will jump out of the window.'
  318. act 'Oust him': gt 'WorkHosp','start'
  319. act 'Pick up': set guy += 1 & gt 'sex','minet'
  320. =======
  321. set picrand=rand(13,15)
  322. '<center><img src="img/spaln/hospsex11.jpg" ></center>'
  323. 'To you and the patient comes to the threshold of taking his pants showing his flaccid penis and asks you to help him as you see him not worth it. Mind you understand, it`s all just a silly gimmick that would fuck you, but still you feel sorry for him. What if he really is not worth, and you will be able to pick it up, What if he just unlucky with girls and if not lucky today, He jumps out of the window.'
  324. act 'oust him':gt'WorkHosp','start'
  325. act 'pick_up':set guy+=1&gt'sex','minet'
  326. >>>>>>> 143_WorkHosp
  327. end
  328. if $ARGS[0] = '3':
  329. cla
  330. *clr
  331. <<<<<<< 143_WorkHosp
  332. '<center><img src="images\img\spaln\hospsex12.jpg"></center>'
  333. 'It comes to you pretty patient until the doctor tries to examine her, and then she touches his trousers near term, the doctor glances at you with a question in his eyes.'
  334. act 'Make her remark': gt 'WorkHosp','start'
  335. act 'Amuse':
  336. set guy += 1
  337. set girl += 1
  338. set lesbian += 1
  339. set picrand = 13
  340. gt 'podrsex','var'
  341. end
  342. =======
  343. '<center><img src="img/spaln/hospsex12.jpg" ></center>'
  344. 'It comes to you pretty patient, until the doctor is trying to explore it, she kept touching his pants member in the area, doctor glances at you with a question in his eyes.'
  345. act 'Make her a comment':gt'WorkHosp','start'
  346. act 'amuse':
  347. set guy+=1
  348. set girl+=1
  349. set lesbian+=1
  350. set picrand=13
  351. gt'podrsex','var'
  352. end
  353. >>>>>>> 143_WorkHosp
  354. end
  355. --- WorkHosp ---------------------------------