Guide to setting up local repo
Kevin_Smarts edited this page 2 years ago

Guide to setting up own repo access

Download sourceTree: (its free) Install it

Right here you need to have an account, your account name and email address might be seen so if you which to remain anonymous use a second email account. Clicking on the "fork" button will create a new repo here name it something like Girl Life.

In sourceTree you want to select new/clone (ctrl + N), for the first box add the web address of your fork and the second box is the location on your computer where your local repo will be placed, next box is name so agaain Girl Life or similar. OK that and it'll take a few minutes downloading your fork from here.

In soureTree open settings (should be on a big button) and it'll default to the remotes tab, click "add" then in the address add my fork and name it either Kevin Smarts or main or something that will remind you that its the main repo.

To keep your fork upto date you will need to pull from my repo every so often.

For me to be able to track your changes you will need to inform me of your fork here so I can add you as a remote on my soureTree.

Editing your files

Now if you go to the location on your computer where you told sourceTree to set up your local repo you'll have raw game files, the bulk of which are in "locations".

You can edit these directly and we recommend notepad++ but other text editors are equally as good so if oyu are use to say sublime use that. In your local repo you'll find a folder called syntax that contains setting for various text editors for notepad++ the second one is best.

When you have worked on the files and want to add them to the repo you need to goto sourceTree and click the file status tab (hidden a bit on the righthand side), select the file/s you want to add and "stage selected" or "stage all", then add a comment in the comment box.

All comments must start with one of these:

  • [fixed]
  • [added]
  • [removed]
  • [changed]
  • [text edit] This is for the purpose of tracking in case of hard to find bugs and for me to compile the changelog more easily

Now you can hit "commit" and the change is logged, you can now "push" that commit to your repo here.

I will now be able to see your change on your repo here and can merge it to my repo so that it'll be included in the game. Or if there are issues I can explain them to you and resolve them before adding it to the game.