Kevin_Smarts đã chỉnh sửa trang này 6 năm trước cách đây


The variables can be divided into several categories:

If you want to add row into table, use this pattern or last row as a template:


Note (2017 May 16): the table was created according the Excel file, which I found somewhere and now I cannot find the link. I have not checked all the variables mentioned there.

Category Sub-category Title Obsolete Variable Description
Appearance Base glacol pcs_eyecol Eye Color
Appearance Base glaraz pcs_eyesize Eye size
Appearance Base glass Weres glasses
Appearance Base lip pcs_lip lip size
Appearance Base Natural Hair Color nathcol pcs_nhcol Natural Hair color
Appearance Base Hair Length pcs_hairlng Should be self-explanatory
Appearance Base resnic pcs_lashes eyelash length
Appearance Base Skin Condition skinvan pcs_skin skin condition
Appearance Base supnatvnesh supernatural vnesh bonus; currently from Bimbo or Succubus
Appearance Base Apparent Age vidage apparent age, used to set appearance bonus
Appearance Base vidagebonus ratio used in the appearance calculation /100
Appearance Base vneshbase base appearance score
Appearance Base zub pcs_teeth Missing teeth or cosmetically improved teeth (-1)
Appearance Dynamic CloAdjustedBeauty clothing adjustment to appearance
Appearance Dynamic curly pcs_haircurl Measures remaining hair curliness
Appearance Dynamic dyevmod pcs_dye fading hair dye penalty to appearance
Appearance Dynamic fbreath pcs_breath Fresh breath flag, brushed teeth or used mouthwash
Appearance Dynamic glassvnesh glasses penalty to appearance
Appearance Dynamic hairkoef very short hair penalty
Appearance Dynamic hapri pcs_hairbsh hair brushed/styled status
Appearance Dynamic Hotness Category hotcat used in some checks as an abstaction of "hotness"
Appearance Dynamic leghair pcs_leghair Legs shaved status
Appearance Dynamic legkoef legs unshaved penalty to appearance
Appearance Dynamic lipbalmKoef appearance bonus due to wearing lip balm
Appearance Dynamic lipbalmstat pcs_lipbalm lip balm application remaining
Appearance Dynamic lobok pcs_pubes Pubic hair status
Appearance Dynamic mop pcs_makeup Current Makeup Status
Appearance Dynamic mopkoef makeup bonus to appearance
Appearance Dynamic Hair Color pcs_haircol Current hair color
Appearance Dynamic Sun Tan pcs_tan PC Sun Tan Status
Appearance Dynamic sweat pcs_sweat sweat status
Appearance Dynamic sweatKoef appearance penalty due to sweat
Appearance Dynamic vnesh pcs_apprnc Final appearance score
Attribute 0 Strength pcs_stren Abstracts physical power, how much oomph the PC can put behind what shes doing physically
Attribute 1 Agility pcs_agil Abstract muscle response speed, accuracy, and kinaesthetic sense; basically covering anything where physical finesse was needed instead of raw power
Attribute 2 Endurance pcs_vital Abstract base physical stamina, staying power and also cover overall health
Attribute 3 Intelligence pcs_intel Abstracts raw processing power and memory retention
Attribute 4 Mental Agility pcs_react Abstracts how quickly the PC can respond to input
Attribute 5 Sprit pcs_sprt Abstracts mental stamina and overall mental health; the "sprt" variable replaces the "will" variable to limit confusion with "willpower"
Attribute 6 Charisma pcs_chrsm Abstracts force of personality, sort of the mental equivalent of "stren" as it relates to dealing with others; replaces dom/sub checks in some places (willpower is used in others)
Attribute 7 Perception pcs_prcptn abstracts all aspects of the natural ability at personal, interpersonal, and situational awareness
Attribute 8 Magic pcs_magik Measures how much power the PC can handle, which effects which spells the PC can cast (but not learn), the power behind those spells, and their duration; magik_exp = orgasm
Body Shape Base Hips bedra pcs_hips hips
Body Shape Base Bust grudi pcs_bust Bust
Body Shape Base Band grutal pcs_band Band
Body Shape Base Height rost pcs_hgt height
Body Shape Base Waist talia pcs_waist waist
Body Shape Base Cup Size titK pcs_cup breast cup size
Body Shape Base Weight ves pcs_weight weight
Body Shape bratio band to waist ratio set in body_shape
Body Shape btwarn used to flag if to display the gaining/losing weight message when bathing
Body Shape fat measures fat that has not made it to being carried
Body Shape genbsize the set genetic bust size
Body Shape hratio hip to height ratio set in body_shape
Body Shape magf2bdo flag for magic bust increase; 0, ready; 1, do it; 2, ask; 3, no
Body Shape magicf2b set in body_shape for the fat moved to bust
Body Shape magtarcup set in the dream code as the target cup size
Body Shape mgf2bnocnt used to count the number of times a bust increase was turned down and stop asking after 3
Body Shape nbsize starts at a set genetic bust size, but can be adjusted down if salo drops too low
Body Shape nipple_size pcs_nips Nipple Size
Body Shape salo measures carried body fat
Body Shape salocatlast the previous category of salo
Body Shape salocatnow the current category of salo
Body Shape salolast used when doing a soft rest to control the cycling of the main code
Body Shape sftrstflag used to prevent a code chunk from firing on a soft reset
Body Shape vhips derived from salo in body_shape
Body Shape vhtmp slows the change to vhips in body_shape
Body Shape vofat used as a place to put extra salo at extreme high values (i.e. really, really fat) set in body_shape
Body Shape wratio waist to hips ratio set in body_shape
Image Set $bodimgsets[x] body shape descriptors, tens place is the set (using bodset), 0 - 7 the descriptors (using salocatnow), 8 filler, 9 is the folder name
Image Set bdsetlock flag to indicate set control override, 0 is use the formula to pick a set, 1 is use a fixed set
Image Set bodset body image and descriptor control variable, used to indicate which image and descriptor set is in use
Image Set bodsetcnt the number of sets present
Image Set fixbodset the identification number of the fixed image set
Image Set imgset6ovr[x] a flag to indicate that an image set (x) has its own image 6
Image Set imgset7ovr[x] a flag to indicate that an image set (x) has its own image 7
Pool Health health pcs_health Health state in terms of both HP and illness
Pool Health Max healthmax Max health state value
Pool Manna manna pcs_manna magic power available for spell casting
Pool Manna Max mannamax Max magic power
Pool Mood Max maxmood Should be self-explanatory
Pool Mood mood pcs_mood Should be self-explanatory
Pool Willpower willpower pcs_willpwr this will be expended for mental activities, also as a replacement for dom/sub checks some in places
Pool Willpower Max willpowermax Should be self-explanatory
Pool Staminia pcs_stam physical activities pool
Pool Staminia Max stammax physical activities pool max
Pregnancy $wombthfath Father of current pregnancy
Skill combat Defence pcs_def Covers both blocking and dodging
Skill combat Jabs pcs_jab Quick strikes that do not have much power
Skill combat Kicks pcs_kick Kicking, enough said
Skill combat Power Strikes pcs_punch Hard strikes that are harder to land
Skill combat Marksmanship pcs_shoot Could be guns, bows, or spells
Skill craft Artistic Skills pcs_artskls painting, drawing etc.
Skill craft Instrumental Music pcs_instrmusic Skill at playing an instrument(s)
Skill craft Photography pcs_photoskl Should be self-explanatory
Skill craft Tailoring pcs_sewng Should be self-explanatory
Skill craft Singing pcs_vokal Should be self-explanatory
Skill dance Modern Dancing pcs_danc This is the basic dance skill and replaces 'dance'
Skill dance Erotic Dancing pcs_dancero This is used when individual eroticism is being displayed, also covers & replaces strip tease
Skill dance Pole Dancing pcs_dancpol Should be self-explanatory
Skill game Chess pcs_chess Should be self-explanatory
Skill game Gaming pcs_ttgmng Abstracts skills at all types of Table Top games
Skill Social People skills pcs_humint basic human interaction skill set
Skill Social Persuasion pcs_persuas Trained skill at getting people to agree with you or like you
Skill sport Football pcs_ftbll Should be self-explanatory
Skill sport Ice Skating pcs_icesktng Should be self-explanatory
Skill sport Running pcs_run Should be self-explanatory
Skill sport Volleyball pcs_vball Should be self-explanatory
Skill sport Wrestling pcs_wrstlng Should be self-explanatory
Skill util Hacking pcs_comphckng Skill at hacking computer systems
Skill util Computer Skill pcs_compskl Skill at using and repairing computers
Skill util Handy-work pcs_hndiwrk Used for non-mechanic work, i.e. plumbing
Skill util Makeup Skill pcs_makupskl Skill at applying makeup, goes into the vnesh calc as makupapp/5
Skill util Observation pcs_observ trained skill in noticing one''s surroundings and events (nothing but surface detail)
Skill util Spell Casting pcs_splcstng The ability to Successfully cast spells
Skill work Modeling pcs_mdlng Knowing how to pose and hold poses for long periods of time
Skill work Medicine pcs_medcn Basic medical knowledge up to the level of Nursing
Skill work Serving pcs_servng Covers all aspects of waitressing and bartending
Stat Base PC First Name $pcs_firstname PC First Name
Stat Base PC Last Name $pcs_lastname PC Last Name
Stat Base PC Nickname $pcs_nickname PC Nickname
Stat Dynamic Drunk Level alko
Stat Dynamic Hunger energy pcs_energy Should be self-explanatory
Stat Dynamic Nerd Status nerdism pcs_nerd Should be self-explanatory
Stat Dynamic Pain pain ['total'] Current totoal of all pain types
Stat Dynamic pcs_grades SG School grades
Stat Dynamic Sleep son pcs_sleep Tiredness measurement
Stat Dynamic tanga pcs_undies Panty status
Stat General Speed speed Can be used as a generalization overall movement speed (maybe walking times or escape checks) and also for backward compatibility.
Stat General Creativity pcs_creatvty Should be self-explanatory
Stat General Empathy pcs_empath used to reflect PC actions
Stat Magic Natural Power rikudo A measure of how much of the amulets magic the PC has access to
Stat NPC Astat_rel[28] npc_rel[28] SG PC Relationship to Step-Father
Stat NPC Astat_rel[29] npc_rel[29] SG PC relationship to Mother
Stat NPC Astat_rel[33] npc_rel[33] SG PC relationship to Sister
Stat NPC Astat_rel[34] npc_rel[34] SG PC Relationship to Brother
Stat NPC NPC Relationship Astat_rel[x] npc_rel[x] Relationship with NPC x, where x is the index number of an NPC
Stat Other GorSlut Pavlosk reputation
Stat Sex anus pcs_ass Anus capasity
Stat Sex Arousal pcs_horny Current arousal level
Stat Sex throat pcs_throat Throat Capasity
Stat Sex vagina pcs_vag Vaginal capasity
Stat STD Gerpes Herpes Status
Stat Candidiasis (yeast infection) Kandidoz Candida albicans
Stat STD Sifilis Syphlis Status
Stat STD Triper Gonorea Status
Succubus TF $scargrt a string to set by the $ARGS from the calling location if $metca may not have been set, set at the calling location when needed
Succubus TF $sclocrt a string to indicate where a call came from if $loc may not have been set, set at the calling location when needed
Succubus TF $scsubloc a string to allow a sub-routine in this location to call another and still get back to the first
Succubus TF $sucabs1 strings used in displaying energy absorption
Succubus TF $sucabs2 strings used in displaying energy absorption
Succubus TF $sucabs3 strings used in displaying energy absorption
Succubus TF $sucgoloc used for the location name of where one ends up after a "suc-walking" event
Succubus TF $sucgometka used for the location $args of where one ends up after a "suc-walking" event
Succubus TF $sucself1 a string used to show how you view the succubus side of yourself
Succubus TF karinsucsex counts the number of times the PC has had sex with Karin as a succubus.
Succubus TF karinsucsexask used to make it that you only ask Karin about sex once a day
Succubus TF karinsucsexday use to indicate when the PC can next have sex with Karin
Succubus TF scfwon a flag to indicate that a call is from a fight that was won or you were hunting, set at the calling location
Succubus TF scpopt a flag to indicate that a call is optional for some reason, set at the calling location: 0: No, 1: Yes, 2: option taken
Succubus TF sctrainprep used to flag that preparation for a Succubus train session are or need to be done
Succubus TF sexnutrition used as an intermediate step variable from the point of absorption to the point of conversion
Succubus TF sucabscum a flag used in displaying energy absorbed from semen
Succubus TF sucabslez a flag used in displaying energy absorbed from lesbian sex
Succubus TF "Food" Energy Reserve succhungry an indicator of your succubus energy debt (lower is better)
Succubus TF succonfail a flag used to indicate that you tried to hold back and failed
Succubus TF Succubus Level succublvl an indicator of how strong a succubus you are
Succubus TF succubusflag a flag that indicates you are a succubus
Succubus TF succubusQW used to show succubus states: 1: Seed planted, 2: Had 1st dream, 3: Rejected, 4: Scavenger, 5: Predator
Succubus TF Succubus XP succubxp succubus xp, added to by lesbian sex and absorbing semen
Succubus TF suceatinit a flag to indicate that the initiation sub-routine was done
Succubus TF Stored Sexual Energy sucexcess an indicator of absorbed sex energy in excess of what was needed for survival (energy & water), also used for suc energy debt
Succubus TF suchuntday use to indicate a successful hunt to limit the number of hunts in a day.
Succubus TF sucinfoday used to control the timing on the next succubus info release
Succubus TF suclezsex used to show if a lesbian sex act has occurred
Succubus TF sucpcinfo used to indicate what the PC knowledge level about succubae is
Succubus TF sucpowzeroed a counter that indicates a succubus either had willpower had hit 0 or was in energy debt for a number of days
Succubus TF sucskill used a single point to track how high up the succubus skill ladder you are
Succubus TF Sexual Energy Storage Capacity sucstorecap used to indicate your excess energy storage capacity
Succubus TF sucwalkday used to limit how often one goes "suc-walking"
Succubus TF sucxpsnapshot yesterday's succubxp, used to determine if you fed today
birthday pcs_dob
birthmonth pcs_dob
birthyear pcs_dob
dom pcs_dom
tan pcs_tan
cumspclnt used to determine cum cleanup
stim array of stimulation - used in arousal procedure
counter array of events - be aware of $counter
JulMilBestFrend trigger level 50
smoker This variable increases with each cigarette and express PC's addiction. If bigger then 19, PC is addicted
smokeDay Together with smokeHour and smokeMinut gives the time when PC smoked her last cigarette
smokeminut n
smokerNeed if PC is addicted, this expresses the need of smoking. Trigger 10 and 300
Contraception pilldays
Contraception tabletki Number of packages of hormonal anticonception
Contraception tabletkicheck 2 .. birth control shot, 1 .. PC takes pills automaticaly
Contraception tabletkishot represents how many days lasts birth control shot
Contraception prezik total number of condoms in the purse
Contraception sexcontra Type of contraception
Contraception prezikcount total number of condoms stored at home
Contraception preziksabo total number of sabotaged condoms
Contraception badprezik total number of defected condoms
Contraception preziktype preferred type of condom for use 0 .. common, 1.. none, 2 .. sabotaged
Contraception protect 1 = a condom on (STD protection) 0 = no condom
Contraception noprotect 1 = a bad condom on (sabotaged or defected - no contraception)
knowpreg Pc knows, that she is pregnant
thinkpreg Pc thinks that she is pregnant
lubri Amount of lubrication gel, which Pc has got in her purse
BoyStat $boy index of a person with which PC deals (there are also variants $boy1-$boy4 and $boy[i] for group actions)
BoyStat $boydesc $npc_usedname of a person with which PC deals ($boydesc1-$boydesc4 and $boydesc[i] for group actions)
BoyStat dick npc_dick of a person with which PC deals ($dick1-$dick4 and $dick[i] for group actions)
BoyStat $dick_girth $npc_thdick of a person with which PC deals ($dick_girth1-$dick_girth4 and $dick_girth[i] for group actions)
BoyStat silavag npc_sexskill of a person with which PC deals (silavag1-silavag4 and silavag[i] for group actions)
BoyStat $xe 'he', 'she' or 'xe' personal pronoun - object ($xe1-$xe4 and $xe[i] for group actions)
BoyStat $xec 'He', 'She' or 'Xe' personal pronoun - object ($xec1-$xec4 and $xec[i] for group actions)
BoyStat $xem 'his', 'her' or 'xem' personal pronoun - dependent possessive ($xem1-$xem4 and $xem[i] for group actions)
BoyStat $xemc 'His', 'Her' or 'Xem' personal pronoun - dependent possessive ($xemc1-$xemc4 and $xemc[i] for group actions)
BoyStat $xyr 'him', 'her' or 'xyr' personal pronoun - subject ($xyr1-$xyr4 and $xyr[i] for group actions)
BoyStat $xyrc 'Him', 'Her' or 'Xyr' personal pronoun - subject ($xyrc1-$xyrc4 and $xyrc[i] for group actions)
BoyStat $xyrs 'his', 'hers' or 'xyrs' personal pronoun - independent possessive ($xyrs1-$xyrs4 and $xyrs[i] for group actions)
BoyStat $xyrsc 'His', 'Hers' or 'Xyrs' personal pronoun - independent possessive ($xyrsc1-$xyrsc4 and $xyrsc[i] for group actions)
BoyStat $xemself 'himself', 'herself' or 'xerself' personal pronoun - reflexive ($xemself1-$xemself4 and $xemself[i] for group actions)
BoyStat $xemselfc 'Himself', 'Herself' or 'Xerself' personal pronoun - reflexive ($xemselfc1-$xemselfc4 and $xemselfc[i] for group actions)
Category Sub-category Title Obsolete Variable Description