123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185 |
- import json
- import sys
- import logging
- import discord
- from datetime import datetime
- from config import Config
- from logger import logger
- from tinydb import Query
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import pandas as pd
- from db import MarketDB, PlayerDB, _hist, getDF
- TOKEN = Config["Tokens"]["BoobyLegendsEcon"]["Token"]
- def getPlayerCard(name):
- today=datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
- thisCard=PlayerDB.search(Query().fragment({'date':today,'name':name}))[0]
- return thisCard
- def histGrid(name,columns=None):
- logger.debug(f"histGrid(name={name},columns={columns})")
- df = getDF(name)
- footer=""
- dfSize=len(df)
- if dfSize > MAX_RECORD_COUNT:
- df.drop(df.head(dfSize-MAX_RECORD_COUNT).index,inplace=True)
- footer=f"\n{dfSize-MAX_RECORD_COUNT} more..."
- if columns is None:
- cols = ['date','cost','cost-min','cost-max']
- else:
- cols = columns
- return "```"+df[cols].to_string(index=False,col_space=6,na_rep="-")+footer+"```"
- def todayGrid(level=None,tier=None,columns=None):
- logger.debug(f"todayGrid(level={level},tier={tier},columns={columns})")
- df = getDF(aDate=datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
- if level is not None:
- df=df[df['level']==level.lower()]
- if tier is not None:
- df=df[df['tier']==tier.upper()]
- footer=""
- dfSize=len(df)
- if dfSize > MAX_RECORD_COUNT:
- df.drop(df.tail(dfSize-MAX_RECORD_COUNT).index,inplace=True)
- footer=f"\n{dfSize-MAX_RECORD_COUNT} more..."
- if columns is None:
- cols = ['name','cost','cost-min','cost-max']
- else:
- cols = columns
- return "```"+df[cols].to_string(index=False,col_space=6,na_rep="-")+footer+"```"
- def postPlot(card=None,columns=['cost','cost-min','cost-max']):
- df=getDF(card).plot(x='date',y=columns)
- plt.title(str(card))
- plt.xlabel("Date")
- plt.ylabel("Cost")
- plt.savefig(f"plots/{card}.png")
- with open(f"plots/{card}.png", 'rb') as f:
- picture = discord.File(f)
- return picture
- def getData():
- d=MarketDB.all()
- df=pd.DataFrame(d)
- df.sort_values(by=['card-num','date'], ascending=[True,True], inplace=True)
- df.to_csv('plots/BoobyLegendsMarket.csv',index=False)
- with open(f"plots/BoobyLegendsMarket.csv", 'rb') as f:
- data = discord.File(f)
- return data
- def parse(input,author):
- # parse the input string from the message so that we can see what we need to do
- parts = input.strip().split()
- logger.debug(input)
- logger.debug(parts)
- #global decoder
- AuthorName = author
- #drop out if this is not a Roll command
- if len(parts) == 0:
- return None
- if parts[0].upper() not in ['!','/','\\']:
- #Try to make a command if first character is !
- if parts[0][0]=="!":
- pt=["!",parts[0][1:]]
- pt.extend(parts[1:])
- parts=pt
- logger.debug(parts)
- else:
- logger.debug("Not a command")
- return None
- try:
- logger.debug("Command: "+parts[1].upper())
- if parts[1].upper() == "HISTORY":
- name = ' '.join(parts[2:])
- logger.info("History for: "+name)
- history=histGrid(name.strip())
- #give user message so he knows it's saved
- retstr = "{Author} requested history for **{name}**:\n{history}".format(
- Author=author,
- name=name,
- history=history
- )
- logger.debug(retstr)
- elif parts[1].upper() == "TODAY":
- level=None
- tier=None
- if len(parts) > 2: level=parts[2]
- if len(parts) > 3: tier=parts[3]
- logger.info(f"Today {level} {tier}")
- history=todayGrid(level,tier)
- retstr = "{Author} requested today's Costs for Today:\n{history}".format(
- Author=author,
- history=history
- )
- logger.debug(retstr)
- elif parts[1].upper() == "PLOT":
- name = ' '.join(parts[2:])
- logger.info("Plot for: "+name)
- retstr = postPlot(card=name.strip())
- elif parts[1].upper() == "GETDATA":
- logger.info("Getting Data Dump")
- retstr = getData()
- elif parts[1].upper() in ["LOGLEVEL"]:
- if parts[2].upper() == "DEBUG":
- logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- elif parts[2].upper() == "INFO":
- logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- retstr= "LogLevel set to "+parts[2].upper()
- elif parts[1].upper() in ["HELP"]:
- retstr = '''
- My Key words are "!", "/", or "\\"
- Show a Card's Historical cost with:```!History Eva Elfie```
- Show the current day's average prices with:```!Today```
- You can also filter this by Level or Level and tier:```!Today rare```or```!Today common S```
- You can get a graph plotted with the historical values for a star by:```!Plot Natasha Nice```
- Get a Data Dump of the current data set with```!GetData```
- '''
- else:
- retstr = '{Author}, your command was not understood.'.format(Author=author)
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- retstr = None
- return retstr
- #########################################################################
- # Main Program
- #########################################################################
- intents = discord.Intents.default()
- intents.message_content = True
- client = discord.Client(intents=intents)
- # This block is the work horse part
- @client.event
- async def on_message(message):
- # we do not want the bot to reply to itself
- if message.author == client.user:
- return
- # get the output for the given message
- output = parse(message.content,message.author.display_name)
- if output is not None:
- if isinstance(output,str):
- if len(output) > 2000:
- output=output[:1997]+"..."
- await message.channel.send(output)
- else:
- await message.channel.send(file=output)
- @client.event
- async def on_ready():
- print('Logged in as')
- print(client.user.name)
- print(client.user.id)
- print('------')
- client.run(TOKEN)