DiscordBot.md 1.1 KB

Booby Legends Economy Discord Bot

I wanted to track the economy in the game Booby Legends so that I could decide how to best sell and purchase cards. It works great for me, but I wanted to share it with my friends. They can't neccessarily easily use a python session, so it was essesntially only usable by me. Since we already use a Discord server, I decided to implement a quick interface for the historical card database from within Discord. I think it works ok.

The discord bot requires a file "discord.json" in the folder of the script. it must look like:


I found this tutorial helpful in creating an app and getting it logged into our Discord Server. (https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/discord.html)

I jsut run the python with:

python3 discord-bot.py

The new discord.py stuff requires python 3.8 or better.