Magic Lore
KeyMasterOfGozer edited this page 5 years ago

There are four groups covered by the magical umbrella: -Mages are humans with enough Fae blood in them to access significant magic (a ‘magik’ score greater than 3), the percentage of Fae blood is a limiting factor on how powerful they can become.

-Real Psychics (as opposed to charlatans) are humans who have enough Fae blood to tap magic, but not enough for real spellcasting (a ‘magik’ score less than or equal to 3) and they usually can only do one or two things that are all mental.

-Mutants are normal humans that have been altered in a significant way by magic, to meet this classification the change has to be more than just cosmetic (i.e. a woman with a magical boob job wouldn’t count), they have to be in some way physiologically different from normal humans and it has to be permanent. Theoretically, the PC would fit in this category.

-The Fae, which is itself an umbrella term for any of a host of near-human races that have access to magic in some form or another. Most Fae reproduce conventionally (if slower than humans), while others can or must covert normal humans to reproduce. Most Fae are very long lived if not functionally immortal via magic.

Magic tends to cover up itself, an effect that Mages and Fae call “The Veil”. 98% of the human population cannot see magic and anything physical caused by magic “the veil” forces their minds explain away. 2% of the human population has enough Fae blood to see magic, but not enough to even make the cut as a “Real Psychic”, no magic ability at all, but they can see it; most of those also just explain away any magic they see. However, of that 98% all but a very small fraction have a Fae somewhere in their family tree, which means a big enough magic expenditure will overcome magic’s innate self-concealment, but no living mage and only a very few of the Fae can cast a spell big enough to do so.

Magic use causes ripples that interact with anyone that can see/sense the magic and the Peacekeepers (and others) watch for those interactions. For a magical effect that overcomes the innate self-concealment, like say the amulet’s spell going off, the number of interactions would be immense, hence a High ranking Peacekeeper checking it out along with the local practitioner. Alexandria ignored it because she’s still pouting about Rikudo dying before she got over herself enough to ask for the spell to be reversed and no one else is willing to mess with it.

Hierarchy of Power (not yet quantified): -Sidhe Royals; stupid powerful and most of them remember when Rome was a wide spot in the road -Sidhe; not quite as stupid powerful -The Lilith (a title, no name yet); head of all Succubae, holder of the Succubus seat on the Council, and the direct leader of the Eastern European Succubae (the title is only a couple hundred years old and was given because the other High Succubae thought it was funny), also stupid powerful, but only on par with the Sidhe -The High Succubae; a little less powerful than the Sidhe, but nowhere near as stuffy, usually several hundred years old and are usually (but not always) in charge of the Succubae of a given region. It is not uncommon for them to have relationships with the Sidhe and they are often involved in Sidhe breeding as the Sidhe rarely breed of their own volition. This connection helps them maintain a position above other old and powerful magical beings -Old magical beings, stuff like vampyr and demons who have lived a very long time. Nothing in game about them at the moment, but this is where they'd fit -The old ones; Rikudo and his peers (includes Alexandria) ancient and powerful mages, sit on a council that oversees mages and protect other humans from knowledge of magic -Rank & File Succubae; very powerful magic but not very versatile (mostly combat and Evocation spells, not so much Rituals) -Fairies; land somewhere between Succubae and Upper tier Mages -Powerful magical beings, Satyr and vampyr and the like. Late game hunting should have this level of opponents showing up -Upper Tier Mages; Reinhold and his peers (and maybe Tatiana in a few decades) Some powerful magic, but mostly focused in one school of magic which they seen as close to, or having, mastered -Nymphs; natural magic on par with the upper tier Mages, for the most part they’re more interested in getting laid than studying magic -Elementally aligned magical creatures, such as Nix; a type of water Fae with power in excess of normal Mages, but not as gifted as pure Nymphs -Regular demons and the like, mostly on a par with the mages, but some exceeding them and requiring rituals to stop -Normal Mages; Mages with residual Fae blood able to wield magic and usually focused on a single school in the hope of one day reaching the upper tier -Physical Fae types; just enough magic for low level spells and some Evocations as Rituals, have more natural magic than Lower Tier Mages but lack the knowledge of Normal Mages -Weak demons, etc. stuff that Reinhold sends you after nothing too taxing but good for early missions -Lower Tier Mages; weak mages with only low level spells and tricks, rarely one will possess the natural ability and learning capabilities required to be a mage -Psychics; humans who have been magically touched or have mage heritage, able to bend the Veil a little and maybe a minor magical ability or two, often work in performance magic -Mutants; humans modified in some way by magic, but who are not mages themselves. No magical abilities, but the magical affect has changed or enhanced them

Dramatis Personae: Tatiana (nee Karin); One of the local mages and likely the second most powerful local mage (Reinhold isn’t local), she has recently finished her training at the University and specialized in Body Modification and curative magics, which is why she looks to be in her late teens, early twenties even though she is late twenties, early thirties. She also works with Mutants, trying to correct issues and help them learn to deal with their changes. She is the first trainer, is an investigator in the world of magic, seeking out the weird and unusual, and will get the PC to investigate stuff and may go with her.

Gustov (nee Juugo); Mutant who is a discharged Spetsnaz and who gained increased physical abilities through an unmentioned magical incident. He works as physical security and tracker for Tatiana and is constantly amused by the interactions of Tatiana and Reinhold.

Reinhold Bock (nee Toby);