KeyMasterOfGozer edited this page 5 years ago

Nymph basics

[quote="UsagiTripleSix"]I remember there was discussion about the "Nymph" character type, which was to be the Sub to the succubus' Dom. Was there anybody who was actually working on that?

I found myself thinking about it a little bit, and decided to look into the mythological versions a bit and jot down any ideas that came to me.

Obviously, this nymph couldn't be the type from Greek mythology, since most of them are nature spirits (some of which pop into existence, and die along with the tree, stream or fountain they are connected to). But I figured it wouldn't hurt to borrow from it where appropriate. Anyway, here are some of my ideas/thoughts:

So, nymphs are basically mythology's party girls. My initial thought about the whole thing is that, if the succubus is all about being in control and dominating the situation, than the nymph could be more about the lack of control, and getting caught up in the flow.

Nymphs are not immortal (they're very mortal in mythology), so, instead of needing sexual energy in order to live, perhaps they need it for self-control. A satiated nymph is able to turn down sex, but one that's too low on energy couldn't even consider refusing it. (So, a bit like an addict, I suppose.)

Likewise, they probably risk a lot of involuntary magic use. While the succubus can intentionally use magic to make themselves more attractive, a nymph will find herself doing it subconsciously from time to time (using up magical energy she might not have actually planned on spending). Nymphs drive men completely mad with desire all the time (see nympholepsy), so it's likely they're unintentionally using up magic to make the men around them obsessed with them, (sometimes dangerously so--particularly if they've been seen naked).

(On a related note, there are stories of men being driven wild with lust, particularly when coming across a nymph bathing. There seem to be plenty of places in the game where that could kick in. :lol:)

While succubi can't get pregnant, in mythology, nymphs do it all the time (giving birth to heroes or mortal children of gods). So, that's probably a thing. Nymphs can be mini-fertility goddesses, so they might have an effect on the fertility/virility of those around them.

Nymphs are known to love dancing and singing. Perhaps they get a bonus to those activities, and/or get mood bonuses when doing them?

While nymphs are magical, they're not particularly powerful, so they're often taken by, or become attendants to, more powerful beings. Seems to me that other, greater Fae types would be just as likely to desire them as mortals, and would enjoy using them to their own ends. (I'm still partial to the idea of someone/something using one to gather sexual energy, and stop by every so often to "harvest" it...)

I don't really have any good, clear ideas on how to tie in the nature aspect, I'm afraid. Seems like every good nymph should have some aspect of nature that they are tied to. They're supposed to be most attractive when found in their environment, but it can also be used against them (like damaging a dryad's tree).

Maybe a magical nature gets assigned based on where Sveta has spent more of her time (like water if she's swims a lot, or trees or flowers if she spends a lot of time in the park).[/quote]

[quote="UsagiTripleSix"]Okay, so the idea is still on my mind, and I'm having a bit of a writers block with Interns, anyway, so I've fleshed out some more ideas for this.

There are a [i]billion [/i]nymph types out there, but I though it might be easiest to narrow it down to: Alseid, Naiad, Anthousa and Maenad.

The first three are nymphs of woods, fresh water and flowers, respectively. The fourth type I could see as a special case, but I'll get into that later.

Each of the three would have to have a location that is tied to their quest. (Lakes are pretty easy choices, though I don’t know if there are any good spots for a secluded grove of trees, or a nice flower meadow or the like. Anyway, they’re just suggestions).

For the transformation process mechanics, I'm thinking along the lines of this: [spoiler][b]Stage 1: Sveta discovers the location(s)/b

When visiting one of these areas with low mood (or maybe willpower? or high arousal?), Sveta will feel a compulsion to check it out. She'll get the choice to spend time there or not, which will require passing a willpower check in order to decline. Passing the check will allow her to leave. If she chooses to stay, in spite of having sufficient willpower to pass the check, the experience will result in a slight reduction of her max willpower.

Spending time at the area improves her mood, gives her a little more energy, but also seems to get her a little more aroused.

After visiting an area for the first time, Sveta will have occasional dreams about it. If she doesn't visit it again after a while, the dreams will eventually stop.

[b]Stage 2: Repeat visits[/b] When Sveta revisits the area, she'll get the same choice of whether or not to spend time there (with similar willpower checks and consequences).

At this point, a "very perceptive" Sveta could recognize the likely magical nature of the area, and will have the option to ask Tatiana about it.

[b]Stage 3: Established Connection[/b] If Sveta keeps visiting regularly, her connection to the area will strengthen. (I'm assuming she'll be able to do this for any and all of the three locations, but, at some point, the most frequented place will need to lock out further progress in the other two.)

Her dreams will start to have consequences. When she's away for too long, she'll dream of crowded cities, concrete and pollution. Afterward, she'll wake up in a bad mood, yearning to spend some time in her favorite nature spot.

Once she's gone back there, her dreams will be happier, and she'll have a mood (and libido) boost for a few days afterward.

The compulsions on her visits will be stronger, and take more willpower to deny. She'll likely find herself spending more time there, and getting very aroused in the process.

A "reasonably perceptive" Sveta will probably figure out there's magic going on by this point, and will have the option to ask Tatiana about it.

[b]Stage 4: Joining with Nature[/b] After some Stage 3 visits, she'll finally get "[i]the[/i] dream," where she feels as if she's being summoned to the area. Visiting it within 24-48 hours after this dream will give her the option to establish a permanent, magical connection with nature, and begin her transformation. If she ignores the dream enough times, eventually the area will run out of magical power, and she'll no longer be compelled to visit (or get any effects from it).

[b]Withdrawl:[/b] To get out of it at any point prior to transformation, it should just be a matter of avoiding the nature spots for long enough. If she's been indulging for a while, it'll clearly take longer. I figure it'll just start backing down through the progression. Perhaps, after ignoring the spot long enough, she'll no longer be able to find it, and the "quest" will end. Similarly, any of the changes to her willpower and libido will revert.

[b]Event idea:[/b] I mentioned the Maenads at the beginning. They're described as "wild and orgiastic" nymphs in the service of Greek party-god Dionysus. It occurred to me that this could be tied to a plotline after Sveta has been a nymph for a while. Perhaps, while in her nature sanctuary, she could be approached by a Satyr offering to share his special wine with her. Doing this too many times (and/or over-indulging) can result in her connection to nature being severed, turning her in a Maenad. In that state, she'll lose the benefit of being able to ground herself by communing with nature, and will even more obsessed with sex and debauchery.

[b]Bonus part! How I figured a conversation between a suspicious Sveta and Tatiana would go:[/b] Tatiana: "A magical flower garden? Can't say I know anything about--"

"Wait, not that you mention it," she says, remembering something. "I think Bock was saying something about nymphs disappearing a while back. Honestly, I hadn't paid that much attention to it at the time, but now that you bring it up..."

Gathering her thoughts, she looks at you with a serious expression. "Depending in on the type, nymphs can have very strong bonds with the natural world, which linger even after they're gone. My guess is that's what you've stumbled across."

"Listen. I shouldn't have to say this, but your body is a bit...volatile. Spending too much time anywhere that's charged with a lot of much magic is likely to cause problems for you, if you don't know how to handle yourself."

Biting her lip for a moment as she looks at the ceiling, she soon comes back with an analogy: "Magic is like water: It's everywhere."

"Sometimes it's a trickle, and other times it's a raging river. A strong mage can be a rock, and stand in the flow. A lightweight? Well, they're just likely to get swept down the stream, with little say in the matter."

"Got it? Good. Now be careful out there."[/spoiler][/quote]