pattest.qsrc 2.7 KB

  1. # pattest
  2. !! It is called like "gs 'pattest','Kolka'", or "gs 'pattest',$boy"
  3. !! It needs some automatic call, usable when a named guy has cum in or on you, and only his cum is in/on the area (do not call this with "rapist", "unknown" or "gopnik")
  4. !! There needs to be an option to call it selectively when certain circumstances are met ($boy gives sample voluntarily).
  5. if ARGS[1] ! 1 and pattest > 0:
  6. j = 0
  7. p ''
  8. clr
  9. if kid > 0 and arrpos('surefather','0') ! kid:
  10. pl '<br>Select the child you want to compare with <<$ARGS[0]>>:<br>'
  11. $papa = $ARGS[0]
  12. :kiddieloop
  13. kidid[j] = j
  14. value = kidid[j]
  15. if surefather[j] = 0:pl ' <a href="exec:func(''pattest'', value, 1) & pattest -= 1 & gs ''stat''"><<$kidname[j]>></a>'
  16. if j < kid-1:j += 1 & jump 'kiddieloop'
  17. elseif kid = 0:
  18. msg 'You do not have children yet!'
  19. gs 'stat'
  20. else
  21. msg 'You are sure about the father of every one of your children!'
  22. gs 'stat'
  23. end
  24. killvar 'j'
  25. killvar 'kidid'
  26. elseif ARGS[1] ! 1:
  27. msg 'You do not have any paternity test to use!'
  28. gs 'stat'
  29. end
  30. if ARGS[1] = 1:
  31. testresDay[ARGS[0]] = 2147483647
  32. if $ChildFath[ARGS[0]] = $papa:testresRes[ARGS[0]] = 1 else testresRes[ARGS[0]] = 0
  33. $testresPotfath[ARGS[0]] = $papa
  34. testresKid[ARGS[0]] = ARGS[0]
  35. purse_pattest[ARGS[0]] = 1
  36. used_pattest += 1
  37. killvar 'papa'
  38. end
  39. !! Just shows the kid and the tested father
  40. $test_purse = {
  41. j = 0
  42. $msg = 'Tests in your purse:'
  43. :pursekid
  44. if purse_pattest[j] = 1:$msg += '<br><<$testresPotfath[j]>>''s test for fatherhood of <<$kidname[j]>>.'
  45. if j < kid-1:j += 1 & jump 'pursekid'
  46. msg $msg
  47. killvar 'msg'
  48. }
  49. !! used: dynamic $send_test, <kidnumber>
  50. $send_test = {
  51. j = 0
  52. :kloop
  53. kidid[j] = j
  54. if patpack[j] = 1:' <a href="exec: testresDay[kidid[j]] = daystart+rand(5,7) & patpack[kidid[j]] = 0 & used_pattest -= 1 & money -= 20000">$kidname[j]</a>'
  55. if j < kid-1:j += 1 & jump 'kloop'
  56. testresDay[ARGS[0]] = daystart+rand(5,7)
  57. purse_pattest[ARGS[0]] = 0
  58. used_pattest -= 1
  59. }
  60. $sms_testresult = {
  61. cyc = 0
  62. :testloop
  63. if testresKid[cyc] ! 1:cyc += 1 & jump 'testloop'
  64. if daystart >= testresDay[cyc]:
  65. c2 = arrsize('SMS_msg')
  66. $SMS_msg[c2] = 'Result of testing: <br>'
  67. if testresRes[cyc] = 1:$SMS_msg[c2] += 'matching DNA' else $SMS_msg[c2] += 'no DNA match'
  68. $SMS_msg[c2] += '<br>between <<$testresPotfath[cyc]>> and <<$kidname[testresKid[cyc]]>>.'
  69. $SMS_effect[c2] = {
  70. if testresRes[cyc] = 1:
  71. surefather[testresKid[cyc]] = 1
  72. $ChildThFath[testresKid[cyc]] = $ChildFath[testresKid[cyc]]
  73. else
  74. if $ChildThFath[testresKid[cyc]] = $testresPotfath[testresKid[cyc]]:$ChildThFath[testresKid[cyc]] = 'unknown'
  75. end
  76. }
  77. testresKid[cyc] = 0
  78. end
  79. if cyc < kid-1: cyc += 1 & jump 'testloop'
  80. killvar 'cyc'
  81. killvar 'c2'
  82. }
  83. --- pattest ---------------------------------