204_gaptek 5.6 KB

  1. # gaptek
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. cla
  4. *clr
  5. gs'pharmacy'
  6. gs'stat'
  7. gs'time'
  8. set minut += 5
  9. '<center><B><font color = maroon >Drugstore</font></B></center>'
  10. *nl
  11. '<center><img src="images\etogame\aptek.jpg"></center>'
  12. *nl
  13. if StoryLine = 1:
  14. 'Behind the counter, as always, sits aunt Luda. "Hi Svetulechka. How are you? How are you?"'
  15. else
  16. gt'pharmacy','start'
  17. end
  18. if motherQW >= 2:
  19. act 'Garden':
  20. cla
  21. gaogorodrand=rand(1,20)
  22. if motherQW=2 and (gaogorod+gaogorodrand<40):
  23. if gaptekfirst = 0:
  24. set gaptekfirst = 1
  25. minut += 5
  26. 'You are considering showcases c drugs and are considering how to talk to my aunt. She notices your confusion and releasing the last buyer contacts you.'
  27. '- <<$name>>, what are you doing here trash? It should be what?'
  28. '- Yes, as if looking for a vegetable garden.'
  29. '- Niece, you´re not wrong store? We´ve got a pharmacy, you know - it is to laugh.'
  30. '- Know aunts. Mom asked you to buy everything for the garden.'
  31. '- Mom, so ... Horticultural ...'
  32. 'She gravely examines you and brings the shop window with contraceptives.'
  33. '- Here we have all "for the garden." Choose.'
  34. else
  35. if gaprezikday!day or gatabletkiday!day:
  36. minut += rand(5,15)
  37. 'You wait until the last buyer leaves from the pharmacy, and then speak to my aunt.'
  38. '- Aunts, my mom would have it ... for a vegetable garden ...'
  39. '- Yes, I have understood, you go here, trash - she grins.'
  40. '- Thank you, aunty.'
  41. '- But not for that, and tell Natasha that she has time to finish with gardens.'
  42. end
  43. if gaprezikday=day or gatabletkiday=day:
  44. minut += rand(5,15)
  45. 'You have decided to wait until my aunt is free, but every minute shoppers at the pharmacy became more and more. You just wasted your time.'
  46. end
  47. end
  48. end
  49. if motherQW=2 and (gaogorod+gaogorodrand>=40): gt'motherQW','motherQW_3'
  50. if motherQW>=3 and galubri=0:
  51. if gaprezikday!day or gatabletkiday!day:
  52. minut+=rand(5,15)
  53. oluuosegunrand=rand(1,10)
  54. if oluuosegunrand=10 and oluuosegunday!day: gt'motherQW','olu'
  55. if oluuosegunrand<10 or oluuosegunday=day:'You waited in line and approached the counter, nodding to the desired display case.'
  56. end
  57. if gaprezikday=day and gatabletkiday=day:
  58. minut+=rand(5,15)
  59. 'You waited in line and approached the counter, nodding to the desired display case. "All sold out, light, - said my aunt. And with malice added almost in a whisper, - Have your ebaryam wait until tomorrow."'
  60. end
  61. end
  62. if motherQW>=3 and galubri=1:
  63. if gaprezikday!day or gatabletkiday!day or galubriday!day:
  64. minut+=rand(5,15)
  65. oluuosegunrand=rand(1,10)
  66. if oluuosegunrand=10 and oluuosegunday!day: gt'motherQW','olu'
  67. if oluuosegunrand<10 or oluuosegunday=day:'You waited in line and approached the counter.'
  68. end
  69. if gaprezikday=day and gatabletkiday=day and galubriday=day:
  70. minut+=rand(5,15)
  71. 'You waited in line and approached the counter. "All sold out, light, - said my aunt. And with malice added almost in a whisper, - Have your ebaryam wait until tomorrow."'
  72. end
  73. end
  74. if money>=100 and gaprezikday!day:
  75. act 'Buy condoms 100 rubles':
  76. portion = input ("How many packages you want to buy?")
  77. if portion>2 and motherQW<3:portion=2&'"Then 2 packages until I have enough. It is better not to buy a lot at once, and then Aunt may become suspicious."'
  78. if portion>5 and motherQW>=3:portion=5&'"<<$name>>, rubber goods factory does not have time to deliver products."'
  79. if portion*100 > money: 'You do not have enough money.'
  80. if portion*100 <= money:
  81. set prezik = prezik + portion*5
  82. set money = money - portion * 100
  83. 'You bought condoms and paid the money to the cashier.'
  84. gaprezikday=day
  85. delact 'Buy condoms 100 rubles'
  86. if motherQW < 3:
  87. gaogorod = gaogorod + portion
  88. end
  89. end
  90. end
  91. end
  92. if money>=500 and gatabletkiday!day:
  93. act 'Buy birth control pills 500 rubles':
  94. portion = input ("How many packages you want to buy?")
  95. if portion > 1 and motherQW < 3: portion = 1 & '"First package I still have enough. It is better not to buy a lot at once, and then Aunt may become suspicious."'
  96. if portion * 500 > money: 'You do not have enough money.'
  97. if portion * 500 <= money:
  98. set tabletki += portion * 28
  99. set money -= portion * 500
  100. 'You bought the pills and paid the money to the cashier.'
  101. gatabletkiday=day
  102. delact 'Buy birth control pills 500 rubles'
  103. if motherQW < 3:
  104. gaogorod = gaogorod + portion
  105. end
  106. end
  107. end
  108. end
  109. if money>=500 and klisma=0:
  110. act 'Buy enema 500 rubles':
  111. set klisma = 1
  112. set money -= 500
  113. 'You bought an enema and paid the money to the cashier.'
  114. delact 'Buy enema 500 rubles'
  115. end
  116. end
  117. if galubri=1 and money>=300 and galubriday!day:
  118. act 'Buy lubricant 300 rubles':
  119. portion = input ("How many tubes you want to buy?")
  120. if portion>2:portion=2&'"<<$name>>, can sell only 2 pieces, no longer brought, I am sorry."'
  121. if portion*300 > money:'You do not have enough money.'
  122. if portion*300 <= money:
  123. set lubri = lubri + portion*5
  124. set money = money - portion*300
  125. 'You bought <<portion>> Tub. lubricant and get paid aunt.'
  126. galubriday=day
  127. delact'Buy lubricant 300 rubles'
  128. end
  129. end
  130. end
  131. act 'Move away from the counter': gt 'gaptek','start'
  132. end
  133. end
  134. dynamic $regular_items
  135. if hour>20:
  136. cla
  137. *clr
  138. '<center><B><font color=maroon>Drugstore</font></B></center>'
  139. '<center><img src="images\etogame\aptek.jpg" ></center>'
  140. 'Pharmacy is closed'
  141. end
  142. act 'Quit': gt $loc
  143. end
  144. --- gaptek ---------------------------------