475_mqroom 19 KB

  1. # mqroom
  2. clr
  3. <<<<<<< 475_mqroom
  4. gs 'stat'
  5. set minut += 5
  6. '<center><img src="images\casino\oldman1.jpg"></center>'
  7. 'You have gone with Plato Aristarkhovich to his room, he sat down at the table and you scroll from his pocket, put it in front of him.'
  8. 'Plato became Aristarkhovich scrutinize scroll. You shifted from foot to foot in anticipation of what he would say.'
  9. '(Plato Aristarkhovich) - a very curious thing. Despite the fact that most of the characters familiar to me, common sense written eludes my understanding. I knew only a few phrases. What is called the scroll and scroll Rikudo need to stomp on the foot print. Print - it´s that big character in the center of the scroll.'
  10. '(You) - stamp his foot? This is why?'
  11. '(Plato Aristarkhovich) - I have no idea. ''d Never met. But that´s the phrase clearly indicates that it is necessary to stamp on the central characters. Next there is something about the growth of the forces, but it is unclear.'
  12. act 'Put a roll on the floor and stamp his foot.':
  13. =======
  14. gs'stat'
  15. set minut=minut + 5
  16. '<center><img src="casino/oldman1.jpg" ></center>'
  17. 'You have gone with Plato in his room Aristarkhovich, he sat down at the table and you, from his pocket a roll, put it in front of him.'
  18. 'Plato Aristarkhovich began to scrutinize the scroll. You shifting from foot to foot in anticipation of what he says.'
  19. '(Plato Aristarkhovich) - prelyubopytny thing. Although, that most of the characters familiar to me, common sense written eludes my understanding. I learned a few phrases. then, that the roll is called a scroll Rikudo and need to stomp on his foot print. print - Here is this great character in the center of the scroll.'
  20. '(Do_You) - stamp his foot? What`s this?'
  21. '(Plato Aristarkhovich) - I have no idea. `d Never met. But that`s the phrase clearly indicates, out, that it is necessary to stamp on the central hieroglyph. Then there is a, what-something about the increase in strength, but it is unclear.'
  22. act 'Put the roll on the floor and stamp his foot.':
  23. >>>>>>> 475_mqroom
  24. cla
  25. *clr
  26. <<<<<<< 475_mqroom
  27. magika = 1
  28. 'You put a roll on the floor and stamped his foot on the large central characters.'
  29. 'Bright flash and scroll erupted beneath your feet. You felt something, a breeze and you dramatically headache.'
  30. act 'Fuck! As head pops!':
  31. cla
  32. 'My head was pounding and buzzed like a steam hammer. You flew thought: "Now I think I will have a stroke." You grabbed his head and sat down in a chair, unable to think about anything.'
  33. 'Plato Aristarkhovich fussing around, "what the hell is going on, do not worry, I´ll get the doctor."'
  34. 'The man ran from the room and soon returned with the girl. She came up to you and you took his hand under the chin.'
  35. act 'Look into her eyes.':
  36. cla
  37. *clr
  38. inited = 1
  39. music_on = 1
  40. volume = 100
  41. $music_theme = 'orochimaru'
  42. gs 'init_music'
  43. '<center><img src="images\casino\oro.jpg"></center>'
  44. 'Mother of God. Just thought you looked into her eyes. Deathly pale skin, cold and cruel snake eyes. Creature grinned.'
  45. '(Creature) - "So you see my true face. Wonderful." Hissed the snake creature voice.'
  46. 'Looking into those eyes and you only managed to whisper, "Who are you?". Creature chuckled "Long story, you do not stand it and will soon die."'
  47. 'At this point you are physically, the whole body felt as reality is broken and something terrible and powerful wedged in reality, trying to see you with his one eye.'
  48. 'Creature with snake eyes sharply turned and looked at the door. "He came! I must skedaddle" - angrily hissed the creature. At this moment the door to the room and shattered into pieces in the doorway appeared a dark silhouette.'
  49. act 'Look at the stranger.':
  50. cla
  51. *clr
  52. '<center><img src="images\casino\tobi.jpg"></center>'
  53. 'In the doorway stood a man in a black robe, on which were painted red clouds. His face covered with a mask slit for the eyes. You feel a huge force pervading space literally coming out of that eye. The masked man said dully, "Here we saw each other and Orochimaru. Again will flee?"'
  54. 'Zmeeglazoe creature with a female body and snake hissed angrily eyes: "What else can I do Toby? Tsukuyomi While you run, I can only escape. But believe me, I change everything very quickly. You hunter of becoming a victim."'
  55. 'Suddenly a man in a mask named Toby zmeeglazogo attacked, he rushed forward, trying to grab zmeeglazogo throat. At Orochimaru literally flew out of the sleeve snake toward Toby, but to your surprise snake flew through Toby and crashed into the door jamb.'
  56. 'Toby grabbed Orochimaru hand by the throat and lifted like a feather on the ground. "Now you die!" - Tobey said grimly. Zmeeglazy gaped and crackled as you heard his jaw out of his mouth, something began to appear. Toby said in surprise: "What kind of trick, die with dignity."'
  57. 'But zmeeglazy not want to die and leave in the hands of Toby empty shell, he literally flew out of his mouth.'
  58. 'You watched in amazement through the headache Toby holding empty zmeeglazogo skin, and the zmeeglazy stands apart. It lasted a second and Orochimaru grabbed you as a feather, jumped out the window from the tenth floor.'
  59. act 'Scream in panic.':
  60. cla
  61. *clr
  62. '<center><img src="images\casino\oro.jpg"></center>'
  63. 'Seeing the approaching ground, you panicked with the thought that now you die. But zmeeglazy hold you in my arms, landed on his feet, after breaking leg kick asphalt. You are seeing this strange creature in the face, it was cold and focused. Suddenly something crackled and looked down, you saw the legs zmeeglazogo turn into a snake´s tail.'
  64. 'Sitting in steel hands Orochimaru, you literally flew through the streets, winding alleys and flying fences. You flew over the ground with terrific speed, without having to even understand where you are. Very quickly, the city remained behind and swept Orochimaru using his snake tail has the fields and forests. You feel physically as reality collapses behind you. Your pursuer Toby did not let it, tearing reality teleported trying to overtake you.'
  65. 'With a busy person zmeeglazogo started dripping sweat. It hissed: "You too feel. He overtakes us. Remember, if I do not save, you will not save anybody. You´ll be dead soon." Suddenly you hear a thunderous voice "Shinra Tensei" and it was a feeling that you have flown on the wall. You where it was thrown and you rolling on the grass edge of the eye noticing that zmeeglazy also flew from the impact.'
  66. act 'Raise your head.':
  67. cla
  68. *clr
  69. '<center><img src="images\casino\pain.jpg"></center>'
  70. 'Near you stood a tall, thin man with bright red hair, covered with piercings. Even the figure could be seen that it is not one-eyed Toby. Although hoodie was exactly the same, black with red clouds drawings.'
  71. 'Orochimaru raised his head and hissed, "Payne!" Skinny guy walked slowly towards Orochimaru: "No one can just walk away from Dawn. Now I´m done with your immortal life."'
  72. 'Zmeeglazy opened his mouth, and from there flew sword blades. But even Payne did not blink, the blade before it reached him a few centimeters, shattering into pieces. "That´s all you can Orochimaru? Skedaddle from Toby right in my hands, and before his death show such miserable spell?"'
  73. 'Payne raised his hand in a fist and opened his hand. "CHIBAKU Tensei" - he said and flew out of his hand a small black ball and gently began to soar in the sky. Orochimaru yelled "No!"'
  74. 'You feel how your body felt a little sand from the ground began to rise into the air and fly to the ball. Soon you too was lifted off the ground and pull the black ball. You clung to a tree stump that you are not utyanulo. This black hole realized you this guy with piercings just on my eyes and created a black hole there now we will tighten and grind. Pieces of land began to come off and fly toward the black hole. Trees cracked. Orochimaru with a cry rushed travel along the ground to you. He grabbed you and then you both get off the ground and carried to the black ball.'
  75. act 'Look at Orochimaru.':
  76. cla
  77. *clr
  78. '<center><img src="images\casino\oro.jpg"></center>'
  79. 'Orochimaru, holding your hands, grinning. But you feel his fear. You quickly flew into a black hole, located high in the sky and realized that once there, you with zmeeglazym perish.'
  80. 'Orochimaru hissed: "There is one last hope. I open my mouth, and you stick your hand in there, I have a scroll inside, you open it up and put her hand. Obey or we both die."'
  81. 'Zmeeglazy opened her mouth so that there is not that hand, and you could get through a whole. You fastidiously hand shoved in his mouth and essentially felt there scroll. Removing it you quickly scroll unfurled, freaked characters.'
  82. 'Looking up you realized that you have a few seconds before getting in touch with the black hole.'
  83. act 'Attach a hand to press on the scroll.':
  84. cla
  85. *clr
  86. cursed = 1
  87. '<center><img src="images\casino\oro.jpg"></center>'
  88. 'You put a hand to scroll and scroll lightning burned. You embraced the same strange feeling that when approaching Toby. There was a feeling that reality has broken, but this time the center of this hole were you. The sensation you tore the fact that Orochimaru his teeth to you in the neck. You pierced stunning pain. Suddenly zmeeglazy let you go, and with all his strength hurled towards the ground away from the black hole. You understand that it is all spent force trying to save you from a devastating spell Payne.'
  89. 'You flew down against the force of the black hole, while watching the black hole reached Orochimaru and his body began to break apart. But Orochimaru smiled despite his terrible, deadly pain and agony of his dying body. Finally there was only from zmeeglazogo bloody mess that swallowed the hole. Momentum imparted to you last effort Orochimaru ended and you began again to draw a black hole. You flew to her side feeling as you gradually get out of reality, a little bit more and you will be far from this place.'
  90. 'But a black hole is close, you felt the impact of it, trying to tear you apart.'
  91. music_on = 0
  92. act 'Close your eyes': gt 'tuman'
  93. end
  94. end
  95. end
  96. end
  97. end
  98. end
  99. end
  100. =======
  101. magika=1
  102. 'You put a roll on the floor and stamped his foot on the central large hieroglyph.'
  103. 'A bright flash and scroll erupted beneath your feet. Are you-I felt, what-is a breath of wind .'
  104. act 'your mother! As head pops!':
  105. cla
  106. 'My head buzzed and was pounding like a steam hammer. You flew idea: "Now it seems I will have a stroke". You grabbed his head and sat down in the chair, unable to think about anything .'
  107. 'Plato Aristarkhovich bustled around, "what the hell is going on, do not worry, I `ll call doctors."'
  108. 'The man ran out of the room and soon returned with a girl. She came up to you and you took his hand under the chin.'
  109. act 'Look into her eyes.':
  110. cla
  111. *clr
  112. inited = 1
  113. music_on=1
  114. volume = 100
  115. $music_theme = 'orochimaru'
  116. gs 'init_music'
  117. '<center><img src="casino/oro.jpg" ></center>'
  118. 'Mother of God. Just thought you looked into her eyes. Deathly pale skin, cruel and cold snake eyes. The creature grinned.'
  119. '(being) - "So you see my true form. That`S_Great." Hissed the snake creature voice.'
  120. 'Looking into those eyes and you only managed to whisper: "who are you?". being giggled: "long story, you do not break down and will soon die".'
  121. 'At this point you are physically, whole body, experienced as reality is broken and that-something terrible and powerful squeezes into reality, trying to see you with his one eye.'
  122. 'Being with snake eyes sharply turned and looked at the door. "he came! It is necessary to skedaddle" - hissed angrily creature. At this moment.'
  123. act 'Look at the stranger.':
  124. cla
  125. *clr
  126. '<center><img src="casino/tobi.jpg" ></center>'
  127. 'In the doorway stood a man in a black robe, on which were painted red clouds. His face was covered with a mask slit for the eyes. You feel great power, literally pervading space, extending from the eye of the. The masked man said dully: "Here we svidelis Orochimaru. Again?"'
  128. 'Zmeeglazoe creature with a female body and the snake hissed angrily eyes: "And I still do Toby? As long as you control Tsukuyomi, I can only escape. But believe me, I will change very quickly. You`re out of the hunter becoming a victim."'
  129. 'Suddenly a man in a mask named Toby attacked zmeeglazogo, He rushed forward, trying to grab the throat zmeeglazogo. At Orochimaru literally flew out of the sleeve snake toward Toby, but to your surprise snake flew through Toby and crashed into the door jamb.'
  130. 'Toby grabbed Orochimaru hand by the throat and lifted like a feather above the ground. "Now you die!" - Toby said grimly. Zmeeglazy opened his mouth , out of his mouth, what-then began to show. Toby said in surprise: "What is this trick, die with dignity."'
  131. 'But zmeeglazy not want to die and leave in the hands of Toby empty shell, he literally flew out of his mouth.'
  132. 'You watched in amazement through the headache as Toby is holding an empty skin zmeeglazogo, and he stands apart zmeeglazy. It lasted a second and Orochimaru, grab you as a feather, jumped out the window from the tenth floor.'
  133. act 'Scream in panic.':
  134. cla
  135. *clr
  136. '<center><img src="casino/oro.jpg" ></center>'
  137. 'Seeing the approaching land, you panicked, with the idea that now you will die. but zmeeglazy, You hold in your hands, landed on his feet, after breaking leg kick asphalt. You are seeing this strange creature in the face, it was cold and focused. suddenly-it crackled and looking down, as you saw the feet zmeeglazogo turn into a snake`s tail.'
  138. 'Sitting in the hands of steel Orochimaru, You literally flew through the streets, winding alleys and hop fences. You flew over the ground with tremendous speed, no time to even understand where you are. Very quickly. You feel physically as reality collapses behind you. Your pursuer Toby persisted, it, breaking reality, teleported, trying to overtake you.'
  139. 'With a busy person zmeeglazogo started to drip sweat. it hissed: "You also feel. He catches up with us. Remember, if I did not save, nobody will save. You`re going to die." Suddenly "Shinra Tensei" and had the feeling that you came down on the wall. You somewhere thrown and you rolling on the grass, corner of my eye noticed, zmeeglazy that also bounced from the impact.'
  140. act 'raise your head.':
  141. cla
  142. *clr
  143. '<center><img src="casino/pain.jpg" ></center>'
  144. 'Near you stood a tall, covered with piercings. Even the figure could be seen, that it is not one-eyed Tobey. Although hoodie was exactly the same, black, with drawings of red clouds.'
  145. 'Orochimaru raised his head and hissed: "Payne!" Skinny guy walked slowly towards Orochimaru: "No one can just walk away from the Dawn. Now I`m done with your immortal life."'
  146. 'Zmeeglazy opened his mouth and flew out of the blade of the sword. But Payne even not blink, blade, before reaching a few centimeters, shattered into fragments. "that`s all, that you can Orochimaru? Skedaddle from Toby into my hands, and before his death show a miserable spell?"'
  147. 'Payne raised his hand clenched and unclenched his hand. "CHIBAKU TENS" - he said. Orochimaru howled "No!"'
  148. 'Did you feel like your body has become easier as, sand from the ground began to rise into the air and fly to the ball. Soon you too began to rise from the ground and pull the black ball. You clung to a tree stump, that you are not utyanulo. This black hole understand you, this guy with piercings just, before my eyes created a black hole and now we go there will tighten and grind. Pieces of land began to come off and fly toward the black hole. trees cracked. Orochimaru with a cry rushed to travel along the ground to you. He grabbed you and then you both get off the ground and carried to the black ball.'
  149. act 'Look at Orochimaru.':
  150. cla
  151. *clr
  152. '<center><img src="casino/oro.jpg" ></center>'
  153. 'Orochimaru, holding in your hands, grinning. But you felt his fear. You promptly flew into a black hole, located high in the sky and realized, that once there, you perish along with zmeeglazym.'
  154. 'Orochimaru hissed: "Remained the last hope. I opened my mouth, and you stick your hand in there, I roll in, uncover him and put her hand. Do it or we `ll both end."'
  155. 'Zmeeglazy opened his mouth so, that there is not something, that hand, and you could get through the whole. You disgust put his hand in his mouth and essentially feel there scroll. Removing it you will quickly unrolled, freaked characters.'
  156. 'Looking up you realized, that you have a few seconds until it touches the black hole.'
  157. act 'Attach a hand to print in a book.':
  158. cla
  159. *clr
  160. cursed=1
  161. '<center><img src="casino/oro.jpg" ></center>'
  162. 'You put a hand to scroll and scroll lightning burned. You embraced the same strange feeling, and that on approaching Toby. There was a feeling, that reality burst, but this time the center of this hole were you. The sensation you tore the fact, Orochimaru that you sank his teeth into the neck. You pierced the deafening pain. Suddenly zmeeglazy let you go . You realized that he had spent everything forces trying to save you from destroying the spell Payne.'
  163. 'You flew down against the force of a black hole, while watching Orochimaru reached the black hole and his body began to break apart. But Orochimaru smiled despite his terrible, mortal pain and agony of his dying body. Finally from zmeeglazogo was only bloody mess that, swallow hole. Impulse makes you last effort Orochimaru ended and you start again attract a black hole. You flew toward her feeling gradually you get out of reality, just a little-a little and you`ll be far away from this place.'
  164. 'But the black hole is at hand, you to feel its impact, trying to tear you to shreds.'
  165. music_on=0
  166. act 'Close your eyes':gt'tuman'
  167. end
  168. end
  169. end
  170. end
  171. end
  172. end
  173. end
  174. >>>>>>> 475_mqroom
  175. end
  176. --- mqroom ---------------------------------
  177. # $menu_skills
  178. dynamic $objskills
  179. --- $menu_skills ---------------------------------
  180. # $menu_descrip
  181. dynamic $objdescrip
  182. --- $menu_descrip ---------------------------------
  183. # $menu_statistika
  184. dynamic $objstatistika
  185. --- $menu_statistika ---------------------------------
  186. # $menu_mobila
  187. dynamic $objmobila
  188. --- $menu_mobila ---------------------------------
  189. # $menu_magic
  190. dynamic $objmagic
  191. --- $menu_magic ---------------------------------
  192. # $menu_face
  193. dynamic $objface
  194. --- $menu_face ---------------------------------
  195. # $menu_body
  196. dynamic $objbody
  197. --- $menu_body ---------------------------------
  198. # $menu_clothes
  199. dynamic $objclothes
  200. --- $menu_clothes ---------------------------------
  201. # $menu_tattoos
  202. dynamic $objtattoos
  203. --- $menu_tattoos ---------------------------------
  204. # $menu_pirs
  205. dynamic $objpirsing
  206. --- $menu_pirs ---------------------------------
  207. # $menu_obnovit
  208. gs 'stat'
  209. --- $menu_obnovit ---------------------------------
  210. # $menu_bloknot
  211. dynamic $objbloknot
  212. --- $menu_bloknot ---------------------------------
  213. # $menu_avariya
  214. dynamic $objavariya
  215. --- $menu_avariya ---------------------------------
  216. # $menu_addoldmenu
  217. dynamic $objoldmenu
  218. --- $menu_addoldmenu ---------------------------------