523_ParkKafe 22 KB

  1. # ParkKafe
  2. <<<<<<< 523_ParkKafe
  3. if $args[0] = 'food':
  4. if money < 100:
  5. 'You do not have enough money for the cafe.'
  6. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  7. exit
  8. end
  9. set health += 10
  10. set money -= 100
  11. set manna += 5
  12. set willpower += 5
  13. if energy >= 30:
  14. set fat += 5
  15. 'You can no longer have.'
  16. end
  17. if energy >= 20 and energy < 30:
  18. set fat += 3
  19. set energy += 10
  20. 'You pushed through the power of a meal.'
  21. end
  22. if energy < 20:
  23. set energy += 20
  24. set fat += 1
  25. 'You gladly ate the food.'
  26. end
  27. if water >= 20:
  28. 'Tea in you no longer climbs.'
  29. end
  30. if water < 20:
  31. 'You gladly drank a mug of tea.'
  32. set water += 20
  33. end
  34. =======
  35. if $args[0]='food':
  36. if money<100:
  37. 'You do not have enough money for cafe.'
  38. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  39. exit
  40. end
  41. set health = health + 10
  42. set money = money - 100
  43. set manna = manna + 5
  44. set willpower = willpower + 5
  45. if energy >= 30:
  46. set fat = fat + 5
  47. 'You can no longer have.'
  48. end
  49. if energy >= 20 and energy < 30:
  50. set fat = fat + 3
  51. set energy = energy + 10
  52. 'You pushed through the power of a meal.'
  53. end
  54. if energy < 20:
  55. set energy = energy +20
  56. set fat = fat + 1
  57. 'You gladly ate food.'
  58. end
  59. if water >= 20:
  60. 'Tea in you no longer climbs.'
  61. end
  62. if water < 20:
  63. 'You gladly drank a cup of tea.'
  64. set water = water +20
  65. end
  66. >>>>>>> 523_ParkKafe
  67. <<<<<<< 523_ParkKafe
  68. 'You sat at the table in summer cafe. Soon you brought your order.'
  69. cla
  70. Set arand = RAND(1,7)
  71. if arand = 1: 'You look around and notice the cafe visitors strolling company <a href="exec: GT ''ParkKafe'',''youth''">Youth</a>'
  72. if arand = 2: 'You look around and notice the cafe visitors sitting alone young <a href="exec: GT ''ParkKafe'',''guy''">Man</a>'
  73. if arand = 3: 'You are viewing a cafe visitors and students notice campaign <a href="exec: GT ''ParkKafe'',''negros''">Africans</a>'
  74. if arand = 4: 'You look around and notice the cafe visitors <a href="exec: GT ''ParkKafe'',''woman''">woman</a> imperious form'
  75. if arand = 5: 'You look around and notice the cafe visitors solid <a href="exec: GT ''ParkKafe'',''man''">man</a> aged'
  76. if arand = 6: 'You are viewing a cafe visitors and notice two <a href="exec: GT ''ParkKafe'',''Armenians''">Genocide</a> sitting at the table'
  77. if arand = 7: 'You are viewing a cafe visitors and notice two <a href="exec: GT ''ParkKafe'',''boys''">sporty guys</a> sitting at the table and beer pschih'
  78. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  79. =======
  80. 'You sat at a table in summer cafe. Soon you brought your order.'
  81. cla
  82. Set arand = RAND (1,7)
  83. if arand = 1:'You are viewing visitors cafes and strolling company notice <a href="exec:GT ''ParkKafe'',''youth''">youth</a>'
  84. if arand = 2:'You are viewing visitors cafes and notice sitting alone young <a href="exec:GT ''ParkKafe'',''guy''">Man</a>'
  85. if arand = 3:'You are viewing visitors cafes and notice the campaign students <a href="exec:GT ''ParkKafe'',''negros''">Africans</a>'
  86. if arand = 4:'You are viewing visitors cafes and notice <a href="exec:GT ''ParkKafe'',''woman''">woman</a> powerful species'
  87. if arand = 5:'You are viewing visitors cafes and notice the solid <a href="exec:GT ''ParkKafe'',''the_man''">man</a> aged'
  88. if arand = 6:'You are viewing visitors cafes and notice two <a href="exec:GT ''ParkKafe'',''Armenians''">Armenians</a> sitting at a table'
  89. if arand = 7:'You are viewing visitors cafes and notice two <a href="exec:GT ''ParkKafe'',''guys''">guys sporty</a> sitting at the table and beer pschih'
  90. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  91. >>>>>>> 523_ParkKafe
  92. end
  93. <<<<<<< 523_ParkKafe
  94. if $ARGS[0] = 'boys':
  95. cla
  96. Set rrand = RAND(1,2)
  97. if rrand = 1:
  98. 'You´re looking at them intently, but they think you do not notice.'
  99. act 'Go home': gt 'park','start'
  100. end
  101. if rrand = 2:
  102. if parkara > 0:
  103. 'Jora Senya notice you, but continued to drink beer with friends.'
  104. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  105. end
  106. if parkara = 0:
  107. 'Your views were seen guys and one of them rolled up to you and asked to join them.'
  108. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  109. act 'Drink beer with the guys':
  110. cla
  111. 'You guys drank a glass of beer for guys ordered another. One of the guys that you quietly slipped it into the glass. You get drunk and you guys took in the nearest woods.'
  112. Set deyrand = RAND(1,2)
  113. if deyrand = 1:
  114. if parkara = 0: Set guy += 2 & Set parkara = 1
  115. Set sex += 1
  116. Set bj += 2
  117. Set cumlip += 2
  118. 'Guys put you on your knees and take out their members. you do not understand what is going on at once both start sucking cock.'
  119. '<center><img src="images\klof\022.jpg"></center>'
  120. Set horand = RAND(1,100)
  121. if horand <= bj: Set horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You covered orgasm'
  122. if horand > bj: Set horny += 10 & 'You were not satisfied'
  123. 'They end up in your mouth, you swallow sperm greed'
  124. act 'Become acquainted': gt 'parkkafe','klof 1'
  125. end
  126. if deyrand = 2:
  127. if parkara = 0: Set guy += 2 & Set parkara = 1
  128. Set sex += 1
  129. set cumpussy += 1
  130. set vagina += 1
  131. set gang += 1
  132. Set cumass += 1
  133. anus += 1
  134. anal += 1
  135. 'Guy fucks you in the pussy. Another time, too, does not lose his penis and shoves you in the ass.'
  136. '<center><img src="images\klof\004.jpg"></center>'
  137. Set horand = RAND(1,100)
  138. if horand <= horny: Set horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You covered orgasm'
  139. if horand > horny: Set horny += 10 & 'You were not satisfied'
  140. 'One of them ends up in you, and the other is discharged you on your ass.'
  141. act 'Become acquainted': gt 'parkkafe','klof 1'
  142. end
  143. end
  144. end
  145. end
  146. =======
  147. if $ARGS[0]='guys':
  148. cla
  149. Set rrand = RAND (1,2)
  150. if rrand = 1:
  151. 'You studied them intently, but it seems you do not notice.'
  152. act 'go home':gt 'park','start'
  153. end
  154. if rrand = 2:
  155. if parkara > 0:
  156. 'Zhora and Senya you noticed, but continued to drink beer together.'
  157. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  158. end
  159. if parkara = 0:
  160. 'Your views have been seen guys and one of them pulled up to you and asked to join them.'
  161. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  162. act 'Drink beer with the guys ':
  163. cla
  164. 'You drank a glass of beer for guys, guys ordered another. One of the guys quietly slipped you something in a glass. You get drunk and you guys took the nearest woods.'
  165. Set deyrand = RAND (1,2)
  166. if deyrand = 1:
  167. if parkara = 0:Set guy = guy + 2&Set parkara = 1
  168. Set sex = sex + 1
  169. Set bj = bj + 2
  170. Set cumlip = cumlip + 2
  171. 'Guys put you on your knees and take out their cocks. you do not understand what`s going on at once starts to suck both members.'
  172. '<center><img src="klof/022.jpg" ></center>'
  173. Set horand = RAND (1,100)
  174. if horand <= bj:Set horny = 0&orgasm+=1&'You covered orgasm'
  175. if horand > bj:Set horny = horny + 10&'You were not satisfied'
  176. 'They end up in your mouth you greed to swallow cum'
  177. act 'become_acquainted':gt'parkkafe','klof 1'
  178. end
  179. if deyrand = 2:
  180. if parkara = 0:Set guy = guy + 2&Set parkara = 1
  181. Set sex = sex + 1
  182. set cumpussy = cumpussy + 1
  183. set vagina = vagina + 1
  184. set gang=gang+1
  185. Set cumass = cumass + 1
  186. anus+=1
  187. anal+=1
  188. 'Guy fucks you in the pussy. The other is also not lose time and pushes his dick in the ass you.'
  189. '<center><img src="klof/004.jpg" ></center>'
  190. Set horand = RAND (1,100)
  191. if horand <= horny:Set horny = 0&orgasm+=1&'You covered orgasm'
  192. if horand > horny:Set horny = horny + 10&'You were not satisfied'
  193. 'One of them ends up in you, and other discharges to you on the ass.'
  194. act 'become_acquainted':gt'parkkafe','klof 1'
  195. end
  196. end
  197. end
  198. end
  199. >>>>>>> 523_ParkKafe
  200. end
  201. <<<<<<< 523_ParkKafe
  202. if $ARGS[0] = 'klof 1':
  203. =======
  204. if $ARGS[0]='klof 1':
  205. >>>>>>> 523_ParkKafe
  206. cla
  207. *clr
  208. <<<<<<< 523_ParkKafe
  209. set minut += 5
  210. =======
  211. set minut = minut + 5
  212. >>>>>>> 523_ParkKafe
  213. set klofQW = 1
  214. clr
  215. <<<<<<< 523_ParkKafe
  216. gs 'stat'
  217. '<center><img src="images\klof\11 1.jpg"></center>'
  218. 'In rose from the grass in front of the guys legs and hands were shaking from sex between her legs itched all. "Did you like it baby?" asked one of the guys.'
  219. act 'Yes': gt 'event','klof 2'
  220. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  221. =======
  222. gs'stat'
  223. '<center><img src="klof/11 1.jpg" ></center>'
  224. 'In rose from the grass in front of the guys legs and hands were shaking from sex, between his legs itched all. "Did you like it babe?" asked one of the guys .'
  225. act'Yes_I_Am':gt 'event','klof 2'
  226. act 'Get_Away':gt'park','start'
  227. >>>>>>> 523_ParkKafe
  228. end
  229. <<<<<<< 523_ParkKafe
  230. if $ARGS[0] = 'Armenians':
  231. cla
  232. Set rrand = RAND(1,2)
  233. if rrand = 1:
  234. 'You´re looking at them intently, but they think you do not notice.'
  235. act 'Go home': gt 'park','start'
  236. end
  237. if rrand = 2:
  238. 'Your views were seen by Armenians and one of them rolled to your table with a bottle of champagne.'
  239. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  240. act 'Drink together':
  241. cla
  242. *clr
  243. 'You drank champagne with Armenian. His friend moved smoothly for your table. You drank and made merry. You get drunk and Armenians took you into the back room cafe.'
  244. Set deyrand = RAND(1,2)
  245. if deyrand = 1:
  246. if parkarman = 0: Set guy += 2 & Set parkarman = 1
  247. Set bj+= 2
  248. Set cumlip += 2
  249. 'Armenians put you on your knees and take out their mighty members. They dvoem poke them in your face, you start to suck at once both members.'
  250. '<center><img src="images\pics2\ara.jpg"></center>'
  251. Set horand = RAND(1,100)
  252. if horand <= bj: Set horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You covered orgasm'
  253. if horand > bj: Set horny += 10 & 'You were not satisfied'
  254. 'They end up in your mouth with laughter and go'
  255. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  256. end
  257. if deyrand = 2:
  258. if parkarman = 0: Set guy += 2 & Set parkarman = 1
  259. Set sex += 1
  260. Set bj+= 1
  261. set gang += 1
  262. Set cumlip += 1
  263. Set cumass += 1
  264. vagina += 1
  265. 'Armenians bend over you and puts you one cock in her mouth. Another time, too, does not lose his penis and shoves you into the vagina.'
  266. '<center><img src="images\pics2\ara2.jpg"></center>'
  267. Set horand = RAND(1,100)
  268. if horand <= horny: Set horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You covered orgasm'
  269. if horand > horny: Set horny += 10 & 'You were not satisfied'
  270. 'One of them ends up in your mouth and swallow all causes, and the other is discharged you on your ass.'
  271. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  272. end
  273. end
  274. end
  275. =======
  276. if $ARGS[0]='Armenians':
  277. cla
  278. Set rrand = RAND (1,2)
  279. if rrand = 1:
  280. 'You studied them intently, but it seems you do not notice.'
  281. act 'go home':gt 'park','start'
  282. end
  283. if rrand = 2:
  284. 'Your views were seen by Armenians and one of them pulled up to your table with a bottle of champagne.'
  285. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  286. act 'drink together':
  287. cla
  288. *clr
  289. 'You drank champagne with Armenian. His friend has moved smoothly for your table. You were drinking and having fun. You get drunk and Armenians took you into the back room cafe.'
  290. Set deyrand = RAND (1,2)
  291. if deyrand = 1:
  292. if parkarman = 0:Set guy = guy + 2&Set parkarman = 1
  293. Set bj+= 2
  294. Set cumlip = cumlip + 2
  295. 'Armenians put you on your knees and take out their mighty members. They dvoem poke them in your face, once you start to suck both members.'
  296. '<center><img src="pics2/ara.jpg" ></center>'
  297. Set horand = RAND (1,100)
  298. if horand <= bj:Set horny = 0&orgasm+=1&'You covered orgasm'
  299. if horand > bj:Set horny = horny + 10&'You were not satisfied'
  300. 'They end up in your mouth with laughter and go'
  301. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  302. end
  303. if deyrand = 2:
  304. if parkarman = 0:Set guy = guy + 2&Set parkarman = 1
  305. Set sex = sex + 1
  306. Set bj+= 1
  307. set gang=gang+1
  308. Set cumlip = cumlip + 1
  309. Set cumass = cumass + 1
  310. vagina+=1
  311. 'Armenians bend over you and puts you one cock in her mouth. The other is also not lose time and pushes his penis into the vagina to you.'
  312. '<center><img src="pics2/ara2.jpg" ></center>'
  313. Set horand = RAND (1,100)
  314. if horand <= horny:Set horny = 0&orgasm+=1&'You covered orgasm'
  315. if horand > horny:Set horny = horny + 10&'You were not satisfied'
  316. 'One of them ends up in your mouth and swallow all makes, and other discharges to you on the ass.'
  317. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  318. end
  319. end
  320. end
  321. >>>>>>> 523_ParkKafe
  322. end
  323. <<<<<<< 523_ParkKafe
  324. if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
  325. cla
  326. set mrand = RAND(1,2)
  327. if mrand = 1: 'You glanced surreptitiously at respectable man, but it seems you did not notice.'
  328. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  329. if mrand = 2:
  330. cla
  331. 'A man walks up to you and invites you to dance.'
  332. act 'Dance':
  333. cla
  334. 'He dances well and confidently leads you during the dance. After the dance, you sit down at a table with a man, he orders an expensive wine and various snacks, you relax with gallant compliments showered on you.'
  335. 'Cavalier offers to go to the sauna.'
  336. act 'In the sauna':
  337. cla
  338. if saunasex = 0: Set saunasex = 1 & Set guy += 1
  339. Set sex += 1
  340. !Set oral += 1
  341. Set cumlip += 1
  342. Set cumass += 1
  343. set horny = 0
  344. vagina += 1
  345. '<center><img src="images\pics2\sauna.jpg"></center>'
  346. 'In the sauna you two completely naked, have fun and enjoying yourself, gradually turns into a very passionate sex'
  347. if horny > 75: Set horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You covered orgasm'
  348. if horny <= 75: Set horny += 10 & 'You were not satisfied'
  349. act 'Leave': gt 'street'
  350. end
  351. end
  352. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  353. end
  354. =======
  355. if $ARGS[0]='the_man':
  356. cla
  357. set mrand = RAND (1,2)
  358. if mrand = 1:'You glanced surreptitiously at respectable man, but it seems you did not notice.'
  359. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  360. if mrand = 2:
  361. cla
  362. 'A man comes to you and invites you to dance.'
  363. act 'dance':
  364. cla
  365. 'He dances well and confidently leads you while dancing. After the dance, he orders expensive wine and various snacks, you relax with gallant compliments showered you.'
  366. 'Cavalier offers to go to the sauna.'
  367. act 'In the sauna':
  368. cla
  369. if saunasex = 0:Set saunasex = 1&Set guy = guy + 1
  370. Set sex = sex + 1
  371. !Set oral = oral + 1
  372. Set cumlip = cumlip + 1
  373. Set cumass = cumass + 1
  374. set horny = 0
  375. set vnesh = vnesh + 1
  376. vagina+=1
  377. '<center><img src="pics2/sauna.jpg" ></center>'
  378. 'In the sauna, entertain, gradually turns into a very passionate sex'
  379. if horny>75:Set horny = 0&orgasm+=1&'You covered orgasm'
  380. if horny<=75:Set horny = horny + 10&'You were not satisfied'
  381. act 'Get_Away':gt 'street'
  382. end
  383. end
  384. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  385. end
  386. >>>>>>> 523_ParkKafe
  387. end
  388. <<<<<<< 523_ParkKafe
  389. if $ARGS[0] = 'woman':
  390. =======
  391. if $ARGS[0]='woman':
  392. >>>>>>> 523_ParkKafe
  393. cla
  394. 'You glanced surreptitiously at the imperious woman, but it seems you did not notice.'
  395. <<<<<<< 523_ParkKafe
  396. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  397. =======
  398. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  399. >>>>>>> 523_ParkKafe
  400. end
  401. <<<<<<< 523_ParkKafe
  402. if $ARGS[0] = 'youth':
  403. cla
  404. Set rrand = RAND(1,2)
  405. if rrand = 1:
  406. 'You looked at the campaign secretly laughing youth, but they seem to have overlooked.'
  407. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  408. end
  409. if rrand = 2:
  410. 'To you tipsy man approached and invited you to the company.'
  411. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  412. act 'Company':
  413. cla
  414. 'You sat at the table where walking cheerful and noisy group of young people, it was very fun and late night parties kompashka went to continue the fun at the apartment'
  415. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  416. act 'To go along with all':
  417. cla
  418. *clr
  419. '<center><img src="images\pics2\Student.jpg"></center>'
  420. 'You continued to splash out on the flat. Most went home, but the girl was left alone, and six guys. Guys started to kiss a girl and she sat on his knees in front of them boys got members, girl stroking their hands, and guys masturbate members on the girl´s face'
  421. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  422. act 'Kneel down next to the girl in the lap of the guys':
  423. cla
  424. *clr
  425. set hour += 6
  426. if hour >= 22: Set hour = 22 & Set minut = 0
  427. set son -= 10
  428. if son < 02: Set son = 2
  429. if studentsex = 0: Set studentsex = 1 & Set guy += 6
  430. Set bj += 6
  431. Set cumlip += 6
  432. set swallow += 6
  433. '<center><img src="images\pics2\Student2.jpg"></center>'
  434. 'Boys jerking off on your face, and you Girl caressed and kissed members finally the boys began to lower you in their mouths. Your co-worker also nakonchal mouthful, she turns to you with a mouth full of sperm and wants to kiss you.'
  435. act 'Kissing Girl':
  436. cla
  437. *clr
  438. '<center><img src="images\pics2\Student3.jpg"></center>'
  439. 'You kiss a girl, you both mouthfuls of sperm and you are sharing it with a kiss, you finally get tired and you both swallow cum in your mouths.'
  440. act 'Leave': gt 'street'
  441. end
  442. end
  443. end
  444. end
  445. end
  446. =======
  447. if $ARGS[0]='youth':
  448. cla
  449. Set rrand = RAND (1,2)
  450. if rrand = 1:
  451. 'You keep an eye on the campaign secretly laughing youth, but it seems you do not notice.'
  452. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  453. end
  454. if rrand = 2:
  455. 'To you came drunk guy and invited you to the company.'
  456. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  457. act 'The_Company':
  458. cla
  459. 'You sat at the table where walking cheerful and noisy company of young people, it was a lot of fun and at the end of the party went kompashka continue the fun at the apartment'
  460. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  461. act 'To go along with all':
  462. cla
  463. *clr
  464. '<center><img src="pics2/Student.jpg" ></center>'
  465. 'You have continued to revel in the apartment. Most went home, but there was one Devchenka and six guys. The boys started to kiss her and she sat down on her knees in front of them boys got members, girls caress their hands, and the guys masturbate members on the girl`s face'
  466. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  467. act 'Kneel down next to the girl in the lap of the guys':
  468. cla
  469. *clr
  470. Set hour= 22
  471. son=0
  472. if studentsex = 0:Set studentsex = 1&Set guy = guy + 6
  473. Set bj = bj + 6
  474. Set cumlip = cumlip + 6
  475. set swallow=swallow+6
  476. '<center><img src="pics2/Student2.jpg" ></center>'
  477. 'Guys masturbate on your face, and you are a woman caressed and kissed members, Finally the guys began to descend you in their mouths. Your co-worker also nakonchal mouthful, she turns to you with a mouth full of sperm and wants to kiss you.'
  478. act 'Kiss the girl':
  479. cla
  480. *clr
  481. '<center><img src="pics2/Student3.jpg" ></center>'
  482. 'You kiss a girl, you have two mouthfuls of cum and you are sharing it with a kiss, Finally.'
  483. act 'Get_Away':gt 'street'
  484. end
  485. end
  486. end
  487. end
  488. end
  489. >>>>>>> 523_ParkKafe
  490. end
  491. <<<<<<< 523_ParkKafe
  492. if $ARGS[0] = 'negros':
  493. cla
  494. Set rrand = RAND(1,2)
  495. if rrand = 1 or afra >= 1:
  496. 'You glanced surreptitiously at the Africans, but they seem to have overlooked.'
  497. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  498. end
  499. if rrand = 2 and afra = 0:
  500. Set afra = 1
  501. Set obs = 1
  502. 'To fit your table a few Africans, they behave not quite restrained, talk a lot in English, grabs you by the back and chest. One of the Africans who introduced DeMarcus tells you that they are students from Africa and live in the dorm, so he tells you how to get to the hostel and find them.'
  503. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  504. end
  505. =======
  506. if $ARGS[0]='negros':
  507. cla
  508. Set rrand = RAND (1,2)
  509. if rrand = 1 or afra >= 1:
  510. 'You glanced surreptitiously at the Africans, but it seems you do not notice.'
  511. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  512. end
  513. if rrand = 2 and afra = 0:
  514. Set afra = 1
  515. Set obs = 1
  516. 'To fit your table a few Africans, they behave not quite restrained, a lot of talk in English, grabs your ass and breasts. One of the Africans who introduced DeMarcus tells you that they are students from Africa and live in a dorm, He also tells you how to get to the hostel and find them.'
  517. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  518. end
  519. >>>>>>> 523_ParkKafe
  520. end
  521. <<<<<<< 523_ParkKafe
  522. if $ARGS[0] = 'guy':
  523. cla
  524. Set rrand = RAND(1,2)
  525. if rrand = 1 or gosh = 1:
  526. 'You secretly looked at the young boy, but it seems you did not notice.'
  527. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  528. end
  529. if rrand =2 or gosh = 1:
  530. 'You secretly looked at the young boy. Gosh it, but it seems you did not notice.'
  531. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  532. end
  533. if rrand = 2 and gosh = 0:
  534. Set gosh = 1
  535. Set obs = 1
  536. 'For your table fit young man and introduces himself as Gosha, you become acquainted with him, he is a student and lives in obschege. Ghosh tells you how to get to the hostel and how to find it.'
  537. act 'Leave': gt 'park','start'
  538. end
  539. =======
  540. if $ARGS[0]='guy':
  541. cla
  542. Set rrand = RAND (1,2)
  543. if rrand = 1 or gosh = 1:
  544. 'You glanced surreptitiously at a young guy, but it seems you did not notice.'
  545. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  546. end
  547. if rrand =2 or gosh = 1:
  548. 'You glanced surreptitiously at a young guy. This Ghosh, but it seems you did not notice.'
  549. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  550. end
  551. if rrand = 2 and gosh = 0:
  552. Set gosh = 1
  553. Set obs = 1
  554. 'To your table fit young man and introduces himself as Gosha, you are familiar with it, He is a student and lives in obschege. Ghosh tells you how to get to the hostel and how to find it.'
  555. act 'Get_Away':gt 'park','start'
  556. end
  557. >>>>>>> 523_ParkKafe
  558. end
  559. --- ParkKafe ---------------------------------