Jelajahi Sumber

Merge branch 'master' of

hornguy6 2 tahun lalu

+ 3445 - 3431

@@ -1,3431 +1,3445 @@
-# Cheatmenu_din
-*clr & cla
-!All the active dynamics for the cheat menu are here
-$cheatmenu['empty'] = {
-	!Yes, intentionally empty, do not remove it
-$cheatmenu['work'] = {
-	if cheatWork = 0:
-		cheatWork = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatWork = 1:
-		cheatWork = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['willpower'] = {
-	if cheatWillpower = 0:
-		cheatWillpower = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatWillpower = 1:
-		cheatWillpower = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['hair'] = {
-	if cheatHapri = 0:
-		cheatHapri = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatHapri = 1:
-		cheatHapri = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['enema'] = {
-	if cheatKlisma = 1:
-		cheatKlisma = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['setting']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatKlisma = 0:
-		cheatKlisma = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['setting']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['nomakeup'] = {
-	if cheatNomakeup = 0:
-		cheatNomakeup = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatNomakeup = 1:
-		cheatNomakeup = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['nosweat'] = {
-	if cheatNoSweat = 0:
-		cheatNoSweat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatNoSweat = 1:
-		cheatNoSweat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['noEat'] = {
-	if cheatNoEat = 0:
-		cheatNoEat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatNoEat = 1:
-		cheatNoEat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['noDrink'] = {
-	if cheatNoDrink = 0:
-		cheatNoDrink = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatNoDrink = 1:
-		cheatNoDrink = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['noSleep'] = {
-	if cheatNoSleep = 0:
-		cheatNoSleep = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatNoSleep = 1:
-		cheatNoSleep = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['noMood'] = {
-	if cheatNoMood = 0:
-		cheatNoMood = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatNoMood = 1:
-		cheatNoMood = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['noFat'] = {
-	if cheatNoFat = 0:
-		cheatNoFat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatNoFat = 1:
-		cheatNoFat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['health'] = {
-	if cheatHealth = 0:
-		cheatHealth = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatHealth = 1:
-		cheatHealth = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['fight'] = {
-	if fight_cheat = 0:
-		fight_cheat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif fight_cheat = 1:
-		fight_cheat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['autocombat'] = {
-	if autocombat_cheat = 0:
-		autocombat_cheat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif autocombat_cheat = 1:
-		autocombat_cheat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['age'] = {
-	:tooyoung
-	age = year - ((pcs_dob - (pcs_dob mod 10000)) / 10000)
-	if ((month * 100) + day) <= pcs_dob mod 10000: age -= 1
-	if age < 15: pcs_dob -= 10000 & jump 'tooyoung'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-$cheatmenu['visualage'] = {
-	vidage = input("For how many years you want to look?")
-	if vidage <= 14: vidage = 14
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-$cheatmenu['money'] = {
-	money = input("How much money do you want to have?")
-	if money < 0:money = 0
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
-$cheatmenu['bank_money'] = {
-	karta = input ("How much money do you want to have in the bank?")
-	if karta < 0: karta = 0
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
-$cheatmenu['bodyMod'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	act 'Return to last menu': dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Body Modification</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<center><b><font color="red">WARNING!</font></b></center>'
-	'Changing body shape does not resize clothes.'
-	'May cause adverse interactions, use at your own risk!'
-	''
-	'You are currently <<$body>>.'
-	''
-	'You may select from the following sizes:'
-	''
-	if bodset ! 3:
-		'starving (No, you may not select ''starving'', it''s here to show where the scale starts)'
-		''
-		if salocatnow ! 1:
-			'<a href="exec:salo = 20 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 1)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if salocatnow ! 2:
-			'<a href="exec:salo = 40 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 2)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if salocatnow ! 3:
-			'<a href="exec:salo = 60 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 3)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if salocatnow ! 4:
-			'<a href="exec:salo = 80 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 4)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if salocatnow ! 5:
-			'<a href="exec:salo = 100 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 5)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if salocatnow ! 6:
-			'<a href="exec:salo = 120 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if salocatnow ! 7:
-			'<a href="exec:salo = 140 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-	else
-		if (pregchem < 2688) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 100 & pregtime = 4 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10))]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 2688 and pregchem < 3192) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 2688 & pregtime = 112 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 1)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 3192 and pregchem < 3696) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 3192 & pregtime = 133 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 2)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 3696 and pregchem < 4200) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 3696 & pregtime = 154 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 3)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 4200 and pregchem < 4704) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 4200 & pregtime = 175 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 4)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 4704 and pregchem < 5208) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 4704 & pregtime = 196 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 5)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 5208 and pregchem < 5712) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 5208 & pregtime = 217 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 5712 and pregchem < 6216) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 5712 & pregtime = 238 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 6216) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 6216 & pregtime = 259 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 8)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-	end
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['addict'] = {
-	if NarkImmune = 0:
-		NarkImmune = 1
-		smoker = 0
-		smokerNeed = 0
-		joint_count = 0
-		alcohol_count = 0
-		cocaine_count = 0
-		amphetamine_count = 0
-		SNarkTimes = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif NarkImmune = 1:
-		NarkImmune = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['cheatHorny'] = {
-	if cheatHorny = 0:
-		cheatHorny = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatHorny = 1:
-		cheatHorny = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['slutshot'] = {
-	if cheatSlut = 0:
-		cheatSlut = 1
-		cycle = 6
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatSlut = 1:
-		cheatSlut = 0
-		cycle = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['cheat_NoPregnancy'] = {
-	if cheat_NoPregnancy = 1:
-		killvar 'cheat_NoPregnancy'
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	else
-		cheat_NoPregnancy = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['cheat_NoLactation'] = {
-	if cheat_NoLactation = 1:
-		killvar 'cheat_NoLactation'
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	else
-		cheat_Nolactation = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['Vibrator'] = {
-	if cheatVib = 0:
-		cheatVib = 1
-		bedvibrator = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	elseif cheatVib = 1:
-		cheatVib = 0
-		bedvibrator = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['BimboCloth'] = {
-	if cheatBimbo = 0:
-		cheatBimbo = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		bimbo = 0
-		bimbolevel = 0
-		bimbowithdrawal = 0
-	elseif cheatBimbo = 1:
-		cheatBimbo = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['SmartBimbo'] = {
-	if cheatBimbo2 = 0:
-		cheatBimbo2 = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		bimbostupidity = 0
-	elseif cheatBimbo2 = 1:
-		cheatBimbo2 = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['SuccuBimbo'] = {
-	if cheatBimbo3 = 0:
-		cheatBimbo3 = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		bimbostupidity = 0
-	elseif cheatBimbo3 = 1:
-		cheatBimbo3 = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['exhib_block'] = {
-	if exhib_cheat = 0:
-		exhib_cheat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		pcs_exhib = 0
-		Exhibitionist_lvl = 0
-	elseif exhib_cheat = 1:
-		exhib_cheat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['addictive_block'] = {
-	if addictive_cheat = 0:
-		addictive_cheat = 1
-		smoke_exp = 0
-		joint_exp = 0
-		heroin_exp = 0
-		cocaine_exp = 0
-		amphetamine_exp = 0
-		alcohol_exp = 0
-		addictive_exp = 0
-		addictive_trait_lvl = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	elseif addictive_cheat = 1:
-		addictive_cheat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['cumtrait_block'] = {
-	if cumeater_cheat = 0:
-		cumeater_cheat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		trait['cumeater'] = 0
-	elseif cumeater_cheat = 1:
-		cumeater_cheat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['consolecheat'] = {
-	if cheatConsole = 0:
-		cheatConsole = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatConsole = 1:
-		cheatConsole = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['timecheat'] = {
-	if cheatTime = 0:
-		cheatTime = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatTime = 1:
-		cheatTime = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['random_bf_gf'] = {
-	if random_bf_gf_cheat = 0:
-		random_bf_gf_cheat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif random_bf_gf_cheat = 1:
-		random_bf_gf_cheat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['street_robbers'] = {
-	if cheat_street_robbers = 0:
-		cheat_street_robbers = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	elseif cheat_street_robbers = 1:
-		cheat_street_robbers = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['street_rapists'] = {
-	if cheat_street_rapists = 0:
-		cheat_street_rapists = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	elseif cheat_street_rapists = 1:
-		cheat_street_rapists = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['permanent'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	if cheatWork = 0:$cheatWork = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatWork = 1:$cheatWork = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatWillpower = 0:$cheatWillpower = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatWillpower = 1:$cheatWillpower = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatHapri = 0:$cheatHapri = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatHapri = 1:$cheatHapri = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatKlisma = 1:$cheatKlisma = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatKlisma = 0:$cheatKlisma = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatNomakeup = 0:$cheatNomakeup = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatNomakeup = 1:$cheatNomakeup = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatNoSweat = 0:$cheatNoSweat = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatNoSweat = 1:$cheatNoSweat = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatNoEat = 0:$cheatNoEat = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatNoEat = 1:$cheatNoEat = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatNoDrink = 0:$cheatNoDrink = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatNoDrink = 1:$cheatNoDrink = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatNoSleep = 0:$cheatNoSleep = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatNoSleep = 1:$cheatNoSleep = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatNoMood = 0:$cheatNoMood = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatNoMood = 1:$cheatNoMood = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatNoFat = 0:$cheatNoFat = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatNoFat = 1:$cheatNoFat = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatHealth = 0:$cheatHealth = 'Enabled'
-	if cheatHealth = 1:$cheatHealth = 'Disabled'
-	if NarkImmune = 0:$NarkImmune = 'Currently OFF'
-	if NarkImmune = 1:$NarkImmune = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatSlut = 0:$cheatSlut = 'Enabled'
-	if cheatSlut = 1:$cheatSlut = 'Disabled'
-	if cheatHorny = 0:$cheatHorny = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatHorny = 1:$cheatHorny = 'Currently ON'
-	if bedvibrator = 0:$cheatVib = 'Currently OFF'
-	if bedvibrator = 1:$cheatVib = 'Currently ON'
-	if fight_cheat = 0:$fight_cheat = 'Currently OFF'
-	if fight_cheat = 1:$fight_cheat = 'Currently ON'
-	if autocombat_cheat = 0:$autocombat_cheat = 'Currently OFF'
-	if autocombat_cheat = 1:$autocombat_cheat = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheat_NoPregnancy = 0:$cheat_NoPregnancy = 'Enabled'
-	if cheat_NoPregnancy = 1:$cheat_NoPregnancy = 'Disabled'
-	if cheat_NoLactation = 0:$cheat_NoLactation = 'Enabled'
-	if cheat_NoLactation = 1:$cheat_NoLactation = 'Disabled'
-	if cheatBimbo = 0:$cheatBimbo = 'Enabled'
-	if cheatBimbo = 1:$cheatBimbo = 'Disabled'
-	if cheatBimbo2 = 0:$cheatBimbo2 = 'Disabled'
-	if cheatBimbo2 = 1:$cheatBimbo2 = 'Enabled'
-	if cheatBimbo3 = 0:$cheatBimbo3 = 'Disabled'
-	if cheatBimbo3 = 1:$cheatBimbo3 = 'Enabled'
-	if cumeater_cheat = 0:$cheatcumtrait = 'Enabled'
-	if cumeater_cheat = 1:$cheatcumtrait = 'Disabled'
-	if exhib_cheat = 0:$cheatexhib = 'Enabled'
-	if exhib_cheat = 1:$cheatexhib = 'Disabled'
-	if addictive_cheat = 0: $cheataddictive = 'Enabled'
-	if addictive_cheat = 1: $cheataddictive = 'Disabled'
-	if cheatConsole = 0:$cheatConsole = 'Visible'
-	if cheatConsole = 1:$cheatConsole = 'Hidden'
-	if cheatTime = 0:$cheatTime = 'Disabled'
-	if cheatTime = 1:$cheatTime = 'Enabled'
-	if random_bf_gf_cheat = 0: $random_bf_gf_cheat = 'Enabled'
-	if random_bf_gf_cheat = 1: $random_bf_gf_cheat = 'Disabled'
-	if cheat_street_robbers = 0: $cheat_street_robbers = 'Enabled'
-	if cheat_street_robbers = 1: $cheat_street_robbers = 'Disabled'
-	if cheat_street_rapists = 0: $cheat_street_rapists = 'Enabled'
-	if cheat_street_rapists = 1: $cheat_street_rapists = 'Disabled'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Recurrent Cheats</h1></center>'
-	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Disabling states may cause some events not to trigger. Use at your own risk!</center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td width="450" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'More than one job is possible: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''work'']"><<$cheatWork>></a>'
-	'Willpower cost always zero: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''willpower'']"><<$cheatWillpower>></a>'
-	'Always combed: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''hair'']"><<$cheatHapri>></a>'
-	'Cosmetics never smeared: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''nomakeup'']"><<$cheatNomakeup>></a>'
-	'Never sweat: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''nosweat'']"><<$cheatNoSweat>></a>'
-	'Never eat: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noEat'']"><<$cheatNoEat>></a>'
-	'Never drink: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noDrink'']"><<$cheatNoDrink>></a>'
-	'Never sleep: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noSleep'']"><<$cheatNoSleep>></a>'
-	'Never unhappy: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noMood'']"><<$cheatNoMood>></a>'
-	'Never lose or gain weight: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noFat'']"><<$cheatNoFat>></a>'
-	'Never get addicted: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''addict'']"><<$NarkImmune>></a>'
-	if Enable_sforma = 1:
-		'Allow any clothing for school: <a href="exec:Enable_sforma = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently ON</a>'
-	else
-		'Allow any clothing for school: <a href="exec:Enable_sforma = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently OFF</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	'Random boyfriend/girlfriend events: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''random_bf_gf'']"><<$random_bf_gf_cheat>></a>'
-	'Random robbers in the streets: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''street_robbers'']"><<$cheat_street_robbers>></a>'
-	'Random rapists in the streets: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''street_rapists'']"><<$cheat_street_rapists>></a>'
-	*nl
-	'Enable sleeping with vibrator inserted: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''Vibrator'']"><<$cheatVib>></a>'
-	*nl
-	'Automatically win every fight: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''fight'']"><<$fight_cheat>></a>'
-	'Automatically resolve non-magical fights: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''autocombat'']"><<$autocombat_cheat>></a>'
-	*nl
-	'Bimbo trait and the effects of wearing bimbo clothes: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''BimboCloth'']"><<$cheatBimbo>></a>'
-	'Exhibitionist trait: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''exhib_block'']"><<$cheatexhib>></a>'
-	'Addictive personality trait: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''addictive_block'']"><<$cheataddictive>></a>'
-	'Cumeater trait: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cumtrait_block'']"><<$cheatcumtrait>></a>'
-	*nl
-	'Who says bimbos can''t be smart? Smart bimbo mode: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''SmartBimbo'']"><<$cheatBimbo2>></a>'
-	'Succubus bimbo mode: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''SuccuBimbo'']"><<$cheatBimbo3>></a>'
-	*nl
-	'Set arousal to always be at 50 or more: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cheatHorny'']"><<$cheatHorny>></a>'
-	'Periods (and pregnancies): <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''slutshot'']"><<$cheatSlut>></a>'
-	'Impregnation: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cheat_NoPregnancy'']"><<$cheat_nopregnancy>></a>'
-	'Lactation: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cheat_NoLactation'']"><<$cheat_nolactation>></a>'
-	'STDs: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''health'']"><<$cheatHealth>></a>'
-	*nl
-	if Enable_autotampon = 1:
-		'Automatic cheat on Tampon: <a href="exec:Enable_autotampon = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently ON</a>'
-	else
-		'Automatic cheat on Tampon: <a href="exec:Enable_autotampon = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently OFF</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if Enable_nodream > 0:
-		'No dream chance: <a href="exec:Enable_nodream=input(''Enter no dream chance (%)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']"><<Enable_nodream>>%</a>, <a href="exec:Enable_nodream=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently ON</a>'
-	else
-		'No dream chance: <a href="exec:Enable_nodream=input(''Enter no dream chance (%)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently OFF</a>'
-	end & !1.2.3 new function
-	*nl
-	'Hide Console input in objects window: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''consolecheat'']"><<$cheatConsole>></a>'
-	'Time Cheat in Objects window: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''timecheat'']"><<$cheatTime>></a>'
-	*nl
-	'<font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Disabling states may cause some events not to trigger. Use at your own risk!'
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['therapist_reset'] = {
-	gs 'therapist'
-	dynamic $RestTherapyVariables
-	gs 'stat'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
-$cheatmenu['state'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Character State Changes</h1></center>'
-	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save. Cheats manipulating pregnancy or the menstrual cycle are'
-	'especially dangerous unless you know what you''re doing. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'Set alcohol levels:'
-	'<a href="exec:alko = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Sober</a> <a href="exec:alko = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Tipsy</a> <a href="exec:alko = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Drunk</a> <a href="exec:alko = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Wasted</a> <a href="exec:alko = 11 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Barely coherent</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:pcs_horny = 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Max arousal</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:pcs_horny = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Min arousal</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']">Body Modification</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:pcs_health = pcs_vital*10 + pcs_stren*5+1000 & pcs_willpwr = pcs_intel*5 + will*5+1000 & pcs_mana = (pcs_intel*pcs_magik) + pcs_magik*100 + pcs_vital*10 + rikudo & vgape = 0 & agape = 0 & nippain = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Full restoration of Health, Mana, Reason.</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:pcs_sleep = 100 & pcs_stam = stammax & pcs_mood = 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Full restoration of Sleep, Stamina, Mood.</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:pcs_energy = 200 & pcs_hydra = 200 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Full restoration of Hunger and Water.</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''money''] & gs ''stat''">Change money</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:money = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Zero money</a>'
-	if bankAccount = 1:
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bank_money''] & gs ''stat''">Change money in the bank</a>'
-		'<a href="exec: karta = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Zero money in the bank</a>'
-	else
-		'<b>You need to open a bank account before getting access to change money in the bank</b>'
-	end
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''std_cure''] & gs ''stat''">Cure all stds</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:vgape = 0 & agape = 0 & nippain = 0 & painpub = 0 & pirs_pain_ton = 0 & mesec = 0 & spanked = 0 & SLomka = 0 & Narkoman = 0 & strongnark = 0 & SNarkTimes = 0 & nark = 0 & fingal = 0 & mosol = 0 & frost = 0 & sick = 0 & hypnoAddict = 0 & hypnoWithdrawal = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''std_cure''] & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain_killer''] & gs ''stat''">Cure all ailments.</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''force_preg''] & gs ''stat''">Force random pregnancy</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''remove_preg''] & gs ''stat''">Remove pregnancy</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:gs''cum_cleanup'',''reset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Remove all cum</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cycle''] & gs ''stat''">Set stage of menstrual cycle</a>'
-	if lactation['active'] <= 0:
-		'You are not lactating'
-		'Your current prolactinlvl is <<lactation[''prolactinlvl'']>>ng/ml.'
-		'<a href="exec: gs ''lact_lib'',''lact_switch'' & gs ''lact_lib'',''BreastGrowth'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Switch ON</a>'
-	else
-		'You are lactating'
-		'<a href="exec: gs ''lact_lib'',''lact_switch'' & gs ''lact_lib'',''BreastGrowth'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Switch OFF</a>'
-		if lactation['milkprod_type'] = 1:
-			'The milk production is <a href="exec: lactation[''milkprod_type''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">realistic</a>. <<$pcs_firstname>> will produce breast milk based on her body resources.'
-		elseif lactation['milkprod_type'] = 0:
-			'The milk production is <a href="exec: lactation[''milkprod_type''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">permanent</a>. <<$pcs_firstname>> will produce breast milk disregarding her condition.'
-		else
-			lactation['milkprod_type'] = 1
-		end
-		if lactation['lactaterate'] <= 0:
-			'Lactate Rate: <<lactation[''lactaterate'']/1000>>ml/h <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] += 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">+10</a>'
-		elseif lactation['lactaterate'] >= 600000:
-			'Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] -= 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-10</a> <<lactation[''lactaterate'']/1000>>ml/h'
-		else
-			'Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] -= 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-10</a> <<lactation[''lactaterate'']/1000>>ml/h <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] += 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">+10</a>'
-			if lactation['caplactaterate'] <= 0:
-				'Cap Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] = 24 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Switch ON</a>'
-			elseif lactation['caplactaterate'] >= 72:
-				'Cap Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] -= 24 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-24h</a> <<lactation[''caplactaterate'']>>h'
-			else
-				'Cap Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] -= 24 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-24h</a> <<lactation[''caplactaterate'']>>h <a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] += 24 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">+24h</a>'
-			end	
-			'<font color="grey">Cap lactate rate makes lactate rate stop growing if <<$pcs_firstname>> needs milking more often.</font>'
-		end
-		'Milk in Breasts: <<lactation[''breastmv'']/1000>>ml'
-		'Max Milk Storage: <<lactation[''breastmm'']/1000>>ml'
-		'<font color="grey">Maximum milk storage changes with breast size, and if <<$pcs_firstname>> went through pregnancy</font>'
-		if lactation['induced'] <= 0:
-			'Is <<$pcs_firstname>>''s lactation Induced?: <a href="exec:lactation[''induced''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">no</a>'
-		else
-			'Is <<$pcs_firstname>>''s lactation Induced?: <a href="exec:lactation[''induced''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">yes</a>'
-		end
-		'<font color="grey">Does <<$pcs_firstname>> know she induced lactation herself, or not? (This is only used for some events.)</font>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''therapist_reset'']">Reset therapist states</a>'
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['avatar_hair_set'] = {
-	$av_hair = input("Input your custom hair:")
-	if $av_hair='':exit
-	avatar_hair = 1
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-$cheatmenu['rename'] = {
-	!! player name is set in preSYS.qsrc
-	$temp_firstname = '<<$pcs_firstname>>'
-	$pcs_firstname = input("What is your first name? (Leave blank for Svetlana)")
-	if $pcs_firstname = '':$pcs_firstname = '<<$temp_firstname>>'
-	killvar '$temp_firstname'
-	$temp_lastname = '<<$pcs_lastname>>'
-	$pcs_lastname = input("What is your family name? (Leave blank for Lebedev)")
-	if $pcs_lastname = '':$pcs_lastname = '<<$temp_lastname>>'
-	killvar '$temp_lastname'
-	$temp_nickname = '<<$pcs_nickname>>'
-	$pcs_nickname = input("What is your nickname? (Leave blank for Sveta)")
-	if $pcs_nickname = '':$pcs_nickname = '<<$temp_nickname>>'
-	killvar '$temp_nickname'
-$cheatmenu['looks'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	if pcs_hgt < 100:
-		pcs_hgt = 100
-	elseif pcs_hgt > 200:
-		pcs_hgt = 200
-	end
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Character Appearance</h1></center>'
-	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save, use them with care. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
-	*nl
-	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
-	'<tr><td width="33%" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<<$pcs_firstname>> <<$pcs_lastname>> (<<$pcs_nickname>>). <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''rename'']">Rename</a>'
-	if player_avatar = 1:
-		'Custom Avatar: <a href="exec:player_avatar = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">ON</a>'
-	else
-		'Custom Avatar: <a href="exec:player_avatar = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">OFF</a>'
-	end
-	if avatar_hair = 1:
-		'<a href="exec:avatar_hair = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Custom Hair: ON</a>'
-		'<<$av_hair>>'
-	else
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''avatar_hair_set'']">Custom Hair: OFF</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''parameters'']">Show design parameters of body</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''vneshpara'']">Show beauty parameters</a>'
-	*nl
-	'You are <a href="exec: pcs_dob += 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''age'']">(-1)</a> <<age>> <a href="exec: pcs_dob -= 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''age'']">(+1)</a> years old'
-	*nl
-	'<a href=>You look <<vidage>> years old</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''visualage'']">Change apparent age</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href=>You are <<pcs_hgt>> centimetres tall</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:pcs_hgt = input(''Enter <<$pcs_nickname>>s height in centimetres<br><br>(default 170, min 100, max 200, values below 160 and above 180 will cause problems in the calculation of BMI/weight the more you deviate from the default 170)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Change <<$pcs_nickname>>''s height</a>'
-	*nl
-	'You have <<$titsize>> breasts'
-	if tits => 0 and tits < 11:'<a href="exec:silicone += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge breasts(silicone)</a>'
-	if silicone => 1:'<a href="exec:silicone -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink breasts(silicone)</a>'
-	if tits => 0 and tits < 11:'<a href="exec:nbsize += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge breasts(natural)</a>'
-	if nbsize => 1:'<a href="exec:nbsize -= 5 & titreduc = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink breasts(natural)</a>'
-	*nl
-	if pcs_butt <= 4:
-		$pcs_butt[1] = 'flat'
-	elseif pcs_butt <= 8:
-		$pcs_butt[1] = 'average'
-	elseif pcs_butt <= 12:
-		$pcs_butt[1] = 'pert'
-	else
-		$pcs_butt[1] = 'bubble'
-	end
-	'You have <<$pcs_butt[1]>> butt'
-	if pcs_butt < 20:'<a href="exec:butt_cheat += 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge butt</a>'
-	if pcs_butt > 1:'<a href="exec:butt_cheat -= 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink butt</a>'
-	if butt_cheat ! 0:'<a href="exec:butt_cheat = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reset butt shape to default</a>'
-	if silicone_butt => 1:'<a href="exec:silicone_butt = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Remove butt implants</a>'
-	if silicone_butt = 0:'<a href="exec:silicone_butt += 16 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Add butt implants</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$lip>>'
-	if pcs_lip < 4:'<a href="exec:pcs_lip += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge lips</a>'
-	if pcs_lip > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_lip -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink lips</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$skin>>'
-	if pcs_skin < 900: '<a href="exec:pcs_skin += 200 & gs ''body'', ''UpdateBaseAppearnce'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Improve skin</a>'
-	if pcs_skin > 0: '<a href="exec:pcs_skin -= 200 & gs ''body'', ''UpdateBaseAppearnce'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Worsen skin</a>'
-	if pcs_tan >= 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_tan += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Become tanned</a>'
-	if pcs_tan > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_tan = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Remove tan</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$pcs_throat>>'
-	if pcs_throat <= 31:'<a href="exec:pcs_throat += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase throat capacity</a>'
-	if pcs_throat >= 5:'<a href="exec:pcs_throat -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Decrease throat capacity</a>'
-	if dounspell = 1:
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:dounsplkil = 2 & gs ''body'', ''hardreset''">Hard Reset body shape</a>'
-	end
-	'</td><td width="33%" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<<$pcs_vag>>'
-	if pcs_vag > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_vag = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reinstate virginity</a>'
-	if pcs_vag <= 25:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''vagenlarge''">Enlarge comfortable vaginal capacity</a>'
-	if pcs_vag >= 5:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''vagreduce''">Reduce comfortable vaginal capacity</a>'
-	'Your comfortable vaginal capacity will reduce by <<vshrink>> every <<vshrinkdays>> days.'
-	if vshrink < 10:'<a href="exec:vshrink += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase amount of reduction</a>'
-	if vshrink > 0:'<a href="exec:vshrink -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce amount of reduction</a>'
-	if vshrinkdays < 10:'<a href="exec:vshrinkdays += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase number of days it takes</a>'
-	if vshrinkdays > 1:'<a href="exec:vshrinkdays -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce number of days it takes</a>'
-	'When gaped your vagina will reduce each stage (up to 4 for maximum gape) every <<vgape[4]>> minutes.'
-	if vgape[4] < 60:'<a href="exec:vgape[4] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase time by 5 minutes</a>'
-	if vgape[4] > 5:'<a href="exec:vgape[4] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce time by 5 minutes</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$pcs_ass>>'
-	if pcs_ass <= 25:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''assenlarge''">Enlarge comfortable anal capacity</a>'
-	if pcs_ass >= 5:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''assreduce''">Reduce comfortable anal capacity</a>'
-	'Your comfortable anal capacity will reduce by <<ashrink>> every <<ashrinkdays>> days.'
-	if ashrink < 10:'<a href="exec:ashrink += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase amount of reduction</a>'
-	if ashrink > 0:'<a href="exec:ashrink -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce amount of reduction</a>'
-	if ashrinkdays < 10:'<a href="exec:ashrinkdays += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase number of days it takes</a>'
-	if ashrinkdays > 1:'<a href="exec:ashrinkdays -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce number of days it takes</a>'
-	'When gaped your anus will reduce each stage (up to 4 for maximum gape) every <<agape[4]>> minutes.'
-	if agape[4] < 60:'<a href="exec:agape[4] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase time by 5 minutes</a>'
-	if agape[4] > 5:'<a href="exec:agape[4] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce time by 5 minutes</a>'
-	*nl
-	if dounspell = 0:
-		if fat ! 0: '<a href="exec:fat = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Zero fat</a>'
-		'Body Fat = (<<salo>>): <a href="exec:salo -= 10 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:salo -= 5 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:salo -= 1 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-1</a> <a href="exec:salo += 1 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+1</a> <a href="exec:salo += 5 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:salo += 10 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+10</a>'
-		'Note: You need some Body Fat to survive, any value under 11 is clasified as "starving" and a value of 0 can lead to a Game Over.'
-	end
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Tattoo removal</a>'
-	'</td><td width="33%" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<<$hair>>'
-	if pcs_haircol = 0:
-		'Your hair is now (prev) <<$pcs_haircol>> <a href="exec:pcs_haircol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks''] & nathcol = pcs_haircol">(next)</a>'
-	elseif pcs_haircol > 0 and pcs_haircol < 3:
-		'Your hair is now <a href="exec:pcs_haircol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']" & nathcol = pcs_haircol>(prev)</a> <<$pcs_haircol>> <a href="exec:pcs_haircol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']" & pcs_haircol = nathcol>(next)</a>'
-	elseif pcs_haircol = 3:
-		'Your hair is now <a href="exec:pcs_haircol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']" & nathcol = pcs_haircol>(prev)</a> <<$pcs_haircol>> (next)'
-	else
-		'To change your natural hair color, you have to <a href="exec:pcs_haircol = nathcol & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">restore your natural hair color</a> first.'
-	end
-	if pcs_hairlng > 975:
-		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-100</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a>'
-	elseif pcs_hairlng > 900:
-		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-100</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a>'
-	elseif pcs_hairlng >= 100:
-		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-100</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
-	elseif pcs_hairlng >= 25:
-		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
-	elseif pcs_hairlng >= 5:
-		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
-	else
-		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
-	end
-	if hairgrowcht = 0:'<a href="exec:hairgrowcht = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Stop hair growth</a>'
-	if hairgrowcht = 1:'<a href="exec:hairgrowcht = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Allow hair growth</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$glaza>>'
-	if pcs_naturallashes < 2:'<a href="exec:pcs_naturallashes += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge lashes</a>'
-	if pcs_naturallashes > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_naturallashes -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink lashes</a>'
-	if pcs_eyesize < 3:'<a href="exec:pcs_eyesize += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase the size of the eye</a>'
-	if pcs_eyesize > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_eyesize -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce the size of the eye</a>'
-	if pcs_eyecol <= 0:
-		'Your eyes are now (prev) <<$pcs_eyecol>> <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(next)</a>'
-	elseif pcs_eyecol > 0 and pcs_eyecol < 3:
-		'Your eyes are now <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(prev)</a> <<$pcs_eyecol>> <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(next)</a>'
-	elseif pcs_eyecol >= 3:
-		'Your eyes are now <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(prev)</a> <<$pcs_eyecol>> (next)'
-	end
-	'</td></tr></table></center>'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'vagenlarge':
-	if pcs_vag = 0:
-		pcs_vag = 5
-	elseif pcs_vag <= 5:
-		pcs_vag = 10
-	elseif pcs_vag <= 10:
-		pcs_vag = 15
-	elseif pcs_vag <= 15:
-		pcs_vag = 25
-	elseif pcs_vag <= 25:
-		pcs_vag = 35
-	end
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-if $ARGS[0] = 'vagreduce':
-	if pcs_vag > 25:
-		pcs_vag = 25
-	elseif pcs_vag > 15:
-		pcs_vag = 15
-	elseif pcs_vag > 10:
-		pcs_vag = 10
-	elseif pcs_vag > 5:
-		pcs_vag = 1
-	end
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-if $ARGS[0] = 'assenlarge':
-	if pcs_ass = 0:
-		pcs_ass = 5
-	elseif pcs_ass <= 5:
-		pcs_ass = 10
-	elseif pcs_ass <= 10:
-		pcs_ass = 15
-	elseif pcs_ass <= 15:
-		pcs_ass = 25
-	elseif pcs_ass <= 25:
-		pcs_ass = 35
-	end
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-if $ARGS[0] = 'assreduce':
-	if pcs_ass > 25:
-		pcs_ass = 25
-	elseif pcs_ass > 15:
-		pcs_ass = 15
-	elseif pcs_ass > 10:
-		pcs_ass = 10
-	elseif pcs_ass > 5:
-		pcs_ass = 1
-	end
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-$cheatmenu['parameters'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Appearance Stats</h1></center>'
-	act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-	*nl
-	'Body Shape Parameters'
-	'<<pcs_bust>> - <<pcs_waist>> - <<pcs_hips>>, <<$titsize>> breasts, the difference between the hips and waist <<pcs_hips-pcs_waist>> cm'
-	'Muscularity: strenbuf = <<strenbuf>>, salo =	<<salo>>, fat = <<fat>>'
-	'Variable List:'
-	'agilbuf = <<agilbuf>>'
-	'strenbuf = <<strenbuf>>'
-	'vitalbuf = <<vitalbuf>>'
-	'BMI (pcs_bmi) = <<pcs_bmi>>'
-	'weight (pcs_weight) = <<pcs_weight>> kg'
-	'bust (pcs_bust) = <<pcs_bust>>'
-	'band (pcs_band) = <<pcs_band>>'
-	'waist (pcs_waist) = <<pcs_waist>>'
-	'hips (pcs_hips) = <<pcs_hips>>'
-	'bust - band (pcs_cupsize) = <<pcs_cupsize>>'
-	'silicone = <<silicone>>'
-	'nbsize = <<nbsize>>'
-	'magicf2b = <<magicf2b>>'
-	'genbsize = <<genbsize>>'
-	'vhips = <<vhips>>'
-	'vhtmp = <<vhtmp>>'
-	'wratio = <<wratio>>'
-	'bratio = <<bratio>>'
-	'hratio = <<hratio>>'
-	'vofat = <<vofat>>'
-	'salocatnow = <<salocatnow>>'
-	'salocatlast = <<salocatlast>>'
-	'magf2bdo = <<magf2bdo>>'
-	'mgf2bnocnt = <<mgf2bnocnt>>'
-	'magtarcup = <<magtarcup>>'
-	'normbuffpick = <<normbuffpick>>'
-	'nrmbfpckct = <<nrmbfpckct>>'
-	'btwarn = <<btwarn>>'
-	'salolast = <<salolast>>'
-$cheatmenu['vneshpara'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - ?</h1></center>'
-	act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-	*nl
-	'Appearance Parameters'
-	'vidage = <<vidage>>'
-	'pcs_naturallashes = <<pcs_naturallashes>>'
-	'pcs_eyesize = <<pcs_eyesize>>'
-	'pcs_lip = <<pcs_lip>>'
-	'pcs_apprncbase = <<pcs_apprncbase>>'
-	'PXCloThinness = <<PXCloThinness>>'
-	'PXCloTopCut = <<PXCloTopCut>>'
-	'PXCloBottomShortness = <<PXCloBottomShortness>>'
-	'CloTotalBeauty = <<CloTotalBeauty>>'
-	'mopkoef = <<mopkoef>>'
-	'pcs_hairbsh = <<pcs_hairbsh>>'
-	'lipbalmKoef = <<lipbalmKoef>>'
-	'pcs_breath = <<pcs_breath>>'
-	'sweatKoef = <<sweatKoef>>'
-	'glassvnesh = <<glassvnesh>>'
-	'dyevmod = <<dyevmod>>'
-	'hairkoef = <<hairkoef>>'
-	'legkoef = <<legkoef>>'
-$cheatmenu['tatoo'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Tattoos</h1></center>'
-	act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-	*nl
-	if tatarm = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your arm</a>'
-	if tatarm >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatarm = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your arm tattoo</a>'
-	if tatass = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your ass</a>'
-	if tatass >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatass = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your ass tattoo</a>'
-	if tatback = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your back</a>'
-	if tatback >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatback = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your back tattoo</a>'
-	if tatblly = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your belly</a>'
-	if tatblly >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatblly = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your belly tattoo</a>'
-	if tatbrst = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your breast</a>'
-	if tatbrst >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatbrst = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your breast tattoo</a>'
-	if tatchst = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your chest</a>'
-	if tatchst >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatchst = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your chest tattoo</a>'
-	if tatfce = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your face</a>'
-	if tatfce >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatfce = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your face tattoo</a>'
-	if tatankle = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your ankle</a>'
-	if tatankle >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatankle = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your ankle tattoo</a>'
-	if tatleg = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your leg</a>'
-	if tatleg >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatleg = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your leg tattoo</a>'
-	if tatlip = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your lip</a>'
-	if tatlip >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatlip = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your lip tattoo</a>'
-	if tatneck = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your neck</a>'
-	if tatneck >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatneck = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your neck tattoo</a>'
-	if tatvag = 0:'You do not have a public tattoo</a>'
-	if tatvag >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatvag = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your pubic tattoo</a>'
-	if tatlech = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your shoulder</a>'
-	if tatlech >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatlech = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your shoulder tattoo</a>'
-	if tatside = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your side</a>'
-	if tatside >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatside = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your the tattoo on your side</a>'
-	if tatupb = 0:'You do not have a tramp stamp</a>'
-	if tatupb >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatupb = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your tramp stamp</a>'
-	if tatunder = 0:'You do not have an under breast tattoo</a>'
-	if tatunder >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatunder = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your under breast tattoo</a>'
-	if tatwrist = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your wrist</a>'
-	if tatwrist >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatwrist = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your wrist tattoo</a>'
-	if tathand = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your hand</a>'
-	if tathand >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tathand = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your hand tattoo</a>'
-$cheatmenu['setStat'] = {
-	temp_input = input("Set your <<$ARGS[1]>> level:")
-	dynamic "
-		<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = temp_input
-		<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = temp_input
-	"
-	killvar 'temp_input'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
-$cheatmenu['setStat1'] = {
-	temp_input = input("Set your <<$ARGS[1]>> level:")
-	dynamic "
-		<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 100 - temp_input
-		<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 100 - temp_input
-	"
-	killvar 'temp_input'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
-$cheatmenu['setAttrs'] = {
-	loop_index = 0
-	:set_attrs_loop
-		dynamic "
-			<<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = <<ARGS[0]>>
-			<<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = <<ARGS[0]>>
-		"
-		loop_index += 1
-		! Magic is the last attribute, so if it's a non-magic game we'll end the loop one iteration early
-		if $start_type[1] ! 'nomagic' and loop_index < arrsize('$att_name'):
-			jump 'set_attrs_loop'
-		elseif loop_index < arrsize('$att_name') - 1:
-			jump 'set_attrs_loop'
-		end
-	killvar 'loop_index'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
-$cheatmenu['setSkills'] = {
-	loop_index = 0
-	:set_skills_loop
-		!! Inhibition (number 33) isn''t a skill so we''ll skip it
-		if loop_index ! 33:
-			dynamic "
-				<<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = <<ARGS[0]>>
-				<<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = <<ARGS[0]>>
-			"
-			loop_index += 1
-		else
-			loop_index += 1
-			dynamic "
-				<<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = <<ARGS[0]>>
-				<<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = <<ARGS[0]>>
-			"
-		end
-		!! The size of the array is reduced by 1 because we skipped inhibition
-		if loop_index < arrsize('$skl_name') - 1: jump 'set_skills_loop'
-	killvar 'loop_index'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
-$cheatmenu['printStatLinks'] = {
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 100 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Max</a>  '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl += 1 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+1</a> '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl += 10 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+10</a> '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl -= 1 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-1</a> '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl -= 10 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-10</a>  '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 0 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Min</a>  '
-	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>''" >Set</a>'
-$cheatmenu['printStatLinks1'] = {
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 0 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 0 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Max</a>  '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl -= 1 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+1</a> '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl -= 10 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+10</a> '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl += 1 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-1</a> '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl += 10 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-10</a>  '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 100 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 100 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Min</a>  '
-	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat1''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>''" >Set</a>'
-$cheatmenu['stats'] = {
-	gs 'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	!Set a floor and ceiling for all attributes and skills
-	loop_index = 0
-	:attr_trim_loop
-		dynamic "
-			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl < 0: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 0
-			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst < 0: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 0
-			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl > 100: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 100
-			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst > 100: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 100
-		"
-		loop_index += 1
-		if loop_index < arrsize('$att_name'): jump 'attr_trim_loop'
-	loop_index = 0
-	:skill_trim_loop
-		dynamic "
-			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl < 0: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 0
-			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst < 0: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 0
-			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl > 100: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 100
-			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst > 100: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 100
-		"
-		loop_index += 1
-		if loop_index < arrsize('$skl_name'): jump 'skill_trim_loop'
-	killvar 'loop_index'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Attributes and Skills</h1></center>'
-	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save, use them with care. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
-	*nl
-	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
-	'<tr><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
-	*pl'<b>Attributes</b> (values 0 - 100):'
-	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setAttrs''], 100" >Max Attributes</a>    <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setAttrs''], 0" >Min Attributes</a>'
-	*p 'Strength (<<stren_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'stren', 'Strength'
-	*p 'Agility (<<agil_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'agil', 'Agility'
-	*p 'Endurance (<<vital_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vital', 'Endurance'
-	*p 'Intelligence (<<intel_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'intel', 'Intelligence'
-	*p 'Reaction (<<react_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'react', 'Reaction'
-	*p 'Spirit (<<sprt_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'sprt', 'Spirit'
-	*p 'Charisma (<<chrsm_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'chrsm', 'Charisma'
-	*p 'Perception (<<prcptn_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'prcptn', 'Perception'
-	if $start_type[1] ! 'nomagic': *p 'Magic (<<magik_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'magik', 'Magic'
-	*nl
-	*pl'<b>Sexual:</b>'
-	*pl 'Inhibition level (<<100 - inhib_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks1'], 'inhib', 'Inhibition'
-	if willpowermax > 200: willpowermax = 200
-	if willpowermax < 50: willpowermax = 50
-	*pl 'Willpower Maximum (<<willpowermax>>): <a href="exec:willpowermax = 200 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Max</a>  <a href="exec:willpowermax += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+1</a> <a href="exec:willpowermax += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+10</a> <a href="exec:willpowermax -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-1</a> <a href="exec:willpowermax -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-10</a>  <a href="exec:willpowermax = 50 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Min</a>'
-	if workPTU > 1:*pl'<a href="exec:teachlevel += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Reputation teacher+10: <<teachlevel>></a>'
-	if workPTU > 1:*pl'<a href="exec:teachlevel -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Reputation teacher-10: <<teachlevel>></a>'
-	*nl
-	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg' and SchoolAtestat = 0:
-		*pl'<b>School:</b>'
-		if class['school_math_grade'] < 100:*pl'Math grade: <<class[''school_math_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''math'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''math'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_rus_grade'] < 100:*pl'Russian grade: <<class[''school_rus_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''rus'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''rus'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_lit_grade'] < 100:*pl'Literature grade: <<class[''school_lit_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''lit'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''lit'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_art_grade'] < 100:*pl'Art grade: <<class[''school_art_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''art'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''art'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_bio_grade'] < 100:*pl'Biology grade: <<class[''school_bio_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''bio'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''bio'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_eng_grade'] < 100:*pl'English grade: <<class[''school_eng_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''eng'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''eng'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_geo_grade'] < 100:*pl'Geography grade: <<class[''school_geo_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''geo'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''geo'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_sci_grade'] < 100:*pl'Science grade: <<class[''school_sci_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''sci'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''sci'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_his_grade'] < 100:*pl'History grade: <<class[''school_his_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''his'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''his'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_shop_grade'] < 100:*pl'Shop grade: <<class[''school_shop_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''shop'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''shop'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_comp_grade'] < 100:*pl'Computer grade: <<class[''school_comp_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''comp'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''comp'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_mus_grade'] < 100:*pl'Music grade: <<class[''school_mus_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''mus'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''mus'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_pe_grade'] < 100:*pl'P.E. grade: <<class[''school_pe_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''pe'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''pe'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if schoolprogul >= 0:*pl'<a href="exec:schoolprogul = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Zero Absenteeism (School): <<schoolprogul>></a>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	*pl'<b>Skills</b> (values 0 - 100, and adjusted total by attributes):'
-	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setSkills''], 100" >Max Skills</a>    <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setSkills''], 0" >Min Skills</a>'
-	*nl
-	*pl'<b>Others:</b>'
-	*p 'Chess (<<chess_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_chess>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'chess', 'Chess'
-	*p 'Gaming (<<gaming_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_gaming>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'gaming', 'Gaming'
-	*p 'Social (<<humint_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_humint>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'humint', 'People Skills'
-	*p 'Persuasion (<<persuas_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_persuas>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'persuas', 'Persuasion'
-	*p 'Observation (<<observ_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_observ>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'observ', 'Observation'
-	*p 'Makeup (<<makupskl_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_makupskl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'makupskl', 'Makeup'
-	*p 'Computers (<<compskl_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_compskl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'compskl', 'Computer Skill'
-	*p 'Hacking (<<comphckng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_comphckng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'comphckng', 'Hacking'
-	*p 'Handy-work (<<hndiwrk_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_hndiwrk>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'hndiwrk', 'Handy-work'
-	*p 'Pool (<<pool_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_pool>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'pool', 'Pool'
-	*p 'Heels (<<pcs_heels>>) - Total (<<pcs_heels>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'heels', 'Heels'
-	if $start_type[1] ! 'nomagic': *p 'Spell Casting (<<splcstng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_splcstng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'splcstng', 'Spellcasting'
-	'</td><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
-	*pl'<b>Combat:</b>'
-	*p 'Jabs (<<jab_lvl>>)- Total (<<pcs_jab>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'jab', 'Jabs'
-	*p 'Power Strikes (<<punch_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_punch>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'punch', 'Power Strikes'
-	*p 'Kicks (<<kick_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_kick>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'kick', 'Kicks'
-	*p 'Defence (<<def_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_def>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'def', 'Defence'
-	*p 'Marksmanship (<<shoot_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_shoot>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'shoot', 'Marksmanship'
-	*p 'Bushcraft (<<bushcraft_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_bushcraft>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'bushcraft', 'Bushcraft'
-	*nl
-	*pl'<b>Craft:</b>'
-	*p 'Singing (<<vokal_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_vokal>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vokal', 'Singing'
-	*p 'Tailoring (<<sewng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_sewng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'sewng', 'Tailoring'
-	*p 'Instruments (<<instrmusic_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_instrmusic>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'instrmusic', 'Instrumental Music'
-	*p 'Photography (<<photoskl_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_photoskl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'photoskl', 'Photography'
-	*p 'Artistic (<<artskls_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_artskls>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'artskls', 'Artistic Skills'
-	*p 'Performing (<<perform_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_perform>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'perform', 'Performance'
-	*p 'Music Production (<<musicprod_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_musicprod>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'musicprod', 'Music Production'
-	*nl
-	*pl'<b>Dance:</b>'
-	*p 'Modern Dance (<<danc_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_danc>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'danc', 'Modern Dancing'
-	*p 'Erotic Dance (<<dancero_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_dancero>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'dancero', 'Erotic Dancing'
-	*p 'Pole Dance (<<dancpol_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_dancpol>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'dancpol', 'Pole Dancing'
-	*p 'Cheerleading (<<cheer_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_cheer>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'cheer', 'Cheerleading'
-	*nl
-	*pl'<b>Sport:</b>'
-	*p 'Running (<<run_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_run>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'run', 'Running'
-	*p 'Volleyball (<<vball_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_vball>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vball', 'Volleyball'
-	*p 'Ice Skating (<<icesktng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_icesktng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'icesktng', 'Ice Skating'
-	*p 'Wrestling (<<wrstlng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_wrstlng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'wrstlng', 'Wrestling'
-	*p 'Football (<<ftbll_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_ftbll>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'ftbll', 'Football'
-	*nl
-	*pl'<b>Work:</b>'
-	*p 'Serving (<<servng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_servng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'servng', 'Serving'
-	*p 'Modeling (<<mdlng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_mdlng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'mdlng', 'Modeling'
-	*p 'Medicine (<<medcn_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_medcn>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'medcn', 'Medicine'
-	*p 'Cleaning (<<cleaning_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_cleaning>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'cleaning', 'Cleaning'
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['reputation'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Relationships and Renown</h1></center>'
-	'<center>Relationship values are from 0 - 100.</center>'
-	'<center>If they exceed this limit they will be reset overnight.</center>'
-	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
-	'<tr><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
-	*nl
-	'Relationships in Pavlovsk'
-	*nl
-	'<font color="blue"><b>Family</b></font>'
-	if Enable_reputation_family = 0:
-		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_family = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-	end
-	if Enable_reputation_family = 1:
-		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_family = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-		'Stepfather: <<npc_rel[''A28'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		'Mother: <<npc_rel[''A29'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		'Sister: <<npc_rel[''A33'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		'Brother: <<npc_rel[''A34'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-	end
-	'Your dog: '+iif($status['dog'] = 'active', '<b>Active</b>', '<a href="exec: $status[''dog''] = ''active'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Active</a>')+'|'+iif($status['dog'] = 'blocked', '<b>Blocked</b>', '<a href="exec: $status[''dog''] = ''blocked'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Blocked</a>')
-	if $status['dog'] ! 'blocked':
-		'Set the relationship and love of your dog to always be at maximum: '+iif(cheat['dog_rel'] = 0, '<a href="exec: cheat[''dog_rel''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Off</a>', '<a href="exec: cheat[''dog_rel''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Currently On</a>')
-		'You need to feed your dog <<rex[''count_feed_base'']>> per day: '+iif(rex['count_feed_base'] > 1, '<a href="exec: rex[''count_feed_base''] -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-1</a>', '-1')+'|<a href="exec: rex[''count_feed_base''] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+1</a>'
-		'You need to walk your dog <<rex[''count_walk_base'']>> per day: '+iif(rex['count_walk_base'] > 1, '<a href="exec: rex[''count_walk_base''] -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-1</a>', '-1')+'|<a href="exec: rex[''count_walk_base''] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+1</a>'
-		'You need to bath your dog <<rex[''count_bath_base'']>> per week: '+iif(rex['count_bath_base'] > 1, '<a href="exec: rex[''count_bath_base''] -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-1</a>', '-1')+'|<a href="exec: rex[''count_bath_base''] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+1</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg':
-		'<font color="blue"><b>School</b></font>'
-		'<i>Popular Kids</i>'
-		if Enable_reputation_popular = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_popular = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-		end
-		if Enable_reputation_popular = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_popular = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A1'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A1'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A1'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A1''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A1''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A4'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A4'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A4'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A4''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A4''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A14'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A14'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A14'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A14''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A14''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A15'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A15'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A15'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A15''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A15''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A17'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A17'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A17'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A17''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A17''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A22'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A22'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A22'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A22''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A22''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A146'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A146'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A146'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A146''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A146''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A147'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A147'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A147'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A147''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A147''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A148'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A148'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A148'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A148''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A148''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			if soniaPS = 0:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A25'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A25'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A25'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A139'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A139'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A139'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A139''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A139''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A140'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A140'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A140'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A140''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A140''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		'<i>Athletes</i>'
-		if Enable_reputation_athletes = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_athletes = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-		end
-		if Enable_reputation_athletes = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_athletes = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A3'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A3'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A3'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A3''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A3''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			if fedormasha = 0:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A5'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A5'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A5'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A8'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A8'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A8'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A8''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A8''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A13'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A13'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A13'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A13''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A13''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A18'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A18'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A18'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A18''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A18''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A19'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A19'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A19'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A19''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A19''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A23'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A23'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A23'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A23''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A23''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A149'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A149'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A149'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A149''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A149''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A150'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A150'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A150'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A150''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A150''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A141'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A141'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A141'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A141''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A141''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A165'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A165'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A165'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A165''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A165''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		'<i>Nerds</i>'
-		if Enable_reputation_nerds = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_nerds = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-		end
-		if Enable_reputation_nerds = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_nerds = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A2'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A2'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A2'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A2''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A2''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A6'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A6'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A6'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A6''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A6''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A12'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A12'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A12'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A12''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A12''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A16'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A16'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A16'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A16''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A16''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A151'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A151'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A151'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A151''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A151''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A152'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A152'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A152'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A152''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A152''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A153'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A153'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A153'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A153''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A153''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A142'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A142'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A142'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A142''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A142''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A240'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A240'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A240'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A240''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A240''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		'<i>Gopniks</i>'
-		if Enable_reputation_gopniks = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_gopniks = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-		end
-		if Enable_reputation_gopniks = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_gopniks = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A9'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A9'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A9'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A9''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A9''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A10'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A10'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A10'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A10''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A10''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A11'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A11'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A11'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A11''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A11''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A20'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A20'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A20'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A20''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A20''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A21'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A21'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A21'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A21''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A21''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A24'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A24'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A24'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A24''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A24''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A154'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A154'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A154'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A154''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A154''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A155'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A155'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A155'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A155''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A155''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A156'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A156'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A156'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A156''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A156''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A157'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A157'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A157'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A157''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A157''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A158'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A158'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A158'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A158''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A158''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A143'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A143'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A143'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A143''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A143''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A144'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A144'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A144'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A144''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A144''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A145'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A145'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A145'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A145''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A145''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A189'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A189'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A189'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A189''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A189''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		'<i>Outcasts/Loners</i>'
-		if Enable_reputation_outcasts = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_outcasts = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-		end
-		if Enable_reputation_outcasts = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_outcasts = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A7'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A7'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A7'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A7''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A7''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			if soniaPS > 0:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A25'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A25'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A25'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			if fedormasha = 1:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A5'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A5'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A5'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A159'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A159'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A159'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A159''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A159''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		'<i>Teachers/Coaches</i>'
-		if Enable_reputation_teachers = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_teachers = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-		end
-		if Enable_reputation_teachers = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_teachers = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A26'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A26'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A26'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A26''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A26''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'Mikhail Nikolayevich: <<npc_rel[''A69'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A69''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A69''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A128'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A128'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A128'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A128''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A128''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A129'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A129'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A129'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A129''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A129''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A130'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A130'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A130'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A130''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A130''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A131'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A131'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A131'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A131''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A131''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A132'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A132'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A132'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A132''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A132''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A133'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A133'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A133'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A133''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A133''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A134'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A134'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A134'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A134''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A134''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A135'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A135'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A135'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A135''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A135''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A136'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A136'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A136'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A136''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A136''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A137'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A137'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A137'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A137''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A137''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A138'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A138'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A138'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A138''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A138''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-	end
-	*nl
-	'<font color="blue"><b>Nicholas'' Family</b></font>'
-	'<a href="exec:gt ''nichUtil'', ''debug''">Storyline Debug Menu</a>'
-	'</td><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
-	*nl
-	'Miscellaneous relationships'
-	*nl
-	'<font color="blue"><b>Others</b></font>'
-	*nl
-	if Enable_reputation_others = 0:
-		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_others = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-	end
-	if Enable_reputation_others = 1:
-		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_others = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-		if npc_rel['A112'] >= 0:
-			'Sergei Shulgin: <<npc_rel[''A112'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A112''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A112''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A219'] >= 0:
-			'Kat: <<npc_rel[''A219'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A219''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A219''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A220'] >= 0:
-			'Vika: <<npc_rel[''A220'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A220''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A220''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A93'] >= 0:
-			'Irina: <<npc_rel[''A93'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A93''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A93''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A43'] >= 0:
-			'Tamara: <<npc_rel[''A43'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A43''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A43''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if alla >= 0:
-			'Alla: <<alla>>	<a href="exec:alla += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:alla -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if masha >= 0:
-			'Masha: <<masha>>	<a href="exec:masha += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:masha -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A41'] >= 0:
-			'Givi: <<npc_rel[''A41'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A41''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A41''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A42'] >= 0:
-			'Ashot: <<npc_rel[''A42'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A42''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A42''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A89'] >= 0:
-			'Eugene: <<npc_rel[''A89'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A89''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A89''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A217'] >= 0:
-			'Pavlin: <<npc_rel[''A217'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A217''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A217''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if huntersAndreiQw >= 0:
-			'Hunter Andrew: <<huntersAndreiQw>>	<a href="exec:huntersAndreiQw += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:huntersAndreiQw -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if huntersSergeiQw >= 0:
-			'Hunter Sergei: <<huntersSergeiQw>>	<a href="exec:huntersSergeiQw += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:huntersSergeiQw -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if huntersIgorQw >= 0:
-			'Hunter Igor: <<huntersIgorQw>>	<a href="exec:huntersIgorQw += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:huntersIgorQw -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A217'] >= 0:
-			'Martin: <<npc_rel[''A216'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A216''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A216''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-	end
-	if pcs_lovers[0] = 1:
-		*nl
-		'You are dating <<$loverdesc[0]>>.'
-		if loverrelation[0] < 0: loverrelation[0] = 0
-		if loverdays[0] < 0: loverdays[0] = 0
-		if haraklover[0] > 2: haraklover[0] = 0
-		if loverizvrat[0] > 1: loverizvrat[0] = 0
-		'Change lover''s personality: <a href="exec:haraklover[0] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<haraklover[0]>></a>'
-		'Change lover''s perversion: <a href="exec:loverizvrat[0] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<loverizvrat[0]>></a>'
-		'Relationship: <<loverrelation[0]>> <a href="exec:loverrelation[0] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:loverrelation[0] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		'You''ve been dating for <<loverdays[0]>> days. <a href="exec:loverdays[0] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:loverdays[0] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-5</a>'
-	end
-	if pcs_lovers[1] = 1:
-		*nl
-		'You are dating <<$loverdesc[1]>>.'
-		if loverrelation[1] < 0: loverrelation[1] = 0
-		if loverdays[1] < 0: loverdays[1] = 0
-		if haraklover[1] > 2: haraklover[1] = 0
-		if loverizvrat[1] > 1: loverizvrat[1] = 0
-		'Change lover''s personality: <a href="exec:haraklover[1] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<haraklover[1]>></a>'
-		'Change lover''s perversion: <a href="exec:loverizvrat[1] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<loverizvrat[1]>></a>'
-		'Relationship: <<loverrelation[1]>> <a href="exec:loverrelation[1] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:loverrelation[1] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		'You''ve been dating for <<loverdays[1]>> days. <a href="exec:loverdays[1] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:loverdays[1] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-5</a>'
-	end
-	if pcs_lovers[2] = 1:
-		*nl
-		'You are dating <<$loverdesc[2]>>.'
-		if loverrelation[2] < 0: loverrelation[2] = 0
-		if loverdays[2] < 0: loverdays[2] = 0
-		if haraklover[2] > 2: haraklover[2] = 0
-		if loverizvrat[2] > 1: loverizvrat[2] = 0
-		'Change lover''s personality: <a href="exec:haraklover[2] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<haraklover[2]>></a>'
-		'Change lover''s perversion: <a href="exec:loverizvrat[2] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<loverizvrat[2]>></a>'
-		'Relationship: <<loverrelation[2]>> <a href="exec:loverrelation[2] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:loverrelation[2] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		'You''ve been dating for <<loverdays[2]>> days. <a href="exec:loverdays[2] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:loverdays[2] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-5</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if fame['pav_slut'] >= 50:
-		gs 'fame'
-		'In Pavlovsk you are known as a <font color="red"><<$gnikname>></font> <a href="exec:fame[''pav_sex''] = 0 & fame[''pav_prostitute''] = 0 & gs ''fame'', ''calculateSlut'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if opusk > 0 or gnewQW > 0 or sipovka > 0:'<a href="exec:opusk = 0 & gnewQW = 0 & sipovka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear reputation with Gopniks</a>'
-	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg':
-		*nl
-		'<font color="red"><b>WARNING</b></font>: Clearing reputation flags with your family may cause bugs. Use at your own risk!'
-		*nl
-		if motherKnowWhore > 0:
-			'Your mother knows, that you are sexually active and considers you are a whore. <a href="exec:motherKnowWhore = 0 & motherKnowSpravka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear both reputations</a>    <a href="exec:motherKnowWhore = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear only whore reputation</a>'
-		elseif motherKnowSpravka > 0:
-			'Your mother knows that you are sexually active. <a href="exec:motherKnowSpravka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-		else
-			'Your mother thinks that you are a virgin.'
-		end
-		*nl
-		if evgenQW >= 4 and fame['pav_slut'] >= 250:
-			'Your brother thinks you are a total whore. <a href="exec:evgenQW = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-		elseif evgenQW >= 3:
-			'Your brother thinks you are a slut. <a href="exec:evgenQW = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-		elseif brotherknowslut = 1:
-			'Your brother saw semen on your body and thinks you fuck around. <a href="exec:brotherknowslut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-		elseif brotherknowslut >= 2:
-			'Your brother saw you in the park fucking the Gopniks. <a href="exec:brotherknowslut = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-		else
-			'Your brother has a good opinion of you.'
-		end
-		*nl
-		if sisterknowslut > 1 and sisboypartyQW > 1:
-			'Your sister thinks you are a slut <a href="exec:sisboypartyQW = 0 & sisterknowslut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-		elseif sisterknowslut > 0:
-			'Your sister knows that you sleep around. <a href="exec:sisterknowslut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-		else
-			'Your sister has a good opinion of you.'
-		end
-		*nl
-		if func('homes_properties', 'can_live_here', 'parents_home') = 0:
-			'<a href="exec: gs ''homes_properties'', ''give_access'', ''parents_home'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Restore</a> access to your parent''s apartment.'
-		end
-		if momKnowsKolka = 1:
-			'Your mother knows Kolka is the father. <a href="momKnowsKolka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>.'
-		end
-		if momKnowsVladimir = 1:
-			'Your mother knows Vladimir is the father. <a href="exec:momKnowsVladimir = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>.'
-		end
-		if SchoolBlock = 1:
-			'You''ve been expelled from school. <a href="exec:SchoolBlock = 0 & schoolPredupr = 0 & schoolprogul = 0 & pcs_grades = 50 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>.'
-		end
-	end
-	'</td></tr></table></center>'
-$cheatmenu['documents'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Diplomas, Licences, and Certificates</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td width="300" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	if SchoolAtestat = 0: '<a href="exec:SchoolAtestat = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get School Certificate</a>'
-	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg' and SchoolAtestat = 0: '<font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: This will end your school year!' & *nl
-	if SchoolAtestat = 1:'Already have a School Certificate'
-	if university['diploma'] > 0:
-		'You already have a Diploma'
-	else
-		'<a href="exec:gs ''uniutil'', ''diploma'', ''set_obtained'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Diploma</a>'
-	end
-	if secrdiplom = 0:'<a href="exec:secrdiplom = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Secretarial Diploma</a>'
-	if secrdiplom = 1:'You already have a Secretarial Diploma'
-	if masseuse['certification'] < 10:'<a href="exec:masseuse[''certification''] = 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Masseuse Certificate</a>'
-	if masseuse['certification'] >= 10:'You already have a Masseuse Certificate'
-	if prava = 0:'<a href="exec:prava = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Driving Licence</a>'
-	if prava = 1:'You already have Driving Licence'
-	'</td></tr></table></center>'
-$cheatmenu['input_time'] = {
-	inputtmp = input("Enter time with 4-digit (input 0102 for 1:02)")
-	if inputtmp/100 >= 0 and inputtmp/100 <= 23:hour = inputtmp/100
-	inputtmp = inputtmp mod 100
-	if inputtmp >= 0 and inputtmp <= 59:minut = inputtmp
-	killvar 'inputtmp'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['time']
-$cheatmenu['time'] = {
-	gs 'daystart'
-	gs 'outdoors', 'temp_set'
-	gs 'stat'
-	temp_daystart = (year - 2016) * 365
-!!2016 is a leapyear so no adjustment before division
-	temp_daystart += (year - 2016) / 4
-	i=1
-	:temp_daystart
-	if temp_month > i:
-		temp_daystart += monthsend[i]
-		i += 1
-		jump 'temp_daystart'
-	end
-	temp_daystart += temp_day
-	temp_daystart -= daystart_start
-	temp_daystart += 1
-	if currtimecheck = 1:
-		killvar 'currtimecheck'
-		if currday ! daystart:
-			if currday < daystart:
-				week = (week + daystart - currday) mod 7
-			else
-				temp = week - ((currday - daystart) mod 7)
-				if temp <= 0: week = 7 - temp else week = temp
-			end
-			currday = daystart
-		end
-		if currhour < (daystart-1) * 24 + hour:femcycloop = (daystart-1) * 24 + hour - currhour
-		:femcycloop
-		if femcycloop > 0:gs 'femcyc' & femcycloop -= 1 & jump 'femcycloop'
-	end
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Manipulate Time and Weather</h1></center>'
-	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats to manipulate time can <b>easily</b> break quests and cause bugs. Do not use them unless'
-	'you know what you''re doing. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	if temp_minut > 9:
-		if temp_hour > 9: $temptime = '<b><<temp_hour>>:<<temp_minut>></b>' else $temptime = '<b>0<<temp_hour>>:<<temp_minut>></b>'
-	else
-		if temp_hour > 9: $temptime = '<b><<temp_hour>>:0<<temp_minut>></b>' else $temptime = '<b>0<<temp_hour>>:0<<temp_minut>></b>'
-	end
-	if minut > 9:
-		if hour > 9: $tempcurtime = '<b><<hour>>:<<minut>></b>' else $tempcurtime = '<b>0<<hour>>:<<minut>></b>'
-	else
-		if hour > 9: $tempcurtime = '<b><<hour>>:0<<minut>></b>' else $tempcurtime = '<b>0<<hour>>:0<<minut>></b>'
-	end
-	if temp_daystart > daystart:
-		temp = (temp_daystart - daystart) mod 7
-		if (temp + week) mod 7 = 0:temp_week = 7 else temp_week = (temp + week) mod 7
-	elseif temp_daystart < daystart:
-		temp = (daystart - temp_daystart) mod 7
-		if (week - temp) mod 7 = 0:
-			temp_week = 7
-		elseif (week - temp) mod 7 < 0:
-			temp_week = ((week - temp) mod 7) + 7
-		else
-			temp_week = week - temp
-		end
-	else
-		temp_week = week
-	end
-	killvar 'temp'
-	'Current time: <b><<$week[week]>></b>, <b><<day>></b>. day of <b><<$month>></b>, <b><<year>></b>, <<$tempcurtime>>'
-	'Target time: <b><<$week[temp_week]>></b>, <b><<temp_day>></b>. day of <b><<$temp_month>></b>, <b><<temp_year>></b>, <<$temptime>>'
-	'Daychange: <<temp_daystart - daystart>>'
-	*nl
-	'Year:	<a href="exec:temp_year += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1 Year</a>	<a href="exec:temp_year -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1 Year</a>'
-	'Select <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''month'']">Month</a>'
-	$daychange = '	<a href="exec:temp_day += 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+7 Day</a>'
-	$daychange += '	<a href="exec:temp_day += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1 Day</a>'
-	$daychange += '	<a href="exec:temp_day -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1 Day</a>'
-	$daychange += '	<a href="exec:temp_day -= 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-7 Day</a>'
-	'Day:' +$daychange
-	killvar 'daychange'
-	$SS = 'Hour: '
-	if temp_hour > 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1</a>  ' else $SS += '	'
-	if temp_hour > 3:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour -= 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-4</a>  ' else $SS += '	'
-	if temp_hour ! 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">0</a>	' else $SS += '	'
-	if temp_hour < 23:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1</a>  ' else $SS += '	'
-	if temp_hour < 20:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour += 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+4</a>'
-	$SS
-	$SS = 'Minute: '
-	if temp_minut > 14:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut -= 15 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-15</a> ' else $SS += '	'
-	if temp_minut > 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1</a> ' else $SS += '	'
-	if temp_minut ! 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">0</a> ' else $SS += '   '
-	if temp_minut < 59:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1</a> '
-	if temp_minut < 46:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut += 15 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+15</a>'
-	$SS
-	killvar 'SS'
-	*nl
-	'Weather: <a href="exec:sunWeather=iif(sunWeather=0,1,0) & chWeather = 1 & gs ''outdoors'', ''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">'+iif(sunWeather=0,'Rain','Sunny')+'</a>'
-	*nl
-	'Temperature = <<$temperature>> - <a href="exec:temper += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1 degree</a> - <a href="exec:temper += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+5 degrees</a> - <a href="exec:temper -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1 degree</a> - <a href="exec:temper -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-5 degrees</a>'
-	*nl
-	'Switch to the <a href="exec:TempUnit = '+iif(TempUnit = 0,'1 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Fahrenheit','0 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Celsius')+'</a> scale'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''input_time'']">Direct input time</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:day = temp_day & $month = $temp_month & month = temp_month & year = temp_year & hour = temp_hour & minut = temp_minut & currtimecheck = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Accept target date & time</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_day = day & $temp_month = $month & temp_month = month & temp_year = year & temp_hour = hour & temp_minut = minut & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Reset target date & time</a>'
-	'</td></tr></table></center>'
-$cheatmenu['week'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu"><b>Cheat menu</b></a> - <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']"><b>Time</b></a></center>'
-	*nl
-	'Current time: <b><<day>></b>. day of <b><<$month>></b>, <b><<year>></b>, <<$tempcurtime>>'
-	'Target time: <b><<temp_day>></b>. day of <b><<$temp_month>></b>, <b><<temp_year>></b>, <<$temptime>>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:week = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Monday</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:week = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Tuesday</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:week = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Wednesday</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:week = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Thursday</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:week = 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Friday</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:week = 6 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Saturday</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:week = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Sunday</a>'
-$cheatmenu['month'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu"><b>Cheat menu</b></a> - <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']"><b>Time</b></a></center>'
-	*nl
-	'Current time: <b><<day>></b>. day of <b><<$month>></b>, <b><<year>></b>, <<$tempcurtime>>'
-	'Target time: <b><<temp_day>></b>. day of <b><<$temp_month>></b>, <b><<temp_year>></b>, <<$temptime>>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 1 & $temp_month = ''January'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">January</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 2 & $temp_month = ''February'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">February</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 3 & $temp_month = ''March'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">March</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 4 & $temp_month = ''April'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">April</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 5 & $temp_month = ''May'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">May</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 6 & $temp_month = ''June'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">June</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 7 & $temp_month = ''July'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">July</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 8 & $temp_month = ''August'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">August</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 9 & $temp_month = ''September'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">September</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 10 & $temp_month = ''October'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">October</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 11 & $temp_month = ''November'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">November</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 12 & $temp_month = ''December'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">December</a>'
-$cheatmenu['magicTable'] = {
-	!Build a cheat table for spells with a given Array of spell names.
-	!	ARGS[0] = Friendly name for table
-	!	ARGS[1] = the name of the arraay to use
-	$SpellTabName = $ARGS[0]
-	$ThisArrName = $ARGS[1]
-	maxArrSizeC = dyneval("result=arrsize('<<$ThisArrName>>')")
-	! make the header for the table
-	$SpellListStr = "<center>
-		<table width='90%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' valign='top' border='1'>
-			<tr><th colspan='4'><b><<$SpellTabName>></b></th></tr>
-			<tr>
-				<th></th>
-				<th>Spell</th>
-				<th>Mana</th>
-				<th>Description</th>
-			</tr>"
-	i = 0
-	:CheatDinSpell1
-	$ThisSpellName = dyneval("$result=<<$ThisArrName>>[<<i>>]")
-	if i < maxArrSizeC:
-		if spellKnown[$ThisSpellName] = 1:
-			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: spellKnown['<<$ThisSpellName>>'] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Unlearn]</a>"
-		else
-			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: spellKnown['<<$ThisSpellName>>'] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Learn]</a>"
-		end
-		$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + " <tr><td><<$spellFlipper>></td><td><<$spellName[$ThisSpellName]>></td><td><<spellMana[$ThisSpellName]>></td><td><<$spellDesc[$ThisSpellName]>></td></tr>"
-		i += 1
-		jump 'CheatDinSpell1'
-	end
-	$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + "
-		</table>
-	</center>"
-	*pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr)
-	killvar 'i'
-	killvar '$ThisSpellName'
-	killvar '$ThisArrName'
-	killvar 'maxArrSizeC'
-	killvar '$SpellTabName'
-	killvar '$spellFlipper'
-	killvar '$SpellListStr'
-$cheatmenu['magic'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Magic</h1></center>'
-	'<center>Is magical: <a href="exec:pcs_magik += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''magic'']">+1<<pcs_magik>></a></center>'
-	if succubusflag = 1:
-		'<center><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''succubreset'']"><b>Remove & Reset Succubus status</b></a></center>'
-		'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Removing succubus status will not restart your menstrual cycle, it will remain permanently disabled!</center>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	!Make sure spell list is initialized
-	if spellMana['fog'] = 0:gs 'spellList'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['magicTable'], 'Combat Spells', '$combatSpells'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['magicTable'], 'Non-Combat Spells', '$nonComSpells'
-	! Add in Teleport Location toggles.
-	! make the header for the table
-	$SpellListStr = "<center>
-		<table width='90%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' valign='top' border='1'>
-			<tr><th colspan='2'><b>Known Tree Circle Locations</b></th></tr>
-			<tr><td><a href=""EXEC: spellKnown['teleport']=<<iif(spellKnown['teleport']=1,'0','1')>> & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']""><<iif(spellKnown['teleport']=1,'[Unlearn]','[Learn]')>></a></td><td>Teleport Spell</td></tr>"
-	i = 0
-	:CheatDinTP1
-	$ThisLocation = $tpLocations[i]
-	if i < arrsize('$tpLocations'):
-		if tpKnown[$ThisLocation] = 1:
-			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: tpKnown['<<$ThisLocation>>'] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Unlearn]</a>"
-		else
-			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: tpKnown['<<$ThisLocation>>'] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Learn]</a>"
-		end
-		$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + " <tr><td><<$spellFlipper>></td><td><<$treeCircName[$ThisLocation]>></td></tr>"
-		i += 1
-		jump 'CheatDinTP1'
-	end
-	$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + "
-		</table>
-	</center>"
-	*pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr)
-	killvar 'i'
-	killvar '$ThisLocation'
-	killvar '$spellFlipper'
-	killvar '$SpellListStr'
-$cheatmenu['dynamic'] = {
-	$dynamicCommand = input("Enter command to execute.")
-	if $dynamicCommand = '':exit
-	dynamic $dynamicCommand
-$cheatmenu['std_cure'] = {
-	venera = 0
-	GerpesOnce = 0
-	Gerpes = 0
-	SifacOnce = 0
-	Sifilis = 0
-	TriperOnce = 0
-	Triper = 0
-	TriperOral = 0
-	KandidozOnce = 0
-	Kandidoz = 0
-$cheatmenu['auto_period'] = {
-	if cyccustom = 0:
-		cyccustom = 1
-	else
-		cyccustom = 0
-	end
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['setting']
-$cheatmenu['force_preg'] = {
-	if mesec ! 0: mesec = 0
-	if FocH ! 0: FocH = 0
-	if EggRH ! 0: EggRH = 0
-	if Ovulate ! 0: Ovulate = 0
-	if UnfertEgg ! 0: UnfertEgg = 0
-	if LutH ! 0: LutH = 0
-	if RecovH ! 0: RecovH = 0
-	preg = 1
-	cycle = 5
-	!!Setting implantation date for the due date calculation
-	lastovulation = daystart - 5
-	PregChem = 150
-	$wombthfath = 'A sperm donor'
-	babyembryo += 1
-	if fertegg = 0:
-		Nextbaby = arrsize('$ChildFath')
-		Temppolkid = rand(0,1)
-		polkid[nextbaby] = Temppolkid
-		$kidname[nextbaby] = 'unborn'
-		kidage[nextbaby] = 0
-		daykid[nextbaby] = 0
-		monthkid[nextbaby] = 0
-		yearkid[nextbaby] = 0
-		Babyptype[nextbaby] = 0
-		$ChildFath[nextbaby] = 'A sperm donor'
-		$ChildThFath[nextbaby] = 'A sperm donor'
-		hairkid[nextbaby] = rand(0, 3)
-		eyeskid[nextbaby] = rand(0, 3)
-		ChildConType[nextbaby] = 0
-		Babyptype[nextbaby] = 1
-	else
-		fertegg -= 1
-	end
-$cheatmenu['remove_preg'] = {
-	gs 'medical_din', 'remove_preg'
-	knowpregloss = 2
-	if FertEgg > 0: FertEgg = 0
-$cheatmenu['cycle'] = {
-	*clr
-	if cycle ! 5:
-		EggRH = 0
-		LutH = 0
-		Ovulate = 0
-		UnfertEgg = 0
-		FertEgg = 0
-		RecovH = 0
-		mesec = 0
-		'<a href="exec:daylastperiod = daystart & Cycle = 0 & mesec = 96 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Menstration</a>'
-		'<a href="exec:Cycle = 1 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Follicular</a>'
-		'<a href="exec:Cycle = 2 & Ovulate = 24+rand(0,20) & EggRH = 160 + 160+rand(0, 5) & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Ovulation</a>'
-		'<a href="exec:Cycle = 3 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Luteal</a>'
-	end
-$cheatmenu['setting'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
-	'<center><h1>Gameplay Settings</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	if Enable_nogameover = 1:
-		'Prevent Non-Drama GAMEOVER: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_nogameover = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Prevent Non-Drama GAMEOVER: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_nogameover = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if music_on = 0:
-		'Music: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:music_on = 1 & music_loop = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	else
-		'Music: Currently ON - <a href="exec:music_on = 0 & music_loop = 0 & close all & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if disable_autosave = 1:
-		'AutoSave: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:disable_autosave = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	else
-		'AutoSave: Currently ON - <a href="exec:disable_autosave = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	end
-	if autohairbrush = 1:
-		'Auto brush hair on mirror visit: Currently ON - <a href="exec:autohairbrush = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Auto brush hair on mirror visit: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:autohairbrush = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if enfullmorrout = 1:
-		'Full morning routine enabled: Currently ON - <a href="exec:enfullmorrout = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Full morning routine enabled: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:enfullmorrout = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if cyccustom = 1:
-		'Automatic period tracking: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''auto_period'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Automatic period tracking: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''auto_period'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if cheatKlisma = 1:
-		'Enema realism: Currently ON - <a href="exec:cheatKlisma = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''enema'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Enema realism: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:cheatKlisma = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''enema'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if editpornname = 1:
-		'Editing of the names of the porn movies you stared enabled: Currently ON - <a href="exec:editpornname = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Renaming porn movies you star in: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:editpornname = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	'<B>Difficulty Setting</B>'
-	'At the moment it only improves rate of skill gain'
-	'Difficulty: Currently at <<func(''_difficulty'',''getdifficulty'')>>'
-	'<ul><li>set to <a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''easy peasy'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">easy peasy</a></li>'
-	'<li>set to <a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''relaxed'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">relaxed</a></li>'
-	'<li>set to <a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''realistic'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">realistic</a></li>'
-	'<li>set to <a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''hardcore'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">hardcore</a></li></ul>'
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['display'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
-	'<center><h1>Display Setting</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	if usePopUps = 1:
-		'Allow Popup Pictures: Currently ON - <a href="exec:usePopUps = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Allow Popup Pictures: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:usePopUps = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if set_imgh > 0: set_imgw = 0
-	if set_imgw > 0: set_imgh = 0
-	if set_imgh <= 0 and set_imgw <= 0: $set_imgh = ''
-	if set_imgh > 0:
-		'Force Image Height: <a href="exec:set_imgw = 0 & set_imgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']"><<set_imgh>></a>: Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_imgh = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-		$set_imgh = 'Height = <<set_imgh>>'
-	else
-		'Force Image Height: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_imgw = 0 & set_imgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if set_imgw > 0:
-		'Force Image Width: <a href="exec:set_imgh = 0 & set_imgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']"><<set_imgw>></a>, Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_imgw=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-		$set_imgh = 'Width = <<set_imgw>>'
-	else
-		'Force Image Width: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_imgh = 0 &set_imgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	!night_mode 0: dynamic
-	!night_mode 1: black
-	!night_mode 2: grey
-	!night_mode 99: no theme
-	if night_mode = 0:'Girl Life Theme Selection: Dynamic | <a href="exec:night_mode = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Pitch Black</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Modern Grey</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">White</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 99 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">No Theme</a>'
-	if night_mode = 1:'Girl Life Theme Selection: <a href="exec:night_mode = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Dynamic</a> | Pitch Black | <a href="exec:night_mode = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Modern Grey</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">White</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 99 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">No Theme</a>'
-	if night_mode = 2:'Girl Life Theme Selection: <a href="exec:night_mode = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Dynamic</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Pitch Black</a> | Modern Grey | <a href="exec:night_mode = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">White</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 99 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">No Theme</a>'
-	if night_mode = 3:'Girl Life Theme Selection: Dynamic | <a href="exec:night_mode = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Pitch Black</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Modern Grey</a> | White | <a href="exec:night_mode = 99 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">No Theme</a>'
-	if night_mode = 99:'Girl Life Theme Selection: <a href="exec:night_mode = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Dynamic</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Pitch Black</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Modern Grey</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">White</a> | No Theme'
-	'<font color="grey">Dynamic theme (default) will change colour based on the game hour. No theme will remove table backgrounds.</font>'
-	*nl
-	if Enable_tablemap = 1:
-		'List friends in table: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_tablemap = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'List friends in table: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_tablemap = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if Enable_faceturn = 1:
-		'Always show face: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_faceturn = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Always show face: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_faceturn = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if Enable_Android = 1:
-		'Set Fontsize for Status: Unsupported'
-		'Android Mode:Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_Android = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-		! 'click <a href="exec:*clr & cla & FUNC (''$menu_obnovit'')">refresh</a> to refresh status window.'
-		'click <B>refresh</B> on top of status window to renew.'
-	else
-		'Android Mode: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_Android = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['status'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><h1>Status Window Settings</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	if disable_LoadSave = 0:
-		'Save/Load Buttons: Currently Image - <a href="exec:disable_LoadSave = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Text</a>'
-	elseif disable_LoadSave = 1:
-		'Save/Load Buttons: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:disable_LoadSave = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Image</a>'
-	elseif disable_LoadSave = 2:
-		'Save/Load Buttons: Currently Text - <a href="exec:disable_LoadSave = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	!disabled inner thought font selection during char creation, as it breaks menu.
-	if settingmode = 0:
-		'<a href="exec:gs ''shortgs'',''fonts'', ''$cheatmenu[''''display'''']'',''$OpenInnerThought'',''$CloseInnerThought'' ">Set</a> the font style of inner thoughts'
-		$OpenInnerThought+'Oh my god, what will the neighbours think of us?'+$CloseInnerThought
-	end
-	*nl
-	'Switch to the <a href="exec:TempUnit = '+iif(TempUnit = 0,'1 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">Fahrenheit','0 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">Celsius')+'</a> scale'
-	*nl
-	'Scale Weather Banner: <a href="exec:default_wbanner = 1 & set_weatherht=input(''Weather Banner Height (Default: 72 Min: 50 Max: 100)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_weatherht>></a>, Reset to default <a href="exec:default_wbanner = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">(72)</a>'
-		if set_weatherht < 50:
-			set_weatherht = 50
-		elseif set_weatherht > 100:
-			set_weatherht = 100
-		end
-	'Scale Menu Icons: <a href="exec:default_menu_icons = 1 & set_miconht=input(''Weather Banner Height (Default: 54 Min: 10 Max: 75)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_miconht>></a>, Reset to default <a href="exec:default_menu_icons = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">(54)</a>'
-		if set_miconht < 10:
-			set_miconht = 10
-		elseif set_miconht > 75:
-			set_miconht = 75
-		end
-	if cheatStatusIcons = 0:
-		'Status icons: Click to <a href="exec:cheatStatusIcons = 1 & disable_show_icons = 1 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">hide</a> them.'
-		'Status Icon Height: <a href="exec:default_status_icons = 1 & set_siconht=input(''Input Status Icon Height (Default: 54 Min: 10 Max: 75)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_siconht>></a>, Reset to default <a href="exec:default_status_icons = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">(54)</a>'
-	elseif cheatStatusIcons = 1:
-		'Status icons: Click to <a href="exec: cheatStatusIcons = 0 & disable_show_icons = 0 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">show</a> them.'
-	end
-		if set_siconht < 10:
-			set_siconht = 10
-		elseif set_siconht > 75:
-			set_siconht = 75
-		end
-	if ETOmenu = 1:
-		'Status Display mode: Currently Text - <a href="exec:ETOmenu = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Scale Bar</a>'
-	else
-		'Status Display mode: Currently Scale Bar - <a href="exec:ETOmenu = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Text</a>'
-	end
-	if Enable_scalepic = 1:
-		'Scalebar is now as <b>Image</b>, you can switch to <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Character</a> or <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Table</a>'
-		if Enable_scalewidth > 0:
-			'Scalebar Width: <a href="exec:input(''Input Scalebar Width (default to 120)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<Enable_scalewidth-1>></a>, Set is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scalewidth = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">ON</a>'
-		else
-			'Scalebar Width: Lock is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scalewidth=1+input(''InputS calebar Width (default to 120)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">OFF</a>'
-		end
-		if Enable_scaleheight > 0:
-			'Scalebar Height: <a href="exec:input(''Input Scalebar Height (default to 15)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<Enable_scaleheight-1>></a>, Set is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scaleheight = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">ON</a>'
-		else
-			'Scalebar Height: Lock is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scaleheight=1+input(''InputS calebar Height (default to 15)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">OFF</a>'
-		end
-	elseif Enable_scalepic = 0:
-		'Scalebar is now as <b>Character</b>, you can switch to <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Image</a> or <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Table</a>'
-		if cheatStatusBars = 1:
-			'Set status bar size: Currently Small - <a href="exec:cheatStatusBars = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Set large</a>'
-		else
-			'Set status bar size: Currently Large - <a href="exec:cheatStatusBars = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Set small</a>'
-		end
-	elseif Enable_scalepic = 2:
-		'Scalebar is now as <b>Table</b>, you can switch to <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Image</a> or <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Character</a>'
-	end
-	if Enable_statfsize<0:Enable_statfsize=0
-	if Enable_statfsize > 0:
-		'Set Fontsize for Status: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_statfsize=input(''Enter Fontsize'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<Enable_statfsize>></a>, <a href="exec:Enable_statfsize=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Set Fontsize for Status: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_statfsize=input(''Enter fontsize'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	'<center><B>Status Window toolbar</B></center>'
-	if Enable_showattr = 1:
-		'Show More attribute: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showattr = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Show More attribute: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showattr = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if Enable_showskill = 1:
-		'Show skill: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showskill = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Show skill: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showskill = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if Enable_showrelation = 1:
-		'Show relations: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showrelation = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Show relations: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showrelation = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if Enable_showstatimg = 1:
-		'Show image toolbar: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showstatimg = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Show image toolbar: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showstatimg = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if Enable_showstatimg = 1:
-		!control image toolbar position
-		'<center><B>Image Toolbar Settings</B></center>'
-		$stat_temp_text = '<br>Image toolbar position: <B>'
-		if Enable_statimg_loc = 0:
-			$stat_temp_text += 'Middle'
-		elseif Enable_statimg_loc = 1:
-			$stat_temp_text += 'Top'
-		elseif Enable_statimg_loc = 2:
-			$stat_temp_text += 'Bottom'
-		else
-			$stat_temp_text += 'ERROR! please reset it'
-		end
-		$stat_temp_text += '</B>. You can move it to '
-		if Enable_statimg_loc ! 0:$stat_temp_text += ' <a href="exec:Enable_statimg_loc=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Middle</a>'
-		if Enable_statimg_loc ! 1:$stat_temp_text += ' <a href="exec:Enable_statimg_loc=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Top</a>'
-		if Enable_statimg_loc ! 2:$stat_temp_text += ' <a href="exec:Enable_statimg_loc=2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Bottom</a>'
-		$stat_temp_text
-		killvar 'stat_temp_text'
-		!End control image toolbar position
-		if set_statimgh > 0: set_statimgw = 0
-		if set_statimgw > 0: set_statimgh = 0
-		if set_statimgh <= 0 and set_statimgw <= 0: $set_statimgh = ''
-		if set_statimgh > 0:
-			'Force Image toobar height: <a href="exec:set_statimgw=0 & set_statimgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_statimgh>></a>: Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_statimgh=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-			$set_statimgh = 'height = <<set_statimgh>>'
-		else
-			'Force Image toobar height: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_statimgw=0 & set_statimgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
-		end
-		if set_statimgw > 0:
-			'Force Image toobar width: <a href="exec:set_statimgh=0 & set_statimgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_statimgw>></a>: Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_statimgw=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-			$set_statimgh = 'width = <<set_statimgw>>'
-		else
-			'Force Image toobar width: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_statimgh=0 & set_statimgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
-		end
-	end
-	!<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><img src="images/system/phone/theme/<<$phonetheme_name[pcs_phonetheme]>>/icon_settings.png"></a>
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['theme'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
-	'<center><h1>Phone Theme Menu</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	*nl
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 0: $phoneNameTemp = 'Standard'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 1: $phoneNameTemp = 'Bimbo'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 2: $phoneNameTemp = 'Aluminus'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 3: $phoneNameTemp = 'Bottlecapped'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 4: $phoneNameTemp = 'Galactic'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 5: $phoneNameTemp = 'Vectored'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 6: $phoneNameTemp = 'Veneer'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 7: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 8: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker Red'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 9: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker Toxic'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 10: $phoneNameTemp = 'Gopnik'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 11: $phoneNameTemp = 'Sports'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 12: $phoneNameTemp = 'Succubus'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 13: $phoneNameTemp = 'Woodshop'
-	'Current theme: <b><<$phoneNameTemp>></b>'
-	*nl
-	'Choose from the available themes'
-	*nl
-	i = 0
-	:phonethemeloop
-	if phonetheme[i] = 1:'<td align="center" valign="top"><a href="exec: pcs_phonetheme = <<i>> & gs ''telefon'',''Phone_menu'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme'']"><img height="100" width="100" src="images/system/phone/theme/' + $phonetheme_name[i] + '/icon_call.png"></a></td>'
-	i += 1
-	if i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i <= 3:
-		jump 'phonethemeloop'
-	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 4:
-		'</tr><tr>'
-		jump 'phonethemeloop'
-	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 4 and i <= 7:
-		jump 'phonethemeloop'
-	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 8:
-		'</tr><tr>'
-		jump 'phonethemeloop'
-	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 8 and i <= 11:
-		jump 'phonethemeloop'
-	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 12:
-		'</tr><tr>'
-		jump 'phonethemeloop'
-	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 12 and i <= 15:
-		jump 'phonethemeloop'
-	end
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['pain'] = {
-	if pain['head'] < 0:pain['head'] = 0
-	if pain['hair'] < 0:pain['hair'] = 0
-	if pain['ears'] < 0:pain['ears'] = 0
-	if pain['eyebrows'] < 0:pain['eyebrows'] = 0
-	if pain['eyes'] < 0:pain['eyes'] = 0
-	if pain['cheeks'] < 0:pain['cheeks'] = 0
-	if pain['nose'] < 0:pain['nose'] = 0
-	if pain['mouth'] < 0:pain['mouth'] = 0
-	if pain['lips'] < 0:pain['lips'] = 0
-	if pain['tongue'] < 0:pain['tongue'] = 0
-	if pain['throat'] < 0:pain['throat'] = 0
-	if pain['neck'] < 0:pain['neck'] = 0
-	if pain['back'] < 0:pain['back'] = 0
-	if pain['asscheeks'] < 0:pain['asscheeks'] = 0
-	if pain['asshole'] < 0:pain['asshole'] = 0
-	if pain['hips'] < 0:pain['hips'] = 0
-	if pain['thighs'] < 0:pain['thighs'] = 0
-	if pain['legL'] < 0:pain['legL'] = 0
-	if pain['legR'] < 0:pain['legR'] = 0
-	if pain['feet'] < 0:pain['feet'] = 0
-	if pain['toes'] < 0:pain['toes'] = 0
-	if pain['shoulders'] < 0:pain['shoulders'] = 0
-	if pain['armL'] < 0:pain['armL'] = 0
-	if pain['armR'] < 0:pain['armR'] = 0
-	if pain['hands'] < 0:pain['hands'] = 0
-	if pain['fingers'] < 0:pain['fingers'] = 0
-	if pain['chest'] < 0:pain['chest'] = 0
-	if pain['breasts'] < 0:pain['breasts'] = 0
-	if pain['nipples'] < 0:pain['nipples'] = 0
-	if pain['ribs'] < 0:pain['ribs'] = 0
-	if pain['tummy'] < 0:pain['tummy'] = 0
-	if pain['pubic'] < 0:pain['pubic'] = 0
-	if pain['vaginal'] < 0:pain['vaginal'] = 0
-	if pain['clitoris'] < 0:pain['clitoris'] = 0
-	if pain['urethra'] < 0:pain['urethra'] = 0
-	if pain['cervix'] < 0:pain['cervix'] = 0
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Pain Management</h1></center>'
-	'<center><a href="exec:killvar ''pain'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">No pain</a></center>'
-	*nl
-	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
-	'<tr><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
-	'pain[head] = <<pain[''head'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''head''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''head''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[hair] = <<pain[''hair'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''hair''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''hair''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[ears] = <<pain[''ears'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''ears''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''ears''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[eyebrows] = <<pain[''ears'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''eyebrows''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''eyebrows''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[eyes] = <<pain[''eyes'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''eyes''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''eyes''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[cheeks] = <<pain[''cheeks'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''cheeks''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''cheeks''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[nose] = <<pain[''nose'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''nose''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''nose''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[mouth] = <<pain[''mouth'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''mouth''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''mouth''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[lips] = <<pain[''lips'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''lips''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''lips''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[tongue] = <<pain[''tongue'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''tongue''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''tongue''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[throat] = <<pain[''throat'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''throat''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''throat''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[neck] = <<pain[''neck'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''neck''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''neck''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[back] = <<pain[''back'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''back''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''back''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[asscheeks] = <<pain[''asscheeks'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''asscheeks''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''asscheeks''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[asshole] = <<pain[''asshole'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''asshole''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''asshole''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[hips] = <<pain[''hips'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''hips''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''hips''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[thighs] = <<pain[''thighs'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''thighs''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''thighs''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[left leg] = <<pain[''legL'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''legL''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''legL''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[right leg] = <<pain[''legR'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''legR''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''legR''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'</td><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
-	'pain[feet] = <<pain[''feet'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''feet''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''feet''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[toes] = <<pain[''toes'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''toes''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''toes''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[shoulders] = <<pain[''shoulders'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''shoulders''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''shoulders''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[left arm] = <<pain[''armL'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''armL''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''armL''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[right arm] = <<pain[''armR'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''armR''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''armR''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[hands] = <<pain[''hands'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''hands''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''hands''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[fingers] = <<pain[''fingers'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''fingers''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''fingers''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[chest] = <<pain[''chest'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''chest''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''chest''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[breasts] = <<pain[''breasts'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''breasts''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''breasts''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[nipples] = <<pain[''nipples'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''nipples''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''nipples''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[ribs] = <<pain[''ribs'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''ribs''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''ribs''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[tummy] = <<pain[''tummy'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''tummy''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''tummy''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[pubic] = <<pain[''pubic'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''pubic''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''pubic''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[vaginal] = <<pain[''vaginal'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''vaginal''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''vaginal''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[labia] = <<pain[''labia'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''labia''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''labia''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[clitoris] = <<pain[''clitoris'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''clitoris''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''clitoris''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[urethra] = <<pain[''urethra'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''urethra''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''urethra''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[cervix] = <<pain[''cervix'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''cervix''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''cervix''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'</td></tr></table></center>'
-$cheatmenu['DNA'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - DNA Generation</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<center>DNA string generation<br>If parents are not in game, leave the respective IDs empty</center>'
-	*nl
-	if $cheatDNAC ! '':
-		'<b>Child: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAC>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAC>>'']>></b> (<<$cheatDNAC>>)<br><<$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC]>><br><a href="exec:killvar ''cheatDNAC'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Remove</a>'
-		npctemp = 0
-		killvar 'cheatDNAM'
-		killvar 'cheatDNAF'
-		:npcparentfind
-			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10):
-					$cheatDNAM = 'A<<npctemp>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10):
-					$cheatDNAF = 'A<<npctemp>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10):
-					$cheatDNAM = 'B<<npctemp>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10):
-					$cheatDNAF = 'B<<npctemp>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10):
-					$cheatDNAM = 'C<<npctemp>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10):
-					$cheatDNAF = 'C<<npctemp>>'
-				end
-			end
-		if ($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '') and ($cheatDNAM = '' or $cheatDNAF = ''):npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcparentfind'
-		killvar 'npctemp'
-	else
-		'<a href="exec:killvar ''tempDNAC'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNAC'']"><b>ID of child (if it is known)</b></a>'
-	end
-	if $cheatDNAM ! '':
-		'<br><b>Mother: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAM>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAM>>'']>></b> (<<$cheatDNAM>>)<br><<$npc_dna[$cheatDNAM]>><br><a href="exec:killvar ''cheatDNAM'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Remove</a>'
-	else
-		'<br><a href="exec:killvar ''tempDNAM'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNAM'']"><b>ID of mother (if it is known)</b></a>'
-	end
-	if $cheatDNAF ! '':
-		'<br><b>Father: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAF>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAF>>'']>></b> (<<$cheatDNAF>>)<br><<$npc_dna[$cheatDNAF]>><br><a href="exec:killvar ''cheatDNAF'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Remove</a>'
-	else
-		'<br><a href="exec:killvar ''tempDNAF'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNAF'']"><b>ID of father (if it is known)</b></a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF ! '':
-		$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],$npc_dna[$cheatDNAF])
-	elseif $cheatDNAM ! '':
-		if $cheatDNAC ! '':
-			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','generateF',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
-		else
-			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','create')
-			$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],$tempDNAF)
-		end
-	elseif $cheatDNAF ! '':
-		if $cheatDNAC ! '':
-			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','generateM',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
-		else
-			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','create')
-			$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$tempDNAM,$npc_dna[$cheatDNAF])
-		end
-	else
-		if $cheatDNAC = '':
-			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','create')
-			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','create')
-			$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$tempDNAM,$tempDNAF)
-		else
-			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','generateM',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
-			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','generateF',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
-		end
-	end
-	if $cheatDNAM = '': '<br><b>Random mother DNA:</b> <<$tempDNAM>>'
-	if $cheatDNAF = '': '<br><b>Random father DNA:</b> <<$tempDNAF>>'
-	if $cheatDNAC = '': '<br><b>Random child DNA:</b> <<$cheatDNAgenerated>>'
-	'<br><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Generate again</a>'
-	if $cheatDNAC ! '':
-		npctemp = 0
-		:npcgparfind
-			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-		if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcgparfind'
-	end
-	if $cheatDNAM ! '' or $cheatDNAF ! '':
-		npctemp = 0
-		:npcchildfind
-			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-		if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcchildfind'
-		npctemp = 0
-		:npcgchildfind
-			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif ((mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif ((mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif ((mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-		if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcgchildfind'
-		killvar 'npctemp'
-	end
-	killvar '$tempDNAF'
-	killvar '$tempDNAM'
-	killvar '$tempDNAC'
-	killvar 'cheatDNAgenerated'
-	'</td></tr></table></center>'
-$cheatmenu['DNAM'] = {
-	$cheatDNAM = input("Enter genetic mother ID (like A33, without apostrophe)")
-	if $cheatDNAM = '':exit
-	dynamic $cheatDNAM
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA']
-$cheatmenu['DNAF'] = {
-	$cheatDNAF = input("Enter genetic father ID (like A34, without apostrophe)")
-	if $cheatDNAF = '':exit
-	dynamic $cheatDNAF
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA']
-$cheatmenu['DNAC'] = {
-	$cheatDNAC = input("Enter genetic Child ID (like A34, without apostrophe)")
-	if $cheatDNAC = '':exit
-	dynamic $cheatDNAC
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA']
-$cheatmenu['fame'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Display Setting</h1></center>'
-	$table['fame'] = '<center><table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" valign="top" border="1">'
-	$table['fame'] += '<th colspan="5"><b>Fame</b></th><tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<th></th><th>Pavlovsk</th><th>City</th><th>Pushkin</th><th>Gadukino</th><tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Actor</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Dancer</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Glamour model</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Painter</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Musician</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Ballet dancer</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Porn actor</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Stripper</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Sex</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Prostitution</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Kickboxer</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Runner</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Volleyball player</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic  $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Chess player</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Teacher</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Social media</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '</table></center>'
-	$table['fame']
-$cheatmenu['quicktime'] = {
-	minut += ARGS[0]
-	*clr
-	gs 'daystart'
-	gs 'outdoors', 'weather'
-	gs 'stat'
-	gs 'fertility', 'cum_arrcheat'
-$cheatmenu = {
-	gs'stat'
-	currhour = (daystart-1) * 24 + hour
-	currday = daystart
-	temp_week = week & temp_day = day & $temp_month = $month & temp_month = month & temp_year = year & temp_hour = hour & temp_minut = minut
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Index</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''dynamic'']">Dynamic Input Command</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:gs ''fertility'',''cum_arrcheat''">OOX Debug</a>'
-	'Right now <<$week[week]>> <<$month>> <<day>> <<year>> <<hour>>:<<minut>>'
-	'Jump forward <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''quicktime''], 15 & dynamic $cheatmenu">+15</a> minutes'
-	*nl
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:gt''pav_residential''">Teleport to Pavlovsk</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:gt''liam''">Teleport to Pushkin</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:gt''city_residential''">Teleport to City</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:gt''gadukino''">Teleport to Gadukino</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:gt''dachi''">Teleport to Suburban Cooperative</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Teleporting while in an event may break your game. Use at your own risk!'
-	*nl
-	'Pregnancy speed multiplier: <a href="exec:if pregspeedcheat < 3:pregspeedcheat += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu else pregspeedcheat = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu"><b><<pregspeedcheat+1>></b></a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''vartracker'']"><b>Variable tracker</b></a>'
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['vartracker'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	act 'Return to cheat index': dynamic $cheatmenu
-	'<center><h1>Cheat menu</h1></center>'
-	'<center>For testing purposes.<br>If reporting a bug only the lines in red are neccessary.</center>'
-	*nl
-	'$loc: <<$loc>>'
-	'$locM: <<$locM>>'
-	'<font color = red>$CURLOC: <<$CURLOC>></font>'
-	'$location_type: <<$location_type>>'
-	'$home[''current'']: <<$home[''current'']>>'
-	'$home[''town'']: <<$home[''town'']>>'
-	'$home[''name'']: <<$home[''name'']>>'
-	'daystart: <<daystart>>'
-	'daystart_start: <<daystart_start>>'
-	'month: <<month>>'
-	'week: <<week>>'
-	'$temperature: <<$temperature>>'
-	'pfilmday: <<pfilmday>>'
-	'$pfname: <<$pfname>>'
-	'modelmon: <<modelmon>>'
-	'min_arousal: <<min_arousal>>'
-	'pcs_nips: <<pcs_nips>>'
-	'clit_size: <<clit_size>>'
-	'steroid_have: <<steroid_have>>'
-	'steroid_counter: <<steroid_counter>>'
-	'steroid_dose: <<steroid_dose>>'
-	'aphrodisiac_have: <<aphrodisiac_have>>'
-	'aphrodisiac_counter: <<aphrodisiac_counter>>'
-	'aphrodisiac_timer: <<aphrodisiac_timer>>'
-	'aphrodisiac_addiction: <<aphrodisiac_addiction>>'
-	'bcream_have: <<bcream_have>>'
-	'motherQW: <<npc_QW[''A29'']>>'
-	'Anastasia quest level: <<npc_QW[''A192'']>>'
-	'sex: <<stat[''vaginal'']>>'
-	'$clothingworntype: <<$clothingworntype>>'
-	'PCloQuality: <<PCloQuality>>'
-	'Mira''s Father Quest (npc_QW[''A64'']): <<npc_QW[''A64'']>>'
-	'Mira''s Quest (npc_QW[''A60'']): <<npc_QW[''A60'']>>'
-	'mirasextimes: <<mirasextimes>>'
-	'Mira''s Relationship (npc_rel[''A60'']): <<npc_rel[''A60'']>>'
-	'Mitka''s Quest (npc_QW[''A63'']): <<npc_QW[''A63'']>>'
-	'mirabrosextime: <<mirabrosextime>>'
-	'momslut: <<momslut>>'
-	'Kirill''s Relationship (Kirill): <<Kirill>>'
-	'Kirill''s Corruption (Kirill_Crpt): <<Kirill_Crpt>>'
-	'children: <<kid>>'
-	!! BabyEmbryo is for how many unborn babies inside PC.
-	'fetus number: <<BabyEmbryo>>'
-	!! preg is your pregnancy state. 0 is not pregnant, 1 is pregnant in general, 2 is in labor. 
-	'pregnancy state: <<preg>>'
-	!! thinkpreg is if svetka thinks she is pregnant
-	'thinkpreg: <<thinkpreg>>'
-	!! knowpreg is for solid proof svetlana is pregnant, like a pregnancy test.
-	'knowpreg: <<knowpreg>>'
-	!! knowpregrecover is for Svetlanas knowledge that she just gave birth.
-	'knowpregrecover: <<knowpregrecover>>'
-	!! knowpregloss is for Svetlanas knowledge that she lost a baby. 1 is for an abortion, 2 is for a miscarrage. 
-	'knowpregloss: <<knowpregloss>>'
-	!! cycle is Svetlanas current fertility cycle. 5 is pregnant, 4 is recovering, 3 is luteal, 2 is ovulation, 1 is foccular, 0 is menstration. 
-	'cycle: <<cycle>>'
-	!! menoage is the age Svetlana will be when she goes through menopause.
-	'menoage: <<menoage>>'
-	!! age is how old Svetlana is in years.
-	'age: <<age>>'
-	!! mesec is for how many hours of bleeding Svetlana has left in her current fertility cycle
-	'mesec: <<mesec>>'
-	!! FocH is for how many hours of Foccular cycle Svetlana has gone through in her current fertility cycle. Focular starts at the end of her Luteal and contains the bleeding period in Svetkas cycle.
-	'FocH: <<FocH>>'
-	!! EggRH is for the level of egg release that Svetlana has for her ovulation event. 150 generates a single egg, higher amounts might release more.
-	'EggRH: <<EggRH>>'
-	!! Ovulate is the amount of hours remaining in Svetlanas ovulation period of her current fertility cycle. 
-	'Ovulate: <<Ovulate>>'
-	!! UnfertEgg is how many unfertilized eggs Svetlana has in her for fertilization during her Ovulation period. Unfertilized eggs are removed at the end of her Ovulation period.
-	'UnfertEgg: <<UnfertEgg>>'
-	!! FertEgg is how many unimplanted eggs Svetlana has in her. These are possible babies, but they die 330 hours after ovulation if they do not implant.
-	'FertEgg: <<FertEgg>>'
-	!! babyptype is the pregnancy type of unborn babies. they might be unimplanted 0, healthy 1, or Ectopic 2. Future pregnancy complications should use this variable
-	if FertEgg > 0:
-		i = arrpos('$kidname','unborn')
-		imax = arrsize('$kidname')-1
-		:chlp
-			'	<<i+1>>. baby''s pregnancy type: <<babyptype[i]>>'
-		if i < imax: i += 1 & jump 'chlp'
-		killvar 'i'
-		killvar 'imax'
-	end
-	!! BabyEmbryo is for implanted babies. These are solid pregnancies. 
-	'Implanted Embryos: <<BabyEmbryo>>'
-	!! ferteggage is for the time since the ovulation event. They last 330 hours before they die if not implanted.
-	'ferteggage: <<ferteggage>>'
-	!! PregChem is the level of pregnancy, measured in hour parts. 
-	'PregChem: <<PregChem>>'
-	!! pillcon is the level of birth control to prevent svetlana from getting pregnant. Higher concentrations increase effectivity until it reaches it''s ideal level.
-	'pillcon: <<pillcon>>'
-	!! believed pillcon is the level of birth control svetlana thinks she has. This may be different from the actual level due to sabotage or a bad habit of not taking your pill.
-	'Believed pillcon: <<pillcon2>>'
-	!! RecovH is the amount of recover hours before Svetlanas fertility cycle resets after having a baby.
-	'RecovH: <<RecovH>>'
-	!! daylastperiod is for Svetlanas knowledge on when she began her last period
-	'daylastperiod: <<daylastperiod>> (daystart difference: <<daystart-daylastperiod>>)'
-	!! lastmens is for the last day that Svetlana bled during her last cycle.
-	'lastmens: <<lastmens>>'
-	!! firstmens is for the first day that Svetlana bled during her last cycle. this is different than daylastperiod because this is the actual date, while daylastperiod is when Svetlana remembers it being.
-	'firstmens: <<lastmens>> (daystart difference: <<daystart-firstmens>>)'
-	'hypnoTime: <<hypnoTime>>'
-	'hypnoStrength: <<hypnoStrength>>'
-	'hypnoDay: <<hypnoDay>>'
-	'hypnoAddict: <<hypnoAddict>>'
-	'missCum: <<missCum>>'
-	'condoms/bad condoms: <<prezik>>/<<badprezik>>'
-	if tabletki > 0:
-		'pack(s) of birth control pills: <<tabletki>>'
-		if tabletkiold > 0: '	<<tabletkiold>> expired pack'
-		if tabletkifake > 0: '	<<tabletkifake>> counterfeit pack'
-		if tabletkirej > 0: '	<<tabletkirej>> factory rejected pack'
-		if tabletkifert > 0: '	<<tabletkifert>> fertility hormones pack'
-		if tabletkisug > 0: '	<<tabletkisug>> sugar pills pack'
-	end
-	if pillsleft[ptype] > 0:
-		if ptype = 0: $pilltype = 'normal '
-		if ptype = 1: $pilltype = 'expired '
-		if ptype = 2: $pilltype = 'counterfeit '
-		if ptype = 3: $pilltype = 'factory rejected '
-		if ptype = 4: $pilltype = 'sugar '
-		if ptype = 5: $pilltype = 'fertility hormone '
-		'<<pillsleft[ptype]>> <<$pilltype>>pills left of your currently used pack'
-		killvar '$pilltype'
-	end
-$cheatmenu['bdimmain'] = {
-	gs 'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Body Image Sets</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<center><b>Body Image Controls</b></center>'
-	*nl
-	'You are currently using set: <<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 9)]>>'
-	if bdsetlock = 1:
-		'The set used is locked to current.'
-	else
-		'The set used is unlocked.'
-	end
-	*nl
-	'This is the current default and custom (if any) body image sets:'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[9]>></b></a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[19]>></b></a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[29]>></b></a>'
-	*nl
-	if bodsetcnt >= 4:
-		'You may edit aspects of a custom image set by clicking on their folder names below.'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[49]>></b></a>'
-		*nl
-	elseif bodsetcnt = 3:
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	if bodsetcnt >= 5:
-		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[59]>></b></a>'
-		*nl
-	elseif bodsetcnt = 4:
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	if bodsetcnt >= 6:
-		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 6 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[69]>></b></a>'
-		*nl
-	elseif bodsetcnt = 5:
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	if bodsetcnt >= 7:
-		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[79]>></b></a>'
-		*nl
-	elseif bodsetcnt = 6:
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	if bodsetcnt >= 8:
-		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 8 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[89]>></b></a>'
-		*nl
-	elseif bodsetcnt = 7:
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	if bodsetcnt >= 9:
-		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 9 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[99]>></b></a>'
-		*nl
-	elseif bodsetcnt = 8:
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	'</td></tr></table></center>'
-$cheatmenu['bdimdisplay'] = {
-	gs 'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><h1>Cheat menu</h1></center>'
-	*nl
-	'<center><b>Body Image Set Display</b></center>'
-	'<a href="exec:killvar ''chmbodset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimmain'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
-	*nl
-	if bdsetlock = 1 and chmbodset = fixbodset:
-		'This is the currently locked set.'
-		'<a href="exec:bdsetlock = 0 & bodset = 1 & killvar ''fixbodset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Clear the lock.</b></a>'
-	else
-		'<a href="exec:bdsetlock = 1 & bodset = chmbodset & fixbodset = chmbodset & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Use this set only.</b></a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if chmbodset <= 3:
-		'Folder: <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>'
-		'Descriptors:'
-		*nl
-		if chmbodset = 3:
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a>'
-		else
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/1.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 1)]>></a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/2.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 2)]>></a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/3.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 3)]>></a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/4.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 4)]>></a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/5.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 5)]>></a>'
-		*nl
-		if chmbodset = 3:
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
-		else
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		if chmbodset = 3:
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
-		else
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		if chmbodset = 3:
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/8.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 8)]>></a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-	else
-		'Folder: <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>'
-		'Descriptors: (Displayed as "You are:")'
-		if imgset0ovr[chmbodset] = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-			*nl
-			'You are using a <a href="exec:imgset0ovr[chmbodset] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">custom image 0</a> for this set.'
-			*nl
-		else
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a>'
-			*nl
-			'You are using the <a href="exec:imgset0ovr[chmbodset] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">default image 0</a> for this set.'
-			*nl
-		end
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/1.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 1)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/2.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 2)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/3.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 3)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/4.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 4)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/5.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 5)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-		*nl
-		if imgset6ovr[chmbodset] = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 6 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-			*nl
-			'You are using a <a href="exec:imgset6ovr[chmbodset] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">custom image 6</a> for this set.'
-			*nl
-		else
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
-			*nl
-			'You are using the <a href="exec:imgset6ovr[chmbodset] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">default image 6</a> for this set.'
-			*nl
-		end
-		if imgset7ovr[chmbodset] = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-			*nl
-			'You are using a <a href="exec:imgset7ovr[chmbodset] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">custom image 7</a> for this set.'
-			*nl
-		else
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
-			*nl
-			'You are using the <a href="exec:imgset7ovr[chmbodset] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">default image 7</a> for this set.'
-			*nl
-		end
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdel'']">Delete this set.</a>'
-	end
-$cheatmenu['bdimcstdel'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><b>Body Image Set Removal</b></center>'
-	'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
-	*nl
-	'This is where you remove a body image set from use, please note it does not delete anything, it just clears the custom set from this game instance/save.'
-	if klsetask = 1:
-		'<a href="exec:klsetask = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdel'']"><b>Are you sure you want to remove set <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>?</b></a>'
-	elseif klsetask = 2:
-		if chmbodset <= 2:
-			'You have encoutered error 1'
-			'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
-			exit
-		end
-		if bdsetlock = 1 and fixbodset >= chmbodset: bdsetlock = 0 & killvar 'fixbodset'
-		if bodsetcnt > chmbodset:
-			cyci1 = 0
-			cyci2 = chmbodset
-			:overwriter1
-			$bodimgsets[((cyci2 * 10) + cyci1)] = $bodimgsets[(((cyci2 + 1) * 10) + cyci1)]
-			cyci1 += 1
-			if cyci1 < 10: jump 'overwriter1'
-			imgset6ovr[cyci2] = imgset6ovr[(cyci2 + 1)]
-			imgset7ovr[cyci2] = imgset7ovr[(cyci2 + 1)]
-			cyci1 = 0
-			cyci2 += 1
-			if cyci2 < bodsetcnt: jump 'overwriter1'
-			killvar 'cyci1' & killvar 'cyci2'
-		elseif bodsetcnt < chmbodset:
-			'You have encoutered error 2'
-			'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
-			exit
-		end
-		cyci1 = 9
-		:poofer1
-		killvar 'bodimgsets', ((bodsetcnt * 10) + cyci1)
-		cyci1 -= 1
-		if cyci1 >= 0: jump 'poofer1'
-		killvar 'cyci1'
-		killvar 'imgset6ovr', bodsetcnt
-		killvar 'imgset7ovr', bodsetcnt
-		bodsetcnt -= 1
-		killvar 'klsetask'
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimmain']
-	else
-		'<a href="exec:klsetask = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdel'']">Remove set <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>?</a>'
-	end
-$cheatmenu['bdimcstadd'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><b>Body Image Set Addition</b></center>'
-	'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimmain'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
-	*nl
-	'This is where you can add a new image set to a game.'
-	'To add an image set, create a folder in images/pc/body/shape/ and name it anything you want (shorter will be easier to remember). Then put in it any images you want named 1.jpg, 2.jpg, etc. up 5, 6, or 7. Just make sure it contains images 1 to 5. Once you have done that, click the link below and put in your folder name to add that set.'
-	'Note: This will only be for this instance/save of the game and you will have to redo the click the link step if you want to add the same folder to a different instance/save.'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstaddpro'']">Add Image Set</a>'
-$cheatmenu['bdimcstaddpro'] = {
-	$tmpstrg = input("Enter folder name, do not include ''\''")
-	if $tmpstrg = '':
-		killvar '$tmpstrg'
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimcstadd']
-	else
-		bodsetcnt += 1
-		cyci1 = 0
-		:addcyc
-		$bodimgsets[((bodsetcnt * 10) + cyci1)] = $bodimgsets[(10 + cyci1)]
-		cyci1 += 1
-		if cyci1 < 9: jump 'addcyc'
-		$bodimgsets[((bodsetcnt * 10) + 9)] = $tmpstrg
-		imgset6ovr[bodsetcnt] = 0
-		imgset7ovr[bodsetcnt] = 0
-		killvar '$tmpstrg'
-		killvar 'cyci1'
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimmain']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['bdimcstdesed'] = {
-	$tmpstrg = input("Enter a new descriptor")
-	if $tmpstrg = '':
-		killvar 'chmbddes'
-		killvar '$tmpstrg'
-	else
-		$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + chmbddes)] = $tmpstrg
-		killvar 'chmbddes'
-		killvar '$tmpstrg'
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimdisplay']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['succubreset'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	'Are you sure you want to reset your Succubus status? You will lose all levels, saved power, and succubus skill levels.'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''magic'']"><b>No, nevermind.</b></a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''sucresetdo'']"><b>Yes, remove & reset Succubus status</b></a>'
-$cheatmenu['sucresetdo'] = {
-!!	Probably do not need to kill all of these, but better to unload them.
-	killvar 'scfwon'
-	killvar 'scpopt'
-	killvar '$sclocrt'
-	killvar '$scargrt'
-	killvar '$scsubloc'
-	killvar 'suceatinit'
-	killvar 'succubusflag'
-	killvar 'succubusQW'
-	killvar '$sucself1'
-	killvar 'succublvl'
-	killvar 'succubxp'
-	killvar 'sucxpsnapshot'
-	killvar 'succhungry'
-	killvar 'sucexcess'
-	killvar 'sexnutrition'
-	killvar 'suclezsex'
-	killvar 'sucabslez'
-	killvar 'sucabscum'
-	killvar '$sucabs1'
-	killvar '$sucabs2'
-	killvar '$sucabs3'
-	killvar 'succonfail'
-	killvar 'sucpowzeroed'
-	killvar 'suchuntday'
-	killvar 'sucpcinfo'
-	killvar 'karinsucsex'
-	killvar 'karinsucsexday'
-	killvar 'karinsucsexask'
-	killvar 'tatianasucsex'
-	killvar 'tatianasucsexday'
-	killvar 'tatianasucsexask'
-	killvar 'sucwalkday'
-	killvar '$sucgoloc'
-	killvar '$sucgometka'
-	killvar 'sucskill'
-	killvar 'sucstorecap'
-	killvar 'sucinfoday'
-	killvar 'sctrainprep'
-!!	This list will be updated as new variables are added
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']
-$cheatmenu['about'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
-	gs 'stat'
-	gs 'saveg'
-	gs 'addbuilddate'
-	'<center><h1>About Window</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<tr><td><h3><center>Girl Life version <<version_major>>.<<version_minor>>.<<version_revision>>.<<version_patch>></center></h3></td></tr>'
-	'<tr><td><h3><center>built on <<$builddate>></center></h3></td></tr>'
-	'<tr><td><h5><center>if loaded so it was the save from</center></h5></td></tr>'
-	'<tr><td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><center><<$version>></center></td></tr>'
-	'</table></center>'
-	killvar '$tmp'
-$cheatmenu['items'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Items</h1></center>'
-	'<center><h4>Pharmacy items</h4>'
-	if showPharmacyItems = 0:
-		'<a href = "exec: showPharmacyItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
-	end
-	if showPharmacyItems = 1:
-		'<a href = "exec: showPharmacyItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
-		*pl 'Morning after pill: <a href="exec:morning_after_pill=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<morning_after_pill>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Condoms: <a href="exec:prezik=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<prezik>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Pregnancy test: <a href="exec:pregtest=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<pregtest>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Birth control pills: <a href="exec:tabletki=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<tabletki>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Antibiotics: <a href="exec:lekarstvo=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<lekarstvo>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Vitamins: <a href="exec:vitamin=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<vitamin>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Painkillers: <a href="exec:painkiller=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<painkiller>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Ointments for chafing: <a href="exec:mosolmaz=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mosolmaz>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Lubricants: <a href="exec:lubri=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<lubri>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Lip balms: <a href="exec:lipbalm=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<lipbalm>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Weight loss pill: <a href="exec:fatdel=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<fatdel>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Tampons: <a href="exec:tampon=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<tampon>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Sanitary napkins: <a href="exec:sanpad=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<sanpad>> </b></a>'
-		if klisma = 0:
-			*pl 'Enema kit: <a href="exec:klisma = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if klisma = 1:
-			*pl 'Enema kit: <a href="exec:klisma = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end
-		if breastpump = 0:
-			*pl 'Breast pump: <a href="exec:breastpump = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if breastpump = 1:
-			*pl 'Breast pump: <a href="exec:breastpump = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end		
-		*pl 'Breastmilk bottle S: <a href="exec:bpbottles=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<bpbottles>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Breastmilk bottle M: <a href="exec:bpbottlem=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<bpbottlem>> </b></a>'
-	end
-	'<h4>Food items</h4>'
-	if showFoodItems = 0:
-		'<a href = "exec: showFoodItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
-	end
-	if showFoodItems = 1:
-		'<a href = "exec: showFoodItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
-		*pl 'Regular food: <a href="exec:eda=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<eda>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Diet food: <a href="exec:edad=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<edad>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Tea biscuits: <a href="exec:pranik=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<pranik>> </b></a>'
-		if bag > 0:
-			if bottle = 0:
-				*pl 'Bottle of water: <a href="exec:bottle = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-			end
-			if bottle = 1:
-				*pl 'Bottle of water: <a href="exec:bottle = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-			end
-			if buterbrod = 0:
-				*pl 'Sandwich: <a href="exec:buterbrod = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-			end
-			if buterbrod = 1:
-				*pl 'Sandwich: <a href="exec:buterbrod = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-			end	
-			if wine = 0:
-				*pl 'Cheap Bottle of wine: <a href="exec:wine = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-			end
-			if wine = 1:
-				*pl 'Cheap Bottle of wine: <a href="exec:wine = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-			end	
-		end
-	end
-	'<h4>Cosmetics items</h4>'
-	if showCosmeticsItems = 0:
-		'<a href = "exec: showCosmeticsItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
-	end
-	if showCosmeticsItems = 1:
-		'<a href = "exec: showCosmeticsItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
-		*pl 'Cosmetics: <a href="exec:kosmetica=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<kosmetica>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Moisturiser: <a href="exec:item_moisturizer=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<item_moisturizer>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Lip balms: <a href="exec:lipbalm=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<lipbalm>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Plain false lashes: <a href="exec:falselashesplain=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<falselashesplain>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Mink false lashes: <a href="exec:falselashesmink=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<falselashesmink>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Razors: <a href="exec:stanok=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<stanok>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Sunblock: <a href="exec:krem=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<krem>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Deodorant: <a href="exec:deodorant=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<deodorant>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Tampons: <a href="exec:tampon=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<tampon>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Sanitary Napkins: <a href="exec:sanpad=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<sanpad>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Shampoo: <a href="exec:shampoo=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<shampoo>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Hair scrunchies: <a href="exec:hscrunch=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<hscrunch>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Hair pins: <a href="exec:hpingrip=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<hpingrip>> </b></a>'
-		if bag = 1:
-			*pl 'Wipes: <a href="exec:salfetka=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<salfetka>> </b></a>'
-			*pl 'Portable makeup: <a href="exec:kosmetitka=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<kosmetitka>> </b></a>'
-			*pl 'Mouthwash: <a href="exec:mouthwash=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mouthwash>> </b></a>'
-			if greben = 0:
-				*pl 'Comb: <a href="exec:greben = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-			end
-			if greben = 1:
-				*pl 'Comb: <a href="exec:greben = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-			end	
-			if compact_mirror = 0:
-				*pl 'Compact mirror: <a href="exec:compact_mirror = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-			end
-			if compact_mirror = 1:
-				*pl 'Compact mirror: <a href="exec:compact_mirror = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-			end	
-		end
-	end
-	'<h4>Hardware items</h4>'
-	if showHardwareItems = 0:
-		'<a href = "exec: showHardwareItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
-	end 
-	if showHardwareItems = 1:
-		'<a href = "exec: showHardwareItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
-		*pl 'Dishwashing detergent: <a href="exec:fairy=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<fairy>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Clothing detergent: <a href="exec:poroshok=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<poroshok>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Plates: <a href="exec:cltarelka=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<cltarelka>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Fabric: <a href="exec:tkan=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<tkan>> </b></a>'
-		if sewing_kit = 0:
-			*pl 'Sewing kit: <a href="exec:sewing_kit = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if sewing_kit = 1:
-			*pl 'Sewing kit: <a href="exec:sewing_kit = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		if bag = 1:
-			if umbrella = 0:
-				*pl 'Umbrella: <a href="exec:umbrella = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-			end
-			if umbrella = 1:
-				*pl 'Umbrella: <a href="exec:umbrella = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-			end	
-		end
-	end
-	'<h4>Narcotics items</h4>'
-	if showNarcoticsItems = 0:
-		'<a href = "exec: showNarcoticsItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
-	end
-	if showNarcoticsItems = 1:
-		'<a href = "exec: showNarcoticsItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
-		*pl 'Cigarettes: <a href="exec:siga=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<siga>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Joints: <a href="exec:joint=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<joint>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Cocaine: <a href="exec:dur=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<dur>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Amphetamine: <a href="exec:amphetamine=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<amphetamine>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Neuroboosters: <a href="exec:mentats_have=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mentats_have>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Steroids: <a href="exec:steroid_have=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<steroid_have>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Breast cream: <a href="exec:bcream_have=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<bcream_have>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Aphrodisiacs: <a href="exec:aphrodisiac_have=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<aphrodisiac_have>> </b></a>'
-	end
-	'<h4>Sex shop items</h4>'
-	if showSexItems = 0:
-		'<a href = "exec: showSexItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
-	end
-	if showSexItems = 1:
-		'<a href = "exec: showSexItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
-		if pornMagazine = 0:
-			*pl 'Porn magazine: <a href="exec:pornMagazine = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if pornMagazine = 1:
-			*pl 'Porn magazine: <a href="exec:pornMagazine = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		if vibrator = 0:
-			*pl 'Vibrator: <a href="exec:vibrator = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if vibrator = 1:
-			*pl 'Vibrator: <a href="exec:vibrator = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		if analplug = 0:
-			*pl 'Butt plug: <a href="exec:analplug = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if analplug = 1:
-			*pl 'Butt plug: <a href="exec:analplug = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		*pl '15cm suction dildo: <a href="exec:suction_dildo=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<suction_dildo>> </b></a>'	
-		if strapon = 0:
-			*pl 'Strap-on harness: <a href="exec:strapon = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if strapon = 1:
-			*pl 'Strap-on harness: <a href="exec:strapon = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		if dildo = 0:
-			*pl '10cm dildo: <a href="exec:dildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if dildo = 1:
-			*pl '10cm dildo: <a href="exec:dildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end
-		if middildo = 0:
-			*pl '15cm dildo: <a href="exec:middildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if middildo = 1:
-			*pl '15cm dildo: <a href="exec:middildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		if largedildo = 0:
-			*pl '20cm dildo: <a href="exec:largedildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if largedildo = 1:
-			*pl '20cm dildo: <a href="exec:largedildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		if bigdildo = 0:
-			*pl '25cm dildo: <a href="exec:bigdildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if bigdildo = 1:
-			*pl '25cm dildo: <a href="exec:bigdildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end
-		if extradildo = 0:
-			*pl '30cm dildo: <a href="exec:extradildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if extradildo = 1:
-			*pl '30cm dildo: <a href="exec:extradildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		if superdildo = 0:
-			*pl '35cm dildo: <a href="exec:superdildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if superdildo = 1:
-			*pl '35cm dildo: <a href="exec:superdildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end
-		if maddildo = 0:
-			*pl '40cm dildo: <a href="exec:maddildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if maddildo = 1:
-			*pl '40cm dildo: <a href="exec:maddildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end
-	end
-	'</center>'
---- Cheatmenu_din ---------------------------------
+# Cheatmenu_din
+*clr & cla
+!All the active dynamics for the cheat menu are here
+$cheatmenu['empty'] = {
+	!Yes, intentionally empty, do not remove it
+$cheatmenu['work'] = {
+	if cheatWork = 0:
+		cheatWork = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatWork = 1:
+		cheatWork = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['willpower'] = {
+	if cheatWillpower = 0:
+		cheatWillpower = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatWillpower = 1:
+		cheatWillpower = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['hair'] = {
+	if cheatHapri = 0:
+		cheatHapri = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatHapri = 1:
+		cheatHapri = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['enema'] = {
+	if cheatKlisma = 1:
+		cheatKlisma = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['setting']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatKlisma = 0:
+		cheatKlisma = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['setting']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['nomakeup'] = {
+	if cheatNomakeup = 0:
+		cheatNomakeup = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatNomakeup = 1:
+		cheatNomakeup = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['nosweat'] = {
+	if cheatNoSweat = 0:
+		cheatNoSweat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatNoSweat = 1:
+		cheatNoSweat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['noEat'] = {
+	if cheatNoEat = 0:
+		cheatNoEat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatNoEat = 1:
+		cheatNoEat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['noDrink'] = {
+	if cheatNoDrink = 0:
+		cheatNoDrink = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatNoDrink = 1:
+		cheatNoDrink = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['noSleep'] = {
+	if cheatNoSleep = 0:
+		cheatNoSleep = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatNoSleep = 1:
+		cheatNoSleep = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['noMood'] = {
+	if cheatNoMood = 0:
+		cheatNoMood = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatNoMood = 1:
+		cheatNoMood = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['noFat'] = {
+	if cheatNoFat = 0:
+		cheatNoFat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatNoFat = 1:
+		cheatNoFat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['health'] = {
+	if cheatHealth = 0:
+		cheatHealth = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatHealth = 1:
+		cheatHealth = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['pee'] = {
+	if cheatPee = 0:
+		cheatPee = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatPee = 1:
+		cheatPee = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['fight'] = {
+	if fight_cheat = 0:
+		fight_cheat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif fight_cheat = 1:
+		fight_cheat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['autocombat'] = {
+	if autocombat_cheat = 0:
+		autocombat_cheat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif autocombat_cheat = 1:
+		autocombat_cheat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['age'] = {
+	:tooyoung
+	age = year - ((pcs_dob - (pcs_dob mod 10000)) / 10000)
+	if ((month * 100) + day) <= pcs_dob mod 10000: age -= 1
+	if age < 15: pcs_dob -= 10000 & jump 'tooyoung'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+$cheatmenu['visualage'] = {
+	vidage = input("For how many years you want to look?")
+	if vidage <= 14: vidage = 14
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+$cheatmenu['money'] = {
+	money = input("How much money do you want to have?")
+	if money < 0:money = 0
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
+$cheatmenu['bank_money'] = {
+	karta = input ("How much money do you want to have in the bank?")
+	if karta < 0: karta = 0
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
+$cheatmenu['bodyMod'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	act 'Return to last menu': dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Body Modification</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<center><b><font color="red">WARNING!</font></b></center>'
+	'Changing body shape does not resize clothes.'
+	'May cause adverse interactions, use at your own risk!'
+	''
+	'You are currently <<$body>>.'
+	''
+	'You may select from the following sizes:'
+	''
+	if bodset ! 3:
+		'starving (No, you may not select ''starving'', it''s here to show where the scale starts)'
+		''
+		if salocatnow ! 1:
+			'<a href="exec:salo = 20 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 1)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if salocatnow ! 2:
+			'<a href="exec:salo = 40 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 2)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if salocatnow ! 3:
+			'<a href="exec:salo = 60 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 3)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if salocatnow ! 4:
+			'<a href="exec:salo = 80 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 4)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if salocatnow ! 5:
+			'<a href="exec:salo = 100 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 5)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if salocatnow ! 6:
+			'<a href="exec:salo = 120 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if salocatnow ! 7:
+			'<a href="exec:salo = 140 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+	else
+		if (pregchem < 2688) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 100 & pregtime = 4 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10))]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 2688 and pregchem < 3192) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 2688 & pregtime = 112 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 1)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 3192 and pregchem < 3696) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 3192 & pregtime = 133 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 2)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 3696 and pregchem < 4200) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 3696 & pregtime = 154 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 3)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 4200 and pregchem < 4704) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 4200 & pregtime = 175 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 4)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 4704 and pregchem < 5208) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 4704 & pregtime = 196 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 5)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 5208 and pregchem < 5712) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 5208 & pregtime = 217 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 5712 and pregchem < 6216) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 5712 & pregtime = 238 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 6216) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 6216 & pregtime = 259 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 8)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+	end
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['addict'] = {
+	if NarkImmune = 0:
+		NarkImmune = 1
+		smoker = 0
+		smokerNeed = 0
+		joint_count = 0
+		alcohol_count = 0
+		cocaine_count = 0
+		amphetamine_count = 0
+		SNarkTimes = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif NarkImmune = 1:
+		NarkImmune = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['cheatHorny'] = {
+	if cheatHorny = 0:
+		cheatHorny = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatHorny = 1:
+		cheatHorny = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['slutshot'] = {
+	if cheatSlut = 0:
+		cheatSlut = 1
+		cycle = 6
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatSlut = 1:
+		cheatSlut = 0
+		cycle = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['cheat_NoPregnancy'] = {
+	if cheat_NoPregnancy = 1:
+		killvar 'cheat_NoPregnancy'
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	else
+		cheat_NoPregnancy = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['cheat_NoLactation'] = {
+	if cheat_NoLactation = 1:
+		killvar 'cheat_NoLactation'
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	else
+		cheat_Nolactation = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['Vibrator'] = {
+	if cheatVib = 0:
+		cheatVib = 1
+		bedvibrator = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	elseif cheatVib = 1:
+		cheatVib = 0
+		bedvibrator = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['BimboCloth'] = {
+	if cheatBimbo = 0:
+		cheatBimbo = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		bimbo = 0
+		bimbolevel = 0
+		bimbowithdrawal = 0
+	elseif cheatBimbo = 1:
+		cheatBimbo = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['SmartBimbo'] = {
+	if cheatBimbo2 = 0:
+		cheatBimbo2 = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		bimbostupidity = 0
+	elseif cheatBimbo2 = 1:
+		cheatBimbo2 = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['SuccuBimbo'] = {
+	if cheatBimbo3 = 0:
+		cheatBimbo3 = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		bimbostupidity = 0
+	elseif cheatBimbo3 = 1:
+		cheatBimbo3 = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['exhib_block'] = {
+	if exhib_cheat = 0:
+		exhib_cheat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		pcs_exhib = 0
+		Exhibitionist_lvl = 0
+	elseif exhib_cheat = 1:
+		exhib_cheat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['addictive_block'] = {
+	if addictive_cheat = 0:
+		addictive_cheat = 1
+		smoke_exp = 0
+		joint_exp = 0
+		heroin_exp = 0
+		cocaine_exp = 0
+		amphetamine_exp = 0
+		alcohol_exp = 0
+		addictive_exp = 0
+		addictive_trait_lvl = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	elseif addictive_cheat = 1:
+		addictive_cheat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['cumtrait_block'] = {
+	if cumeater_cheat = 0:
+		cumeater_cheat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		trait['cumeater'] = 0
+	elseif cumeater_cheat = 1:
+		cumeater_cheat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['consolecheat'] = {
+	if cheatConsole = 0:
+		cheatConsole = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatConsole = 1:
+		cheatConsole = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['timecheat'] = {
+	if cheatTime = 0:
+		cheatTime = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatTime = 1:
+		cheatTime = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['random_bf_gf'] = {
+	if random_bf_gf_cheat = 0:
+		random_bf_gf_cheat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif random_bf_gf_cheat = 1:
+		random_bf_gf_cheat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['street_robbers'] = {
+	if cheat_street_robbers = 0:
+		cheat_street_robbers = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	elseif cheat_street_robbers = 1:
+		cheat_street_robbers = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['street_rapists'] = {
+	if cheat_street_rapists = 0:
+		cheat_street_rapists = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	elseif cheat_street_rapists = 1:
+		cheat_street_rapists = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['permanent'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	if cheatWork = 0:$cheatWork = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatWork = 1:$cheatWork = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatWillpower = 0:$cheatWillpower = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatWillpower = 1:$cheatWillpower = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatHapri = 0:$cheatHapri = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatHapri = 1:$cheatHapri = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatKlisma = 1:$cheatKlisma = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatKlisma = 0:$cheatKlisma = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatNomakeup = 0:$cheatNomakeup = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatNomakeup = 1:$cheatNomakeup = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatNoSweat = 0:$cheatNoSweat = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatNoSweat = 1:$cheatNoSweat = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatNoEat = 0:$cheatNoEat = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatNoEat = 1:$cheatNoEat = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatNoDrink = 0:$cheatNoDrink = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatNoDrink = 1:$cheatNoDrink = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatNoSleep = 0:$cheatNoSleep = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatNoSleep = 1:$cheatNoSleep = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatNoMood = 0:$cheatNoMood = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatNoMood = 1:$cheatNoMood = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatNoFat = 0:$cheatNoFat = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatNoFat = 1:$cheatNoFat = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatHealth = 0:$cheatHealth = 'Enabled'
+	if cheatHealth = 1:$cheatHealth = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatPee = 0:$cheatPee = 'Enabled'
+	if cheatPee = 1:$cheatPee = 'Disabled'
+	if NarkImmune = 0:$NarkImmune = 'Currently OFF'
+	if NarkImmune = 1:$NarkImmune = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatSlut = 0:$cheatSlut = 'Enabled'
+	if cheatSlut = 1:$cheatSlut = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatHorny = 0:$cheatHorny = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatHorny = 1:$cheatHorny = 'Currently ON'
+	if bedvibrator = 0:$cheatVib = 'Currently OFF'
+	if bedvibrator = 1:$cheatVib = 'Currently ON'
+	if fight_cheat = 0:$fight_cheat = 'Currently OFF'
+	if fight_cheat = 1:$fight_cheat = 'Currently ON'
+	if autocombat_cheat = 0:$autocombat_cheat = 'Currently OFF'
+	if autocombat_cheat = 1:$autocombat_cheat = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheat_NoPregnancy = 0:$cheat_NoPregnancy = 'Enabled'
+	if cheat_NoPregnancy = 1:$cheat_NoPregnancy = 'Disabled'
+	if cheat_NoLactation = 0:$cheat_NoLactation = 'Enabled'
+	if cheat_NoLactation = 1:$cheat_NoLactation = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatBimbo = 0:$cheatBimbo = 'Enabled'
+	if cheatBimbo = 1:$cheatBimbo = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatBimbo2 = 0:$cheatBimbo2 = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatBimbo2 = 1:$cheatBimbo2 = 'Enabled'
+	if cheatBimbo3 = 0:$cheatBimbo3 = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatBimbo3 = 1:$cheatBimbo3 = 'Enabled'
+	if cumeater_cheat = 0:$cheatcumtrait = 'Enabled'
+	if cumeater_cheat = 1:$cheatcumtrait = 'Disabled'
+	if exhib_cheat = 0:$cheatexhib = 'Enabled'
+	if exhib_cheat = 1:$cheatexhib = 'Disabled'
+	if addictive_cheat = 0: $cheataddictive = 'Enabled'
+	if addictive_cheat = 1: $cheataddictive = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatConsole = 0:$cheatConsole = 'Visible'
+	if cheatConsole = 1:$cheatConsole = 'Hidden'
+	if cheatTime = 0:$cheatTime = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatTime = 1:$cheatTime = 'Enabled'
+	if random_bf_gf_cheat = 0: $random_bf_gf_cheat = 'Enabled'
+	if random_bf_gf_cheat = 1: $random_bf_gf_cheat = 'Disabled'
+	if cheat_street_robbers = 0: $cheat_street_robbers = 'Enabled'
+	if cheat_street_robbers = 1: $cheat_street_robbers = 'Disabled'
+	if cheat_street_rapists = 0: $cheat_street_rapists = 'Enabled'
+	if cheat_street_rapists = 1: $cheat_street_rapists = 'Disabled'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Recurrent Cheats</h1></center>'
+	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Disabling states may cause some events not to trigger. Use at your own risk!</center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="450" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'More than one job is possible: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''work'']"><<$cheatWork>></a>'
+	'Willpower cost always zero: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''willpower'']"><<$cheatWillpower>></a>'
+	'Always combed: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''hair'']"><<$cheatHapri>></a>'
+	'Cosmetics never smeared: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''nomakeup'']"><<$cheatNomakeup>></a>'
+	'Never sweat: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''nosweat'']"><<$cheatNoSweat>></a>'
+	'Never eat: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noEat'']"><<$cheatNoEat>></a>'
+	'Never drink: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noDrink'']"><<$cheatNoDrink>></a>'
+	'Never sleep: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noSleep'']"><<$cheatNoSleep>></a>'
+	'Never unhappy: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noMood'']"><<$cheatNoMood>></a>'
+	'Never lose or gain weight: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noFat'']"><<$cheatNoFat>></a>'
+	'Never get addicted: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''addict'']"><<$NarkImmune>></a>'
+	if Enable_sforma = 1:
+		'Allow any clothing for school: <a href="exec:Enable_sforma = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently ON</a>'
+	else
+		'Allow any clothing for school: <a href="exec:Enable_sforma = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently OFF</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	'Random boyfriend/girlfriend events: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''random_bf_gf'']"><<$random_bf_gf_cheat>></a>'
+	'Random robbers in the streets: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''street_robbers'']"><<$cheat_street_robbers>></a>'
+	'Random rapists in the streets: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''street_rapists'']"><<$cheat_street_rapists>></a>'
+	*nl
+	'Enable sleeping with vibrator inserted: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''Vibrator'']"><<$cheatVib>></a>'
+	*nl
+	'Automatically win every fight: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''fight'']"><<$fight_cheat>></a>'
+	'Automatically resolve non-magical fights: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''autocombat'']"><<$autocombat_cheat>></a>'
+	*nl
+	'Bimbo trait and the effects of wearing bimbo clothes: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''BimboCloth'']"><<$cheatBimbo>></a>'
+	'Exhibitionist trait: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''exhib_block'']"><<$cheatexhib>></a>'
+	'Addictive personality trait: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''addictive_block'']"><<$cheataddictive>></a>'
+	'Cumeater trait: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cumtrait_block'']"><<$cheatcumtrait>></a>'
+	*nl
+	'Who says bimbos can''t be smart? Smart bimbo mode: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''SmartBimbo'']"><<$cheatBimbo2>></a>'
+	'Succubus bimbo mode: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''SuccuBimbo'']"><<$cheatBimbo3>></a>'
+	*nl
+	'Set arousal to always be at 50 or more: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cheatHorny'']"><<$cheatHorny>></a>'
+	'Periods (and pregnancies): <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''slutshot'']"><<$cheatSlut>></a>'
+	'Impregnation: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cheat_NoPregnancy'']"><<$cheat_nopregnancy>></a>'
+	'Lactation: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cheat_NoLactation'']"><<$cheat_nolactation>></a>'
+	'STDs: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''health'']"><<$cheatHealth>></a>'
+	'Peeing: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''pee'']"><<$cheatPee>></a>'
+	*nl
+	if Enable_autotampon = 1:
+		'Automatic cheat on Tampon: <a href="exec:Enable_autotampon = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently ON</a>'
+	else
+		'Automatic cheat on Tampon: <a href="exec:Enable_autotampon = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently OFF</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if Enable_nodream > 0:
+		'No dream chance: <a href="exec:Enable_nodream=input(''Enter no dream chance (%)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']"><<Enable_nodream>>%</a>, <a href="exec:Enable_nodream=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently ON</a>'
+	else
+		'No dream chance: <a href="exec:Enable_nodream=input(''Enter no dream chance (%)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently OFF</a>'
+	end & !1.2.3 new function
+	*nl
+	'Hide Console input in objects window: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''consolecheat'']"><<$cheatConsole>></a>'
+	'Time Cheat in Objects window: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''timecheat'']"><<$cheatTime>></a>'
+	*nl
+	'<font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Disabling states may cause some events not to trigger. Use at your own risk!'
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['therapist_reset'] = {
+	gs 'therapist'
+	dynamic $RestTherapyVariables
+	gs 'stat'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
+$cheatmenu['state'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Character State Changes</h1></center>'
+	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save. Cheats manipulating pregnancy or the menstrual cycle are'
+	'especially dangerous unless you know what you''re doing. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'Set alcohol levels:'
+	'<a href="exec:alko = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Sober</a> <a href="exec:alko = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Tipsy</a> <a href="exec:alko = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Drunk</a> <a href="exec:alko = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Wasted</a> <a href="exec:alko = 11 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Barely coherent</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:pcs_horny = 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Max arousal</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:pcs_horny = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Min arousal</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']">Body Modification</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:pcs_health = pcs_vital*10 + pcs_stren*5+1000 & pcs_willpwr = pcs_intel*5 + will*5+1000 & pcs_mana = (pcs_intel*pcs_magik) + pcs_magik*100 + pcs_vital*10 + rikudo & vgape = 0 & agape = 0 & nippain = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Full restoration of Health, Mana, Reason.</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:pcs_sleep = 100 & pcs_stam = stammax & pcs_mood = 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Full restoration of Sleep, Stamina, Mood.</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:pcs_energy = 200 & pcs_hydra = 200 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Full restoration of Hunger and Water.</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''money''] & gs ''stat''">Change money</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:money = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Zero money</a>'
+	if bankAccount = 1:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bank_money''] & gs ''stat''">Change money in the bank</a>'
+		'<a href="exec: karta = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Zero money in the bank</a>'
+	else
+		'<b>You need to open a bank account before getting access to change money in the bank</b>'
+	end
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''std_cure''] & gs ''stat''">Cure all stds</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:vgape = 0 & agape = 0 & nippain = 0 & painpub = 0 & pirs_pain_ton = 0 & mesec = 0 & spanked = 0 & SLomka = 0 & Narkoman = 0 & strongnark = 0 & SNarkTimes = 0 & nark = 0 & fingal = 0 & mosol = 0 & frost = 0 & sick = 0 & hypnoAddict = 0 & hypnoWithdrawal = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''std_cure''] & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain_killer''] & gs ''stat''">Cure all ailments.</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''force_preg''] & gs ''stat''">Force random pregnancy</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''remove_preg''] & gs ''stat''">Remove pregnancy</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:gs''cum_cleanup'',''reset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Remove all cum</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cycle''] & gs ''stat''">Set stage of menstrual cycle</a>'
+	if lactation['active'] <= 0:
+		'You are not lactating'
+		'Your current prolactinlvl is <<lactation[''prolactinlvl'']>>ng/ml.'
+		'<a href="exec: gs ''lact_lib'',''lact_switch'' & gs ''lact_lib'',''BreastGrowth'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Switch ON</a>'
+	else
+		'You are lactating'
+		'<a href="exec: gs ''lact_lib'',''lact_switch'' & gs ''lact_lib'',''BreastGrowth'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Switch OFF</a>'
+		if lactation['milkprod_type'] = 1:
+			'The milk production is <a href="exec: lactation[''milkprod_type''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">realistic</a>. <<$pcs_firstname>> will produce breast milk based on her body resources.'
+		elseif lactation['milkprod_type'] = 0:
+			'The milk production is <a href="exec: lactation[''milkprod_type''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">permanent</a>. <<$pcs_firstname>> will produce breast milk disregarding her condition.'
+		else
+			lactation['milkprod_type'] = 1
+		end
+		if lactation['lactaterate'] <= 0:
+			'Lactate Rate: <<lactation[''lactaterate'']/1000>>ml/h <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] += 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">+10</a>'
+		elseif lactation['lactaterate'] >= 600000:
+			'Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] -= 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-10</a> <<lactation[''lactaterate'']/1000>>ml/h'
+		else
+			'Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] -= 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-10</a> <<lactation[''lactaterate'']/1000>>ml/h <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] += 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">+10</a>'
+			if lactation['caplactaterate'] <= 0:
+				'Cap Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] = 24 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Switch ON</a>'
+			elseif lactation['caplactaterate'] >= 72:
+				'Cap Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] -= 24 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-24h</a> <<lactation[''caplactaterate'']>>h'
+			else
+				'Cap Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] -= 24 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-24h</a> <<lactation[''caplactaterate'']>>h <a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] += 24 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">+24h</a>'
+			end	
+			'<font color="grey">Cap lactate rate makes lactate rate stop growing if <<$pcs_firstname>> needs milking more often.</font>'
+		end
+		'Milk in Breasts: <<lactation[''breastmv'']/1000>>ml'
+		'Max Milk Storage: <<lactation[''breastmm'']/1000>>ml'
+		'<font color="grey">Maximum milk storage changes with breast size, and if <<$pcs_firstname>> went through pregnancy</font>'
+		if lactation['induced'] <= 0:
+			'Is <<$pcs_firstname>>''s lactation Induced?: <a href="exec:lactation[''induced''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">no</a>'
+		else
+			'Is <<$pcs_firstname>>''s lactation Induced?: <a href="exec:lactation[''induced''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">yes</a>'
+		end
+		'<font color="grey">Does <<$pcs_firstname>> know she induced lactation herself, or not? (This is only used for some events.)</font>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''therapist_reset'']">Reset therapist states</a>'
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['avatar_hair_set'] = {
+	$av_hair = input("Input your custom hair:")
+	if $av_hair='':exit
+	avatar_hair = 1
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+$cheatmenu['rename'] = {
+	!! player name is set in preSYS.qsrc
+	$temp_firstname = '<<$pcs_firstname>>'
+	$pcs_firstname = input("What is your first name? (Leave blank for Svetlana)")
+	if $pcs_firstname = '':$pcs_firstname = '<<$temp_firstname>>'
+	killvar '$temp_firstname'
+	$temp_lastname = '<<$pcs_lastname>>'
+	$pcs_lastname = input("What is your family name? (Leave blank for Lebedev)")
+	if $pcs_lastname = '':$pcs_lastname = '<<$temp_lastname>>'
+	killvar '$temp_lastname'
+	$temp_nickname = '<<$pcs_nickname>>'
+	$pcs_nickname = input("What is your nickname? (Leave blank for Sveta)")
+	if $pcs_nickname = '':$pcs_nickname = '<<$temp_nickname>>'
+	killvar '$temp_nickname'
+$cheatmenu['looks'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	if pcs_hgt < 100:
+		pcs_hgt = 100
+	elseif pcs_hgt > 200:
+		pcs_hgt = 200
+	end
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Character Appearance</h1></center>'
+	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save, use them with care. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
+	*nl
+	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
+	'<tr><td width="33%" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<<$pcs_firstname>> <<$pcs_lastname>> (<<$pcs_nickname>>). <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''rename'']">Rename</a>'
+	if player_avatar = 1:
+		'Custom Avatar: <a href="exec:player_avatar = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">ON</a>'
+	else
+		'Custom Avatar: <a href="exec:player_avatar = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">OFF</a>'
+	end
+	if avatar_hair = 1:
+		'<a href="exec:avatar_hair = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Custom Hair: ON</a>'
+		'<<$av_hair>>'
+	else
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''avatar_hair_set'']">Custom Hair: OFF</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''parameters'']">Show design parameters of body</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''vneshpara'']">Show beauty parameters</a>'
+	*nl
+	'You are <a href="exec: pcs_dob += 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''age'']">(-1)</a> <<age>> <a href="exec: pcs_dob -= 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''age'']">(+1)</a> years old'
+	*nl
+	'<a href=>You look <<vidage>> years old</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''visualage'']">Change apparent age</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href=>You are <<pcs_hgt>> centimetres tall</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:pcs_hgt = input(''Enter <<$pcs_nickname>>s height in centimetres<br><br>(default 170, min 100, max 200, values below 160 and above 180 will cause problems in the calculation of BMI/weight the more you deviate from the default 170)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Change <<$pcs_nickname>>''s height</a>'
+	*nl
+	'You have <<$titsize>> breasts'
+	if tits => 0 and tits < 11:'<a href="exec:silicone += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge breasts(silicone)</a>'
+	if silicone => 1:'<a href="exec:silicone -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink breasts(silicone)</a>'
+	if tits => 0 and tits < 11:'<a href="exec:nbsize += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge breasts(natural)</a>'
+	if nbsize => 1:'<a href="exec:nbsize -= 5 & titreduc = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink breasts(natural)</a>'
+	*nl
+	if pcs_butt <= 4:
+		$pcs_butt[1] = 'flat'
+	elseif pcs_butt <= 8:
+		$pcs_butt[1] = 'average'
+	elseif pcs_butt <= 12:
+		$pcs_butt[1] = 'pert'
+	else
+		$pcs_butt[1] = 'bubble'
+	end
+	'You have <<$pcs_butt[1]>> butt'
+	if pcs_butt < 20:'<a href="exec:butt_cheat += 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge butt</a>'
+	if pcs_butt > 1:'<a href="exec:butt_cheat -= 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink butt</a>'
+	if butt_cheat ! 0:'<a href="exec:butt_cheat = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reset butt shape to default</a>'
+	if silicone_butt => 1:'<a href="exec:silicone_butt = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Remove butt implants</a>'
+	if silicone_butt = 0:'<a href="exec:silicone_butt += 16 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Add butt implants</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<<$lip>>'
+	if pcs_lip < 4:'<a href="exec:pcs_lip += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge lips</a>'
+	if pcs_lip > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_lip -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink lips</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<<$skin>>'
+	if pcs_skin < 900: '<a href="exec:pcs_skin += 200 & gs ''body'', ''UpdateBaseAppearnce'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Improve skin</a>'
+	if pcs_skin > 0: '<a href="exec:pcs_skin -= 200 & gs ''body'', ''UpdateBaseAppearnce'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Worsen skin</a>'
+	if pcs_tan >= 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_tan += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Become tanned</a>'
+	if pcs_tan > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_tan = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Remove tan</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<<$pcs_throat>>'
+	if pcs_throat <= 31:'<a href="exec:pcs_throat += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase throat capacity</a>'
+	if pcs_throat >= 5:'<a href="exec:pcs_throat -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Decrease throat capacity</a>'
+	if dounspell = 1:
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:dounsplkil = 2 & gs ''body'', ''hardreset''">Hard Reset body shape</a>'
+	end
+	'</td><td width="33%" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<<$pcs_vag>>'
+	if pcs_vag > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_vag = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reinstate virginity</a>'
+	if pcs_vag <= 25:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''vagenlarge''">Enlarge comfortable vaginal capacity</a>'
+	if pcs_vag >= 5:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''vagreduce''">Reduce comfortable vaginal capacity</a>'
+	'Your comfortable vaginal capacity will reduce by <<vshrink>> every <<vshrinkdays>> days.'
+	if vshrink < 10:'<a href="exec:vshrink += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase amount of reduction</a>'
+	if vshrink > 0:'<a href="exec:vshrink -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce amount of reduction</a>'
+	if vshrinkdays < 10:'<a href="exec:vshrinkdays += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase number of days it takes</a>'
+	if vshrinkdays > 1:'<a href="exec:vshrinkdays -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce number of days it takes</a>'
+	'When gaped your vagina will reduce each stage (up to 4 for maximum gape) every <<vgape[4]>> minutes.'
+	if vgape[4] < 60:'<a href="exec:vgape[4] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase time by 5 minutes</a>'
+	if vgape[4] > 5:'<a href="exec:vgape[4] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce time by 5 minutes</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<<$pcs_ass>>'
+	if pcs_ass <= 25:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''assenlarge''">Enlarge comfortable anal capacity</a>'
+	if pcs_ass >= 5:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''assreduce''">Reduce comfortable anal capacity</a>'
+	'Your comfortable anal capacity will reduce by <<ashrink>> every <<ashrinkdays>> days.'
+	if ashrink < 10:'<a href="exec:ashrink += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase amount of reduction</a>'
+	if ashrink > 0:'<a href="exec:ashrink -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce amount of reduction</a>'
+	if ashrinkdays < 10:'<a href="exec:ashrinkdays += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase number of days it takes</a>'
+	if ashrinkdays > 1:'<a href="exec:ashrinkdays -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce number of days it takes</a>'
+	'When gaped your anus will reduce each stage (up to 4 for maximum gape) every <<agape[4]>> minutes.'
+	if agape[4] < 60:'<a href="exec:agape[4] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase time by 5 minutes</a>'
+	if agape[4] > 5:'<a href="exec:agape[4] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce time by 5 minutes</a>'
+	*nl
+	if dounspell = 0:
+		if fat ! 0: '<a href="exec:fat = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Zero fat</a>'
+		'Body Fat = (<<salo>>): <a href="exec:salo -= 10 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:salo -= 5 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:salo -= 1 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-1</a> <a href="exec:salo += 1 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+1</a> <a href="exec:salo += 5 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:salo += 10 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+10</a>'
+		'Note: You need some Body Fat to survive, any value under 11 is clasified as "starving" and a value of 0 can lead to a Game Over.'
+	end
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Tattoo removal</a>'
+	'</td><td width="33%" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<<$hair>>'
+	if pcs_haircol = 0:
+		'Your hair is now (prev) <<$pcs_haircol>> <a href="exec:pcs_haircol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks''] & nathcol = pcs_haircol">(next)</a>'
+	elseif pcs_haircol > 0 and pcs_haircol < 3:
+		'Your hair is now <a href="exec:pcs_haircol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']" & nathcol = pcs_haircol>(prev)</a> <<$pcs_haircol>> <a href="exec:pcs_haircol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']" & pcs_haircol = nathcol>(next)</a>'
+	elseif pcs_haircol = 3:
+		'Your hair is now <a href="exec:pcs_haircol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']" & nathcol = pcs_haircol>(prev)</a> <<$pcs_haircol>> (next)'
+	else
+		'To change your natural hair color, you have to <a href="exec:pcs_haircol = nathcol & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">restore your natural hair color</a> first.'
+	end
+	if pcs_hairlng > 975:
+		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-100</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a>'
+	elseif pcs_hairlng > 900:
+		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-100</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a>'
+	elseif pcs_hairlng >= 100:
+		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-100</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
+	elseif pcs_hairlng >= 25:
+		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
+	elseif pcs_hairlng >= 5:
+		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
+	else
+		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
+	end
+	if hairgrowcht = 0:'<a href="exec:hairgrowcht = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Stop hair growth</a>'
+	if hairgrowcht = 1:'<a href="exec:hairgrowcht = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Allow hair growth</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<<$glaza>>'
+	if pcs_naturallashes < 2:'<a href="exec:pcs_naturallashes += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge lashes</a>'
+	if pcs_naturallashes > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_naturallashes -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink lashes</a>'
+	if pcs_eyesize < 3:'<a href="exec:pcs_eyesize += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase the size of the eye</a>'
+	if pcs_eyesize > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_eyesize -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce the size of the eye</a>'
+	if pcs_eyecol <= 0:
+		'Your eyes are now (prev) <<$pcs_eyecol>> <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(next)</a>'
+	elseif pcs_eyecol > 0 and pcs_eyecol < 3:
+		'Your eyes are now <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(prev)</a> <<$pcs_eyecol>> <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(next)</a>'
+	elseif pcs_eyecol >= 3:
+		'Your eyes are now <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(prev)</a> <<$pcs_eyecol>> (next)'
+	end
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'vagenlarge':
+	if pcs_vag = 0:
+		pcs_vag = 5
+	elseif pcs_vag <= 5:
+		pcs_vag = 10
+	elseif pcs_vag <= 10:
+		pcs_vag = 15
+	elseif pcs_vag <= 15:
+		pcs_vag = 25
+	elseif pcs_vag <= 25:
+		pcs_vag = 35
+	end
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+if $ARGS[0] = 'vagreduce':
+	if pcs_vag > 25:
+		pcs_vag = 25
+	elseif pcs_vag > 15:
+		pcs_vag = 15
+	elseif pcs_vag > 10:
+		pcs_vag = 10
+	elseif pcs_vag > 5:
+		pcs_vag = 1
+	end
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+if $ARGS[0] = 'assenlarge':
+	if pcs_ass = 0:
+		pcs_ass = 5
+	elseif pcs_ass <= 5:
+		pcs_ass = 10
+	elseif pcs_ass <= 10:
+		pcs_ass = 15
+	elseif pcs_ass <= 15:
+		pcs_ass = 25
+	elseif pcs_ass <= 25:
+		pcs_ass = 35
+	end
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+if $ARGS[0] = 'assreduce':
+	if pcs_ass > 25:
+		pcs_ass = 25
+	elseif pcs_ass > 15:
+		pcs_ass = 15
+	elseif pcs_ass > 10:
+		pcs_ass = 10
+	elseif pcs_ass > 5:
+		pcs_ass = 1
+	end
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+$cheatmenu['parameters'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Appearance Stats</h1></center>'
+	act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+	*nl
+	'Body Shape Parameters'
+	'<<pcs_bust>> - <<pcs_waist>> - <<pcs_hips>>, <<$titsize>> breasts, the difference between the hips and waist <<pcs_hips-pcs_waist>> cm'
+	'Muscularity: strenbuf = <<strenbuf>>, salo =	<<salo>>, fat = <<fat>>'
+	'Variable List:'
+	'agilbuf = <<agilbuf>>'
+	'strenbuf = <<strenbuf>>'
+	'vitalbuf = <<vitalbuf>>'
+	'BMI (pcs_bmi) = <<pcs_bmi>>'
+	'weight (pcs_weight) = <<pcs_weight>> kg'
+	'bust (pcs_bust) = <<pcs_bust>>'
+	'band (pcs_band) = <<pcs_band>>'
+	'waist (pcs_waist) = <<pcs_waist>>'
+	'hips (pcs_hips) = <<pcs_hips>>'
+	'bust - band (pcs_cupsize) = <<pcs_cupsize>>'
+	'silicone = <<silicone>>'
+	'nbsize = <<nbsize>>'
+	'magicf2b = <<magicf2b>>'
+	'genbsize = <<genbsize>>'
+	'vhips = <<vhips>>'
+	'vhtmp = <<vhtmp>>'
+	'wratio = <<wratio>>'
+	'bratio = <<bratio>>'
+	'hratio = <<hratio>>'
+	'vofat = <<vofat>>'
+	'salocatnow = <<salocatnow>>'
+	'salocatlast = <<salocatlast>>'
+	'magf2bdo = <<magf2bdo>>'
+	'mgf2bnocnt = <<mgf2bnocnt>>'
+	'magtarcup = <<magtarcup>>'
+	'normbuffpick = <<normbuffpick>>'
+	'nrmbfpckct = <<nrmbfpckct>>'
+	'btwarn = <<btwarn>>'
+	'salolast = <<salolast>>'
+$cheatmenu['vneshpara'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - ?</h1></center>'
+	act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+	*nl
+	'Appearance Parameters'
+	'vidage = <<vidage>>'
+	'pcs_naturallashes = <<pcs_naturallashes>>'
+	'pcs_eyesize = <<pcs_eyesize>>'
+	'pcs_lip = <<pcs_lip>>'
+	'pcs_apprncbase = <<pcs_apprncbase>>'
+	'PXCloThinness = <<PXCloThinness>>'
+	'PXCloTopCut = <<PXCloTopCut>>'
+	'PXCloBottomShortness = <<PXCloBottomShortness>>'
+	'CloTotalBeauty = <<CloTotalBeauty>>'
+	'mopkoef = <<mopkoef>>'
+	'pcs_hairbsh = <<pcs_hairbsh>>'
+	'lipbalmKoef = <<lipbalmKoef>>'
+	'pcs_breath = <<pcs_breath>>'
+	'sweatKoef = <<sweatKoef>>'
+	'glassvnesh = <<glassvnesh>>'
+	'dyevmod = <<dyevmod>>'
+	'hairkoef = <<hairkoef>>'
+	'legkoef = <<legkoef>>'
+$cheatmenu['tatoo'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Tattoos</h1></center>'
+	act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+	*nl
+	if tatarm = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your arm</a>'
+	if tatarm >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatarm = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your arm tattoo</a>'
+	if tatass = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your ass</a>'
+	if tatass >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatass = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your ass tattoo</a>'
+	if tatback = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your back</a>'
+	if tatback >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatback = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your back tattoo</a>'
+	if tatblly = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your belly</a>'
+	if tatblly >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatblly = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your belly tattoo</a>'
+	if tatbrst = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your breast</a>'
+	if tatbrst >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatbrst = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your breast tattoo</a>'
+	if tatchst = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your chest</a>'
+	if tatchst >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatchst = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your chest tattoo</a>'
+	if tatfce = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your face</a>'
+	if tatfce >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatfce = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your face tattoo</a>'
+	if tatankle = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your ankle</a>'
+	if tatankle >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatankle = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your ankle tattoo</a>'
+	if tatleg = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your leg</a>'
+	if tatleg >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatleg = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your leg tattoo</a>'
+	if tatlip = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your lip</a>'
+	if tatlip >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatlip = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your lip tattoo</a>'
+	if tatneck = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your neck</a>'
+	if tatneck >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatneck = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your neck tattoo</a>'
+	if tatvag = 0:'You do not have a public tattoo</a>'
+	if tatvag >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatvag = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your pubic tattoo</a>'
+	if tatlech = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your shoulder</a>'
+	if tatlech >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatlech = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your shoulder tattoo</a>'
+	if tatside = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your side</a>'
+	if tatside >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatside = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your the tattoo on your side</a>'
+	if tatupb = 0:'You do not have a tramp stamp</a>'
+	if tatupb >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatupb = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your tramp stamp</a>'
+	if tatunder = 0:'You do not have an under breast tattoo</a>'
+	if tatunder >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatunder = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your under breast tattoo</a>'
+	if tatwrist = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your wrist</a>'
+	if tatwrist >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatwrist = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your wrist tattoo</a>'
+	if tathand = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your hand</a>'
+	if tathand >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tathand = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your hand tattoo</a>'
+$cheatmenu['setStat'] = {
+	temp_input = input("Set your <<$ARGS[1]>> level:")
+	dynamic "
+		<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = temp_input
+		<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = temp_input
+	"
+	killvar 'temp_input'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
+$cheatmenu['setStat1'] = {
+	temp_input = input("Set your <<$ARGS[1]>> level:")
+	dynamic "
+		<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 100 - temp_input
+		<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 100 - temp_input
+	"
+	killvar 'temp_input'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
+$cheatmenu['setAttrs'] = {
+	loop_index = 0
+	:set_attrs_loop
+		dynamic "
+			<<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = <<ARGS[0]>>
+			<<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = <<ARGS[0]>>
+		"
+		loop_index += 1
+		! Magic is the last attribute, so if it's a non-magic game we'll end the loop one iteration early
+		if $start_type[1] ! 'nomagic' and loop_index < arrsize('$att_name'):
+			jump 'set_attrs_loop'
+		elseif loop_index < arrsize('$att_name') - 1:
+			jump 'set_attrs_loop'
+		end
+	killvar 'loop_index'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
+$cheatmenu['setSkills'] = {
+	loop_index = 0
+	:set_skills_loop
+		!! Inhibition (number 33) isn''t a skill so we''ll skip it
+		if loop_index ! 33:
+			dynamic "
+				<<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = <<ARGS[0]>>
+				<<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = <<ARGS[0]>>
+			"
+			loop_index += 1
+		else
+			loop_index += 1
+			dynamic "
+				<<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = <<ARGS[0]>>
+				<<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = <<ARGS[0]>>
+			"
+		end
+		!! The size of the array is reduced by 1 because we skipped inhibition
+		if loop_index < arrsize('$skl_name') - 1: jump 'set_skills_loop'
+	killvar 'loop_index'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
+$cheatmenu['printStatLinks'] = {
+	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 100 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Max</a>  '
+	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl += 1 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+1</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl += 10 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+10</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl -= 1 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-1</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl -= 10 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-10</a>  '
+	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 0 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Min</a>  '
+	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>''" >Set</a>'
+$cheatmenu['printStatLinks1'] = {
+	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 0 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 0 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Max</a>  '
+	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl -= 1 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+1</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl -= 10 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+10</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl += 1 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-1</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl += 10 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-10</a>  '
+	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 100 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 100 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Min</a>  '
+	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat1''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>''" >Set</a>'
+$cheatmenu['stats'] = {
+	gs 'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	!Set a floor and ceiling for all attributes and skills
+	loop_index = 0
+	:attr_trim_loop
+		dynamic "
+			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl < 0: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 0
+			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst < 0: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 0
+			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl > 100: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 100
+			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst > 100: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 100
+		"
+		loop_index += 1
+		if loop_index < arrsize('$att_name'): jump 'attr_trim_loop'
+	loop_index = 0
+	:skill_trim_loop
+		dynamic "
+			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl < 0: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 0
+			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst < 0: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 0
+			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl > 100: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 100
+			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst > 100: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 100
+		"
+		loop_index += 1
+		if loop_index < arrsize('$skl_name'): jump 'skill_trim_loop'
+	killvar 'loop_index'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Attributes and Skills</h1></center>'
+	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save, use them with care. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
+	*nl
+	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
+	'<tr><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
+	*pl'<b>Attributes</b> (values 0 - 100):'
+	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setAttrs''], 100" >Max Attributes</a>    <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setAttrs''], 0" >Min Attributes</a>'
+	*p 'Strength (<<stren_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'stren', 'Strength'
+	*p 'Agility (<<agil_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'agil', 'Agility'
+	*p 'Endurance (<<vital_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vital', 'Endurance'
+	*p 'Intelligence (<<intel_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'intel', 'Intelligence'
+	*p 'Reaction (<<react_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'react', 'Reaction'
+	*p 'Spirit (<<sprt_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'sprt', 'Spirit'
+	*p 'Charisma (<<chrsm_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'chrsm', 'Charisma'
+	*p 'Perception (<<prcptn_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'prcptn', 'Perception'
+	if $start_type[1] ! 'nomagic': *p 'Magic (<<magik_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'magik', 'Magic'
+	*nl
+	*pl'<b>Sexual:</b>'
+	*pl 'Inhibition level (<<100 - inhib_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks1'], 'inhib', 'Inhibition'
+	if willpowermax > 200: willpowermax = 200
+	if willpowermax < 50: willpowermax = 50
+	*pl 'Willpower Maximum (<<willpowermax>>): <a href="exec:willpowermax = 200 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Max</a>  <a href="exec:willpowermax += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+1</a> <a href="exec:willpowermax += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+10</a> <a href="exec:willpowermax -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-1</a> <a href="exec:willpowermax -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-10</a>  <a href="exec:willpowermax = 50 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Min</a>'
+	if workPTU > 1:*pl'<a href="exec:teachlevel += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Reputation teacher+10: <<teachlevel>></a>'
+	if workPTU > 1:*pl'<a href="exec:teachlevel -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Reputation teacher-10: <<teachlevel>></a>'
+	*nl
+	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg' and SchoolAtestat = 0:
+		*pl'<b>School:</b>'
+		if class['school_math_grade'] < 100:*pl'Math grade: <<class[''school_math_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''math'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''math'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
+		if class['school_rus_grade'] < 100:*pl'Russian grade: <<class[''school_rus_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''rus'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''rus'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
+		if class['school_lit_grade'] < 100:*pl'Literature grade: <<class[''school_lit_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''lit'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''lit'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
+		if class['school_art_grade'] < 100:*pl'Art grade: <<class[''school_art_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''art'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''art'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
+		if class['school_bio_grade'] < 100:*pl'Biology grade: <<class[''school_bio_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''bio'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''bio'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
+		if class['school_eng_grade'] < 100:*pl'English grade: <<class[''school_eng_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''eng'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''eng'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
+		if class['school_geo_grade'] < 100:*pl'Geography grade: <<class[''school_geo_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''geo'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''geo'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
+		if class['school_sci_grade'] < 100:*pl'Science grade: <<class[''school_sci_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''sci'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''sci'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
+		if class['school_his_grade'] < 100:*pl'History grade: <<class[''school_his_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''his'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''his'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
+		if class['school_shop_grade'] < 100:*pl'Shop grade: <<class[''school_shop_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''shop'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''shop'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
+		if class['school_comp_grade'] < 100:*pl'Computer grade: <<class[''school_comp_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''comp'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''comp'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
+		if class['school_mus_grade'] < 100:*pl'Music grade: <<class[''school_mus_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''mus'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''mus'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
+		if class['school_pe_grade'] < 100:*pl'P.E. grade: <<class[''school_pe_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''pe'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''pe'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
+		if schoolprogul >= 0:*pl'<a href="exec:schoolprogul = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Zero Absenteeism (School): <<schoolprogul>></a>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	*pl'<b>Skills</b> (values 0 - 100, and adjusted total by attributes):'
+	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setSkills''], 100" >Max Skills</a>    <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setSkills''], 0" >Min Skills</a>'
+	*nl
+	*pl'<b>Others:</b>'
+	*p 'Chess (<<chess_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_chess>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'chess', 'Chess'
+	*p 'Gaming (<<gaming_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_gaming>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'gaming', 'Gaming'
+	*p 'Social (<<humint_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_humint>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'humint', 'People Skills'
+	*p 'Persuasion (<<persuas_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_persuas>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'persuas', 'Persuasion'
+	*p 'Observation (<<observ_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_observ>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'observ', 'Observation'
+	*p 'Makeup (<<makupskl_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_makupskl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'makupskl', 'Makeup'
+	*p 'Computers (<<compskl_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_compskl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'compskl', 'Computer Skill'
+	*p 'Hacking (<<comphckng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_comphckng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'comphckng', 'Hacking'
+	*p 'Handy-work (<<hndiwrk_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_hndiwrk>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'hndiwrk', 'Handy-work'
+	*p 'Pool (<<pool_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_pool>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'pool', 'Pool'
+	*p 'Heels (<<pcs_heels>>) - Total (<<pcs_heels>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'heels', 'Heels'
+	if $start_type[1] ! 'nomagic': *p 'Spell Casting (<<splcstng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_splcstng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'splcstng', 'Spellcasting'
+	'</td><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
+	*pl'<b>Combat:</b>'
+	*p 'Jabs (<<jab_lvl>>)- Total (<<pcs_jab>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'jab', 'Jabs'
+	*p 'Power Strikes (<<punch_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_punch>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'punch', 'Power Strikes'
+	*p 'Kicks (<<kick_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_kick>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'kick', 'Kicks'
+	*p 'Defence (<<def_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_def>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'def', 'Defence'
+	*p 'Marksmanship (<<shoot_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_shoot>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'shoot', 'Marksmanship'
+	*p 'Bushcraft (<<bushcraft_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_bushcraft>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'bushcraft', 'Bushcraft'
+	*nl
+	*pl'<b>Craft:</b>'
+	*p 'Singing (<<vokal_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_vokal>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vokal', 'Singing'
+	*p 'Tailoring (<<sewng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_sewng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'sewng', 'Tailoring'
+	*p 'Instruments (<<instrmusic_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_instrmusic>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'instrmusic', 'Instrumental Music'
+	*p 'Photography (<<photoskl_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_photoskl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'photoskl', 'Photography'
+	*p 'Artistic (<<artskls_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_artskls>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'artskls', 'Artistic Skills'
+	*p 'Performing (<<perform_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_perform>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'perform', 'Performance'
+	*p 'Music Production (<<musicprod_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_musicprod>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'musicprod', 'Music Production'
+	*nl
+	*pl'<b>Dance:</b>'
+	*p 'Modern Dance (<<danc_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_danc>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'danc', 'Modern Dancing'
+	*p 'Erotic Dance (<<dancero_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_dancero>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'dancero', 'Erotic Dancing'
+	*p 'Pole Dance (<<dancpol_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_dancpol>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'dancpol', 'Pole Dancing'
+	*p 'Cheerleading (<<cheer_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_cheer>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'cheer', 'Cheerleading'
+	*nl
+	*pl'<b>Sport:</b>'
+	*p 'Running (<<run_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_run>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'run', 'Running'
+	*p 'Volleyball (<<vball_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_vball>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vball', 'Volleyball'
+	*p 'Ice Skating (<<icesktng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_icesktng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'icesktng', 'Ice Skating'
+	*p 'Wrestling (<<wrstlng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_wrstlng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'wrstlng', 'Wrestling'
+	*p 'Football (<<ftbll_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_ftbll>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'ftbll', 'Football'
+	*nl
+	*pl'<b>Work:</b>'
+	*p 'Serving (<<servng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_servng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'servng', 'Serving'
+	*p 'Modeling (<<mdlng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_mdlng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'mdlng', 'Modeling'
+	*p 'Medicine (<<medcn_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_medcn>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'medcn', 'Medicine'
+	*p 'Cleaning (<<cleaning_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_cleaning>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'cleaning', 'Cleaning'
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['reputation'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Relationships and Renown</h1></center>'
+	'<center>Relationship values are from 0 - 100.</center>'
+	'<center>If they exceed this limit they will be reset overnight.</center>'
+	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
+	'<tr><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
+	*nl
+	'Relationships in Pavlovsk'
+	*nl
+	'<font color="blue"><b>Family</b></font>'
+	if Enable_reputation_family = 0:
+		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_family = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+	end
+	if Enable_reputation_family = 1:
+		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_family = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+		'Stepfather: <<npc_rel[''A28'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		'Mother: <<npc_rel[''A29'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		'Sister: <<npc_rel[''A33'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		'Brother: <<npc_rel[''A34'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+	end
+	'Your dog: '+iif($status['dog'] = 'active', '<b>Active</b>', '<a href="exec: $status[''dog''] = ''active'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Active</a>')+'|'+iif($status['dog'] = 'blocked', '<b>Blocked</b>', '<a href="exec: $status[''dog''] = ''blocked'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Blocked</a>')
+	if $status['dog'] ! 'blocked':
+		'Set the relationship and love of your dog to always be at maximum: '+iif(cheat['dog_rel'] = 0, '<a href="exec: cheat[''dog_rel''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Off</a>', '<a href="exec: cheat[''dog_rel''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Currently On</a>')
+		'You need to feed your dog <<rex[''count_feed_base'']>> per day: '+iif(rex['count_feed_base'] > 1, '<a href="exec: rex[''count_feed_base''] -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-1</a>', '-1')+'|<a href="exec: rex[''count_feed_base''] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+1</a>'
+		'You need to walk your dog <<rex[''count_walk_base'']>> per day: '+iif(rex['count_walk_base'] > 1, '<a href="exec: rex[''count_walk_base''] -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-1</a>', '-1')+'|<a href="exec: rex[''count_walk_base''] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+1</a>'
+		'You need to bath your dog <<rex[''count_bath_base'']>> per week: '+iif(rex['count_bath_base'] > 1, '<a href="exec: rex[''count_bath_base''] -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-1</a>', '-1')+'|<a href="exec: rex[''count_bath_base''] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+1</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg':
+		'<font color="blue"><b>School</b></font>'
+		'<i>Popular Kids</i>'
+		if Enable_reputation_popular = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_popular = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+		end
+		if Enable_reputation_popular = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_popular = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A1'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A1'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A1'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A1''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A1''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A4'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A4'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A4'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A4''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A4''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A14'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A14'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A14'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A14''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A14''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A15'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A15'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A15'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A15''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A15''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A17'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A17'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A17'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A17''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A17''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A22'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A22'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A22'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A22''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A22''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A146'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A146'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A146'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A146''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A146''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A147'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A147'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A147'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A147''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A147''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A148'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A148'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A148'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A148''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A148''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			if soniaPS = 0:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A25'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A25'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A25'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A139'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A139'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A139'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A139''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A139''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A140'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A140'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A140'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A140''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A140''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		'<i>Athletes</i>'
+		if Enable_reputation_athletes = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_athletes = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+		end
+		if Enable_reputation_athletes = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_athletes = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A3'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A3'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A3'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A3''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A3''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			if fedormasha = 0:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A5'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A5'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A5'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A8'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A8'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A8'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A8''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A8''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A13'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A13'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A13'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A13''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A13''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A18'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A18'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A18'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A18''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A18''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A19'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A19'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A19'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A19''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A19''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A23'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A23'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A23'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A23''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A23''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A149'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A149'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A149'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A149''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A149''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A150'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A150'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A150'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A150''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A150''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A141'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A141'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A141'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A141''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A141''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A165'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A165'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A165'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A165''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A165''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		'<i>Nerds</i>'
+		if Enable_reputation_nerds = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_nerds = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+		end
+		if Enable_reputation_nerds = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_nerds = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A2'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A2'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A2'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A2''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A2''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A6'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A6'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A6'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A6''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A6''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A12'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A12'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A12'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A12''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A12''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A16'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A16'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A16'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A16''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A16''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A151'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A151'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A151'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A151''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A151''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A152'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A152'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A152'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A152''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A152''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A153'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A153'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A153'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A153''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A153''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A142'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A142'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A142'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A142''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A142''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A240'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A240'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A240'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A240''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A240''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		'<i>Gopniks</i>'
+		if Enable_reputation_gopniks = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_gopniks = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+		end
+		if Enable_reputation_gopniks = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_gopniks = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A9'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A9'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A9'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A9''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A9''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A10'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A10'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A10'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A10''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A10''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A11'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A11'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A11'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A11''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A11''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A20'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A20'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A20'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A20''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A20''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A21'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A21'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A21'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A21''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A21''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A24'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A24'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A24'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A24''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A24''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A154'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A154'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A154'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A154''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A154''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A155'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A155'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A155'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A155''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A155''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A156'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A156'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A156'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A156''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A156''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A157'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A157'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A157'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A157''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A157''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A158'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A158'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A158'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A158''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A158''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A143'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A143'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A143'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A143''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A143''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A144'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A144'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A144'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A144''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A144''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A145'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A145'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A145'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A145''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A145''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A189'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A189'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A189'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A189''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A189''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		'<i>Outcasts/Loners</i>'
+		if Enable_reputation_outcasts = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_outcasts = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+		end
+		if Enable_reputation_outcasts = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_outcasts = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A7'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A7'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A7'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A7''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A7''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			if soniaPS > 0:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A25'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A25'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A25'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			if fedormasha = 1:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A5'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A5'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A5'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A159'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A159'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A159'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A159''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A159''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		'<i>Teachers/Coaches</i>'
+		if Enable_reputation_teachers = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_teachers = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+		end
+		if Enable_reputation_teachers = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_teachers = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A26'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A26'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A26'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A26''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A26''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'Mikhail Nikolayevich: <<npc_rel[''A69'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A69''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A69''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A128'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A128'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A128'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A128''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A128''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A129'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A129'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A129'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A129''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A129''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A130'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A130'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A130'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A130''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A130''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A131'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A131'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A131'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A131''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A131''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A132'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A132'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A132'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A132''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A132''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A133'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A133'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A133'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A133''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A133''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A134'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A134'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A134'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A134''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A134''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A135'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A135'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A135'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A135''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A135''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A136'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A136'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A136'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A136''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A136''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A137'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A137'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A137'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A137''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A137''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A138'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A138'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A138'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A138''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A138''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+	end
+	*nl
+	'<font color="blue"><b>Nicholas'' Family</b></font>'
+	'<a href="exec:gt ''nichUtil'', ''debug''">Storyline Debug Menu</a>'
+	'</td><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
+	*nl
+	'Miscellaneous relationships'
+	*nl
+	'<font color="blue"><b>Others</b></font>'
+	*nl
+	if Enable_reputation_others = 0:
+		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_others = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+	end
+	if Enable_reputation_others = 1:
+		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_others = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+		if npc_rel['A112'] >= 0:
+			'Sergei Shulgin: <<npc_rel[''A112'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A112''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A112''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A219'] >= 0:
+			'Kat: <<npc_rel[''A219'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A219''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A219''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A220'] >= 0:
+			'Vika: <<npc_rel[''A220'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A220''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A220''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A93'] >= 0:
+			'Irina: <<npc_rel[''A93'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A93''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A93''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A43'] >= 0:
+			'Tamara: <<npc_rel[''A43'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A43''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A43''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if alla >= 0:
+			'Alla: <<alla>>	<a href="exec:alla += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:alla -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if masha >= 0:
+			'Masha: <<masha>>	<a href="exec:masha += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:masha -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A41'] >= 0:
+			'Givi: <<npc_rel[''A41'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A41''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A41''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A42'] >= 0:
+			'Ashot: <<npc_rel[''A42'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A42''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A42''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A89'] >= 0:
+			'Eugene: <<npc_rel[''A89'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A89''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A89''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A217'] >= 0:
+			'Pavlin: <<npc_rel[''A217'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A217''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A217''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if huntersAndreiQw >= 0:
+			'Hunter Andrew: <<huntersAndreiQw>>	<a href="exec:huntersAndreiQw += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:huntersAndreiQw -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if huntersSergeiQw >= 0:
+			'Hunter Sergei: <<huntersSergeiQw>>	<a href="exec:huntersSergeiQw += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:huntersSergeiQw -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if huntersIgorQw >= 0:
+			'Hunter Igor: <<huntersIgorQw>>	<a href="exec:huntersIgorQw += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:huntersIgorQw -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A217'] >= 0:
+			'Martin: <<npc_rel[''A216'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A216''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A216''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+	end
+	if pcs_lovers[0] = 1:
+		*nl
+		'You are dating <<$loverdesc[0]>>.'
+		if loverrelation[0] < 0: loverrelation[0] = 0
+		if loverdays[0] < 0: loverdays[0] = 0
+		if haraklover[0] > 2: haraklover[0] = 0
+		if loverizvrat[0] > 1: loverizvrat[0] = 0
+		'Change lover''s personality: <a href="exec:haraklover[0] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<haraklover[0]>></a>'
+		'Change lover''s perversion: <a href="exec:loverizvrat[0] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<loverizvrat[0]>></a>'
+		'Relationship: <<loverrelation[0]>> <a href="exec:loverrelation[0] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:loverrelation[0] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		'You''ve been dating for <<loverdays[0]>> days. <a href="exec:loverdays[0] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:loverdays[0] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-5</a>'
+	end
+	if pcs_lovers[1] = 1:
+		*nl
+		'You are dating <<$loverdesc[1]>>.'
+		if loverrelation[1] < 0: loverrelation[1] = 0
+		if loverdays[1] < 0: loverdays[1] = 0
+		if haraklover[1] > 2: haraklover[1] = 0
+		if loverizvrat[1] > 1: loverizvrat[1] = 0
+		'Change lover''s personality: <a href="exec:haraklover[1] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<haraklover[1]>></a>'
+		'Change lover''s perversion: <a href="exec:loverizvrat[1] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<loverizvrat[1]>></a>'
+		'Relationship: <<loverrelation[1]>> <a href="exec:loverrelation[1] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:loverrelation[1] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		'You''ve been dating for <<loverdays[1]>> days. <a href="exec:loverdays[1] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:loverdays[1] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-5</a>'
+	end
+	if pcs_lovers[2] = 1:
+		*nl
+		'You are dating <<$loverdesc[2]>>.'
+		if loverrelation[2] < 0: loverrelation[2] = 0
+		if loverdays[2] < 0: loverdays[2] = 0
+		if haraklover[2] > 2: haraklover[2] = 0
+		if loverizvrat[2] > 1: loverizvrat[2] = 0
+		'Change lover''s personality: <a href="exec:haraklover[2] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<haraklover[2]>></a>'
+		'Change lover''s perversion: <a href="exec:loverizvrat[2] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<loverizvrat[2]>></a>'
+		'Relationship: <<loverrelation[2]>> <a href="exec:loverrelation[2] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:loverrelation[2] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		'You''ve been dating for <<loverdays[2]>> days. <a href="exec:loverdays[2] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:loverdays[2] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-5</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if fame['pav_slut'] >= 50:
+		gs 'fame'
+		'In Pavlovsk you are known as a <font color="red"><<$gnikname>></font> <a href="exec:fame[''pav_sex''] = 0 & fame[''pav_prostitute''] = 0 & gs ''fame'', ''calculateSlut'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if opusk > 0 or gnewQW > 0 or sipovka > 0:'<a href="exec:opusk = 0 & gnewQW = 0 & sipovka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear reputation with Gopniks</a>'
+	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg':
+		*nl
+		'<font color="red"><b>WARNING</b></font>: Clearing reputation flags with your family may cause bugs. Use at your own risk!'
+		*nl
+		if motherKnowWhore > 0:
+			'Your mother knows, that you are sexually active and considers you are a whore. <a href="exec:motherKnowWhore = 0 & motherKnowSpravka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear both reputations</a>    <a href="exec:motherKnowWhore = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear only whore reputation</a>'
+		elseif motherKnowSpravka > 0:
+			'Your mother knows that you are sexually active. <a href="exec:motherKnowSpravka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+		else
+			'Your mother thinks that you are a virgin.'
+		end
+		*nl
+		if evgenQW >= 4 and fame['pav_slut'] >= 250:
+			'Your brother thinks you are a total whore. <a href="exec:evgenQW = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+		elseif evgenQW >= 3:
+			'Your brother thinks you are a slut. <a href="exec:evgenQW = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+		elseif brotherknowslut = 1:
+			'Your brother saw semen on your body and thinks you fuck around. <a href="exec:brotherknowslut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+		elseif brotherknowslut >= 2:
+			'Your brother saw you in the park fucking the Gopniks. <a href="exec:brotherknowslut = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+		else
+			'Your brother has a good opinion of you.'
+		end
+		*nl
+		if sisterknowslut > 1 and sisboypartyQW > 1:
+			'Your sister thinks you are a slut <a href="exec:sisboypartyQW = 0 & sisterknowslut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+		elseif sisterknowslut > 0:
+			'Your sister knows that you sleep around. <a href="exec:sisterknowslut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+		else
+			'Your sister has a good opinion of you.'
+		end
+		*nl
+		if func('homes_properties', 'can_live_here', 'parents_home') = 0:
+			'<a href="exec: gs ''homes_properties'', ''give_access'', ''parents_home'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Restore</a> access to your parent''s apartment.'
+		end
+		if momKnowsKolka = 1:
+			'Your mother knows Kolka is the father. <a href="momKnowsKolka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>.'
+		end
+		if momKnowsVladimir = 1:
+			'Your mother knows Vladimir is the father. <a href="exec:momKnowsVladimir = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>.'
+		end
+		if SchoolBlock = 1:
+			'You''ve been expelled from school. <a href="exec:SchoolBlock = 0 & schoolPredupr = 0 & schoolprogul = 0 & pcs_grades = 50 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>.'
+		end
+	end
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
+$cheatmenu['documents'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Diplomas, Licences, and Certificates</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="300" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	if SchoolAtestat = 0: '<a href="exec:SchoolAtestat = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get School Certificate</a>'
+	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg' and SchoolAtestat = 0: '<font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: This will end your school year!' & *nl
+	if SchoolAtestat = 1:'Already have a School Certificate'
+	if university['diploma'] > 0:
+		'You already have a Diploma'
+	else
+		'<a href="exec:gs ''uniutil'', ''diploma'', ''set_obtained'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Diploma</a>'
+	end
+	if secrdiplom = 0:'<a href="exec:secrdiplom = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Secretarial Diploma</a>'
+	if secrdiplom = 1:'You already have a Secretarial Diploma'
+	if masseuse['certification'] < 10:'<a href="exec:masseuse[''certification''] = 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Masseuse Certificate</a>'
+	if masseuse['certification'] >= 10:'You already have a Masseuse Certificate'
+	if prava = 0:'<a href="exec:prava = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Driving Licence</a>'
+	if prava = 1:'You already have Driving Licence'
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
+$cheatmenu['input_time'] = {
+	inputtmp = input("Enter time with 4-digit (input 0102 for 1:02)")
+	if inputtmp/100 >= 0 and inputtmp/100 <= 23:hour = inputtmp/100
+	inputtmp = inputtmp mod 100
+	if inputtmp >= 0 and inputtmp <= 59:minut = inputtmp
+	killvar 'inputtmp'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['time']
+$cheatmenu['time'] = {
+	gs 'daystart'
+	gs 'outdoors', 'temp_set'
+	gs 'stat'
+	temp_daystart = (year - 2016) * 365
+!!2016 is a leapyear so no adjustment before division
+	temp_daystart += (year - 2016) / 4
+	i=1
+	:temp_daystart
+	if temp_month > i:
+		temp_daystart += monthsend[i]
+		i += 1
+		jump 'temp_daystart'
+	end
+	temp_daystart += temp_day
+	temp_daystart -= daystart_start
+	temp_daystart += 1
+	if currtimecheck = 1:
+		killvar 'currtimecheck'
+		if currday ! daystart:
+			if currday < daystart:
+				week = (week + daystart - currday) mod 7
+			else
+				temp = week - ((currday - daystart) mod 7)
+				if temp <= 0: week = 7 - temp else week = temp
+			end
+			currday = daystart
+		end
+		if currhour < (daystart-1) * 24 + hour:femcycloop = (daystart-1) * 24 + hour - currhour
+		:femcycloop
+		if femcycloop > 0:gs 'femcyc' & femcycloop -= 1 & jump 'femcycloop'
+	end
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Manipulate Time and Weather</h1></center>'
+	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats to manipulate time can <b>easily</b> break quests and cause bugs. Do not use them unless'
+	'you know what you''re doing. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	if temp_minut > 9:
+		if temp_hour > 9: $temptime = '<b><<temp_hour>>:<<temp_minut>></b>' else $temptime = '<b>0<<temp_hour>>:<<temp_minut>></b>'
+	else
+		if temp_hour > 9: $temptime = '<b><<temp_hour>>:0<<temp_minut>></b>' else $temptime = '<b>0<<temp_hour>>:0<<temp_minut>></b>'
+	end
+	if minut > 9:
+		if hour > 9: $tempcurtime = '<b><<hour>>:<<minut>></b>' else $tempcurtime = '<b>0<<hour>>:<<minut>></b>'
+	else
+		if hour > 9: $tempcurtime = '<b><<hour>>:0<<minut>></b>' else $tempcurtime = '<b>0<<hour>>:0<<minut>></b>'
+	end
+	if temp_daystart > daystart:
+		temp = (temp_daystart - daystart) mod 7
+		if (temp + week) mod 7 = 0:temp_week = 7 else temp_week = (temp + week) mod 7
+	elseif temp_daystart < daystart:
+		temp = (daystart - temp_daystart) mod 7
+		if (week - temp) mod 7 = 0:
+			temp_week = 7
+		elseif (week - temp) mod 7 < 0:
+			temp_week = ((week - temp) mod 7) + 7
+		else
+			temp_week = week - temp
+		end
+	else
+		temp_week = week
+	end
+	killvar 'temp'
+	'Current time: <b><<$week[week]>></b>, <b><<day>></b>. day of <b><<$month>></b>, <b><<year>></b>, <<$tempcurtime>>'
+	'Target time: <b><<$week[temp_week]>></b>, <b><<temp_day>></b>. day of <b><<$temp_month>></b>, <b><<temp_year>></b>, <<$temptime>>'
+	'Daychange: <<temp_daystart - daystart>>'
+	*nl
+	'Year:	<a href="exec:temp_year += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1 Year</a>	<a href="exec:temp_year -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1 Year</a>'
+	'Select <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''month'']">Month</a>'
+	$daychange = '	<a href="exec:temp_day += 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+7 Day</a>'
+	$daychange += '	<a href="exec:temp_day += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1 Day</a>'
+	$daychange += '	<a href="exec:temp_day -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1 Day</a>'
+	$daychange += '	<a href="exec:temp_day -= 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-7 Day</a>'
+	'Day:' +$daychange
+	killvar 'daychange'
+	$SS = 'Hour: '
+	if temp_hour > 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1</a>  ' else $SS += '	'
+	if temp_hour > 3:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour -= 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-4</a>  ' else $SS += '	'
+	if temp_hour ! 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">0</a>	' else $SS += '	'
+	if temp_hour < 23:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1</a>  ' else $SS += '	'
+	if temp_hour < 20:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour += 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+4</a>'
+	$SS
+	$SS = 'Minute: '
+	if temp_minut > 14:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut -= 15 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-15</a> ' else $SS += '	'
+	if temp_minut > 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1</a> ' else $SS += '	'
+	if temp_minut ! 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">0</a> ' else $SS += '   '
+	if temp_minut < 59:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1</a> '
+	if temp_minut < 46:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut += 15 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+15</a>'
+	$SS
+	killvar 'SS'
+	*nl
+	'Weather: <a href="exec:sunWeather=iif(sunWeather=0,1,0) & chWeather = 1 & gs ''outdoors'', ''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">'+iif(sunWeather=0,'Rain','Sunny')+'</a>'
+	*nl
+	'Temperature = <<$temperature>> - <a href="exec:temper += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1 degree</a> - <a href="exec:temper += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+5 degrees</a> - <a href="exec:temper -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1 degree</a> - <a href="exec:temper -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-5 degrees</a>'
+	*nl
+	'Switch to the <a href="exec:TempUnit = '+iif(TempUnit = 0,'1 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Fahrenheit','0 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Celsius')+'</a> scale'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''input_time'']">Direct input time</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:day = temp_day & $month = $temp_month & month = temp_month & year = temp_year & hour = temp_hour & minut = temp_minut & currtimecheck = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Accept target date & time</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_day = day & $temp_month = $month & temp_month = month & temp_year = year & temp_hour = hour & temp_minut = minut & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Reset target date & time</a>'
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
+$cheatmenu['week'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu"><b>Cheat menu</b></a> - <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']"><b>Time</b></a></center>'
+	*nl
+	'Current time: <b><<day>></b>. day of <b><<$month>></b>, <b><<year>></b>, <<$tempcurtime>>'
+	'Target time: <b><<temp_day>></b>. day of <b><<$temp_month>></b>, <b><<temp_year>></b>, <<$temptime>>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:week = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Monday</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:week = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Tuesday</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:week = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Wednesday</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:week = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Thursday</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:week = 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Friday</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:week = 6 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Saturday</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:week = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Sunday</a>'
+$cheatmenu['month'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu"><b>Cheat menu</b></a> - <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']"><b>Time</b></a></center>'
+	*nl
+	'Current time: <b><<day>></b>. day of <b><<$month>></b>, <b><<year>></b>, <<$tempcurtime>>'
+	'Target time: <b><<temp_day>></b>. day of <b><<$temp_month>></b>, <b><<temp_year>></b>, <<$temptime>>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 1 & $temp_month = ''January'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">January</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 2 & $temp_month = ''February'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">February</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 3 & $temp_month = ''March'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">March</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 4 & $temp_month = ''April'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">April</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 5 & $temp_month = ''May'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">May</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 6 & $temp_month = ''June'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">June</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 7 & $temp_month = ''July'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">July</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 8 & $temp_month = ''August'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">August</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 9 & $temp_month = ''September'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">September</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 10 & $temp_month = ''October'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">October</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 11 & $temp_month = ''November'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">November</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 12 & $temp_month = ''December'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">December</a>'
+$cheatmenu['magicTable'] = {
+	!Build a cheat table for spells with a given Array of spell names.
+	!	ARGS[0] = Friendly name for table
+	!	ARGS[1] = the name of the arraay to use
+	$SpellTabName = $ARGS[0]
+	$ThisArrName = $ARGS[1]
+	maxArrSizeC = dyneval("result=arrsize('<<$ThisArrName>>')")
+	! make the header for the table
+	$SpellListStr = "<center>
+		<table width='90%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' valign='top' border='1'>
+			<tr><th colspan='4'><b><<$SpellTabName>></b></th></tr>
+			<tr>
+				<th></th>
+				<th>Spell</th>
+				<th>Mana</th>
+				<th>Description</th>
+			</tr>"
+	i = 0
+	:CheatDinSpell1
+	$ThisSpellName = dyneval("$result=<<$ThisArrName>>[<<i>>]")
+	if i < maxArrSizeC:
+		if spellKnown[$ThisSpellName] = 1:
+			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: spellKnown['<<$ThisSpellName>>'] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Unlearn]</a>"
+		else
+			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: spellKnown['<<$ThisSpellName>>'] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Learn]</a>"
+		end
+		$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + " <tr><td><<$spellFlipper>></td><td><<$spellName[$ThisSpellName]>></td><td><<spellMana[$ThisSpellName]>></td><td><<$spellDesc[$ThisSpellName]>></td></tr>"
+		i += 1
+		jump 'CheatDinSpell1'
+	end
+	$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + "
+		</table>
+	</center>"
+	*pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr)
+	killvar 'i'
+	killvar '$ThisSpellName'
+	killvar '$ThisArrName'
+	killvar 'maxArrSizeC'
+	killvar '$SpellTabName'
+	killvar '$spellFlipper'
+	killvar '$SpellListStr'
+$cheatmenu['magic'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Magic</h1></center>'
+	'<center>Is magical: <a href="exec:pcs_magik += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''magic'']">+1<<pcs_magik>></a></center>'
+	if succubusflag = 1:
+		'<center><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''succubreset'']"><b>Remove & Reset Succubus status</b></a></center>'
+		'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Removing succubus status will not restart your menstrual cycle, it will remain permanently disabled!</center>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	!Make sure spell list is initialized
+	if spellMana['fog'] = 0:gs 'spellList'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['magicTable'], 'Combat Spells', '$combatSpells'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['magicTable'], 'Non-Combat Spells', '$nonComSpells'
+	! Add in Teleport Location toggles.
+	! make the header for the table
+	$SpellListStr = "<center>
+		<table width='90%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' valign='top' border='1'>
+			<tr><th colspan='2'><b>Known Tree Circle Locations</b></th></tr>
+			<tr><td><a href=""EXEC: spellKnown['teleport']=<<iif(spellKnown['teleport']=1,'0','1')>> & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']""><<iif(spellKnown['teleport']=1,'[Unlearn]','[Learn]')>></a></td><td>Teleport Spell</td></tr>"
+	i = 0
+	:CheatDinTP1
+	$ThisLocation = $tpLocations[i]
+	if i < arrsize('$tpLocations'):
+		if tpKnown[$ThisLocation] = 1:
+			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: tpKnown['<<$ThisLocation>>'] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Unlearn]</a>"
+		else
+			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: tpKnown['<<$ThisLocation>>'] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Learn]</a>"
+		end
+		$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + " <tr><td><<$spellFlipper>></td><td><<$treeCircName[$ThisLocation]>></td></tr>"
+		i += 1
+		jump 'CheatDinTP1'
+	end
+	$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + "
+		</table>
+	</center>"
+	*pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr)
+	killvar 'i'
+	killvar '$ThisLocation'
+	killvar '$spellFlipper'
+	killvar '$SpellListStr'
+$cheatmenu['dynamic'] = {
+	$dynamicCommand = input("Enter command to execute.")
+	if $dynamicCommand = '':exit
+	dynamic $dynamicCommand
+$cheatmenu['std_cure'] = {
+	venera = 0
+	GerpesOnce = 0
+	Gerpes = 0
+	SifacOnce = 0
+	Sifilis = 0
+	TriperOnce = 0
+	Triper = 0
+	TriperOral = 0
+	KandidozOnce = 0
+	Kandidoz = 0
+$cheatmenu['auto_period'] = {
+	if cyccustom = 0:
+		cyccustom = 1
+	else
+		cyccustom = 0
+	end
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['setting']
+$cheatmenu['force_preg'] = {
+	if mesec ! 0: mesec = 0
+	if FocH ! 0: FocH = 0
+	if EggRH ! 0: EggRH = 0
+	if Ovulate ! 0: Ovulate = 0
+	if UnfertEgg ! 0: UnfertEgg = 0
+	if LutH ! 0: LutH = 0
+	if RecovH ! 0: RecovH = 0
+	preg = 1
+	cycle = 5
+	!!Setting implantation date for the due date calculation
+	lastovulation = daystart - 5
+	PregChem = 150
+	$wombthfath = 'A sperm donor'
+	babyembryo += 1
+	if fertegg = 0:
+		Nextbaby = arrsize('$ChildFath')
+		Temppolkid = rand(0,1)
+		polkid[nextbaby] = Temppolkid
+		$kidname[nextbaby] = 'unborn'
+		kidage[nextbaby] = 0
+		daykid[nextbaby] = 0
+		monthkid[nextbaby] = 0
+		yearkid[nextbaby] = 0
+		Babyptype[nextbaby] = 0
+		$ChildFath[nextbaby] = 'A sperm donor'
+		$ChildThFath[nextbaby] = 'A sperm donor'
+		hairkid[nextbaby] = rand(0, 3)
+		eyeskid[nextbaby] = rand(0, 3)
+		ChildConType[nextbaby] = 0
+		Babyptype[nextbaby] = 1
+	else
+		fertegg -= 1
+	end
+$cheatmenu['remove_preg'] = {
+	gs 'medical_din', 'remove_preg'
+	knowpregloss = 2
+	if FertEgg > 0: FertEgg = 0
+$cheatmenu['cycle'] = {
+	*clr
+	if cycle ! 5:
+		EggRH = 0
+		LutH = 0
+		Ovulate = 0
+		UnfertEgg = 0
+		FertEgg = 0
+		RecovH = 0
+		mesec = 0
+		'<a href="exec:daylastperiod = daystart & Cycle = 0 & mesec = 96 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Menstration</a>'
+		'<a href="exec:Cycle = 1 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Follicular</a>'
+		'<a href="exec:Cycle = 2 & Ovulate = 24+rand(0,20) & EggRH = 160 + 160+rand(0, 5) & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Ovulation</a>'
+		'<a href="exec:Cycle = 3 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Luteal</a>'
+	end
+$cheatmenu['setting'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
+	'<center><h1>Gameplay Settings</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	if Enable_nogameover = 1:
+		'Prevent Non-Drama GAMEOVER: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_nogameover = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Prevent Non-Drama GAMEOVER: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_nogameover = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if music_on = 0:
+		'Music: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:music_on = 1 & music_loop = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	else
+		'Music: Currently ON - <a href="exec:music_on = 0 & music_loop = 0 & close all & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if disable_autosave = 1:
+		'AutoSave: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:disable_autosave = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	else
+		'AutoSave: Currently ON - <a href="exec:disable_autosave = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	end
+	if autohairbrush = 1:
+		'Auto brush hair on mirror visit: Currently ON - <a href="exec:autohairbrush = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Auto brush hair on mirror visit: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:autohairbrush = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if enfullmorrout = 1:
+		'Full morning routine enabled: Currently ON - <a href="exec:enfullmorrout = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Full morning routine enabled: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:enfullmorrout = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if cyccustom = 1:
+		'Automatic period tracking: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''auto_period'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Automatic period tracking: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''auto_period'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if cheatKlisma = 1:
+		'Enema realism: Currently ON - <a href="exec:cheatKlisma = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''enema'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Enema realism: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:cheatKlisma = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''enema'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if editpornname = 1:
+		'Editing of the names of the porn movies you stared enabled: Currently ON - <a href="exec:editpornname = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Renaming porn movies you star in: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:editpornname = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	'<B>Difficulty Setting</B>'
+	'At the moment it only improves rate of skill gain'
+	'Difficulty: Currently at <<func(''_difficulty'',''getdifficulty'')>>'
+	'<ul><li>set to <a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''easy peasy'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">easy peasy</a></li>'
+	'<li>set to <a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''relaxed'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">relaxed</a></li>'
+	'<li>set to <a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''realistic'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">realistic</a></li>'
+	'<li>set to <a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''hardcore'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">hardcore</a></li></ul>'
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['display'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
+	'<center><h1>Display Setting</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	if usePopUps = 1:
+		'Allow Popup Pictures: Currently ON - <a href="exec:usePopUps = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Allow Popup Pictures: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:usePopUps = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if set_imgh > 0: set_imgw = 0
+	if set_imgw > 0: set_imgh = 0
+	if set_imgh <= 0 and set_imgw <= 0: $set_imgh = ''
+	if set_imgh > 0:
+		'Force Image Height: <a href="exec:set_imgw = 0 & set_imgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']"><<set_imgh>></a>: Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_imgh = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+		$set_imgh = 'Height = <<set_imgh>>'
+	else
+		'Force Image Height: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_imgw = 0 & set_imgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if set_imgw > 0:
+		'Force Image Width: <a href="exec:set_imgh = 0 & set_imgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']"><<set_imgw>></a>, Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_imgw=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+		$set_imgh = 'Width = <<set_imgw>>'
+	else
+		'Force Image Width: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_imgh = 0 &set_imgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	!night_mode 0: dynamic
+	!night_mode 1: black
+	!night_mode 2: grey
+	!night_mode 99: no theme
+	if night_mode = 0:'Girl Life Theme Selection: Dynamic | <a href="exec:night_mode = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Pitch Black</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Modern Grey</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">White</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 99 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">No Theme</a>'
+	if night_mode = 1:'Girl Life Theme Selection: <a href="exec:night_mode = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Dynamic</a> | Pitch Black | <a href="exec:night_mode = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Modern Grey</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">White</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 99 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">No Theme</a>'
+	if night_mode = 2:'Girl Life Theme Selection: <a href="exec:night_mode = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Dynamic</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Pitch Black</a> | Modern Grey | <a href="exec:night_mode = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">White</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 99 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">No Theme</a>'
+	if night_mode = 3:'Girl Life Theme Selection: Dynamic | <a href="exec:night_mode = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Pitch Black</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Modern Grey</a> | White | <a href="exec:night_mode = 99 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">No Theme</a>'
+	if night_mode = 99:'Girl Life Theme Selection: <a href="exec:night_mode = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Dynamic</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Pitch Black</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Modern Grey</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">White</a> | No Theme'
+	'<font color="grey">Dynamic theme (default) will change colour based on the game hour. No theme will remove table backgrounds.</font>'
+	*nl
+	if Enable_tablemap = 1:
+		'List friends in table: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_tablemap = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'List friends in table: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_tablemap = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if Enable_faceturn = 1:
+		'Always show face: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_faceturn = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Always show face: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_faceturn = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if Enable_Android = 1:
+		'Set Fontsize for Status: Unsupported'
+		'Android Mode:Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_Android = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+		! 'click <a href="exec:*clr & cla & FUNC (''$menu_obnovit'')">refresh</a> to refresh status window.'
+		'click <B>refresh</B> on top of status window to renew.'
+	else
+		'Android Mode: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_Android = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['status'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><h1>Status Window Settings</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	if disable_LoadSave = 0:
+		'Save/Load Buttons: Currently Image - <a href="exec:disable_LoadSave = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Text</a>'
+	elseif disable_LoadSave = 1:
+		'Save/Load Buttons: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:disable_LoadSave = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Image</a>'
+	elseif disable_LoadSave = 2:
+		'Save/Load Buttons: Currently Text - <a href="exec:disable_LoadSave = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	!disabled inner thought font selection during char creation, as it breaks menu.
+	if settingmode = 0:
+		'<a href="exec:gs ''shortgs'',''fonts'', ''$cheatmenu[''''display'''']'',''$OpenInnerThought'',''$CloseInnerThought'' ">Set</a> the font style of inner thoughts'
+		$OpenInnerThought+'Oh my god, what will the neighbours think of us?'+$CloseInnerThought
+	end
+	*nl
+	'Switch to the <a href="exec:TempUnit = '+iif(TempUnit = 0,'1 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">Fahrenheit','0 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">Celsius')+'</a> scale'
+	*nl
+	'Scale Weather Banner: <a href="exec:default_wbanner = 1 & set_weatherht=input(''Weather Banner Height (Default: 72 Min: 50 Max: 100)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_weatherht>></a>, Reset to default <a href="exec:default_wbanner = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">(72)</a>'
+		if set_weatherht < 50:
+			set_weatherht = 50
+		elseif set_weatherht > 100:
+			set_weatherht = 100
+		end
+	'Scale Menu Icons: <a href="exec:default_menu_icons = 1 & set_miconht=input(''Weather Banner Height (Default: 54 Min: 10 Max: 75)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_miconht>></a>, Reset to default <a href="exec:default_menu_icons = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">(54)</a>'
+		if set_miconht < 10:
+			set_miconht = 10
+		elseif set_miconht > 75:
+			set_miconht = 75
+		end
+	if cheatStatusIcons = 0:
+		'Status icons: Click to <a href="exec:cheatStatusIcons = 1 & disable_show_icons = 1 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">hide</a> them.'
+		'Status Icon Height: <a href="exec:default_status_icons = 1 & set_siconht=input(''Input Status Icon Height (Default: 54 Min: 10 Max: 75)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_siconht>></a>, Reset to default <a href="exec:default_status_icons = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">(54)</a>'
+	elseif cheatStatusIcons = 1:
+		'Status icons: Click to <a href="exec: cheatStatusIcons = 0 & disable_show_icons = 0 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">show</a> them.'
+	end
+		if set_siconht < 10:
+			set_siconht = 10
+		elseif set_siconht > 75:
+			set_siconht = 75
+		end
+	if ETOmenu = 1:
+		'Status Display mode: Currently Text - <a href="exec:ETOmenu = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Scale Bar</a>'
+	else
+		'Status Display mode: Currently Scale Bar - <a href="exec:ETOmenu = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Text</a>'
+	end
+	if Enable_scalepic = 1:
+		'Scalebar is now as <b>Image</b>, you can switch to <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Character</a> or <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Table</a>'
+		if Enable_scalewidth > 0:
+			'Scalebar Width: <a href="exec:input(''Input Scalebar Width (default to 120)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<Enable_scalewidth-1>></a>, Set is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scalewidth = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">ON</a>'
+		else
+			'Scalebar Width: Lock is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scalewidth=1+input(''InputS calebar Width (default to 120)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">OFF</a>'
+		end
+		if Enable_scaleheight > 0:
+			'Scalebar Height: <a href="exec:input(''Input Scalebar Height (default to 15)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<Enable_scaleheight-1>></a>, Set is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scaleheight = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">ON</a>'
+		else
+			'Scalebar Height: Lock is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scaleheight=1+input(''InputS calebar Height (default to 15)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">OFF</a>'
+		end
+	elseif Enable_scalepic = 0:
+		'Scalebar is now as <b>Character</b>, you can switch to <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Image</a> or <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Table</a>'
+		if cheatStatusBars = 1:
+			'Set status bar size: Currently Small - <a href="exec:cheatStatusBars = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Set large</a>'
+		else
+			'Set status bar size: Currently Large - <a href="exec:cheatStatusBars = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Set small</a>'
+		end
+	elseif Enable_scalepic = 2:
+		'Scalebar is now as <b>Table</b>, you can switch to <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Image</a> or <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Character</a>'
+	end
+	if Enable_statfsize<0:Enable_statfsize=0
+	if Enable_statfsize > 0:
+		'Set Fontsize for Status: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_statfsize=input(''Enter Fontsize'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<Enable_statfsize>></a>, <a href="exec:Enable_statfsize=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Set Fontsize for Status: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_statfsize=input(''Enter fontsize'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	'<center><B>Status Window toolbar</B></center>'
+	if Enable_showattr = 1:
+		'Show More attribute: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showattr = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Show More attribute: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showattr = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if Enable_showskill = 1:
+		'Show skill: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showskill = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Show skill: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showskill = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if Enable_showrelation = 1:
+		'Show relations: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showrelation = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Show relations: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showrelation = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if Enable_showstatimg = 1:
+		'Show image toolbar: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showstatimg = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Show image toolbar: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showstatimg = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if Enable_showstatimg = 1:
+		!control image toolbar position
+		'<center><B>Image Toolbar Settings</B></center>'
+		$stat_temp_text = '<br>Image toolbar position: <B>'
+		if Enable_statimg_loc = 0:
+			$stat_temp_text += 'Middle'
+		elseif Enable_statimg_loc = 1:
+			$stat_temp_text += 'Top'
+		elseif Enable_statimg_loc = 2:
+			$stat_temp_text += 'Bottom'
+		else
+			$stat_temp_text += 'ERROR! please reset it'
+		end
+		$stat_temp_text += '</B>. You can move it to '
+		if Enable_statimg_loc ! 0:$stat_temp_text += ' <a href="exec:Enable_statimg_loc=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Middle</a>'
+		if Enable_statimg_loc ! 1:$stat_temp_text += ' <a href="exec:Enable_statimg_loc=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Top</a>'
+		if Enable_statimg_loc ! 2:$stat_temp_text += ' <a href="exec:Enable_statimg_loc=2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Bottom</a>'
+		$stat_temp_text
+		killvar 'stat_temp_text'
+		!End control image toolbar position
+		if set_statimgh > 0: set_statimgw = 0
+		if set_statimgw > 0: set_statimgh = 0
+		if set_statimgh <= 0 and set_statimgw <= 0: $set_statimgh = ''
+		if set_statimgh > 0:
+			'Force Image toobar height: <a href="exec:set_statimgw=0 & set_statimgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_statimgh>></a>: Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_statimgh=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+			$set_statimgh = 'height = <<set_statimgh>>'
+		else
+			'Force Image toobar height: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_statimgw=0 & set_statimgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
+		end
+		if set_statimgw > 0:
+			'Force Image toobar width: <a href="exec:set_statimgh=0 & set_statimgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_statimgw>></a>: Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_statimgw=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+			$set_statimgh = 'width = <<set_statimgw>>'
+		else
+			'Force Image toobar width: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_statimgh=0 & set_statimgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
+		end
+	end
+	!<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><img src="images/system/phone/theme/<<$phonetheme_name[pcs_phonetheme]>>/icon_settings.png"></a>
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['theme'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
+	'<center><h1>Phone Theme Menu</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	*nl
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 0: $phoneNameTemp = 'Standard'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 1: $phoneNameTemp = 'Bimbo'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 2: $phoneNameTemp = 'Aluminus'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 3: $phoneNameTemp = 'Bottlecapped'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 4: $phoneNameTemp = 'Galactic'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 5: $phoneNameTemp = 'Vectored'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 6: $phoneNameTemp = 'Veneer'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 7: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 8: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker Red'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 9: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker Toxic'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 10: $phoneNameTemp = 'Gopnik'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 11: $phoneNameTemp = 'Sports'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 12: $phoneNameTemp = 'Succubus'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 13: $phoneNameTemp = 'Woodshop'
+	'Current theme: <b><<$phoneNameTemp>></b>'
+	*nl
+	'Choose from the available themes'
+	*nl
+	i = 0
+	:phonethemeloop
+	if phonetheme[i] = 1:'<td align="center" valign="top"><a href="exec: pcs_phonetheme = <<i>> & gs ''telefon'',''Phone_menu'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme'']"><img height="100" width="100" src="images/system/phone/theme/' + $phonetheme_name[i] + '/icon_call.png"></a></td>'
+	i += 1
+	if i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i <= 3:
+		jump 'phonethemeloop'
+	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 4:
+		'</tr><tr>'
+		jump 'phonethemeloop'
+	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 4 and i <= 7:
+		jump 'phonethemeloop'
+	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 8:
+		'</tr><tr>'
+		jump 'phonethemeloop'
+	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 8 and i <= 11:
+		jump 'phonethemeloop'
+	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 12:
+		'</tr><tr>'
+		jump 'phonethemeloop'
+	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 12 and i <= 15:
+		jump 'phonethemeloop'
+	end
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['pain'] = {
+	if pain['head'] < 0:pain['head'] = 0
+	if pain['hair'] < 0:pain['hair'] = 0
+	if pain['ears'] < 0:pain['ears'] = 0
+	if pain['eyebrows'] < 0:pain['eyebrows'] = 0
+	if pain['eyes'] < 0:pain['eyes'] = 0
+	if pain['cheeks'] < 0:pain['cheeks'] = 0
+	if pain['nose'] < 0:pain['nose'] = 0
+	if pain['mouth'] < 0:pain['mouth'] = 0
+	if pain['lips'] < 0:pain['lips'] = 0
+	if pain['tongue'] < 0:pain['tongue'] = 0
+	if pain['throat'] < 0:pain['throat'] = 0
+	if pain['neck'] < 0:pain['neck'] = 0
+	if pain['back'] < 0:pain['back'] = 0
+	if pain['asscheeks'] < 0:pain['asscheeks'] = 0
+	if pain['asshole'] < 0:pain['asshole'] = 0
+	if pain['hips'] < 0:pain['hips'] = 0
+	if pain['thighs'] < 0:pain['thighs'] = 0
+	if pain['legL'] < 0:pain['legL'] = 0
+	if pain['legR'] < 0:pain['legR'] = 0
+	if pain['feet'] < 0:pain['feet'] = 0
+	if pain['toes'] < 0:pain['toes'] = 0
+	if pain['shoulders'] < 0:pain['shoulders'] = 0
+	if pain['armL'] < 0:pain['armL'] = 0
+	if pain['armR'] < 0:pain['armR'] = 0
+	if pain['hands'] < 0:pain['hands'] = 0
+	if pain['fingers'] < 0:pain['fingers'] = 0
+	if pain['chest'] < 0:pain['chest'] = 0
+	if pain['breasts'] < 0:pain['breasts'] = 0
+	if pain['nipples'] < 0:pain['nipples'] = 0
+	if pain['ribs'] < 0:pain['ribs'] = 0
+	if pain['tummy'] < 0:pain['tummy'] = 0
+	if pain['pubic'] < 0:pain['pubic'] = 0
+	if pain['vaginal'] < 0:pain['vaginal'] = 0
+	if pain['clitoris'] < 0:pain['clitoris'] = 0
+	if pain['urethra'] < 0:pain['urethra'] = 0
+	if pain['cervix'] < 0:pain['cervix'] = 0
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Pain Management</h1></center>'
+	'<center><a href="exec:killvar ''pain'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">No pain</a></center>'
+	*nl
+	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
+	'<tr><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
+	'pain[head] = <<pain[''head'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''head''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''head''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[hair] = <<pain[''hair'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''hair''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''hair''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[ears] = <<pain[''ears'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''ears''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''ears''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[eyebrows] = <<pain[''ears'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''eyebrows''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''eyebrows''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[eyes] = <<pain[''eyes'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''eyes''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''eyes''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[cheeks] = <<pain[''cheeks'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''cheeks''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''cheeks''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[nose] = <<pain[''nose'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''nose''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''nose''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[mouth] = <<pain[''mouth'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''mouth''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''mouth''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[lips] = <<pain[''lips'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''lips''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''lips''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[tongue] = <<pain[''tongue'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''tongue''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''tongue''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[throat] = <<pain[''throat'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''throat''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''throat''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[neck] = <<pain[''neck'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''neck''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''neck''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[back] = <<pain[''back'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''back''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''back''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[asscheeks] = <<pain[''asscheeks'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''asscheeks''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''asscheeks''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[asshole] = <<pain[''asshole'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''asshole''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''asshole''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[hips] = <<pain[''hips'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''hips''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''hips''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[thighs] = <<pain[''thighs'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''thighs''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''thighs''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[left leg] = <<pain[''legL'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''legL''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''legL''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[right leg] = <<pain[''legR'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''legR''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''legR''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'</td><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
+	'pain[feet] = <<pain[''feet'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''feet''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''feet''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[toes] = <<pain[''toes'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''toes''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''toes''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[shoulders] = <<pain[''shoulders'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''shoulders''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''shoulders''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[left arm] = <<pain[''armL'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''armL''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''armL''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[right arm] = <<pain[''armR'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''armR''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''armR''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[hands] = <<pain[''hands'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''hands''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''hands''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[fingers] = <<pain[''fingers'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''fingers''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''fingers''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[chest] = <<pain[''chest'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''chest''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''chest''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[breasts] = <<pain[''breasts'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''breasts''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''breasts''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[nipples] = <<pain[''nipples'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''nipples''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''nipples''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[ribs] = <<pain[''ribs'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''ribs''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''ribs''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[tummy] = <<pain[''tummy'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''tummy''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''tummy''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[pubic] = <<pain[''pubic'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''pubic''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''pubic''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[vaginal] = <<pain[''vaginal'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''vaginal''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''vaginal''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[labia] = <<pain[''labia'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''labia''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''labia''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[clitoris] = <<pain[''clitoris'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''clitoris''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''clitoris''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[urethra] = <<pain[''urethra'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''urethra''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''urethra''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[cervix] = <<pain[''cervix'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''cervix''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''cervix''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
+$cheatmenu['DNA'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - DNA Generation</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<center>DNA string generation<br>If parents are not in game, leave the respective IDs empty</center>'
+	*nl
+	if $cheatDNAC ! '':
+		'<b>Child: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAC>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAC>>'']>></b> (<<$cheatDNAC>>)<br><<$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC]>><br><a href="exec:killvar ''cheatDNAC'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Remove</a>'
+		npctemp = 0
+		killvar 'cheatDNAM'
+		killvar 'cheatDNAF'
+		:npcparentfind
+			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10):
+					$cheatDNAM = 'A<<npctemp>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10):
+					$cheatDNAF = 'A<<npctemp>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10):
+					$cheatDNAM = 'B<<npctemp>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10):
+					$cheatDNAF = 'B<<npctemp>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10):
+					$cheatDNAM = 'C<<npctemp>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10):
+					$cheatDNAF = 'C<<npctemp>>'
+				end
+			end
+		if ($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '') and ($cheatDNAM = '' or $cheatDNAF = ''):npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcparentfind'
+		killvar 'npctemp'
+	else
+		'<a href="exec:killvar ''tempDNAC'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNAC'']"><b>ID of child (if it is known)</b></a>'
+	end
+	if $cheatDNAM ! '':
+		'<br><b>Mother: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAM>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAM>>'']>></b> (<<$cheatDNAM>>)<br><<$npc_dna[$cheatDNAM]>><br><a href="exec:killvar ''cheatDNAM'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Remove</a>'
+	else
+		'<br><a href="exec:killvar ''tempDNAM'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNAM'']"><b>ID of mother (if it is known)</b></a>'
+	end
+	if $cheatDNAF ! '':
+		'<br><b>Father: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAF>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAF>>'']>></b> (<<$cheatDNAF>>)<br><<$npc_dna[$cheatDNAF]>><br><a href="exec:killvar ''cheatDNAF'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Remove</a>'
+	else
+		'<br><a href="exec:killvar ''tempDNAF'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNAF'']"><b>ID of father (if it is known)</b></a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF ! '':
+		$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],$npc_dna[$cheatDNAF])
+	elseif $cheatDNAM ! '':
+		if $cheatDNAC ! '':
+			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','generateF',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
+		else
+			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','create')
+			$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],$tempDNAF)
+		end
+	elseif $cheatDNAF ! '':
+		if $cheatDNAC ! '':
+			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','generateM',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
+		else
+			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','create')
+			$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$tempDNAM,$npc_dna[$cheatDNAF])
+		end
+	else
+		if $cheatDNAC = '':
+			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','create')
+			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','create')
+			$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$tempDNAM,$tempDNAF)
+		else
+			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','generateM',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
+			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','generateF',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
+		end
+	end
+	if $cheatDNAM = '': '<br><b>Random mother DNA:</b> <<$tempDNAM>>'
+	if $cheatDNAF = '': '<br><b>Random father DNA:</b> <<$tempDNAF>>'
+	if $cheatDNAC = '': '<br><b>Random child DNA:</b> <<$cheatDNAgenerated>>'
+	'<br><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Generate again</a>'
+	if $cheatDNAC ! '':
+		npctemp = 0
+		:npcgparfind
+			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+		if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcgparfind'
+	end
+	if $cheatDNAM ! '' or $cheatDNAF ! '':
+		npctemp = 0
+		:npcchildfind
+			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+		if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcchildfind'
+		npctemp = 0
+		:npcgchildfind
+			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif ((mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif ((mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif ((mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+		if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcgchildfind'
+		killvar 'npctemp'
+	end
+	killvar '$tempDNAF'
+	killvar '$tempDNAM'
+	killvar '$tempDNAC'
+	killvar 'cheatDNAgenerated'
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
+$cheatmenu['DNAM'] = {
+	$cheatDNAM = input("Enter genetic mother ID (like A33, without apostrophe)")
+	if $cheatDNAM = '':exit
+	dynamic $cheatDNAM
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA']
+$cheatmenu['DNAF'] = {
+	$cheatDNAF = input("Enter genetic father ID (like A34, without apostrophe)")
+	if $cheatDNAF = '':exit
+	dynamic $cheatDNAF
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA']
+$cheatmenu['DNAC'] = {
+	$cheatDNAC = input("Enter genetic Child ID (like A34, without apostrophe)")
+	if $cheatDNAC = '':exit
+	dynamic $cheatDNAC
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA']
+$cheatmenu['fame'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Display Setting</h1></center>'
+	$table['fame'] = '<center><table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" valign="top" border="1">'
+	$table['fame'] += '<th colspan="5"><b>Fame</b></th><tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<th></th><th>Pavlovsk</th><th>City</th><th>Pushkin</th><th>Gadukino</th><tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Actor</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Dancer</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Glamour model</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Painter</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Musician</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Ballet dancer</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Porn actor</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Stripper</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Sex</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Prostitution</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Kickboxer</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Runner</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Volleyball player</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic  $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Chess player</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Teacher</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Social media</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '</table></center>'
+	$table['fame']
+$cheatmenu['quicktime'] = {
+	minut += ARGS[0]
+	*clr
+	gs 'daystart'
+	gs 'outdoors', 'weather'
+	gs 'stat'
+	gs 'fertility', 'cum_arrcheat'
+$cheatmenu = {
+	gs'stat'
+	currhour = (daystart-1) * 24 + hour
+	currday = daystart
+	temp_week = week & temp_day = day & $temp_month = $month & temp_month = month & temp_year = year & temp_hour = hour & temp_minut = minut
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Index</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''dynamic'']">Dynamic Input Command</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:gs ''fertility'',''cum_arrcheat''">OOX Debug</a>'
+	'Right now <<$week[week]>> <<$month>> <<day>> <<year>> <<hour>>:<<minut>>'
+	'Jump forward <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''quicktime''], 15 & dynamic $cheatmenu">+15</a> minutes'
+	*nl
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:gt''pav_residential''">Teleport to Pavlovsk</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:gt''liam''">Teleport to Pushkin</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:gt''city_residential''">Teleport to City</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:gt''gadukino''">Teleport to Gadukino</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:gt''dachi''">Teleport to Suburban Cooperative</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Teleporting while in an event may break your game. Use at your own risk!'
+	*nl
+	'Pregnancy speed multiplier: <a href="exec:if pregspeedcheat < 3:pregspeedcheat += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu else pregspeedcheat = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu"><b><<pregspeedcheat+1>></b></a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''vartracker'']"><b>Variable tracker</b></a>'
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['vartracker'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	act 'Return to cheat index': dynamic $cheatmenu
+	'<center><h1>Cheat menu</h1></center>'
+	'<center>For testing purposes.<br>If reporting a bug only the lines in red are neccessary.</center>'
+	*nl
+	'$loc: <<$loc>>'
+	'$locM: <<$locM>>'
+	'<font color = red>$CURLOC: <<$CURLOC>></font>'
+	'$location_type: <<$location_type>>'
+	'$home[''current'']: <<$home[''current'']>>'
+	'$home[''town'']: <<$home[''town'']>>'
+	'$home[''name'']: <<$home[''name'']>>'
+	'daystart: <<daystart>>'
+	'daystart_start: <<daystart_start>>'
+	'month: <<month>>'
+	'week: <<week>>'
+	'$temperature: <<$temperature>>'
+	'pfilmday: <<pfilmday>>'
+	'$pfname: <<$pfname>>'
+	'modelmon: <<modelmon>>'
+	'min_arousal: <<min_arousal>>'
+	'pcs_nips: <<pcs_nips>>'
+	'clit_size: <<clit_size>>'
+	'steroid_have: <<steroid_have>>'
+	'steroid_counter: <<steroid_counter>>'
+	'steroid_dose: <<steroid_dose>>'
+	'aphrodisiac_have: <<aphrodisiac_have>>'
+	'aphrodisiac_counter: <<aphrodisiac_counter>>'
+	'aphrodisiac_timer: <<aphrodisiac_timer>>'
+	'aphrodisiac_addiction: <<aphrodisiac_addiction>>'
+	'bcream_have: <<bcream_have>>'
+	'motherQW: <<npc_QW[''A29'']>>'
+	'Anastasia quest level: <<npc_QW[''A192'']>>'
+	'sex: <<stat[''vaginal'']>>'
+	'$clothingworntype: <<$clothingworntype>>'
+	'PCloQuality: <<PCloQuality>>'
+	'Mira''s Father Quest (npc_QW[''A64'']): <<npc_QW[''A64'']>>'
+	'Mira''s Quest (npc_QW[''A60'']): <<npc_QW[''A60'']>>'
+	'mirasextimes: <<mirasextimes>>'
+	'Mira''s Relationship (npc_rel[''A60'']): <<npc_rel[''A60'']>>'
+	'Mitka''s Quest (npc_QW[''A63'']): <<npc_QW[''A63'']>>'
+	'mirabrosextime: <<mirabrosextime>>'
+	'momslut: <<momslut>>'
+	'Kirill''s Relationship (Kirill): <<Kirill>>'
+	'Kirill''s Corruption (Kirill_Crpt): <<Kirill_Crpt>>'
+	'children: <<kid>>'
+	!! BabyEmbryo is for how many unborn babies inside PC.
+	'fetus number: <<BabyEmbryo>>'
+	!! preg is your pregnancy state. 0 is not pregnant, 1 is pregnant in general, 2 is in labor. 
+	'pregnancy state: <<preg>>'
+	!! thinkpreg is if svetka thinks she is pregnant
+	'thinkpreg: <<thinkpreg>>'
+	!! knowpreg is for solid proof svetlana is pregnant, like a pregnancy test.
+	'knowpreg: <<knowpreg>>'
+	!! knowpregrecover is for Svetlanas knowledge that she just gave birth.
+	'knowpregrecover: <<knowpregrecover>>'
+	!! knowpregloss is for Svetlanas knowledge that she lost a baby. 1 is for an abortion, 2 is for a miscarrage. 
+	'knowpregloss: <<knowpregloss>>'
+	!! cycle is Svetlanas current fertility cycle. 5 is pregnant, 4 is recovering, 3 is luteal, 2 is ovulation, 1 is foccular, 0 is menstration. 
+	'cycle: <<cycle>>'
+	!! menoage is the age Svetlana will be when she goes through menopause.
+	'menoage: <<menoage>>'
+	!! age is how old Svetlana is in years.
+	'age: <<age>>'
+	!! mesec is for how many hours of bleeding Svetlana has left in her current fertility cycle
+	'mesec: <<mesec>>'
+	!! FocH is for how many hours of Foccular cycle Svetlana has gone through in her current fertility cycle. Focular starts at the end of her Luteal and contains the bleeding period in Svetkas cycle.
+	'FocH: <<FocH>>'
+	!! EggRH is for the level of egg release that Svetlana has for her ovulation event. 150 generates a single egg, higher amounts might release more.
+	'EggRH: <<EggRH>>'
+	!! Ovulate is the amount of hours remaining in Svetlanas ovulation period of her current fertility cycle. 
+	'Ovulate: <<Ovulate>>'
+	!! UnfertEgg is how many unfertilized eggs Svetlana has in her for fertilization during her Ovulation period. Unfertilized eggs are removed at the end of her Ovulation period.
+	'UnfertEgg: <<UnfertEgg>>'
+	!! FertEgg is how many unimplanted eggs Svetlana has in her. These are possible babies, but they die 330 hours after ovulation if they do not implant.
+	'FertEgg: <<FertEgg>>'
+	!! babyptype is the pregnancy type of unborn babies. they might be unimplanted 0, healthy 1, or Ectopic 2. Future pregnancy complications should use this variable
+	if FertEgg > 0:
+		i = arrpos('$kidname','unborn')
+		imax = arrsize('$kidname')-1
+		:chlp
+			'	<<i+1>>. baby''s pregnancy type: <<babyptype[i]>>'
+		if i < imax: i += 1 & jump 'chlp'
+		killvar 'i'
+		killvar 'imax'
+	end
+	!! BabyEmbryo is for implanted babies. These are solid pregnancies. 
+	'Implanted Embryos: <<BabyEmbryo>>'
+	!! ferteggage is for the time since the ovulation event. They last 330 hours before they die if not implanted.
+	'ferteggage: <<ferteggage>>'
+	!! PregChem is the level of pregnancy, measured in hour parts. 
+	'PregChem: <<PregChem>>'
+	!! pillcon is the level of birth control to prevent svetlana from getting pregnant. Higher concentrations increase effectivity until it reaches it''s ideal level.
+	'pillcon: <<pillcon>>'
+	!! believed pillcon is the level of birth control svetlana thinks she has. This may be different from the actual level due to sabotage or a bad habit of not taking your pill.
+	'Believed pillcon: <<pillcon2>>'
+	!! RecovH is the amount of recover hours before Svetlanas fertility cycle resets after having a baby.
+	'RecovH: <<RecovH>>'
+	!! daylastperiod is for Svetlanas knowledge on when she began her last period
+	'daylastperiod: <<daylastperiod>> (daystart difference: <<daystart-daylastperiod>>)'
+	!! lastmens is for the last day that Svetlana bled during her last cycle.
+	'lastmens: <<lastmens>>'
+	!! firstmens is for the first day that Svetlana bled during her last cycle. this is different than daylastperiod because this is the actual date, while daylastperiod is when Svetlana remembers it being.
+	'firstmens: <<lastmens>> (daystart difference: <<daystart-firstmens>>)'
+	'hypnoTime: <<hypnoTime>>'
+	'hypnoStrength: <<hypnoStrength>>'
+	'hypnoDay: <<hypnoDay>>'
+	'hypnoAddict: <<hypnoAddict>>'
+	'missCum: <<missCum>>'
+	'condoms/bad condoms: <<prezik>>/<<badprezik>>'
+	if tabletki > 0:
+		'pack(s) of birth control pills: <<tabletki>>'
+		if tabletkiold > 0: '	<<tabletkiold>> expired pack'
+		if tabletkifake > 0: '	<<tabletkifake>> counterfeit pack'
+		if tabletkirej > 0: '	<<tabletkirej>> factory rejected pack'
+		if tabletkifert > 0: '	<<tabletkifert>> fertility hormones pack'
+		if tabletkisug > 0: '	<<tabletkisug>> sugar pills pack'
+	end
+	if pillsleft[ptype] > 0:
+		if ptype = 0: $pilltype = 'normal '
+		if ptype = 1: $pilltype = 'expired '
+		if ptype = 2: $pilltype = 'counterfeit '
+		if ptype = 3: $pilltype = 'factory rejected '
+		if ptype = 4: $pilltype = 'sugar '
+		if ptype = 5: $pilltype = 'fertility hormone '
+		'<<pillsleft[ptype]>> <<$pilltype>>pills left of your currently used pack'
+		killvar '$pilltype'
+	end
+$cheatmenu['bdimmain'] = {
+	gs 'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Body Image Sets</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<center><b>Body Image Controls</b></center>'
+	*nl
+	'You are currently using set: <<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 9)]>>'
+	if bdsetlock = 1:
+		'The set used is locked to current.'
+	else
+		'The set used is unlocked.'
+	end
+	*nl
+	'This is the current default and custom (if any) body image sets:'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[9]>></b></a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[19]>></b></a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[29]>></b></a>'
+	*nl
+	if bodsetcnt >= 4:
+		'You may edit aspects of a custom image set by clicking on their folder names below.'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[49]>></b></a>'
+		*nl
+	elseif bodsetcnt = 3:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	if bodsetcnt >= 5:
+		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[59]>></b></a>'
+		*nl
+	elseif bodsetcnt = 4:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	if bodsetcnt >= 6:
+		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 6 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[69]>></b></a>'
+		*nl
+	elseif bodsetcnt = 5:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	if bodsetcnt >= 7:
+		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[79]>></b></a>'
+		*nl
+	elseif bodsetcnt = 6:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	if bodsetcnt >= 8:
+		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 8 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[89]>></b></a>'
+		*nl
+	elseif bodsetcnt = 7:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	if bodsetcnt >= 9:
+		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 9 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[99]>></b></a>'
+		*nl
+	elseif bodsetcnt = 8:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
+$cheatmenu['bdimdisplay'] = {
+	gs 'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><h1>Cheat menu</h1></center>'
+	*nl
+	'<center><b>Body Image Set Display</b></center>'
+	'<a href="exec:killvar ''chmbodset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimmain'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
+	*nl
+	if bdsetlock = 1 and chmbodset = fixbodset:
+		'This is the currently locked set.'
+		'<a href="exec:bdsetlock = 0 & bodset = 1 & killvar ''fixbodset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Clear the lock.</b></a>'
+	else
+		'<a href="exec:bdsetlock = 1 & bodset = chmbodset & fixbodset = chmbodset & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Use this set only.</b></a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if chmbodset <= 3:
+		'Folder: <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>'
+		'Descriptors:'
+		*nl
+		if chmbodset = 3:
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a>'
+		else
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/1.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 1)]>></a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/2.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 2)]>></a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/3.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 3)]>></a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/4.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 4)]>></a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/5.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 5)]>></a>'
+		*nl
+		if chmbodset = 3:
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
+		else
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		if chmbodset = 3:
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
+		else
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		if chmbodset = 3:
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/8.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 8)]>></a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+	else
+		'Folder: <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>'
+		'Descriptors: (Displayed as "You are:")'
+		if imgset0ovr[chmbodset] = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+			*nl
+			'You are using a <a href="exec:imgset0ovr[chmbodset] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">custom image 0</a> for this set.'
+			*nl
+		else
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a>'
+			*nl
+			'You are using the <a href="exec:imgset0ovr[chmbodset] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">default image 0</a> for this set.'
+			*nl
+		end
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/1.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 1)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/2.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 2)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/3.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 3)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/4.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 4)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/5.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 5)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+		*nl
+		if imgset6ovr[chmbodset] = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 6 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+			*nl
+			'You are using a <a href="exec:imgset6ovr[chmbodset] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">custom image 6</a> for this set.'
+			*nl
+		else
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
+			*nl
+			'You are using the <a href="exec:imgset6ovr[chmbodset] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">default image 6</a> for this set.'
+			*nl
+		end
+		if imgset7ovr[chmbodset] = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+			*nl
+			'You are using a <a href="exec:imgset7ovr[chmbodset] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">custom image 7</a> for this set.'
+			*nl
+		else
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
+			*nl
+			'You are using the <a href="exec:imgset7ovr[chmbodset] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">default image 7</a> for this set.'
+			*nl
+		end
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdel'']">Delete this set.</a>'
+	end
+$cheatmenu['bdimcstdel'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><b>Body Image Set Removal</b></center>'
+	'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
+	*nl
+	'This is where you remove a body image set from use, please note it does not delete anything, it just clears the custom set from this game instance/save.'
+	if klsetask = 1:
+		'<a href="exec:klsetask = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdel'']"><b>Are you sure you want to remove set <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>?</b></a>'
+	elseif klsetask = 2:
+		if chmbodset <= 2:
+			'You have encoutered error 1'
+			'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
+			exit
+		end
+		if bdsetlock = 1 and fixbodset >= chmbodset: bdsetlock = 0 & killvar 'fixbodset'
+		if bodsetcnt > chmbodset:
+			cyci1 = 0
+			cyci2 = chmbodset
+			:overwriter1
+			$bodimgsets[((cyci2 * 10) + cyci1)] = $bodimgsets[(((cyci2 + 1) * 10) + cyci1)]
+			cyci1 += 1
+			if cyci1 < 10: jump 'overwriter1'
+			imgset6ovr[cyci2] = imgset6ovr[(cyci2 + 1)]
+			imgset7ovr[cyci2] = imgset7ovr[(cyci2 + 1)]
+			cyci1 = 0
+			cyci2 += 1
+			if cyci2 < bodsetcnt: jump 'overwriter1'
+			killvar 'cyci1' & killvar 'cyci2'
+		elseif bodsetcnt < chmbodset:
+			'You have encoutered error 2'
+			'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
+			exit
+		end
+		cyci1 = 9
+		:poofer1
+		killvar 'bodimgsets', ((bodsetcnt * 10) + cyci1)
+		cyci1 -= 1
+		if cyci1 >= 0: jump 'poofer1'
+		killvar 'cyci1'
+		killvar 'imgset6ovr', bodsetcnt
+		killvar 'imgset7ovr', bodsetcnt
+		bodsetcnt -= 1
+		killvar 'klsetask'
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimmain']
+	else
+		'<a href="exec:klsetask = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdel'']">Remove set <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>?</a>'
+	end
+$cheatmenu['bdimcstadd'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><b>Body Image Set Addition</b></center>'
+	'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimmain'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
+	*nl
+	'This is where you can add a new image set to a game.'
+	'To add an image set, create a folder in images/pc/body/shape/ and name it anything you want (shorter will be easier to remember). Then put in it any images you want named 1.jpg, 2.jpg, etc. up 5, 6, or 7. Just make sure it contains images 1 to 5. Once you have done that, click the link below and put in your folder name to add that set.'
+	'Note: This will only be for this instance/save of the game and you will have to redo the click the link step if you want to add the same folder to a different instance/save.'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstaddpro'']">Add Image Set</a>'
+$cheatmenu['bdimcstaddpro'] = {
+	$tmpstrg = input("Enter folder name, do not include ''\''")
+	if $tmpstrg = '':
+		killvar '$tmpstrg'
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimcstadd']
+	else
+		bodsetcnt += 1
+		cyci1 = 0
+		:addcyc
+		$bodimgsets[((bodsetcnt * 10) + cyci1)] = $bodimgsets[(10 + cyci1)]
+		cyci1 += 1
+		if cyci1 < 9: jump 'addcyc'
+		$bodimgsets[((bodsetcnt * 10) + 9)] = $tmpstrg
+		imgset6ovr[bodsetcnt] = 0
+		imgset7ovr[bodsetcnt] = 0
+		killvar '$tmpstrg'
+		killvar 'cyci1'
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimmain']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['bdimcstdesed'] = {
+	$tmpstrg = input("Enter a new descriptor")
+	if $tmpstrg = '':
+		killvar 'chmbddes'
+		killvar '$tmpstrg'
+	else
+		$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + chmbddes)] = $tmpstrg
+		killvar 'chmbddes'
+		killvar '$tmpstrg'
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimdisplay']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['succubreset'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	'Are you sure you want to reset your Succubus status? You will lose all levels, saved power, and succubus skill levels.'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''magic'']"><b>No, nevermind.</b></a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''sucresetdo'']"><b>Yes, remove & reset Succubus status</b></a>'
+$cheatmenu['sucresetdo'] = {
+!!	Probably do not need to kill all of these, but better to unload them.
+	killvar 'scfwon'
+	killvar 'scpopt'
+	killvar '$sclocrt'
+	killvar '$scargrt'
+	killvar '$scsubloc'
+	killvar 'suceatinit'
+	killvar 'succubusflag'
+	killvar 'succubusQW'
+	killvar '$sucself1'
+	killvar 'succublvl'
+	killvar 'succubxp'
+	killvar 'sucxpsnapshot'
+	killvar 'succhungry'
+	killvar 'sucexcess'
+	killvar 'sexnutrition'
+	killvar 'suclezsex'
+	killvar 'sucabslez'
+	killvar 'sucabscum'
+	killvar '$sucabs1'
+	killvar '$sucabs2'
+	killvar '$sucabs3'
+	killvar 'succonfail'
+	killvar 'sucpowzeroed'
+	killvar 'suchuntday'
+	killvar 'sucpcinfo'
+	killvar 'karinsucsex'
+	killvar 'karinsucsexday'
+	killvar 'karinsucsexask'
+	killvar 'tatianasucsex'
+	killvar 'tatianasucsexday'
+	killvar 'tatianasucsexask'
+	killvar 'sucwalkday'
+	killvar '$sucgoloc'
+	killvar '$sucgometka'
+	killvar 'sucskill'
+	killvar 'sucstorecap'
+	killvar 'sucinfoday'
+	killvar 'sctrainprep'
+!!	This list will be updated as new variables are added
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']
+$cheatmenu['about'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
+	gs 'stat'
+	gs 'saveg'
+	gs 'addbuilddate'
+	'<center><h1>About Window</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<tr><td><h3><center>Girl Life version <<version_major>>.<<version_minor>>.<<version_revision>>.<<version_patch>></center></h3></td></tr>'
+	'<tr><td><h3><center>built on <<$builddate>></center></h3></td></tr>'
+	'<tr><td><h5><center>if loaded so it was the save from</center></h5></td></tr>'
+	'<tr><td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><center><<$version>></center></td></tr>'
+	'</table></center>'
+	killvar '$tmp'
+$cheatmenu['items'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Items</h1></center>'
+	'<center><h4>Pharmacy items</h4>'
+	if showPharmacyItems = 0:
+		'<a href = "exec: showPharmacyItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
+	end
+	if showPharmacyItems = 1:
+		'<a href = "exec: showPharmacyItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
+		*pl 'Morning after pill: <a href="exec:morning_after_pill=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<morning_after_pill>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Condoms: <a href="exec:prezik=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<prezik>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Pregnancy test: <a href="exec:pregtest=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<pregtest>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Birth control pills: <a href="exec:tabletki=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<tabletki>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Antibiotics: <a href="exec:lekarstvo=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<lekarstvo>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Vitamins: <a href="exec:vitamin=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<vitamin>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Painkillers: <a href="exec:painkiller=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<painkiller>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Ointments for chafing: <a href="exec:mosolmaz=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mosolmaz>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Lubricants: <a href="exec:lubri=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<lubri>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Lip balms: <a href="exec:lipbalm=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<lipbalm>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Weight loss pill: <a href="exec:fatdel=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<fatdel>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Tampons: <a href="exec:tampon=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<tampon>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Sanitary napkins: <a href="exec:sanpad=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<sanpad>> </b></a>'
+		if klisma = 0:
+			*pl 'Enema kit: <a href="exec:klisma = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if klisma = 1:
+			*pl 'Enema kit: <a href="exec:klisma = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if breastpump = 0:
+			*pl 'Breast pump: <a href="exec:breastpump = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if breastpump = 1:
+			*pl 'Breast pump: <a href="exec:breastpump = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end		
+		*pl 'Breastmilk bottle S: <a href="exec:bpbottles=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<bpbottles>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Breastmilk bottle M: <a href="exec:bpbottlem=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<bpbottlem>> </b></a>'
+	end
+	'<h4>Food items</h4>'
+	if showFoodItems = 0:
+		'<a href = "exec: showFoodItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
+	end
+	if showFoodItems = 1:
+		'<a href = "exec: showFoodItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
+		*pl 'Regular food: <a href="exec:eda=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<eda>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Diet food: <a href="exec:edad=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<edad>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Tea biscuits: <a href="exec:pranik=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<pranik>> </b></a>'
+		if bag > 0:
+			if bottle = 0:
+				*pl 'Bottle of water: <a href="exec:bottle = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+			end
+			if bottle = 1:
+				*pl 'Bottle of water: <a href="exec:bottle = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+			end
+			if buterbrod = 0:
+				*pl 'Sandwich: <a href="exec:buterbrod = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+			end
+			if buterbrod = 1:
+				*pl 'Sandwich: <a href="exec:buterbrod = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+			end	
+			if wine = 0:
+				*pl 'Cheap Bottle of wine: <a href="exec:wine = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+			end
+			if wine = 1:
+				*pl 'Cheap Bottle of wine: <a href="exec:wine = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+			end	
+		end
+	end
+	'<h4>Cosmetics items</h4>'
+	if showCosmeticsItems = 0:
+		'<a href = "exec: showCosmeticsItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
+	end
+	if showCosmeticsItems = 1:
+		'<a href = "exec: showCosmeticsItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
+		*pl 'Cosmetics: <a href="exec:kosmetica=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<kosmetica>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Moisturiser: <a href="exec:item_moisturizer=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<item_moisturizer>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Lip balms: <a href="exec:lipbalm=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<lipbalm>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Plain false lashes: <a href="exec:falselashesplain=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<falselashesplain>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Mink false lashes: <a href="exec:falselashesmink=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<falselashesmink>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Razors: <a href="exec:stanok=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<stanok>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Sunblock: <a href="exec:krem=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<krem>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Deodorant: <a href="exec:deodorant=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<deodorant>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Tampons: <a href="exec:tampon=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<tampon>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Sanitary Napkins: <a href="exec:sanpad=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<sanpad>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Shampoo: <a href="exec:shampoo=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<shampoo>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Hair scrunchies: <a href="exec:hscrunch=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<hscrunch>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Hair pins: <a href="exec:hpingrip=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<hpingrip>> </b></a>'
+		if bag = 1:
+			*pl 'Wipes: <a href="exec:salfetka=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<salfetka>> </b></a>'
+			*pl 'Portable makeup: <a href="exec:kosmetitka=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<kosmetitka>> </b></a>'
+			*pl 'Mouthwash: <a href="exec:mouthwash=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mouthwash>> </b></a>'
+			if greben = 0:
+				*pl 'Comb: <a href="exec:greben = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+			end
+			if greben = 1:
+				*pl 'Comb: <a href="exec:greben = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+			end	
+			if compact_mirror = 0:
+				*pl 'Compact mirror: <a href="exec:compact_mirror = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+			end
+			if compact_mirror = 1:
+				*pl 'Compact mirror: <a href="exec:compact_mirror = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+			end	
+		end
+	end
+	'<h4>Hardware items</h4>'
+	if showHardwareItems = 0:
+		'<a href = "exec: showHardwareItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
+	end 
+	if showHardwareItems = 1:
+		'<a href = "exec: showHardwareItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
+		*pl 'Dishwashing detergent: <a href="exec:fairy=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<fairy>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Clothing detergent: <a href="exec:poroshok=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<poroshok>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Plates: <a href="exec:cltarelka=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<cltarelka>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Fabric: <a href="exec:tkan=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<tkan>> </b></a>'
+		if sewing_kit = 0:
+			*pl 'Sewing kit: <a href="exec:sewing_kit = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if sewing_kit = 1:
+			*pl 'Sewing kit: <a href="exec:sewing_kit = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end	
+		if bag = 1:
+			if umbrella = 0:
+				*pl 'Umbrella: <a href="exec:umbrella = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+			end
+			if umbrella = 1:
+				*pl 'Umbrella: <a href="exec:umbrella = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+			end	
+		end
+	end
+	'<h4>Narcotics items</h4>'
+	if showNarcoticsItems = 0:
+		'<a href = "exec: showNarcoticsItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
+	end
+	if showNarcoticsItems = 1:
+		'<a href = "exec: showNarcoticsItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
+		*pl 'Cigarettes: <a href="exec:siga=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<siga>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Joints: <a href="exec:joint=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<joint>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Cocaine: <a href="exec:dur=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<dur>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Amphetamine: <a href="exec:amphetamine=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<amphetamine>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Neuroboosters: <a href="exec:mentats_have=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mentats_have>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Steroids: <a href="exec:steroid_have=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<steroid_have>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Breast cream: <a href="exec:bcream_have=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<bcream_have>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Aphrodisiacs: <a href="exec:aphrodisiac_have=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<aphrodisiac_have>> </b></a>'
+	end
+	'<h4>Sex shop items</h4>'
+	if showSexItems = 0:
+		'<a href = "exec: showSexItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
+	end
+	if showSexItems = 1:
+		'<a href = "exec: showSexItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
+		if pornMagazine = 0:
+			*pl 'Porn magazine: <a href="exec:pornMagazine = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if pornMagazine = 1:
+			*pl 'Porn magazine: <a href="exec:pornMagazine = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end	
+		if vibrator = 0:
+			*pl 'Vibrator: <a href="exec:vibrator = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if vibrator = 1:
+			*pl 'Vibrator: <a href="exec:vibrator = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end	
+		if analplug = 0:
+			*pl 'Butt plug: <a href="exec:analplug = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if analplug = 1:
+			*pl 'Butt plug: <a href="exec:analplug = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end	
+		*pl '15cm suction dildo: <a href="exec:suction_dildo=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<suction_dildo>> </b></a>'	
+		if strapon = 0:
+			*pl 'Strap-on harness: <a href="exec:strapon = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if strapon = 1:
+			*pl 'Strap-on harness: <a href="exec:strapon = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end	
+		if dildo = 0:
+			*pl '10cm dildo: <a href="exec:dildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if dildo = 1:
+			*pl '10cm dildo: <a href="exec:dildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if middildo = 0:
+			*pl '15cm dildo: <a href="exec:middildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if middildo = 1:
+			*pl '15cm dildo: <a href="exec:middildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end	
+		if largedildo = 0:
+			*pl '20cm dildo: <a href="exec:largedildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if largedildo = 1:
+			*pl '20cm dildo: <a href="exec:largedildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end	
+		if bigdildo = 0:
+			*pl '25cm dildo: <a href="exec:bigdildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if bigdildo = 1:
+			*pl '25cm dildo: <a href="exec:bigdildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if extradildo = 0:
+			*pl '30cm dildo: <a href="exec:extradildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if extradildo = 1:
+			*pl '30cm dildo: <a href="exec:extradildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end	
+		if superdildo = 0:
+			*pl '35cm dildo: <a href="exec:superdildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if superdildo = 1:
+			*pl '35cm dildo: <a href="exec:superdildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if maddildo = 0:
+			*pl '40cm dildo: <a href="exec:maddildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if maddildo = 1:
+			*pl '40cm dildo: <a href="exec:maddildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+	end
+	'</center>'
+--- Cheatmenu_din ---------------------------------

+ 60 - 0

@@ -478,6 +478,66 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 79:
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 80:
+	CloQuality = 4
+	CloThinness = 3
+	CloTopCut = 2
+	CloPantsShortness = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 81:
+	CloQuality = 4
+	CloThinness = 3
+	CloTopCut = 2
+	CloPantsShortness = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 82:
+	CloQuality = 4
+	CloThinness = 3
+	CloTopCut = 2
+	CloPantsShortness = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 83:
+	CloQuality = 4
+	CloThinness = 3
+	CloTopCut = 2
+	CloPantsShortness = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 84:
+	CloQuality = 4
+	CloThinness = 3
+	CloTopCut = 2
+	CloPantsShortness = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 85:
+	CloQuality = 4
+	CloThinness = 3
+	CloTopCut = 2
+	CloPantsShortness = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 86:
+	CloQuality = 4
+	CloThinness = 3
+	CloTopCut = 2
+	CloPantsShortness = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 87:
+	CloQuality = 4
+	CloThinness = 3
+	CloTopCut = 2
+	CloPantsShortness = 1	
+elseif ARGS[1] = 88:
+	CloQuality = 4
+	CloThinness = 3
+	CloTopCut = 2
+	CloPantsShortness = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 89:
+	CloQuality = 4
+	CloThinness = 3
+	CloTopCut = 2
+	CloPantsShortness = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 90:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1

+ 15 - 15

@@ -643,21 +643,21 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'sword':
     if AlexandriaQW = 14:
-	*clr & cla
-	minut += 20
-	AlexandriaQW = 15
-	AlexandriaMissionQW + 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Aleksei</font></b></center>'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/alexandria3.jpg"></center>'
-	'"It''s seems that Mr.Kudashov, has put it in a security box and... well... sold the key to a woman called Ana, and... she had challenged me for it possession..."'
-	'You grimace as those words fill the room, and a suddenly very tense Aleksei, raise an eyelid. The next moments lengthening as you can feel the wizard''s displeasure.'
-	'"Interesting, <<$pcs_lastname>>. Please, explain to me in detail what happened."'
-	'You... follow with your <i>encounter</i> with Filipp Kudashov, his double cross, and finally Ana''s call. During it, he takes out a tablet and seems to look for something, and even when you end your tale, he takes some minutes loss in... whatever he is doing.'
-	'"Ehm... what now?"'
-	'"Sigh... <i>Mr</i>.Kudashov''s accounts are going to be audited and for that woman... Ana... Your new task is to accept the challenge and learn all you can about her... Hm... I want the saber, but now is secondary."'
-	act 'Continue': gt 'alexandriaHome', 'study'
+        *clr & cla
+        minut += 20
+        AlexandriaQW = 15
+        AlexandriaMissionQW += 1
+        gs 'stat'
+        '<center><b><font color="maroon">Aleksei</font></b></center>'
+        '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/alexandria3.jpg"></center>'
+        '"It''s seems that Mr.Kudashov, has put it in a security box and... well... sold the key to a woman called Ana, and... she had challenged me for it possession..."'
+        'You grimace as those words fill the room, and a suddenly very tense Aleksei, raise an eyelid. The next moments lengthening as you can feel the wizard''s displeasure.'
+        '"Interesting, <<$pcs_lastname>>. Please, explain to me in detail what happened."'
+        'You... follow with your <i>encounter</i> with Filipp Kudashov, his double cross, and finally Ana''s call. During it, he takes out a tablet and seems to look for something, and even when you end your tale, he takes some minutes loss in... whatever he is doing.'
+        '"Ehm... what now?"'
+        '"Sigh... <i>Mr</i>.Kudashov''s accounts are going to be audited and for that woman... Ana... Your new task is to accept the challenge and learn all you can about her... Hm... I want the saber, but now is secondary."'
+        act 'Continue': gt 'alexandriaHome', 'study'
 	elseif AlexandriaQW = 16:
 		*clr & cla

+ 1 - 1

@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'tell_about_olu':
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/anushroom/nushbed.jpg"></center>'
 				'You tell her the story of your first time with Olu and what it was like. She presses you for details, obviously finding the story a big turn on, then shares her stories of Valentin, the biggest guy she has been with. You pass the time swapping stories and giggling about your sex lives.'
 				act 'Hang out in her room': gt 'anush_bedroom','anushroom'
-				act 'Talk about something else': gt 'anushapt', 'bed'
+				act 'Talk about something else': gt 'anushkachat', 'chat'
 				if npc_sex['A82'] > 0 and DjibrilQW['nush_inv'] = 0:
 					act 'Tell her about Djibril': gt 'anushkachat', 'tell_about_djibril'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'anal':
 	*clr & cla
-	 artemQW['anal'] = 1
+	artemQW['anal'] = 1
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A2'
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/artem/sex/firstanal1.jpg"></center>'

+ 8 - 0

@@ -1665,6 +1665,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'strip_all':
 	gs 'clothing', 'strip', $strip_loc
+if $ARGS[0] = 'dispose':
+	dynamic $clothingworntype + '[<<clothingwornnumber>>] = 0'
+	$lastwornclothingtype = 'none'
+	lastwornclothingnumber = 0
+	$clothingworntype = 'none'
+	clothingwornnumber = 0
 if $ARGS[0] = 'strip':
 	!$strip_loc = location when stripping outdoors
 	$strip_loc = $ARGS[1]

+ 3 - 3

@@ -618,11 +618,11 @@ if dimaRevChoice = 2:
 						!!if you win!!
 						'Lera is unconscious on the ground as you hold Lena by the hair. "I didn''t say shit about you," you tell her.'
-						'You let go of her and turn to head home, but then you see Vitek walking towards you. He looks pissed. He must have just seen you beat up his sister. You make to run but are tripped by Lena. You close your eyes, afraid of what he''ll do to you, but nothing happens. You open your eyes to see Ivan<<$dimaRevenge[''Fedor Involved'']>>holding Vitek back. Vitek is swearing at the top of his lungs. As you get up and dust yourself off, Dan, Vasily, Paulina and Ekaterina come to investigate and see Vitek getting ganged up on. Things get crazy after that.'
+						'You let go of her and turn to head home, but then you see Vitek walking towards you. He looks pissed. He must have just seen you beat up his sister. You make to run but are tripped by Lena. You close your eyes, afraid of what he''ll do to you, but nothing happens. You open your eyes to see Ivan<<$dimaRevenge[''Fedor Involved'']>>holding Vitek back. Vitek is swearing at the top of his lungs. As you get up and dust yourself off, Dan, Vasily, Pauline and Ekaterina come to investigate and see Vitek getting ganged up on. Things get crazy after that.'
 					elseif win = 1:
 						!!if you lose!!
 						'The two of them are too strong for you and you get knocked to the ground. They start kicking you. You do your best to block their kicks while trying to get up, but they keep knocking you down. You are about to give up when Ivan<<$dimaRevenge[''Fedor Involved'']>>show up. Fedor tosses Lera aside and Ivan grabs Lena by the shoulders and tries to calm her down. Suddenly you hear an angry yell, and you see Vitek charging towards Ivan.
-						You get up in time to see Dan, Vasily Paulina, and Ekaterina arrive, followed by Erast and Lazar. Things get crazy after that, with Roman showing up last.'
+						You get up in time to see Dan, Vasily Pauline and Ekaterina arrive, followed by Erast and Lazar. Things get crazy after that, with Roman showing up last.'
 						act 'School brawl':
 							*clr & cla
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/revenge/bigbrawl.jpg"></center>'
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ if dimaRevChoice = 4:
 				*clr & cla
 				grupvalue[4] += 2
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/revenge/cheers.jpg"></center>'
-				'You head to the old school building, with Anushka. Inside is the old music room, built to be soundproof. It is the perfect place to avoid being heard, even if most of the windows are now just borded up. You knock on the door, so the people inside can quiet down, before heading in. Lavrenti hands you a beer as you enter. The party is in full swing and everyone is drinking and swearing. Anushka goes to join Radomir and his band. As soon as she joins them, they start one of their songs. Vitek, Dan and Vasily are in a corner laughing. Paulina is drinking a bottle of vodka while talking to Lena and Lera.'
+				'You head to the old school building, with Anushka. Inside is the old music room, built to be soundproof. It is the perfect place to avoid being heard, even if most of the windows are now just borded up. You knock on the door, so the people inside can quiet down, before heading in. Lavrenti hands you a beer as you enter. The party is in full swing and everyone is drinking and swearing. Anushka goes to join Radomir and his band. As soon as she joins them, they start one of their songs. Vitek, Dan and Vasily are in a corner laughing and Pauline is drinking a bottle of vodka while talking to Lena and Lera.'
 				'Alyona is sitting by twenty bottles of Zhiguljovskoje, guarding them from anyone who tries to take one. You can''t believe she bought all that just for herself, the other half of them seem to have been handed out. As you think that, Alyona sees you staring at her and offers you a bottle which you gladly accept.'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1466,7 +1466,7 @@ end
 !!Private bathrooms: One of these text should be randomly selected if using a private restroom, such as one in a home.
 if $ARGS[0] = 'prvt_pee':
-	if pee_hour ! hour or (pee_hour = hour and pee_day ! daystart): 
+	if (pee_hour ! hour or (pee_hour = hour and pee_day ! daystart)) and cheatPee = 0:
 		act 'Go pee (0:04)':
 			*clr & cla
 			menu_off = 1
@@ -1543,7 +1543,7 @@ end
 !!Public bathrooms: These texts should be randomly selected if using a public restroom
 if $ARGS[0] = 'pblc_pee':
-	if pee_hour ! hour or (pee_hour = hour and pee_day ! daystart): 
+	if (pee_hour ! hour or (pee_hour = hour and pee_day ! daystart)) and cheatPee = 0:
 		act 'Go pee (0:04)':
 			*clr & cla
 			menu_off = 1

+ 16 - 10

@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	'Sportswear is required for all available classes.'
-	act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt 'city_center'
+	act 'Leave': killvar 'epayments' & minut += 5 & gt 'city_center'
 	if abonement > 0:
 		act 'Go to the dressing room': gt 'fit', 'dressing room'
 	elseif money > 100:
@@ -50,25 +50,31 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-!! Pay cash or card - Hooded Silence.
+	!! Pay cash or card - Hooded Silence.
 	if abonement = 0:
 		'How long do you want to subscribe for?'
 		'Extend your subscription:'
-	end
-	'<center>'
-	'<table width="90%" align="center" width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
+	end	
+	$epayments['method'] = ''
+	$epayments['item_variable'] = 'abonement'
+	$epayments['description'] = 'lesson subscriptions and facilities access'
+	$epayments['loc'] = 'fit'
+	$epayments['loc_arg'] = 'start'
+	$epayments['banner']= 'locations/city/citycenter/gym/desk.jpg'
+	'<center><table width="90%" align="center" width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'	
 	if money >= 3000 or karta + bankDebtLimit => 3000:
-		'<tr><td> <a href="exec: gs ''shortgs'',''payments'', 3000, '''', ''abonement'', 30, ''lesson subscriptions and facilities access'', ''fit'', ''start''">3,000<b> ₽</b> for 30 lessons</a></td>'
+		'<tr><td> <a href="exec: epayments[''value''] = 3000 & epayments[''quantity''] = 30 & gs ''shortgs'',''payments'' ">3,000<b> ₽</b> for 30 lessons</a></td>'
 	if money >= 2250 or karta + bankDebtLimit => 2250:
-		'<td> <a href="exec: gs ''shortgs'',''payments'', 2250, '''', ''abonement'', 20, ''lesson subscriptions and facilities access'', ''fit'', ''start''">2,250<b> ₽</b> for 20 lessons</a></td>'
+		'<td> <a href="exec: epayments[''value''] = 2250 & epayments[''quantity''] = 20 & gs ''shortgs'',''payments'' ">2,250<b> ₽</b> for 20 lessons</a></td>'
 	if money >= 1500 or karta + bankDebtLimit => 1500:
-		'<td><a href="exec: gs ''shortgs'',''payments'', 1500, '''', ''abonement'', 10, ''lesson subscriptions and facilities access'', ''fit'', ''start''">1,500<b> ₽</b> for 10 lessons</a></td>'
+		'<td><a href="exec: epayments[''value''] = 1500 & epayments[''quantity''] = 10 & gs ''shortgs'',''payments'' ">1,500<b> ₽</b> for 10 lessons</a></td>'

+ 30 - 8

@@ -304,16 +304,29 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'studio':
 				'You go to your locker in the back room and start to throw on your clothes when you suddenly remember that one of the managers took your underwear earlier today. You''ll have to go see him to get it back...'
 				act'Go see the manager':gt'foto_events','underwear_steal2'
+				if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
+					gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
+					gs 'foto', 'underwear'
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
+					'You go into the back room to put on clothes and get ready to go home.'
+					act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'city_center'
+				else
+					gt 'city_center'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	elseif model['status'] = 0:
+		if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
+			act 'Get dressed and leave':
 				gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
 				gs 'foto', 'underwear'
-				gs 'stat'
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_1.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You go into the back room to put on clothes and get ready to go home.'
-				act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'city_center'
+				minut += 1
+				gt 'city_center'
+		else
+			act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'city_center'
-	elseif model['status'] = 0:
-		act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'city_center'
 	if parkblackmail = 2: act 'Look around for the blackmailer':gt 'foto', 'blackm'
@@ -518,7 +531,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gave_passport':
 	model['start_year'] = year
 	act'Leave the studio':gt'city_center'
-	act'Head to the back':gt'foto','start'
+	act'Head to the main floor':gt'foto','studio'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'interview':
@@ -605,7 +618,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'interview2':
 	if pcs_inhib >= 40:
 		act 'Do as he says':
 			*clr & cla
-			if $clothingworntype ! 'nude': gs 'shortgs', 'undress'
+			if underwear['type'] = 2:
+				$lastwornbodysuittype['foto'] = $bodysuitworntype
+				lastwornbodysuitnumber['foto'] = bodysuitwornnumber
+			else
+				$lastwornpantytype['foto'] = $pantyworntype
+				lastwornpantynumber['foto'] = pantywornnumber
+				$lastwornbratype['foto'] = $braworntype
+				lastwornbranumber['foto'] = brawornnumber
+			end
+			gs 'shortgs', 'undress'
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip1.mp4"></video><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip2.mp4"></video></center>'
 			if pcs_bmi < foto_weight and foto_weight > 0:

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1071,7 +1071,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hide':
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/cum/cumass/cumass'+rand(1,19)+'.jpg"></center>'
 		'One by one the '+func('gopsex','hide','gop_text_npcr')+' take their turns and cover your asshole with their sperm.'
-		act 'Leave': gt '', 'start'
+		act 'Leave': gt 'vasilyhome', 'livingroom'
 	end &!--- shgopsex_group_cumanal ---

+ 47 - 47

@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nerds':
 	*clr & cla
 	minut += 5
 	if ((hotcat >= 8 and rand(1,10) = 1) or (hotcat >= 5 and hotcat < 8 and rand(1,20) = 1)) and gschool_gropeday ! daystart:
-		!!It is more likely that somebody will grap the player''s butt the hooter she is.
+		!!It is more likely that somebody will grab the player''s butt the hotter she is.
 		menu_off = 1
 		gschool_gropeday = daystart
 		if $pantyworntype = 'none':
 			gs 'fame', 'pav', 'sex', 'tiny'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/buttgrab_nopanties.jpg"></center>'
-			'When you enter the hallway heading for the classroom the nerds hangout in, you feel someone moving in behind you and quickly pulling your skirt up. Your skirt is barely in the air before you feel hands pawing at your naked ass. As you move to turn around, the hand quickly pulls away. By the time you can see who''s behind you, you find half the guys in your class standing there, all looking in different directions and trying to act inconspicuous, a few of them even having the gall to whistle innocently. You try to tell from their faces which one of them just touched you. You hear several classmates remark on your lack of panties.'
+			'When you enter the hallway heading for the classroom the nerds hang out in, you feel someone moving in behind you and quickly pulling your skirt up. Your skirt is barely in the air before you feel hands pawing at your naked ass. As you move to turn around, the hand quickly pulls away. By the time you can see who''s behind you, you find half the guys in your class standing there, all looking in different directions and trying to act inconspicuous, a few of them even having the gall to whistle innocently. You try to tell from their faces which one of them just touched you as you hear several classmates remark on your lack of panties.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'flash', 1, 'humiliation'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/boysex_tualet.jpg"></center>'
-			'When you enter the hallway heading for the classroom the nerds hangout in, you feel someone moving in behind you and quickly pulling your skirt up. Your skirt is barely in the air before you feel hands pawing at your ass. As you move to turn around, the hand quickly pulls away. By the time you can see who''s behind you, you find half the guys in your class standing there, all looking in different directions and trying to act inconspicuous, a few of them even having the gall to whistle innocently. You try to tell from their faces which one of them just touched you.'
+			'When you enter the hallway heading for the classroom the nerds hang out in, you feel someone moving in behind you and quickly pulling your skirt up. Your skirt is barely in the air before you feel hands pawing at your ass. As you move to turn around, the hand quickly pulls away. By the time you can see who''s behind you, you find half the guys in your class standing there, all looking in different directions and trying to act inconspicuous, a few of them even having the gall to whistle innocently. You try to tell from their faces which one of them just touched you.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'flashlite', 1, 'humiliation'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nerds':
 				gs 'gschool_socialchg', 'group_rel_change', 'nerds', 1
 				gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A142', 'like'
 				if grupTipe = 3:
-					'You go to the classroom that you and your fellow nerds like to gather in. You find them all clustered around a table talking and engaged in a variety of pet projects, as usual. You get several warm smiles and greetings from your fellow nerds.'
+					'You go to the classroom that you and your fellow nerds like to gather in and find them all clustered around a table talking and engaged in a variety of pet projects. You get several warm smiles and greetings from your fellow nerds.'
-					'You go to one of the classrooms that the nerds like to gather in. You find them all clustered around a table talking and engaged in a variety of pet projects. Some of them seem to be surprised at what you are wearing but they also seem to approve.'
+					'You go to one of the classrooms that the nerds like to gather in and find them all clustered around a table talking and engaged in a variety of pet projects. Some of them seem to be surprised at what you''re wearing, but they also seem to approve.'
 				'Artem, Petka, Julia, Natasha, Zinaida, Evgeny, Feofan and Gerasim are sitting around some tables they''ve moved together.'
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nerds':
 				gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'like'
 				gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A16', 'like'
 				if grupTipe = 3:
-					'You go to the classroom that you and your fellow nerds like to gather in. You find them all clustered around a table talking and engaged in a variety of pet projects, as usual. Natasha notices your uniform. "Oh I like your uniform, it''s very pretty. Don''t you think?" She nudges Julia, who looks at you and blushes. "Yes very pretty." she says in agreement.'
+					'You go to the classroom that you and your fellow nerds like to gather in and find them all clustered around a table talking and engaged in a variety of pet projects. Natasha notices your uniform. "Oh I like your uniform, it''s very pretty. Don''t you think?" She nudges Julia, who looks at you and blushes. "Yes, very pretty..." she says in agreement.'
-					'You go to one of the classrooms that the nerds like to gather in. You find them all clustered around a table talking and engaged in a variety of pet projects. Natasha notices your uniform. "Oh I like your uniform, it''s very pretty. Don''t you think?" She nudges Julia, who looks at you and blushes. "Yes very pretty." she says in agreement.'
+					'You go to one of the classrooms that the nerds like to gather in and find them all clustered around a table talking and engaged in a variety of pet projects. Natasha notices your uniform. "Oh I like your uniform, it''s very pretty. Don''t you think?" She nudges Julia, who looks at you and blushes. "Yes, very pretty..." she says in agreement.'
 				'Artem, Petka, Julia, Natasha, Zinaida, Evgeny, Feofan and Gerasim are sitting around some tables they''ve moved together.'
@@ -57,10 +57,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nerds':
 				if soniaPS > 0: gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A25', 'like'
 				gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A159', 'like'
 				if grupTipe = 3:
-					'You enter the classroom that you and your fellow nerds like to hang out. You find them, as usual, all gathered around a table talking and engaging in various hobby projects. Few of them look up just as you walk closer. A couple of the boys, Feofan and Artem, are struggling to conceal their disapproving stares about your choosen uniform. Julia''s eyes also seem to linger on your attire for just a bit longer and you don''t feel her gaze is all that welcoming either.'
-					'Artem, Petka, Julia, Natasha, Zinaida, Evgeny, Feofan and Gerasim are sitting around some tables they''ve moved together.'
+					'You enter the classroom that you and your fellow nerds like to hang out in and find them, as usual, all gathered around a table talking and engaging in various hobby projects. A few of them look up as you walk closer. Feofan and Artem are struggling to conceal their disapproving stares about your choosen uniform while Julia''s eyes seem to linger on your attire for just a bit longer; you don''t feel her gaze is all that welcoming either.'
-					'You go to the classrooms that the nerdy students like to hang out. You find them, as always, all nerding around a table talking and engaging in various personal projects. Several of them look up just as you walk closer. A couple of the boys, Artem and Petka, both seem to be struggling to hide their judgmental stares about your choice of uniform. You don''t find the look Julia has in her eyes all that comforting either.'
+					'You go to the classrooms that the nerdy students like to hang out in and find them, as always, all nerding around a table talking and engaging in various personal projects. Several of them look up as you walk closer. Artem and Petka both seem to be struggling to hide their judgmental stares about your choice of uniform and you don''t find the look Julia has in her eyes all that comforting either.'
 				gs 'gschool_groups', 'nerds'
@@ -73,9 +72,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nerds':
 				if soniaPS > 0: gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A25', 'love'
 				gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A159', 'like'
 				if grupTipe = 3:
-					'When you walk in, the room goes dead silent and everyone is staring at you. Several of the nerds blush at the scandalous display of flesh from your uniform, or lack there of. Feofan finally speaks up. "What are you wearing?" Natasha butts in. "A better questions is why?" As you get closer, the nerds all share looks before looking at Feofan, who swallows and then says. "Maybe you should go hang out somewhere else or go change or something." Then the nerds all close ranks, making sure not to give you space to walk up and talk to them. The outcasts on the other hand don''t seem to care as much.'
+					'When you walk in, the room goes dead silent and everyone stares at you. Several of the nerds blush at the scandalous display of flesh from your uniform, or lack there of before Feofan finally speaks up. "What are you wearing?" Natasha butts in. "A better questions is why?" As you get closer, the nerds all share looks before looking at Feofan, who swallows. "Maybe you should go hang out somewhere else or go change or something?" They all close ranks, making sure not to give you space to walk up and talk to them. The outcasts, on the other hand, don''t seem to care as much.'
-					'When you walk in, the room goes dead silent and everyone is staring at you. Several of the nerds blush at the scandalous display of flesh from your uniform, or lack there of. The nerds all close ranks, making sure not to give you space to walk up and talk to them. The outcasts on the other hand don''t seem to care as much.'
+					'When you walk in, the room goes dead silent and everyone stares at you. Several of the nerds blush at the scandalous display of flesh from your uniform, or lack there of before they all close ranks, making sure not to give you space to walk up and talk to them. The outcasts, on the other hand, don''t seem to care as much.'
@@ -84,8 +83,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nerds':
 			gs 'gschool_groups', 'nerds'
-		'The outcasts are mostly hiding away from everyone else, hoping that no one will pick on them today.'
-		'Lesco is reading a book. Meanwhile '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A5'] ! 5, '', 'Fedor is sitting on a window sill staring outside, looking lonely and depressed.')+iif(npc_grupTipe['A25'] ! 5, '', 'Sonia is sitting at a desk typing on her phone.')+iif(npc_grupTipe['A5'] ! 5 and npc_grupTipe['A18'] ! 5 and npc_grupTipe['A25'] ! 5, 'Petia is roaming around, like he is about to approach someone.', ' Petia is roaming around, like he is about to approach someone.')
+		'The outcasts are hiding away from everyone else, hoping that no one will pick on them today.'
+		'Lesco is reading a book '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A5'] ! 5, '', 'Fedor is sitting on a window sill staring outside')+iif(npc_grupTipe['A25'] ! 5, '', 'Sonia is sitting at a desk typing on her phone')+iif(npc_grupTipe['A5'] ! 5 and npc_grupTipe['A18'] ! 5 and npc_grupTipe['A25'] ! 5, 'and Petia is roaming around like he''s about to approach someone.', ' and Petia is roaming around like he''s about to approach someone.')
 		gs 'gschool_groups', 'outcasts'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -97,13 +96,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gopniks':
 	minut += 5
 	gs 'stat'
 	if ((hotcat >= 8 and rand(1,10) = 1) or (hotcat >= 5 and hotcat < 8 and rand(1,20) = 1)) and gschool_gropeday ! daystart:
-		!!It is more likely that somebody will grap the player''s butt the hooter she is.
+		!!It is more likely that somebody will grab the player''s butt the hotter she is.
 		menu_off = 1
 		gschool_gropeday = daystart
 		if $pantyworntype = 'none':
 			gs 'fame', 'pav', 'sex', 'tiny'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/buttgrab_nopanties.jpg"></center>'
-			'When you enter the hallway heading for the stairwell, you feel someone moving in behind you and quickly pulling your skirt up. Your skirt is barely in the air before you feel hands pawing at your naked ass. As you move to turn around, the hand quickly pulls away. By the time you can see who''s behind you, you find half the guys in your class standing there, all looking in different directions and trying to act inconspicuous, a few of them even having the gall to whistle innocently. You try to tell from their faces which one of them just touched you. You hear several classmates remark on your lack of panties.'
+			'When you enter the hallway heading for the stairwell, you feel someone moving in behind you and quickly pulling your skirt up. Your skirt is barely in the air before you feel hands pawing at your naked ass. As you move to turn around, the hand quickly pulls away. By the time you can see who''s behind you, you find half the guys in your class standing there, all looking in different directions and trying to act inconspicuous, a few of them even having the gall to whistle innocently. You try to tell from their faces which one of them just touched you as you hear several classmates remark on your lack of panties.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'flash', 1, 'humiliation'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -126,23 +125,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gopniks':
 					gs 'gschool_socialchg', 'group_rel_change', 'gopniks', -5
 					gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A189', 5
-					'You go to the stairwell that you and your fellow gopniks like to gather in. You find them leaning against the wall, sitting on the steps or even just sitting on the landing of the stairs, engaged in a variety of conversations, as usual.'
-					'At first, a couple of them stare at you and then more and more of them do. Finally, Dan laughs and Lavrenti speaks up. "What are you wearing?" They just seem stunned at your uniform. Anushka chimes in. "Please tell me you just lost some kind of bet." Several others comment, all expressing displeasure at your choice of uniform. After a few minutes of ridicule they finally lose interest in you, but you can tell you lost their respect and maybe more today.'
+					'You head to the stairwell that you and your fellow gopniks like to gather in and find them leaning against the wall or sitting on the stairs engaged in a variety of conversations.'
+					'A few of them stare at you before Dan laughs and Lavrenti speaks up. "What are you wearing?" They seem stunned at your uniform as Anushka chimes in. "Please tell me you just lost some kind of bet?" Several others comment, all expressing displeasure at your choice of uniform. After a few minutes of ridicule, they finally lose interest in you, but you can tell you lost their respect and maybe more today.'
 					grupvalue[4] -= 5
 					gs 'gschool_socialchg', 'group_rel_change', 'gopniks', -2
-					'You go to the stairwell that the gopniks like to gather in. You find them leaning against the wall, sitting on the steps or even just sitting on the landing of the stairs, engaged in a variety of conversations.'
-					'At first, a couple of them stare at you and then more and more of them do. Finally, Radomir speaks up. "Are you lost or something?" Paulina chimes in, pointing back the way you came. "The nerds are back that way, loser." Several others also comment, all expressing displeasure at your choice of uniform. You feel very unwelcome among them, which makes you uneasy. They are well known to bully their fellow students, maybe this was a bad idea.'
+					'You head to the stairwell that the gopniks like to gather in and find them leaning against the wall or sitting on the stairs engaged in a variety of conversations.'
+					'A few of them stare at you before Radomir speaks up. "Are you lost or something?" Pauline then chimes in, pointing back the way you came. "The nerds are back that way, loser." Several others also comment, all expressing displeasure at your choice of uniform. You feel very unwelcome among them, which makes you uneasy.'
 				'Vitek, Dan, Vasily, Lena, Lera, Pauline, Alyona, Anushka, Ekaterina, Radomir, Lavrenti, Arkadi, Roman, Valentin and Niko are all hanging around.'
 				gs 'gschool_groups', 'gopniks'
 				act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 			elseif PCloSkirt < 5 and PCloThinness < 5 and PCloBra = 0:
 				if grupTipe = 4:
-					'You go to the stairwell that you and your fellow gopniks like to gather in. You find them leaning against the wall, sitting on the steps or even just sitting on the landing of the stairs, engaged in a variety of conversations, as usual.'
+					'You head to the stairwell that you and your fellow gopniks like to gather in and find them leaning against the wall or sitting on the stairs engaged in a variety of conversations.'
-					'You go to the stairwell that the gopniks like to gather in. You find them leaning against the wall, sitting on the steps or even just sitting on the landing of the stairs, engaged in a variety of conversations.'
+					'You head to the stairwell that the gopniks like to gather in and find them leaning against the wall or sitting on the stairs engaged in a variety of conversations.'
 				'Vitek, Dan, Vasily, Lena, Lera, Pauline, Alyona, Anushka, Ekaterina, Radomir, Lavrenti, Arkadi, Roman, Valentin and Niko are hanging around.'
 				gs 'gschool_groups', 'gopniks'
@@ -154,9 +153,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gopniks':
 				gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A144', 'love'
 				gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A189', 'like'
 				if grupTipe = 4:
-					'You go to the stairwell that you and your fellow gopniks like to gather in. You find them leaning against the wall, sitting on the steps or even just sitting on the landing of the stairs, engaged in a variety of conversations, as usual. A few of them take note of your slightly risky uniform and seem to approve of it.'
+					'You head to the stairwell that you and your fellow gopniks like to gather in and find them leaning against the wall or sitting on the stairs engaged in a variety of conversations. A few of them take note of your slightly risky uniform and seem to approve of it.'
-					'You go to the stairwell that the gopniks like to gather in. You find them leaning against the wall, sitting on the steps or even just sitting on the landing of the stairs, engaged in a variety of conversations. A few of them take note of your slightly risky uniform and seem to approve of it.'
+					'You head to the stairwell that the gopniks like to gather in and find them leaning against the wall or sitting on the stairs engaged in a variety of conversations. A few of them take note of your slightly risky uniform and seem to approve of it.'
 				'Vitek, Dan, Vasily, Lena, Lera, Pauline, Alyona, Anushka, Ekaterina, Radomir, Lavrenti, Arkadi, Roman, Valentin and Niko are hanging around.'
 				gs 'gschool_groups', 'gopniks'
@@ -171,10 +170,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gopniks':
 					pcs_mood -= 10
 					gs 'stat'
-					'You go to the stairwell that '+iif(grupTipe = 4,'you and your fellow','the')+' gopniks like to gather in. You find them leaning against the wall, sitting on the steps or even just sitting on the landing of the stairs, engaged in a variety of conversations, as usual. As you approach, Dan stands up and whistles. "Hey there slut, why don''t you come over here and suck my dick?" Several of the other gopniks laugh as well, a few of the guys comment about being next in line. You feel yourself getting very nervous around them dressed the way you are and fear they might actually try something. No one comes down to this end of the school at this time of the day after all.'
+					'You head to the stairwell that '+iif(grupTipe = 4,'you and your fellow','the')+' gopniks like to gather in and find them leaning against the wall or sitting on the stairs engaged in a variety of conversations. As you approach, Dan stands up and whistles. "Hey there, slut. Why don''t you come over here and suck my dick?" Several of the other gopniks laugh and a few of the guys comment about being next in line. You feel yourself getting very nervous around them dressed the way you are and fear they might actually try something. No one comes down to this end of the school at this time of the day after all.'
 					'Vitek stands up and shoves Dan up against the wall. "What did you say about my girl?"'
-					'Dan just swallows while everyone else shuts up. "Hey I was just joking, we all know she is your girl."'
+					'Dan just swallows while everyone else shuts up. "Hey, I was just joking! We all know she''s your girl."'
 					'Vitek lets go of him. "Then watch your fucking mouth!" He turns towards you and walks over, grabbing you by the arm and dragging you over to the side. "Just what are you wearing? You''re dressed like a slut! Don''t wear this to school again. Now get out of here." He then shoves you away. You glance back, but know better than to tempt fate so you walk away.'
 					act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 				elseif kotovLoveQW > 0 and kotovLoveQW['clo_comment'] = 1:
@@ -182,18 +181,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gopniks':
 					pcs_mood -= 10
 					gs 'stat'
-					'You go to the stairwell that '+iif(grupTipe = 4,'you and your fellow','the')+' gopniks like to gather in. You find them leaning against the wall, sitting on the steps or even just sitting on the landing of the stairs, engaged in a variety of conversations, as usual. As you approach, everyone notices you and when Vitek sees you, he tenses up and angrily walks across to you. He grabs you roughly by the arm and drags you out of the stairwell. "What did I tell you about coming to school dressed like this? No girl of mine is going to walk around dressed like some slut. Now don''t come back to school dressed like this again!" He roughly shoves you into the wall and storms back to the other gopniks.'
+					'You head to the stairwell that '+iif(grupTipe = 4,'you and your fellow','the')+' gopniks like to gather in and find them leaning against the wall or sitting on the stairs engaged in a variety of conversations. As you approach, everyone notices you and when Vitek sees you, he tenses up and angrily walks over to you before grabbing you roughly by the arm and dragging you out of the stairwell. "What did I tell you about coming to school dressed like this? No girl of mine is going to walk around dressed like some slut. Now don''t come back to school dressed like this again!" He roughly shoves you into the wall and storms back to the other gopniks.'
 					act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 				elseif grupTipe = 4:
-					'You go to the stairwell that you and your fellow gopniks like to gather in. You find them leaning against the wall, sitting on the steps or even just sitting on the landing of the stairs, engaged in a variety of conversations, as usual. As you approach, Dan stands up and whistles. "Hey there slut, why don''t you come over here and suck my dick?" Several of the other gopniks laugh as well and a few of the guys comment about being next in line. You feel yourself getting very nervous around them dressed the way you are and fear they might actually try something. No one comes down to this end of the school at this time of the day after all.'
-					'Vitek, Dan, Vasily, Lena, Lera, Pauline, Alyona, Anushka, Ekaterina, Radomir, Lavrenti, Arkadi, Roman, Valentin and Niko are hanging around.'
+					'You head to the stairwell that you and your fellow gopniks like to gather in and find them leaning against the wall or sitting on the stairs engaged in a variety of conversations. As you approach, Dan stands up and whistles. "Hey there, slut. Why don''t you come over here and suck my dick?" Several of the other gopniks laugh and a few of the guys comment about being next in line. You feel yourself getting very nervous around them dressed the way you are and fear they might actually try something. No one comes down to this end of the school at this time of the day after all.'
 					gs 'gschool_groups', 'gopniks'
 					act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 					grupvalue[4] -= 5
 					gs 'fame', 'pav', 'sex', 3
-					'You go to the stairwell that the gopniks like to gather in. You find them leaning against the wall, sitting on the steps or even just sitting on the landing of the stairs, engaged in a variety of conversations. As you approach, Dan stands up and whistles. "Hey there slut, why don''t you come over here and suck my dick?" Several of the other gopniks laugh as well and a few of the guys comment as well. "Like she came to see you Dan! She obviously came to throw herself at me." Radomir says. You feel yourself getting very nervous around them dressed the way you are and fear they might actually try something. No one comes down to this end of the school at this time of the day after all.'
+					'You head to the stairwell that the gopniks like to gather in and find them leaning against the wall or sitting on the stairs engaged in a variety of conversations. As you approach, Dan stands up and whistles. "Hey there, slut. Why don''t you come over here and suck my dick?" Several of the other gopniks laugh and a few of the guys comment as well. "Like she came to see you Dan! She obviously came to throw herself at me," Radomir says. You feel yourself getting very nervous around them dressed the way you are and fear they might actually try something. No one comes down to this end of the school at this time of the day after all.'
 					gs 'gschool_groups', 'gopniks'
 					act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -214,13 +212,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cooljocks':
 	minut += 5
 	gs 'stat'
 	if ((hotcat >= 8 and rand(1,10) = 1) or (hotcat >= 5 and hotcat < 8 and rand(1,20) = 1)) and gschool_gropeday ! daystart:
-		!!It is more likely that somebody will grap the player''s butt the hooter she is.
+		!!It is more likely that somebody will grab the player''s butt the hotter she is.
 		menu_off = 1
 		gschool_gropeday = daystart
 		if $pantyworntype = 'none':
 			gs 'fame', 'pav', 'sex', 'tiny'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/buttgrab_nopanties.jpg"></center>'
-			'When you enter the hallway, you feel someone moving in behind you and quickly pulling your skirt up. Your skirt is barely in the air before you feel hands pawing at your naked ass. As you move to turn around, the hand quickly pulls away. By the time you can see who''s behind you, you find half the guys in your class standing there, all looking in different directions and trying to act inconspicuous, a few of them even having the gall to whistle innocently. You try to tell from their faces which one of them just touched you. You hear several classmates remark on your lack of panties.'
+			'When you enter the hallway, you feel someone moving in behind you and quickly pulling your skirt up. Your skirt is barely in the air before you feel hands pawing at your naked ass. As you move to turn around, the hand quickly pulls away. By the time you can see who''s behind you, you find half the guys in your class standing there, all looking in different directions and trying to act inconspicuous, a few of them even having the gall to whistle innocently. You try to tell from their faces which one of them just touched you as you hear several classmates remark on your lack of panties.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'flash', 1, 'humiliation'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -231,11 +229,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cooljocks':
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
-		act 'Ignore it and talk to the cool kids and jocks': gt 'gschool_chats', 'cooljocks'
+		act 'Ignore it': gt 'gschool_chats', 'cooljocks'
 		act 'Identify the perpetrator': gt 'gschool_events1', 'butt_grab'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/chat/cooljocks.jpg"></center>'
-		'When the break finally comes, the girls wander through the hallways of the school, gossiping about pretty much everyone they know. The guys are standing around in small groups, some of them sneaking off to have a smoke behind the school building.'
+		'When the break finally comes, the girls wander through the hallways of the school, gossiping about pretty much everyone they know while the guys are standing around in small groups, some of them sneaking off to have a smoke behind the school building.'
 		if PCloStyle2 = 4:
 			if PCloInhibit <= 10:
 				if fame['pav_sex'] > 0: gs 'fame', 'pav', 'sex', -1
@@ -259,13 +257,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cooljocks':
 				gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A165', -1
 				if christinaQW['fight'] = 1 or christinaQW['blackmail'] = 2:
-					'As you approach them, you notice some of them giving you a disapproving look as Lizaveta takes your picture and then starts texting, obviously sending the picture around. Vicky is smirking a bit and then whispers something to Vanya and Katja.'
+					'As you approach them, you notice some of them giving you a disapproving look as Lizaveta takes your picture and starts texting, obviously sending the picture around. Vicky smirks before whispering something to Vanya and Katja.'
-					'As you approach them, you notice some of them giving you a disapproving look and Christina starts to laugh. "What are you wearing? Did mommy dress you? I mean we are all glad she did, the more clothes you wear that hide that hideous body the better." Lariska and Lina add their own snide remarks similar to Christina''s and several other students laugh at her comments. Lizaveta takes your picture and then starts texting, obviously sending the picture around. Vicky is smirking a bit and then whispers something to Vanya and Katja.'
+					'As you approach them, you notice some of them giving you a disapproving look as Christina starts to laugh. "What are you wearing? Did mommy dress you? I mean we''re all glad she did, the more clothes you wear that hide that hideous body the better." Lariska and Lina add their own snide remarks similar to Christina''s and several other students laugh at her comments as Lizaveta takes your picture and starts texting, obviously sending the picture around. Vicky smirks before whispering something to Vanya and Katja.'
-				'Stasya glances at Bella. "My god, she is an absolute social disaster. Really no sense of style at all." Then she turns towards Andrey. "If I ever wore something like that, would you still love me?"'
-				'Andrey shakes his head. "Hell no, a man has to have his standards after all.", which just gets more and more of them to laugh.'
-				'Dimka steps forwards. "Maybe you''re lost? The nerds and outcasts are over that way." He points in the direction of the classroom the nerds and outcasts hang out in. "Perhaps you would find those who might appreciate your sense of... style there." Igor, Irina, Albina, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A25'] ! 5, 'Sonia, ', '')+' Marcus, Mefodiy, Ivan, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A5'] ! 5, 'Fedor, ', '')+'Svyatoslav, Veronika, Lazar and Erast either ignore what is going on or join in on mocking your clothes.'
+				'Stasya glances at Bella. "My god, she''s an absolute social disaster. Really no sense of style at all." She then turns towards Andrey. "If I ever wore something like that, would you still love me?"'
+				'Andrey shakes his head. "Hell no, a man has to have his standards after all." This results in more of them laughing at you.'
+				'Dimka steps forwards. "Maybe you''re lost? The nerds and outcasts are over that way." He points in the direction of the classroom the nerds and outcasts hang out in. "Perhaps you''ll find those who might appreciate your sense of... style there." Igor, Irina, Albina, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A25'] ! 5, 'Sonia, ', '')+' Marcus, Mefodiy, Ivan, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A5'] ! 5, 'Fedor, ', '')+'Svyatoslav, Veronika, Lazar and Erast either ignore what''s going on or join in on mocking your clothes.'
 				gs 'gschool_groups', 'popular'
 				gs 'gschool_groups', 'jocks'
 				act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -284,7 +282,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cooljocks':
 					gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A139', 1
 					gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A140', 1
-					'As you approach them, several of them give you approving looks. Stasya comments "Looking good <<$pcs_nickname>>! Where did you buy that uniform?" Vicky comments as well. "Yeah I like it, it looks very nice." Katja, Irina, Albina, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A25'] ! 5, 'Sonia, ', '')+' Lizaveta and Bella all comment on how nice your outfit looks while Dimka, Marcus, Andrey, Mefodiy, Ivan, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A5'] ! 5, 'Fedor, ', '')+' and Svyatoslav talk among themselves, obviously not interested in girls fashion. However, you do notice Igor seems to be somewhat paying attention, maybe at you in particular. Christina just pretends you don''t exist while she talks to Lina and Lariska while Veronika is reading something and seems to be unaware of the whole conversation.'
+					'As you approach them, several of them give you approving looks. "Looking good <<$pcs_nickname>>! Where did you buy that uniform?" Stasya comments.' 
+					'"Yeah I like it, it looks very nice," Vicky adds. Katja, Irina, Albina, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A25'] ! 5, 'Sonia, ', '')+' Lizaveta and Bella all comment on how nice your outfit looks while Dimka, Marcus, Andrey, Mefodiy, Ivan, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A5'] ! 5, 'Fedor, ', '')+' and Svyatoslav talk among themselves. However, you do notice Igor seems to be somewhat paying attention, maybe at you in particular. Christina just pretends you don''t exist while she talks to Lina and Lariska while Veronika is reading something and seems to be entirely unaware of the conversation.'
 					gs 'gschool_groups', 'popular'
 					gs 'gschool_groups', 'jocks'
@@ -303,7 +302,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cooljocks':
 					grupvalue[2] += 1
 					if soniaPS = 0: gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A25', 'like'
-					'As you approach them, several of them give you approving looks. Stasya comments "Looking good <<$pcs_nickname>>! Where did you buy that uniform?" Vicky comments as well. "Yeah looking sexy <<$pcs_nickname>>." Katja, Irina, Albina, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A25'] ! 5, 'Sonia, ', '')+' Lizaveta and Bella all comment on how nice your outfit looks while Dimka, Marcus, Andrey, Mefodiy, Ivan, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A5'] ! 5, 'Fedor, ', '')+' and Svyatoslav talk among themselves, obviously not interested in girls fashion. However, you do notice Igor seems to be somewhat paying attention, maybe to you in partucular. Christina just pretends you don''t exist while she talks to Lina and Lariska while Veronika is reading something and seems to be unaware of the whole conversation.'
+					'As you approach them, several of them give you approving looks. "Looking good <<$pcs_nickname>>! Where did you buy that uniform?" Stasya comments.' 
+					'"Yeah, looking sexy <<$pcs_nickname>>!" Vicky adds. Katja, Irina, Albina, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A25'] ! 5, 'Sonia, ', '')+' Lizaveta and Bella all comment on how nice your outfit looks while Dimka, Marcus, Andrey, Mefodiy, Ivan, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A5'] ! 5, 'Fedor, ', '')+' and Svyatoslav talk among themselves. However, you do notice Igor seems to be somewhat paying attention, maybe to you in partucular. Christina just pretends you don''t exist while she talks to Lina and Lariska while Veronika is reading something and seems to be entirely unaware of the conversation.'
 					gs 'gschool_groups', 'popular'
 					gs 'gschool_groups', 'jocks'
@@ -319,9 +319,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cooljocks':
 					gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A147', 'like'
 					gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A148', 'like'
-					'As you approach them, several of them give you once over, obviously noticing your uniform. Stasya smirks "Someone is trying hard to get the boys to look at her."'
-					'Hearing this, Bella gives you a closer look and says "It wouldn''t be so bad if it was a good quality."'
-					'Dimka adds in. "Now Bella, you know her family can''t afford the finer things in life." If not for the tone of his voice and the smirk, it would almost sound like he was defending you but it comes across as more of an insult. Igor, Katja, Vicky, Irina, Albina, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A25'] ! 5, 'Sonia, ', '')+' Lizaveta, Marcus, Andrey, Mefodiy, Ivan, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A5'] ! 5, 'Fedor, ', '')+'Svyatoslav, Christina, Lariska, Lina, Veronika, Lazar, Erast and Vanya just stay out of it.'
+					'As you approach them, several of them give you once over, obviously noticing your uniform. "Someone''s trying hard to get the boys to look at her," Stasya says with a smirk.'
+					'Hearing this, Bella gives you a closer look. "It wouldn''t be so bad if it was a good quality."'
+					'"Now Bella, you know her family can''t afford the finer things in life," Dimka adds. If not for the tone of his voice and the smirk, it would almost sound like he was defending you, but it comes across as more of an insult. Igor, Katja, Vicky, Irina, Albina, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A25'] ! 5, 'Sonia, ', '')+' Lizaveta, Marcus, Andrey, Mefodiy, Ivan, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A5'] ! 5, 'Fedor, ', '')+'Svyatoslav, Christina, Lariska, Lina, Veronika, Lazar, Erast and Vanya just stay out of it.'
 					gs 'gschool_groups', 'popular'
 					gs 'gschool_groups', 'jocks'
 					act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -340,9 +340,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cooljocks':
 				gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A139', 'dislike'
 				gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A140', 'dislike'
-				'As you approach, everyone is staring at you. Bella speaks up. "What on earth are you wearing? Forget to change out of your whoring clothes last night?" Several of the rest laugh and you can sense the general feeling of agreement from the rest.'
-				'Dimka smirks. "Maybe she messed up the wash and her uniform just shrunk and she was too stupid to notice?" and the others laugh even more.'
-				'Albina steps forward. "Get out of here with your whorish clothes! No one wants you around." and you hear several murmers of agreement from the rest. It looks like even Igor, Katja, Vicky, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A25'] ! 5, 'Sonia, ', '')+'Stasya, Lizaveta, Marcus, Andrey, Mefodiy, Ivan, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A5'] ! 5, 'Fedor, ', '')+'Svyatoslav, Christina, Lariska, Lina, Veronika, Lazar, Erast and Vanya appear to agree. They either give you the cold shoulder or refuse to meet your eyes. Feeling very unwelcome, you turn around and leave.'
+				'As you approach, everyone is staring at you. Irina speaks up. "What on earth are you wearing? Forget to change out of your whoring clothes last night?" Several of the others laugh and you can sense the general feeling of agreement from the rest.'
+				'Dimka smirks. "Maybe she messed up the wash and her uniform shrunk, but she was too stupid to notice?"'
+				'Bella steps forward. "Get out of here with your whorish clothes! No one wants you around!" You hear several murmers of agreement from the others. It looks like even Igor, Katja, Vicky, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A25'] ! 5, 'Sonia, ', '')+'Stasya, Albina, Lizaveta, Marcus, Andrey, Mefodiy, Ivan, '+iif(npc_grupTipe['A5'] ! 5, 'Fedor, ', '')+'Svyatoslav, Christina, Lariska, Lina, Veronika, Lazar, Erast and Vanya appear to agree. They either give you the cold shoulder or refuse to meet your eyes. Feeling very unwelcome, you turn around and leave.'
 				act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'

+ 3 - 3

@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'wedgie':
 	gs 'gschool_events', 'rand_girl_arg', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0
 	if grupTipe = 4 and wedgie_counter < 1000:
-		if $rand_girl ! 'Paulina' and $rand_girl ! 'Lena' and $rand_girl ! 'Lera' and $rand_girl ! 'Alyona': wedgie_counter += 1 & jump 'wedgie_girl'
+		if $rand_girl ! 'Pauline' and $rand_girl ! 'Lena' and $rand_girl ! 'Lera' and $rand_girl ! 'Alyona': wedgie_counter += 1 & jump 'wedgie_girl'
 	elseif grupTipe = 2 and wedgie_counter < 1000:
-		if $rand_girl ! 'Paulina' and $rand_girl ! 'Lena' and $rand_girl ! 'Lera' and $rand_girl ! 'Alyona' and $rand_girl ! 'Christina': wedgie_counter += 1 & jump 'wedgie_girl'
+		if $rand_girl ! 'Pauline' and $rand_girl ! 'Lena' and $rand_girl ! 'Lera' and $rand_girl ! 'Alyona' and $rand_girl ! 'Christina': wedgie_counter += 1 & jump 'wedgie_girl'
 	elseif wedgie_counter < 1000:
-		if $rand_girl ! 'Paulina' and $rand_girl ! 'Lena' and $rand_girl ! 'Lera' and $rand_girl ! 'Alyona' and $rand_girl ! 'Christina' and $rand_girl ! 'Lina' and $rand_girl ! 'Lariska' and $rand_girl ! 'Stasya': wedgie_counter += 1 & jump 'wedgie_girl'
+		if $rand_girl ! 'Pauline' and $rand_girl ! 'Lena' and $rand_girl ! 'Lera' and $rand_girl ! 'Alyona' and $rand_girl ! 'Christina' and $rand_girl ! 'Lina' and $rand_girl ! 'Lariska' and $rand_girl ! 'Stasya': wedgie_counter += 1 & jump 'wedgie_girl'
 	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Detention</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/detention/wedgie.jpg"></center>'

+ 62 - 62

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'teacher_greet':
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big26.jpg"></center>'
 				'"Good morning Mr. Tsarev, have a nice day. I look forward to your lessons."'
-				'"Hello <<$pcs_firstname>>. I also look forward to such a wonderful student like you being in my class." he replies, obviously not looking you in the face, but somewhere on the level of your hips.'
+				'"Hello <<$pcs_firstname>>. I also look forward to such a wonderful student like you being in my class," he replies while not looking you in the eye, but somewhere on the level of your hips.'
 				npc_rel['A26'] += 1
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'teacher_greet':
 				'"Hello <<$pcs_firstname>>. I''m expecting your homework today. Are you prepared, or should I not ask you for it?" he asks in a friendly manner.'
 				'"Oh you know, I tried to do my homework, but something came up late last night with the girls at the club. Can I give it to you tomorrow?" you plead, giving him your sweetest face.'
 				'"Fine, but this is the last time." he says, but he has said that more than once over the years.'
-				'"Thank you, you are such a nice man! I need to find a nice man for myself." smiling to him.'
-				'"Sorry, I''m married." he replies and you both laugh.'
+				'"Thank you, you are such a nice man! I need to find a nice man for myself," you reply while smiling at him.'
+				'"Sorry, I''m married," he replies and you both laugh.'
 				pcs_mood += 5
 				'"Mr. Tsarev, what will the lesson be about today? The new subject? And maybe you can let us go early?" you ask.'
-				'"Yes, today will be about the new subject. Unfortunately, I can''t let you leave early. The new Director strictly monitors us and said no." he replies sadly.'
+				'"Yes, today will be about the new subject. Unfortunately, I can''t let you leave early. The new Director strictly monitors us and said no," he replies sadly.'
 			npc_rel['A26'] += 1
@@ -49,35 +49,35 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'teacher_greet':
 		if npc_rel['A26'] < 10:
 			if hotcat < 5:
 				if rand(0,1) = 0:
-					'"Hello Mr. Tsarev. You are so handsome." you say, trying to attract his attention with a smile.'
-					'"Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, you shouldn''t be saying things like that." but still smiles back at you in response.'
+					'"Hello Mr. Tsarev. You are so handsome," you say, trying to attract his attention with a smile.'
+					'"Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, you shouldn''t be saying things like that," he replies, but still smiles back at you in response.'
-					'You go to greet him, but notice he is quite sour. You decide to cheer him up with a smile and wave to him.'
+					'You go to greet him, but notice he is quite sour. You decide to cheer him up with a smile and wave at him.'
 					'In response, the teacher smiles back at you and goes on about his business.'
 				npc_rel['A26'] += 1
 				if rand(0,1) = 0:
-					'"Hello Mr. Tsarev. You are so handsome." you say, trying to attract his attention with a smile.'
-					'"Thank you Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. I''d pay you a compliment, but we are not supposed to have such informal relationships with students." he replies, but still smiles back.'
+					'"Hello Mr. Tsarev. You''re so handsome," you say, trying to attract his attention with a smile.'
+					'"Thank you Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. I''d pay you a compliment, but we''re not supposed to have such informal relationships with students," he replies, but still smiles back.'
 					npc_rel['A26'] += 1
-					'"Good morning Mr. Tsarev. I see you have a new suit, so chic." you say in a very erotic voice.'
+					'"Good morning Mr. Tsarev. I see you have a new suit, so chic," you say in a very erotic voice.'
 					'Hearing your words, he awkwardly picks up his pace while heading towards the mens room. You hear him muttering incoherently - you think he was trying to say hello or respond to the compliment, but apparently was a little flustered.'
 			if rand(0,1) = 0:
-				'"Hello Mr. Tsarev. You are so handsome." you say, trying to attract his attention with a smile.'
-				'"My wife had the night shift at work, so I had to eat at the cafe." he replies and you laugh together.'
-				'"Well, maybe I''ll try to cook for you, just to say thank you for what I''ve learned in your class." you answer in a serious voice.'
-				'"You know, <<$pcs_firstname>>, maybe we should arrange something like that. Yes, a tea party with the class. The girls can make cakes and the boys can prepare the classroom." your teacher replies, obviously not understanding your hint.'
-				'"That''s not what I meant." you say and walk away.'
+				'"Hello Mr. Tsarev. You are so handsome," you say, trying to attract his attention with a smile.'
+				'"My wife had the night shift at work, so I had to eat at the cafe," he replies and you laugh together.'
+				'"Well, maybe I''ll try to cook for you, just to say thank you for what I''ve learned in your class?" you answer in a serious voice.'
+				'"You know, <<$pcs_firstname>>, maybe we should arrange something like that. Yes, a tea party with the class. The girls can make cakes and the boys can prepare the classroom," he replies, obviously not understanding your hint.'
+				'"That''s not what I meant..." you say and walk away.'
 				pcs_mood -= 10
 				npc_rel['A26'] -= 1
-				'"Good morning Mr. Tsarev. I see you have a new suit, so chic." you say in a very erotic voice.'
-				'"Thank you <<$pcs_firstname>>. I bought it myself with my last paycheck." he replies.'
+				'"Good morning Mr. Tsarev. I see you have a new suit, so chic," you say in a very erotic voice.'
+				'"Thank you <<$pcs_firstname>>. I bought it myself with my last paycheck," he replies.'
 				npc_rel['A26'] += 1
@@ -89,21 +89,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'teacher_greet':
 		if npc_rel['A26'] < 10:
 			*clr & cla
 			if hotcat < 5:
-				'You hurry down the hallway. You are already late, so decide to just pass by. He wasn''t even looking in your direction.'
+				'You hurry down the hallway. You''re already late, so decide to just pass by. He wasn''t even looking in your direction.'
-				'"Good morning Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. No time to say hello to your teacher?" he asks.'
-				'"Oh Mr. Tsarev! Good morning. Sorry I didn''t notice you. I was busy day dreaming." you reply and run away.'
+				'"Good morning, Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. No time to say hello to your teacher?" he asks.'
+				'"Oh Mr. Tsarev! Good morning. Sorry I didn''t notice you. I was busy day dreaming," you reply and run away.'
 			act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'morning'
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big26.jpg"></center>'
-			'"Good morning Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. Why don''t you say hello? A teacher can''t punish or reward such actions. You''ve still got this year''s exam and should behave more kindly." he jokes.'
+			'"Good morning, Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. Why don''t you say hello? A teacher can''t punish or reward such actions. You''ve still got this year''s exam and should behave more kindly," he jokes.'
 			act 'Apologize':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big26.jpg"></center>'
-				'"Oh Mr. Tsarev! I''m sorry, I didn''t see you. Of course, good day to you. I look forward to our lessons." you say smiling.'
+				'"Oh Mr. Tsarev! I''m sorry, I didn''t see you. Of course, good day to you. I look forward to our lessons," you say smiling.'
 				npc_rel['A26'] += 1
 				act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'morning'
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'teacher_greet':
 			act 'Touch and apologize':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big26.jpg"></center>'
-				'"Oh Mr. Tsarev. I''m sorry, I didn''t see you." you say happily, coming closer and, as if by accident, touch his arm.'
+				'"Oh Mr. Tsarev! I''m sorry, I didn''t see you," you say happily, coming closer and, as if by accident, touch his arm.'
 				'He either doesn''t notice the touch or pretends not to notice it.'
 				if hotcat >= 5: npc_rel['A26'] += 1
@@ -151,19 +151,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'teacher_greet':
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/bendover.jpg"></center>'
 						npc_rel['A26'] += 1
 						'You drop some books and bend over to pick up them up, showing off your ass.'
-						'"<<$pcs_firstname>>, you really should squat down instead of bending over like that or one of the boys might take advantage." he says with a smile.'
+						'"<<$pcs_firstname>>, you really should squat down instead of bending over like that or one of the boys might take advantage!" he says with a smile.'
 						gs 'flash', 'butt', 'indoors', 1, 1
 						gs 'arousal', 'flash', -10
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/bendoverbare.jpg"></center>'
 						npc_rel['A26'] += 1
 						'You drop some books and bend over to pick up them up, showing off your ass.'
-						'"<<$pcs_firstname>>, you really should squat down instead of bending over like that or one of the boys might take advantage." he says with a smile.'
+						'"<<$pcs_firstname>>, you really should squat down instead of bending over like that or one of the boys might take advantage!" he says with a smile.'
 					act 'Stand up and try to start a conversation':
 						*clr & cla
-						'"Well I was lucky that it was you then. A grown and respectable man and not some kid. I don''t really understand boys and therefore I prefer to make friends and chat with more mature people." you reply.'
-						'"Yes, <<$pcs_lastname>>, their behavior is often bad." he says. Before leaving, he gently runs his hand over your back.'
+						'"Well, I was lucky that it was you then. A grown and respectable man and not some kid. I don''t really understand boys and therefore I prefer to make friends and chat with more mature people..." you reply.'
+						'"Yes, <<$pcs_lastname>>, their behavior is often bad," he says. Before leaving, he gently runs his hand over your back.'
 						pcs_horny += 3
 						act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'morning'
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'teacher_greet':
 								gs 'arousal', 'flash', -15
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/bendoverbare.jpg"></center>'
 								'You don''t pay attention to his words and decide to have a little more fun. Reaching for the next book, you inadvertently pull your skirt up, giving the teacher a full view of your pussy and ass.'
-								'"Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>! Please cover up." he says when he notices that you are not wearing any panties. He quickly runs up to you and pulls your skirt down, covering up your naked ass.'
+								'"Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>! Please cover up!" he says when he notices that you''re not wearing any panties. He quickly runs up to you and pulls your skirt down, covering up your naked ass.'
 								'He gives you a lecture on how to properly pick up books from the floor before you both leave, not saying a word to each other.'
 								act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'morning'
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'teacher_greet':
 								gs 'arousal', 'flash', -10
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/bendover.jpg"></center>'
 								'You don''t pay attention to his words and decide to have a little more fun. Reaching for the next book, you inadvertently pull your skirt up, giving the teacher a full view of your panty clad ass.'
-								'"Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>! Please cover up." he says before he rushes to you and pulls your skirt down, covering your ass.'
+								'"Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>! Please cover up!" he says before he rushes to you and pulls your skirt down, covering your ass.'
 								'He gives you a lecture on how to properly pick up books from the floor before you both leave, not saying a word to each other.'
 								act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'morning'
@@ -200,11 +200,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'teacher_greet':
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big26.jpg"></center>'
 				if rand(0,4) > 0:
 					'You stumble and fall into your teacher''s arms as he deftly catches you.'
-					'"Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>! Are you OK, did you hurt yourself?" Once he makes sure you are fine, he goes on about his business.'
+					'"Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>! Are you okay? did you hurt yourself?" Once he makes sure you''re fine, he goes on about his business.'
-					'You stumble and fall in front of him. However, he lacks the agility to catch you. You bruise your knees form falling as he bends over to help you up.'
+					'You stumble and fall in front of him. However, he lacks the agility to catch you. You bruise your knees from falling as he bends over to help you up.'
 					'"Oh-Oh-Oh, my leg hurts. Oh please look, is it alright?" you say and stretch out your leg in front of his face. He begins to inspect your leg, one hand at the ankle, the other stroking your thigh, just above the bruise.'
-					'"Well <<$pcs_firstname>>, you need to be more careful. You have very beautiful legs and it would be a shame if you badly injured them." he gently whispers to you.'
+					'"Well <<$pcs_firstname>>, you need to be more careful. You have very beautiful legs and it would be a shame if you badly injured them," he gently whispers to you.'
 					'"It doesn''t look bad, but you should go to the infirmary so they can check it out." He helps you back to your feet and goes about his business.'
 					npc_rel['A26'] += 2
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'break_events':
 					gs 'flash', 'butt', 'indoors', 1, 1
 					gs 'arousal', 'flash', -5
-				'Not even breaking stride you call over your shoulder "Sweetie, you''ll have to spank me harder than that if you want to get up to my standards!" as your hands go down to your waist and give a flip of your skirt to give him a fleeting view of '+iif($pantyworntype ! 'none', 'your panties.', 'your naked ass.')
+				'Not even breaking stride you call over your shoulder "Sweetie, you''ll have to spank me harder than that if you want to get up to my standards!" Your hands go down to your waist and give a flip of your skirt to give him a fleeting view of '+iif($pantyworntype ! 'none', 'your panties.', 'your naked ass.')
 				gs 'gschool_events', 'leave_break_events'
 		elseif PCloSkirt > 0 and will_cost > pcs_willpwr:
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'break_events':
 	elseif break_rand = 2:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/irina_stumble.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you walk through the hallway you start to head up the stairs, Irina is in front of you talking to Lazar and flirting with him. She misses one of the steps and suddenly stumbles forward, nearly falling, but manages to catch herself with her hands. Unfortunately for her she drops her books which go tumbling down the stairs and even worse everyone behind and below her can see her panty clad ass under her skirt. Several boys and even a few girls whistle or make rude remarks, she quickly stands up, blushing a bit. Lazar helps her gather up her books, as you walk past the two of them.'
+		'As you walk through the hallway and head up the stairs, you see Irina in front of you talking to Lazar and flirting with him. She misses one of the steps and suddenly stumbles forward, nearly falling, but manages to catch herself with her hands. Unfortunately for her, she drops her books which go tumbling down the stairs and even worse everyone behind and below her can see her panty clad ass under her skirt. Several boys and even a few girls whistle or make rude remarks as she quickly stands up and blushes. Lazar helps her gather up her books as you walk past the two of them.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic_nudity', 2
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'break_events':
 					grupvalue[4] -= 5
 					'"Let me go or I''ll scream! Then you''ll have to explain to the teachers what you were trying to do to me." Vitek grabs you by the throat and slams you up against the wall, squeezing until you can''t breathe.'
-					'"You threatening me bitch? I should beat the shit out of you for that." He growls as you struggle in his grip, but his friends notice everyone is starting to stare at what is going on and they grab him by the arm.'
+					'"You threatening me bitch? I should beat the shit out of you for that!" he growls as you struggle in his grip, but his friends notice everyone is starting to stare at what''s going on and they grab him by the arm.'
 					'"Come on Vitek, we can deal with the bitch later, let''s go!" He jerks free from them but does let you go and you collapse to the floor, gasping for air.'
 					'"This isn''t over bitch!" He walks off just as one of the teachers takes notice that something was going on, but seeing that whatever it was is over, they lose interest. You get up slowly, rubbing your bruised throat and wondering if you just made a huge mistake.'
@@ -1132,19 +1132,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'break_events':
 	elseif break_rand = 31:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/teaseteacher.jpg"></center>'
-		'You notice Paulina, Lena, Lera and Ekaterina sitting by one of the windows, talking and occasinally hassling the other students. When Mr. Yenotin comes over to ask them what they are doing, Lena, Lera and Paulina occasionally open their legs wide to show off their panties while faking innocence. When Mr. Yenotin demands they stop opening their legs, they act shocked like they don''t know what he is talking about and then turn it around on him, asking him if he is trying to look up their skirts. Flustered and not making progress, he tells them to behave and hurries away while the girls all burst out laughing.'
+		'You notice Pauline, Lena, Lera and Ekaterina sitting by one of the windows, talking and occasinally hassling the other students. When Mr. Yenotin comes over to ask them what they are doing, Lena, Lera and Pauline occasionally open their legs wide to show off their panties while faking innocence. When Mr. Yenotin demands they stop, they act shocked like they don''t know what he''s talking about before turning it around on him, asking him if he''s trying to look up their skirts. Flustered and not making progress, he tells them to behave and hurries away while the girls all burst out laughing.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 1, 'unknown'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 	elseif break_rand = 32:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/tieshoe.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you walk down the hallway, you see Irina has stopped. She lifts her foot up to place it on the window ledge as she bends over to tie her shoe. Her skirt rides way up showing off her ass. It is only for a moment, but you are almost certain she wasn''t wearing panties. You briefly wonder if she was even aware of how much the others could see.'
+		'As you walk down the hallway, you see Irina has stopped. She lifts her foot up to place it on the window ledge as she bends over to tie her shoe. Her skirt rides way up showing off her ass. It is only for a moment, but you''re almost certain she wasn''t wearing panties. You briefly wonder if she was even aware of how much the others could see.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic_nudity', 1
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 	elseif break_rand = 33:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/walkaround.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you walk down the hallway, you see Paulina, Lena and Lera practically laying in the middle of the hallway. This forces the other students to carefully walk around them and they berate those who step too close to them. You are sure they are enjoying making the other students lives harder by just being in their way.'
+		'As you walk down the hallway, you see Pauline, Lena and Lera practically laying in the middle of the hallway. This forces the other students to carefully walk around them and they berate those who step too close to them. You are sure they are enjoying making the other students lives harder by just being in their way.'
 	elseif break_rand <= 35 and month ! 9 and cheerleadingQW['quest_stage'] = 0 and cheerleadingQW['gossip'] = 4 and cheerleadingQW['gossip_day'] < daystart:
 	 !! month ! 9 so it doesnt happen in september, but does any time after that
 		gt 'gschool_cheerleading', 'poster'
@@ -1157,9 +1157,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'break_events':
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/lunch/hall.jpg"></center>'
 		if grupTipe = 1 or grupTipe = 2 or grupTipe = 4:
-			'As you walk down the hallway you notice Petka stop at the boys bathroom door and look around for a moment, like he is afraid to go into the bathroom. He opens the door and looks in, then apparently liking what he sees, goes in. He must have been checking if any gopniks were already in there waiting to bully him or something. That likely means he is alone in there. Looking around, you see the hall starting to clear of people.'
+			'As you walk down the hallway you notice Petka stop at the boys bathroom door and look around, like he''s afraid to go into the bathroom. He opens the door and looks in, then apparently liking what he sees, goes in. He must have been checking if any gopniks were already in there waiting to bully him or something. That likely means he''s alone in there. Looking around, you see the hall starting to clear of people.'
-			'As you walk down the hallway you notice Petka stop at the boys bathroom door and look around for a moment, like he is afraid to go into the bathroom. He opens the door and looks in, then apparently liking what he sees, goes in. He must have been checking if any gopniks were already in there waiting to bully him or something. You don''t blame him for being cautious as you go about your business.'
+			'As you walk down the hallway you notice Petka stop at the boys bathroom door and look around, like he''s afraid to go into the bathroom. He opens the door and looks in, then apparently liking what he sees, goes in. He must have been checking if any gopniks were already in there waiting to bully him or something. You don''t blame him for being cautious as you go about your business.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_events', 'leave_break_events2'
 		if lernHome > 1:
@@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'afterschool_events':
 					'You walk up to her. "Hey, what''s up Alyona?"'
 					'She gives you a dirty look. "Just hanging out. Why?"'
 					'You reply. "No reason. I just wanted to say hi."'
-					'She shrugs a bit as she takes a long pull of the bottle, before offering it to you. "Want a drink?"'
+					'She shrugs as she takes a long pull of the bottle before offering it to you. "Want a drink?"'
 					gs 'willpower', 'drink', 'resist'
 					if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
@@ -1247,8 +1247,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'afterschool_events':
 								gs 'stat'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/afterschool/alyona3.jpg"></center>'
 								'You shake your head and don''t take the offered bottle. "No thanks, I need to be able to walk home."'
-								'She laughs a bit at that and takes another long swig herself. The two of you talk as she drinks. Well, you talk and she drinks. Before long, she is wasted. She puts the bottle away and falls on her ass as she starts to get up. You offer to help, but she pushes you away. "Fuck off, I don''t need any help!"'
-								'You back off and let her get up on her own, but it takes her a couple of tries. Once up, she turns and stumbles for the exit, not sure what to do. You head out after her, at least making sure she gets outside in one piece.'
+								'She laughs and takes another long swig herself. The two of you talk as she drinks. Well, you talk and she drinks. Before long, she is wasted. She puts the bottle away and falls on her ass as she starts to get up. You offer to help, but she pushes you away. "Fuck off, I don''t need any help!"'
+								'You back off and let her get up on her own, but it takes her a few tries. Once up, she turns and stumbles for the exit, not sure what to do. You head out after her, at least making sure she gets outside in one piece.'
 								act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
@@ -1262,15 +1262,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'afterschool_events':
 							npc_rel['A143'] += 2
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/afterschool/alyona3.jpg"></center>'
 							'You take the offered bottle and take another swig as well. It burns a little less this time. "If I drink much more of this I won''t be able to walk home."'
-							'She laughs a bit at that and take another long swig herself. The two of you talk and drink. Well, you talk while she drinks even more than you do. Before long, you are both wasted. She puts the bottle away and falls on her ass as she starts to get up. You offer to help, but she pushes you away. She then sighs and takes your hand as you pull her to her feet. The two of you stumble outside together supporting one another. After taking a breath of fresh air, you feel a little better.'
-							'She stumbles away but calls back. "I gotta go, see you around <<$pcs_nickname>>!", leaving you drunk and alone.'
+							'She laughs and take another long swig herself. The two of you talk and drink. Well, you talk while she drinks even more than you do. Before long, you are both wasted. She puts the bottle away and falls on her ass as she starts to get up. You offer to help, but she pushes you away. She then sighs and takes your hand as you pull her to her feet. The two of you stumble outside together supporting one another. After taking a breath of fresh air, you feel a little better.'
+							'She stumbles away but calls back. "I gotta go. See you around <<$pcs_nickname>>!"'
 							act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
 					'You walk up to her. "Hey what''s up Alyona?"'
-					'She gives you a dirty look. "What the fuck do you want skank?"'
-					'Taken a bit aback by her comment you reply. "Nothing I just wanted to say hi."'
+					'She gives you a dirty look. "What the fuck do you want, skank?"'
+					'You''re taken a bit aback by her comment. "Nothing I just wanted to say hi."'
 					'"Well fuck off bitch before you get hurt!" She sounds serious and you know she has a rep for carrying a knife and not being afraid of using it, so you decide not to press the issue and leave.'
 					act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
@@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'afterschool_events':
 		elseif break_rand = 3:
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/afterschool/braflash.jpg"></center>'
-			'As you walk down the hallway, you see several of the gopnik boys giving Paulina a bit of a hard time. She flips them off and shoves the closer ones away. Before she walks off, she flips up her shirt to flash them her bra and laughs at their reaction before walking away, the boys calling her a tease as she does.'
+			'As you walk down the hallway, you see several of the gopnik boys giving Pauline a bit of a hard time. She flips them off and shoves the closer ones away. Before she walks off, she flips up her shirt to flash them her bra and laughs at their reaction before walking away, the boys calling her a tease as she does.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 1
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -1317,13 +1317,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'afterschool_events':
 			gs 'arousal', 'erotic_nudity', 5, 'unknown'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Ignore her and leave': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
-			act 'Ask her whats going on':
+			act 'Ask her what''s going on':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/afterschool/nushflash2.jpg"></center>'
 				'You walk up to her and as you do, she turns to face you, giving you a full view of everything she has. "What''s up <<$pcs_nickname>>?"'
 				'You smile at how casual she is about everything. "You tell me! I was about to ask you the same thing."'
-				'She smiles, obviously knowing what you mean and replies. "Oh you know, same old same old." she says as she gets dressed.'
-				'You just nod. What else are you suppose to say? Once fully dressed, she adds "Well I need to go, see you around." and she turns and heads out.'
+				'She smiles, obviously knowing what you mean and replies. "Oh you know, same old same old," she says as she gets dressed.'
+				'You just nod. Once fully dressed, she adds "Well I need to go, see you around." She turns and heads out.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'erotic_nudity', 5
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'afterschool_events':
 			act 'Watch':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/afterschool/strip2.jpg"></center>'
-				'After a few moments, they encourage her to take off her jacket. Well it''s just her jacket, nothing to it. She seems unsure but after one more quick glance around, she pulls off her jacket, smiling as the boys whistle and compliment her. She seems to be a little more OK with it since the boys are complimenting her so much. Then they start encouraging her to show them her underwear.'
+				'After a few seconds, they encourage her to take off her jacket. She seems unsure, but after one more quick glance around, she pulls off her jacket, smiling as the boys whistle and compliment her. She seems to be a little more OK with it since the boys are complimenting her so much. Then they start encouraging her to show them her underwear.'
 				act 'Ignore what''s happening and leave': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
 				gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'self', 'medium'
 				if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
@@ -1391,8 +1391,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'afterschool_events':
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/afterschool/strip1.jpg"></center>'
 						'You decide to give her an out and head right for Lariska. "There you are! You ready to go?" you ask her.'
-						'For a moment she seems confused, but with a final look at the boys, she nods quickly. "Yes." She smiles to the boys as the two you head out. She leans over to you and quietly says "Thanks."'
-						'The boys grumble a bit as the two of you walk off, but they go their own way as well. Once outside, Lariska thanks you again and then hurries off.'
+						'For a moment she seems confused, but with a final look at the boys, she nods quickly and smiles at the boys as you head out. She leans over to you and quietly says "Thanks."'
+						'The boys grumble as the two of you walk away, but they go their own way as well. Once outside, Lariska thanks you again and then hurries off.'
 						act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
@@ -1401,7 +1401,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'afterschool_events':
 				act 'Keep Watching':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/afterschool/strip3.jpg"></center>'
-					'Again she hesitates, obviously a bit unsure but the boys keep encouraging her, pointing out that no one is around and it is just her underwear and that it covers as much as the bikini they have seen her in anyways. After a few more glances around, she unbuttons her shirt and takes it off, then her skirt, leaving her standing in front of them in her underwear, blushing as the boys really compliment her. You can''t tell if she is blushing from the embarrassment or because she likes the attention.'
+					'Again she hesitates, but the boys keep encouraging her, pointing out that no one is around and it''s just her underwear, which covers as much as the bikini they have seen her in anyways. After a few more glances around, she unbuttons her shirt and takes it off, then her skirt, leaving her standing in front of them in her underwear, blushing as the boys really compliment her. You can''t tell if she is blushing from the embarrassment or because she likes the attention.'
 					'Next, the boys start encouraging her to take off her bra. She now looks a bit less confident, looking around and partially using her hands to cover herself up from time to time, but the guys keep complimenting and encouraging her to take off her bra. She resists at first, but she slowly seems to be giving in under the peer pressure.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 5, 'unknown'
@@ -1416,8 +1416,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'afterschool_events':
 							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/afterschool/strip1.jpg"></center>'
 							'You decide to give her an out and head right for Lariska. "There you are! You ready to go?" you ask her.'
-							'For a moment she seems confused, but with a final look at the boys, she nods quickly. "Yes." She smiles to the boys as the two you head out. She leans over to you and quietly says "Thanks."'
-							'The boys grumble a bit as the two of you walk off, but they go their own way as well. Once outside, Lariska thanks you again and then hurries off.'
+							'For a moment she seems confused, but with a final look at the boys, she nods quickly and smiles at the boys as you head out. She leans over to you and quietly says "Thanks."'
+							'The boys grumble as the two of you walk away, but they go their own way as well. Once outside, Lariska thanks you again and then hurries off.'
 							act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
@@ -1441,8 +1441,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'afterschool_events':
 								gs 'stat'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/afterschool/strip1.jpg"></center>'
 								'You decide to give her an out and head right for Lariska. "There you are! You ready to go?" you ask her.'
-								'For a moment she seems confused, but with a final look at the boys, she nods quickly. "Yes." She smiles to the boys as the two you head out. She leans over to you and quietly says "Thanks."'
-								'The boys grumble a bit as the two of you walk off, but they go their own way as well. Once outside, Lariska thanks you again and then hurries off.'
+								'For a moment she seems confused, but with a final look at the boys, she nods quickly and smiles at the boys as the two you head out. She leans over to you and quietly says "Thanks."'
+								'The boys grumble as the two of you walk away, but they go their own way as well. Once outside, Lariska thanks you again and then hurries off.'
 								act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
@@ -1451,7 +1451,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'afterschool_events':
 						act 'Keep Watching':
 							*clr & cla
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/afterschool/strip5.jpg"></center>'
-							'Finally, she gives in and pulls her panties down and steps out of them. She is now completely naked in front of the boys, who seem to be loving the show. She seems torn between enjoying the approval of the boys and the embarrassment of being naked. She lets the boys look at her naked body for a couple more minutes before she seems to change her mind and starts to quickly get dressed. The boys try to get her to stay naked, but she gets dressed. The boys take it in their stride and comment about how great she looks and how cool she is. Once she is dressed, they all leave together, leaving you to go on your way as well.'
+							'Finally, she gives in and pulls her panties down and steps out of them. She is now completely naked in front of the boys, who seem to be loving the show. She seems torn between enjoying the approval of the boys and the embarrassment of being naked. She lets the boys look at her naked body for a few more minutes before she seems to change her mind and starts to quickly get dressed. The boys try to get her to stay naked, but she gets dressed. The boys take it in their stride and comment about how great she looks and how cool she is. Once she is dressed, they all leave together, leaving you to go on your way as well.'
 							gs 'arousal', 'erotic_nudity', 5
 							gs 'arousal', 'end'
 							gs 'stat'
@@ -1474,7 +1474,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'afterschool_events':
 			act 'Ask if she is OK':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/afterschool/upset.jpg"></center>'
-				'You stop beside her. "Are you OK?" you ask.'
+				'You stop beside her. "Are you okay?" you ask.'
 				'She looks up a bit startled. She apparently didn''t hear you walk up. She quickly rubs her eyes, making it very obvious she was crying. "I''m fine."'
 				'Her tone suggests she is anything but fine, but before you can say more she starts to get up, clearly wanting to get away.'
 				gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'self', iif(grupTipe ! 4,'easy','')
@@ -1626,7 +1626,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'afterschool_classroom_events':
 	act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
 	if break_rand = 1:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/afterschool/classroom/girlsnudeboy.jpg"></center>'
-		'You step over to the classroom door, look up and down the hallway and see no one around. You gently pull the door open just a crack and peek inside. You notice Lavrenti sitting at one of the desks completely naked while Paulina, Lera and Lena are sitting on a desk near him. You are not sure what is going on as you can''t quite make out what they are saying, but the girls are teasing him about something. You decide you would rather not get caught spying, so you gently close the door and hurry off.'
+		'You step over to the classroom door, look up and down the hallway and see no one around. You gently pull the door open just a crack and peek inside. You notice Lavrenti sitting at one of the desks completely naked while Pauline, Lera and Lena are sitting on a desk near him. You are not sure what is going on as you can''t quite make out what they are saying, but the girls are teasing him about something. You decide you would rather not get caught spying, so you gently close the door and hurry off.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'

+ 10 - 10

@@ -1456,7 +1456,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'russian':
 			act 'Wait for the end of the lesson': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 		elseif scooltiperand = 5:
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/urok7.jpg"></center>'
-			'As you wait for the lesson to end, you see that you''re not the only one who''s a bit drowsy; Paulina is very close to falling asleep on her desk.'
+			'As you wait for the lesson to end, you see that you''re not the only one who''s a bit drowsy; Pauline is very close to falling asleep on her desk.'
 			act 'Wait for the end of the lesson': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 		elseif scooltiperand = 6:
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/crash.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -1598,21 +1598,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'russian':
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Wait for the end of the lesson': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
-			act 'Paulina':
+			act 'Pauline':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/talk.jpg"></center>'
 				gs 'exp_gain', 'chrsm', rand(1,2)
 				if fame['pav_slut'] >= 150:
-					'You sit next to Paulina, who ignores you at first before mouthing "slut" at you and doing a motion with her hands where she pretends to be forcing your head down on her imaginary dick.'
+					'You sit next to Pauline, who ignores you at first before mouthing "slut" at you and doing a motion with her hands where she pretends to be forcing your head down on her imaginary dick.'
 					if grupTipe = 4:
 						npc_rel['A24'] += 1
-						'You sit next to Alyona and you spend most of the class talking quietly with each other. You often get stern looks from Mr. Yenotin when you get a bit too loud. He clears his throat and hushes you a few times before he finally tells you to be quiet or he''ll send you to the principal''s office.'
+						'You sit next to Pauline and you spend most of the class talking quietly with each other. You often get stern looks from Mr. Yenotin when you get a bit too loud. He clears his throat and hushes you a few times before he finally tells you to be quiet or he''ll send you to the principal''s office.'
 					elseif grupTipe = 5:
-						'You are forced to sit next to Paulina and she immediately starts bullying you, eventually getting some of the other gopniks to join in.'
+						'You are forced to sit next to Pauline and she immediately starts bullying you, eventually getting some of the other gopniks to join in.'
 						npc_rel['A24'] += 1
-						'You sit next to Paulina. She is a little surprised that you chose to do so, but you are able to strike up a brief, if a little awkward, conversation with her before Mr. Ivanov asks you to be quiet.'
+						'You sit next to Pauline. She is a little surprised that you chose to do so, but you are able to strike up a brief, if a little awkward, conversation with her before Mr. Ivanov asks you to be quiet.'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -1687,9 +1687,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'russian':
 		elseif scooltiperand = 15 and (soniafall = 5 or soniaPS = 1):
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/russian/soniadare1.jpg"></center>'
-			'As you work on your class assignment, you hear Paulina talking to Sonia. "I dare you to walk up to Mr. Yenotin and ask him for help. Then bend over his desk, pull your panties down and show everyone your ass."'
+			'As you work on your class assignment, you hear Pauline talking to Sonia. "I dare you to walk up to Mr. Yenotin and ask him for help. Then bend over his desk, pull your panties down and show everyone your ass."'
 			'Sonia blushes a little, but also looks thrilled at the idea. "Everyone would see."'
-			'Paulina nods. "Yeah, everyone would see how badass you are."'
+			'Pauline nods. "Yeah, everyone would see how badass you are."'
 			'Sonia looks around, spots you looking at them and grins as she gets up and heads up to Mr. Yenotin''s desk.'
 			act 'Ignore them and wait for the end of the lesson': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 			act 'Watch':
@@ -1740,7 +1740,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'russian':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/class1.jpg"></center>'
 				'Not wanting to partake in the bullying, but also not wanting to piss off Alyona or the gopniks, you don''t say anything. "Please continue." Mr. Yenotin tells Marcus while giveing Alyona a disapproving look. "Please be nice and treat others as you would like them to treat you." This doesn''t have the effect he was hoping for as it just gets her and several other students laughing.'
-				'After a few minutes, Marcus is still struggling and now Paulina joins in as well, interrupting him each time he almost gets the word right. Soon about half the class has joined in and Mr. Yenotin gives up. "That''s enough Marcus, it was a good effort. Now how about we have someone else read for a bit? Alyona, why don''t you read the next part?"'
+				'After a few minutes, Marcus is still struggling and now Pauline joins in as well, interrupting him each time he almost gets the word right. Soon about half the class has joined in and Mr. Yenotin gives up. "That''s enough Marcus, it was a good effort. Now how about we have someone else read for a bit? Alyona, why don''t you read the next part?"'
 				act 'Wait for the end of the lesson': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 			act'Take over reading':
@@ -1846,7 +1846,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'russian':
 			act 'Wait for the end of the lesson': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 		elseif scooltiperand = 20:
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/russian/paulpanties.jpg"></center>'
-			'As class ends and everyone starts to get up, Paulina stops in front of Marcus, bends over and lifts her skirt to show him her panty clad ass and wiggles it around. "That''s as close as any Russian girl will get to letting you touch them. It must be... hard... being so far from home Marcus." She teases him a bit more and gets a lot of laughs. He does his best to ignore it, but he can''t help himself from looking. Soon, it is over as she drops her skirt back in place and everyone leaves class.'
+			'As class ends and everyone starts to get up, Pauline stops in front of Marcus, bends over and lifts her skirt to show him her panty clad ass and wiggles it around. "That''s as close as any Russian girl will get to letting you touch them. It must be... hard... being so far from home Marcus." She teases him a bit more and gets a lot of laughs. He does his best to ignore it, but he can''t help himself from looking. Soon, it is over as she drops her skirt back in place and everyone leaves class.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'

+ 9 - 9

@@ -1198,7 +1198,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shop':
 			act 'Wait for the end of the lesson': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 		elseif scooltiperand = 4:
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/urok7.jpg"></center>'
-			'As you wait for the end of the lesson, you notice you''re not the only one being a bit drowsy; Paulina is very close to falling asleep on her desk.'
+			'As you wait for the end of the lesson, you notice you''re not the only one being a bit drowsy; Pauline is very close to falling asleep on her desk.'
 			act 'Wait for the end of the lesson': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 		elseif scooltiperand = 5:
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/boobg.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -1464,21 +1464,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shop':
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Wait for the end of the lesson': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
-			act 'Paulina':
+			act 'Pauline':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/talk.jpg"></center>'
 				gs 'exp_gain', 'chrsm', rand(1,2)
 				if fame['pav_slut'] >= 150:
-					'You sit next to Paulina, who ignores you at first before mouthing "slut" at you and doing a motion with her hands where she pretends to be forcing your head down on her imaginary dick.'
+					'You sit next to Pauline, who ignores you at first before mouthing "slut" at you and doing a motion with her hands where she pretends to be forcing your head down on her imaginary dick.'
 					if grupTipe = 4:
 						npc_rel['A24'] += 1
-						'You sit next to Alyona and you spend most of the class talking quietly with each other. You often get stern looks from Mr. Kuznetsov when you get a bit too loud. He clears his throat and hushes you a few times before he finally tells you to be quiet or he''ll send you to the principal''s office.'
+						'You sit next to Pauline and you spend most of the class talking quietly with each other. You often get stern looks from Mr. Kuznetsov when you get a bit too loud. He clears his throat and hushes you a few times before he finally tells you to be quiet or he''ll send you to the principal''s office.'
 					elseif grupTipe = 5:
-						'You are forced to sit next to Paulina and she immediately starts bullying you, eventually getting some of the other gopniks to join in.'
+						'You are forced to sit next to Pauline and she immediately starts bullying you, eventually getting some of the other gopniks to join in.'
 						npc_rel['A24'] += 1
-						'You sit next to Paulina. She is a little surprised that you chose to do so, but you are able to strike up a brief, if a little awkward, conversation with her before Mr. Kuznetsov asks you to be quiet.'
+						'You sit next to Pauline. She is a little surprised that you chose to do so, but you are able to strike up a brief, if a little awkward, conversation with her before Mr. Kuznetsov asks you to be quiet.'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -1550,16 +1550,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shop':
 			act 'Wait for the end of the lesson': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 		elseif scooltiperand = 13:
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/shop/paulnushhump.jpg"></center>'
-			'Near the end of class, Mr. Kuznetsov tells the class to study quietly as he leaves class a few minutes early. Of course, once he is gone no one listens and everyone starts wandering around messing with the tools. Meanwhile, Anushka starts to tease Fedor, asking him if he wants to fuck her until she makes him blush. When he finally admits he is attracted to her, Paulina swoops in behind Anushka, pushes into her and pulls up the back of her skirt.'
+			'Near the end of class, Mr. Kuznetsov tells the class to study quietly as he leaves class a few minutes early. Of course, once he is gone no one listens and everyone starts wandering around messing with the tools. Meanwhile, Anushka starts to tease Fedor, asking him if he wants to fuck her until she makes him blush. When he finally admits he is attracted to her, Pauline swoops in behind Anushka, pushes into her and pulls up the back of her skirt.'
-			'She starts pounding her hips against Anushka''s ass. "Oh Anushka you''re so hot, I have always wanted to fuck you." Paulina says, obviously trying to sound like Fedor, and Anushka plays along. "Oh Fedor, you have such an almost average sized dick! It almost feels good!" This gets the rest of class laughing and Fedor blushing even more. His humiliation ends when the bell rings.'
+			'She starts pounding her hips against Anushka''s ass. "Oh Anushka you''re so hot, I have always wanted to fuck you." Pauline says, obviously trying to sound like Fedor, and Anushka plays along. "Oh Fedor, you have such an almost average sized dick! It almost feels good!" This gets the rest of class laughing and Fedor blushing even more. His humiliation ends when the bell rings.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 5
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Leave class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 		elseif scooltiperand = 14:
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/shop/paulvichair.jpg"></center>'
-			'During class, Vicky and Paulina start whispering back and forth and you can tell it''s getting heated by the harshness of the hissing whispers and their facial expressions. You have no clue what they are saying but whatever it is pisses Paulina off, as she reaches over and starts yanking hard on Vicky''s hair. "You fucking bitch, I will rip your hair out." she says loudly enough to get everyone''s attention. Mr. Kuznetsov rushes over, breaks it up and then takes each girl by the elbow and leads them out of class. A couple of minutes later, Vicky comes back looking smug and just before the end of class, Mr. Kuznetsov comes back alone.'
+			'During class, Vicky and Pauline start whispering back and forth and you can tell it''s getting heated by the harshness of the hissing whispers and their facial expressions. You have no clue what they are saying but whatever it is pisses Pauline off, as she reaches over and starts yanking hard on Vicky''s hair. "You fucking bitch, I will rip your hair out." she says loudly enough to get everyone''s attention. Mr. Kuznetsov rushes over, breaks it up and then takes each girl by the elbow and leads them out of class. A couple of minutes later, Vicky comes back looking smug and just before the end of class, Mr. Kuznetsov comes back alone.'
 			act 'Wait for the end of the lesson': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 		elseif scooltiperand = 15 and npc_rel['A15'] => 60:
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/shop/vicpanties.jpg"></center>'

+ 7 - 2

@@ -103,8 +103,13 @@ if locat['Mother'] = 3:
 elseif locat['Mother'] = 1:
-	if hour = 22 and parsexrand = 5 and parentsexday ! daystart:
-		act 'Go to your parents'' room': gt 'bedrPar2', 'peek'
+	if hour = 22 and parsexrand ! daystart and parentsexday ! daystart:
+		parsexrand = daystart
+		if rand(0, 5) = 0:
+			act 'Go to your parents'' room': gt 'bedrPar2', 'peek'
+		else
+			act 'Go to your parents'' room': msg'Your parents are probably asleep. You shouldn''t go in right now.'
+		end
 		act 'Go to your parents'' room': msg'Your parents are probably asleep. You shouldn''t go in right now.'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ end
 !!	for manual milk expression in bathrooms etc. please use this function.
 if $ARGS[0] = 'massage':
-	if (($location_type ! 'bathroom' and pcs_inhib >= 30) or $location_type = 'bathroom' and breastpump = 0) and (pcs_horny >= 10 or lactation['active'] > 0):
+	if (($location_type ! 'bathroom' and pcs_inhib >= 30) or $location_type = 'bathroom' and breastpump = 0) and (pcs_horny >= 10 or lactation['active'] > 0) and cheat_NoLactation = 0:
 		if lactation['active'] > 0 and lactation['pc_aware'] > 0:
 			act 'Milk your breasts': gt 'lact_bp','man_milking'

+ 10 - 12

@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	elseif $loc = 'city_industrial':
 		'<center><b><font color="maroon">City Industrial Region</font></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/platindust.jpg"></center>'
-!!new locations for the metro, you will have to see how the code works and for now the island will be commented out until we add that area of the city
 	elseif $loc = 'city_suburbs':
 		'<center><b><font color="maroon">City Suburbs</font></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/platsuburb.jpg"></center>'
@@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	if money >= 16:
 		if $loc ! 'city_residential':
-			act 'Go to the <b>Residential Area</b> (16 <b>₽</b>)':
+			act 'Go to the Residential Area (16 <b>₽</b>)':
 				$loc = 'city_residential'
 				$loc_arg = ''
 				money -= 16
@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		if $loc ! 'city_center':
-			act 'Go to the <b>City Center</b> (16 <b>₽</b>)':
+			act 'Go to the City Center (16 <b>₽</b>)':
 				$loc = 'city_center'
 				$loc_arg = ''
 				money -= 16
@@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		if $loc ! 'city_industrial':
-			act 'Go to the <b>City Industrial Region</b> (16 <b>₽</b>)':
+			act 'Go to the City Industrial Region (16 <b>₽</b>)':
 				$loc = 'city_industrial'
 				$loc_arg = ''
 				money -= 16
@@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		if $loc ! 'city_suburbs':
-			act 'Go to the <b>City Suburbs</b> (16 <b>₽</b>)':
+			act 'Go to the City Suburbs (16 <b>₽</b>)':
 				$loc = 'city_suburbs'
 				$loc_arg = 'start'
 				money -= 16
@@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		if $loc ! 'city_island':
-			act 'Go to the <b>Vasilyevsky Island</b> (16 <b>₽</b>)':
+			act 'Go to Vasilyevsky Island (16 <b>₽</b>)':
 				$loc = 'city_island'
 				$loc_arg = ''
 				money -= 16
@@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	if pusher = 1 and dealer = 0:
 		dealer = 1
-		'You see a tall, emaciated man leaning against the wall next to the tracks, looking very shady.<br>He notices you looking and beckons you to come closer.'
+		'You see a tall, emaciated man leaning against the wall next to the tracks, looking very shady. He notices you looking and beckons you to come closer.'
 		act 'Talk to the man':gt 'metro', 'dealer'
 	elseif dealer ! 0:
 		'You see the dealer lurking around the station.'
@@ -130,16 +129,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'vagon':
 	if metro_busy = 0:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/metroempty.jpg"></center>'
-		'The car is almost completely empty. One or two other passengers are in the car with you. It seems a bit odd and a little creepy seeing the car this empty. You have practically the whole car to yourself and pick the cleanest spot to sit.'
+		'The car is almost completely empty, with only one or two other passengers in the car with you. It seems a bit odd and a little creepy seeing the car this empty. Having practically the entire car to yourself, you pick the cleanest spot to sit.'
 	elseif metro_busy = 1:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/metro.jpg"></center>'
 		'The car is mostly empty, leaving you a choice of seats. You easily find a place for yourself, leaving you plenty of room to get comfortable. The few other people on the car mind their own business, leaving you to your own thoughts.'
 	elseif metro_busy = 2:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/metrofull<<rand(1,5)>>.jpg"></center>'
-		'The car is full of people. All of the seats are taken, but only a few people are forced to stand. At least it is not packed. You easily find a place for yourself, leaving you plenty of room to get comfortable.'
+		'The car is full of people. All the seats are taken, but only a few people are forced to stand. You easily find a place for yourself, leaving you plenty of room to get comfortable.'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/metropacked.jpg"></center>'
-		'The car is packed with people. Most of them are forced to stand, as there are not enough seats. It is so tightly packed that people are crammed tight up against each other either in the seats or standing up. You manage to squeeze yourself in among the people. You can feel other bodies pressed up tightly against yours. It is very uncomfortable and hot.'
+		'The car is packed with people, most of them being forced to stand since there aren''t enough seats. It''s so tightly packed that people are crammed up tightly against each other, but you manage to squeeze yourself in. You can feel other bodies pressed up tightly against yours, making for a very uncomfortable journey.'
 	if (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1) or cumloc[11] = 1:
@@ -165,7 +164,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shop':
 	*clr & cla
 	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
-	'<b>What''s it gonna be?</b>'
 	'He shows you a small box filled with red and blue pills. There are about two dozen of each pill inside.'
 	act 'Leave':gt 'metro','start'
 	if money >= 1000:
@@ -208,7 +206,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'dealer':
 	*clr & cla
 	menu_off = 1
-	'He sizes you up with suspicion.<br><b>"Hey miss, saw you buying Lady in the park."</b> <br>He clears his throat and spits onto the tracks.<b> "That shit will mess you up."</b><br>He opens his coat, and you flinch thinking he is going to flash you, but instead you see he is wearing a business suit beneath.<br>He gestures at numerous pockets lining the insides of his coat. They are filled to bursting with various packages, pills and ampules.<br><b>"Here, my products are of a much better quality. You''ll have a great time, and I guarantee they won''t kill you."</b>'
+	'He sizes you up with suspicion. "Hey there. Saw you buying Lady in the park." He clears his throat and spits onto the tracks. "That shit will mess you up." He opens his coat and you flinch, thinking he''s going to flash you, but instead see that he''s wearing a business suit underneath. He gestures at numerous pockets lining the insides of his coat, filled to bursting with various packages, pills and ampules. "Here, my products are of a much better quality. You''ll have a great time, and I guarantee they won''t kill you."'
 	act 'Continue':gt 'metro','shop'

+ 116 - 120

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'a':
 	spot = 500*rand(16,24)
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frot.jpg"></center>'
-	'You feel something solid pressing against your ass. A few moments pases by, as you realize what the hardness you feel pressing against you is, it''s someone''s rock hard cock!'
+	'You feel something solid pressing against your ass. A few seconds pass by before you realize what the hardness you feel pressing against you is - it''s someone''s rock hard cock!'
 	gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'resist', 'medium'
 	if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
 		act 'Move away (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
@@ -32,11 +32,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'a':
 		act 'Move away (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
 	act 'Disregard':
-		cla
 		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frot1.jpg"></center>'
-		'The guy standing behind you, disregarding the other passengers, grabs your butt cheek with his hand, while rubbing his crotch against your ass.'
+		'The guy standing behind you, disregarding the other passengers, grabs your ass cheek with his hand while rubbing his crotch against your ass.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'sub', 'unknown'
 		gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'resist', 'medium'
 		if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
@@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'a':
 			*clr & cla
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frot2.jpg"></center>'
-			'You feel his rock hard cock more clearly now; and by the way it is moving, you are sure he has taken it out of his pants and is rubbing it against your ass. His hands continue to cling on to you, squeezing your buttocks.'
+			'You feel his rock hard cock more clearly now; and by the way it is moving, you''re sure he''s taken it out of his pants and is rubbing it against your ass. His hands continue to cling on to you, squeezing your buttocks.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'sub', 'unknown'
 			gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'resist', 'medium'
 			if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
@@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'a':
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frotc'+ rand(1,2) +'.jpg"></center>'
-				'The man jerks back, and stops molesting you. A few moments later, you can feel something wet seep through your clothes. After a few more seconds, the guy moves away.'
+				'The man jerks back, and stops molesting you. A few seconds later, you feel something wet seep through your clothes. After a few more seconds, the guy moves away.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Finished':gt 'metro_events', 'fin2'
@@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'b':
 	spot = 500*rand(16,24)
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frotd2.jpg"></center>'
-	'There is a man standing behind you. He begins playing with your skirt.'
+	'There is a man standing behind you who begins playing with your skirt.'
 	gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'medium'
 	if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
 		act 'Move away (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
@@ -107,7 +106,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'b':
 		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frota1.jpg"></center>'
-		'The man cautiously lifts your skirt and begins caressing your buttocks with his strong hands.'
+		'The man cautiously lifts your skirt and begins caressing your buttocks with his hands.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'sub', 'unknown'
 		gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'medium'
 		if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
@@ -125,7 +124,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'b':
 			*clr & cla
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frota2.jpg"></center>'
-			'The man pulls your panties down to your knees, then lets your skirt fall back into place. He slides his hand between your thighs, caressing your clit. After a couple of minutes of pleasuring you, he pulls your hand back, placing it on his cock.'
+			'The man pulls your panties down to your knees, then lets your skirt fall back into place. He slides his hand between your thighs, caressing your clit. After spending a few minutes pleasuring you, he pulls your hand back, placing it on his cock.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'sub', 'unknown'
 			gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'medium'
 			if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
@@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'b':
 					gs 'cum_call', 'butt', 'stranger on the metro', 0, 0, spot, svol
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frotd1.jpg"></center>'
-					'You angrily pull your hand away, which he allows you to do. A few moments later, you can feel the head of his cock, and hand, bumping against your ass check, as he jerks off. Minutes later you feel spurts of hot cum splashing against your ass cheeks. Once he is finished, he pulls your panties back up over your sperm covered ass, patting you on the butt, before moving away, and disappearing in the crowd.'
+					'You angrily pull your hand away, which he allows you to do. A few seconds later, you feel the head of his cock, and hand, bumping against your ass cheek as he jerks off. Minutes later, you feel spurts of hot cum splashing against your ass cheeks. Once he''s finished, he pulls your panties back up over your sperm covered ass and pats you on the ass before disappearing into the crowd.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Finished':gt 'metro_events', 'fin2'
@@ -165,7 +164,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'b':
 				frot += 1
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frotd.jpg"></center>'
-				'With your hand on his cock, you grip it firmly, and start stroking. As he seems to really enjoy it, he reaches up then places his hands on your shoulders, trying to push you down to your knees.'
+				'With your hand on his cock, you grip it firmly and start stroking. As he seems to really enjoy it, he reaches up and places his hands on your shoulders, trying to push you down to your knees.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'hj', 2, 'sub', 'unknown'
 				gs 'willpower', 'hj', 'resist', 'medium'
 				if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
@@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'b':
 						gs 'cum_call', 'butt', 'stranger on the metro', 0, 0, spot, svol
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frotd1.jpg"></center>'
-						'You angrily pull your hand away, which he allows you to do. A few moments later, you can feel the head of his cock, and hand, bumping against your ass check, as he jerks off. Minutes later you feel spurts of hot cum splashing against your ass cheeks. Once he is finished, he pulls your panties back up over your sperm covered ass, patting you on the butt, before moving away, and disappearing in the crowd.'
+						'You angrily pull your hand away, which he allows you to do. A few seconds later, you feel the head of his cock, and hand, bumping against your ass cheek as he jerks off. Minutes later, you feel spurts of hot cum splashing against your ass cheeks. Once he''s finished, he pulls your panties back up over your sperm covered ass and pats you on the ass before disappearing into the crowd.'
 						gs 'arousal', 'end'
 						gs 'stat'
 						act 'Finished':gt 'metro_events', 'fin2'
@@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'b':
 					*clr & cla
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frote1.jpg"></center>'
-					'You give into his demands, and squat down in front of him, he grabs your head then turns your face to his crotch. His rock hard cock is waiting for you. He starts rubbing his cock against your face, and lips, teasing his cock.'
+					'You give into his demands and squat down in front of him. He grabs your head and turns your face to his crotch, his rock hard cock waiting for you. He starts rubbing his cock against your face and lips, teasing his cock.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'sub', 'unknown'
 					gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist', 'medium'
 					if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
@@ -210,12 +209,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'b':
 						frot += 1
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frote2.jpg"></center>'
-						'You obediently open your mouth and begin sucking his hard cock. You are sitting on your haunches; in the middle of a crowded subway car, sucking a strangers cock.'
+						'You obediently open your mouth and begin sucking his hard cock. You''re sitting on your haunches, in the middle of a crowded subway car, sucking a stranger''s cock.'
 						gs 'arousal', 'bj', 3, 'sub', 'unknown'
 						act 'Continue to suck':
 							*clr & cla
 							gs 'cum_call', 'face', 'stranger on the metro', 0, 0, spot, svol
 							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frote3.jpg"></center>'
 							'The man pulls his cock out of your mouth, and hot cum splatters across your cheek and chin. Once he has milked the last drop of sperm from his cock onto your face, he tucks his cock into his pants and moves away. He forces his way through the crowd before disappearing, leaving you alone with his cum all over your face.'
@@ -236,7 +234,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'c':
 	spot = 500*rand(16,24)
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frotp.jpg"></center>'
-	'An unknown man nears you from behind and without any hesitation shoves his hand down the back of your pants.'
+	'An unknown man nears you from behind, and without any hesitation, shoves his hand down the back of your pants.'
 	gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'medium'
 	if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
 		act 'Move away (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
@@ -252,7 +250,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'c':
 		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frotp.jpg"></center>'
-		'You enjoy the nice sensation while the stranger caresses your ass. With his other hand, he reaches around and begins fondling your left breast under the shirt.'
+		'You enjoy the nice sensation as the stranger caresses your ass. With his other hand, he reaches around and begins fondling your left breast under your shirt.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'sub', 'unknown'
 		gs 'stat'
 		gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'medium'
@@ -271,7 +269,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'c':
 			*clr & cla
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frotp2.jpg"></center>'
-			'After a few moments of the playing with your pucker, he pulls his hand out and instead grabs your second breast. He''s now fondling both of your breast while his cock is pushing against your behind.'
+			'After a few minutes, he pulls his hand out and grabs your other breast. He''s now fondling both of your breasts as his cock pushes against your ass.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'sub', 'unknown'
 			gs 'stat'
 			gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'medium'
@@ -290,7 +288,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'c':
 				*clr & cla
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frotd.jpg"></center>'
-				'Once he hears you moan, he pulls his hands away from your breasts, he slides them down the front of your body; to the waist of your pants. He unbuttons your pants then pulls them down; along with your panties, down to your knees, leaving you; exposed from the waist down, in a crowded subway car. He takes your hand and places it on his rock hard cock.'
+				'Once he hears you moan, he pulls his hands away from your breasts and slides them down the front of your body to the waist of your pants. He unbuttons your pants and pulls them, along with your panties, down to your knees, leaving you exposed from the waist down in a crowded subway car. He takes your hand and places it on his rock hard cock.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'sub', 'unknown', 'exhibitionism'
 				gs 'stat'
 				gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist', 'medium'
@@ -315,7 +313,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'c':
 						gs 'arousal', 'end'
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frotd1.jpg"></center>'
-						'He stands firm, and once again tries to push you down, but you won''t budge. As he can''t convince you, he relaxes instead, letting you go on as you keep jerking him off. When he moans into your ear, you start stroking it more vigorously, a couple of minutes later, you feel spurts of hot cum splashing against your ass cheek. Once he is finished he pulls your panties back up over your sperm covered ass then pats you on the butt, before moving away, and disappearing in the crowd.'
+						'He stands firm, and once again tries to push you down, but you won''t budge. As he can''t convince you, he relaxes instead, letting you go on as you keep jerking him off. When he moans into your ear, you start stroking it more vigorously and a few minutes later, you feel spurts of hot cum splashing against your ass cheek. Once he''s finished, he pulls your panties back up over your sperm covered ass and pats you on the ass before disappearing into the crowd.'
 						act 'Finished':gt 'metro_events', 'fin2'
@@ -327,7 +325,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'c':
 					frot += 1
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frotd.jpg"></center>'
-					'With your hand on his cock, you grip it firmly, and start stroking. As he seems to really enjoy it, he reaches up then places his hands on your shoulders, trying to push you down to your knees.'
+					'With your hand on his cock, you grip it firmly and start stroking. As he seems to really enjoy it, he reaches up and places his hands on your shoulders, trying to push you down to your knees.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'hj', 2, 'sub', 'unknown'
 					gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist', 'medium'
 					if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
@@ -337,7 +335,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'c':
 							gs 'arousal', 'end'
 							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frotd1.jpg"></center>'
-							'He stands firm, and once again tries to push you down, but you won''t budge. As he can''t convince you, he relaxes instead, letting you go on as you keep jerking him off. When he moans into your ear, you start stroking it more vigorously, a couple of minutes later, you feel spurts of hot cum splashing against your ass cheek. Once he is finished he pulls your panties back up over your sperm covered ass then pats you on the butt, before moving away, and disappearing in the crowd.'
+							'He stands firm, and once again tries to push you down, but you won''t budge. As he can''t convince you, he relaxes instead, letting you go on as you keep jerking him off. When he moans into your ear, you start stroking it more vigorously and a few minutes later, you feel spurts of hot cum splashing against your ass cheek. Once he''s finished, he pulls your panties back up over your sperm covered ass and pats you on the ass before disappearing into the crowd.'
 							act 'Finished':gt 'metro_events', 'fin2'
@@ -347,7 +345,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'c':
 						*clr & cla
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frote1.jpg"></center>'
-						'You give into his demands, and squat down in front of him, he grabs your head then turns your face to his crotch. His rock hard cock is waiting for you. He starts rubbing his cock against your face, and lips, teasing his cock.'
+						'You give into his demands and squat down in front of him. He grabs your head and turns your face to his crotch, his rock hard cock waiting for you. He starts rubbing his cock against your face and lips, teasing his cock.'
 						gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'sub', 'unknown'
 						gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist', 'medium'
 						if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
@@ -371,7 +369,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'c':
 							act 'Continue to suck':
 								*clr & cla
 								gs 'cum_call', 'face', 'stranger on the metro', 0, 0, spot, svol
 								gs 'stat'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/grop/frote3.jpg"></center>'
 								'The man pulls his cock out of your mouth, and hot cum splatters across your cheek and chin. Once he has milked the last drop of sperm from his cock onto your face, he tucks his cock into his pants and moves away. He forces his way through the crowd before disappearing, leaving you alone with his cum all over your face.'
@@ -389,13 +386,13 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'fin':
 	*clr & cla
-	'You barely manage to pull away from the horny idiot. You force your way through the crowded car, and find a new place to stand, as far away from him, as you can get. After a while, you get to your station.'
+	'You barely manage to pull away from the horny idiot and force your way through the crowded car to find a new place to stand as far away from him as you can get. After a while, you get to your station.'
 	act 'Get out of the car':gt 'metro', 'start'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'fin2':
 	*clr & cla
-	'Now that he is gone, and you are covered in his cum, you notice the other passengers staring at you. You should likely clean up before your step outside.'
+	'Now that he''s gone, and you are covered in his cum, you notice the other passengers staring at you. You should clean up before you step outside.'
 	act 'Get out of the car':gt 'metro', 'start'
@@ -405,21 +402,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 	metrorand = rand(1,22)
 	if metrorand = 1:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/aflash1.jpg"></center>'
-		'After your ride on the metro, you leave the station, following several people up the stairs, towards the street. The backside of a women''s skirt keeps lifting up; from the draft of air. Each time it lifts up, it shows off her firm tightly ass, which draws the attention of several men and even a few of the women.'
+		'After your ride on the metro, you leave the station, following several people up the stairs towards the street. The backside of a women''s skirt keeps lifting up from the draft of air. Each time it lifts up, it shows off her firm tight ass, which draws the attention of several men and even a few of the women.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 	elseif metrorand = 2:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/guitar'+ rand(1,7) +'.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a man playing a guitar, he has his guitar case open and you can see some money in it already. Several other people have stopped to listen to him play, he isn''t half bad.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a man playing a guitar; he has his guitar case open and you can see some money in it already. Several other people have stopped to listen to him play; he isn''t half bad.'
 		act 'Ignore':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		act 'Listen':
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 10
 			pcs_mood += 10
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/guitar'+ rand(1,7) +'.jpg"></center>'
-			'You stop and listen to him play several songs, he really is pretty good. You wonder why he is playing in a metro station, perhaps the old adage about starving artist applies to musicians as well.'
+			'You stop and listen to him play several songs.'
 			act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 			if money > 50:
 				act 'Give him money':
@@ -427,7 +424,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 					money -= 50
 					pcs_mood += 10
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/givemoney.jpg"></center>'
-					'You reach into your purse and pull out some money, you drop it into his case. He looks up at you and smiles and nods his head, but keeps playing. With your good deed done you leave the station and go on your way.'
+					'You reach into your purse and pull out some money to drop into his case. He looks up at you and smiles and nods his head, but keeps playing. With your good deed done, you leave the station and go on your way.'
 					act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -435,14 +432,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 	elseif metrorand = 3:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/violin'+ rand(1,3) +'.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a young woman, she has her violin case open and you can see some money in it already. Several other people have stopped to listen to her play, she isn''t half bad.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a young woman has her violin case open and you can see some money in it already. Several other people have stopped to listen to her play; she isn''t half bad.'
 		act 'Ignore': minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		act 'Listen':
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 10
 			pcs_mood += 10
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/violin'+ rand(1,3) +'.jpg"></center>'
-			'You stop and listen to her play several songs, she really is pretty good. You wonder why she is playing in a metro station, perhaps the old adage about starving artist applies to musicians as well.'
+			'You stop and listen to her play several songs.'
 			act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 			if money > 50:
 				act 'Give her money':
@@ -450,14 +447,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 					money -= 50
 					pcs_mood += 10
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/givemoney.jpg"></center>'
-					'You reach into your purse and pull out some money, you drop it into her case. She looks up at you and smiles and nods her head, but keeps playing. With your good deed done you leave the station and go on your way.'
+					'You reach into your purse and pull out some money to drop into her case. She looks up at you and smiles and nods her head, but keeps playing. With your good deed done, you leave the station and go on your way.'
 					act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 	elseif metrorand <= 6:
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/flashd1.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'As you leave the metro car, you, and nearly everyone else, notice two African men walking. One of them has a huge bulge in the front of his pants. When he catches you eyeing them, he stops, pulling his pants down. As he does that a massive black cock springs free, which causes a lot more people to look in shock.'
+		'As you leave the metro car, you, and nearly everyone else, notice two African men, one of whom has a huge bulge in his pants. When he catches you eyeing them, he stops and pulls his pants down. A massive black cock springs free, which causes a lot more people to look in shock.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Hurry away':
@@ -472,19 +469,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 				if $pantyworntype = 'none':
 					if PCloPants > 0:
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/inside/pussy/hairy1.jpg"></center>'
-						'You smile back at them and pull down your pants flashing your pussy to them. They wave you over.'
+						'You smile back at them and pull down your pants, flashing your pussy at them. They wave you over.'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/pussy/hairy4.jpg"></center>'
-						'You smile back at them and pull up your '+iif(PCloSkirt > 0, 'skirt', 'dress')+' flashing your pussy to them. They wave you over.'
+						'You smile back at them and pull up your '+iif(PCloSkirt > 0, 'skirt', 'dress')+', flashing your pussy at them. They wave you over.'
 					gs 'flash', 'pussy', 'outdoors', 3, 1
 					if PCloPants > 0:
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/inside/panty/1.jpg"></center>'
-						'You smile back at them and pull down your pants flashing your panties to them. They wave you over.'
+						'You smile back at them and pull down your pants, flashing your panties at them. They wave you over.'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/panty/4.jpg"></center>'
-						'You smile back at them and pull up your '+iif(PCloSkirt > 0, 'skirt', 'dress')+' flashing your panties to them. They wave you over.'
+						'You smile back at them and pull up your '+iif(PCloSkirt > 0, 'skirt', 'dress')+', flashing your panties at them. They wave you over.'
 					gs 'flash', 'panties', 'outdoors', 1, 1
@@ -499,7 +496,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 		act 'Stare in shock':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/reactions/shock.jpg"></center>'
-			'It is just so big, you can''t help but stare at it, you briefly wonder if his friend is as big as he is. Then you notice them smiling and staring at you, as he puts his dick back away they wave you over.'
+			'It''s so big that you can''t help but stare at it while wondering if his friend is as big as he is. You notice them smiling and staring at you as he puts his dick back away they wave you over.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Hurry away':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -508,7 +505,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 		act 'Lick your lips':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/reactions/shock.jpg"></center>'
-			'You can''t help yourself, seeing that big dick, you lick your lip. They see that and both grin wide and wave you over as the one puts his dick away.'
+			'You lick your lips at the sight. They see that and both grin and wave you over he puts his dick away.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Hurry away':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -516,7 +513,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 	elseif metrorand = 7:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/flashus'+ rand(1,5) +'.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a pretty young woman, she keeps lifting her skirt; flashing her pussy at various strangers. As you get closer she smiles at you and then flashes you.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a pretty young woman who keeps lifting her skirt and flashing her pussy at various strangers. As you get closer, she smiles at and then flashes you.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -532,19 +529,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 				if $pantyworntype = 'none':
 					if PCloPants > 0:
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/inside/pussy/hairy1.jpg"></center>'
-						'You smile back at her and pull down your pants flashing your pussy back to her. You both share a laugh before going on your way.'
+						'You smile back at her and pull down your pants, flashing your pussy at her. You both share a laugh before going on your way.'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/pussy/hairy4.jpg"></center>'
-						'You smile back at her and pull up your '+iif(PCloSkirt > 0, 'skirt', 'dress')+' flashing your pussy back to her. You both share a laugh before going on your way.'
+						'You smile back at her and pull up your '+iif(PCloSkirt > 0, 'skirt', 'dress')+', flashing your pussy back at her. You both share a laugh before going on your way.'
 					gs 'flash', 'pussy', 'outdoors', 3, 1
 					if PCloPants > 0:
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/inside/panty/1.jpg"></center>'
-						'You smile back at her and pull down your pants flashing your panties to her. You both share a laugh before going on your way.'
+						'You smile back at her and pull down your pants, flashing your panties at her. You both share a laugh before going on your way.'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/panty/4.jpg"></center>'
-						'You smile back at her and pull up your '+iif(PCloSkirt > 0, 'skirt', 'dress')+' flashing your panties to her. You both share a laugh before going on your way.'
+						'You smile back at her and pull up your '+iif(PCloSkirt > 0, 'skirt', 'dress')+', flashing your panties at her. You both share a laugh before going on your way.'
 					gs 'flash', 'panties', 'outdoors', 1, 1
@@ -557,61 +554,61 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 	elseif metrorand = 8:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/nakedg1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, you see a naked woman, only wearing a pair of boots boarding another metro train. She is actually walking around casually, like there is nothing; even remotely, out of the ordinary. She is garnering a lot of attention from everyone around her, but she seems completely oblivious to it. Within moments, she boards the other train, and is gone.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you see a naked woman wearing only a pair of boots boarding another train. She''s casually walking around as if there''s nothing even remotely out of the ordinary. She''s garnering a lot of attention from everyone around her, but she seems completely oblivious to it. Within seconds, she boards the train and is gone.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 	elseif metrorand = 9:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/nakedg2.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, you see a naked woman, she is huddled down on her knees; against one of the pillars. She is using her arms to cover up her body, as best she can; clearly ashamed.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you see a naked woman huddled down on her knees against one of the pillars. She''s using her arms to cover up her body as best she can, clearly ashamed.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Ignore Her':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
+		act 'Ignore her':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		if money >= 50:
-			act 'Help Her and pay for taxi':
+			act 'Help her':
 				*clr & cla
 				money -= 50
 				pcs_mood += 10
 				minut += 10
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/nakedg2.jpg"></center>'
-				'You notice a newspaper on one of the benches, you walk over and grab it then come back to her offering it to her. Now that you are closer you can see she is crying, she nods though and takes the newspaper and covers up as best she can. You then lead her out of the metro and call her a taxi, as you wait for the taxi you find out she made her boyfriend mad who stripped her and left her naked. Telling her she would have nothing with out him and to see how she likes it. Once the taxi arrives she thanks you for paying for it the taxi.'
+				'You notice a newspaper on one of the benches and grab it before walking over and offering it to her. Now that you''re closer, you can see she''s crying, though she takes the newspaper and covers up as best as she can before you lead her out of the metro and call her a taxi. As you wait for the taxi, you find out she made her boyfriend mad and he stripped her and left her naked. Once the taxi arrives, she thanks you and climbs in.'
 				act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 	elseif metrorand = 10:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/nakedm1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, you see a naked man, the only thing he is wearing is a huge grin. He seems rather proud at the attention he is getting, though you have no idea why. After a quick check you notice he packs nothing special in the manhood department. He continues on his way, just as you do.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you see a naked man with a huge grin on his face. He seems rather proud at the attention he''s getting, though you have no idea why. After a quick check, you notice he packs nothing special in the manhood department as he continues on his way, as do you.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 	elseif metrorand = 11:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/nakedp1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, you see two couples looking a bit strange... All four of them are naked, only wearing shoes, carrying bags with them. They act normal, as if walking through the metro completely naked is a perfectly normal thing to do. They garner a lot of attention from the other people in the station, but they just head towards one of the metro trains.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you see two couples looking a bit strange... All four of them are naked, wearing only shoes while carrying bags with them. They act normal, as if walking through the metro completely naked is a perfectly normal thing to do. They garner a lot of attention from the other people in the station, but they just keep heading towards one of the trains.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 	elseif metrorand = 12:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/seethru1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you leave the metro station, you find yourself walking up the stairs behind a woman wearing a sheer dress. It is completely see through, it is obvious that she is not wearing any underwear at all. Which gives you a very nice view of her ass, once you reach the street, she heads off down the sidewalk.'
+		'As you leave the metro station, you find yourself walking up the stairs behind a woman wearing a sheer dress. It is completely see through, and you can see that she''s not wearing any underwear, which gives you a very nice view of her ass. Once you reach the street, she heads off down the sidewalk.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 	elseif metrorand = 13:
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/sex/jerkoff1.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'As you walk past one of the pillars, you see a man with his pants around his knees jerking off, just as you walk past, he starts cumming. He starts shooting his sperm out onto the floor, barely missing a woman that happens to go by at the wrong moment. Once he stops cumming, he pulls his pants up, and goes about his business.'
+		'As you walk past one of the pillars, you see a man with his pants around his knees jerking off. Just as you walk past, he starts cumming, barely missing a woman that happens to go by at the wrong moment. Once he stops cumming, he pulls his pants up and goes about his business.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 	elseif metrorand = 14:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/sex/les1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, you see a woman sitting on one of the benches in the station. Her skirt is pulled up, wearing no panties, with her legs stretched out, leaving plenty of room for the girl down on all fours in front of her to eat her pussy, who''s skirt is also pulled up, not wearing panties, giving everyone that are walking by a perfect vision of her pussy.'
-		'The one sitting fends off anyone trying to join in while her friend eats her out. Many people stop to watch the pair, several people pull out their smart phones, recording the show.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you see a woman sitting on one of the benches in the station. Her skirt is pulled up and she has her legs stretched out, leaving plenty of room for the girl down on all fours in front of her to eat her pussy, whose skirt is also pulled up, giving everyone walking by a perfect view of her bare pussy.'
+		'The one sitting fends off anyone trying to join in while her friend eats her out. Many people stop to watch the pair, several pulling out their phones to record the show.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 3
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave':
@@ -624,7 +621,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 			*clr & cla
 			gs 'exp_gain', 'photoskl', 2
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/sex/les1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You pull out your phone as well then start recording them. The one on all fours is going at it, and has her friend quickly moaning loudly, clutching at her hair. Moments later, she gasps loudly, and withers against her friends face, obviously having an orgasm. Once she recovers from her orgasm, they passionately kiss, then get up and straighten their clothes, before heading out.'
+			'You pull out your phone and start recording them. The one on all fours is going at it, and has her friend quickly moaning loudly while clutching at her hair. Seconds later, she gasps loudly and withers against her friend''s face as she had an orgasm. Once she recovers, they passionately kiss before standing up and straightening their clothes before heading out.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 3
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -633,7 +630,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 	elseif metrorand = 15:
 		metrorand['rand'] = rand(1,2)
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/sex/fuck'+ metrorand['rand'] +'.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, you see a couple leaning against one of the walls, you see the woman struggling to keep her moans as quiet as possible as she''s bent over at the waist while the man behind her is hammering her for all he is worth. Several people gather around the couple to watch them fuck, many of them pulling out their smart phones to record the couple fucking. A couple of men are trying to join in, but are quickly shooed away.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you see a couple leaning against one of the walls, the woman struggling to keep her moans quiet as the man hammers her for all he is worth. Several people gather around to watch, many of them pulling out their phones to record the scene. A few men try to join in, but are quickly shooed away.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 3
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Hurry away':
@@ -647,7 +644,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/sex/fuck'+ metrorand['rand'] +'.jpg"></center>'
 			killvar 'metrorand'
 			gs 'exp_gain', 'photoskl', 2
-			'You pull out your phone as well then start recording them. He pounds her without mercy, but by the sounds of her moans, she is loving every moment of it. They fuck for several more minutes until he starts to grunt, and then buries himself; balls deep in her for a moment, as he is obviously cumming. Once he pulls out of her, they both quickly get dressed then move to catch a train.'
+			'You pull out your phone and start recording them. He pounds her without mercy, but by the sounds of her moans, she is loving every moment of it. They fuck for several more minutes until he starts to grunt and buries himself balls deep. Once he pulls out of her, they both quickly get dressed and hurry to catch a train.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 3
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -655,14 +652,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 	elseif metrorand = 16:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/guitarf'+ rand(1,2) +'.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a woman playing a guitar, she has her guitar case open and you can see some money in it already. Several other people have stopped to listen to her play, she isn''t half bad.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a woman playing a guitar; she has her guitar case open and you can see some money in it already. Several other people have stopped to listen to her play; she isn''t half bad.'
 		act 'Ignore':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		act 'Listen':
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 10
 			pcs_mood += 10
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/guitarf'+ rand(1,2) +'.jpg"></center>'
-			'You stop and listen to her play several songs, she really is pretty good. You wonder why she is playing in a metro station, perhaps the old adage about starving artist applies to musicians as well.'
+			'You stop and listen to her play several songs, she really is pretty good.'
 			act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 			if money > 50:
 				act 'Give her money':
@@ -670,7 +667,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 					money -= 50
 					pcs_mood += 10
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/givemoney.jpg"></center>'
-					'You reach into your purse and pull out some money, you drop it into her case. She looks up at you and smiles and nods her head, but keeps playing. With your good deed done you leave the station and go on your way.'
+					'You reach into your purse and pull out some money to drop into her case. She looks up at you and smiles and nods her head, but keeps playing. With your good deed done, you leave the station and go on your way.'
 					act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -678,14 +675,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 	elseif metrorand = 17:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/musicgroupm'+ rand(1,7) +'.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a group of men playing music, there is a case open and you can see some money in it already. Several other people have stopped to listen to them play, they isn''t half bad.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a group of men playing music; there is a case open and you can see some money in it already. Several other people have stopped to listen to them play; they aren''t half bad.'
 		act 'Ignore': minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		act 'Listen':
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 10
 			pcs_mood += 10
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/musicgroupm'+ rand(1,7) +'.jpg"></center>'
-			'You stop and listen to them play several songs, they really is pretty good. You wonder why they are playing in a metro station, perhaps the old adage about starving artist applies to musicians as well.'
+			'You stop and listen to them play several songs.'
 			act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 			if money > 50:
 				act 'Give them money':
@@ -693,21 +690,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 					money -= 50
 					pcs_mood += 10
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/givemoney.jpg"></center>'
-					'You reach into your purse and pull out some money, you drop it into the case. One of the men looks up at you and smiles and nods his head, but keeps playing. With your good deed done you leave the station and go on your way.'
+					'You reach into your purse and pull out some money to drop into the case. One of the men looks up at you and smiles and nods his head, but keeps playing. With your good deed done, you leave the station and go on your way.'
 					act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 	elseif metrorand = 18:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/accordionm'+ rand(1,2) +'.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a man playing a accordion, he has his case open and you can see some money in it already. Several other people have stopped to listen to him play, he isn''t half bad.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a man playing an accordion; he has his case open and you can see some money in it already. Several other people have stopped to listen to him play; he isn''t half bad.'
 		act 'Ignore':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		act 'Listen':
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 10
 			pcs_mood += 10
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/accordionm'+ rand(1,2) +'.jpg"></center>'
-			'You stop and listen to him play several songs, he really is pretty good. You wonder why he is playing in a metro station, perhaps the old adage about starving artist applies to musicians as well.'
+			'You stop and listen to him play several songs.'
 			act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 			if money > 50:
 				act 'Give him money':
@@ -715,7 +712,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 					money -= 50
 					pcs_mood += 10
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/givemoney.jpg"></center>'
-					'You reach into your purse and pull out some money, you drop it into his case. He looks up at you and smiles and nods his head, but keeps playing. With your good deed done you leave the station and go on your way.'
+					'You reach into your purse and pull out some money to drop into his case. He looks up at you and smiles and nods his head, but keeps playing. With your good deed done, you leave the station and go on your way.'
 					act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -723,14 +720,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 	elseif metrorand = 19:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/musicgroup1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a group of men and women playing music, there is a case open and you can see some money in it already. Several other people have stopped to listen to them play, they isn''t half bad.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a group of men and women playing music; there is a case open and you can see some money in it already. Several other people have stopped to listen to them play; they aren''t half bad.'
 		act 'Ignore': minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		act 'Listen':
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 10
 			pcs_mood += 10
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/musicgroup1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You stop and listen to them play several songs, they really is pretty good. You wonder why they are playing in a metro station, perhaps the old adage about starving artist applies to musicians as well.'
+			'You stop and listen to them play several songs.'
 			act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 			if money > 50:
 				act 'Give her money':
@@ -738,14 +735,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 					money -= 50
 					pcs_mood += 10
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/givemoney.jpg"></center>'
-					'You reach into your purse and pull out some money, you drop it into the case. One of the men looks up at you and smiles and nods his head, but keeps playing. With your good deed done you leave the station and go on your way.'
+					'You reach into your purse and pull out some money to drop into the case. One of the men looks up at you and smiles and nods his head, but keeps playing. With your good deed done, you leave the station and go on your way.'
 					act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 	elseif metrorand = 20:
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/sex/fuck3.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a couple having sex very obviously across the tracks. You can''t believe your eyes and despite this being a completely public place, you can''t pull your eyes away. They are either a very sexually adventurous couple or a very stupid one, as this terminal is often patrolled by police officers. Regardless, they don''t seem to be stopping anytime soon, and when the male half notices you watching, he flashes you a hand gesture, never missing a thrust.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you notice a couple having sex on the other side of the tracks. You can''t believe your eyes and despite this being a completely public place, you can''t pull your eyes away. They''re either a very adventurous couple or a very stupid one, as this terminal is often patrolled by police officers. Regardless, they don''t seem to be stopping anytime soon, and when the man notices you watching, he flashes you a hand gesture while never missing a thrust.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 3
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Hurry away':
@@ -758,7 +755,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 			*clr & cla
 			gs 'exp_gain', 'photoskl', 2
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/sex/fuck3.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You pull out your phone as well then start recording them. He pounds her without mercy, but by the sounds of her moans, she is loving every moment of it. They fuck for several more minutes until he starts to grunt, and then buries himself; balls deep in her for a moment, as he is obviously cumming. Once he pulls out of her, they both quickly get dressed then move to catch a train.'
+			'You pull out your phone and start recording them. He pounds her without mercy, but by the sounds of her moans, she is loving every moment of it. They fuck for several more minutes until he starts to grunt and buries himself balls deep. Once he pulls out of her, they both quickly get dressed and rush to catch a train.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 3
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -766,14 +763,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'station':
 	elseif metrorand = 21:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/caught_skirt.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you step off the metro and begin to head up the stairs toward the street above, you notice a girl trying to adjust her skirt which has gotten caught up around her waistband. But while doing so, she has accidentally exposed her bare butt to everyone behind her! Just a few moments after you notice what''s going on, a few gopniks do as well, and start to cat-call and yell at at the girl. She quickly covers up, rushing out of the terminal with bright red cheeks, clearly embarrassed.'
+		'As you step off the train and head up the stairs toward the street, you notice a girl trying to adjust her skirt, which has gotten caught up around her waistband. While doing so, she has accidentally exposed her bare ass to everyone behind her. A few seconds later, a few gopniks notice her and start catcalling at the girl, who quickly covers up and rushes away with bright red cheeks.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg	
 	elseif metrorand = 22:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/station/caught_skirt.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you head through the metro station, there''s two women standing on the platform waiting for the metro dressed in latex body suits. Their heels are extremely high and you imagine how much muscle control it must take just to stand in them, let alone walk through the city''s streets and sidewalks.'
+		'As you head through the metro station, you see two women standing on the platform waiting for the train dressed in latex body suits. Their heels are extremely tall and you imagine how much muscle control it must take just to stand in them, let alone walk.'
 		act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg	
@@ -860,104 +857,104 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'train':
 	elseif metrorand = 8:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/girlcat.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you ride the metro, you notice a young woman sitting across from you, she is playing on her phone. But that is not what draws your attention to her, it is the large black cat sitting in her lap. The cat seems surprisingly calm, and happy considering the strange people around, and movement of the train. Occasionally she reaches down to pet the cat while playing on her phone. Once the metro comes to a stop, she lifts the cat then carries it in her arms, as she leaves the train.'
+		'As you ride the metro, you notice a young woman sitting across from you playing on her phone, but that''s not what draws your attention to her; she has large black cat sitting in her lap. The cat seems surprisingly calm and happy considering the strange people around. She occasionally reaches down to pet the cat while playing on her phone. Once the metro comes to a stop, she lifts the cat and carries it in her arms as she leaves the train.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 9:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/kilt.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you ride the metro, you notice a foreign man wearing a kilt. You overhear several other men commenting on him wearing a skirt, which he just ignores. He is likely used to such comments, as he has lived in Russia for a long time.'
+		'As you ride the metro, you notice a foreign man wearing a kilt. You overhear several other men commenting on him wearing a skirt, which he just ignores. He''s likely used to such comments as he has lived in Russia for a long time.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 10:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/manasleep.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you ride the metro, you notice a young man laying on the floor of the car, in front of one of the doors. He seems to be fast asleep, or maybe he is passed out. Several other people near his age are sitting near him, perhaps they are his friends, and are just taking him home. When your stop arrives everyone just steps over him, as they enter, or exit the metro. You quickly follow suit.'
+		'As you ride the metro, you notice a young man laying on the floor of the car in front of one of the doors. He seems to be fast asleep, or passed out. Several other people his age are sitting near him, likely his friends taking him home. When your stop arrives, everyone just steps over him as they enter or exit the train. You quickly follow suit.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 11:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/nakedg'+ rand(1,5) +'.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, you notice a woman, she is wearing shoes, but other than that she is naked. She is sitting in one of the seats, as if riding the metro naked was the most normal thing in the world. At the very next stop she gets off, leaving you wondering why she was naked, and where she was going.'
+		'As you find a seat, you notice a woman wearing only a pair of shoes. She is strangely calm, as if riding the metro naked was the most normal thing in the world. She gets off at the next stop, leaving you wondering why she was naked, and where she was going.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic_nudity', 5
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 12:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/nakedm'+ rand(1,2) +'.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, you notice a naked man. He acts as if, walking around naked; is the most normal thing in the world to do. At the very next stop he gets off, leaving you wondering why he was naked, and where he was going.'
+		'As you find a seat, you notice a naked man who acts as if walking around naked is the most normal thing in the world to do. He gets off at the next stop, leaving you wondering why he was naked, and where he was going.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic_nudity', 5
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 13:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/nakedgm1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, you notice several naked men. They are laughing, and talking, they appear to be a little drunk. They seem to be aware of all the looks that they are getting, finding it amusing, than anything. They often wink at any of the women looking their way. At the very next stop, they get off, leaving you wondering why they were naked, and where they were going.'
+		'As you find a seat, you notice several naked men who appear to be a little drunk as they laugh and talk. They seem to be aware of all the looks that they''re getting, finding it amusing more than anything. They often wink at any of the women looking their way. They all get off at the next stop, leaving you wondering why they were naked, and where they were going.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic_nudity', 5
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 14:
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/3some1.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, you notice a woman half naked kneeling in one of the seats. A man behind her is fucking her roughly, while she sucks the cock of another man. This goes on for some time until both of the men cum inside of her in each of the hole they were using. Once done, they get dressed, and sit together then start talking among themselves. They remain on the train, as you get off at your stop.'
+		'As you find a seat, you notice a woman half naked kneeling in one of the seats, a man behind her fucking her roughly while she sucks the cock of another man. This goes on for some time until both of the men cum. Once done, they get dressed and sit together to start talking among themselves. They remain on the train as you get off at your stop.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 5
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 15:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/anal1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, you notice a woman naked from the waist down, on all fours in the middle of the car. She seems to have a collar around her neck with a leash attached. Another woman is squatting in front of her, reaching back, pulling her butt checks apart. All while a man behind the kneeling woman grabs his cock and begins pounding her ass, the sounds of her cries makes it hard to tell, if she is enjoying the experience or not.'
-		'Once he finishes, the squatting woman reaches down, and grabs the leash then tightly pulls on it, almost choking the other girl. She and the man, talk for a bit, while the leashed girl stays on her knees, still naked from the waist down, but with cum running down her thighs. After their talk the man goes to take a seat, while the woman holding the leash, walks over to another spot to sit. Tugging on the leash to pull the other girl along, after a few more minutes, she leans over and whispers something to the leashed girl, who then gets dressed again, but remains kneeling at the feet, of what can only be, her dominatrix.'
+		'As you find a seat, you notice a woman naked from the waist down on all fours in the middle of the car. She seems to have a collar around her neck with a leash attached. Another woman is squatting in front of her while reaching back to pull her ass cheeks apart. A man behind the leashed girl grabs his cock and begins pounding her ass, the sounds of her cries making it hard to tell if she''s enjoying the experience or not.'
+		'Once he finishes, the squatting woman reaches down and grabs the leash before tightly pulling on it, almost choking the other girl. She and the man talk for a bit while the leashed girl stays on her knees with cum running down her thighs. After their talk, the man goes to take a seat while the woman holding the leash walks over to another spot to sit, tugging on the leash to pull the other girl along. After a few minutes, she leans over and whispers something to the leashed girl, who then gets dressed, but remains kneeling at the feet of what can only be her dominatrix.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic_nudity', 5
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 16:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/fingering1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, you notice a woman with her skirt pulled up and panties pushed aside being finger banged by a man in a suit. Her cries of ecstasy get louder, and louder, as he keeps it up until she finally climaxes, leaving her legs to buckle, forcing the man to catch her before she crumples to the floor. She leans against him, as he holds her tight, pulling her clothes back in place. You can hear them laughing at the attention they got, she is blushing, and they quickly exit at the next stop.'
+		'As you find a seat, you notice a woman with her skirt pulled up and panties pushed aside being finger banged by a man in a suit. Her cries of ecstasy get louder and louder until she finally climaxes, causing her legs to buckle, forcing the man to catch her before she crumples to the floor. She leans against him as he holds her tight, pulling her clothes back in place. You can hear them laughing at the attention they got before they quickly exit at the next stop.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 5
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 17:
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/fuck'+ rand(1,3) +'.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, you notice a couple having intercourse in the car. They are going at each other like animals. Many people are watching them, some even pull out their smart phones, recording them. They switch between several sex positions during the ride, getting more and more turned on. The man seems to have a lot of stamina, as they are still going at it hard, as you leave the car at your end station.'
+		'As you find a seat, you notice a couple having intercourse in the car, going at each other like animals. Many people are watching them, some even pulling out their phones to record them. They switch between several sex positions during the ride, getting more and more turned on. The man seems to have a lot of stamina, as they are still going at it as you leave the car at your stop.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 5
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 18:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/les1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, you notice a girl kneeling in her seat; facing the wrong way. Her skirt is pulled up, and her panties are down around her knees. Another girl is squatting behind her eating her pussy. This goes on for several minutes until the first girl finally has an orgasm, once she''s finished, she gets dressed, and sits by her friend. For the rest of the ride, they keep making out, leaving the car at the next stop.'
+		'As you find a seat, you notice a girl kneeling in her seat facing the wrong way. Her skirt is pulled up, and her panties are down around her knees as another girl squats behind her, eating her pussy. This goes on for several minutes until the girl finally has an orgasm. Once she''s finished, she gets dressed and sits by her friend. They make out for the remainder of their journey, leaving the car at the next stop.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 5
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 19:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/boystuffed1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, you notice a young man close to your own age across form you. He seems to be asleep clutching a stuffed animal tightly in his arms. Several of the other passengers give him amused looks.'
+		'As you find a seat, you notice a young man close to your own age across from you. He seems to be fast asleep while clutching a stuffed animal tightly in his arms. Several of the other passengers give him amused looks.'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 20:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/girlsbff'+ rand(1,2) +'.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, there is some girls across the way horsing around. They are talking loudly and goofing off, the seem to be having fun but they are also annoying several of the other passengers.'
+		'As you find a seat, you see some girls horsing around, talking loudly and goofing off. While they seem to be having fun, they''re also annoying several of the other passengers.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 21:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/passedoutg1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, you notice a woman leaned over in the seat across from you. You can smell the alcohol from here, she seems to be passed out. Most of the other passengers ignore her but you noticed a couple of men eying her.'
+		'As you find a seat, you notice a woman passed out in the seat across from you; you can smell the alcohol from here. Most of the other passengers ignore her, but you notice more than a few men eying her.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 22:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sleepb1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, you notice a young guy sound asleep snoring across from you, he has managed to cram himself akwardly into the seat. You don''t know how he manged to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. You imagine he will be sore when he waked up.'
+		'As you find a seat, you notice a young man sound asleep snoring across from you, having managed to cram himself akwardly into the seat. You don''t know how he manged to get comfortable enough to fall asleep, but imagine he will be sore when he wakes up.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 23:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sleepcouple.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, you a couple across the way. The man is sitting up with his hand handing down, his eyes are closed and it sounds like he is snoring. The woman is laying on the seat next to him with her head in his lap.'
+		'As you find a seat, you a couple across from you. The man is sitting up and snoring while the woman is laying on the seat next to him with her head in his lap.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 24:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sleepexf1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, you notice a woman across from you. She seems to be passed out, you can smell the alcohol from here. Her jacket is open is open and her shirt pulled down, leaving one of her breasts exposed for everyone to see. Several passengers give her a glance now and a again. A few even take her pictures, a group of young guys are whispering to each other and laughing while watching her.'
+		'As you find a seat, you notice a woman passed out across from you; you can smell the alcohol from here. Her jacket is open and her shirt pulled down, leaving one of her breasts exposed for everyone to see. Several passengers give her a glance now and again, and a few even take her picture. A group of young men are whispering to each other and laughing while watching her.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'erotic_nudity', 5
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 25:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sleepg1.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you find a seat, you notice a woman laying in the seat across from yours sound asleep, most of the passengers ignore her. Though one man seems to be watching her, you don''t know if he knows her or is thinking about doing something.'
+		'As you find a seat, you notice a woman laying in the seat across from yours sound asleep. Most of the passengers ignore her, though one man seems to be watching her. You don''t know if he knows her or is thinking about doing something.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 26 and (hour = 7 or hour = 15):
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big77.jpg"></center>'
@@ -965,37 +962,37 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'train':
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 27:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/dog.jpg"></center>'
-		'It seems as if some of the famous "Moscow Metro Dogs" have made their way to St. Petersburg. You heard about them on the news awhile back, but today was the first day you''ve seen one for yourself. It was pretty cute and it made you happy to see the other passengers petting it and being generally kind to the animal. Still, you don''t think the public metro is really a place for a dog to be, and wonder about taking it home with you, or at least to the local animal shelter. Before you can inspect it''s collar however, the metro doors open and the dog trots away.'
+		'It seems as if some of the famous "Moscow Metro Dogs" have made their way to St. Petersburg. You heard about them on the news a while back, but today was the first day you''ve seen one for yourself. It was pretty cute and it made you happy to see the other passengers petting it. Still, you don''t think the public metro is really a place for a dog to be, and wonder about taking it home with you, or at least to the local animal shelter. Before you can inspect it''s collar however, the metro doors open and the dog trots away.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 28:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/mannequin.jpg"></center>'
-		'Sitting across from you is a woman who is hauling some sort of mannequin around in a bag. You wonder what it''s for or where she''s going. Maybe she''s a clothing designer or something? No one else seems to think it''s unusual though, so you shrug it off and play on your phone for the rest of the trip. Just another day on the metro.'
+		'Sitting across from you is a woman who is hauling some sort of mannequin around in a bag. You wonder what it''s for or where she''s going. Maybe she''s a clothing designer or something? No one else seems to think it''s unusual though, so you shrug it off and play on your phone for the rest of the trip.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 29:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/mask.jpg"></center>'
-		'You honestly don''t understand how some people get to be the way they are. But such is life in the big city! You just never know what you''re going to encounter, especially on the metro. You wonder if this person is asleep under their mask as they''re sitting there as still as a statue. Another curious passenger must be thinking the same thing and walks up to him, cautiously reaching out to touch his mask. Suddenly, the masked man jumps to life and starts barking and growling at the lady who dared to touch him! She darts away into the crowd of other passengers, who are now trying to see what all the commotion is about. As soon as you reach your destination, you get up quickly and leave the bizarre scene.'
+		'You honestly don''t understand how some people get to be the way they are, but such is life in the big city! You just never know what you''re going to encounter, especially on the metro. You wonder if this person is asleep under their mask as they''re sitting there as still as a statue. Another curious passenger must be thinking the same thing and walks up to him, cautiously reaching out to touch his mask. Suddenly, the masked man jumps to life and starts barking and growling at the lady, who darts away into the crowd of other passengers, who are now trying to see what all the commotion is about. As soon as you reach your destination, you get up quickly and leave the bizarre scene.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 30:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/oldman_nipples.jpg"></center>'
-		'You take a seat on the metro and wait for it to head to your destination. Across from you sits an older man, who appears to be rather scruffy and dirty. You wonder if maybe he''s homeless, or just poor, and you almost feel sorry for him for a moment. That''s when he opens his jacket and reveals a very provocative women''s top, with the nipples cut out of it! A woman a few seats away shouts "oh my God!" and starts to film the man with her phone. He then starts making lewd faces at her while tweaking his nipples, clearly liking the attention.'
+		'You take a seat on the metro and wait for it to head to your destination. Across from you sits an older man, who appears to be rather scruffy and dirty. You wonder if he''s homeless, or just poor, and almost feel sorry for him. That''s when he opens his jacket and reveals a very provocative women''s top, with the nipples cut out of it. A woman a few seats away shouts "Oh my God!" and starts to film the man with her phone, who starts making lewd faces at her while tweaking his nipples, clearly liking the attention.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 31:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/police.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you take your spot in the metro, you notice a police officer standing across from you, staring at you the moment you come in. You try to ignore him the best you can by looking down at your phone or around to the other passengers. Whenever you glance back up at him however, he''s still staring right at your face. You don''t think he''s even blinked once! Does he know me from somewhere or something? What''s his problem? you think to yourself.'
+		'As you take your spot in the metro, you notice a police officer standing across from you, staring at you. You try to ignore him the best you can by looking down at your phone or around to the other passengers. Whenever you glance back up at him however, he''s still staring right at you. You don''t think he''s even blinked once. "What''s his problem?" you think to yourself.'
 		'You do your best to turn away from his creepy stare, but there''s only so much you can do. Even as the metro pulls up to your stop, you cast one more peek in his direction and he''s still staring right into your eyes.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 32:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/rude.jpg"></center>'
-		'The metro is mostly empty today. A lady sits across from you and you close your eyes here and there, almost dozing off. That''s when a man enters the metro and sits right next to the woman and spreads his legs wide, pressing them into her. There is plenty of room in the metro for this guy to sit, so he''s either being intentionally rude or intentionally creepy. He has one of his hands underneath the bags he''s holding and it seems to be moving slightly...Is he touching himself? Gross! The woman doesn''t tolerate this for long and huffs loudly, sliding down the bench to get away from him. He doesn''t follow her, but continues to sit there while breathing heavily through his mouth, his arm still moving under the bag.'
+		'The metro is mostly empty today. A lady sits across from you and you close your eyes here and there, almost dozing off. That''s when a man enters the metro and sits right next to the woman and spreads his legs wide, pressing them into her. There is plenty of room in the metro for this guy to sit, so he''s either being intentionally rude or intentionally creepy. He has one of his hands underneath the bags he''s holding and it seems to be moving slightly... Is he touching himself? Gross! The woman doesn''t tolerate this for long and huffs loudly, sliding down the bench to get away from him. He doesn''t follow her, but continues to sit there while breathing heavily through his mouth, his arm still moving under the bag.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 	elseif metrorand = 33:
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/toclose.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'The metro is exceptionally packed today, with most of the younger passengers opting to stand to let the elderly take the limited seats. As the metro beings to move, a middle aged man with chiseled features stands next to you, placing his hand very near yours on the pole. You were there first and so you hold your ground, trying to not to move as the metro car twists and turns along it''s track. But the rocking of the train causes the man''s body to occasionally press up against your own.'
-		'Why is he standing so close to me? Who even does this? Is he going to try something? you think to yourself, your mind preparing for the worst. For the remainder of the trip, the stranger never says a word to you and never intentionally touches any part of your body, but he is definitely too close for comfort. When the train finally comes to a stop, you push towards the doors the second they open and get out of the station as quickly as you can.'
+		'The metro is exceptionally packed today, with most of the younger passengers opting to stand to let the elderly take the limited seats. As the metro beings to move, a middle aged man with chiseled features stands next to you, placing his hand very near yours on the pole. You were there first and so you hold your ground, trying to not to move as the metro car twists and turns along it''s track, but the rocking of the train causes the man''s body to occasionally press up against your own.'
+		'"Why is he standing so close to me? Is he going to try something?" you think to yourself, your mind preparing for the worst. For the remainder of the trip, the stranger never says a word to you and never intentionally touches any part of your body, but he is definitely too close for comfort. When the train finally comes to a stop, you push towards the doors the second they open and get out of the station as quickly as you can.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/kilt.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you ride the metro, you notice a foreign man wearing a kilt. You overhear several other men commenting on him wearing a skirt, which he just ignores. He is likely used to such comments, as he has lived in Russia for a long time.'
+		'As you ride the metro, you notice a foreign man wearing a kilt. You overhear several other men commenting on him wearing a skirt, which he just ignores. He''s likely used to such comments as he has lived in Russia for a long time.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'metro', 'start'
@@ -1004,7 +1001,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'twobbc':
 	*clr & cla
 	minut += 3
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/metrorestroom.jpg"></center>'
-	'You walk over to them. The one that pulled his pants down says to you in badly accented Russian, it sounds like he might be from somewhere in Africa. "Come lets go have some fun, yes?" He points off, you turn to follow where he is pointing and you see he is pointing at the restrooms, you know what they want, to have sex with you in the mens room.'
+	'You walk over to them. "Come, let''s go have some fun, yes?" the one who pulled his pants down says to you in badly accented Russian; it sounds like he might be from Africa. He points and you turn to that he''s pointing at the restrooms. It''s clear what they want.'
 	gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'medium'
 	if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
 		act 'Tell them no (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
@@ -1012,7 +1009,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'twobbc':
 			gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/reactions/no.jpg"></center>'
-			'You shake your head no and step away, as you do they both frown. "No sorry. I was just playing I didn''t mean to tease you." You tell them and then turn and hurry away.'
+			'You shake your head and step away, causing them both to frown. "Sorry, I was just playing. I didn''t mean to tease you," you tell them before turning and hurrying away.'
 			act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -1021,8 +1018,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'twobbc':
 	act 'Go with them':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/station/2bbc1.jpg"></center>'
-		'You decided why not, a little risk is always fun. Sure someone might come in a catch you with them but then again maybe no one will. As soon as you walk in the mens room, one of them takes you over near the stalls and starts kissing you. While his friend seems to be doing something at the door, you''re not sure what and you really don''t care at this moment.'
-		'After a couple of minutes of kissing he pushes you down by your shoulders.'
+		'You decide to go with them. As soon as you walk in the mens room, one of them takes you over near the stalls and starts kissing you while his friend seems to be doing something at the door.'
+		'After a few minutes of kissing, he pushes you down by your shoulders.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 3, 'exhibitionism'
 		gs 'stat'
 		gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'medium'
@@ -1032,7 +1029,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'twobbc':
 				gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/station/2bbcno.jpg"></center>'
-				'You pull away so he can''t push you down anymore and then you shake your head. "I''m sorry I can''t do this." You turn and rush to the door where the other one is, at first it looks like he might stop you, but his friend behind you says something you don''t understand and then he steps aside. You rush out of the mens room, breathing heavily.'
+				'You pull away and shake your head. "I''m sorry, but I can''t do this." You turn and rush to the door where the other one is; it looks like he might stop you, but his friend says something you don''t understand and he steps aside. You rush out of the mens room, breathing heavily.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 3, 'exhibitionism'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -1044,27 +1041,27 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'twobbc':
 		act 'Squat':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/station/2bbc2.jpg"></center>'
-			'You squat down and rub his crotch through his pants, you can feel his cock is already rock hard. He looks down at you and in accented Russian says. "Suck it." There is really no doubt what he means by it, he seems to speak Russian better than his friend. Who seems to be trying to jam something under the door.'
+			'You squat down and rub his crotch through his pants; his cock is already rock hard. He looks down at you and in accented Russian says "Suck it." He seems to speak Russian better than his friend, who seems to be trying to jam something under the door.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 3, 'exhibitionism'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Suck his dick':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/station/2bbc3.jpg"></center>'
-				'You drop down to your knees as you unbutton his pants, you reach inside and pull his cock free. You stroke it several times before opening your mouth. You take his cock into your mouth, wrapping your lips tightly around the shaft and begin bobbing your head up and down as you suck his cock. While you are sucking his dick you notice his friend walks back over and they exchange a few words in a language you don''t recognize. After their exchange of words the other guy pulls his dick out of your mouth and they trades places.'
+				'You drop down to your knees as you unbutton his pants before reaching inside and pulling his cock free. You stroke it several times before opening your mouth. You take his cock into your mouth, wrapping your lips tightly around the shaft and bobbing your head up and down as you suck his cock. While you''re sucking his dick, you notice his friend walking back over and they exchange a few words in a language you don''t recognize. After their exchange of words, the other guy pulls his dick out of your mouth and they trade places.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 3, 'exhibitionism'
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Suck the other dick':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/station/2bbc4.jpg"></center>'
-					'As soon as he steps in place of where his friend was, his dick already out, you wrap your lips around his dick and start sucking it. The other one now walks to the other side of you, you reach over to play with his balls and jerk him off at the same time. By the sounds of their moans and tone of voice when they talk to each other in that language you don''t understand they sound happy anyways.'
+					'As soon as he steps in place of where his friend was, his dick already out, you wrap your lips around his dick and start sucking it. The other one now walks to the other side of you, and you reach over to play with his balls and jerk him off at the same time. By the sounds of their moans and tone of voice when they talk to each other, they sound happy.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'exhibitionism', 'group'
 					gs 'arousal', 'hj', -5, 'exhibitionism', 'group'
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Suck the other dick':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/station/2bbc5.jpg"></center>'
-						'Soon you start switching which dick you are sucking while you jerk the other one off, trying to keep them both happy. Part of you is thrilled at the excitement of blowing two guy in a public mens room. Even more so because they are black and you know some people are still racist, just makes it all the more exciting. The one you are jerking off starts stripping you while waiting for his turn to get sucked off again, before long you find yourself naked, between them.'
-						'Once you are naked the one you are not sucking tries to get you to stand up and bend over, he is obviously wanting to fuck you.'
+						'You start switching which dick you''re sucking while you jerk the other one off, trying to keep them both happy. Part of you is thrilled at the excitement of blowing two guys in a public mens room, even more so because they are black. The one you are jerking off starts stripping you while waiting for his turn.'
+						'Once you''re naked, the one you''re not sucking tries to get you to stand up and bend over.'
 						gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'exhibitionism', 'group'
 						gs 'arousal', 'hj', -5, 'exhibitionism', 'group'
 						gs 'stat'
@@ -1082,14 +1079,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'twobbc':
 						act 'Get fucked':
 							*clr & cla
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/station/2bbc6.jpg"></center>'
-							'You stand up while you keep sucking his friend, leaving you bent over. You feel the head of his hard dick rubbing against your slit, getting the head of his cock and your pussy wet in the process. Once he is convinced you are wet enough, he slides his dick in your pussy. You feel it filling you up, you moan softly around the cock in your mouth. He starts fucking you hard and fast almost at once.'
+							'You stand up while you keep sucking his friend, leaving you bent over. You feel the head of his hard dick rubbing against your slit, getting the head of his cock and your pussy wet in the process. Once he''s convinced you''re wet enough, he slides his dick into your pussy. You feel it filling you up and moan softly around the cock in your mouth. He starts fucking you hard and fast almost at once.'
 							gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'exhibitionism', 'group', 'sub', 'rough'
 							gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', -5, 'exhibitionism', 'group', 'sub','rough'
 							gs 'stat'
 							act 'Get fucked again':
 								*clr & cla
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/station/2bbc7.jpg"></center>'
-								'After a few minutes the one who''s dick you are sucking says something to his friend and soon both of them pull out of you. They switch places, you find a wet dick covered in your pussy juices shoved in your mouth. You start sucking on it at once, almost at the same time you feel the other dick shoved in your wet pussy and almost at once starts fucking you hard and rough. Several minutes go by, when the one fucking you spits on your ass and you feel him working the spit into your asshole with his finger, you know what comes next.'
+								'After a few minutes, the one whose dick you''re sucking says something to his friend and soon both of them pull out of you. They switch places and you find a wet dick covered in your pussy juices shoved into your mouth. You start sucking on it as you feel the other dick being shoved into your wet pussy and fucking you hard and rough. Several minutes go by before the one fucking you spits on your ass and you feel him working the spit into your asshole with his finger.'
 								gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'exhibitionism', 'group', 'sub', 'rough'
 								gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', -5, 'exhibitionism', 'group', 'sub', 'rough'
 								gs 'stat'
@@ -1107,7 +1104,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'twobbc':
 								act 'Take it up the ass':
 									*clr & cla
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/station/2bbc8.jpg"></center>'
-									'He pulls his dick out of you and rubs the tip against your anus. Then pushes against against it until the head of his cock pops into your ass. Causing you to groan a little in pain and moan in pleasure. He starts fucking your butt as you suck his friends dick, it doesn''t take him very long until he works his cock balls deep in your ass and starts hammering away at it. They excitedly talk back and forth laughing, if you had to guess the one in your ass is telling his friend he is fucking your butt.'
+									'He pulls his dick out of you and rubs the tip against your anus before pushing against against it until the head of his cock pops into your ass, causing you to groan in pain. He starts fucking your ass as you suck his friend''s dick, and it doesn''t take him very long until he works his cock balls deep into your ass and starts hammering away at it. They excitedly talk back and forth while laughing.'
 									gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'exhibitionism', 'group', 'sub', 'rough'
 									gs 'arousal', 'anal', -5, 'exhibitionism', 'group', 'sub', 'rough'
 									gs 'pain', 1, 'asshole', 'stretch'
@@ -1115,9 +1112,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'twobbc':
 									act 'Another ass pounding':
 										*clr & cla
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/sex/station/2bbc9.jpg"></center>'
-										'It looks like you were correct, after a few minutes the ones who dick you are sucking starts saying something urgently, by a guess you think he wants to trade positions. Sure enough they both pull out of you and walk around you, switching positions. The one that was just in your ass does make a detour to grab some toilet paper, which he uses to wipe off his dick, before walking over to shove it back in your mouth.'
-										*nl
-										'While his friend wasting no time shoves his cock in your much loser asshole, it actually slides in fairly easily since the stretching it already got. He very quickly works himself balls deep in your ass, he grabs you by the hips as he starts hammering away at your ass, just as fast and furiously as he can. Several minutes of this goes by until they both pull out of you, the one just in your ass does what his friend did and cleans his dick up with some toilet paper.'
+										'After a few minutes, the one whose dick you''re sucking starts saying something urgently before they both pull out of you and walk around you, switching positions. The one that was just in your ass does make a detour to grab some toilet paper, which he uses to wipe off his dick before walking over to shove it back in your mouth.'
+										'His friend wastes no time and shoves his cock into your much looser asshole. He very quickly works himself balls deep into your ass, grabbing you by the hips as he starts hammering away at your ass as fast as he can. Several minutes of this go by until they both pull out of you.'
 										gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'exhibitionism', 'group', 'sub', 'rough'
 										gs 'arousal', 'anal', -5, 'exhibitionism', 'group', 'sub', 'rough'
 										gs 'pain', 1, 'asshole', 'stretch'
@@ -1137,8 +1133,8 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'twobbcfinish':
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/metro/metrorestroom.jpg"></center>'
-	'You get down on your knees between them and alternate between sucking one dick and jerking the other one back and forth until they both start to moan. At that point you start jerking them both off, with their dicks pointed at your face. Moments later the first hot stream of cum splatters on your face and some down on your tits, almost at the same time you get hit by another splatter of cum on the other side of your face. They both let out several spurts of cum covering your face and tits with their sperm.'
-	'With them both finished they laugh and quickly get dressed, just as they start to leave the one that speaks better Russian stops and says. "Thank you, you are very good fuck." Then they both walk out leaving you naked and covered in their cum. You get up and start getting dressed yourself.'
+	'You get down on your knees between them and alternate between sucking one dick and jerking the other one back and forth until they both start to moan. At that point, you start jerking them both off with their dicks pointed at your face. Seconds later, streams of cum start splattering across your face and dripping onto your breasts.'
+	'Once they finish, they laugh and quickly get dressed. "Thank you, you are very good fuck," one of the says before they both walk out, leaving you naked and covered in their cum. You get up and start getting dressed yourself.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'exhibitionism', 'group', 'sub'
 	gs 'arousal', 'hj', -5, 'exhibitionism', 'group', 'sub'
 	gs 'cum_call', 'face', 'unknown African man'

+ 3 - 3

@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 				*clr & cla
 				minut += 3
-				!! stepmisha = rand(0,12)
-				stepmisha = ARGS[1]
-				ARGS[1] = 0
+				stepmisha = rand(0,12)
+				!! stepmisha = ARGS[1]
+				!! ARGS[1] = 0
 				if stepmisha = 0:
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/misha/sex/misha.cum0,<<rand(0,1)>>.jpg"></center>'
 					gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy[1], 1

+ 1 - 0

@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'go_to_del_greco':
 		'Natasha looks sad and responds, "There''s nothing I''d like more, but I simply can''t afford it. Sometimes I kid myself, but that''s when I''ve borrowed money, and I need to stop doing that as it keeps getting on top of me." She takes a deep breath and continues, "It''s so frustrating as I love fashion and want to be a cool girl. But, if I''m honest, it''s simply out of reach, making it difficult to even have a friend, let alone a boyfriend!'
 		'You sympathise and tell her that having a boyfriend isn''t the answer to everything. A boyfriend relationship comes with difficulties and challenges, although with some benefits. There is a brief silence as you both think inwardly and reflect further on your own lives.'
 		'You nod, give her hand a friendly squeeze, and, smiling at her, say, "Well, who knows what the future may hold." Forty-five minutes later, you decide to...'
+		act 'Return to her room': gt 'natbelapt', 'natroom'
 	act 'Be flirty':
 		NatbelQW['romance'] += 1

+ 2 - 2

@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gopniks':
 			'The group ponders for a bit. "Maybe in one of the classrooms?" Ekaterina suggests.'
 			'"Definitely the entrance, so everyone can see our masterpiece." says Nikolai.'
 			'"One of the exterior walls, as a welcoming sign." Lavrenti scoffs.'
-			'"Why not keep it simple and do it here in the gym locker room instead?" Paulina replies.'
+			'"Why not keep it simple and do it here in the gym locker room instead?" Pauline replies.'
 			minut += 5
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gopniks':
 				cla & *clr
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/locker/lockerroom.jpg"></center>'
 				'"Where should we do it?" you ponder for a second before deciding on tagging the gym. "What do you say about the locker room?"'
-				'The others nod while you can see a clear smile on Paulina''s face as you''ve picked her suggestion.'
+				'The others nod while you can see a clear smile on Pauline''s face as you''ve picked her suggestion.'
 				'"Shall we?" you ask. The others nod and you sneak into the boys locker room, where you start searching for the perfect spot.'
 				minut += 30
 				npc_rel['A24'] += 1

+ 0 - 2

@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	litltown = 1
 	alkoblock = 0
 	boynumBlock = 0
-!! the following variable seems to be here on the wrong place as it is related to bedroom, but it is here intentionally because I want it to be stable when PC in the apartement. 
-	parsexrand = rand(0, 5)
 	gs 'stat'
 !! Slut gossip
 	if complx_rand[1] + rand(5,10) < daystart and fame['pav_slut'] >= 50 and (hour > 8 and hour < 23):

+ 1 - 1

@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'handjob_end':
 		'"See you later!" you grin while waggling your cum covered fingers at him, leaving him with his cock hanging out and covered in his own cum.'
 		act 'Head back inside':gt'pav_disco'
-		if pcs_traits['cumeater'] < 0:
+		if pcs_traits['cumeater'] > 0:
 			act 'Lick your hand clean on the way':
 				cla & *clr
 				stat['swallow'] += 1

+ 66 - 63

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	gs 'Zvereva_schedule'
 	if sound = 0:
-		if month >=11 and month <= 12 or month >=1 and month <=3:
+		if month >= 11 and month <= 12 or month >= 1 and month <= 3:
 			if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23: PLAY 'sound/street2.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/zima.mp3',30
 			if hour >= 0 and hour <= 7: PLAY 'sound/street_night.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/zima.mp3',30
@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-	if month=3 or month=4 or month=5:
+	if month = 3 or month = 4 or month = 5:
 		if daystage = 2 or daystage = 3:
 			'<center><h2>Pavlovsk Park</h2></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/skver.spring.jpg"></center>'
 			'The main square of Pavlovsk Park. Spring has come, melting the worst of the snow. As a result, the trees are sprouting new leaves.'
-			'There are puddles everywhere, all the remains from the melted snow. Many people in the park are having fun with them, trying to jump over them and mocking those that fail. They''re not particularly deep, though; plenty of others just walk through without giving them a second thought.'
-			'The park is not particularly crowded this time of year. However, many people think it''s too cold to spend much time outdoors.'
+			'There are puddles everywhere, all the remains from the melted snow. Many people in the park are having fun with them, trying to jump over them and mocking those that fail. They''re not particularly deep though; plenty of others just walk through without giving them a second thought.'
+			'The park isn''t particularly crowded this time of year. However, many people think it''s too cold to spend much time outdoors.'
 			if sunWeather = 0:
 				if temper < 5:
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-	if month=6 or month=7 or month=8:
+	if month = 6 or month = 7 or month = 8:
 		if daystage = 2 or daystage = 3:
 			'<center><h2>Pavlovsk Park</h2></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/skver.jpg"></center>'
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 			if sunWeather = 0:
 				if temper < 5:
-					'You can''t believe it, but it is snowing today. Why the fuck is it snowing in the middle of summer? You look up at the heavens and get no response.'
+					'You can''t believe it, but it is snowing today. Why is it snowing in the middle of summer?! You look up at the heavens and get no response.'
-					'You frown as you feel the rain pelting your body, but your frown gives way to a smile. Yes, it is raining, but the warm rain feels good on your exposed skin.'
+					'You frown as you feel the rain pelting your body, but your frown gives way to a smile. The warm rain feels good on your exposed skin.'
@@ -84,24 +84,24 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 			if sunWeather = 0:
 				if temper < 5:
-					'You can''t believe it, but it is snowing this evening. Why the fuck is it snowing in the middle of summer? You look up at the heavens and get no response.'
+					'You can''t believe it, but it is snowing this evening. Why is it snowing in the middle of summer?! You look up at the heavens and get no response.'
-					'You frown as you feel the rain pelting your body, but your frown gives way to a smile. Yes, it is raining, but the warm rain feels good on your exposed skin.'
+					'You frown as you feel the rain pelting your body, but your frown gives way to a smile. The warm rain feels good on your exposed skin.'
-	if month=9 or month=10 or month=11:
+	if month = 9 or month = 10 or month = 11:
 		if daystage = 2 or daystage = 3:
 			'<center><h2>Pavlovsk Park</h2></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/skver.autumn.jpg"></center>'
 			'The main square of Pavlovsk Park. Autumn has come, and some trees are already shedding their leaves. The leaves still on the trees have changed colour and are a beautiful mix of red and brown.'
-			'Everywhere in the park, people enjoy nature. Some take photos of the fallen leaves, kids play around, and couples walk hand-in-hand, simply enjoying each other''s company.'
+			'Everywhere in the park, people enjoy nature. Some take photos of the fallen leaves, kids play around and couples walk hand-in-hand, simply enjoying each other''s company.'
 			if sunWeather = 0:
 				if temper < 5:
-					'You can''t believe it, but it is snowing today. You hope this is not a sign that winter is coming early this year.'
+					'You can''t believe it, but it is snowing today. You hope this isn''t a sign that winter is coming early this year.'
 					'You frown as you feel the rain pelting your body. Otherwise, it would be a nice day to spend in the park.'
@@ -111,24 +111,24 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/skver.autumn.night.jpg"></center>'
 			'The main square of Pavlovsk Park. Autumn has come, and some trees are already shedding their leaves.'
-			'It gets pretty cold at night, and you try to stay active to keep yourself warm. The lone soul you see running across the park is probably trying to get home faster to warm up with some nice cocoa.'
+			'It gets pretty cold at night, and you try to stay active to keep yourself warm. The lone soul you see running across the park is probably trying to get home faster and out of the cold.'
 			if sunWeather = 0:
 				if temper < 5:
-					'You can''t believe it, but it is snowing today. You hope this is not a sign that winter is coming early this year.'
+					'You can''t believe it, but it is snowing today. You hope this isn''t a sign that winter is coming early this year.'
 					'You frown as you feel the rain pelting your body. Otherwise, it would be a lovely evening to spend in the park.'
-	if month=1 or month=2 or month=12:
+	if month = 1 or month = 2 or month = 12:
 		if daystage = 2 or daystage = 3:
 			'<center><h2>Pavlovsk Park</h2></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/skver.winter.jpg"></center>'
 			'The main square of Pavlovsk Park. It''s winter, and the park is busy with locals and tourists alike.'
-			'There''s snow everywhere, and kids from the whole town have gathered to make snowmen and enjoy snowball fights. Some adults are joining them, happy to play like kids again for a moment.'
+			'There''s snow everywhere, and kids have gathered to make snowmen and enjoy snowball fights. Some adults are joining them, happy to play like kids again for a moment.'
 			if sunWeather = 0:
 				if temper < 5:
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/skver.winter.night.jpg"></center>'
 			'The main square of Pavlovsk Park. It''s winter, and the nights in Pavlovsk are freezing.'
-			'As you expected, the park is mostly deserted at night. However, you occasionally see a wild animal scrounging for food.'
+			'As you expected, the park is mostly deserted. However, you occasionally see a wild animal scrounging for food.'
 			if sunWeather = 0:
 				if temper < 5:
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	act 'Go further into the park':minut += 2 & gt 'pav_park', 'deeper_park'
 	if hour > 8 and hour < 19:'There''s a small <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''gskino''">movie theatre</a> in the park.'
-	'The newly opened cafe <a href="exec:gt''cafe_parco'',''start''">"Del Parco"</a>, with an eye-catching facade, lots of tables and a summer terrace. Two paths lead out of the park. One brings you to the <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''pav_commercial''">commercial</a>, the other to the <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''pav_residential''">residential</a> area.'
+	'The newly opened cafe <a href="exec:gt''cafe_parco'',''start''">"Del Parco"</a>, with an eye-catching facade, lots of tables and a summer terrace. Two paths lead out of the park. One brings you to the <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''pav_commercial''">commercial</a> area, the other to the <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''pav_residential''">residential</a> area.'
 	if ((month = 8 and day > 20) or (month = 9 and day < 16)) and week > 5 and hour > 8 and hour < 20 and AlbinaQW['ParkRally'] = 0:
 		'<br>You overhear someone speaking in front of a crowd. The crowd is quite rowdy, yelling and clapping throughout the <a href="exec: minut += 2 & gt ''pav_park'', ''alb_father_meeting_1''">meeting</a>.'
 	elseif ((month = 9 and day > 20) or (month = 10 and day < 16)) and week > 5 and hour > 8 and hour < 20 and AlbinaQW['ParkRally'] = 1 and AlbinaQW['StarletsShutDown'] = 0:
@@ -169,9 +169,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-	if PCloInhibit >= 40: pcs_mood -= 15 & 'You notice passers-by in the park pointing at you as you walk and overhear one older lady telling her friend: "Look at her... it''s that <<$pcs_lastname>> girl. Youth these days, they have no shame at all!"'
+	if PCloInhibit >= 40: pcs_mood -= 15 & 'You notice passers-by in the park pointing at you as you walk and overhear one older lady telling her friend: "There''s that <<$pcs_lastname>> girl. Youth these days, they have no shame at all!"'
-	if GvstreBoy = 1:'You see <a href="exec:numnpc = SkverBoy & gt ''Gnpc''"><<$nameBoyfrend[SkverBoy]>></a> walking across the main square of Pavlovsk Park. He doesn''t look like he''s going anywhere in particular, and seems to just be enjoying his walk.'
+	if GvstreBoy = 1:'You see <a href="exec:numnpc = SkverBoy & gt ''Gnpc''"><<$nameBoyfrend[SkverBoy]>></a> walking across the main square of the park. He doesn''t look like he''s going anywhere in particular, and seems to just be enjoying his walk.'
 	if week <= 5 and hour >= 16 and hour < 20 and strelaQW = -2 and fedorKozlovQW <= -10 and FedorOutcast = 0:
 		'You can see the <a href="exec:gt ''FedorMisc'', ''Outcast Intro''">train tracks</a> from here.'
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	if mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] > 0 and mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] < 27 and mey_vika['qw_day'] ! daystart:
 		if locat['Vicky'] ! 11:
-			'<br>Vicky and Vanya never are in the park at this time.'
+			'<br>Vicky and Vanya are never in the park at this time.'
 			act 'Look for Vicky and Vanya (0:05)':
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	elseif ($clothingworntype ! 'danilovich_outfits' or $shoeworntype ! 'danilovich') and hour > 5 and hour < 23 and daybegskver ! daystart:
 		'You could jog around the park if you were wearing sports clothes and shoes.'
-	act 'Sit down on the bench': gt 'pav_park', 'sitting_park_bench'
+	act 'Sit on the bench': gt 'pav_park', 'sitting_park_bench'
 	if joint > 0 and jointhigh = 0: act 'Smoke a joint': gs 'drugs', 'joint' & gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -311,8 +311,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'alb_father_meeting_1':
 	minut += 5
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/event/meeting/meeting1.jpg"></center>'
-	'"First of all, we need to take care of the corruption originating from the police force!" A speech is ringing out to a cheering crowd.'
-	'You take a closer look and see that it is Albina''s father. He''s going hard on the authorities while the crowd gets rowdier.'
+	'A speech is ringing out to a cheering crowd.'
+	*nl
+	'"We need to take care of the corruption in our police force! How many of our daughters must be raped because our petty excuses for officers allow crime to run rampant in our streets for a handful of rubles from the very criminals they''re supposed to fight?"'
+	*nl
+	'You take a closer look and see that it''s Albina''s father speaking. He''s going hard on the authorities while the crowd gets rowdier.'
 	'"Calm down, everyone! Don''t take out your anger now! Instead, show them at the ballots how upset you truly are!" Albina''s father finishes to cheers from the crowd.'
 	act 'Go on with your day': gt 'pav_park', 'start'
@@ -324,9 +327,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'alb_father_meeting_2':
 	minut += 5
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/event/meeting/meeting2.jpg"></center>'
-	'"Don''t believe the ridiculous accusations thrown against me! They''re just trying to smear me!" He slams the podium as he passionately speaks.'
-	'The crowd keeps calm, except for his most die-hard supporters, who yell profanities against the current administration.'
-	'Albina''s father continues on. "I''m just a regular guy, just like the rest of you! My opponents are jealous of my self-made fortune! Why would I be corrupt if I''m already well-off?! No one can pay me off!" He slams the podium again.'
+	'"Don''t believe the ridiculous accusations thrown against me! They''re fake news!" He slams the podium as he passionately speaks.'
+	'The crowd keeps calm, except for his most die-hard supporters, who yell profanities and accusations against the current administration as Albina''s father continues.' 
+	'"My opponents are desperate, desperate because I''m about to unravel their web of lies, corruption and bribes that let them laugh at you from up in their ivory towers while you fight for scraps down in the dirt!" He slams the podium again.'
 	act 'Go on with your day': gt 'pav_park', 'start'
@@ -337,9 +340,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'alb_father_meeting_3':
 	minut += 5
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/event/meeting/meeting3.jpg"></center>'
-	'You walk over to see the commotion, and you see Albina''s father speaking to the crowd as usual. This time, however, he seems very nervous and stutters while speaking to the masses. He continues for a couple more minutes, and he''s sweating profoundly by the end of the speech.'
-	'He clears his throat a few times. "And now for some entertainment from my daughter and her dance group. If you look to the right, there are some refreshments available." He awkwardly steps away from the podium.'
-	'The music starts, and the girls reluctantly step out. They''re all wearing skintight, skimpy leotards that leave nothing to the imagination. The men whistle and holler while the women look on in disgust, whispering that they can''t believe that young girls would wear such revealing outfits.'
+	'You walk over to see the commotion, and you see Albina''s father speaking to the crowd as usual. This time, however, he seems very nervous and stutters while speaking to the masses. He continues for a few more minutes, and is sweating profoundly by the end of the speech as some of the crowd call him out on his hypocrisy.'
+	'He clears his throat a few times. "And now for some entertainment from my daughter and her dance group. If you look to the right, there are some refreshments available."'
+	'He awkwardly steps away from the podium as the music starts, and the girls reluctantly step out. They''re all wearing skintight, skimpy leotards that leave nothing to the imagination. Some men whistle and holler while others and most of the women look on in disgust, whispering that they can''t believe that young girls would wear such revealing outfits.'
 	'You stay and watch the performance. The girls are clearly uncomfortable with the situation, and you see Albina glare at her father a few times. Finally, the girls finish their performance and quickly run from the stage as Albina''s father desperately tries to appease his diminishing crowd as everyone leaves, yourself included.'
 	act 'Leave': gt 'pav_park', 'start'
@@ -356,11 +359,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'run':
 	daybegskver = daystart
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/park/parkbeg.jpg"></center>'
-	'You prepare for a nice jog through the beautiful park, pacing yourself, so you last for a full hour.'
+	'You prepare for a nice jog through the beautiful park, pacing yourself so you last for a full hour.'
 	act 'Finish your run':
-		'You feel great after your jogging session. You are a bit sweaty, but you''ve also improved your stamina. You even feel a bit slimmer.'
+		'You feel great after your jogging session. You''re a bit sweaty, but you''ve also improved your stamina. You even feel a bit slimmer.'
 		act 'Continue': gt $loc, $loc_arg
 !!did I do the gt loc above correct?
@@ -397,8 +400,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'run_reactions':
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
-			'You come across a group of Gopnik''s loitering in a circle, empty beer bottles scattered around them. They''re loudly talking among themselves, but as you near the group, one of them notices you and quickly interrupts his friends to point you out to everyone.'
-			'You can''t help but smile slightly as you watch them rush to stand and then fight over getting to the front so they can see you better. Then, as you run by, some start to clap and whistle while a few shout at you.'
+			'You come across a group of gopniks loitering in a circle, empty beer bottles scattered around them. They''re loudly talking among themselves, but as you near the group, one of them notices you and quickly interrupts his friends to point you out to everyone.'
+			'You can''t help but smile slightly as you watch them rush to stand and then fight over getting at the front so they can see you better. As you run by, some start to clap and whistle while a few shout at you.'
 			'"Is this real, or am I fucking dreaming?!"'
@@ -413,7 +416,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'run_reactions':
-	'You feel great after your jogging session. Of course, you are a bit sweaty, but you''ve also improved your stamina as you feel slimmer.'
+	'You feel great after your jogging session. Of course, you''re a bit sweaty, but you''ve also improved your stamina as you feel slimmer.'
 	act 'Finish your run': gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -436,7 +439,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sleeping_park_bench':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/park/sleeping_park_jeans.jpg"></center>'
-	if pcs_makeup > 1:pcs_makeup = 0 & vidageday -= 1 & 'Makeup smeared in the face, you think, that is harmful to the appearance of sleep with makeup, skin ages faster from this.'
+	if pcs_makeup > 1:pcs_makeup = 0 & vidageday -= 1 & 'Your makeup smears across your face as you sleep, which is harmful to your appearance. Your skin ages faster from this.'
 	'You''re feeling tired and decide to try and get some sleep on the park bench.'
 	if alko >= 7 and hotcat >= 6:
@@ -450,13 +453,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sleeping_park_bench':
 		elseif PCloSkirt > 0 and rand(1,10) <= 9:
 			gs 'underwear', 'dispose'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/park/sleeping_park.jpg"></center>'
-			'You wake up with a smile, stretching your arms and legs. You realize your panties are missing and quickly close your legs. You fearfully think to yourself: "I hope that whoever took my panties did not take advantage of me while I was out".'
+			'You wake up with a smile, stretching your arms and legs. You realize your panties are missing and quickly close your legs as you fearfully hope that whoever took your panties didn''t take advantage of you while you were out.'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/park/sleeping_park2.jpg"></center>'
 			'You wake up with a smile, stretching your arms and legs.'
 		act 'Continue': gt $loc, $loc_arg
-		if rand(1,10) <= 6 and money ! 0: *nl & 'You now realize someone stole your money while you were sleeping!' & money = 0
+		if rand(1,10) <= 6 and money ! 0: *nl & 'You realize that someone stole your money while you were sleeping!' & money = 0
 !!is this correct I removed the waking up to having had sex, I had to remove it. No girl would sleep through someone having sex with them, unless she is passed out drunk which is handled by one of the other spots already. Which meant tweaking the code so make sure this still works.
 		!act 'Continue': gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -488,17 +491,17 @@ if (hour >= 20 or hour < 6) and (pcs_sleep <= 30 or cheatNoSleep ! 0):
 	if pavlovsk_home = 0 and workPTU <= 2 and HotelRoom < 1:
 		!nowhere to live in town
 		if money >= 500 or karta+bankDebtLimit >= 500:
-			'It''s pretty dark now, maybe you could try to get a room in the hotel.'
+			'It''s pretty dark now. Maybe you could get a room in the hotel?'
-			'It''s pretty dark now, and you have nowhere to stay nearby. Maybe you should try to sleep on a bench?'
+			'It''s pretty dark now and you have nowhere to stay nearby. Maybe you should try to sleep on a bench?'
-		if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg': 'Or try your luck and go to Uncle Shulgin''s Apartment?'
+		if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg': 'You could also try your luck at Uncle Shulgin''s apartment?'
 	elseif pavlovsk_home = 1 and (hour >= 22 or hour < 6):
-		'It''s pretty dark outside, and you feel tired. Maybe you should head home.'
+		'It''s pretty dark outside and you feel tired. Maybe you should head home?'
 	elseif hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] > 0:
-		'It''s pretty dark outside, and you feel tired. Maybe you should head back to the hotel.'
+		'It''s pretty dark outside and you feel tired. Maybe you should head back to the hotel?'
-		'It''s pretty dark now, and you feel tired. Maybe you should try sleeping on a bench?'
+		'It''s pretty dark now and you feel tired. Maybe you should try sleeping on a bench?'
 	act 'Sleep on a bench': gt 'pav_park','sleeping_park_bench'
 	killvar 'pavlovsk_home'
@@ -534,7 +537,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'deeper_park':
 			if sunWeather = 0:
 				if temper < 5:
-					'You can''t believe it, but it is snowing today. With winter over that, you had hoped the snow was done for the year.'
+					'You can''t believe it, but it''s snowing today. With winter over, you had hoped the snow was done for the year.'
 					'You frown as you feel the rain pelting your body. Otherwise, spending time in the park would be a lovely day.'
@@ -544,29 +547,29 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'deeper_park':
 			'<center><h2>Pavlovsk Park</h2></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/skver.spring.night.jpg"></center>'
-			'As you go deeper into the park, in the distance, you see one person running through the park, probably using it as a shortcut to go home faster. Unfortunately, they are the only person you see at the moment. There are some nice trails to walk along deeper in the park, plus some nice secluded areas that some kids like to hang out at. But you are well aware it can get dangerous in the park the darker it gets.'
+			'As you go deeper into the park, you see someone running through the park in the distance, probably using it as a shortcut to go home faster. Unfortunately, they''re the only person you see at the moment. There are some nice trails to walk along deeper in the park, plus some nice secluded areas that some kids like to hang out at. However, you''re well aware it can get dangerous in the park the darker it gets.'
 			if sunWeather = 0:
 				if temper < 5:
-					'You can''t believe it, but it is snowing tonight. With winter over, you had hoped that the snow was done for the year.'
+					'You can''t believe it, but it''s snowing tonight. With winter over, you had hoped that the snow was done for the year.'
 					'You frown as you feel the rain pelting your body. Otherwise, spending time in the park would be such a lovely evening.'
-	if month=6 or month=7 or month=8:
+	if month = 6 or month = 7 or month = 8:
 		if daystage = 2 or daystage = 3:
 			'<center><h2>Pavlovsk Park</h2></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/skver.jpg"></center>'
-			'As you go deeper into the park, you see fewer and fewer people, occasional groups hanging out together or families having a picnic. There are some excellent trails to walk along deeper in the park, plus some nice secluded areas that some kids like to hang out at.'
+			'As you go deeper into the park, you see fewer and fewer people, only occasional groups hanging out together or families having a picnic. There are some excellent trails to walk along deeper in the park, plus some nice secluded areas that some kids like to hang out at.'
 			if sunWeather = 0:
 				if temper < 5:
-					'You can''t believe it, but it is snowing today. Why the fuck is it snowing in the middle of summer? You look up at the heavens and get no response.'
+					'You can''t believe it, but it''s snowing today. Why is it snowing in the middle of summer?! You look up at the heavens and get no response.'
-					'You frown as you feel the rain pelting your body, but your frown gives way to a smile. Yes, it is raining, but the warm rain feels good on your exposed skin.'
+					'You frown as you feel the rain pelting your body, but your frown gives way to a smile. The warm rain feels good on your exposed skin.'
@@ -574,18 +577,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'deeper_park':
 			'<center><h2>Pavlovsk Park</h2></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/skver.summer.night.jpg"></center>'
-			'As you go deeper into the park, in the distance, you see one person running through the park, probably using it as a shortcut to go home faster. Unfortunately, they are the only person you see at the moment. There are some nice trails to walk along deeper in the park, plus some nice secluded areas that some kids like to hang out at. But you are well aware it can get dangerous in the park the darker it gets.'
+			'As you go deeper into the park, you see one person running through the park in the distance, probably using it as a shortcut to go home faster. Unfortunately, they''re the only person you see at the moment. There are some nice trails to walk along deeper in the park, plus some nice secluded areas that some kids like to hang out at. However, you''re well aware it can get dangerous in the park the darker it gets.'
 			if sunWeather = 0:
 				if temper < 5:
-					'You can''t believe it, but it is snowing this evening. Why the fuck is it snowing in the middle of summer? You look up at the heavens and get no response.'
+					'You can''t believe it, but it''s snowing this evening. Why is it snowing in the middle of summer?! You look up at the heavens and get no response.'
-					'You frown as you feel the rain pelting your body, but your frown gives way to a smile. Yes, it is raining, but the warm rain feels good on your exposed skin.'
+					'You frown as you feel the rain pelting your body, but your frown gives way to a smile. The warm rain feels good on your exposed skin.'
-	if month=9 or month=10 or month=11:
+	if month = 9 or month = 10 or month = 11:
 		if daystage = 2 or daystage = 3:
 			'<center><h2>Pavlovsk Park</h2></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/skver.autumn.jpg"></center>'
@@ -594,7 +597,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'deeper_park':
 			if sunWeather = 0:
 				if temper < 5:
-					'You can''t believe it, but it is snowing today. You hope this is not a sign that winter is coming early this year.'
+					'You can''t believe it, but it''s snowing today. You hope this isn''t a sign that winter is coming early this year.'
 					'You frown as you feel the rain pelting your body. Otherwise, spending time in the park would be a lovely day.'
@@ -603,18 +606,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'deeper_park':
 			'<center><h2>Pavlovsk Park</h2></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/skver.autumn.night.jpg"></center>'
-			'As you go deeper into the park, in the distance, you see one person running through the park, probably using it as a shortcut to go home faster. Unfortunately, they are the only person you see at the moment. There are some nice trails to walk along deeper in the park, plus some nice secluded areas that some kids like to hang out at. But you are well aware it can get dangerous in the park the darker it gets, and the chill in the air doesn''t help make your surroundings seem inviting.'
+			'As you go deeper into the park, you see one person running through the park in the distance, probably using it as a shortcut to go home faster. Unfortunately, they''re the only person you see at the moment. There are some nice trails to walk along deeper in the park, plus some nice secluded areas that some kids like to hang out at. However, you''re well aware it can get dangerous in the park the darker it gets, and the chill in the air doesn''t help make your surroundings seem inviting.'
 			if sunWeather = 0:
 				if temper < 5:
-					'You can''t believe it, but it is snowing today. You hope this is not a sign that winter is coming early this year.'
+					'You can''t believe it, but it''s snowing today. You hope this isn''t a sign that winter is coming early this year.'
 					'You frown as you feel the rain pelting your body. Otherwise, spending time in the park would be such a lovely evening.'
-	if month=1 or month=2 or month=12:
+	if month = 1 or month = 2 or month = 12:
 		if daystage = 2 or daystage = 3:
 			'<center><h2>Pavlovsk Park</h2></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/skver.winter.jpg"></center>'
@@ -644,7 +647,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'deeper_park':
-	!!if kotovLoveQW > 0 and hour >= 18 and hour < 20 and week < 6 or week >= 6 and kotovLoveQW > 0 and hour >= 9 and hour < 20:'You see <a href="exec:minut += 3 & gt ''kotovEv''">Vitek Kotov</a> sitting on a bench in the park, drinking beer by himself. Judging from the empty bottles near the bench, he''s already had a few.'
+	!!if kotovLoveQW > 0 and hour >= 18 and hour < 20 and week < 6 or week >= 6 and kotovLoveQW > 0 and hour >= 9 and hour < 20:'You see <a href="exec:minut += 3 & gt ''kotovEv''">Vitek</a> sitting on a bench in the park, drinking beer by himself. Judging from the empty bottles near the bench, he''s already had a few.'
 !!I am not sure why this is commented out but I left it that way.
 	if (sunWeather = 1 and temper > 0):
 		temprand = rand(1,5)
@@ -652,13 +655,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'deeper_park':
 		if temprand = 1 and (week >= 6 and hour >= 12 and hour < 18)  or (week < 6 and hour >= 16 and hour < 18) and gopniksev['gopgirls'] ! daystart:
 			gopniksev['gopgirls'] = daystart
-			'You see your classmates <a href="exec:minut += 3 & gt ''pav_parkev'', ''gopgirls''">Lena, Lera, Anushka, and Alyona</a> sitting at a park picnic table, drinking beer and hanging out.'
+			'You see your classmates <a href="exec:minut += 3 & gt ''pav_parkev'', ''gopgirls''">Lena, Lera, Anushka and Alyona</a> sitting at a picnic table, drinking beer and hanging out.'
 		elseif temprand = 2 and (week >= 6 and hour >= 12 and hour < 18)  or (week < 6 and hour >= 16 and hour < 18) and gopniksev['gopboys'] ! daystart :
 			gopniksev['gopboys'] = daystart
-			'You see your classmates <a href="exec:minut += 3 & gt ''pav_parkev'', ''gopboys''">Vitek, Dan, Lavrenti, Roman, Arkadi, Vasily, and Paulina</a> sitting at a park picnic table, drinking beer and hanging out.'
+			'You see your classmates <a href="exec:minut += 3 & gt ''pav_parkev'', ''gopboys''">Vitek, Dan, Lavrenti, Roman, Arkadi, Vasily and Pauline</a> sitting at a picnic table, drinking beer and hanging out.'
 		elseif temprand = 3 and (week >= 6 and hour >= 12 and hour < 18)  or (week < 6 and hour >= 16 and hour < 18) and gopniksev['gopniks'] ! daystart:
 			gopniksev['gopniks'] = daystart
-			'You see your classmates <a href="exec:minut += 3 & gt ''pav_parkev'', ''gopniks''">Vitek, Dan, Lavrenti, Roman, Arkadi, Valentin, Radomir, Vasily, Paulina, Lena, Lera, Anushka, and Alyona</a> sitting at a park picnic table, drinking beer and hanging out.'
+			'You see your classmates <a href="exec:minut += 3 & gt ''pav_parkev'', ''gopniks''">Vitek, Dan, Lavrenti, Roman, Arkadi, Valentin, Radomir, Vasily, Pauline, Lena, Lera, Anushka and Alyona</a> sitting at a picnic table, drinking beer and hanging out.'
 		elseif temprand = 4 and (week >= 6 and (hour >= 9 and hour < 12) or (hour >= 16 and hour < 20)) or (week < 6 and hour >= 18 and hour < 20) and gopniksev['gopskver'] ! daystart:
 			gopniksev['gopskver'] = daystart
 			'You see your classmates <a href="exec:minut += 3 & gt ''gopskver''">Vitek, Dan and Vasily</a> sitting on a park bench, drinking beer.'

File diff ditekan karena terlalu besar
+ 193 - 206

File diff ditekan karena terlalu besar
+ 211 - 174

+ 1 - 1

@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'outfits':
 			i += 2
-		if i <= 80:jump 'loopnerdvana_outfits'
+		if i <= 90:jump 'loopnerdvana_outfits'
 	clo_i += 1
 	if clothingfilter['quality'] = 0 and clo_i <= 7:

+ 38 - 57

@@ -755,20 +755,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'clothing_state':
 !! Author - Hooded Silence
 !! Date created - 26 Aug 22
 !! Payment system - Used to pay for items in various game locations
+!! v. 02 - Refactoring to make usage simpler using the epayments array
+!! command syntax: gs 'shortgs','payments'
+!! All variabls are initiated at point of origin
-!! command syntax: gs 'shortgs', 'payments', value, 'method', 'item variable', item quantity, 'item description', 'return location', 'act'
-!! value = cost of goods. Required
-!! method = how it''s to be paid cash or card. leave blank for both. Optional
-!! Item Description - What's been bought. Required
-!! item variable = item variable to be purchased to be added to players inventory. Optional.
-!! Item quantity = How many items to be added. Defaults to one - Optional.
-!! Return Location - Where do you want the character to go to, optional falls back to starting location.
-!! Act - If there's a specific act to return to. Optional
+!! epayments[value] = cost of goods. Required
+!! $epayments[method] = how it''s to be paid cash or card. leave blank for both. Optional
+!! $epayments[description] =  Item Description - What's been bought. Required
+!! $epayments[item_variable] = item variable to be purchased to be added to players inventory. Optional.
+!! epayments[quantity] = How many items to be added. Defaults to one - Optional.
+!! $epayments[loc] = Where do you want the character to go to, optional falls back to starting location if set. Optional
+!! $epayments[act] = If there's a specific act to return to. Optional
+!! $epayments[banner] = banner image for the sale. Optional 
 !! Optional with no content are ignored.
 !! Use stock image for the purchase screen?
@@ -776,57 +779,39 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'payments':
 	*clr & cla
-	if ARGS[1] = 0:
+	if epayments['value'] = 0:
 		msg	'<b>Error, Cash Value not set.</b>'
-	if $ARGS[5] = '':
+	if $epayments['description'] = '':
 		msg '<b>Error, Item Description not set.</b>'
-	pay_value = ARGS[1]
-	$pay_method = $ARGS[2]
-	$pay_variable = $ARGS[3]
-	pay_quantity = ARGS[4]
-	$pay_desc = $ARGS[5]
-	$pay_section = iif ($ARGS[6] = '', $loc, $ARGS[6])
-	$pay_act = iif($ARGS[7] = '', $loc_arg, $ARGS[7])
 	!! Construct payment call
-	if $pay_variable ! '':
-		$construct_cash = 'exec: gs ''shortgs'', ''paymentcomplete'', ''<<$pay_section>>'', ''<<$pay_act>>'', <<pay_value>>, ''<<$pay_desc>>'', ''cash'' & money -= <<pay_value>> & <<$pay_variable>> += <<pay_quantity>>'
-		$construct_card = 'exec: gs ''shortgs'', ''paymentcomplete'', ''<<$pay_section>>'', ''<<$pay_act>>'', <<pay_value>>, ''<<$pay_desc>>'', ''card'' & karta -= <<pay_value>> & <<$pay_variable>> += <<pay_quantity>>'
+	if $epayments['item_variable'] ! '':
+		$construct_cash = '<a href="exec: money -= <<epayments[''value'']>> & <<$epayments[''item_variable'']>> += <<epayments[''quantity'']>> & gs ''shortgs'', ''paymentcomplete'' ">Cash</a>'
+		$construct_card = '<a href="exec: karta -= <<epayments[''value'']>> & <<$epayments[''item_variable'']>> += <<epayments[''quantity'']>> & gs ''shortgs'', ''paymentcomplete'' ">Card</a>'
-		$construct_cash = 'exec: gs ''shortgs'', ''paymentcomplete'', ''<<$pay_section>>'', ''<<$pay_act>>'', <<pay_value>>, ''<<$pay_desc>>'', ''cash'' & money -= <<pay_value>>'
-		$construct_card = 'exec: gs ''shortgs'', ''paymentcomplete'', ''<<$pay_section>>'', ''<<$pay_act>>'', <<pay_value>>, ''<<$pay_desc>>'', ''card'' & karta -= <<pay_value>>'
+		$construct_cash = '<a href="exec: $epayments[''method''] = ''cash'' & money -= <<epayments[''value'']>> & gs ''shortgs'', ''paymentcomplete'' ">Cash</a>'
+		$construct_card = '<a href="exec: $epayments[''method''] = ''card'' & karta -= <<epayments[''value'']>> & gs ''shortgs'', ''paymentcomplete'' ">Card</a>'
-	$pay_cash = '<a href="<<$construct_cash>>">Cash</a>'
-	$pay_card = '<a href="<<$construct_card>>">Card</a>'
 	!Use stock image for the purchase screen?
+	if $epayments['banner'] ! '':
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/' + $epayments['banner'] +  '"></center>'
+	end
-	if ($pay_method ! 'cash' and $pay_method ! 'card') and (pay_value <= money and pay_value <= karta + bankDebtLimit):
-		'How do you want to pay for the <<$pay_desc>>? <<$pay_cash>> or <<$pay_card>>'
-	elseif ($pay_method = 'cash' or $pay_method = '') and pay_value <= money:
-		'Pay for the <<$pay_desc>> with <<$pay_cash>>?'
-	elseif ($pay_method = 'card' or $pay_method = '') and pay_value <= karta + bankDebtLimit:
-		'Pay for the <<$pay_desc>> with your <<$pay_card>>?'
+	if ($epayments['method'] ! 'cash' and $epayments['method'] ! 'card') and (epayments['value'] <= money and epayments['value'] <= karta + bankDebtLimit):
+		'How do you want to pay for the <<$epayments[''description'']>>? <<$construct_cash>> or <<$construct_card>>'
+	elseif ($epayments['method'] = 'cash' or $epayments['method'] = '') and epayments['value'] <= money:
+		'Pay for the <<$epayments[''description'']>> with <<$construct_cash>>?'
+	elseif ($epayments['method'] = 'card' or $epayments['method'] = '') and epayments['value'] <= karta + bankDebtLimit:
+		'Pay for the <<$epayments[''description'']>> with your <<$construct_card>>?'
 		'You don''t have enough money in your purse or bank account for this item.'
-	act 'Cancel Payment' : gt $pay_section, $pay_act
-	!! clean up all the variables
-	killvar 'pay_value'
-	killvar '$pay_method'
-	killvar '$pay_variable'
-	killvar 'pay_quantity'
-	killvar '$pay_desc'
-	killvar '$pay_type'	
+	act 'Cancel Payment': gt $loc, $loc_arg
 !! Payment complete
@@ -837,21 +822,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'paymentcomplete':
 	'Thank you for your custom. Please come again!'
-	if $ARGS[5] = 'cash':
-		$pay_type = 'You paid <<ARGS[3]>> <b>₽</b> in cash'
-	else
-		$pay_type = 'You paid <<ARGS[3]>> <b>₽</b> with your bank card'
-	end
-	'<<$pay_type>> for your <<$ARGS[4]>>'
+	'You paid ' + epayments['value'] + '<b>₽</b>' + iif ($epayments['method']  = 'cash',' in cash', ' with your bank card') + ' for your ' + $epayments['description']
 	gs 'stat'
-	if $ARGS[1] ! '' :
-		$loc =  $ARGS[1]
-		$loc_arg = $ARGS[2]
+	!! clean up all the variables
+	killvar 'construct_cash'
+	killvar 'construct_card'
+	if $epayments['loc'] ! '':
+		act 'Finish payment': gt $epayments['loc'], $epayments['loc_arg']
+	else
+		act 'Finish Payment': gt $loc, $loc_arg
-	act 'Finish payment' : gt $loc, $loc_arg
 --- shortgs ---------------------------------

+ 14 - 14

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cikl':
 			soniaPS = 1
 			soniaPSdays = daystart
 			npc_grupTipe['A25'] = 5
-			$npc_notes['A25'] = 'Ever since Sonia inadvertently got way too drunk and gave five guys including Vitek and his friends a simultaneous blowjob near the disco, her reputation in Pavlovsk has been in shambles. The girls in her class all give her the silent treatment, pretending she does not exist. Meanwhile, the guys all treat her like a cheap whore and regularly ask (or sometimes even demand) sex from her, knowing she doesn''t have the strength to say no.'
+			$npc_notes['A25'] = 'Ever since Sonia inadvertently got way too drunk and gave five guys including Vitek and his friends a simultaneous blowjob near the disco, her reputation in Pavlovsk has been in shambles. The girls in her class all give her the silent treatment, pretending she doesn''t exist, while the guys all treat her like a cheap whore and regularly ask (or sometimes even demand) sex from her, knowing she doesn''t have the strength to say no.'
 			$npcGoSchool['A25'] = '<a href="exec:gt ''gschool_outcast_chats'', ''' + $lcase($npc_usedname['A25']) + '''"><<$npc_usedname["A25"]>></a>'
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'disco':
 		grupvalue[4] += 1
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/disco/gopdrinking.jpg"></center>'
-		'You''re not sure whether he invited you along because he wants you to come, or just because he''s afraid you would rat them out. Either way, it could be fun? You follow the guys outside, and after a few minutes, you sit down in a quiet place where several of the other gopniks already are. Vasily pours the booze, vodka as it turns out, into plastic cups and hands everyone one. Dan, Vasily and Paulina are here along with a couple of older guys you don''t know.'
+		'You''re not sure whether he invited you along because he wants you to come, or just because he''s afraid you would rat them out. Either way, it could be fun? You follow the guys outside, and after a few minutes, you sit down in a quiet place where several of the other gopniks already are. Vasily pours the booze, vodka as it turns out, into plastic cups and hands everyone one. Dan, Vasily and Pauline are here along with a couple of older guys you don''t know.'
 		'For the next 15 minutes, you enjoy their company, only slowly sipping the vodka and alternating it with lemonade. Sonia is not quite as careful as you and just slams down shot after shot. When the cups are empty, Vasily offers everyone a refill.'
 		gs 'willpower', 'drink', 'resist'
 		if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pressuredforpanties':
 	'Sonia is really starting to get wasted now. As she does, Dan speaks up. "Hey Sonia what color are your panties?"'
 	'She looks at him a little confused. "What?"'
 	'"You were going to show us what color your panties are," Dan says as if it were a fact.'
-	'Sonia blinks. "I was?" she asks, which gets all the guys agreeing. She glances at you, and you nod. While Paulina offers more helpful advice. "Go on don''t be a tease." With the encouragement Sonia stands up and turns around and pulls up her dress showing off the back of her panties.'
+	'Sonia blinks. "I was?" she asks, which gets all the guys agreeing. She glances at you, and you nod. While Pauline offers more helpful advice. "Go on don''t be a tease." With the encouragement Sonia stands up and turns around and pulls up her dress showing off the back of her panties.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 5
 	gs 'stat'
 	act 'Continue':
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pressuredfortits':
 	'Sonia is really starting to get wasted now. As she does, several of the gopniks whisper among themselves while keeping Sonia''s cup topped off. Finally, Dan speaks up. "Hey Sonia show us your tits."'
 	'She looks at him a little confused. "What?"'
 	'"You were going to show us your tits," Dan says as if it were a fact.'
-	'Sonia blinks. "I was?" she asks, which gets all the guys agreeing. She glances at you, and you nod, while Paulina offers more helpful advice. "Yeah you said you had really perky ones, so go on and prove it."'
+	'Sonia blinks. "I was?" she asks, which gets all the guys agreeing. She glances at you, and you nod, while Pauline offers more helpful advice. "Yeah you said you had really perky ones, so go on and prove it."'
 	'With the encouragement, Sonia pulls down her top, showing off her perky boobs. Then she stands up, a little unsteady on her feet. "Show us your butt now," Vasily says.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'erotic_nudity', 5
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pressuredforpussy':
 	'Sonia is really starting to get wasted now. As she does, Dan speaks up. "Hey Sonia show us your pussy."'
 	'She looks at him a little confused. "What?"'
 	'"You were going to show us your pussy," Dan says as if it were a fact.'
-	'Sonia blinks. "I was?" she asks, which gets all the guys agreeing. She glances at you, and you nod, while Paulina offers more helpful advice. "Yeah you said you had a pretty pussy, so go on and prove it."'
+	'Sonia blinks. "I was?" she asks, which gets all the guys agreeing. She glances at you, and you nod, while Pauline offers more helpful advice. "Yeah you said you had a pretty pussy, so go on and prove it."'
 	'With the encouragement, Sonia pulls her dress up and pulls her panties aside, showing off her pussy. She has a huge grin on her face at all the attention she is getting. "Show us everything," Vasily says.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'erotic_nudity', 5
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -491,20 +491,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pressuredforblowjob':
 		act 'Keep watching':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/disco/bj1.jpg"></center>'
-			'As she looks around grinning with her tongue sticking out, Vitek pulls his dick out of his pants and shoves his hard cock in her open mouth before she can close it. "I gave you a treat, now give me one." The other guys offer encouragement, saying it is only fair. Paulina puts her hand on the back of Sonia head to keep her from pulling away.'
-			'Sonia seems unsure for a moment but then starts to suck on Vitek''s cock. Paulina steps back and starts filming the whole thing.'
+			'As she looks around grinning with her tongue sticking out, Vitek pulls his dick out of his pants and shoves his hard cock in her open mouth before she can close it. "I gave you a treat, now give me one." The other guys offer encouragement, saying it is only fair. Pauline puts her hand on the back of Sonia head to keep her from pulling away.'
+			'Sonia seems unsure for a moment but then starts to suck on Vitek''s cock. Pauline steps back and starts filming the whole thing.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 5
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Keep watching':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/disco/bj2.jpg"></center>'
-				'Sonia bobs her head up and down on Vitek''s cock, working her mouth down until she starts to gag. She has her lips tightly wrapped around the shaft, and just like the popsicle, she sucks on his dick with no hands. Paulina keeps recording, while the guys all offer encouragement. You can tell they want to join in, but one look from Vitek and they remain seated.'
+				'Sonia bobs her head up and down on Vitek''s cock, working her mouth down until she starts to gag. She has her lips tightly wrapped around the shaft, and just like the popsicle, she sucks on his dick with no hands. Pauline keeps recording, while the guys all offer encouragement. You can tell they want to join in, but one look from Vitek and they remain seated.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 5
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Keep watching':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/disco/bj3.jpg"></center>'
-					'Sonia is really starting to get into a rhythm. It seems she has a knack for this, and Vitek seems content to let her work at her own pace other than offering words of encouragement. Paulina offers her a few pointers, which Sonia listens to and does her best to follow, making Vitek moan even louder.'
+					'Sonia is really starting to get into a rhythm. It seems she has a knack for this, and Vitek seems content to let her work at her own pace other than offering words of encouragement. Pauline offers her a few pointers, which Sonia listens to and does her best to follow, making Vitek moan even louder.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 5
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Keep watching':
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pressuredforblowjob':
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/disco/bj4.jpg"></center>'
 						'Suddenly, Vitek lets out a loud moan, and Sonia makes a slight gagging noise. It is obvious he is cumming in her mouth. For the first time, she takes ahold of his dick and strokes the shaft, milking every drop of his cum into her mouth. Once he finishes, he looks down at her and says, "Show me." She knows what he wants and opens her mouth to show her cum coated tongue. Her mouth is so full of his cum a little leaks out of the corner onto her cheek.'
-						'He grins at her. "That''s a good girl, now swallow." She does as he commands and swallows all his cum down. As she stands up, Paulina motions towards her cheek where the cum leaked out. Sonia reaches up and blushes a little when she feels the cum. She wipes it up with her finger and sucks her finger clean. Then she blushes and seems to realize maybe she is going too far. With a slight slur in her voice and a cheeky grin on her face, she says, "I want to go dancing! Let''s go back to the disco!"'
+						'He grins at her. "That''s a good girl, now swallow." She does as he commands and swallows all his cum down. As she stands up, Pauline motions towards her cheek where the cum leaked out. Sonia reaches up and blushes a little when she feels the cum. She wipes it up with her finger and sucks her finger clean. Then she blushes and seems to realize maybe she is going too far. With a slight slur in her voice and a cheeky grin on her face, she says, "I want to go dancing! Let''s go back to the disco!"'
 						gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 5
 						gs 'arousal', 'end'
 						gs 'stat'
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pressuredforgangbang':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/disco/gangbang1.jpg"></center>'
 		'As she looks around grinning with her tongue sticking out, Vitek pulls his dick out of his pants and shoves his hardening cock in her open mouth before she can close it. The other guys offer encouragement.'
-		'Sonia starts to suck on Vitek''s cock enthusiastically. Paulina steps back as the other guys get up and crowd around Sonia, pulling their dicks out as well. Quickly surrounded by hard dicks, Sonia starts jerking off the other guys. Eventually, she switches which dick she is sucking and jerking off, trying to give them all attention.'
+		'Sonia starts to suck on Vitek''s cock enthusiastically. Pauline steps back as the other guys get up and crowd around Sonia, pulling their dicks out as well. Quickly surrounded by hard dicks, Sonia starts jerking off the other guys. Eventually, she switches which dick she is sucking and jerking off, trying to give them all attention.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 5
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Keep watching': gt 'soniadisco', 'soniabang'
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'soniabang':
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/disco/gangbang2.jpg"></center>'
-	'Sonia keeps switching which dick she is sucking and which ones she is jerking off. Paulina takes out her phone and starts recording it, making sure to get a good close up of Sonia''s face as she does. Paulina seems pretty amused by all this and offers, "Why are you all just standing around, she has more than one hole," then looks to Sonia. "Don''t you slut!" Sonia mutters something, but it is too hard to tell what she said with a cock in her mouth. The guys don''t need to be told twice. The ones not getting jerked or sucked off start pulling her clothes off, and before long, she is completely naked.'
+	'Sonia keeps switching which dick she is sucking and which ones she is jerking off. Pauline takes out her phone and starts recording it, making sure to get a good close up of Sonia''s face as she does. Pauline seems pretty amused by all this and offers, "Why are you all just standing around, she has more than one hole," then looks to Sonia. "Don''t you slut!" Sonia mutters something, but it is too hard to tell what she said with a cock in her mouth. The guys don''t need to be told twice. The ones not getting jerked or sucked off start pulling her clothes off, and before long, she is completely naked.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 5
 	gs 'stat'
 	act 'Try to stop her':
@@ -736,13 +736,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'soniafall':
 	act 'Air tight':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/disco/gangbang4.jpg"></center>'
-		'They trade positions, two of the others now fucking both of Sonia''s holes while Paulina records it all. Vitek stands near her head and uses her third hole, shoving his dick back in her mouth. Now with every hole on her body large enough to accommodate a cock filled, she seems to start getting into it, actually seeming to enjoy being gangbanged. Maybe she is too drunk to realize what is going on, or maybe she was tired of being a good girl and needed a release.'
+		'They trade positions, two of the others now fucking both of Sonia''s holes while Pauline records it all. Vitek stands near her head and uses her third hole, shoving his dick back in her mouth. Now with every hole on her body large enough to accommodate a cock filled, she seems to start getting into it, actually seeming to enjoy being gangbanged. Maybe she is too drunk to realize what is going on, or maybe she was tired of being a good girl and needed a release.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 5
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Keep watching':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/disco/gangbang5.jpg"></center>'
-			'Each guy takes a turn with each of her holes. Sonia doesn''t seem to mind. In fact, she seems to be really loving it. Paulina keeps recording the whole thing. The guys are not remotely gentle, but it doesn''t seem to matter. Sonia moans and writhes in pleasure as the six guys take turns fucking her. The first guy finally pops his load right in her mouth. She swallows most of it, but some leaks out as she switches to a new cock. Several of the other guys seem to be getting close as well to blowing their loads.'
+			'Each guy takes a turn with each of her holes. Sonia doesn''t seem to mind. In fact, she seems to be really loving it. Pauline keeps recording the whole thing. The guys are not remotely gentle, but it doesn''t seem to matter. Sonia moans and writhes in pleasure as the six guys take turns fucking her. The first guy finally pops his load right in her mouth. She swallows most of it, but some leaks out as she switches to a new cock. Several of the other guys seem to be getting close as well to blowing their loads.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 10
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Facial':

+ 7 - 0

@@ -33,6 +33,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start' or $ARGS[0] = '':
 	act 'View purses': minut += 5 & gt 'sportshop', 'purses'
 	act 'View coats': minut += 5 & gt 'sportshop', 'coats'
+		!! output from purchase
+	if $message ! '':
+		$message
+		killvar '$message'
+	else
+		'A tall muscular man stands next to the counter, showing a perfect smile. "Welcome, do you need any assistance in selecting equipment or tips how to improve your workout?"'
+	end
 	*pl '<center><table align="center" width=80%>'
 	if skak = 0 and money >= 500:

+ 1 - 1

@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ elseif nark = 0 and narkoman = 1:
 	narkoman = 0
-if CheatSlut = 1 or succubusflag = 1:
+if cheatSlut = 1 or succubusflag = 1:
 	!!Succubus cannot get pregnant
 	mesec = 0
 	FocH = 0

+ 4 - 4

@@ -1027,9 +1027,9 @@ if cheatStatusIcons = 0:
 	!!Row 3: Pregnancy, cum, lactation, STD...
-	if menu_off = 0:
+	if menu_off = 0 and cheatSlut = 0:
 		$statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:dynamic $d_cycreport_choice"><img title="Click to open the cycle menu." height = <<set_siconht>> src="images/system/icons/status/vagina.png"></a></td>'
-	elseif menu_off = 1:
+	elseif menu_off = 1 and cheatSlut = 0:
 		$statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_disable_msg"><img title="<<$stat_disable_msg>>" height = <<set_siconht>> src="images/system/icons/status/vagina.png"></a></td>'
@@ -1723,9 +1723,9 @@ if enable_extra_msg = 1:
 		$stat_msg += '</font>'
-	if $cycreport_txt ! null and menu_off = 0:
+	if $cycreport_txt ! null and menu_off = 0 and cheatSlut = 0:
 		$stat_msg += '<BR><a href="exec:dynamic $d_cycreport_choice"><<$cycreport_txt>></a><br>'
-	elseif $cycreport_txt ! null and menu_off = 1:
+	elseif $cycreport_txt ! null and menu_off = 1 and cheatSlut = 0:
 		$stat_msg += '<BR><a href="exec:gs ''obj_din'', ''menu_disabled''"><<$cycreport_txt>></a><br>'

Beberapa file tidak ditampilkan karena terlalu banyak file yang berubah dalam diff ini