# Gadhouse if $ARGS[0]='': $location_type = 'indoors' $metkaM = '' $locM = 'Gadhouse' $metka = '' $loc = 'Gadhouse' frost = 0 CLOSE ALL !125s !execute before everything if monthbabkapay ! month: monthbabkapay = month money += 2000 minut += 10 monthgrandmahelp = month gs 'stat' '
' 'Upon entering the house, you see your Granny and you let out a scream and throw yourself at her and wrap your arms around her neck. Finally, she gently hugs you and disengages from your embrace. Grandma after seeing you from all sides (of course seeing that you have only skin and bones), starts the conversation.' '"My, my, but you have grown up. Your also an adult now. Your grandpa and I keep getting older and older, can you help us around the house? You will not have to do much. What do you say youngling? Come on <<$pcs_nickname>> here`s the deal, you lend us a helping hand on the farm as much as possible, and we will pay you for each chore you do. You need to learn how to work like an adult. Agree?"' '"Of course I`ll help you with chores, grandma" you answered.' '"Well, that`s good <<$pcs_nickname>>, but first we`ll give you a little taste upfront," grandma says and hands 2000 rubels.' '"Thanks bubushka," and you kiss her on the cheek before you head out about your own affairs.' act 'Further': gt 'Gadhouse' exit end if go_in_boletus = 1 and boletus >= grandpa_boletus and hour >= 6 and hour < 22: cla *clr grandmahelp += 1 boletus -= grandpa_boletus minut += 5 go_in_boletus = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'Upon entering the house you immediately come to grandpa.' '"Grandfather, here is the mushrooms!"' '"Oh, thank you granddaughter, you have pleased me greatly," replied your grandfather with a smile. "We then head to the forest is difficult to walk, and mushrooms, sometimes you want."' '"Well, if you want, I can still run, have been happy to tell you."' '"Now do not need <<$pcs_nickname>>," - smiled grandfather. "But if anything, I`ll bear that in mind."' 'Having kissed grandfather on the cheek, you went on the Affairs.' act 'Further': grandpa_boletus = 0 & gt 'Gadhouse' exit end if go_in_boletus_bilberry = 1 and boletus >= grandpa_boletus and bilberry >= grandpa_bilberry and hour >= 6 and hour < 22: cla *clr grandmahelp += 1 boletus -= grandpa_boletus bilberry -= grandpa_bilberry minut += 5 go_in_boletus_bilberry = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'Upon entering the house you immediately come to grandpa.' '" Grandfather, here is mushrooms and berries!"' '" Oh, thank you granddaughter, has pleased the old man," replied the grandfather.' '" If necessary, I can still run, have been happy to tell you."' '"Now do not need <<$pcs_nickname>>," smiled grandfather. "But if anything, I''ll bear that in mind."' 'Having kissed grandfather on the cheek, you went on the Affairs.' act 'Further': grandpa_boletus = 0 & grandpa_bilberry = 0 & gt 'Gadhouse' exit end if go_in_bilberry = 1 and bilberry >= grandpa_bilberry and hour >= 6 and hour < 22: cla *clr grandmahelp += 1 bilberry -= grandpa_bilberry minut += 5 go_in_bilberry = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'Upon entering the house you immediately come to grandpa.' 'Grandfather, here of the berries!' 'Oh, thank you granddaughter, has pleased the old man, " replied the grandfather. - We with the grandmother it is hard for berries to go, and jam for the winter cooking needs.' 'Well, if you want, I can still run, have been happy to tell you."' '"Now do not need <<$pcs_nickname>>," - smiled grandfather. - "But if anything, I''ll bear that in mind."' 'Having kissed grandfather on the cheek, you went on the Affairs.' act 'Further': grandpa_bilberry = 0 & gt 'Gadhouse' exit end mira_temp = rand(1,5) if mira_temp = 1 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 19 and miraQW >= 15 and Mira_no = 0 and sunWeather = 0 and mira_guestday ! daystart and (mitkasextimes < 13 or miragopQW >= 10 or mirasex > 1): cla *clr mira_guestday = daystart minut += 5 mira_guest = 1 gs 'stat' dynamic $miraclothes 'You were in the house when he noticed the incoming Miroslav.' '"Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>, I''ve come to visit. I am getting really bored all alone at home." she said smiling.' act 'Further':gt'Gadhouse' exit end !125e '

Your Grandparents'' Cottage

' '
' 'A fairly simple home in the village of Gadyukino, but your grandparents call it home. Inside the main room is a huge wardrobe (where you can organize your clothes or pick something to wear) and a bed where you can sleep. It''s more comfortable than it looks.' 'In the living room they have an old black and white television. It''s positioned next to a body length mirror.' if catday = daystart: 'On the table by the window Boniface lies lazily, soaking in the heat from the rays of sunshine coming through the window.' else if hour < 8: temp = RAND(0,9) if temp = 0:catday = daystart & 'On the table by the window Boniface lies lazily, soaking up some rays of sunshine.' elseif hour >= 8 and hour < 12: temp = RAND(0,2) if temp = 1:catday = daystart & 'On the table by the window Boniface is busy cleaning himself with his tongue.' elseif hour >= 12 and hour < 18: temp = RAND(0,5) if temp = 3:catday = daystart & 'Next to the table by the window Boniface stretches and meows loudly, it''s time for dinner.' elseif hour >= 18 and hour < 22: temp = RAND(0,3) if temp = 0:catday = daystart & 'Boniface is stalking around the main floor, looking for a nice juicy mouse to play with.' elseif hour >= 22: temp = RAND(0,2) if temp = 1:catday = daystart & 'On the table by the window Boniface lies lazily, soaking up some rays of sunshine.' end end if hour >= 6 and hour < 22: 'Your grandmother is sitting on her bed. She looks a bit confused, as if she''s not sure where to go.' 'Your grandpa slowly shuffles across the room, using his cane for support.' else 'Your grandparents sleep in separate beds. But talk lovely to each other continously.' end if mira_guest = 1:'On the couch next to you, sitting Mira.' clr gs 'stat' fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0) bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255) lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205) !125s !{ !New family system, skip for now. gs 'zz_family', 'father_sheduler' if $father['location'] = $curloc: 'In the room of parents.' gs 'gadukino_event', 'go_home' end } if indorf = 1: 'Your parents are relaxing.' gs 'gadukino_event', 'go_home' end if grandmahelp > 0 and monthgrandmahelp ! month and hour >= 6 and hour < 22: monthgrandmahelp = month money += grandmahelp*50 gs'stat' 'Grandma gives you <> rubles for your help.' grandmahelp = 0 end !I am not sure, does anyone really making tissue for money? anyway, copy it here. by illume !{ if gobelen > 0:'The finished tapestry <> PCs' if poSkill >= 50 and tkan > 0:'Your fabric will be enough for <> lessons' if poSkill >= 50 and tkan <= 0:'You have no tissue' if poSkill >= 200: if newgobelen = 0 and tkan > 0: act'Starting a new tapestry': cls tkan -= 1 newgobelen = 1 minut += 15 gs'stat' 'During 15 minutes prepared fabric on which to embroider and in General mark the outline of the pattern.' act'Postpone': gt $curloc end end if newgobelen>=1: 'The tapestry is ready to <> percent' act'To embroider tapestry in the next hour': cls minut+=60 poSkill+=rand(0,1000) gobramax=poSkill/100 gobramin=poSkill/200 newgobelen+=rand(gobramin,gobramax) gs'stat' if newgobelen<1000:'You within the hour embroidered tapestry and now he is ready for <> percent' if newgobelen>=1000: newgobelen=0 gobelen+=1 'You managed to completely embroider tapestry.' end act'Postpone':gt $curloc end end end } !125e act 'Go outside': if $clothingworntype ! 'nude': minut += 5 & gt 'Gaddvor' else msg'You need to get dressed first.' gt $curloc end end act 'Eat a full meal (0:30)':gs 'food', 'm_meal' act 'Eat a light meal (0:20)':gs 'food', 's_meal' act 'Have a snack (0:15)':gs 'food', 'snack' act 'Have a cup of tea (0:05)': cls minut += 5 if water >= 100: 'You don''t need any more tea.' else water += 80 cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' fbreath = 0 'You have a cup of tea, quenching your thirst.' end gs 'stat' act 'Get up from the table':gt 'Gadhouse' end if pranik > 0: 'You brought your <> cookies with you.' act 'Drink tea with cookies (0:05)': cla *clr minut += 5 pranik -= 1 health += 30 manna += 100 energy += 20 water += 20 cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' fbreath = 0 fat += 4 frost = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'You enjoy a cup of tea while you eat some cookies. You know they''re too sweet and can''t be good for your figure, but they taste so good!' act 'Get up from the table':gt 'Gadhouse' end end if edaD > 0: act 'Eat diet food (0:30)': cla *clr frost = 0 minut += 30 health += 10 manna += 20 edaD -= 1 '
' if energy >= 100: 'You prepare a diet meal and try to eat it, but you''re really not hungry at all. You can''t finish the meal.' elseif energy >= 80: energy += 40 'You try to enjoy the diet meal, but half-way in you realize you weren''t all that hungry yet. You manage to finish the meal, but feel like it was kind of a waste to prepare it.' else energy += 80 'The diet meal is tasty, and you enjoy eating it.' end if water >= 80: 'You don''t need any more tea.' else water = 100 cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' fbreath = 0 'You have a cup of tea, quenching your thirst.' end act 'Get up from the table':gt 'Gadhouse' end end dynamic $fatdel if lekarstvo > 0: 'You have <> tablet(s).' if sick > 0 and lekarday ! daystart: act 'Take a pill (0:05)': cla *clr minut += 5 lekarday = daystart lekarstvo -= 1 sick -= sick * 20 / 100 if water < 50 : water += 30 else water +=15 if water > 100: water = 100 '
' 'You swallow the pill, and shortly after you feel a bit better.' act 'Continue':gt 'Gadhouse' end end end if vitamin > 0: 'You have <> vitamin pills.' if vitaminday ! daystart: act 'Take vitamins (0:05)': cla *clr if fat > salo:fat = salo minut += 5 vitaminday = daystart vitamin -= 1 frost = 0 if water < 50 : water += 30 else water +=15 if water > 100: water = 100 if KandidozOnce = 1:Kandidoz -= 2 if GerpesOnce = 1:Gerpes -= 2 if SifacOnce = 1 and Sifilis >= 10:Sifilis -= rand(0, 1) skinvan += 1 'You take some vitamins to stay healthy.' act 'Continue':gt 'Gadhouse' end end end gs 'events', 'read' if rand (0,2) ! 0:gs 'din_bad' & dynamic $mobile_check end if $ARGS[0]='grandma': cls minut += 2 if grandmatalkday ! daystart:grandmatalk = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'Your grandma is ancient, and almost never leaves her house. Most of the time she just sits on her bed watching TV, or is slowly cleaning her house.' if grandmahelpday ! daystart:act 'Offer assistance':grandmahelpday = daystart & gt'grandmahelp' !125s if grandmatalkgad = 0: act 'Ask about the village': cla *clr grandmatalkgad = 1 minut += 10 manna += mannamax/20 gs 'stat' '
' 'You sat next to grandma, decided to find out more about the village.' ' - And you do not remember <<$pcs_nickname>>? You visited more than once in our village, " said the grandmother.' ' - Well since I was small, the houses are mostly sitting, but with Mitya to the river to swim ran replied you.' ' - And now the major has become! Look at her, " laughed grandma. - Well, look.' 'And began to tell about the village.' ' - The village is small, well you know. About the river and the beach will not tell, remember, with Mitya there was swimming and sunbathing. There are still fishermen can be found if Stepan will be, and can give a fishing rod to go fishing.' ' The village itself is nothing interesting there. My only friends are loose, but the evenings drinking moonshine. Oh Yes... remember... recently we new family moved in, the father and his daughter. Imagine? There`s a girl about your age, though, and the city, but hard-working say. If you`re going to walk through the village, you will meet and get to know her.' ' Behind the village there is a field where the cattle graze and the forest. In the forest, our local hunter Andrew, all is lost. It as visiting friends will have, so they then for days there climbs. They say there`s a hut there somewhere hunting. So, what if you meet them there, don`t be surprised. But about the forest is that you go to the grandfather to ask.' ' If you love sports, then you can run on the road leading into the woods. Or on our old bike ride. By the way, look for it in the shed. And if you watch the figure, then go to the garden, have some fruit, they like your food diet, if not better.' ' Well, all granddaughter, run walk, don`t bother me. Now ten thousand stopyatdesyat eighth series "Santa Barbara" will start, don`t want to miss.' act 'Finish':gt 'Gadhouse' end end !125e if hour >= grandmatalk + 3: act 'Chat with your grandmother': cla *clr grandmatalk = hour grandmatalkday = daystart minut += 10 manna += mannamax/RAND(10,15) gs 'stat' '
' 'You spend some time talking with your grandmother. Sometimes, she''s difficult to understand. Her nearly toothless mouth makes the pronunciation of words difficult for her. Most of what she says boils down to the same thing, life is much more fun when you''re young!' act 'Continue':gt 'Gadhouse' end end if grandmastory ! daystart: act 'Ask her to tell you a story': cla *clr grandmastory = daystart minut += 20 manna += mannamax/RAND(5,10) temp = RAND(0,3) gs 'stat' '
' 'When you ask your grandmother to tell you a story, she mumbles a little. Nevertheless, after a brief second or two, she decides on a story to share with you today, slowly she begins to talk.' if temp = 0: '"One time, my parents allowed me to stay at my friend''s home for the night. During the night, a lot of snow fell... and we heard a soft knock on the wall!" she says in an ominous voice.' '"We listened more closely, but heard only the wind whistling through the trees... so we tried to go back to sleep. Then we heard the knocking again!"' '"We both ran to the window, but couldn''t see anything other than snow. The knocking became more insistent, and the voice of a small girl begged us to open the door! My friend and I moved to the middle of the room, tightly hugging one another... we were terrified!"' '"The knocking continued into the morning, even when the blizzard stopped. It sounded like someone was panicking, but when we told her parents in the morning, they didn''t believe us. When we went outside... there was no tracks of the snow! As if it never happened at all!"' '"We never heard the voice or the knocking ever again after that, but I still feel bad for not going downstairs to answer the door. What if some girl was actually there, begging for our help? I hope she''s okay..."' elseif temp = 1: '"I had a friend back when I was younger.", she says, in an ominous voice. "Her husband died at her house, he was a drunken batard. He got drunk one day and died of alcohol poisoning in her very house."' '"One day she came home from work, and the floor boards were creaking! And through the glass panes in the door in the hallway, she could see the silhouette of a man. It looked remarkably like her late husband, she said!"' '"She was terrified! She quickly left her house, and only went back when I promised to go with her... but of course, we found nothing. Do you believe in ghosts, <<$pcs_nickname>>? Because ever since that moment, I do..."' elseif temp = 2: '"I wasn''t born in Gadyukino, I grew up in a different village", your grandmother begins. "This is a true story, by the way!"' '"When I was still a little girl, one of our neighbors died. Then, less than two weeks later, one of his brothers died too! And as the legend goes, death comes in threes..."' '"His one surviving sister was terrified. She was a friend of mine, but her parents wouldn''t let her leave the house."' '"It was well into the winter season then, and people could only go to other towns by sleigh. For forty days, they waited... just when they were about to accept that the legend might not be true, they found one of her relatives. Dead. Muzhik I believe his name was, he was found frozen solid, basically a block of ice! He''d tried to attend his cousin''s funeral, but it cost him his life!"' '"Death is not to be trifled with, <<$pcs_nickname>>... her parents were smart to hide her, otherwise she might''ve died instead!"' elseif temp = 3: '"This really happened!" your grandmother reassures you. "When I was young, basically your age... it was just after the war. No one believed in superstition or anything like that. They were tough times, all anyone cared about is how to get their next meal on the table for their family."' '"We all went to bed, but our cat kept meowing at me! It just wouldn''t let me sleep, for hours and hours!"' '"When I finally caught some sleep and woke up the next morning, my father was next to my bed. He said when he cleaned out the furnace of ashes, he found the remains of our dead cat in there!"' 'You see her eyes tear up. "No one knew how she got there... no one noticed anything! Except for me. To this day I believe she was trying to warn me, asking for my help..."' 'Your grandmother shrugs, wiping a tear from her eye. You put your hand on her knee reassuringly, but don''t really know what to say to comfort her.' !125s elseif temp = 4: '"I will tell you about this time long ago: In a village called "Secluded", may day area in which I lived when a couple of years, came a woman from the North from the Arctic. She lived alone and her house wandered handsome dog - white, large, quiet. After a while he died. It is now, but what good to disappear? Stripped him of his shoes and made himself raskalennye collar. It took about two months. She got sick...I came, and everything looked fine. But suddenly a door slammed, there was a draught and as a reaction to the knock and the wind, she had a characteristic of rabies convulsions. It was too late to vaccinate and the woman died... So here was..."' elseif temp = 5: '"Somehow in his youth during the Christmas holidays one winter evening we were sitting with friends in the kitchen my girlfriend, starts Granny. - To her came to visit our school friend, so we come then. So the three of us sat. My friend says, well, let`s read on wax, now as the Yuletide time. And began to wonder to himself by turns. I got a male figure in profile, his nose was straight and aquiline. This profile was holding, something like a bouquet of flowers. A friend of my got an abstract figure that looks like a kettle. And her school friend - the image of an infant. Decided to build again, to burn the paper and watch the shadows on the wall. This time I clearly drew a large steamer. My friend - nothing special, but the third girl`s baby again, only this time with a stroller. The school friend was not married and the children she never had. All sat and began to disperse. To me at that time was to drive up my young man. I went downstairs, and he came out of the car and pulls out a beautiful bouquet of roses for me. The reason was not any, he just wanted to please me. I was surprised, because I remembered at once the profile of a man on the wax with a bouquet of flowers. But after 4 months I met another man, your grandfather, whom was released and then married. And he, you know, really has a straight nose with a small hump. It turns out that flowers gave me one, and I got married to another... But the most interesting thing from this high school friend - she really had a baby at the end of the year when we wondered. So do not believe these fortune-telling..."' elseif temp = 6: '"- I remember sitting as we are, grandma, but then, as if remembering something," sadly sighs. - "A match no more..." You look in astonishment at her grandmother, and FIHM ask what she meant, because he do they match, are in the kitchen, and in the store to buy something grandma you will be responsible: -" You don`t get it, granddaughter. Now do not match those that were previously. And ended those that I during the war the factory was stolen... Oh and matches were, not like now... Ugh..."' elseif temp = 7: '"- Somehow my mother, rest her soul, all four of us sent to the forest for berry", tell you grandma. - "We, armed with the appropriate packaging, a friendly crowd went there. Reaching the meadow, we dispersed to their cherished places and silently gathered berries. I dostalsya plot around a huge stump, around which grew a dense Bush. Here I saw a very large number of ripe strawberry. I squatted and rejoicing that I collect more than my brothers, slowly gathering the berries and putting it in a Cup tied to the belt. Suddenly I hear some rustling. I turn on the sound, but again silently. Place is dead, there is none. I once again gather berries. So repeated several times. And suddenly... I see on the stump, through the bushes, squatting seated person. His hands parted the bushes and looked at me. I was scared. I ran screaming and crying to the brothers. They tried to stop me, to calm down, but I continued with my running. The brothers ran after me, and they chased us the man. Suddenly the elder brother shouted: «Run on team*!». As a team we have a Central collective farm was called, explains to you grandma. - She was very close to the forest. When we ran out of the woods, this man was not following us. Resorting to the brigade, the brothers told this to the foreman. He immediately grabbed the phone and began to call somewhere. And we were reassured farmers. Then we went home. At home mom us fed, watered and comforted." "The next day we were informed that not far from the station Ratomka were dismantled railroad rails." "Apparently it was the man who ran after us. The fact is that before the war we were infiltrated by spies, saboteurs, subversives work, and pronanut was easy, as the territory is covered by forests, stretching to the borders. This fear, this terror that I experienced then, in kindergarten, even preschool age, sunk into my soul so that I nezabudu it for the rest of my life..."' end !125e act 'You thank your grandmother for the story.':gt 'Gadhouse' end end act 'Leave her alone':gt 'Gadhouse' end if $ARGS[0]='grandpa': cls minut += 2 if grandpatalkday ! daystart:grandpatalk = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'Your grandfather is grumpy old man, who is always complaining about the village elders and how they have allowed the village to become run down and barely habitable. He can walk, but requires a cane. He doesn''t really leave the house any more, unless he really has to.' if go_in_boletus = 1:'You promised to bring grandpa <> kg of mushrooms.' if go_in_bilberry = 1:'You promised to bring grandpa <> kg of berries.' if go_in_boletus_bilberry = 1:'You promised to bring grandpa <> kg mushrooms and <> kg of berries.' !125s if grandpahelpday ! daystart:act 'Offer assistance':grandpahelpday = daystart & gt'grandpahelp' if grandpatalkforest = 0: act 'Ask about the forest': cla *clr grandpatalkforest = 1 minut += 10 manna += mannamax/20 goforest += 1 gs 'stat' '
' '" - And what''s there to tell the granddaughter. Like woods. Really great. If you go back, without the knowledge of the forest can easily get lost. So again it is better not to go, the mushrooms and berries can be found on the edge of the forest. Though not so much. In the middle of the forest there is the forest, the swamp, here there are a lot of things to gather up... and mushrooms, and berries. In the forest at night is generally better not to go, then the wild beast may attack, and really bad."' '" If still lost granddaughter, then the dark better than the fire kindle, Yes, sit in one place until morning. The beasts of the forest fire is afraid of something, or even comes close."' '" Yes, that''s another... You''re in the woods, especially not to dress up, spoil all my beautiful clothes. Into the woods is better to go to these.... as their... in insah. In!."' '" Well, everything <<$pcs_nickname>>, run walk, all I knew I told."' act 'Finish':gt 'Gadhouse' end end !125e if hour >= grandpatalk + 3: act 'Chat with your grandfather': cla *clr grandpatalk = hour grandpatalkday = daystart minut += 10 manna += mannamax/RAND(10,15) gs 'stat' '
' 'Your grandfather stop compaining and smiles at you, he loves telling stories. He has lived a rich and eventful life, and you enjoy listening to his stories and talking to him. He mostly reminisces about his past, and reflects on his earlier life.' act 'Continue':gt 'Gadhouse' end end act 'Leave him alone':gt 'Gadhouse' end if $ARGS[0]='villagecat': cls minut += 2 gs 'stat' '
' 'Your grandparents'' fat tomcat, Boniface, is aware of you approaching him, even though his eyes are closed. He tracks you with his ears and simply ignores you.' act 'Pet Boniface': cla *clr minut += 5 manna += mannamax/RAND(30,50) gs 'stat' '
' 'You gently pet Boniface, giving him a good scratch behind the ears. You hear him start to purr. As soon as you stop scratching him, the purring stops too. That lazy bastard... he''s living the easy life!' act 'Continue':minut += 2 & gt 'Gadhouse' end act 'Leave Boniface alone':minut += 2 & gt 'Gadhouse' end --- Gadhouse ---------------------------------