# dinfather gs 'fathersex' !!!These events can trigger randomly when you 'Chat' with your stepfather in the living room, if your relationship is good and you are attractive enough $d_father_act[1]={ if pcs_horny >= 50 or TouchedByFather=1: act 'You feel like teasing him': cls minut+=5 gs 'stat' pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) '
' 'In a moment of horniness, you slowly and teasingly bend over with a playful smile on your lips, providing your stepfather with an amazing view of your <<$titsize>> breasts.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' 'Your stepfather is clearly embarrassed, and surprised you would do such a thing. He clears his throat loudly and looks at you disapprovingly, and the silence that follows makes you feel a bit uncomfortable.' end if fatherLust=1: 'Even though he did not expect this from you, you can tell by the spark in his eyes and his heavier breathing that he definitely likes what he sees.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_father_act[2]={ if pcs_horny >= 90 or TouchedByFather=1: act 'Stare at his groin as you talk': cls minut+=5 gs 'stat' pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) '
' 'Unable to stop yourself, you stare at his groin and notice the outline of his erect cock through the fabric. Absent-mindedly you bring a hand to your breasts and knead it gently, letting out a barely audible moan.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' 'Even though your body is definitely having an effect on him your stepfather is clearly embarrassed, and surprised you would do such a thing. He clears his throat loudly and looks at you disapprovingly, and the silence that follows makes you feel a bit uncomfortable.' end if fatherLust=1: 'Your acts have derailed his train of thought, and your stepfather just mumbles something unintelligible as he devours you with his eyes. You can tell from his look that he wants you.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_father_act[3]={ if pcs_horny >= 100 or TouchedByFather=1: act 'Spread your legs': cls minut+=5 pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) 'You, while pretending to not notice, slowly spread your legs as you talk.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' if tanga=1:'
' & 'You notice your stepfather''s eyes darting down while you talk, and suddenly his face turns beet red. You look down and notice your skimpy underwear did a very poor job of hiding your pussy. Your stepfather is clearly embarrassed and surprised. He loudly clears his throat and says "<<$pcs_nickname>> don''t do that, that''s no way for a lady to behave. And go put some normal underwear on."' if tanga=0:'
' & 'You notice your stepfather''s eyes darting down while you talk, and suddenly his face turns beet red. "What''s wrong?" you ask him innocently, knowing full well you''re not wearing underwear and that he has a great view of your bare pussy. You''re not fooling him though, and he doesn''t appreciate your teasing in the slightest. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, stop that at once and go put some pants on."' end if fatherLust=1: if tanga=1:'
' & 'Your stepfather realizes what you''re up to and pulls you closer to him, desire burning in his eyes. He runs his hands over your ass cheeks and thighs, petting and kneading them, and then pushes your panties to the side. Two of his fingers are exploring your sphincter, rubbing and teasing you. "Is there something you want, <<$pcs_nickname>>?" he asks with a smug grin on his face, knowing he turned the tables on you. All you can do is whimper in response.' if tanga=0:'
' & 'Your stepfather gets a glimpse of your bare pussy and realizes what you''re up to. "<<$pcs_nickname>>... are you not wearing panties? Get down on the couch and spread your legs for me, Daddy has to know now." You do as he says, lean back on the couch and spread wide. He kneels in front of you, pulls your clothes to the side and rubs your pussy and thighs with his rough hands. "Just as I thought, you little minx!" he says with a grin on his face. After he had his fun he helps you get back up and even helps you straighten your clothes, his hands lingering on your hips and ass a few seconds longer than is needed.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } !!! These events can trigger when you 'Chat' with your stepfather in the living room. $d_father[1]={ !He hates you 'You try to have a conversation with your stepfather, but he dislikes you too much to even pretend to be interested in what you have to say.' if sorryday!daystart: act 'Apologize': cla sorryday=daystart Astat_rel[28]+=(pcs_intel/10)+(vnesh/20) gs 'stat' 'You profusely apologize to your stepfather, and after a while you can tell his attitude towards you is slightly milder.' act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_father[2]={ !He doesn''t like you very much 'You try to have a conversation with your stepfather, but he''s not really interested and barely has anything to contribute while you do all the talking.' if sorryday!daystart: act 'Try to get on his good side': cla sorryday=daystart Astat_rel[28]+=(pcs_intel/10)+(vnesh/20) gs 'stat' 'You spend some time trying to get on your stepfather''s good side, and you feel like he likes you a bit more after you show interest in the things he enjoys.' act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_father[3]={ !Good relationship, but you''re not pretty enough fatherTalk = rand (1,5) if fatherTalk = 1: 'You enjoy a short talk with your stepfather.' end if fatherTalk = 2: 'You ask your stepfather how he met your mother. Your stepfather scratches his slightly balding head and replies: "I used to work as a taxi driver back then, drove your mother to places from time to time and we got along very well. Natasha is a strong and independant woman, raising you and Anya all by herself after she left your father. I didn''t know him very well, I''ve only met him a couple of times. All I know is that his name is Mikhail Kuznetsov, and that he moved to a different city soon after he and your mother divorced.' end if fatherTalk = 3: 'You ask your stepfather about his work. Your stepfather reaches for his aching joints, with a grimace on his face. "I used to be a taxi driver. It was hard work though, often working many hours a day, and it could be dangerous too. With some money we saved up I bought a Gazelle pickup truck, and now I drive that selling goods and making deliveries. As you know I have two garages; one for our Volga, and the other one for the Gazelle."' end if fatherTalk = 4: 'Your stepfather tells you a funny story.' end if fatherTalk = 5: 'Your stepfather tells you a funny joke.' end } $d_father[4]={ !Good relationship, you''re attractive talkrand=rand(1,100) if talkrand>=20:dynamic $d_father[3] if talkrand<20: 'You relax and share funny stories with your stepfather.' if Astat_rel[28]>=40 and Astat_rel[28]<60:FatherMolest = RAND (1,8) if Astat_rel[28]>=60 and Astat_rel[28]<80:FatherMolest = RAND (1,4) if Astat_rel[28]>=80:FatherMolest = RAND (1,2) if FatherMolest=1: dynamic $d_father_act[1] dynamic $d_father_act[2] dynamic $d_father_act[3] else dynamic $d_father[3] end end } !_____________________Button "Chat" garage _____________________________ $d_fathergar_act[1]={ if pcs_horny >= 50 or TouchedByFather=1: act 'You feel like teasing him': cls minut+=5 gs 'stat' pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) '
' 'In a moment of horniness, you slowly and teasingly bend over with a playful smile on your lips, providing your stepfather with an amazing view of your <<$titsize>> breasts.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' 'Your stepfather is clearly embarrassed, and surprised you would do such a thing. He clears his throat loudly and looks at you disapprovingly, and the silence that follows makes you feel a bit uncomfortable.' end if fatherLust=1: 'Even though he did not expect this from you, you can tell by the spark in his eyes and his heavier breathing that he definitely likes what he sees.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_fathergar_act[2]={ if pcs_horny >= 90 or TouchedByFather=1: act 'Stare at his groin as you talk': cls minut+=5 gs 'stat' pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) '
' 'Unable to stop yourself, you stare at his groin and notice the outline of his erect cock through the fabric. Absent-mindedly you bring a hand to your breasts and knead it gently, letting out a barely audible moan.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' 'Even though your body is definitely having an effect on him your stepfather is clearly embarrassed, and surprised you would do such a thing. He clears his throat loudly and looks at you disapprovingly, and the silence that follows makes you feel a bit uncomfortable.' end if fatherLust=1: 'Your acts have derailed his train of thought, and your stepfather just mumbles something unintelligible as he devours you with his eyes. You can tell from his look that he wants you.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_fathergar_act[3]={ if pcs_horny >= 100 or TouchedByFather=1: act 'Spread your legs': cls minut+=5 pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) 'You, while pretending to not notice, slowly spread your legs as you talk.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' if tanga=1:'
' & 'You notice your stepfather''s eyes darting down while you talk, and suddenly his face turns beet red. You look down and notice your skimpy underwear did a very poor job of hiding your pussy. Your stepfather is clearly embarrassed and surprised. He loudly clears his throat and says "<<$pcs_nickname>> don''t do that, that''s no way for a lady to behave. And go put some normal underwear on."' if tanga=0:'
' & 'You notice your stepfather''s eyes darting down while you talk, and suddenly his face turns beet red. "What''s wrong?" you ask him innocently, knowing full well you''re not wearing underwear and that he has a great view of your bare pussy. You''re not fooling him though, and he doesn''t appreciate your teasing in the slightest. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, stop that at once and go put some pants on."' end if fatherLust=1: if tanga=1:'
' & 'Your stepfather realizes what you''re up to and pulls you closer to him, desire burning in his eyes. He runs his hands over your ass cheeks and thighs, petting and kneading them, and then pushes your panties to the side. Two of his fingers are exploring your sphincter, rubbing and teasing you. "Is there something you want, <<$pcs_nickname>>?" he asks with a smug grin on his face, knowing he turned the tables on you. All you can do is whimper in response.' if tanga=0:'
' & 'Your stepfather gets a glimpse of your bare pussy and realizes what you''re up to. "<<$pcs_nickname>>... are you not wearing panties? Get down on the ground and spread your legs for me, Daddy has to know now." You do as he says, lie down on the ground and spread your legs wide. He kneels in front of you, pulls your clothes to the side and rubs your pussy and thighs with his rough hands. "Just as I thought, you little minx!" he says with a grin on his face. After he had his fun he helps you get back up and even helps you straighten your clothes, his hands lingering on your hips and ass a few seconds longer than is needed.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_fathergar[1]={ !He hates you 'You try to have a conversation with your stepfather, but he dislikes you too much to even pretend to be interested in what you have to say.' if sorryday!daystart: act 'Apologize': cla sorryday=daystart Astat_rel[28]+=(pcs_intel/10)+(vnesh/20) gs 'stat' 'You profusely apologize to your stepfather, and after a while you can tell his attitude towards you is slightly milder.' act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_fathergar[2]={ !He doesn''t like you very much 'You try to have a conversation with your stepfather, but he''s not really interested and barely has anything to contribute while you do all the talking.' if sorryday!daystart: act 'Try to get on his good side': cla sorryday=daystart Astat_rel[28]+=(pcs_intel/10)+(vnesh/20) gs 'stat' 'You spend some time trying to get on your stepfather''s good side, and you feel like he likes you a bit more after you show interest in the things he enjoys.' act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_fathergar[3]={ !gg good relations but not beautiful !Block any babble that can stick to any act fatherTalk = rand (1,5) if fatherTalk = 1: 'You enjoy a short talk with your stepfather.' end if fatherTalk = 2: 'You ask your stepfather how he met your mother. Your stepfather scratches his slightly balding head and replies: "I used to work as a taxi driver back then, drove your mother to places from time to time and we got along very well. Natasha is a strong and independant woman, raising you and Anya all by herself after she left your father. I didn''t know him very well, I''ve only met him a couple of times. All I know is that his name is Mikhail Kuznetsov, and that he moved to a different city soon after he and your mother divorced.' end if fatherTalk = 3: 'You ask your stepfather about his work. Your stepfather reaches for his aching joints, with a grimace on his face. "I used to be a taxi driver. It was hard work though, often working many hours a day, and it could be dangerous too. With some money we saved up I bought a Gazelle pickup truck, and now I drive that selling goods and making deliveries. As you know I have two garages; one for our Volga, and the one we''re at now."' end if fatherTalk = 4: 'Your stepfather tells you a funny story.' end if fatherTalk = 5: 'Your stepfather tells you a funny joke.' end } $d_fathergar[4]={ !good relations and Messrs attractive talkrand=rand(1,100) if talkrand>=20:dynamic $d_fathergar[3] if talkrand<20: 'You relax and share funny stories with your stepfather.' if Astat_rel[28]>=40 and Astat_rel[28]<60:FatherMolest = RAND (1,8) if Astat_rel[28]>=60 and Astat_rel[28]<80:FatherMolest = RAND (1,4) if Astat_rel[28]>=80:FatherMolest = RAND (1,2) if FatherMolest=1: dynamic $d_fathergar_act[1] dynamic $d_fathergar_act[2] dynamic $d_fathergar_act[3] else dynamic $d_fathergar[3] end end } !_____________________Button "HELP" garage _____________________________ $d_fatherhelp_act[1]={ if pcs_horny >= 50 or TouchedByFather=1: act '''Accidentally'' drop the wrench': cla minut+=5 gs 'stat' pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) '
' 'Feeling horny, you decide to tease your stepfather while you help him in the garage. You let the wrench slip out of your hand, the loud clattering of metal on the stone floor ringing throughout the garage. "Oops! I can be so clumsy sometimes..." you say with a smile, bending over to pick up the wrench without bending your knees. In this pose, you give your stepfather a great view of your ass.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: cls pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' if tanga=1:'
' & 'Even though your body is definitely having an effect on him your stepfather is clearly embarrassed, and surprised you would do such a thing. He clears his throat loudly and looks at you disapprovingly, and the silence that follows makes you feel uncomfortable.' if tanga=0:'
' & 'The sight of your ass makes your stepfather uncomfortable. "Clumsy you say? It seems like that wrench is not the only thing you let slip today", he snarks, referring to your lack of underwear. His snarky tone and disapproving look make you feel a bit awkward.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_fatherhelp_act[2]={ if pcs_horny >= 30 or TouchedByFather=1: act 'Fondle your breasts as you talk': cls minut+=5 gs 'stat' pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) '
' 'In a moment of horniness, you slowly and teasingly bend over with a playful smile on your lips, providing your stepfather with an amazing view of your <<$titsize>> breasts.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' 'Your stepfather is clearly embarrassed, and surprised you would do such a thing. He clears his throat loudly and looks at you disapprovingly, and the silence that follows makes you feel a bit uncomfortable.' end if fatherLust=1: 'Even though he did not expect this from you, you can tell by the spark in his eyes and his heavier breathing that he definitely likes what he sees.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_fatherhelp_act[3]={ if pcs_horny >= 60 or TouchedByFather=1: act 'Spread your legs': cls minut+=5 pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) 'You, while pretending to not notice, slowly spread your legs as you talk.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' if tanga=1:'
' & 'You notice your stepfather''s eyes darting down while you talk, and suddenly his face turns beet red. You look down and notice your skimpy underwear did a very poor job of hiding your pussy. Your stepfather is clearly embarrassed and surprised. He loudly clears his throat and says "<<$pcs_nickname>> don''t do that, that''s no way for a lady to behave. And go put some normal underwear on."' if tanga=0:'
' & 'You notice your stepfather''s eyes darting down while you talk, and suddenly his face turns beet red. "What''s wrong?" you ask him innocently, knowing full well you''re not wearing underwear and that he has a great view of your bare pussy. You''re not fooling him though, and he doesn''t appreciate your teasing in the slightest. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, stop that at once and go put some pants on."' end if fatherLust=1: if tanga=1:'
' & 'Your stepfather realizes what you''re up to and pulls you closer to him, desire burning in his eyes. He runs his hands over your ass cheeks and thighs, petting and kneading them, and then pushes your panties to the side. Two of his fingers are exploring your sphincter, rubbing and teasing you. "Is there something you want, <<$pcs_nickname>>?" he asks with a smug grin on his face, knowing he turned the tables on you. All you can do is whimper in response.' if tanga=0:'
' & 'Your stepfather gets a glimpse of your bare pussy and realizes what you''re up to. "<<$pcs_nickname>>... are you not wearing panties? Get down on the ground and spread your legs for me, Daddy has to know now." You do as he says, lie down on the ground and spread your legs wide. He kneels in front of you, pulls your clothes to the side and rubs your pussy and thighs with his rough calloused hands. "Just as I thought, you little minx!" he says with a grin on his face. After he had his fun he helps you get back up and even helps you straighten your clothes, his hands lingering on your hips and ass a few seconds longer than is needed.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_fatherhelp[1]={ !scandal stepfather 'You offer to help your stepfather out in the garage. He waves you away and grumpily says "Get out of the way <<$pcs_nickname>>, can''t you see I''m busy? Besides, why would I want to be around you?"' if sorryday!daystart: act 'Apologize': cla sorryday=daystart Astat_rel[28]+=(pcs_intel/10)+(vnesh/20) gs 'stat' 'You profusely apologize to your stepfather, and after a while you can tell his attitude towards you is slightly milder.' act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_fatherhelp[2]={ !strained relations 'You ask your stepfather if there''s anything you can do to help him out in the garage, but he shrugs and shakes his head. "And what would you even do? Maybe you should go help your mother in the kitchen, that seems to suit your skill set better."' if sorryday!daystart: act 'Try to get on his good side': cla sorryday=daystart Astat_rel[28]+=(pcs_intel/10)+(vnesh/20) gs 'stat' 'You spend some time trying to get on your stepfather''s good side, and you feel like he likes you a bit more after you show interest in the things he enjoys.' act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_fatherhelp[3]={ !gg good relations but not beautiful fatherTalk = rand (1,5) if fatherTalk = 1: 'While you help your stepfather in the garage, he talks to you about how every car has its own character, all the while not looking away from his work.' end if fatherTalk = 2: 'While you help your stepfather in the garage, he talks to you about how the engine of the Gazelle works, all the while not looking away from his work.' end if fatherTalk = 3: 'While you help your stepfather in the garage, he talks to you about how unreliable some cars are and how expensive it is to keep them on the road, all the while not looking away from his work.' end if fatherTalk = 4: 'While you help your stepfather in the garage, he complains about the poor condition the roads around Pavlovski, all the while not looking away from his work.' end if fatherTalk = 5: 'While you help your stepfather in the garage, he explains how a gear box works, all the while not looking away from his work.' end } $d_fatherhelp[4]={ !good relations and Messrs attractive talkrand=rand(1,100) if talkrand>=20:dynamic $d_fatherhelp[3] if talkrand<20: 'You help your stepfather while he works on the Gazelle, handing him the bolts and tools he needs.' if Astat_rel[28]>=40 and Astat_rel[28]<60:FatherMolest = RAND (1,8) if Astat_rel[28]>=60 and Astat_rel[28]<80:FatherMolest = RAND (1,4) if Astat_rel[28]>=80:FatherMolest = RAND (1,2) if FatherMolest=1: dynamic $d_fatherhelp_act[1] dynamic $d_fatherhelp_act[2] dynamic $d_fatherhelp_act[3] else dynamic $d_fatherhelp[3] end end } !_____________________Button "VIEW WITH TV" in the apartment _____________________________ $d_watchtv_act[1]={ if pcs_horny >= 50 or TouchedByFather=1: act 'Lean your head against his chest': cls minut+=5 gs 'stat' pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) 'Soon after you join your stepfather on the couch to watch TV, you feel a bit sleepy. You snuggle up against your stepfather''s chest and close your eyes.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' 'Your stepfather does not like you getting so close to him, and pushes you away.' end if fatherLust=1: '
' 'The warmth of his body and his musky smell make you feel aroused, and you suddenly don''t feel tired any more. Enjoying your comfy position and closeness to him, you stay put and pretend to be asleep while sexy thoughts race through your mind.' end set fatherWantsToTouch=Rand(1,2) if fatherWantsToTouch=1: 'As you lay against him with your eyes closed, you feel his arm shifting. Seconds later you feel his hand on your hip, slowly moving its way up until he rests it on your <<$titsize>> breasts. He keeps his hand there, gently kneading them as he watches TV. You do your best to stay still, but your heart is racing and you rapidly feel your pussy moisten.' act 'Stay still and see if he goes any further': cls pcs_horny = rand(90,95) gs 'stat' set TouchedByFather=1 '
' 'Biting your lip, you lie quietly on the chest of your stepfather and enjoy his caresses, restraining your moans. Slowly but surely he focuses more on your nipples, pinching them and tugging at them. You do your best to stay quiet, but it''s getting more and more difficult. Then you hear him let out a chuckle, and he whispers "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I know you''re not sleeping."' if hadsexwithfather=1 and mother_go = 1 and hour = 16: '
' 'You open your eyes and notice the large bulge in his pants. As you turn your head and give him a sweet smile, you put your hand on the bulge and gently start to pet it. Your stepfather, without hesitation, unbuttons his pants and pulls out his dick. You, also without hesitation, lower your head and give it a lick.' act 'Get down on your knees':dynamic $d_fatherblow_act[4] end act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka end end if fatherWantsToTouch=2: 'You slowly feel his hand work its way down to your ass, kneading it firmly.' act 'Stay still and see if he goes any further': cls pcs_horny = rand(90,95) gs 'stat' set TouchedByFather=1 anus+=1 if tanga=1:'
' & 'Not noticing any reluctance from you, your stepfather continues his kneading and then slides his hands underneath your clothes. His sexual preference is abundantly clear: he immediately searches out your tight asshole, and gently rubs his finger against it. Unable to help yourself you begin to gyrate your hips to mimic his movements, trying to stifle your moans. He notices anyway: the pressure of his finger against your sphincter grows, and his decisive actions make you realize he has no intentions of stopping there. When his finger penetrates you, you can''t hold back your moans any longer. He chuckles and whispers: "I knew you were awake all along <<$pcs_nickname>>, just relax and enjoy."' if tanga=0:'
' & 'When his hand slips under your clothes, you feel his fingers feeling around for a second, grasping for something that isn''t there. He was clearly expecting panties, and is confused by the lack of them. When he realizes you''re not wearing any his actions grow bolder, and soon feel two fingers rubbing up against your asshole with the intention of going in. You adjust your hips slightly to grant him easier access, which he recognizes as a sign of consent and increases the pressure on your sphincter, pushing his two fingers in slowly but surely.' if hadsexwithfather=1 and mother_go = 1 and hour = 16: '
' 'You open your eyes and notice the large bulge in his pants. As you turn your head and give him a sweet smile, you put your hand on the bulge and gently start to pet it. Your stepfather, without hesitation, unbuttons his pants and pulls out his dick. You, also without hesitation, lower your head and give it a lick.' act 'Get down on your knees': dynamic $d_fatherblow_act[4] end end act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka end end act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka end end } $d_watchtv_act[2]={ if pcs_horny >= 90 or TouchedByFather=1: act 'Stare at his groin': cls minut+=5 gs 'stat' pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) '
' 'Unable to stop yourself, you stare at his groin and notice the outline of his erect cock through the fabric. Absent-mindedly you bring a hand to your breasts and knead them gently, letting out a barely audible moan.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' 'Even though your body is definitely having an effect on him your stepfather is clearly embarrassed, and surprised you would do such a thing. He clears his throat loudly and looks at you disapprovingly, and the silence that follows makes you feel a bit uncomfortable.' end if fatherLust=1: 'Your acts have derailed his train of thought, and your stepfather just mumbles something unintelligible as he devours you with his eyes. You can tell from his look that he wants you.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_watchtv_act[3]={ if pcs_horny >= 100 or TouchedByFather=1: act 'Spread your legs': cls minut+=5 pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) 'You, while pretending to not notice, slowly spread your legs as you talk.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' if tanga=1:'
' & 'Your stepfather is clearly embarrassed, and surprised you would do such a thing. He reaches over to your clothes and adjusts them so they cover your panties, and sends you off.' if tanga=0:'
' & 'You notice your stepfather''s eyes darting down while you talk, and suddenly his face turns beet red. "What''s wrong?" you ask him innocently, knowing full well you''re not wearing underwear and that he has a great view of your bare pussy. You''re not fooling him though, and he doesn''t appreciate your teasing in the slightest. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, stop that at once and go put some pants on."' end if fatherLust=1: if tanga=1:'
' & 'Your stepfather realizes what you''re up to and pulls you closer to him, desire burning in his eyes. He runs his hands over your ass cheeks and thighs, petting and kneading them, and then pushes your panties to the side. Two of his fingers are exploring your sphincter, rubbing and teasing you. "Is there something you want, <<$pcs_nickname>>?" he asks with a smug grin on his face, knowing he turned the tables on you. All you can do is whimper in response.' if tanga=0:'
' & 'Judging from your stepfather''s reddening face, you think your actions are definitely having an effect on him. Your stepfather grabs you around your hips without another word, pulls you down over his lap and sticks a finger deep in your soaking wet pussy. You let out a needy moan, and feel a tinge of regret when he pulls out and pretends as if nothing happened with a smug grin on his face. Realising he''s not going to go any further you straighten your clothes and try to pretend it''s okay, even though your throbbing pussy begs to differ.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_watchtv[1]={ !scandal stepfather 'You try to cuddle up against him on the couch, but he roughly shoves you off the couch. As your ass hits the ground he scowls at you: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, what the hell are you doing?" He can''t stand the thought of being anywhere near you. You rub your sensitive ass with a slight pout on your face and consider your next move.' if sorryday!daystart: act 'Apologize': cls sorryday=daystart Astat_rel[28]+=(pcs_intel/10)+(vnesh/20) gs 'stat' '
' 'You profusely apologize to your stepfather, and after a while you can tell his attitude towards you is slightly milder.' act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_watchtv[2]={ !strained relations 'As you try to cuddle up against your stepfather to watch some TV, he holds you off and makes clear that he doesn''t want you to get that close to him.' if sorryday!daystart: act 'Try to get on his good side': cla sorryday=daystart Astat_rel[28]+=(pcs_intel/10)+(vnesh/20) gs 'stat' 'You spend some time trying to get on your stepfather''s good side, and you feel like he likes you a bit more after you show interest in the things he enjoys.' act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_watchtv[3]={ !gg good relations but not beautiful fatherTV = rand (1,5) if fatherTV = 1: 'You spend an hour watching a TV show with your stepfather, in which various persons display their skill in random talents hoping to win a prize.' end if fatherTV = 2: 'You spend an hour watching a TV show with your stepfather, in which several girls hope to get a date with the handsome bachelor.' end if fatherTV = 3: 'You spend an hour watching a TV show with your stepfather, learning all about how a platypus behaves in the wild.' end if fatherTV = 4: 'You spend an hour watching a TV show with your stepfather, in which experts try to figure out which of the girls in their line-up are most likely to get pregnant by examining them through X-ray glasses.' end if fatherTV = 5: 'You spend an hour watching a TV show with your stepfather, in which two guys are beating the crap out of each other in a boxing ring.' end } $d_watchtv[4]={ !good relations and Messrs attractive talkrand=rand(1,100) if talkrand>=20:dynamic $d_watchtv[3] if talkrand<20: 'You relax and talk about the show you''re watching with your stepfather, cuddling up snugly against him.' if Astat_rel[28]>=40 and Astat_rel[28]<60:FatherMolest = RAND (1,8) if Astat_rel[28]>=60 and Astat_rel[28]<80:FatherMolest = RAND (1,4) if Astat_rel[28]>=80:FatherMolest = RAND (1,2) if FatherMolest=1: dynamic $d_watchtv_act[1] !dynamic $d_watchtv_act[2] !dynamic $d_watchtv_act[3] else dynamic $d_watchtv[3] end end } !_____________________FOR booze in the garage _____________________________ $d_fatherdrunk_act[1]={ 'You can''t help but notice that your uncle Misha is staring at you the whole time. You feel like he''s not just undressing you in his mind, but that he''s fucking you in all sorts of positions with reckless abandon.' if pcs_horny >= 50 and sosedknow=1: act 'Show him your breasts': cls minut+=5 gs 'stat' pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) '
' 'In a moment of horniness, you slowly and teasingly bend over with a playful smile on your lips, providing uncle Misha with an amazing view of your <<$titsize>> breasts.' if vnesh < 60:mishalust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:mishalust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:mishalust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200:mishaLust = 1 if mishaLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' 'Uncle Misha is clearly embarrassed, and surprised you would do such a thing. He clears his throat loudly and looks at you disapprovingly, and the silence that follows makes you feel a bit uncomfortable. You''re happy he at least had enough decency to not clue in your stepfather, who happened to have his back turned against you.' end if mishaLust=1: 'You try to be discrete so your stepfather doesn''t notice what you just did, and uncle Misha is quite flustered by the show you just gave him. He stumbles over his words while your stepfather talks to him about bumpers, as you smile mischievously and give uncle Misha a wink when your stepfather looks away.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_fatherdrunk_act[2]={ if pcs_horny >= 90 or TouchedByFather=1: act 'Get their attention by dropping your bottle': cls minut+=5 gs 'stat' pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) 'Even though you''re horny and want the guys to notice you, they are paying more attention to their booze and their conversation. You can change that. Making sure it doesn''t break, you ''accidentally'' drop your bottle and bend over to pick it up without bending your knees, giving them a spectacular view of your ass. You make a show of trying to reduce the spillage, wiping the floor while staying in your current position.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' if tanga=1:'
'&'Your stepfather is clearly embarrassed, and surprised you would do such a thing. He clears his throat loudly and looks at you disapprovingly, and the silence that follows makes you feel a bit uncomfortable. Uncle Misha just has a smug grin on his face.' if tanga=0:'
'&'Your stepfather is clearly embarrassed, and surprised you would do such a thing. He clears his throat loudly and looks at you disapprovingly, and the silence that follows makes you feel a bit uncomfortable. Neither of them seem to have noticed you''re not wearing panties.' end if fatherLust=1: if tanga=1: '
' 'You stick your ass out as much as you can, showing off your ass as much as you can. As you turn around, you notice that both your stepfather and uncle''s gazes are glued to your ass. You simply smile and return to the table as they blubber and try to find excuses.' act 'Tease them some more': cls '
' 'You sit back down, still having their full attention. You try to excuse your behavior: "I''m sorry guys, my clothes rub my pussy raw, bending over normally makes me feel very uncomfortable."' act 'Show them your pussy when they ask': cls '
' 'Uncle Misha is onto your act, and decides to push you to your limits. He smiles and says: "Oh really, <<$pcs_nickname>>? Why don''t you show us, maybe we can help you. Isn''t that right, Vladimir?" Too turned on to decline, you pull your panties to the side and show them your pussy. It''s really not all that sore, but your arousal has coloured it nice and red and it makes your pussy lips look a bit more puffy. The guys didn''t think you would actually follow through with this, and are flabbergasted when you do.' act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end end if tanga=0:'
'&'Slightly disappointed, you move away from the table. Lost in your own thoughts, you don''t notice your uncle Misha''s legs and trip over them. Since you''re not wearing any underwear, you''re giving your uncle one hell of a show as you fall down onto your hands and knees. He immediately reaches out and runs his fingers over your wet pussy lips. He fingers you briefly, then returning his fingers to his nose to take a deep whiff. "You have nice holes, <<$pcs_nickname>>, young and juicy..." Realizing he won''t do anything more with your stepfather right there in the room, you get up and fix your clothes before sitting back down at the table.' end act 'Continue':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_fatherdrunk_act[3]={ if pcs_horny >= 100 or TouchedByFather=1: act 'Spread your legs': cls minut+=5 pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) 'You, pretending to not notice, slowly spread your legs while you talk with the guys.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' if tanga=1:'
' & 'Trying to direct Uncle Misha''s attention to something across the room, your stepfather signals you to cover yourself up with agitated hand movements.' if tanga=0:'
' & 'Your stepfather notices what you''re trying to do. After he distracts uncle Misha for long enough, he turns to you and whispers: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, don''t... just don''t. You have no idea what you''re getting yourself into." Intimidated by the gravity of his voice, you do as he says and cover up.' end if fatherLust=1: if tanga=1:'
' & 'Your stepfather realizes what you''re up to and pulls you closer to him, desire burning in his eyes. He runs his hands over your ass cheeks and thighs, petting and kneading them, and then pushes your panties to the side. Two of his fingers are exploring your sphincter, rubbing and teasing you. "Is there something you want, <<$pcs_nickname>>?" he asks with a smug grin on his face, knowing he turned the tables on you. All you can do is whimper in response. He pulls away his hand just in time, before uncle Misha notices what''s going on.' if tanga=0:'
' & 'Noticing your stepfather''s blush, you realize at least one person at the table noticed you''re not wearing any underwear. When your uncle Misha looks away, he quickly reaches for you and fingers your wet pussy. A needy moan escapes your lips as he pulls his hand way, and he quickly starts a conversation about wind shield wipers. Your uncle Misha has no idea what just went down.' end act 'Continue':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $d_fatherdrunk[1]={ !scandal stepfather 'You approach your stepfather and uncle Misha and try to ask if you can join them, but your stepfather cuts you off before you can even finish your sentence. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, get out of here! This is a no bitch zone!" he shouts, laughing drunkenly as he waves you off. Uncle Misha finds your stepfather''s degrading talk hilarious, and joins in. You''re clearly not welcome in the garage.' if sorryday!daystart: act 'Persist and ask if you can join them': cla gs 'stat' 'You try to get your stepfather to let you join them but he''s equally persistent in telling you to get lost, being quite rude about it too. He really doesn''t like you at all.' act 'Move away':gt 'gargazel' end end } $d_fatherdrunk[2]={ !strained relations 'You ask your stepfather if you can join them, but he''ll have none of it. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, isn''t it past your bedtime? *Hic!* Shoo, go home! *Hic!*"' if sorryday!daystart: act 'Try to persuade him': cla gs 'stat' 'You do your best, but your stepfather remains adamant and sends you home.' act 'Move away':gt 'gargazel' end end } $d_fatherdrunk[3]={ !gg good relations but not beautiful 'Before you can even ask, your stepfather waves you over: "Oh, <<$pcs_nickname>>! Come join me and Misha, maybe you''ll learn something from your elders!"' fatherTalk = rand (1,3) if fatherTalk = 1: 'You sit down and join the two older men for a drink. Even though they won''t give you any alcohol, you listen to their increasingly drunken tales.' end if fatherTalk = 2: 'You sit down and join the older men for a drink. Uncle Misha then pulls out his guitar and plays some songs, and you and your stepfather happily sing along.' end if fatherTalk = 3: 'You sit down and join the older men for a drink. You can tell your stepfather and your uncle are good friends.' end if gorslut>=3 and dyadyamishaevent = 1 and dmishaday ! daystart and fatherandmisha!1: cla *clr '
' 'Uncle Misha kept staring at you. Suddenly he turns to your stepfather.' '"So, Vladimir, did you know your <<$pcs_nickname>> is a <<$gnikname>>?"' 'Your stepfather is clearly confused. "What are you talking about, Misha?"' 'Your uncle Misha continues: "Oh yes, it''s true, Gopniks fuck her whenever they want. All they have to do is tell her to get on all fours."' If hadsexwithfather=0: 'Your stepfather looks you in the eyes and asks: "Is that really true, <<$pcs_nickname>>?"' 'You''re not really sure what to say and hesitate to give an answer, shifting uncomfortably in your chair. Your blush betrays you as you try to make up an excuse: "Well wait, I can explain..."' 'Your face really says it all. Your stepfather is disgusted by this revelation and cuts you off: "Are you fucking kidding me!? Your mother and I did our best to raise you properly, and this is the thanks we get?"' end if hadsexwithfather=1: 'Your stepfather already knows you''re not a prude, but pretends to be a good father anyway: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, you really shouldn''t, that could be dangerous..."' end 'Uncle Misha realizes he''s onto something here, and decides to drive his point home: "Well Vladimir, don''t you think we should do something about it? I think <<$pcs_nickname>> needs to be punished!"' 'You can see the lust in his eyes. Your stepfather understands perfectly well where he''s going with this, and agrees: "I think you''re right, Misha, <<$pcs_nickname>> does deserve to be punished."' act 'Accept whatever punishment they have in mind':gt 'misha','2' elseif dyadyamishaevent = 1 and dmishaday ! daystart and fatherandmisha=1: 'Uncle Misha grins at your stepfather and runs one hand over his groin, you can already see a significant bulge forming. "So, Vladimir, how about now? I think we can teach her a thing or two."' 'Your stepfather simply nods and reaches for his zipper: "Absolutely."' act 'Accept whatever punishment they have in mind':gt 'misha','2' else act 'Move away':gt 'gargazel' end } $d_fatherdrunk[4]={ !good relations and Messrs attractive talkrand=rand(0,100) if talkrand>=20:dynamic $d_fatherdrunk[3] if talkrand<20: 'You relax and have some drinks with the guys, happy to just sit back and listen to the funny stories they exchange.' if Astat_rel[28]>=40 and Astat_rel[28]<60:FatherMolest = RAND (1,8) if Astat_rel[28]>=60 and Astat_rel[28]<80:FatherMolest = RAND (1,4) if Astat_rel[28]>=80:FatherMolest = RAND (1,2) if FatherMolest=1: dynamic $d_fatherdrunk_act[1] dynamic $d_fatherdrunk_act[2] !dynamic $d_fatherdrunk_act[3] else dynamic $d_fatherdrunk[3] end end } $din_potr={ if $clothingworntype ! 'nude': act 'Let him touch your clothes': cls minut+=5 pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' 'You innocently offer him to have a feel at the fabric, pretending you''re really interested to know what he thinks of your the quality of your clothing. Your stepfather looks at you with a slightly puzzled look on his face. "Go on, touch it, it''s so nice and soft!" you encourage him, and you take his hand and pull it towards you.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' '
' 'Your stepfather clearly doesn''t want to, and is slightly embarrassed by the whole situation. He quickly pulls his hand away and tells you to go straighten your clothes.' end if fatherLust=1: TouchedByFather=1 if tanga=1:'
' & 'Your stepfather smiles and eagerly reaches for your ass, kneading it rougher than you had anticipated. A bit startled at his roughness you squeak out a soft "Oh!" as he gives it a few slaps. He then sits back on the couch, amused at your embarrassed expression and red face. "You''re right, <<$pcs_nickname>>... it''s very soft indeed. Very nice."' if tanga=0:'
' & 'Judging from your stepfather''s flustered face, he is more than happy to oblige. He grabs you and bends you over the rear of the couch. You can''t see what he''s doing, but immediately feel his hand brushing against your wet pussy. He slides a finger in and pumps it in and out for a little while, filling the room with squishy noises. You let out a needy moan and feel a tinge of regret when he pulls his hand away and helps you back up. "Daddy, you didn''t even touch my clothes!" you pout. He simply gives you a wink and then returns his attention to the TV.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $din_popravit={ if $clothingworntype ! 'nude': act 'Adjust your clothes': cls minut+=5 gs 'stat' pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) 'Encouraged by your stepfather''s reaction, you put your hands on your breasts and pretend you''re straightening your clothes. You run your fingers down to your stomach and groin while plucking at the fabric, giving him one hell of a show. He can''t take his eyes off your body and you can tell your actions make him want you more than ever.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' if tanga=1:'
' & 'Your stepfather realizes you''re going too far, and interrupts you by clearing his throat loudly. He tells you to go away, making you feel rather uncomfortable.' if tanga=0:'
' & 'Deciding to take your teasing to the next level, you pull your clothes to the side and show him your bare pussy. Your stepfather realizes you''re taking it too far, and sends you off: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, stop that. And go put on some underwear, that''s no way for a lady to behave."' end if fatherLust=1: if tanga=1:'
' & 'You run your hands over your shoulders and slide the straps off to the side, pretending it is an accident. "Oh no, I can be so clumsy sometimes!" you exclaim, while taking way longer than you need to put them back where they need to be. All the while your stepfather''s eyes are glued to your <<$titsize>> breasts, and his face turns beet red.' if tanga=0:'
' & 'You''re not wearing any panties today, and decide to tease your stepfather with it. Moving over to the window you reach for the curtains and begin to rustle them, while the contours of your body are illuminated by the sun. Your clothes are so thin, your stepfather can clearly see the outline of your bare pussy through the semi-transparent clothes. You turn to face him and innocently say "Oh I''m sorry Daddy, I didn''t mean to disturb you. Should I go?" It takes him a few seconds to nod, but his greedy look tells you there are a lot of things he would want to do to you right here, right now.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end } $din_father_hapri={ if hapri<=0: manna-=1 'You notice your stepfather keeps glancing at your disheveled hair with a disapproving look on his face. "Silly me, I should really take better care of my hair!" you think to yourself.' end } $din_vertetzopa={ act 'Sway your hips back and forth': cls minut+=5 pcs_horny += RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' 'In the heat of the moment you gently start to sway your hips back and forth, without even realizing it. When you realize what you''re doing, you stare your stepfather in the eye for a second with a mischievous smile on your lips. You then turn your back to him and keep swaying your ass seductively.' if vnesh < 60:fatherLust = 2 if vnesh >= 60 and vnesh < 120:fatherLust = Rand (1,4) if vnesh >= 120 and vnesh < 200:fatherLust = Rand (1,2) if vnesh >= 200 or TouchedByFather=1:fatherLust = 1 if fatherLust>=2: pcs_horny -= RAND(1,5) gs 'stat' if tanga=1:'
' & 'Even though your body is definitely having an effect on him your stepfather is clearly embarrassed, and surprised you would do such a thing. He clears his throat loudly and looks at you disapprovingly, and the silence that follows makes you feel a bit uncomfortable.' if tanga=0:'
' & 'You avoid his gaze while you keep swaying your ass back and forth, slowly pulling your clothes away so he can see you''re not wearing any underwear. He sighs wistfully and tries to look away, saying in a stern voice: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, this is not fair, you know I am not made of stone. Don''t show me your bare ass like that." Realizing he wants no more part of your little show, you leave.' end if fatherLust=1: if tanga=1: '
' 'As you slowly sway your ass for his viewing pleasure, you notice your stepfather focusing sharply on your ass crack. It takes a few seconds for you to figure out why, but then you remember one of his fetishes: he likes it when girls don''t wear underwear. You bet you could really turn him on if you took them off.' if pcs_horny >= 90: act 'Give him your panties': cls gs 'stat' tanga=0 '
' 'Wanting to see just how riled up you can get your stepfather, you bend over and slowly pull your panties down. "Is this better, Daddy?" you sweetly ask him, and your stepfather panics while you run your hands over your naked ass, gently kneading your ass cheeks. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, please don''t do that! Someone could come in at any second! What do you think your mother would do to you AND me when she sees this!?" he whispers, as he moves to you and frantically tries to cover you up. You sweetly smile at him and whisper: "Relax Daddy, we''re fine! Here, for later," as you stuff your panties in his pocket.' act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end end end if tanga=0:'
' & 'As you sway your ass in front of your stepfather, you notice his eyes fixating on your ass crack. "What''s this <<$pcs_nickname>>, no panties?" He pushes you down onto your hands and knees and roughly kneads your ass cheeks, pulling them apart. Looks like he is done being teased, and turned the tables on you. He lowers his hands to your upper thighs and pulls your pussy wide open. The wet sheen on your pussy lips gives away how much you enjoy his treatment, and you do your best to stifle your moans so no one else in the house will hear. Thoroughly enjoying the stimulations he is giving you, you can feel your pussy moisten more and more.' end act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM end } --- dinfather ---------------------------------