# mey_tamara_strings !{ - npc dialogue - hero dialogue } if $args[0] = 'description': $result = 'Mom redheads twins. Tall, personable lady with big bust and strong-willed jaw. A very attractive woman “under fifty”, looking for a redhead, like daughter. If not for the fiery hair color - never say that the miniature Katya and Vika - her daughter. Tamara Mikhailovna works in the city Bank, there occupying the position of boss of one of the departments, and well earned.' if $args[0] = 'first_meet': $result = 'When you went into the house of Manolidou - faced mom Kathy and Vicki. The girls mother is a very attractive woman under fifty,” with big bust and tastefully dressed even in the home, and, like twins, the fiery redhead. Looking at inspiring bust of the mother of the twins, you thought: “and who then, I wonder, do sisters such pimples instead of Boobs?” Mother sincerely glad to your arrival: - Hello guys! Vanyush, hi. - Vicusik, and the name of your girlfriend? You, a little shy, are presented. Vika`s mom in response smiles warmly: - I - Tamara Mikhailovna. Come in, come in, <<$nickname>>, don`t be shy! We have rare and lovely Rimma at once, though some of her friends-friends led! I now organize tea!' if $args[0] = 'first_tea': $result = 'You drink tea in the kitchen, Tamara Mikhailovna incessantly chirps, doing at the kitchen table - to see, really miss communication: - With my husband we have been divorced - he is given to drink, and when drunk, became aggressive and bad. Fighting lez. Drink it after our divorce, someone drunk stabbed to death, and put him away for a long time. And in prison he died. Well, good riddance! But as I walked away from him - the first time had a hard time: with those two my small girls hands! Well, nothing on the right. Settled in the city to the Bank to work. Far to go, of course, but the pay is good! After and chiefs of divisions had escaped, bought a car, this house was built, the girls raised. And all by herself. Just bored lately: Rimma with Katya grew up, flirt with the mother the word is not spread! Came from school, ate lunch, and ran! And I even do not talk to anyone. - Tamara Mihajlovna, and what you again didn`t marry? She sighed: - After the father of my two carrots somehow all desire long gone again to plunge into family life. And there was no time: earning money, daughters raised. And no time to look back - and now the climax on the nose!.. Who needs me now - old battered woman with a rusty roof? You are warmly objection her: - What are you, Tamara Mikhailovna, the old saying is! You are beautiful and successful woman in the Prime of life - for you guys herd running needs! - Thank you for the compliment! What are you all my middle name styled <<$nickname>>? We don`t I have to work to oficialitati! Call me aunt Tamara, aunt Tom. - Vikusik what your girlfriend wonderful! You invite <<$nickname>> we are often! Vic interrupts your conversation: - MA, be sure to! Can we come on to me - and then you have to swing quite! Tamara Mikhailovna feigned sighs: - That`s raised buck and poop on his head! And chat mother will not give!' if $args[0] = 'next_tea0': $result = 'You came to the house of Manolidou and rang the doorbell. After a short wait, the lock clicked and the door opened mom Kathy and Vicki:' if $args[0] = 'next_tea1': $result = '- Oh, <<$nickname>>! How cool that you came! Come in-come in, make yourself at home! I organise a Cup of tea now! - My carrots where something is - and I sit here all alone... You are shy, you pass through a spacious hall from which a staircase leads to the second floor to the kitchen. The kitchen is large, bright and spacious, well and tastefully furnished. From the kitchen there is access to the veranda. You sit down at the oval dining table and Tamara Mikhailovna, wearing an apron, was adopted to petition from the cupboard, fridge and kitchen table, pulling all sorts of jars with jam, fruit, cheese slicing and frying croutons.' if $args[0] = 'next_tea2': $result = 'On the stove boil a large vintage Nickel plated kettle with whistle, several alien-looking in high-tikovoi the kitchen setting, but adding their share of home comfort. The kitchen has a lots of flowers in pots, in hanging pots along the walls and standing in pots on the floor. The atmosphere is cozy, peaceful and relaxed.' if $args[0] = 'next_tea3': $result = 'Aunt Tamara, meanwhile, asks you about school, about friends, about family, about the interests. Finally the tea is ripe and you are sitting at a table, happily sipping fragrant tea with lemon, and tell us about yourself: that father mother long ago abandoned and now you live with a stepfather; that stepfather for you and your sister is good, that my sister was not able to go to College and now works at the checkout in the supermarket... Tamara Mikhailovna with interest, listening to, pouring the tea and then moving the saucer with jam, croissants and toast, a plate of thinly sliced cheese and ham, and sometimes asks leading questions.' if $args[0] = 'next_tea4': $result = 'Your shyness quickly disappears and soon you are already excitedly chatting like old friends, sharing different. The age difference is absolutely not felt now Aunts Tom talks incessantly, telling about his youth: she is the daughter of a naval officer, and he and mom traveled all over the country the father served in the Baltic, and Kamchatka and in the Northern Fleet. At the mention of the North her eyes tighten a dreamy haze, she happily tells of the harsh beauty of those places, propping his cheek on his palm. Clearly, at least from the North long ago, and went - and the soul is left there...' if $args[0] = 'next_tea5': $result = 'Aunt Tamara at the same time similar and not similar to their daughters. Outwardly of course. This adult version of Katie Vetch, sophisticated but not full of youthful ardour and preserved the beauty of. But she is calmer and sensible plague the Wiki, and this is much more sociable and open than squeezed demure Katya. Tamara gets from a locker a bottle of wine and one glass: - <<$nickname>>, you won`t mind if old aunt Tamara for the wonderful conversation I will allow myself a glass? - I have been living a recluse that just run wild and go at times in misanthropy. At work, I - “dear Tamara Mikhailovna”, “bossia” strict “businesswoman”, which is subordinate to the snake, from the decency-called “friendly female staff”.' if $args[0] = 'next_tea6': $result = 'You are laughing at the figurative comparison, Tamara M. was smiling too. - And here, in Paul, my whole circle of friends for many years - read it, but my carrots red. - Yes, and they are now also almost never talk: as I grew up, not until his mother became. - I later gave birth to them - I was thirty. Katya appeared first. It is hard for me to bear - indulges in memories Tamara Mikhailovna. - And screamed immediately, but only from the second slap. - And Vikusika after a minute of me like a cork from a bottle flew! You see, from their characters then show.' if $args[0] = 'next_tea7': $result = 'Tamara Mikhailovna glances at wall clock. - Oh, father! - later, as already! - The darkness-what`s on the street! - You know what, stay a minute today you can stay the night: nothing in the dark to roam! You start to make excuses, but Tamara Mikhailovna and to listen wants nothing: - As well as some monsters will run up the back streets? And Carrots you will be glad - it will be probably soon! You persist - say they do not want to impose and all that... - Distress? Us? In this domische?! - genuinely perplexed Aunt Tamara. - Anyone of you here bothered. I`m in the guest bed - it still always is empty. We have our own private room here (you longingly remember about your room, which all my life I have to share with my sister...). - And your parents call, let them know you`re staying, so they didn`t worry.' if $args[0] = 'next_tea8': $result = '- No, Aunt Tamar, I was at home waiting and scolding will... - Well, you then has been <<$nickname>>. Don`t hang around at night - disappointed admonishes you Tamara Mikhailovna. - And bear in mind: if when you suddenly want to stay, come again anytime! You`re always welcome here!' if $args[0] = 'learning10': $result = 'C a sinking heart, you came to the house of Manolidou and rang the doorbell. Soon the lock clicked open and you have opened the mother of the twins. - Hello Tamara Mikhailovna! I came here to study. - «Aunt Tamara» to call it you somehow do not dare. - Finally decided. Well. Come. – let you mom redheads twins. You went to the kitchen, Tamara M. puts on the plate the familiar Nickel plated kettle with whistle, and she begins to get out of the closet invariable jars of jam. Are you waiting for, lost in conjecture. Doing kitchen chores, she is silent and not looking at you. And it begins to suck in the stomach, but to start a conversation, you do not dare: despite its charm, it still makes you shy.' if $args[0] = 'learning11': $result = 'You drink tea and talk about some nonsense. You, sitting with a Cup of fidget from the anticipation on tenterhooks. Having dealt with the tea, Tamara Mikhailovna casually says: - <<$nickname>>, come on up. You need to look at you. You get up. She carefully examines you like a bug under a microscope. - Turn around, darling. You turn, giving you to look at yourself from all sides. - The material is good. thoughtfully bowed his head in Tamara Mikhailovna. - But until you`re raw clay, which can be anything: as a sculptural masterpiece and a simple brick. And maybe, just dried a worthless piece of clay. Everything will depend on you. She continues somewhat skeptical to look at you. I feel like she appreciates the item in the store. Under her careful scrutiny, you begin to shrink, as if standing a broom on a cold draft, although fully clothed. - Now go. You take a few steps in the kitchen. Tamara Mikhailovna snorts: - No, my dear, so it will not work! - What`s wrong with my gait? – marvel you. - You walk like you crapped your pants and I`m afraid it`s now smudge. – from this «compliment» you light up ears. "Nothing," we will fix this. - You dance? - Well, I love to dance, and it seems pretty handy... - Show me.' if $args[0] = 'learning12': $result = 'Tamara Mikhailovna skeptical snorts: - Well, to rural discos level will come down.' if $args[0] = 'learning13': $result = '- Well, - nods Tamara Mikhailovna But not enough girl.' if $args[0] = 'learning14': $result = '- Well, very nice! – nods Tamara Mikhailovna. – It simplifies our task.' if $args[0] = 'learning15': $result = 'Tamara M. also stood up from the table, pushing his Cup, which only had a bite: - And now we with you, my dear, take a trip into the city, and we`ll get you going. Consider this the beginning of their studies.' if $args[0] = 'learning16': $result = '- Let us bring you into divine form.' if $args[0] = 'learning17': $result = '- You`re cute. With such data it is possible to marry on like a regular guy. But for us this is too little.' if $args[0] = 'learning18': $result = '- You`re cute, and with such appearance may well be given in marriage. Even to marry some sugar daddy middling, and pushed around by them for several years, until he finds someone prettier.' if $args[0] = 'learning19': $result = '- You look beautiful. But even a diamond to become a diamond needs cutting and polishing. Shine never hurt.' if $args[0] = 'learning20': $result = '- For the first time this is will be enough she says, approaching the counter and pulling out the purse. - But it`s expensive! I can`t... – taken aback by such generosity, you. - My dear! Think of it as not a gift but an investment in a long-term project.
' if $args[0] = 'learning21': $result = '- <<$nickname>>, what you wear to school? she asks you when you came out from the beauty salon. - Well, we have compulsory school uniform.
' if $args[0] = 'learning22': $result = 'Tamara Mikhailovna reaches into the purse and hands you two thousand: - I need to buy you school uniforms decently. And now to school you should only wear it. - Where to buy? – I ask you. Tamara Mikhailovna motion of the chin indicates a luminous near the sign «Sex Shop». - I`ll wait for you in the car. You quickly hid the money in her purse and, overcoming the shame, went to a sex shop, and after 20 minutes is back with a brand new school uniform.
' if $args[0] = 'learning23': $result = '- I have a form, from which the boys spontaneously in panties cumming - you smiled. - Good. I do not wrong. Now the school is only in it! Now if you want to walk. And that was not boring to walk - that`s you: Tamara Mikhailovna hands you two thousand. - Only know the measure and not catch the contagion. Your treatment of any Staphylococcus in the cost of your training not included. To 9 hours come to the restaurant - I`ll wait for you there, come home soon.' if $args[0] = 'learning24': $result = '- No, dear. I brought you home and you come home with me. But a couple of hours unable to walk. I`ll go get something to eat until. said you Tamara Mikhailovna. - To 9 hours come to the restaurant - I`ll wait for you there, come home soon.
' if $args[0] = 'learning25': $result = 'You got in the car and arrived in downtown. Tamara Mikhailovna leads you to the Shopping mall' if $args[0] = 'learning26': $result = 'Under the watchful gaze of mentor you shopping one from «kitty-pussy» and one from «Expensive Boutique»:' if $args[0] = 'learning28': $result = 'Near the entrance, glancing at the clock, waiting for you Tamara Mikhailovna.' if $args[0] = 'learning29': $result = 'Looks like Tamara Mikhailovna in the cabin frequent and honoured guest - she had only to enter, as immediately released the best masters and started to work on your appearance.
' if $args[0] = 'rebuke0': $result = 'You`ve reached the doors of the house of Manolidou. Behind the door you heard footsteps, but you have not opened.' if $args[0] = 'rebuke1': $result = 'You called again... In the lobby again heard the sound of heels Tamara Mikhailovna, but the door does not open. You started to get nervous.' if $args[0] = 'rebuke2': $result = 'After anxious waiting, the door is still open. Tamara Mikhailovna met you without her usual warm smile and silently. She stands in the doorway, slowly let you in, and looks expectantly. Not very affectionately. Its cold gaze in your belly begins to numerate ice and itchy somehow lower back. - P-please forgive m-me, Tamara Mikhailovna! - quite unexpectedly, the children`s thin voice bleat you feeling like a naughty child. - I`ll never do it again! This never will never happen again! The truth! Tamara Mikhailovna silently removed, with a nod indicating you to go inside.' if $args[0] = 'rebuke3': $result = 'You stand in front of her in the hall with downcast head, and she sits on the couch, shaking her Shoe and staring at you. Long. Silently. You have burning ears and burning cheeks. And itchy butt. Like it walked strap.' if $args[0] = 'rebuke4': $result = 'Finally Tamara Mikhailovna interrupted the protracted silence lingering: - Listen to me very carefully, girl. What we undertook to do - a very serious and difficult. And very expensive. I put my money on you. A lot of money, not to mention the effort and time and expect you to be able to justify these efforts. I do not need much. But I will demand from you obligatory obedience and strict fulfillment of my instructions, if you want to achieve something in life. You don`t think, hope, it`s out of pure altruism? You`re not Aladdin, I`m not a magic lamp to fulfill any of your whim. I have a lot to teach you, in many ways to help, giving you much more than you can accomplish alone. - But be kind - don`t kill the magic. Otherwise no study will be. I won`t tell you, but all you then Shine is good, maybe marriage, and work up hanged at the local sewing factory, nancys with spawn brood after the sad the hated work to the point of exhaustion. You want? - No! - you furiously shake my head, almost tearing off her. - I understand! Honestly! It won`t happen again! - I hope this conversation we have will be the first and only. Because the second, my dear, will not. - clicked her nails on the armrest Tamara Mikhailovna. - Now come on, let`s drink tea: I wonderful cookies baked! - she suddenly smiles sweetly.' if $args[0] = 'rebuke5': $result = 'You drink in the kitchen tea with the most delicious cookies, aunt Tamara laughs and tells all sorts of stories, and hlabisa ice frozen in your belly, melts. She`s not snow-Queen-businesswoman Tamara M., you sure are afraid of fire as her subordinates in the Bank, and red the hospitable housewife, Tettona: fun-loving and kind. You are sitting over tea in the kitchen and rambling. Tamara Mikhailovna suddenly ceresney putting Cup:' if $args[0] = 'rebuke6': $result = '- Listen to me very carefully. From now on, no more adventures. You clearly fulfill all my orders. Implicitly. Even fart without my permission do not can! And the time to the adventures you will have.' if $args[0] = 'rebuke7': $result = '- Listen to me very carefully, my dear. You have a good thing going, and your progress I`m happy. But. From now on, no more adventures. You clearly fulfill all my orders. Implicitly. Even fart without my permission do not can! And the time to the adventures you will have. - I`m not threatening you, don`t think. But to learn to follow the tasks and execute them - a necessary condition. Without it, we with you far can not forge.
- Because of that and with the fact that it has risen: she sincerely and with heat and soul loves sex, and with their talent and shamelessness can easily make a career porn actress. (Vick with the assistance of the HS is there just a straight road. And she`ll be a star: benefit in reality, so there is content missing) What is she, by the way, I will not interfere, if she makes up her mind. But she`s got the wind in my head, and no one thought for a long time it is not delayed. She can`t focus on one thing, and it is an invincible obstacle, alas...' if $args[0] = 'rebuke8': $result = '- Don`t throw the study. I will not forgive. Knowledge never hurt anyone. But help may very.' if $args[0] = 'rebuke9': $result = '- Whether you like it or not, but your school performance you must raise. Will diary to check. Don`t think in a fairy tale. Plow horse in the furrow until your grades will not satisfy me! There`s no drinking-partying. You wistfully nodding your head, saying goodbye to the easy life...' if $args[0] = 'rebuke10': $result = 'Seeing she`s in the doorway stopped you: - I hope you did not miss a deaf ear to our conversation today, - with the image of a smiling middle-aged Housewives you re-imagined the ice crown. - Waiting for you in the next lesson! - warmly as she smiled at you Tamara Mikhailovna goodbye. - And. I called your mom and told her that you`re my moonlight, and in the next two weeks will stay with me. Want to see you more closely.' if $args[0] = 'party0': $result = '- My dear, I`m going into town. And would like you to come with me. I work at a office party, and I would like to introduce you to some people. “Bring the light”. If you do decide to go with me, you still have time to make yourself presentable. You have to be stunning and fascinate all!' if $args[0] = 'party1': $result = '- Aunt Tamar, I am today - well, I can not... - Well then - next time.' if $args[0] = 'party2': $result = '- Of Course, Aunt Tom! I`m quickly going! Tamara Mikhailovna strictly, but mischievously looked at you: - Dress - evening, kladochka, normal makeup, " she smiled. - Do normal: you should not look a gray mouse, but a ton of makeup, too, to be redundant - you`re not an Indian, inflicting war paint before battle! Prepare to 18 hours. If busy longer - I do not obessud. Some other times.' if $args[0] = 'party3': $result = '- I`m ready. Biased she looked at you. - Clever. Are you ready. Then go!' if $args[0] = 'party4': $result = 'Tamara Mikhailovna biased looked at you and shook his head - you are not ready for "the release".' if $args[0] = 'party5': $result = 'Tamara Mikhailovna stopped the car at the restaurant. - <<$nickname>>, listen to me. The event is very responsible, and try not to embarrass me. You should be Cinderella at the ball, charming all manners and beauty. Will get drunk and begin to dance naked on the table or to serve a crowd of men on the toilet, take no prisoners. I hope your thoughts will suffice. Unlike the Wiki... You wisely decided not to ask mother of twins - what then came out, while deciding to remember, and then ask at the event.' if $args[0] = 'party6': $result = 'The doorman opened the door for you. VIP-the restaurant hall is full of people. Men in expensive suits, ladies all in evening gowns. Soft music plays, almost imperceptibly scurrying waiters carrying drinks. Tamara Mikhaylovna in passing takes from the tray of a passing waiter of a glass of champagne. - Take a look yet, girl. Show yourself. I`ll call you. Don`t drink too much. CHARM! - theatrically raising his glass, a dazzling smile, she moved away, having a conversation with someone they know.' if $args[0] = 'party7': $result = 'You look around in the hall. In one corner softly playing a live string Quartet: this is not a diner with some cheap tape recorder and karaoke. In another set of tables with all sorts of snacks. Scurrying waiters with trays Laden with glasses. You take one from the tray passing by, if someone learns the elegance of the gesture from his mentor. Around the room are groups of people with glasses in their hands, something to communicate InterMedia. A lot of people, but crush, no.' if $args[0] = 'party8': $result = 'You walking down the hall with a glass, simultaneously, examining the people around you. Youth is almost there - mainly a respectable middle-aged men and elderly and pretended to be young ladies, “middle-aged” - all expensive, luxurious, but often tasteless dressed. Alone, expensive jewelry and the jewelry hung on the ladies, enough for three jewelry store!' if $args[0] = 'party9': $result = 'In the Banquet hall there is a light hum. The audience broke into small groups, and about something quietly talking. Tamara Mihajlovna has left you, leaving alone, tying once with someone talking. You, of course, in addition to her in the hall don`t know anyone, but so easy to approach and strike up small talk the spirit is not enough with this sleek and polished audience. Turning on the light your glass, you decide for yourself: “Well. Once Tamar Mihaly said to look and be seen - so far, we`ll: to look around and take in the view!” and drank a big gulp from it, start slowly, with feigned indifference and bored love to saunter around the room.' if $args[0] = 'party10': $result = 'Some men with interest glancing in your direction, but most occupied with my boring business conversations. Twenty minutes you aimlessly loitering in the hall. “MDE, with these porridge will not weld... The muzzle of the Protocol!” - I think you. The first glass is long over, and you take the waiter with another tray. Expensive champagne, with a delicate aroma, and a wonderful easy to drink.' if $args[0] = 'party11': $result = '“We must try - the food, the oligarchs fucking” - you are directed to a luxuriously laid tables with snacks.' if $args[0] = 'party12': $result = 'Surreptitiously watching what others are eating, not to clear a village loser to society, you accept to try the treats, sipping from my glass.' if $args[0] = 'party13': $result = 'Expensive champagne, with a delicate aroma, and a wonderful easy to drink.' if $args[0] = 'party14': $result = 'The bore on this “disco” terrible, Tamara Mikhailovna, too much absorbed by the conversation, and not in a hurry to keep you company.' if $args[0] = 'party15': $result = 'Champagne is an insidious drink. Drink like lemonade, and Shiba as a sledgehammer. Towards the end of the evening you are pretty swaying and touching people loitering in the hall with a glass of silly giggling and hiccuping. In the end, the legs no longer serve you. Gathering the last remnants of the considerations you find in the corner of the chair, and flops into it with the thought “I`m taking a break Malek - `m good to go!”' if $args[0] = 'party16': $result = 'Champagne quietly hit in the head. And not just in the head. The mood you got up, and abdomen started to grow a desire. You are totally forgetting about the strict orders of Tamara Mikhailovna “keep yourself in the hands and part, you will have to closely look out for “victim”. The contingent for the most part - something like “hog-Builder”, and those “fresher and better quality” - all with wives, girlfriends. “Oh, shit!” spinning in my head angry. - “Some freaks or busy!” And then you notice it a search. A man of about thirty with a small. His girlfriend just something resentfully expressed to him, contempt twisting his lips, and then pointedly turned around and walked out. The mocking did after her gesture of “good riddance,” and headed for the tables. You hurried there, having scented extraction.' if $args[0] = 'party17': $result = 'Languidly leaning close to you with interest, glancing at the man. He immediately notices this. And obviously not averse to communicate. - I see, your girl`s not in the spirit? - shooting eyes, make you talk. - This? Glamorous sheep with queries. Not going anywhere. Pigging out at the club with friends the same home and sleep in the morning will be secured - grinning man. - But I`ve only now the evening alone while away, you see. - I could brighten up your loneliness tonight. Here very boring! - you looked at him through his glass (what is the account? And - what`s the difference!?). - Will not give up. Want - I`ll show you the restaurant “inside”? I`m one of his co-owners. At the same time get out of this boredom!' if $args[0] = 'party18': $result = 'You get out of the Banquet hall. A man walks with you in the corridor, the door of which hangs a bronze plaque “Service entrance”, opened with his key. Then he opens another door. Some office space. You push the man to his table, and his tie to pull him to her.' if $args[0] = 'party19': $result = 'Without thinking twice he runs his hand between the legs. And then kneels and crouches nimble tongue to your pussy. You breathe heavily and move her panties aside, revealing to him the access to current vagina.' if $args[0] = 'party20': $result = 'Now you take matters into your own hands. You undo his pants and pull out standing member, then began to caress with hands and tongue. The man shakes prevent pants and shoes, and you get rid of dresses.' if $args[0] = 'party21': $result = 'Turning his back on him, you pull him to his. He pulls off you panties and enters into your eager pussy.' if $args[0] = 'party22': $result = 'You are moving in undetected previously, spacious seat, and continue already on it, jumping on the member of a casual acquaintance, even whose name I don`t know how he`s your.' if $args[0] = 'party23': $result = 'Finally, jumping from a member, you handles okazyvaetes him, and the man shortly with a groan cums in your mouth. Clean yourself up, you go back to the Banquet hall.' if $args[0] = 'party24': $result = 'And right at the entrance stumble upon an angry Tamara. Not allowing you to go to the gym, she orders: - For me. You dimly realize through the hops that seem to be breaking anything, but champagne is still playing inside, and after sex the perfect mood. You try to justify that “nothing happened” and you “just went out to powder my nose and a little late”... However, Tamara M. just silently goes ahead. Approaching her car, she opens the rear passenger door.. - Get. You sit down, not understanding. - Meet me in the car. Go - blame yourself. You have no idea - what have you done... - And Tamara Mikhaylovna returned to the restaurant.' if $args[0] = 'party25': $result = '- That is such a sweet young thing alone on our “celebration of life”? - suddenly you hear from behind the shoulder a male voice. - You will help to dilute your loneliness and to entertain? You turn on the voice. You called out to the balding little man in an expensive suit that does not fit into the voluminous belly. In appearance - the classic “daddy.”. - It is impossible that such living flowers withered alone! - unctuous smile buzancic. - They need to be watered, the groom and fertilize properly, preferably a good gardener! Let me buy you some champagne - it`s at this time wonderful as you! Fingers, thick hairy phalanges which are studded with massive rings, “daddy” gets another glass from the tray and delivers it to you. The eyes are oily.' if $args[0] = 'party26': $result = '- Try the lobster! They perfectly go with this champagne! Although, champagne with lobster, I`d rather unassumingly vodka and kebabs in a modest hut by the river. Or beer with crayfish! I have a modest hut near the town. I`m just a Builder - and because the house built myself, very modest: the pool is only twenty five meters - he laughed, shaking second chin, crawling on the collar. - If you, sweet child, suddenly agree - I would love to see you! We`d had a great time, swim in the pool, fish! - tried to hugged you by the waist. “That greasy pig. But rich, simple construction!” squeamishly, I thought you. - “Very rich”. - Please be kind - let you like to invite guests! - fatty pulled from his inside pocket a cell phone the size of a good shovel - what`s your name, gorgeous? And I can invite you to?' if $args[0] = 'party27': $result = 'You are presented with the idea: “It is, of course, you fat freak, and his face is saying why he wants to drag me to his lair, where he “slurps beer asshole”. But it can why some be useful someday” - and dictate the phone number. Daddy breaks into a sticky contented smile and holds out a business card: - If one of you ever want to look at the light - welcome! How to please such a pretty girl I`ll always find! Will not be offended! Hardly escaped from vinovnogo who is willing to take you in his “hut” with a swimming pool with cancers even now, you again find yourself alone and decide to make another circle around the room.' if $args[0] = 'party28': $result = 'You notice a middle-aged, short, but strong man with a strong face, rough, ugly, but something attractive - a sort of charisma of Charles Bronson, very often looking in your direction and conducting you, standing with an older, once very beautiful woman, even now not quite lost his beauty. Although it is clear that these efforts to maintain it cost a lot of money, but age takes its...' if $args[0] = 'party29': $result = 'You touched on the shoulder. Turning around, you saw that it was Tamara Mikhailovna. Tamara Mikhailovna took you under her elbow and took: - Honey, I see you`ve already looked. Now, let`s go - I want you to meet one good man.' if $args[0] = 'party30': $result = 'It leads you, taking the elbow to the very couple that had attracted your attention just before this - to “Bronson” and his lady. She greets the man as an old friend, sturdy and quite informal kissed him, and with feigned joy smacking the air with his earrings lady. “There is clearly complicated” - I thought you. - Let me introduce you to my ward, <<$nickname>>. “Bronson” is very nice smiles, although his face, as if cut from the deck, the smile it looks like this deck slashed by the axe of a woodcutter. But despite the obvious nesochetanie this roughly hewn face and smile, it comes out nice and sincere. - Very nice! In our reserve old goblins and golladay (here his lady squints at him with a strange expression) - you, with your youth and beauty - like a ray of light! What a pun came out <<$name>>, forgive the old man! - My dear Toma! You always had a great instinct for people! - Oh, if he helped me many years ago, this scent... And husband normal nanohole once... - ironic and very much nestane sighed Tamara Mikhailovna with concealed sadness fleetingly glancing at him. “Everything is DEFINITELY not EASY!” you were sure. - Well, let`s not dwell on! Let bygones - an eye out! - smiled in response to “Bronson”. Heat as well, without malice or mockery. His friend, the ensuing conversation is clearly undesirable. She put her barely prigovorennye glass on the table, and took a new one from a passing waiter, and silently walked to the musicians. In this entire conversation she never said. You somehow maintain small talk “about nothing”, and the man there time gradually looking at you as if under a microscope. A friendly hand Tamara Mikhailovna allows you not to be embarrassed by this scalpello eyes: they with this “Bronson” - obviously old friends (looks like more than just friends), and you completely trust her. - <<$name>>, and will not allow You to have the courtesy to old and like to dine with him? - asks the question “colocalize”. His intelligent manner of communication, despite the sloppy appearance, somehow, likable and not afraid. - Honored! - Well, then I invite you <<$name>>! - “Bronson” departs. And then you realize that he didn`t ask any of your phone, and not even presented, even though you talked for a good hour!' if $args[0] = 'party31': $result = '...Woke you Tamara Mikhailovna in her yard, deliberately slamming the car door, where you slept in the back seat. Mouth like a cat shit and a hell of a headache. - Go to your. Talk tomorrow.' if $args[0] = 'party32': $result = 'Corporate finished, the restaurant zakryvaetsya, you must go.' if $args[0] = 'reputation0': $result = 'You stand in front of Tamara, and his eyes almost crying. - Well, the fish dokrutili tail?' if $args[0] = 'reputation1': $result = 'You sniff. - Just don`t send me away! Please! I... I`ll do that... - then you broke down and burst into tears. - Oh... Well, that`s what I do with you, a goat horned, to do? - sighed Tamara Mikhailovna after a few minutes. - Kick you out - the hand does not rise. And to continue the study we can now. - Mo-o-Ozhet, mo-Oh-it`s possible to do something? To improve? - you sobbing, smearing tears. - I thought you were smarter than than my girls. Brains they seem to be on daddy`s got. One to two. - But even the Wiki, lascivious like a cat in the spring, and then enough reasons not to fuck with anyone and anywhere! She carefully selects partners. And you`re an example.' if $args[0] = 'reputation2': $result = 'Tamara M. in thought, biting her spectacles, which she twisted in his hands until. - But what praise is that she immediately came and confessed, and did not wait until I had “on the radio” your stories I know. So you`re not hopeless. But the problem you yourself to me, complicated. Especially yourself. Save face - simple. But to raise poher over again - long and hard. Tamara Mikhailovna like thinks out loud to herself, sucking his spectacles and not looking at you. Tears you still rolling down my cheeks, but you now the full attention! If Tettona began to talk, and silently pointed to the door - so all is not lost, maybe!' if $args[0] = 'reputation3': $result = 'For some time Tamara Mikhailovna pauses, continuing to nibble on the earpiece and habitually cococa nails on the armrest. It`s only a couple of minutes, but they seem an eternity. Then finally looks at you. - Listen very carefully: I will not repeat. To fix it you can. But for this you have verree try! - ears you seem to be more than chanterelle-Fenech, and rose upright: - First. From that moment, as if you have no itching, your destiny - nun. You`re ONLY HERE to fuck. Under my care and for my team. No Davani on the charitable attitude of soul in discos, in parks, in schools! Anyone. Except only the people closest to you who you can fully trust. And that either I or at home. In Pavlovo you have to be a good girl, and then strictly maintain that reputation. If you really really unbearable will be in the city to go: in a club there or go somewhere else. Nobody knows - there can fornicate how you want and without harm to reputation. The main thing - do not forget to use protection. Unable even to ask me - I`ll be taken and brought back. - And finally - clapped his hands Tamara M., - attach the lesson. And what`s the quickest way to the brain comes?.. - Through the ass... - sadly, you scratched the subject. - It, - Tamara Mikhailovna invitingly pats the knee.' if $args[0] = 'reputation4': $result = 'You bare ass, and are bent across her knee, bulging out his her. And then screams from the stinging slap, regsega it, and then another, and another. The first time you are trying to stoically endure: “Deserve - so get!” but Tamara Mikhailovna not stand on ceremony, and lupset from the heart, not mentallica, so that very soon all your poor butt was burning with fire, and you squealed loudly with each stroke. In the end, it was the dried tears once again break through the dam. The spanking immediately stopped. - Okay, okay, don`t cry, baby. Come on, I anoint you on the ass: and that much on you angry - and a little overdone. You sobbing, trying to pull the panties to the flaming ass. Tamara Mikhailovna stops you, and pulls herself off you panties at all: - Don`t need. Hike yet. And you know - you`re one bare bottom embarrass. Let`s go to my - she takes you by the hand and leads you into his room. There she pulls out a vial with some kind of ointment. - Lie down on the bed on your stomach, now lighten your popobol! - You laid on the bed Tamara Mikhailovna. Where this modest and quite hard to Lodge a giant and luxurious fuck pad in of Vika`s room! Tamara Mikhailovna careful lightly starts to RUB sharply, but pleasant-smelling ointment to your red whipped ass. Indeed, the burning and itching immediately begin to subside under the caress of his hands Tamar are Michaelny that literally has just severely flogged it! “How does she get to be so different?” - once again you have amazed myself. And gentle hands caress your back and feet, beyond the booty, which, by the way, is already much better, delivering a lot of pleasure. Your bare pussy starts to get wet! You can even start from skillful caresses moan.' if $args[0] = 'reputation5': $result = 'Suddenly the caresses stop abruptly. You turn your head: next to you, sitting on the bed completely Nude Tamara M., awkwardly cross-legged and looking to the side: - Sorry <<$nickname>>, I think I got a little carried away again... - SO you haven`t seen it yet!' if $args[0] = 'reputation6': $result = 'Some inner impulse makes you to take off your shirt and sitting nearby, hugging his red mentor by putting the hands on the magnificent chest' if $args[0] = 'reputation7': $result = 'Tamara sighs, and leaning towards you, grabs you by the waist, arching his back and his head thrown back, like a big red cat, showing the neck with a smooth not-age skin.' if $args[0] = 'reputation8': $result = 'Such a sin not to kiss!.. And here you are kissing in lips while your hand is approaching the pussy Tamara. She pushes you on the bed and spread your legs, crouches mouth to open in full current cave. You groan and rushing, but now not from pain, and acute pleasure from the skillful actions of your wonderful mentor!' if $args[0] = 'reputation9': $result = 'Podosinoviki forward, you bite your lip large, bright red, protruding nipple Tamara. That strikes a sharp spasm and she sweetly and moaning loudly through clenched teeth, ...and literally falls on you, barely leaning on hands.' if $args[0] = 'reputation10': $result = 'Catching you under your thighs, Tamara with considerable force suddenly pulls you cancer, and is accepted by the tongue and lips to handle the ass, not bossou, anus and pussy, causing a shudder in the whole cascade of orgasms. She actually is a lot to learn!' if $args[0] = 'reputation11': $result = 'A little breath, you thank your mentor. No, not words! They are not needed now - lips, tongue, hands. Tamara screams loudly and beats in orgasmic convulsions: it looks like you still is a good student! Some time you wearily lie close, arms around each other and cool down. Tamara finally turns to face you: - Thanks <<$nickname>>! You have real talent! Just don`t waste it on bipedal primates in the Park... They don`t deserve you.' --- mey_tamara_strings ---------------------------------