# pattest
!! It is called like "gs 'pattest','Kolka'", or "gs 'pattest',$boy"
!! It needs some automatic call, usable when a named guy has cum in or on you, and only his cum is in/on the area (do not call this with "rapist", "unknown" or "gopnik")
!! There needs to be an option to call it selectively when certain circumstances are met ($boy gives sample voluntarily).
if ARGS[1] ! 1 and pattest > 0:
j = 0
p ''
if kid > 0 and arrpos('surefather','0') ! kid:
pl '
Select the child you want to compare with <<$ARGS[0]>>:
$papa = $ARGS[0]
kidid[j] = j
value = kidid[j]
if surefather[j] = 0:pl ' <<$kidname[j]>>'
if j < kid-1:j += 1 & jump 'kiddieloop'
elseif kid = 0:
msg 'You do not have children yet!'
gs 'stat'
msg 'You are sure about the father of every one of your children!'
gs 'stat'
killvar 'j'
killvar 'kidid'
elseif ARGS[1] ! 1:
msg 'You do not have any paternity test to use!'
gs 'stat'
if ARGS[1] = 1:
testresDay[ARGS[0]] = 2147483647
if $ChildFath[ARGS[0]] = $papa:testresRes[ARGS[0]] = 1 else testresRes[ARGS[0]] = 0
$testresPotfath[ARGS[0]] = $papa
testresKid[ARGS[0]] = ARGS[0]
purse_pattest[ARGS[0]] = 1
used_pattest += 1
killvar 'papa'
!! Just shows the kid and the tested father
$test_purse = {
j = 0
$msg = 'Tests in your purse:'
if purse_pattest[j] = 1:$msg += '
<<$testresPotfath[j]>>''s test for fatherhood of <<$kidname[j]>>.'
if j < kid-1:j += 1 & jump 'pursekid'
msg $msg
killvar 'msg'
!! used: dynamic $send_test,
$send_test = {
j = 0
kidid[j] = j
if patpack[j] = 1:' $kidname[j]'
if j < kid-1:j += 1 & jump 'kloop'
testresDay[ARGS[0]] = daystart+rand(5,7)
purse_pattest[ARGS[0]] = 0
used_pattest -= 1
$sms_testresult = {
cyc = 0
if testresKid[cyc] ! 1:cyc += 1 & jump 'testloop'
if daystart >= testresDay[cyc]:
c2 = arrsize('SMS_msg')
$SMS_msg[c2] = 'Result of testing:
if testresRes[cyc] = 1:$SMS_msg[c2] += 'matching DNA' else $SMS_msg[c2] += 'no DNA match'
$SMS_msg[c2] += '
between <<$testresPotfath[cyc]>> and <<$kidname[testresKid[cyc]]>>.'
$SMS_effect[c2] = {
if testresRes[cyc] = 1:
surefather[testresKid[cyc]] = 1
$ChildThFath[testresKid[cyc]] = $ChildFath[testresKid[cyc]]
if $ChildThFath[testresKid[cyc]] = $testresPotfath[testresKid[cyc]]:$ChildThFath[testresKid[cyc]] = 'unknown'
testresKid[cyc] = 0
if cyc < kid-1: cyc += 1 & jump 'testloop'
killvar 'cyc'
killvar 'c2'
--- pattest -------------------------