# roadPRE minut += 5 clr gs 'statPRE' fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0) bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255) lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205) '
' 'You leave the office and from your car phone Luda, your wife. You explain the situation to her and as soon as you finish the call, drive off to the construction site.' act 'Drive': cla *clr minut += 500 clr gs 'statPRE' '
' 'You''ve been on the highway for hours before you arrive at the town near the site feeling tired. But before you can check into a hotel and get some sleep, you need to get an understanding of the magnitude of the problem you''re dealing with. You follow the directions to the site. Igor calls on the way and tells you that you won''t have to go through a security check.' *nl 'You arrive and park your car at the site. You see Igor waving at you from the distance and walk up to him.' act 'Greet Igor': cla *clr minut += 15 clr gs 'statPRE' '
' 'Igor greets you. He is obviously concerned about the situation and without delay leads you to the pit''s fenced-off entrance. It rained earlier so the ground is all muddy, you''re going to have to clean your shoes when you get back to the hotel.' *nl '"The ladder''s over there," Igor informs you, while pointing to your left.' *nl 'You reach the hole in the ground and peek inside using the small flashlight from your keychain. "There seems to be a floor about 5 meters down."' *nl '"Well, what do you think Michael? Shall we go down?" Igor says with a faint glimmer of adventure in his eyes.' act 'Descend': cla *clr minut += 15 clr gs 'statPRE' '
' 'Igor hands you a powerful flashlight and tells the guard to get the ladder over here. Igor is the first one to go down, once he reaches the bottom, he holds the ladder so you can safely climb down as well.' *nl 'The cave smells musty and looks all gloomy, but you can breathe freely and the light from your flashlight illuminates the walls. You shoot a beam of light into the corridor and in the distance see something that resembles a door.' *nl '"Damn. If any historians hear about this, they''ll be all over this construction site." Igor mutters.' *nl 'You walk up to the door and see drawings on it. Most of them resemble people, but with other stick figures as well.' act 'Open the door': cla *clr minut += 15 clr gs 'statPRE' '
' 'You lean against the door, it''s stiff but you manage to push it open.' *nl '"Oh shit!... Take a look over there. Human bones." Igor says nervously.' *nl 'You take a look at what Igor is pointing at and see a pile of human bones with a skull on top.' *nl '"A tomb, I suppose." Igor mutters looking apprehensive.' '"Probably", you nod. "We can''t rule anything out just yet."' act 'Go further': cla *clr minut += 15 clr gs 'statPRE' '
' 'Further into the cave, you reach a room that resembles some kind of archive, filled with dozens of old, dusty scrolls inside of racks built into the walls.' *nl 'Igor takes one of the scrolls and carefully unrolls it. "What the hell? Look at this, it must be some kind of ancient language," Igor says. "I''ll take one with me, and see what I can find out about these, maybe I can get it deciphered. So we''ll know what we are dealing with."' *nl 'Looking around, you notice another door on the other side of the chamber, you walk over and open it.' act 'Enter the room': cla *clr minut += 15 clr gs 'statPRE' '
' 'There''s an altar in the center of the room, on it there are various pots, several gold amulets and even some stone figures. You continue looking around the room curiously, trying to figure out what it''s purpose was.' *nl 'Looking closely at the altar, you notice a strange little amulet placed at the very top.' act 'Examine the amulet': cla *clr energy = 100 water = 100 son = 100 minut += 15 magik = 1 manna = (pcs_intel * magik) + pcs_vital * 5 clr gs 'statPRE' '
' 'You pick up the strange amulet and examine it. This is clearly very old, you think to yourself.' *nl 'While holding the amulet, you realize that it''s getting warm, almost hot. Suddenly you feel heat coursing through your entire body. You feel a surge of strength inside you. It''s like you just finished a long jog, but without the fatigue.' *nl 'Igor enters the room with one of the scrolls in his hands. "Huh. Interesting little room.", he says, glancing over the altar. "Well, we have to make a decision: either we fill the catacombs up to the brink with cement or we let someone into these rooms. Who knows what all this stuff is, maybe it''s worth more than it looks."' act 'Consult you boss': cla *clr minut += 15 clr gs 'statPRE' '
' '"I''ve got to think about it and consult the director before we do anything." You reply and without thinking put the small amulet into your pocket.' *nl '"Well, one thing''s for sure, you won''t get reception down here. Let''s go outside." Igor tells you.' act 'Go back to the surface': cla *clr minut += 15 clr gs 'statPRE' '
' 'You walk together with Igor out of the strange chambers and up the ladder, back to the surface.' *nl '"We must have been down there longer than I thought, its already late. There will only be security on site now so there''s nothing we can do here until the morning, you should go to the hotel." Igor says.' *nl 'With a hasty goodbye to Igor, you make your way back to your car.' 'Damn, you think, tomorrow''s going to be a stressful day.' act 'Go to the hotel':gt 'otelPRE' end end end end end end end end end --- roadPRE ---------------------------------