# version
act 'Return': gt 'start'
'- Trains system reworked and new events from nutluck added'
'- Starting events and first follow up re-written to fit new magic storyline (further events unchanged and inconsistent with new start)'
'- Body image system rebuild by Vaelon'
'- Post office Saturday job in Pavlovsk by Lantera'
'- School rebuild, extra pupils and many new events by nutluck'
'- ETO 1.2.5 updates from illume'
'- Therapist from Malen'
'- Fixes and optimization of the cum management and pregnancy by catbreeder and Malen'
'- Car wash and abduction event from pchs'
'- New shower scene from Malen'
'- Translations from Blatte, Finn Macha, dimi8840, nutluck, Redangel and JulienJaden'
'- Russia has free health, so game does too!'
'- Northern region renamed to industrial area'
'- Tanya house and maid job reworking and fixes from JulienJaden'
'- Cheat menu tattoo removal updated to match the new tattoos from Maruda'
'- Manna and mood separation so magic benefits stop being applied to non-magical Sveta'
'- Update generic fairy response to random topic from Vaelon and Morphuret'
'- Appearance system and calculations reworked by Vaelon'
'- New porn playing cards from Small Jerboa'
'- Temperature scale made more realistic'
'- Bug fixes from Malen, lazycodemonkey, Donpecz, Ekay, catbreeder, Thom and Kevin Smarts. Plus many more in forum.'
'- Pain reduction increased and painkillers, drink and drugs all applying pain relief'
'- Added post office branches to Pavlovsk and city center'
'- More text edits by Lantera'
'- Text edits from nutluck, aball and JulienJaden'
'- More 1.2.4 updates, thanks to Illume'
'- New "android mode" which fixes some incompatibilities when used on android phones, from illume'
'- Church confessions added, with more planned'
'- Pet dog might scare off burglars now'
'- Pav to city road made clearer and old Town made much easier to navigate'
'- Exercises now available in the village meadow if wearing exercise clothes and not raining'
'- Daystart now synchronized to the date'
'- New succubus TF in magic enabled playthroughs by Vaelon'
'- Display tweaks and fixes from Rodziel'
'- Fixes and analysis by s4n'
'- Re-working of porn studio by Malen'
'- Completely rebuilt body-shape system to give much more realist muscle and weight gain / loss from Vaelon'
'- Some bonus scenes and event expansions from nutluck'
'- New blackjack system for the casino from fg109'
'- Rewritten "casino war" game for the casino from TheCreek191'
'- Fixes for auto-birth control pill, hair coloring and breast pump code from EKay'
'- New sweat system from Small Jerboa'
'- Wide range of fixes and bug squishing'
'- Started use of central file for boy names and their most personal assets'
'- The usual array of bug fixes, too vast to list'
'- Banking interest now applied'
'- Bank accounts must be opened in person and payments can be made at atms'
'- More text edits by Lantera'
'- Test edits from fastrudent'
'- 1.2.4 updates, thanks to Illume'
'- New pain system, allows for tracking of pain by body part with a stat bar for total under arousal'
'- Re-worked Natalya as Mistress event chain, adding more realism, personality and progression'
'- Kiosk upgraded, now sells magazines. They''re a bit like books, but one use. Added more reading locations'
'- New cafe and event in old town from Drugas'
'- Text edits in brother and for some dreams from FoxyVixen22'
'- Rubles references replaced with correct symbol'
'- Front-end clean up and interface formatting for the wardrobe system'
'- Split Pavlovsk into 2 distinct locations as main page was overloaded with text'
'- A wide range of fixes to code and event handling, thanks to Malen, Ekay and Kevin Smarts'
'- Code analysed and many coding errors detected, thanks to s4n. All detections corrected'
'- Changed cam-girl requirements to intelligence check, so should be available in main game starts if you do some learning stuff.'
'- The new clothing attributes and naming conventions from Veedanya'
'- Rewrite of volleyball trainer events to improve flow and fix broken events by EKay'
'- More text edits by Lantera.'
'- Dom intro to the BDSM club, the actual club built and some random events added.'
'- 1.2.3 updates, thanks to Illume'
'- Porn studio changes and additions from Malen'
'- Fixes to image paths for Linux users from jantenner'
'- Added Draquiem''s sleep with vibe mod (have to turn on in cheat menu)'
'- Malen''s fixes for sex acts with generic named boys'
'- Update the energy, food and sleep to 1-100 scales'
'- Banking and ATM updates from mjsmagalhaes'
'- Internet access time payment cards now purchasable from phoneshops'
'- More bug fixes'
'- Bug fixes'
'- New cum management system, inc. system wide changes, tracking and new consequences'
'- Text edits by Lantera'
'- New cheat menu and appearance options by Illume'
'- Church is open, only basic options for now, more to come, thanks to Jeftest and EKay'
'- Bug fixes and code clean up'
'- Timer for Mistress spanking now sets'
'- Volleyball trainer should now work'
'- Reinstated a couple of events for increasing rep in Pavlovsk'
'- Bug fixes and code clean up'
'- Text edits by Yllarius'
'- Couple of new cheats for cheat menu'
'- Added first part of new bimbo systems'
'- Re-worked the volleyball trainer to make it easier to follow'
'- New fairy encounter (magic users only)'
'- Now incorporating most aspects of 1.2.2 version'
'- Large number of fixes, inc. kickboxing, volleyball and image paths'
'- Added Rodziels new start, piercing mod and cosmetic surgery'
'- Loads of translations, many locations, full event paths and much, much more!'
'- Fixed bug making G & M officewear un-buyable'
'- Fixed bang-less buns not calling images correctly'
'- Updated start-selection screen to be actually relevant'
'- Fixed a bug that prevented you to work as a Prostitute at the street near the park'
'- Created subfolders for the different hairstyles. It makes it easier to find missing pictures or replace them. (Image library update!)'
'0.2.5c (released by TFGS-User centerflag982, accidentally named 0.2.5b as well):'
'- Fixed a bug, that prevented your from removing your pigtails.'
'0.2.5b (released by TFGS-User Maruda):'
'- Added the Hairsalon in the Citycenter and the Barbershop in the small town.'
'- Fixed a bug with the tailor, who bought some of your clothes instead of resizing them.'
'- Fixed a bug, which didn''t allow you to see your breasts.'
'- Fixed a bug, which caused a DEBUG-Error to appear at the tailor and the nightclub.'
'- Added a lot more hairstyles'
'-- For the numberphiles between you, there are 216 ways to style your hair, 175 have pictures.'
'-- Cheat Menu to tinker around with your hair, it also tells you how your current hair looks.'
'- Added the Hairsalon in the Mall'
'- Added the Barbershop in the small town, cheaper & faster than the hairsalon, but doesn''t do braided hair'
'- While I''m not a native english speaker, I tried to fix some of the broken english'
'-- Done in following locations: street, down, Nord, club, park'
'- Additional conditions to get into the club.'
'-- Jeans, Shorts, Pants and Kis-Clothes can get you in.'
'--- Jeans, Shorts and Pants require a certain level of looks/beauty (vnesh) to get you in.'
'---- When you wear a skirt or shorts, you now should make sure, you shaved your legs. The folks guarding the entrance don''t like hairy legs.'
'- Excluded the rape events at the home street for now.'
'- VIP-Card price at the night club lowered from 50.000 to 10.000 ₽, as the price of one card stood in no, for me at least, comprehensible relation to other prices.'
'- The park is now a central park, from where you can walk to the others citys districts if you so desire.'
'-- Homestreet -> Park => roughly 20 Minute Walk'
'-- City Center -> Park => roughly 48 Minute Walk'
'-- Northern District -> Park => roughly an hour of walking.'
'--- Once you are in the park, it takes the same amount of time to get to another respectable area.'
'- Excluded the direction argument ''prost'' inside the location ''park'', as nothing links to it (anymore). Prostitution itself takes place in a location called ''prostitute''. ''prost'' seems to be the remnant of an older version of ETO. It should be safe to remove, if no gamebreaking bugs appear.'
'- TFGS-user "kevlar" pointed out a bug in the fitness studio, you get a Debug-Message once you win the amateur fight. This bug occured due to a spelling mistake and has been fixed.'
--- version ---------------------------------