# ykuh $metkaM = $ARGS[0] $locM = $CURLOC $metka = $ARGS[0] $loc = $CURLOC clr gs 'stat' '
' '
' if ymanrem[6] = 0:'
' if ymanrem[6] = 1:'
' if ymanrem[6] = 2:'
' if ymanrem[6] = 2:'' if dirttarelka > 0 and fairy >= dirttarelka: cltarelka += dirttarelka fairy -= dirttarelka dirttarelka = 0 'Dishwasher washed your dirty dishes.' elseif fairy < dirttarelka: 'You have no more dishwashing detergent.' end if cltarelka > 0: 'In the cabinet you have <> clean plates' else 'You don''t have any clean plates left.' end if dirttarelka > 0:'In the sink are <> dirty dishes. Wash the dishes.' if fairy > 0: 'Under the sink is some dishwashing detergent, which is enough for <> times.' else 'You have nothing to wash dishes with. You should buy some dishwashing detergent.' end if eda > 0: if cltarelka = 0 or edahot > 0:$edagot = '' if cltarelka > 0 and edahot = 0:$edagot = 'Cook meal (0:30)' 'In the refrigerator there''s food, enough for <> servings. <<$edagot>>' elseif edaD = 0 and eda = 0: 'The fridge is empty, you have nothing to eat.' end act 'Leave the room':minut += 1 & gt 'ymans' if edahot > 0:'On the table is a cooked meal.' if pranik > 0: 'You have <> cookies.' act 'Drink tea with cookies (0:05)': cla *clr minut += 5 pranik -= 1 health += 30 manna += 100 energy += 60 water += 60 cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' fbreath = 0 fat += 4 frost = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'You drank tea with cookies, sweet and very bad for your figure, but so good.' act 'Get up from the table':gt $curloc end end dynamic $edaD dynamic $fatdel act 'Drink': cla minut += 5 if water >= 20: 'You are not thirsty.' elseif water < 20: water += 20 cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' fbreath = 0 'You gladly drank a glass of water.' end act 'Get up from the table':gt $curloc end if husband > 0 and husbanday > 0 and huseatday ! daystart and eda >= 2: act 'Cook a meal for your husband, 2 servings (1:00)': cla *clr husband += 5 eda -= 2 minut += 60 huseatday = daystart manna -= 25 '
' 'You cooked some food for your husband.' act 'Put the food on the table':gt $curloc end end if lekarstvo > 0: 'You have <> tablets.' if sick > 0 and lekarday ! daystart: act 'Take a pill': cla *clr minut += 5 lekarday = daystart lekarstvo -= 1 sick -= sick * 20 / 100 '
' 'You took the pill' act 'Move away':gt $curloc end end end if vitamin > 0: 'You have <> vitamins.' if vitaminday ! daystart: act 'Take some vitamins': cla *clr minut += 5 vitaminday = daystart vitamin -= 1 frost = 0 if KandidozOnce = 1:Kandidoz -= 2 if GerpesOnce = 1:Gerpes -= 2 if SifacOnce = 1 and Sifilis >= 10:Sifilis -= rand(0, 1) skinvan += 1 'You took vitamins' act 'Move away':gt $curloc end end end --- ykuh ---------------------------------