TerminalOffice 13 KB

  1. # TerminalOffice
  2. $location_type = 'public_indoors'
  3. minut += 1
  4. gs 'stat'
  5. ! In the office if he knows we can buy a product or to perform a task boss of bystrousky.
  6. ! About the possibility of the sale of goods GG learns at the train station in Pavlovo in the dynamics $d_vokzal_vera_talk location vokdinvera
  7. ! verakassir > 0 - you can buy the product
  8. ! TerminalPapper = 1 and DayTerminalPapper = day - you can fulfill the order
  9. !
  10. ! In the office, several offices, one for the purchase of the goods, the second for documents from bystrousky, and the third for a bright future
  11. !
  12. ! Administration accounting and Director work in better conditions than managery :)))
  13. ! The conditions at the time require elaboration
  14. !
  15. TerminalOfficeDirWorkTime = 0
  16. TerminalOfficeBuhWorkTime = 0
  17. if ((hour >= 9 and hour <= 12) or (hour >= 14 and hour <= 17)) and week < 6: TerminalOfficeDirWorkTime = 1
  18. if ((hour >= 9 and hour <= 12) or (hour >= 14 and hour <= 19)) and week < 6: TerminalOfficeBuhWorkTime = 1
  19. if $ARGS[0] = 'TerminalOfficeScreen':
  20. !1 - title
  21. !2 - the name of the picture file
  22. *clr
  23. '<center><b><font color = maroon>'+$ARGS[1]+'</font></b></center>'
  24. '<center><img src="images/terminal/'+$ARGS[2]+'.jpg"></center>'
  25. ''
  26. end
  27. !==================================================
  28. !Hall 00
  29. !==================================================
  30. if $ARGS[0] = '00':
  31. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'Hall office space', 'terminal4'
  32. 'You in the lobby, office space.'
  33. cla
  34. act 'Leaving the office': minut += 5 & gt 'Terminal'
  35. act 'Go to the sales Department': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  36. act 'Go to the accounting Department': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '21'
  37. act 'Go to the Director': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '31'
  38. end
  39. !==================================================
  40. !Office a Manager = 1x
  41. !==================================================
  42. if $ARGS[0] = '11':
  43. !You can buy the item if you know that you can buy
  44. !Can try to give the documents from Anatoly Chubais
  45. !Can I ask when running accounting
  46. !Can I ask when works Director
  47. cla
  48. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'Sales', 'terminal2'
  49. *PL '- What can I do to help? - Smiling affably asks you Manager.'
  50. act 'To leave the office': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
  51. if verakassir > 0:
  52. !Buy goods
  53. !Flag zapolanski storage, reduction
  54. !this flag allows you to go shopping
  55. DoNotBuy = 2
  56. !Amount and Quantity that we can buy(store)
  57. MaxQuantityA = 0
  58. MaxQuantity1 = 0
  59. MaxQuantity2 = 0
  60. MaxCost = 0
  61. !Description size of storage
  62. TovarLimitRepository1 = 30
  63. TovarLimitRepository2 = 100
  64. *NL 'You spoke with the Manager about buying small things...'
  65. !Get current balances
  66. TovarRepository1 = tovarL
  67. if TovarRepository1 => TovarLimitRepository1:
  68. *P ' At home you are all full up.'
  69. else
  70. DoNotBuy -= 1
  71. *P ' Now you have kept '+ TovarRepository1 +' PCs., at home you will be able to place only <<TovarLimitRepository1>> PCs.'
  72. MaxQuantity1 = TovarLimitRepository1 - TovarRepository1
  73. end
  74. if YouCanGar > 0:
  75. !Get the current balances in the garage
  76. TovarRepository2 = GarTorgItem
  77. if TovarRepository2 => TovarLimitRepository2:
  78. *P ' In the garage there is no space.'
  79. else
  80. DoNotBuy -= 1
  81. *P ' And garage stored '+ TovarRepository2 +' PCs., high in the garage, you will be able to place <<TovarLimitRepository2>> PCs.'
  82. MaxQuantity2 = TovarLimitRepository2 - TovarRepository2
  83. end
  84. end
  85. if DoNotBuy = 2:
  86. *P ' After some thought, you realized that you just have nowhere to store the goods and decided to abandon the purchase.'
  87. else
  88. !Produce purchase
  89. act 'Buy small goods on 100 rubles, putting a specific number':
  90. minut += 13
  91. MaxQuantityA = input("How much product you want to buy for the price 100 rubles apiece?")
  92. if MaxQuantityA > (MaxQuantity1 + MaxQuantity2):
  93. *NL '<b><font color=red>You have nowhere to store the surplus <<MaxQuantityA-(MaxQuantity1 + MaxQuantity2)>> PCs. !!!</front></b>'
  94. cla
  95. act 'Clear': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  96. end
  97. MaxCost = MaxQuantityA * 100
  98. if MaxCost > money:
  99. !If not enough money
  100. *NL 'You don`t have enough cash, you will have to withdraw from the purchase.'
  101. if (money + karta >= MaxCost) or (karta >= MaxCost):
  102. !The player can be plastic money
  103. *P ' You have money on the card and you offer the Manager to pay by Bank card.'
  104. ' - We don`t have a terminal for card payments, says Manager. - Unfortunately, we can only accept cash.'
  105. end
  106. cla
  107. act 'Clear': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  108. else
  109. !If the money is written off money to fill warehouses
  110. money -= MaxCost
  111. 'You purchased <<MaxQuantityA>> PCs. goods worth <<MaxCost>>'
  112. !First populate channelise 1
  113. if MaxQuantityA => MaxQuantity1:
  114. tovarL = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantity1
  115. MaxQuantityA -= MaxQuantity1
  116. if YouCanGar > 0 : *P ', in t.h. <<MaxQuantity1>> PCs. storage room, garage <<MaxQuantityA>> PCs.'
  117. else
  118. if YouCanGar > 0 : *P ', in t.h. <<MaxQuantityA>> PCs. storage room, garage 0 PCs.'
  119. tovarL = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantityA
  120. MaxQuantityA = 0
  121. end
  122. !Now fill channelise 2
  123. if MaxQuantityA > 0:
  124. GarTorgItem = TovarRepository2 + MaxQuantityA
  125. end
  126. if YouCanGar = 0 and money > 100:
  127. *NL 'By purchasing, you thought that would buy more goods, but a place to store it? May try to talk to the stepfather about the allocation of space for items in his garage...'
  128. end
  129. cla
  130. act 'To complete your purchase': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  131. end
  132. end
  133. act 'Buy small goods on 100 rubles under "eyeballs" - it <<(MaxQuantity1 + MaxQuantity2)>> PCs.':
  134. !Purchase spend time
  135. minut += 13
  136. MaxQuantityA = MaxQuantity1 + MaxQuantity2
  137. MaxCost = MaxQuantityA * 100
  138. !Hammered warehouses
  139. if MaxCost > money:
  140. !If not enough money
  141. *NL 'You don`t have enough cash, you will have to withdraw from the purchase.'
  142. if (money + karta >= MaxCost) or (karta >= MaxCost):
  143. !The player can be plastic money
  144. *P ' You have money on the card and you offer the Manager to pay by Bank card.'
  145. ' - We don`t have a terminal for card payments, says Manager. - Unfortunately, we can only accept cash.'
  146. end
  147. cla
  148. act 'Clear': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  149. else
  150. !If the money is written off money to fill warehouses
  151. money -= MaxCost
  152. 'You purchased <<MaxQuantityA>> PCs. goods worth <<MaxCost>>'
  153. !First populate channelise 1
  154. if MaxQuantityA => MaxQuantity1:
  155. tovarL = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantity1
  156. MaxQuantityA -= MaxQuantity1
  157. if YouCanGar > 0 : *P ', in t.h. <<MaxQuantity1>> PCs. storage room, garage <<MaxQuantityA>> PCs.'
  158. else
  159. if YouCanGar > 0 : *P ', in t.h. <<MaxQuantityA>> PCs. storage room, garage 0 PCs.'
  160. tovarL = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantityA
  161. MaxQuantityA = 0
  162. end
  163. !Now fill channelise 2
  164. if MaxQuantityA > 0:
  165. GarTorgItem = TovarRepository2 + MaxQuantityA
  166. end
  167. if YouCanGar = 0 and money > 100:
  168. *NL 'By purchasing, you thought that would buy more goods, but a place to store it? May try to talk to the stepfather about the allocation of space for items in his garage...'
  169. end
  170. cla
  171. act 'To complete your purchase': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  172. end
  173. end
  174. end
  175. end
  176. if YouNotOpenDoorDir = 1:
  177. !Where the Director, the Door was closed dir
  178. act 'Ask about the Director':
  179. '- Please tell me - you ask - how to see your supervisor?'
  180. 'The Manager barely noticeable grimace meets: Yuri himself is usually from Monday to Friday, 9-00 to 18-00. Well, still can go for lunch 13 to 14'
  181. cla
  182. act 'Clear': YouNotOpenDoorDir = 0 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  183. end
  184. end
  185. !Where is the accountant? Buch the door was closed
  186. if YouNotOpenDoorBuh = 1:
  187. act 'Ask about the accountant':
  188. '- Please tell me - I ask you - and how to see your accountant?'
  189. 'The Manager responds with a smile: Elizabeth is usually in the office Monday through Friday, 9-00 to 20-00. Well, still can go for lunch 13 to 14'
  190. cla
  191. act 'Clear': YouNotOpenDoorBuh = 0 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  192. end
  193. end
  194. !He Has papers, but a Manager should say to go to the accounting Department.
  195. if AboutDocsManager=0 and TerminalPapper = 1 and DayTerminalPapper = day:
  196. *NL '- I`m from Anatoly Chubais from the company "OOO Bystroushka limited", I am directed to request you the documents.'
  197. act 'Give documents':
  198. '- You better contact the accounts Department to Elizabeth, she needs to know. It is you the next door along the corridor.'
  199. cla
  200. act 'Clear': AboutDocsManager=1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  201. end
  202. end
  203. !The GG yet topics of conversation.
  204. if verakassir = 0 and YouNotOpenDoorDir = 0 and YouNotOpenDoorBuh = 0 and TerminalPapper = 0:
  205. *NL 'You have nothing to say and nothing left to do how to get out of the office.'
  206. end
  207. end
  208. !==================================================
  209. !The office of the accountant = 2x
  210. !==================================================
  211. if $ARGS[0] = '21':
  212. ! Time control of the work of Buch disconnect until the issue is resolved temporal compatibility of obtaining a job in bystroushka
  213. if TerminalOfficeBuhWorkTime = 1:
  214. !You can give the documents
  215. cla
  216. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'The office of the accountant', 'terminal3'
  217. act 'To leave the office': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
  218. !GG not a complete idiot, so will limit communication with only Buch documents, then that thread again
  219. *PL '- What you want? - Looking up from the monitor and turning to you on the couch asks cute girl.'
  220. if TerminalPapper = 1 and DayTerminalPapper = day:
  221. *PL '- I`m from Anatoly Chubais from the company "OOO Bystroushka limited", I am directed to request you the documents.'
  222. '- Well! I`m really looking forward to those papers, let me know.'
  223. act 'Give documents' :
  224. *P ' The girl takes out of your hands the folder opens and its contents briefly prokativaet'
  225. *P ' - Tell Anatoly Borisovich big thank you from Elizabeth.'
  226. ' The girl smiled, and losing interest in you turned to the monitor screen.'
  227. minut += 1
  228. TerminalPapper = 2
  229. !the following 2 lines from the original code version 1.2.4 zalem, what they did not understand, simply left
  230. gs 'stat'
  231. gs 'zz_funcs', 'colorize_day'
  232. cla
  233. act 'To leave the office': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
  234. end
  235. else
  236. *NL 'You have nothing to say and nothing left to do how to get out of the office.'
  237. end
  238. else
  239. !Accountant is not in place
  240. cla
  241. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'A door with a sign', 'terminal6'
  242. act 'Move away from the door': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
  243. 'You knocked, but silence. Pushing down on the handle of the door you realized that the door was locked. May try to come at a different time or somebody to ask how much of a better approach? - thought you.'
  244. YouNotOpenDoorBuh = 1
  245. end
  246. end
  247. !==================================================
  248. !The Director`s office = 3x
  249. !==================================================
  250. if $ARGS[0] = '31':
  251. if TerminalOfficeDirWorkTime = 1:
  252. !You can try to give the documents
  253. !You can try to talk
  254. cla
  255. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'The Director`s office', 'terminal1'
  256. act 'To leave the office': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
  257. !Before the development of the plot 'Talk' the Director will constantly be on the phone and send he tries out of the office
  258. *PL 'You knocked and opened the door. Behind a massive Desk a man. The man was talking on the phone and apparently was not in the mood. You`re obviously not the person the man was expecting, so he dismissively waved his hand, clearly indicating that you need to leave the office.'
  259. if AboutBussines = 0:
  260. act 'Talk':
  261. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'The Director`s office', 'terminal1'
  262. *PL '<center><b>Dear player, here`s an elegant place for your story.'
  263. 'Ideal if it will be the beginning of a good, legitimate and profitable trading business for HS'
  264. *NL 'And yet close the door on the other side :)))</b></center>'
  265. AboutBussines = 1
  266. delact 'Talk'
  267. end
  268. end
  269. if AboutDocs = 0 and TerminalPapper = 1 and DayTerminalPapper = day:
  270. act 'Give documents':
  271. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'The Director`s office', 'terminal1'
  272. *PL 'However, you ignored the gestures of men, because you have an important assignment from BOS.'
  273. '- I`m from Anatoly Chubais from the company "OOO Bystroushka limited", I am directed to request you the documents.'
  274. 'The man stopped talking on the phone, frowned, and putting you on the door said - Go accounting.'
  275. AboutDocs = 1
  276. delact 'Give documents'
  277. end
  278. end
  279. if AboutBussines = 1 or AboutDocs = 1: *NL 'You have nothing left to do how to get out of the office.'
  280. else
  281. !The Director is not in place
  282. cla
  283. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'A door with a sign', 'terminal5'
  284. act 'Move away from the door': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
  285. 'You knocked, but silence. Pushing down on the handle of the door you realized that the door was locked. May try to come at a different time or somebody to ask how much of a better approach? - thought you.'
  286. YouNotOpenDoorDir = 1
  287. end
  288. end
  289. --- TerminalOffice ---------------------------------