gadukino 30 KB

  1. # gadukino
  2. if $ARGS[0] = '':
  3. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  4. $loc = $CURLOC
  5. $location_type = 'public_outdoors'
  7. gs 'gadukino_event', 'gadukino'
  8. !125s
  9. !exec before everything
  10. if mitkaday ! daystart:
  11. mitkarand = rand(1,12)
  12. !lower chance (1/3 to 1/12) and once per day by illume
  13. if mitka = 0 and hour >= 7 and hour < 20 and mitkarand = 1:
  14. cls
  15. minut += 5
  16. gs 'stat'
  17. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Mitka Kingpin</font></b></center>'
  18. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/npc/mitka.jpg"></center>'
  19. 'In the village you are approached by your old friend Mitka.'
  20. act 'Further':gt 'mitka'
  21. exit
  22. end
  23. if mitka = 1 and hour >= 17 and hour < 20 and mitkarand = 1 and mitkaday ! daystart and mitkasextimes < 13:
  24. cls
  25. minut += 5
  26. gs 'stat'
  27. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Mitka Kingpin</font></b></center>'
  28. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/npc/mitka.jpg"></center>'
  29. 'In the village you are approached by your old friend Mitka.'
  30. act 'Further':gt 'mitka'
  31. exit
  32. end
  33. end
  34. mitkarand = rand(1,20)
  35. if gadriver_gang < 3:
  36. if mitkarand = 1 and mitkasextimes >= 13 and hour >= 7 and hour <= 16 and month >= 4 and month <= 10 and mitkaday ! daystart: gt 'gadukino_event', 'gadukino_mitka'
  37. if mitkarand = 2 and mitkasextimes >= 13 and hour >= 7 and hour <= 16 and month >= 4 and month <= 10 and kolyambaday ! daystart: gt 'gadukino_event', 'gadukino_kolyamba'
  38. if mitkarand = 3 and mitkasextimes >= 13 and hour >= 7 and hour <= 16 and month >= 4 and month <= 10 and vasyanday ! daystart: gt 'gadukino_event', 'gadukino_vasyan'
  39. if mitkarand = 4 and mitkasextimes > 15 and hour >= 17 and hour <= 19 and month >= 4 and month <= 10 and gadboyday ! daystart and week <= 5: gt 'gadukino_event', 'gadukino_2boys'
  40. if mitkarand <= 5 and mitkasextimes > 15 and hour >= 7 and hour <= 19 and month >= 4 and month <= 10 and gadboyday ! daystart and week > 5: gt 'gadukino_event', 'gadukino_2boys'
  41. end
  42. if gadriver_gang = 1 and hour >= 6 and hour <= 21 and gadboyday ! daystart: gt 'gadukino_event', 'gang_apologise'
  43. if gadriver_gang = 3 and hour >= 6 and hour <= 21 and gadboyday ! daystart: gt 'gadukino_event', 'mitka_apologise'
  44. if gadriver_gang = 4 and mirasex = 1 and miralick = 0 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and gadboyday ! daystart: gt 'gadukino_event', 'mira_apologise'
  45. if mitkasextimes > 13 and mirasex = 1 and miraperversion < 11 and mitkarand >= 6 and miraday ! day:gt 'Meadow_event','mira_lesb_talk4'
  46. !125e
  47. clr
  48. gs 'stat'
  49. '<center><h4>Gadukino Village</h4></center>'
  50. if month >= 4 and month <= 10:
  51. if hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
  52. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/street.jpg"></center>'
  53. else
  54. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/street_night.jpg"></center>'
  55. end
  56. else
  57. if hour >= 8 and hour < 18:
  58. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/street_winter.jpg"></center>'
  59. else
  60. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/street_winter_night.jpg"></center>'
  61. end
  62. end
  63. 'A small village with many rickety wooden houses and even more ruins of houses. This village has seen better times.'
  64. if car > 0 and cardrive = 23:
  65. '<a href="exec:GS ''carF'',''start''">Your <<$car>></a> is closeby.'
  66. end
  67. if StoryLine = 1:'In one of the <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''Gaddvor''">hovels live your grandparents</a>.'
  68. if miraQW > 0: 'Just down the road from your grandparents house is <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''MiroslavaHome'', ''start''">Mira''s</a> house.'
  69. *nl
  70. !125s
  71. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 11 and month >= 6 and month <= 9:
  72. 'In harvest season a truck comes from the city to <a href="exec: gt ''gadukino'',''collection_point''">collect</a> all the harvesting of mushrooms and berries.'
  73. else
  74. 'During harvest season, between 9.00 and 12.00, comes a truck from the city to collect harvested mushrooms and berries.'
  75. end
  76. !MiaLoc tells us where Mira is Located
  77. !----------------------------------------------
  78. !MiraLoc = 0 (Mira at home)
  79. !MiraLoc = 1 (Mira at river)
  80. !MiraLoc = 2 (Mira at meadow)
  81. !MiraLoc = 3 (Mira at forest)
  82. !MiraLoc = 4 (Mira at field)
  83. !MiraLoc = 5 (Mira with gop)
  84. !---------------------------------------------
  85. if hour >= 17 and hour < 20:'Not far from the house scared <a href="exec:GT ''mitka''">Mitka Kingpin</a>'
  86. if hour >= 20 and sunWeather = 1 and month >= 4 and month <= 10:
  87. MiraLoc = 0
  88. 'Not far from the house sits a rustic style company of <a href="exec:GT ''mitkabuh''">youths</a>'
  89. end
  90. !125e
  91. !Looks like no reference to Gadmarket exists. Adding it...FinnMacha
  92. *nl
  93. if hour >= 8 and hour < 20:
  94. 'In the center of the village is a small grass covered square where villagers gather to meet and discuss or argue politics or village life. One of the building facing the square has a sign saying <a href="exec: gt ''gadmarket''">General Store</a>. A sign in the door proclames it "OPEN". It looks like the only place in the village to buy goods.'
  95. else
  96. 'In the center of the village is a small grass covered square where villagers gather to meet and discuss or argue politics or village life. One of the building facing the square has a sign saying General Store. A sign in the door proclames it "CLOSED". It looks like the only place in the village to buy goods.'
  97. end
  98. if hour >= 6 and hour < 20:
  99. if month >= 4 and month <= 10:
  100. act 'Walking through the village':
  101. cls
  102. minut += 15
  103. gs 'stat'
  104. if Mira_no = 0:
  105. temp = RAND(0,100)
  106. else
  107. temp = RAND(37,100)
  108. end
  109. !skip mira events if Mira_no not 0. maybe a break up for future version?
  110. !What does Mira_no represent?? by FinnMacha
  111. !re-arrange random chance by illume, during 1.2.5 importation
  112. if temp > 95 and meadow = 0:
  113. !find meadow
  114. gt 'gadukino', '1'
  115. elseif meadow = 1 and temp < 10 and Mira_no = 0:
  116. !meet mira, must find meadow first. Mira_no may used for break off, but not in game yet in 1.2.5
  117. gt 'gadukino', '2'
  118. elseif miraperversion = 7 and temp < 30 and temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:
  119. gt 'gadukino', '3'
  120. elseif miraperversion >= 11 and temp <= 30 and temper >= 20 and sunWeather = 1:
  121. gt 'gadukino', '4'
  122. elseif miraperversion >= 11 and temp <= 31 and temper >= 20 and sunWeather = 1:
  123. gt 'gadukino', '5'
  124. elseif miraperversion >= 11 and temp <= 32 and temper >= 15 and sunWeather = 1:
  125. gt 'gadukino', '6'
  126. elseif miraperversion >= 15 and temp <= 33 and temper >= 15 and sunWeather = 1:
  127. gt 'gadukino', '7'
  128. elseif miraperversion >= 20 and temp <= 34 and temper >= 15 and sunWeather = 1:
  129. gt 'gadukino', '8'
  130. elseif miraperversion >= 20 and temp <= 35 and temper >= 15 and sunWeather = 1:
  131. gt 'gadukino', '9'
  132. elseif miraperversion >= 30 and mirasextimes > 50 and temp <= 36 and temper >= 15 and sunWeather = 1:
  133. gt 'gadukino', '10'
  134. elseif miraperversion >= 20 and temp <= 36 and temper >= 15 and sunWeather = 1:
  135. gt 'gadukino', '11'
  136. elseif temp <= 40:
  137. gt 'gadukino', '12'
  138. elseif temp <= 55:
  139. gt 'gadukino', '13'
  140. elseif temp <= 70:
  141. gt 'gadukino', '14'
  142. elseif temp <= 85 and temper >= 20 and sunWeather = 1:
  143. gt 'gadukino', '15'
  144. else
  145. gt 'gadukino', '16'
  146. end
  147. end
  148. end
  149. end
  150. act 'Go to the river':minut += 20 & gt 'gadriver', 'start'
  151. act 'Go to outskirt':minut += 20 & gt'gadroad'
  152. act 'Exit the highway':minut += 30 & nroad = 10 & gt 'road'
  153. end
  154. if $ARGS[0] = '1':
  155. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/trail_meadow.jpg"></center>'
  156. 'Walking around the village you see a small path that leds between neighbor''s houses, the path leads away from the village into a dense thicket...'
  157. act 'Follow the path to see where it goes':
  158. cls
  159. meadow = 1
  160. minut += 10
  161. gs 'stat'
  162. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/meadow_thicket.jpg"></center>'
  163. 'You follow the path to see where it goes, but about ten minutes later the path disapears into a very dense thicket if bushes and trees.'
  164. act 'Look for a way around':
  165. cls
  166. minut += 10
  167. gs 'stat'
  168. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/meadow_trail.jpg"></center>'
  169. 'Your about to return to the village, but you spot a small break in the thicket, from the looks of it it''s an animal trail.'
  170. act 'follow the trail':
  171. cls
  172. minut += 10
  173. gs 'stat'
  174. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/meadow_fruit_<<rand(0,1)>>.jpg"></center>'
  175. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/meadow_nearby_ruins.jpg"></center>'
  176. 'You carefully walk down the trail through the thicket until you emerge into a small grove of fruit trees standing next the the ruins of a long abandoned house.'
  177. act 'Take an apple and keep walking':
  178. cls
  179. minut += 10
  180. gs 'stat'
  181. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/meadow_path.jpg"></center>'
  182. ' A few minutes later, snacking on an apple, you stubble upon the remains of an overgrown dirt road running through the middle of a majestic meadow filled with wildflowers. Judging by its undisturbed state no one uses it.'
  183. act 'Further':
  184. cls
  185. minut += 20
  186. gs 'stat'
  187. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/meadow1_<<rand(0,5)>>.jpg"></center>'
  188. 'You spend another twenty minutes exploring the meadow and its environs. Your positive noone visits this location. You loadly proclaim the meadow to be your domain and you are it''s ruler. Eventually, you decide to head back to the village and to your surprise, the path you follow back emerges into your grandparents back yard.'
  189. act 'Return to the village': gt 'Gaddvor'
  190. end
  191. end
  192. end
  193. end
  194. end
  195. end
  196. if $ARGS[0] = '2':
  197. if miraQW = 0:
  198. *clr
  199. cla
  200. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/miroslava.jpg"></center>'
  201. 'Walking around the village you notice unfamiliar young girl around your own age, she is pulling on a rope attached to the collar on a small calf. The calf grunts with displeasure, shakes her head and refuses to move any further.'
  202. act 'Help':
  203. cls
  204. miraQW = 1
  205. minut += 15
  206. gs 'stat'
  207. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/Mira.jpg"></center>'
  208. 'You decide to lend a hand to help the girl with the calf. Your lonely in the village, maybe this girl, if you get to know her, could make it seem to the other villagers that you are not a complete stranger in Gadyukino. You walk over to the girl and introduce yourself and ask if she wants help. She nods and resumes pulling on the rope, while you walk over behind the calf and give it a load slap on the rump. The calf is surprised and immediately to moves forward away from you. The girl smiles in thanks and tells you her name is Miroslava.'
  209. 'Together you are able to guide the calf back into its pen. Miroslava turns out to be quite a sociable girl and conversationalist. You learn that her family was recently forced to move to the village from the city. Her father''s huge gambling debts to some questionable men forced him to eventually sell the family''s property in the city to pay them back. Mira is having a rough time adjusting to the life in a small village. She misses the apartment in the center of the city and the money to buy nice dresses and makup with. After selling everything and paying off the debt, her father was told to leave the city "or else...", so they were destitute and could only afford to buy a house in this seedy dust covered village. You walk with her and chat until you reach her house, which is only a few away from your grandparents place. Mira invites you to come and visit her at any time. She is just as bored in the village as you are.'
  210. act 'Finish': gt 'gadukino'
  211. end
  212. act 'Walk away': gt 'gadukino'
  213. elseif miraQW > 0 and (temper < 15 or sunWeather = 0) and temp < 7:
  214. cls
  215. if miraQW < 25:miraQW += 1
  216. minut += 10
  217. gs 'stat'
  218. if miraperversion = 0:
  219. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira1.jpg"></center>'
  220. else
  221. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira4.jpg"></center>'
  222. end
  223. 'You meet Miroslava, who is heading to the river to get some water, seeing you she decides to stop and chat with you for a few minutes.'
  224. if miraperversion >= 20:
  225. act 'You''re feeling naughty':
  226. cls
  227. minut += 5
  228. temp = RAND(0,30)
  229. gs 'stat'
  230. if mirasextimes < 50:
  231. if temp < 5:
  232. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasp2.jpg"></center>'
  233. 'You ask Mira to show you her pussy. She smiles casually sits down on the fence and, looking at you with a gleam in her eyesback and a mischievous smile, she pulls aside panties showing off her juicy pussy...'
  234. elseif temp >= 5 and temp < 10:
  235. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasp.jpg"></center>'
  236. 'You ask Mira to show you her pussy. She smiles casually and rests her hands on the bench, giving you a view of her bare pussy. She isn''t waering any panties.'
  237. elseif temp >= 10 and temp < 25:
  238. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasp1.jpg"></center>'
  239. 'You ask Mira to show you her pussy. She smiles casually and sits down on the fence and slightly spreading his legs, showing you her bare naked pussy. She isn''t waering any panties.'
  240. else
  241. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasp5.jpg"></center>'
  242. 'You ask Mira to show you her pussy. She smiles casually and getting on her hand and knees on the bench. She quickly glancing around and quickly pulls up her skirt and arched her back, showing you her naked pussy. Hold on a sec, she isn''t wearing any panties'
  243. end
  244. act 'Walk away': gt 'gadukino'
  245. else
  246. if temp < 5:
  247. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasp3.jpg"></center>'
  248. 'You ask Mira to show you her pussy. She smiles casually and sits down on a nearby fence. Mira glances around and spreads her legs... You are surprised to see, she isn''t wearing panties and gaping pussy is oozing cum. She must have just been fucked.'
  249. '"Who did that to you?" you ask her. Mira just smiles devilishly and tells you that it''s a secret.'
  250. else
  251. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasp4.jpg"></center>'
  252. 'You ask Mira to show you her pussy. She smiles casually and swats down on her haunches... You immediately notice how much her cunt and asshole gape. She must have just been fucked in both holes.'
  253. end
  254. act 'Walk away': gt 'gadukino'
  255. end
  256. end
  257. end
  258. act 'Finish': gt 'gadukino'
  259. elseif miraQW > 0 and miraperversion < 4 and temp >= 7:
  260. cls
  261. if miraQW < 25:miraQW += 1
  262. minut += 10
  263. gs 'stat'
  264. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira2.jpg"></center>'
  265. 'You meet Miroslava and her little calf. You both pause and start laughing, remembering how you first met.'
  266. act 'Finish': gt 'gadukino'
  267. elseif miraQW > 0 and miraperversion >= 4 and mirasextimes >= 10 and temper >= 15 and sunWeather = 1 and temp < 7:
  268. cls
  269. pcs_horny += 20
  270. temp = RAND(0,1)
  271. minut += 5
  272. gs 'stat'
  273. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasexgad.jpg"></center>'
  274. 'Walking through the village, you happen to notice Mira, sucking Mitike''s cock in the backyard. She chomps her lips, almost completely taking the dick into her mouth, and sometimes she glancing to the sides.'
  275. if temp = 0:
  276. cls
  277. minut += 5
  278. gs 'stat'
  279. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasexgad1.jpg"></center>'
  280. 'A couple of times you think, she''s about to notice you watching, but she never does, continuing to suck Mitike''s cock. Finally, he tilts his head back and Mira, quickly seeing this takes his dick in hand and directs it into in her mouth, taking a mouth full of sperm. She greedily swallowing it all, and she licks Mitkin''s cock clean before tucking it back into his pants. You see she is about to rise from her knees, so you hastily depart.'
  281. else
  282. 'Until she finally spots you watching her. You see she blushes crimson, but she does not stop sucking, only occasionally shifts her eyes in your direction. You continue to watch as if not seeing anything unusual, as Mira''s head bobs up and down continuing to suck Mitike''s cock. Finally, he tilts his head back and Mira, quickly seeing this takes his dick in hand and directs it into in her mouth, taking a mouth full of sperm. She greedily swallowing it all, and she licks Mitkin''s cock clean before tucking it back into his pants. You smile at Mira with the most peaceful of expressions and walk away...'
  283. end
  284. act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
  285. elseif miraQW > 0 and miraperversion >= 6 and mirasextimes >= 10 and temper < 18 and sunWeather = 1 and temp >= 7:
  286. cls
  287. pcs_horny += 20
  288. minut += 10
  289. gs 'stat'
  290. temp = RAND(0,1)
  291. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasexgad2.jpg"></center>'
  292. 'Walking through the village, you happen to notice Mira fucking Mitka. Mitka slowly grinded his cock deep into Mira''s pussy. You see Mira shudder under him as she climaxed. She moaned and raked his back with her fingernails as she squirted and continued to cum. Mitka increaded his pace and started to roughly hammer his cock into her dripping pussy. With his left hand he reached for Mira''s right tit and started to squeeze it without mercy. Mira just grunts and laughs.'
  293. if temp = 0:
  294. cls
  295. pcs_horny += 10
  296. minut += 10
  297. gs 'stat'
  298. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasexgad3.jpg"></center>'
  299. 'They are so absorbed in fucking each other senseless that they ignoring everything else, so decide to quietly continue to watch. Within a few minutes you see Mitka begin to pick up the pace and he started to drive his cock faster and faster into Mira''s pussy until he grunts like a pig and dumps a huge load of cum into Mira''s pussy which is again squirting. After a few minutes of them just laying together holding each other and gasping for breath, they slowly begin to kiss and laugh as they freshen up. You smile and rub your own dripping snatch before moving away.'
  300. else
  301. cls
  302. pcs_horny += 20
  303. minut += 5
  304. gs 'stat'
  305. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasexgad3.jpg"></center>'
  306. 'They are so absorbed in fucking each other senseless that they ignoring everything else, so you decide to quietly continue to watch. You see Mitka pull his cock out of Mira''s dripping pussy and he drives it deep into her ass, barebacked. Mira let''s out a short scream of protest as Mirka continues to drive his cock into her asshole until his pubs rub up against her ass. Mira wriths under his brutal onslaught. After only a few minutes, Mitka starts to slap her ass leaving a bright red mark. Mitka begins to stutter in his thrusts into her ass. Finally, Mitka leans back with his dick still embedded balls deep in Mira''s asshole and lets our a beastal growl as he begins to cum...'
  307. end
  308. act 'Return to your village walk': gt 'gadukino'
  309. else
  310. '<center><H4>Village Gadyukino</H4></center>'
  311. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/walk.jpg"></center>'
  312. 'You kill time, walking through the village.'
  313. act 'Leave':gt 'gadukino'
  314. end
  315. end
  316. if $ARGS[0] = '3':
  317. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/miraqw7.jpg"></center>'
  318. 'Walking through the village, you notice Miroslava, digging in her vegetable garden. She stands with her ass high in the air, and to your amazement, she isn''t wearing panties. You get a good look at her pussy lips...'
  319. act 'You approach slowly':
  320. cls
  321. miraQW = 1
  322. minut += 15
  323. gs 'stat'
  324. if miraperversion = 0:
  325. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira.jpg"></center>'
  326. elseif miraperversion > 0 and miraperversion < 4:
  327. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira3.jpg"></center>'
  328. elseif miraperversion >= 4 and miraperversion < 8:
  329. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira0,<<rand(0,5)>>.jpg"></center>'
  330. elseif miraperversion >= 8 and miraperversion < 12:
  331. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira1,<<rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  332. elseif miraperversion >= 12 and miraperversion < 20:
  333. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira2,<<rand(0,5)>>.jpg"></center>'
  334. elseif miraperversion >= 20:
  335. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira3,<<rand(0,3)>>.jpg"></center>'
  336. end
  337. 'You quietly sneak up to her, but she notices your approach and turns around, her hands pull her skirt back into place and she blushing. You stare at her for a few seconds silently, and then ask, "Why don''t you have any panties on." Miroslava, her eyes darting about, shifting her weight from foot to foot, explaining hesitantly, "Well what happened is, well it''s very hot and I thought it would feel better without panties." You interrupt her with an upraised hand as you get an idea for your second wish... You remind her she still owes you wishes and you''re ready to collect your second wish. You tell Mira to sit down. Miroslava reluctantly agrees, and when is finally sitting on the ground, you order her to show you her pussy, you are thinking fast of other punishments for her. Mira grumbles incoherently and glares at you, but eventually sighs and slowly lifts up her skirt, giving you a good look at my crotch.'
  338. act 'Watch':
  339. cls
  340. minut += 2
  341. pcs_horny += 15
  342. pcs_dom += RAND(0,2)
  343. gs 'stat'
  344. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirawish2.jpg"></center>'
  345. 'You enjoy the view, then snap your fingers as a wicked idea comes to mind for your second wish. Mira says sadly, that she thought you had come up with your second wish. You ask if she is thinking about backing out of granting your wishes, but Mira says no, she will go through with them. You smile wickedly and tell her to follow you.'
  346. act 'Lead her to the road':
  347. cls
  348. minut += 45
  349. miraperversion = 3
  350. pcs_dom += RAND(0,2)
  351. gs 'stat'
  352. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirawish2_1.jpg"></center>'
  353. 'You lead her out to the main road. You tell Miroslava, that she is to pose as a prostitute and attempt to get a customer or two. This is your second wish. You want Mira to become a prostitue and fullfil the desires of anyone who asks for her serivces. Mira looks shocked but nods that she will do it, Mira looks around the area and seeing the street was quiet, fulfills your desire...'
  354. act 'Watch her perform a trick...':
  355. cls
  356. minut += 30
  357. pcs_horny += 20
  358. miraprost = 0
  359. temp = RAND(0,1)
  360. if miraprost = 0:
  361. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirawish2_2.jpg"></center>'
  362. 'It isn''t long before Mira''s first customer pulls up in a nice vehicle. She takes a deep breath, looks you in the eyes, winks and approachs the vehicle and starts talking to the driver.'
  363. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/miraprost.jpg"></center>'
  364. 'You can''t hear what she is saying but after only a few minutes the door opens and Mira steps into the vehicle. It pulls away, but doesn''t go far. You see it pull off the main road and head down a dirt road. Smiling and wanting to see the action, you run into the woods trying to head off the vehicle.'
  365. end
  366. if temp = 0:
  367. cls
  368. pcs_horny += 10
  369. minut += 5
  370. miraprost = 1
  371. gs 'stat'
  372. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/miraprost1.gif"></center>'
  373. 'You walk up and look into the car. You see Mira giving one hell of a blowjob to her first customer. Her head is bobbing up and down on his 17cm cock.'
  374. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/miraprost1_1.gif"></center>'
  375. 'You duck for cover as the guy suddenly gets out of the car and opens the passenger door, grabs Mira''s head and starts forcing his cock deep into her throat.'
  376. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/miraprost1_2.gif"></center>'
  377. 'Eventually, the guys grunts and cums all over Mira''s face and into her mouth. The nicely dressed man pulls Mira out of the car, hands her a few bills and then drives off.'
  378. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/miramoney.jpg"></center>'
  379. else
  380. cls
  381. pcs_horny += 20
  382. minut += 20
  383. miraprost = 1
  384. gs 'stat'
  385. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/miraprost2.gif"></center>'
  386. 'You walk up and look into the van. You see Mira showing the John her tits and rubbing her pussy. You see a hungry gleam in the guys eyes, which Mira returns in force.'
  387. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/miraprost2_1.gif"></center>'
  388. 'Mira and her John jump into the back of the van and you watch as he start fucking her wet pussy. His hand covers her mouth as she screams in ecstasy. The guy pounds his 20cm cock deep into her pussy. From Mira''s grunts of partial ecstasy, partial pain, you know the John is hitting or entering her cervix.'
  389. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/miraprost2_2.gif"></center>'
  390. 'You have to duck behing some bushes as they move outside the van. The guy continues to pound into Mira''s pussy until he cums...and cums...and cums. '
  391. '<left><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/miracumpump.gif"></left>''<right><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/miracumdump.gif"></right>'
  392. 'After the wild sex, Mira and the John sit in the van and talk for a bit. He gives her a nice wad of cash and she starts walking to the village. Seeing you, she smiles and says thanks.'
  393. end
  394. end
  395. act 'walk away happy': gt 'gadukino'
  396. end
  397. end
  398. end
  399. end
  400. if $ARGS[0] = '4':
  401. cls
  402. minut += 5
  403. pcs_horny += RAND(15,30)
  404. gs 'stat'
  405. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasexgad5.jpg"></center>'
  406. 'Walking through the village, you notice that behind a shed Vasya and Mira are having sex. Mira moans as she rides his cock and it seems as if she''s oblivious to Mira around her. But you''re not sure you can say the same about Vasya... So you decide not to risk being caught peeking and leave the couple alone.'
  407. act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
  408. end
  409. if $ARGS[0] = '5':
  410. cls
  411. minut += 5
  412. pcs_horny += RAND(15,30)
  413. gs 'stat'
  414. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasexgad6.jpg"></center>'
  415. 'Walking through the village, you notice that behind a shed Vasya and Mira are having sex. Mira moans as she rides his cock and it seems as if she''s oblivious to Mira around her. But you''re not sure you can say the same about Vasya... So you decide not to risk being caught peeking and leave the couple alone.'
  416. act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
  417. end
  418. if $ARGS[0] = '6':
  419. cls
  420. minut += 5
  421. pcs_horny += RAND(15,30)
  422. gs 'stat'
  423. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasexgad7.jpg"></center>'
  424. 'Walking through the village, you notice Kolambu and Mira hiding behind some bushes. She''s squatting before him, passionately smacking her lips on his cock...'
  425. act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
  426. end
  427. if $ARGS[0] = '7':
  428. cls
  429. minut += 5
  430. pcs_horny += RAND(20,40)
  431. gs 'stat'
  432. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasexgad8.jpg"></center>'
  433. 'Walking through the village, you notice behind the bushes Kolambu with Vasya and Mira. That is to see you butt naked on all fours and take turns sucking boys members...'
  434. act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
  435. end
  436. if $ARGS[0] = '8':
  437. cls
  438. minut += 5
  439. pcs_horny += RAND(20,40)
  440. gs 'stat'
  441. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirahorny.jpg"></center>'
  442. 'Walking through the village, you see Mira. She sits on the fence and constantly looking intensely RUB yourself pussy, when no one is watching...'
  443. act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
  444. end
  445. if $ARGS[0] = '9':
  446. cls
  447. minut += 5
  448. pcs_horny += RAND(25,50)
  449. gs 'stat'
  450. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasexgad9.jpg"></center>'
  451. 'Walking through the village, you notice Mira behind fences with Kolyamba. She squirms and moans, but dutifully peddles her bare butt Kolyamba, trying to shove in her bottle...'
  452. act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
  453. end
  454. if $ARGS[0] = '10':
  455. cls
  456. minut += 5
  457. pcs_horny += RAND(50,100)
  458. gs 'stat'
  459. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasexgad10.jpg"></center>'
  460. 'Walking through the village, you see Mira, facing Mitka with his pants down and sticking his fingers Cebu anus, shows him prolapsed ass...'
  461. act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
  462. end
  463. if $ARGS[0] = '11':
  464. cls
  465. minut += 5
  466. pcs_horny += RAND(25,40)
  467. gs 'stat'
  468. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mirasexgad11.jpg"></center>'
  469. 'Walking through the village, you meet Mira, which corrects the shoes. However, she without panties and with her pussy white thread sticking out of a tampon...'
  470. act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
  471. end
  472. if $ARGS[0] = '12':
  473. cls
  474. minut += 5
  475. gs 'stat'
  476. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/gadlol.jpg"></center>'
  477. 'Walking through the village, you see two grandmas, sawing boards...'
  478. act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
  479. end
  480. if $ARGS[0] = '13':
  481. cls
  482. minut += 5
  483. gs 'stat'
  484. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/gadlol1.jpg"></center>'
  485. 'Walking through the village, you see two thieving grannies, load-bearing boards with dilapidated farm...'
  486. act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
  487. end
  488. if $ARGS[0] = '14':
  489. cls
  490. minut += 5
  491. gs 'stat'
  492. if temper >= 20:
  493. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/gadlol3.jpg"></center>'
  494. 'Walking through the village, you see local elite. They kindly smile in your face, and as soon as you pass by, immediately start whispering among themselves...'
  495. else
  496. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/gadlol2.jpg"></center>'
  497. 'Walking through the village, you see local elite. They, as if on command, all together subside and hard where to start looking-to the side, as soon as you approach him...'
  498. end
  499. act 'Pass by': gt 'gadukino'
  500. end
  501. if $ARGS[0] = '15':
  502. cls
  503. minut += 5
  504. gs 'stat'
  505. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/gadlol4.jpg"></center>'
  506. 'Walking through the village, you see the younger generation. They happily smile you teeth and staring with all his eyes...'
  507. act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
  508. end
  509. if $ARGS[0] = '16':
  510. '<center><H4>Village Gadyukino</H4></center>'
  511. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/walk.jpg"></center>'
  512. 'You kill time, walking through the village.'
  513. act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
  514. end
  515. !125s
  516. if $ARGS[0] = 'collection_point':
  517. cla
  518. *clr
  519. minut += 5
  520. gs 'stat'
  521. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/new/collection_point.jpg"></center>'
  522. 'Mobile procurement vehicle for local mushrooms and berries.'
  523. if boletus > 0:
  524. act'sell mushrooms':
  525. cla
  526. *clr
  527. minut += 30
  528. money += boletus*150
  529. gs 'stat'
  530. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/new/collection_point.jpg"></center>'
  531. 'You sale your mushrooms for <b><<boletus*150>></b> rubles.'
  532. act'Further':boletus = 0 & gt 'gadukino','collection_point'
  533. end
  534. end
  535. if bilberry > 0:
  536. act'sell berries':
  537. cla
  538. *clr
  539. minut += 30
  540. money += bilberry*75
  541. gs 'stat'
  542. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/new/collection_point.jpg"></center>'
  543. 'You sale your berries for <b><<bilberry*75>></b> rubles.'
  544. act'Further':bilberry = 0 & gt 'gadukino','collection_point'
  545. end
  546. end
  547. act'Go':gt'gadukino'
  548. end
  549. !125e
  550. --- gadukino ---------------------------------