gaptek 18 KB

  1. # gaptek
  2. $location_type = 'public_indoors'
  3. if $ARGS[0] = 'start' or gaptek_loc = 1 or $message ! '':
  4. cls
  6. if sound = 0:PLAY 'sound/shop.mp3',30
  7. gs 'stat'
  8. '<center><B><font color="maroon">Pharmacy</font></B></center>'
  9. !'<center><img src="images/etogame/aptek.jpg"></center>'
  10. '<center><img src="images/qwest/apteka/apteka_worker_1.jpg"></center>'
  11. act 'Leave the pharmacy':gt 'pavCommercial'
  12. if Olu_pay > 0:
  13. minut += RAND(5,10)
  14. money += Olu_pay * RAND(500,700)
  15. Olu_pay = 0
  16. 'You go back to the pharmacy, and wait for a slow moment so you can talk to your aunt undisturbed.'
  17. 'Your aunt smiles happily as she gives you a small envelope. "Thank you so much <<$name>>, this is the only way I can get some sleep. I really appreciate it. Here, please accept this money, you''ve earned it."'
  18. act 'Thank her and leave the pharmacy':gt'pavCommercial'
  19. exit
  20. end
  21. if hour < 8 or hour > 20:
  22. 'The pharmacy is currently closed. There''s a sign on the door, that says it''s open between 8:00 and 20:00 every day.'
  23. exit
  24. end
  25. '<center>'
  26. if $message ! '':
  27. $message
  28. killvar '$message'
  29. '"Do you need anything else?"'
  30. else
  31. if StoryLine = 0:
  32. 'The woman behind the counter in a white coat greets you, "Hello, what you need?"'
  33. else
  34. 'Aunt Luda is sitting behind the counter, as usual. She gives you a friendly nod when she sees you: "Hi <<$name>>! How are you?"'
  35. end
  36. end
  37. '</center>'
  38. *pl '<center><table align="center" width=80%>'
  39. *P FUNC ('$stock_item', 5, 'condoms', 100, 'prezik', $CURLOC, $ARGS[0], StoryLine, 'Aunt will tell mom!')
  40. *P FUNC ('$stock_item', 1, 'pregnancy test', 200, 'pregtest', $CURLOC, $ARGS[0], StoryLine, 'Aunt will tell mom!')
  41. *P FUNC ('$stock_item', 28, 'birth control pills', 500, 'tabletki', $CURLOC, $ARGS[0], StoryLine, 'Aunt will tell mom!')
  42. *P FUNC ('$stock_item', 5, 'lubricant', 300, 'lubri', $CURLOC, $ARGS[0], StoryLine, 'Aunt will tell mom!')
  43. *P FUNC ('$stock_item', 10, 'antibiotics', 500, 'lekarstvo', $CURLOC, $ARGS[0])
  44. *P FUNC ('$stock_item', 20, 'vitamin drinks', 500, 'vitamin', $CURLOC, $ARGS[0])
  45. *P FUNC ('$stock_item', 16, 'painkillers', 500, 'painkiller', $CURLOC, $ARGS[0])
  46. *P FUNC ('$stock_item', 10, 'ointments for chafing', 600, 'mosolmaz', $CURLOC, $ARGS[0])
  47. *P FUNC ('$stock_item', 25, 'lip balm', 100, 'lipbalm', $CURLOC, $ARGS[0])
  48. *P FUNC ('$stock_item', 1, 'weight loss pill', 2000, 'fatdel', $CURLOC, $ARGS[0])
  49. *P FUNC ('$stock_item', 20, 'Tampons', 200, 'tampon', $CURLOC, $ARGS[0])
  50. *P FUNC ('$stock_item', 20, 'Sanitary napkins', 200, 'sanpad', $CURLOC, $ARGS[0])
  51. *P FUNC ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'breast pump', 800, 'breastpump', $CURLOC, $ARGS[0])
  52. *P FUNC ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'enema kit', 500, 'klisma', $CURLOC, $ARGS[0], StoryLine, 'You should stealthy')
  53. *P '</table></center>'
  54. !! for original start we can just use stockitem, for alt start there are other plot elements involved
  55. !strip polt-related item, other use new system
  56. if KandidNapr = 1:'Cure for yeast infection - 1,500 <b>₽</b>'
  57. if Astat_Qstlvl[29] >= 2:
  58. act 'Ask about the ''garden''':
  59. cls
  60. gaptekfirst = 1
  61. gs 'stat'
  62. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Pharmacy</font></b></center>'
  63. !'<center><img src="images/etogame/aptek.jpg"></center>'
  64. '<center><img src="images/qwest/apteka/apteka_worker_1.jpg"></center>'
  65. if Astat_Qstlvl[29] = 2 and gaogorod < 40:
  66. if gaptekfirst = 0:
  67. gaptekfirst = 1
  68. minut += 5
  69. 'You pretend to look at the goods positioned on the shelves, while you consider how to best approach your aunt. Your aunt notices you staring at the shelves, and comes from behind the counter when she''s done helping her last customer.'
  70. '"Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>, are you looking for something?"'
  71. 'You take a deep breath and say: "Erm... yes aunt. My mother needs some things for her ''garden''?" putting extra emphasis on the word.'
  72. 'Your aunt pretends to be confused, and teases you: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, are you sure you''re in the right store? This is a pharmacy, not a gardening center!"'
  73. 'You''re slightly confused now, and try again: "I know, aunt... my mom said I should say ''garden''."'
  74. 'She just laughs: "Just teasing, <<$pcs_nickname>>. Your mother has such green thumbs, she comes here all the time! Come on, I''ll show you what we have." She takes you by the hand and takes you to the counter holding the contraceptives.'
  75. '"Here you go. All of your gardening needs, right here. What can I get you?"'
  76. gs 'gaptek', 'garden'
  77. else
  78. minut += rand(5, 15)
  79. if gaprezikday ! daystart or gatabletkiday ! daystart:
  80. 'You wait until the last customer leaves the pharmacy, and quickly dart over to the counter.'
  81. '"Hi aunt Luda, my mom needs a few more items for her garden."'
  82. '"Your mom, huh? Sure, sure... it''s right here, take your pick!" she chuckles, as you try to hide your blush.'
  83. 'You intently stare at the items, avoiding her gaze as you mutter: "Thank you, Aunt..."'
  84. '"No problem, <<$pcs_nickname>>. But seriously, tell Natasha she shouldn''t spend so much time gardening. We keep running low on stock."'
  85. gs 'gaptek', 'garden'
  86. else
  87. minut += RAND(5,15)
  88. 'You linger around the pharmacy, waiting for your aunt to become available. However, as time passes the pharmacy only becomes more and more crowded, and your aunt has a long line of customers to deal with. You decide you''ve wasted enough time, and to try again later.'
  89. end
  90. end
  91. elseif Astat_Qstlvl[29] = 2 and gaogorod >= 20:
  92. gt 'motherQW','motherQW_3'
  93. elseif Astat_Qstlvl[29] >= 3 and galubri = 0:
  94. if gaprezikday ! daystart or gatabletkiday ! daystart:
  95. minut += RAND(5,15)
  96. gs'stat'
  97. if RAND(0,5) = 0 and oluuosegunday ! daystart:
  98. gt 'motherQW','olu'
  99. else
  100. 'You wait for your turn and move to the counter, discretely nodding at the counter with the contraceptives. Your aunt gives you a small smile and asks what she can do for you today.'
  101. gs 'gaptek', 'garden'
  102. end
  103. elseif gaprezikday = daystart and gatabletkiday = daystart:
  104. minut += RAND(5,15)
  105. 'You wait for your turn and move up to the counter, discretely nodding at the counter with the contraceptives. She apologizes: "I''m sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, those are all sold out." With some malice in her voice, she whispers: "Your stud will have to wait until tomorrow, unless you plan on entertaining him in some other way." Giving you a lewd grin, she ushers you away from the counter so she can help the next customer.'
  106. end
  107. elseif Astat_Qstlvl[29] >= 3 and galubri = 1:
  108. if gaprezikday ! daystart or gatabletkiday ! daystart or galubriday ! daystart:
  109. minut += RAND(5,15)
  110. if RAND(0,5) = 0 and oluuosegunday ! daystart and tetyafirst < 3:
  111. gt 'motherQW','olu'
  112. else
  113. 'You wait for your turn and move to the counter, discretely nodding at the counter with the contraceptives. Your aunt gives you a small smile and asks what she can do for you today.'
  114. gs 'gaptek', 'garden'
  115. end
  116. elseif gaprezikday = daystart and gatabletkiday = daystart and galubriday = daystart:
  117. minut += RAND(5,15)
  118. 'You wait for your turn and move up to the counter, discretely nodding at the counter with the contraceptives. She apologizes: "I''m sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, those are all sold out." With some malice in her voice, she whispers: "Your stud will have to wait until tomorrow, unless you plan on entertaining him in some other way." Giving you a lewd grin, she ushers you away from the counter so she can help the next customer.'
  119. end
  120. end
  121. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  122. end
  123. end
  124. if money >= 500:
  125. if gatabletkiday ! daystart:
  126. act 'Buy birth control pills (500 <b>₽</b>) <<iif(tabletki > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + tabletki + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  127. cla
  128. *clr
  129. portion = input ("How many packages do you want to buy?")
  130. if portion <= 0:
  131. cla
  132. 'You change your mind and feel flustered,'
  133. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  134. exit
  135. elseif portion > 1 and Astat_Qstlvl[29] < 3:
  136. portion = 1
  137. 'You quietly think to yourself, while you put most of the packages back on the shelf: "Just the one should be enough. It''s probably better if I don''t buy too many at once, otherwise aunt Luda might become suspicious."'
  138. end
  139. if portion * 500 <= money:
  140. tabletki += portion * 28
  141. minut += 5
  142. money -= portion * 500
  143. gatabletkiday = daystart
  144. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  145. 'You pay for the birth control pills and quickly put the strips in your pocket, before anyone sees you buy them.'
  146. else
  147. 'You can''t afford to buy birth control pills.'
  148. end
  149. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  150. end
  151. end
  152. if klisma = 0 and Astat_Qstlvl[29] >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1:
  153. act 'Buy the enema kit (500 <b>₽</b>)':
  154. cla
  155. *clr
  156. klisma = 1
  157. minut += 5
  158. money -= 500
  159. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  160. 'You pay for the enema kit and quickly ask your aunt to put it in a paper bag, before the other customers see it.'
  161. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  162. end
  163. end
  164. !{
  165. act 'Buy antibiotics (500 <b>₽</b>) <<iif(lekarstvo > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lekarstvo + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  166. cla
  167. *clr
  168. portion = input("How many packages do you want to buy? (One package contains 10 pills)")
  169. if portion <= 0:
  170. cla
  171. 'You change your mind and feel flustered,'
  172. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  173. exit
  174. end
  175. if portion * 500 <= money:
  176. money -= portion * 500
  177. lekarstvo += portion * 10
  178. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  179. 'You buy some antibiotics, and put the pills in your pocket.'
  180. else
  181. 'You can''t afford to buy the antibiotics.'
  182. end
  183. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  184. end
  185. act 'Buy vitamin tablets (500 <b>₽</b>) <<iif(vitamin > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + vitamin + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  186. cla
  187. *clr
  188. portion = input("How many packages do you want to buy? (One package contains 20 tablets)")
  189. if portion <= 0:
  190. cla
  191. 'You change your mind and feel flustered,'
  192. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  193. exit
  194. end
  195. if portion * 500 <= money:
  196. vitamin += portion * 20
  197. money -= portion * 500
  198. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  199. 'You purchase the vitamin tablets and put them in your pocket.'
  200. else
  201. 'You can''t afford the vitamin tablets.'
  202. end
  203. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  204. end
  205. act 'Buy painkillers (500 <b>₽</b>) <<iif(painkiller > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + painkiller + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  206. cla
  207. *clr
  208. portion = input("How many packs do you want to buy? (One package contains 16 tablets)")
  209. if portion <= 0:
  210. cla
  211. 'You change your mind and feel flustered,'
  212. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  213. exit
  214. end
  215. if portion * 500 <= money:
  216. painkiller += portion * 16
  217. money -= portion * 500
  218. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  219. 'You purchase the painkiller and put them in your pocket.'
  220. else
  221. 'You can''t afford the painkiller tablets.'
  222. end
  223. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  224. end
  225. end
  226. if money >= 600:
  227. act 'Buy ointments for chafing (600 <b>₽</b>) <<iif(mosolmaz > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + mosolmaz + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  228. cla
  229. *clr
  230. portion = input("How many packages do you want to buy? (One package contains 10 treatments)")
  231. if portion <= 0:
  232. cla
  233. 'You change your mind and feel flustered,'
  234. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  235. exit
  236. end
  237. if money >= portion * 600:
  238. money -= portion * 600
  239. mosolmaz += portion * 10
  240. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  241. 'You buy some ointment packages and quickly put them in your pocket. The next time your pussy feels sore, these should help.'
  242. else
  243. 'You can''t afford the ointment.'
  244. end
  245. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  246. end
  247. end
  248. if money >= 1000:
  249. act 'Buy moisturizing lip balm (100 <b>₽</b>) <<iif(lipbalm > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lipbalm + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  250. cla
  251. *clr
  252. portion = input("How many lip balms do you want to buy? (One lip balm is good enough for 25 uses)")
  253. if portion <= 0:
  254. cla
  255. 'You change your mind and feel flustered,'
  256. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  257. exit
  258. end
  259. if portion * 100 <= money:
  260. lipbalm += portion * 25
  261. money -= portion * 100
  262. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  263. 'You buy the lip balm and put it in your pocket.'
  264. else
  265. 'You can''t afford the lip balm.'
  266. end
  267. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  268. end
  269. end
  270. if money >= 1500:
  271. act 'Buy fat burners (2,000 <b>₽</b>) <<iif(fatdel > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + fatdel + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  272. cla
  273. *clr
  274. portion = input("How many fat burners do you want to buy?")
  275. if portion <= 0:
  276. cla
  277. 'You change your mind and feel flustered,'
  278. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  279. exit
  280. end
  281. if portion * 2000 <= money:
  282. fatdel += portion
  283. money -= portion * 2000
  284. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  285. 'You buy some fat burning capsules and read the box; you have to take these with some water.'
  286. else
  287. 'You can''t afford the fat burning capsules. Looks like you''ll have to work for it if you want to lose some weight.'
  288. end
  289. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  290. end
  291. if KandidNapr = 1:
  292. act 'Buy s cure for your yeast infection (1,500 <b>₽</b>)':
  293. cla
  294. *clr
  295. money -= 1500
  296. Kandidoz = 0
  297. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  298. 'You put the money on the counter and immediately open the package and swallow the tablet. A while later, you feel better.'
  299. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  300. end
  301. end
  302. }
  303. end
  304. end
  305. end
  306. if $ARGS[0] = 'garden':
  307. 'Condoms - 100 ₽'
  308. 'Pregnancy test - 200 ₽'
  309. 'Lubricant - 300 ₽'
  310. if money >= 100 and Astat_Qstlvl[29] >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1 and gaprezikday ! daystart:
  311. act 'Buy condoms (100 <b>₽</b>) <<iif(prezik > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + prezik + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  312. cla
  313. *clr
  314. portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 5 condoms)")
  315. if portion <= 0:
  316. cla
  317. 'You change your mind and feel flustered,'
  318. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  319. exit
  320. end
  321. if portion > 2 and Astat_Qstlvl[29] < 3:portion = 2 & 'You tell yourself: "Two packages should be enough". You shouldn''t buy too many at once, otherwise your aunt might get suspicious.'
  322. if portion > 5 and Astat_Qstlvl[29] >= 3:portion = 5 & 'Your aunt laughs and shakes her head. "I''m sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, I can only give you five. With the amounts you''re buying, the condom factory can barely keep up delivering new stock."'
  323. if portion * 100 <= money:
  324. prezik += portion * 5
  325. minut += 5
  326. money -= portion * 100
  327. gaprezikday = daystart
  328. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  329. 'You pay for the condoms and quickly put them in your pocket, before anyone sees you buy them.'
  330. if Astat_Qstlvl[29] < 3:gaogorod += portion
  331. else
  332. 'You can''t afford the condoms.'
  333. end
  334. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  335. end
  336. end
  337. if money >= 200 and Astat_Qstlvl[29] >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1:
  338. act 'Buy pregnancy tests (200 <b>₽</b>) <<iif(pregtest > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + pregtest + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  339. cla
  340. *clr
  341. portion = input("How many packages do you want to buy? (One package contains two testers)")
  342. if portion <= 0:
  343. cla
  344. 'You change your mind and feel flustered,'
  345. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  346. exit
  347. end
  348. if portion * 200 <= money:
  349. pregtest += portion * 2
  350. minut += 5
  351. money -= portion * 200
  352. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  353. 'You pay for the pregnancy tests and quickly put them in your pocket, before anyone sees you buy them.'
  354. if Astat_Qstlvl[29] < 3:gaogorod += portion
  355. else
  356. 'You can''t afford to buy the pregnancy tests, and have to put them back on the counter.'
  357. end
  358. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  359. end
  360. end
  361. !! you can only buy lube here if your aunt arranged for it and you haven''t bought any today yet
  362. if money >= 300 and galubri = 1 and Astat_Qstlvl[29] >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1 and galubriday ! daystart:
  363. act 'Buy <b>lubricant</b> (300 <b>₽</b>) <<iif(lubri > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lubri + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  364. cla
  365. *clr
  366. portion = input ("How many tubes do you want to buy? (One tube lasts for 5 uses)")
  367. if portion <= 0:
  368. cla
  369. 'You change your mind and feel flustered,'
  370. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  371. exit
  372. end
  373. if portion > 3:portion = 3 & 'Your aunt shakes her head wearily: "Wow <<$pcs_nickname>>, you little vixen! You really love this stuff huh? I''m sorry but I can only sell you three, I need to keep a few in stock for other customers too. We don''t want the whole town to wonder where their supply of lubricant went."'
  374. if portion * 300 <= money:
  375. lubri += portion * 5
  376. minut += 5
  377. money -= portion * 300
  378. galubriday = daystart
  379. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  380. 'You pay for the lubricant and quickly put the tubes in your pocket, before anyone sees you buy them.'
  381. if Astat_Qstlvl[29] < 3:gaogorod += portion
  382. else
  383. 'You can''t afford to buy the lubricant.'
  384. end
  385. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  386. end
  387. end
  388. end
  389. --- gaptek ---------------------------------