mainQW 6.0 KB

  1. # mainQW
  2. minut += 15
  3. '<center><img src="images/qwest/main.jpg"></center>'
  4. 'Tatiana says, "Hmm, strange. It seems that I''m beginning to understand what''s happening, get in the car and we''ll go check it out."'
  5. 'You sit in the back seat of the black jeep, Gustav starts to drive while Tatiana sits next to you. Tatiana begins to feel you "Interesting. I understand you had an orgasm and during the orgasm, part of the male power from that amulet transferred to your female body."'
  6. !!'(Tatiana) -'
  7. act 'Investigate':
  8. cla
  9. fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
  10. bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
  11. lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
  12. '"So I''m a magician now?"'
  13. '"Yeah, but you''re not the 100m gold medallist just because you have legs or a juggler because you have hands. Get it? Magic is the administering of magic power, you have the source, but it not the ability to manage it.'
  14. act 'Seek help':
  15. cla
  16. '"So teach me!"'
  17. '"Teach? In all my life I have never taught anybody magic. Besides, I only have very specific skill. With my magical gift, I can boost other''s magic, shield people and modify organic life forms. My skill is innate I was only ever going to have this type of magic. I studied for many years to understand and use my gift.'
  18. '"Well, could you teach me what you know."'
  19. '"Maybe the basics, otherwise the magic could build up inside you and become a risk. Maybe you can help me with some investigations, but you are not an apprentice. I''m too young to have one and would get into trouble, OK?"'
  20. 'Gustav shouts, "Come on, ladies."'
  21. 'You get out, slam the door and go down a lane to a pair of large metal doors. They open, Gustav and Tatiana nudge you forward.'
  22. act 'Enter the door':
  23. cls
  24. health = pcs_vital * 10
  25. willpower = pcs_intel * 5 + will * 5
  26. manna = (pcs_intel * magik) + pcs_vital * 5 + rikudo
  27. gs 'stat'
  28. '<center><img src="images/qwest/lab.jpg"></center>'
  29. 'Before you is a massive laboratory with a wide variety of stands and equipment racks with different flasks and bottles.'
  30. 'Tatiana dramatically spreads her arms. "Welcome to my lab, I live and do my research here. Undress and lie down on the couch, I need to do some tests."'
  31. act 'Lie on the couch':
  32. cls
  33. gs 'stat'
  34. minut += 30
  35. killobj
  36. if oldobjmenu = 0:
  37. gs 'obj_din', 'new'
  38. else
  39. gs 'obj_din', 'old'
  40. end
  41. '<center><img src="images/qwest/main1.jpg"></center>'
  42. 'You undress and lie down on the couch, Tatiana begins to examine you. She dabs you with charms and uses a variety strange looking devices, after half an hour of examination she sighs and tells you to get dressed.'
  43. 'You get up from the couch and dress and ask Tatiana, "So? Did you learn anything else about me?"'
  44. '"Yes, but first I need to explain the basic magic theory. Listen closely and listen hard, I will not repeat this. Magical energy in Asian culture is called chakra and is produced by all living organisms. This vital energy, if deprived of its body begins to slowly die, you can use this magic but it then needs time before it will be replaced. Every body has a limit that can be slowly increased through training."'
  45. '"There is magical energy in the grass, trees and people but not in dead matter it is the energy of life itself. Although everyone has this energy, the body protects itself and prohibits the use of it. It is easy to exhaust the body and can kill yourself. Mages are able to bypass the body''s defenses and separate themselves from this energy and shape it into effect."'
  46. '"But even mages can not collect more energy than they can contain. You''re lucky you can contain as much energy as any magician could ask for. You just need to learn how to use it. As I understand it, your orgasms are capable of converting the energy that is inaccessible and converting it into magical energy you can use. Through this you could obtain a magical energy supply that is almost limitless, unlike other magicians."'
  47. '"You know, you''re theoretically the most powerful magician in the world. Perhaps there is a school of magic that can only work with this magic. Most likely the spells were on the scrolls that were in the archive with the amulet."'
  48. 'You shout. "I have to go back there."'
  49. '"That''s not so easy, the site is closed and guarded, but we managed to get in there and the scrolls have not aged well. The papyrus has dried out so much that it crumbles if you try and open it and the ink has faded away."'
  50. '"Also, Reinhold has been there. He represents magicians of the highest order. Neither I nor Gustav are good enough to even hold a candle to any of them. They are the old ones and hold council on the highest matters of magic we must be careful not to attract their attention or that of demons."'
  51. '"Woah! Demons?'
  52. '"Demons, you know, creatures from other plains of existence. It''s possible that Rikudo was a demon, but demons unlike him are beings with terrible force, blunt and aggressive. Something like beasts woven from pure magic. Much like the fae, they have different types and they possess different magics and skill, but these are not cute or friendly."'
  53. if StoryLine = 0:
  54. '"Got it. Hey, you can turn me back into a man?"'
  55. '"I can''t. I drew the energy you were emitting from the amulet, I don''t hold anything like the energy required and you have only access to the smallest hint of the potential of the amulet. It might be possible if your magical energies are much higher and you somehow pass me all your energy that I can reverse the spell, but this is unlikely and could but you back in the position you were in when we met. I''m sorry."'
  56. end
  57. 'Tatiana continues, "Do not worry so much about the future. Develop your body, learn to fight, study magic and train your mind. Gradually everything will become clear to you, at least that is what my old sensei said."'
  58. '"Now you should go, Gustav will drive you home."'
  59. act 'Leave':
  60. minut += 15
  61. if StoryLine = 0:
  62. gt 'street'
  63. else
  64. gt 'pavResidential'
  65. end
  66. end
  67. end
  68. end
  69. end
  70. end
  71. --- mainQW ---------------------------------