otelPRE 7.3 KB

  1. # otelPRE
  2. minut += 30
  3. clr
  4. gs 'statPRE'
  5. fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
  6. bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
  7. lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
  8. money -= 3000
  9. '<center><img src="images/picpre/otelpre.jpg"></center>'
  10. 'Your trip to the hotel is quite uneventful compared to your tomb raiding adventure.'
  11. *nl
  12. 'You park your car and go to the receptionist to get a room. There are only double rooms available, but its going on the company card, so that just means you''ll get a bigger room. You swipe your company card and take your room key.'
  13. act 'Head upstairs to your room':
  14. cla
  15. *clr
  16. clr
  17. gs 'statPRE'
  18. '<center><img src="images/picpre/otelpre1.jpg"></center>'
  19. 'Lying down on one of the beds, you start to wonder just who built that crypt and what it''s purpose was. Your thoughts drift to that amulet you found. The way that thing you touched half an hour ago still makes you feel wonderful, which baffles you.'
  20. act 'Call the director':
  21. cla
  22. *clr
  23. clr
  24. gs 'statPRE'
  25. '<center><img src="images/picpre/otelpre1.jpg"></center>'
  26. 'You dial Romans'' number and after a few rings, he picks up. You report to him the details of what you found at the site with Igor: an ancient tomb, human bones, scrolls in a mysterious language and the altar in that room.'
  27. *nl
  28. 'The director stays silent while you give your report. A few moments later, he decides that it would be best to stop the construction. He tells you to stay and keep watch over the site until further notice.'
  29. *nl
  30. 'You put the phone away. <i>Looks like this trip is going to last longer than expected</i>, you think to yourself.'
  31. act 'Go to bed':
  32. cla
  33. *clr
  34. clr
  35. gs 'statPRE'
  36. '<center><img src="images/picpre/otelpre1.jpg"></center>'
  37. 'It doesn''t take you long to drift off to sleep'
  38. *nl
  39. 'Images begin to form in your mind and you soon find yourself in a middle of a dream. The amulet stands before you and out of it comes a ghost of some sort. Before you even realise what you are doing, you find yourself staring deep into the ghost''s eyes which turn into two planet earths.'
  40. *nl
  41. '"Look at the world most just see the mundane, but there is more to it much more and now you see that too you have the potential to shape it all, but first, you have company."'
  42. *nl
  43. 'Suddenly your senses return and you feel the hotel room around you, but you can tell you are not alone.'
  44. act 'Open your eyes':
  45. cla
  46. *clr
  47. clr
  48. gs 'statPRE'
  49. '<center><img src="images/picpre/tobipre.jpg"></center>'
  50. 'As you open your eyes, you see a man standing in your room. He is wearing a long black coat and his face looks weary; he is unshaven and reminds you of most police detectives in Hollywood films.'
  51. *nl
  52. '"Where is the amulet?" he approaches you.'
  53. act 'Ask who he is':
  54. cla
  55. *clr
  56. clr
  57. gs 'statPRE'
  58. '<center><img src="images/picpre/tobipre.jpg"></center>'
  59. '"Who are you?" you ask puzzledly. The man''s sudden appearance and a sense you never knew you had tell you something about him is not of the world you know.'
  60. *nl
  61. '"Listen, don''t cause any problems now. Give me the amulet, close the construction site, and all will be fine. After all that place belongs to us," he says in a firm voice.'
  62. *nl
  63. '<i>Belongs to us?</i> His response leaves you bewildered, wondering who he is and what this is all about.'
  64. *nl
  65. '"Well, how about I give you a small taste of my power." the man says, and out of nowhere comes a burning desire to give him the amulet.'
  66. act 'Give him the amulet':
  67. cla
  68. *clr
  69. clr
  70. gs 'statPRE'
  71. '<center><img src="images/picpre/otelpre1.jpg"></center>'
  72. 'You get out of the bed and give him the stone figure you had put in your pants earlier. The man takes it, steps back, and without warning, something in his eyes begins to spin like a whirlwind, causing your own eyes to blur as if he was hypnotising you. A few seconds later your vision clears with the man having somehow disappeared into thin air.'
  73. *nl
  74. 'You rub your eyes, "What the hell is going on here? Was that a dream?. No, it can''t be. I wouldn''t walk around in a dream. I think." You say to no one in particular then check your pants, the amulet is indeed gone. You sit down on the bed trying to make sense of what just happened.'
  75. *nl
  76. 'While lost in thought, you hear a knock on the door. You get up to open the door, not even thinking why you would have visitors this late at night.'
  77. '"...Who''s there?", you ask, still confused.'
  78. *nl
  79. 'A woman''s voice responds that she''s the hotel receptionist and that she needs to talk to you on an urgent matter.'
  80. act 'Answer the door':
  81. cla
  82. *clr
  83. clr
  84. gs 'statPRE'
  85. '<center><img src="images/picpre/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
  86. 'You open the door, but don''t recall the woman in front of you being at the reception desk; the woman from earlier didn''t have red hair and glasses. After entering the room she quickly examines the place, before locking her eyes on you.'
  87. *nl
  88. '"Michael, right?" - You nod.'
  89. *nl
  90. '"Last night you went to a certain place and took out something very valuable and powerful." the woman speaks to you.'
  91. act 'Another one?':
  92. cla
  93. *clr
  94. clr
  95. gs 'statPRE'
  96. '<center><img src="images/picpre/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
  97. '<i>Again?</i>'
  98. *nl
  99. 'You sigh, irritated that not only have you been disturbed in the middle of the night, but these idiots apparently cannot even agree among themselves who the one to disturb you is.'
  100. *nl
  101. '"Listen, you''re starting to bother me. That other guy already showed up asking for the damn amulet."'
  102. *nl
  103. 'She looks at you with surprise. "What? Someone already came here? Who was it?"'
  104. act 'Tell her':
  105. cla
  106. *clr
  107. clr
  108. gs 'statPRE'
  109. '<center><img src="images/picpre/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
  110. '"It was some man in a navy cloak with ginger hair and a light beard, he didn''t tell me his name. He already took the amulet." You answer.'
  111. *nl
  112. 'The girl''s face drops. "Damn it!" She looks into your eyes. "Okay... Michael, we have to go somewhere else, there are too many people that might bet hurt here. Gustav, come here!" The girl calls out to the corridor.'
  113. *nl
  114. 'A tall man enters the room'
  115. act 'Prepare to fight':
  116. cla
  117. *clr
  118. clr
  119. gs 'statPRE'
  120. '<center><img src="images/picpre/jugopre.jpg"></center>'
  121. 'The man has a large tattoo across the left side of his face. He too has red hair'
  122. gs 'boyStat', 175
  123. !!stats
  124. strenV = 600
  125. speedV = 60
  126. agilV = 60
  127. reactV = 50
  128. vitalV = 200
  129. intelV = 50
  130. willV = 50
  131. !!skills
  132. magikV = 100
  133. boxingV = 100
  134. shootV = 100
  135. !!parameters
  136. healthV = vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5
  137. mannaV = intelV * 10 + magikV * 10
  138. willpowerV = willV * 10
  139. BonusAtakV = 0
  140. BonusDefV = 0
  141. !!Programme of Action
  142. program = 0
  143. jugoFight = 1
  144. act 'Fight':gt 'fight', 'start'
  145. end
  146. end
  147. end
  148. end
  149. end
  150. end
  151. end
  152. end
  153. end
  154. end
  155. --- otelPRE ---------------------------------