pav_clinic.qsrc 120 KB

  1. # pav_clinic
  2. if $ARGS[0] = '':
  4. clr
  5. $loc = 'pav_clinic'
  6. $location_type = 'indoors'
  7. $menu_loc = 'pav_clinic'
  8. $menu_arg = ''
  9. menu_off = 0
  10. frost = 0
  11. gs 'stat'
  12. gs 'themes', 'indoors'
  13. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Clinic</font></b></center>'
  14. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/clinic/poli.jpg"></center>'
  15. if (lactation['active'] > 0 or thinkpreg = 1 or knowpreg = 1) and pcs_know_mward <= 0: '<br><br>A sign catches your attention. It reads <a href="exec: minut += 5 & gt ''pav_clinic'', ''maternity_ward''">"Maternity ward"</a>.'
  16. if pcs_ask_mward_help >= 1 and pcs_know_mward <= 0: '<br><br><a href="exec: minut += 5 & gt ''pav_clinic'', ''reception''">Ask</a> at the reception for help with your breasts.'
  17. act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_commercial'
  18. if preg = 2:
  19. act 'Give birth':
  20. *clr & cla
  21. menu_off = 1
  22. if kid > 0:minut += rand(300,660) else minut += rand(120,480)
  23. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/clinic/birthing.jpg"></center>'
  24. 'You lay on the bed and your feet are put in stirrups.'
  25. 'Your contractions get closer and closer, and after some time (and a lot of swearing) you finally give birth.'
  26. :multikidloop
  27. minut += rand(30,90)
  28. sterilewb += 1
  29. nextbaby = arrpos('$kidname', 'unborn')
  30. kid += 1
  31. BabyEmbryo -= 1
  32. daykid[nextbaby] = day
  33. monthkid[nextbaby] = month
  34. yearkid[nextbaby] = year
  35. if polkid[nextbaby] = 0:$polreb[nextbaby] = 'girl' & '"Congratulations it''s a girl. What is her name?"'
  36. if polkid[nextbaby] = 1:$polreb[nextbaby] = 'boy' & '"Congratulations it''s a boy. What is his name?"'
  37. wait 350
  38. $kidname[nextbaby] = input("Enter your <<$polreb[nextbaby]>>''s name")
  39. 'The doctors clean up <<$kidname[nextbaby]>>.'
  40. if $kidname[nextbaby] = '':
  41. if polkid[nextbaby] = 0:$kidname[nextbaby] = 'Masha'
  42. if polkid[nextbaby] = 1:$kidname[nextbaby] = 'Misha'
  43. end
  44. if BabyEmbryo > 0:'You do not have much time to stare at your <<$polreb[nextbaby]>>, because you are having an another contraction. Your next baby is coming!' & jump 'multikidloop'
  45. preg = 0
  46. !! RecovH has a decay of 1.1/hour or ~ 27/day, the recovery period is ~6-10 weeks
  47. RecovH = rand(1175,1875)
  48. pregbirthdate = daystart
  49. thinkpreg = 0
  50. knowpreg = 0
  51. knowpregrecover = 1
  52. vidage += 1
  53. pregtalk = 0
  54. pcs_pregtalk = 0
  55. npc_pregtalk['A16'] = 0
  56. npc_pregtalk['A34'] = 0
  57. pregchem = 0
  58. cycle = 4
  59. gs 'cum_cleanup', 'reset'
  60. dynamic $d_cycreport_choice
  61. gs 'stat'
  62. act 'Leave':gt $curloc
  63. end
  64. end
  65. if hour >= 6 and hour <= 21:
  66. if gpoliuborka = 0:
  67. act 'Read the job listing':
  68. *clr & cla
  69. menu_off = 1
  70. minut += 5
  71. gpoliuborka = 1
  72. gs 'stat'
  73. 'You notice a piece of paper on the wall near the entrance to the clinic, it''s a job listing. It reads: "Cleaner wanted! One hour per day, any time between 14:00 and 21:00. Payment: 100 <b>₽</b>."'
  74. act 'Move away':gt 'pav_clinic'
  75. end
  76. elseif gpoliuborka = 1 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 21:
  77. act 'Ask the head doctor about the job':
  78. *clr & cla
  79. menu_off = 1
  80. gpoliuborka = 2
  81. minut += 15
  82. gs 'stat'
  83. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/clinic/poli.jpg"></center>'
  84. 'Since the door is opened, you assume you''re allowed to enter the head doctor''s office. When you knock on the wooden door frame, the head doctor looks up from his work. He''s wearing a white coat, and looks at you sternly through his glasses as he asks: "Yes, can I help you?"'
  85. 'You answer: "Hello sir. I see you''re looking for a cleaner, and I would like to apply."'
  86. 'He looks at you, thinking for a second before he opens a desk drawer and pulls out a form. He hands you the form and says: "I see. Fill this out, please."'
  87. 'You nod and fill out the form, indicating that you''re applying for the part-time cleaning job vacancy. He quickly checks to make sure you filled everything out correctly, and then gives you a satisfied smile when he sees you did. He says: "It looks like everything in order, miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. Please follow me, I''ll show you where we keep our cleaning supplies."'
  88. 'You follow him to the maintenance closet, where he shows you the cleaning supplies you would need. He shakes your hand and wishes you a good day before returning to his office, assuming you will find your own way out.'
  89. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  90. end
  91. elseif gpoliuborka > 1 and hour >= 14 and hour <= 21 and gpolicleanday ! daystart:
  92. act 'Work as a cleaner for 100 <b>₽</b> (1:00)':
  93. *clr & cla
  94. menu_off = 1
  95. gpolicleanday = daystart
  96. minut += 60
  97. pcs_mood -= 15
  98. money += 100
  99. gs 'sweat', 'add', 20
  100. gs 'stat'
  101. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/office/clener1.jpg"></center>'
  102. 'As instructed, you take a mop and a bucket from the maintenance closet and begin by cleaning the corridors throughout the clinic. Once you''re done with that, you enter the examination rooms and offices one by one, occasionally hearing a softly muttered curse from a doctor when you interrupt their work. Nevertheless, you work quickly and the doctors don''t give you any trouble while you clean the floors of the rooms.'
  103. act 'Finish cleaning':gt 'pav_clinic'
  104. ginrand = rand(0, 1)
  105. if Gspravka < 10 and ginrand = 0:
  106. 'When you clean the floor of the gynaecologist''s examination room, he leaves the room to let you do your work in peace. You''re alone now.'
  107. if pcs_vag > 0 and motherKnowSpravka = 0 and home_owned[2] = 1:
  108. act 'Forge a referral to give to your mother':
  109. *clr & cla
  110. Gspravka = 30
  111. GspravkaT = 1
  112. Gspassed = 1
  113. forge_referral = 1
  114. gs 'stat'
  115. 'You see a pile of unused referral forms and think to yourself: "I may not be a virgin any more, but <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> doesn''t need to know that!"'
  116. 'After you make sure no one is in the corridor, you quickly walk to the desk, take one of the empty referral forms and press his stamp onto it. You can do the rest later. You quickly hide it under your clothes and get back to cleaning, after carefully putting everything back the way you found it.'
  117. 'Later, when you''re cleaning the office of a doctor who you know is not in today, you lock the door for a moment and carefully fill out the form. You take your time, doing your best to mimic your gynaecologist''s handwriting. You nod happily and mutter to yourself: "This looks good, <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> will have no clue it''s forged! That''ll get me off the hook for at least one more month..."'
  118. act 'Finish cleaning':gt 'pav_clinic'
  119. end
  120. end
  121. end
  122. end
  123. end
  124. if glassqw = 1:
  125. act'Visit the optometrist (0:35)':
  126. *clr & cla
  127. menu_off = 1
  128. minut += 35
  129. gs'stat'
  130. 'The optometrist takes you through a series of tests, to measure the condition of your eyes.'
  131. 'He looks at you as if he has bad news for you, and says in a soothing voice: "Well, you probably already expected this, but your vision has deteriorated significantly. You''re going to need glasses to be able to read. The prescription I''m writing for you is for a simple set of rimmed glasses, you can pick those up at the front desk before you leave. Of course you can get a different pair elsewhere if you want better looking ones, the details for which ones you need are on your prescription. You can also get laser vision correction if you really don''t want to use glasses, but I''m going to be honest with you: that''s a very expensive procedure."'
  132. pcs_nerd += 1
  133. glassqw = 2
  134. glass = 1
  135. blizoruk += 1
  136. act 'Leave':gt $curloc
  137. end
  138. end
  139. if pcs_health < (pcs_vital * 10 + pcs_stren * 5) or pain['total'] > 10:
  140. act 'See a Doctor about your health (1:00)':
  141. cla
  142. menu_off = 1
  143. minut += 60
  144. gs 'medical_din','healthTreatment'
  145. gs 'stat'
  146. 'After a quick discussion about your health, the doctor gives you an injection with a strange pink fluid, a combined painkiller, steroid and vitamin shot which not only helps the pain but speeds your recovery too, permanently reducing your current pain and increasing your health. You immediately feel much better, and should recover health faster over the coming days.'
  147. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  148. end
  149. end
  150. if therapistday ! daystart: act 'Visit the therapist (1:00)': gt 'therapist'
  151. if pcs_know_mward > 0: act 'Visit the maternity ward (0:05)': gt 'pav_clinic', 'maternity_ward'
  152. gs 'medical_din', 'birth_control'
  153. act 'Go to the sexual health clinic':
  154. *clr & cla
  155. menu_off = 1
  156. minut += 1
  157. gs 'stat'
  158. '<center><b>Sexual Health Clinic</b></center>'
  159. *nl
  160. '<center>STD Test - 1,000 <b>₽</b></center>'
  161. '<center>For treatments, see the nurse</center>'
  162. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  163. if money >= 1000:
  164. act 'Get tested for STDs (1,000 <b>₽</b>)':
  165. *clr & cla
  166. money -= 1000
  167. minut += 60
  168. gs 'stat'
  169. 'The doctor has you provide some blood and urine, before examining you. Then he sends you out to wait in the waiting room while you wait for the test results to come back.'
  170. if venera > 0:
  171. 'The doctor calls you back to his office after a while, and says with a slight frown: "I''m afraid I have some bad news."'
  172. gs 'pav_clinic', 'std_check'
  173. else
  174. 'The doctor is pleased to announce that you do not have a sexually transmitted disease.'
  175. end
  176. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  177. end
  178. end
  179. if GerpesNapr > 0 and money >= 450 and GerpesUkolDay ! daystart:
  180. act 'Get herpes shot (450 <b>₽</b>). You need <<GerpesNapr>> more injections to complete the treatment.':
  181. *clr & cla
  182. money -= 450
  183. minut += 15
  184. GerpesUkolDay = daystart
  185. GerpesNapr -= 1
  186. gs 'stat'
  187. 'You see the nurse and she gives you a painful injection in your ass.'
  188. if GerpesNapr = 0:Gerpes = -10 & 'You have completed the treatment.'
  189. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  190. end
  191. end
  192. if TriperNapr > 0 and money >= 750 and TriperUkolDay ! daystart:
  193. act 'Get gonorrhea shot (750 <b>₽</b>). You need <<TriperNapr>> more injections to complete the treatment.':
  194. *clr & cla
  195. money -= 750
  196. minut += 15
  197. TriperUkolDay = daystart
  198. TriperNapr -= 1
  199. gs 'stat'
  200. 'You see the nurse and she gives you a painful injection in your ass.'
  201. if TriperNapr = 0:TriperOral = 0 & TriperOralSigns = 0 & Triper = 0 & Venera -= 1 & TriperOnce = 0 & 'You have completed the treatment.'
  202. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  203. end
  204. end
  205. if money >= 1000 and SifNapr = 1:
  206. act 'Get syphilis shot (1,000 <b>₽</b>).':
  207. *clr & cla
  208. menu_off = 1
  209. money -= 1000
  210. minut += 60
  211. SifNapr = 0
  212. SifacOnce = 0
  213. Sifilis = 0
  214. Venera -= 1
  215. gs 'stat'
  216. 'You see the nurse and she gives you a painful injection in your ass.'
  217. '"That''s it, you might still feel a bit off but the infection is now cured".'
  218. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  219. end
  220. end
  221. end
  222. if sick >= 1:
  223. act 'Visit the doctor for your sickness':
  224. cla
  225. menu_off = 1
  226. minut += 15
  227. sick = 0
  228. gs 'stat'
  229. 'The doctor quickly examines you, and establishes that you caught a cold. He prescribes you some pills, and suggests you dress warmer when going outdoors so it doesn''t come back.'
  230. act 'Leave':gt $curloc
  231. end
  232. end
  233. if (pav_slut >= 250 or pav_prostitute >= 125 or guy > 10 or unprotfilm or whoreQW > 1 or bordelslutty > 0 or cumcondslip_aware > 0 or (daystart - daylastperiod > 42) or Triper > 2 or Gerpes >= 3 or Sifilis >= 21 or Kandidoz > 30) and gynodaystart ! daystart:
  234. act 'Visit your gynaecologist (1,000 <b>₽</b>)':
  235. *clr & cla
  236. menu_off = 1
  237. gynodaystart = daystart
  238. minut += 5
  239. gs 'stat'
  240. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_1.jpg"></center>'
  241. 'You decide to have a check-up with your gynaecologist. Given your sexual history, you can''t be too careful.'
  242. if docKnow = 0:
  243. if pav_slut >= 250 and pav_prostitute < 125:
  244. $gyn1 = 'He looks at you with some concern, but still has to ask: "Rumor in town says that you''re a prostitute?"'
  245. $gyn2 = '"Doctor, the whole town knows! And knows my body, if you know what I mean... well, maybe they know Sonia''s better," you laugh despite yourself.'
  246. elseif unprotfilm:
  247. $gyn1 = 'He looks at you with some concern, but still has to ask: "Are you by any chance <<$pfname>>?" He doesn''t say how he''s familiar with the name, but you can probably guess.'
  248. $gyn2 = '"I hope not, but who knows?"'
  249. elseif whoreQW > 1 or bordelslutty > 0 or pav_prostitute >= 125:
  250. $gyn1 = 'He looks at you with some concern, but still has to ask: "Rumor in town says that you''re a prostitute?"'
  251. $gyn2 = '"I don''t think so, I only do business down in St. Petersburg, but who knows?"'
  252. else
  253. $gyn1 = 'He looks at you with some concern, but still has to ask: "Why are you visiting me? Are you worried by something about your sexual history?"'
  254. $gyn2 = '"I hope not, but who knows?"'
  255. end
  256. 'He looks up from his desk when you enter his office and recognizes you immediately: "Ah, hello <<$pcs_nickname>>. Did you come for a check-up?"'
  257. 'You nod and take a seat: "Hello, Dr. Petrovich. Yes, I''m here for a check-up."'
  258. $gyn1
  259. 'You smile at him: "It''s true, Dr. Petrovich. I am."'
  260. 'He rubs his hand over his chin, and continues: "Does your mother know?"'
  261. $gyn2
  262. 'The gynaecologist nods, and motions for you to stand up: "Very well, let''s see how you''re doing then. Undress for me, please."'
  263. elseif docKnow = 1:
  264. if pav_slut >= 25 or unprotfilm or whoreQW > 1 or bordelslutty > 0 or pav_prostitute >= 125:
  265. $gyn1 = 'He looks at you with some concern, asking: "Are you still in the business?"'
  266. $gyn2 = 'In a way, you feel touched that he is so concerned for his patients. You don''t mind answering his question, and say: "Doctor, you know how it is... I do it because studies are expensive, because clothing is expensive. Because my family could also use the help, financially. And most of all: because I love having sex. I might as well get paid to do it, right?"'
  267. else
  268. $gyn1 = 'He looks at you with some concern, asking: "Are you still seeing a lot of men?"'
  269. $gyn2 = 'In a way, you feel touched that he is so concerned for his patients. You don''t mind answering him, and you might as well be frank: "Doctor, I really just love having sex. I don''t even care about getting paid, it just seems like I can''t ever get enough dick. You understand, right?"'
  270. end
  271. 'He looks up from his desk when you enter his office and recognizes you immediately: "Ah, hello <<$pcs_nickname>>. Back for another check-up?"'
  272. 'You nod and take a seat: "Hello, Dr. Petrovich. Yes, I''m here for a check-up."'
  273. $gyn1
  274. '"Yes, doctor. I am," you tell him.'
  275. 'He rubs his hand over his chin, and continues: "If I may be so bold... why?"'
  276. $gyn2
  277. 'The gynaecologist smirks, but nods: "I understand. It''s not my place to judge, anyway. Let''s see how you''re doing. Undress for me, please."'
  278. end
  279. act 'Take off your clothes':
  280. *clr & cla
  281. minut += 5
  282. gs 'stat'
  283. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_3.jpg"></center>'
  284. 'You quickly take off your clothes so your gynaecologist can examine you, and neatly fold them before putting them aside.'
  285. act 'Sit in the chair':
  286. *clr & cla
  287. minut += 5
  288. docKnow = 1
  289. gs 'stat'
  290. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_4.jpg"></center>'
  291. 'Once you''re nude, you have a seat in the gynaecologist''s chair and spread your legs in the stirrups.'
  292. 'For the next few minutes, the doctor gives you a thorough check-up. He spends a bit more time on your asshole than he probably should, but then again - maybe he''s just being thorough.'
  293. $gpoli_sick = ''
  294. if cumcondslip > 0:
  295. $gpoli_sick = 'are suffering from toxic shock from a spent condom in your body. I removed it as soon as I found it. If you were feeling sick, it should slowly subside.'
  296. cumcondslip = 0
  297. gs 'cum_cleanup', 'cleanloc', 17
  298. end
  299. if preg > 0:
  300. thinkpreg = 1
  301. knowpreg = 1
  302. $gpoli_sick = 'are pregnant'
  303. end
  304. if venera > 0:
  305. if $gpoli_sick ! '':$gpoli_sick = $gpoli_sick + ', and you have a sexually transmitted disease'
  306. if $gpoli_sick = '':$gpoli_sick = 'have a sexually transmitted disease'
  307. end
  308. if $gpoli_sick = '':
  309. 'The doctor smiles when he gives you the good news: "You''re perfectly healthy."'
  310. 'You feel very relieved, and thank him profusely: "Thank you doctor, that is great news. Thanks again for the check-up."'
  311. 'He nods, and waves his hand: "It''s all good. Just don''t forget to use protection, it''s still dangerous out there."'
  312. else
  313. 'The doctor frowns when he gives you the bad news: "I''m afraid I found something irregular. You <<$gpoli_sick>>."'
  314. if venera > 0: gs 'pav_clinic', 'std_check'
  315. end
  316. 'The doctor stands beside you while he helps you move your legs from the stirrups, and asks with a confident smile on his face: "So <<$pcs_nickname>>... how are you going to repay me for the examination?"'
  317. if money >= 1000:
  318. act 'Offer him money':
  319. *clr & cla
  320. minut += 5
  321. gs 'stat'
  322. 'You smile, knowing this question would come. You tell him: "I can pay. How much do I owe you?"'
  323. 'He returns your smile, and jovially says: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, only for you: 1,000 <b>₽</b>."'
  324. act 'Pay him (1,000 <b>₽</b>)':
  325. *clr & cla
  326. minut += 5
  327. money -= 1000
  328. 'You gladly pay him the 1,000 <b>₽</b> and thank him again.'
  329. 'He counts out your money and puts it away as he says: "Any time, <<$pcs_nickname>>. Make sure you tell your friends about me, if they need a check-up!"'
  330. act 'Leave':gt $curloc
  331. end
  332. end
  333. end
  334. act 'Offer him your body':
  335. *clr & cla
  336. gs 'stat'
  337. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_6.jpg"></center>'
  338. 'You slowly put your hands on his groin with a cheeky grin, and to your surprise feel that his cock is already fully erect. Looks like this was the payment option he was hoping you would go for!'
  339. 'You massage it through his pants for a moment, and when you notice no objections from him you drop to your knees. He pulled his erection free from his pants, and you guide his stiff cock to your mouth with your hand. The look in his eyes is one you recognize from some of your customers - it''s the look of a man who''s going to demand a lot from you, to get his money''s worth. Oh boy.'
  340. 'You lick the tip of his cock teasingly. It''s a nice cock for sure, and the thought of servicing it even turns you on a little. Just because you''re repaying him for something he did for you, that doesn''t mean you can''t enjoy yourself too...'
  341. 'You slowly envelop his cock with your mouth, and begin to suck the head. After a minute or two you feel his hand at the back of your head. You want to raise your head and ask him what he wants, but he forces you to stay where it is and slowly pushes his hips forward, making you take more and more of his rod inside your mouth.'
  342. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
  343. gs 'stat'
  344. act 'Give him a blowjob':
  345. if venera > 0:gt 'pav_clinic', 'gynoblow'
  346. *clr & cla
  347. if gpoli_doctorhavesex = 0:gpoli_doctorhavesex = 1 & guy += 1
  348. gs 'stat'
  349. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_7.jpg"></center>'
  350. 'When you try to move your head, it has nowhere to go. The doctor''s erection is in front of you, about half-way in your mouth now. Behind you, his powerful arm is keeping you in place. You decide to give him what he wants and stop resisting, slowly feeling him thrust his cock further and further into your mouth. At first it''s easy, but his thick cock makes breathing more difficult the further it goes down.'
  351. 'At one point it feels like he''s just fucking your throat carelessly, and you nearly gag when he pushes his dick all the way down your throat and holds it there for a few seconds. When he pulls back, it is fully coated with your saliva.'
  352. 'You gasp for breath while he pulls you up, and hear him say: "Should be slick enough... it''s time to go deeper."'
  353. 'You wonder what he means by that as he turns you around, and has you lean over against his chair. Once he''s certain you''re stable, he lets go of you and rubs the tip of his cock against your clitoris. It feels... quite nice, actually.'
  354. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'deepthroat'
  355. gs 'stat'
  356. act 'Continue':
  357. *clr & cla
  358. gs 'stat'
  359. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_8.jpg"></center>'
  360. 'You moan, feeling some of your wetness running down your leg as Dr. Petrovich keeps rubbing his cock against your clit. He sure knows his way around a woman''s body!'
  361. 'For a moment you close your eyes and just give in to the pleasure. Before you know it you feel something push against your labia, and your vaginal walls are being stretched by his thick dick entering you. It''s still very slick from the blowjob you gave him earlier, and you can''t help but groan louder when it slides in.'
  362. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
  363. gs 'stat'
  364. act 'Have sex with him':
  365. *clr & cla
  366. pcs_vag += 1
  367. gs 'boyStat', 'A68'
  368. cumprecheck = 1
  369. gs 'cum_manage'
  370. gs 'stat'
  371. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_9.jpg"></center>'
  372. 'You feel like you''re in heat when he slowly begins to thrust his cock in and out of you. When he realizes you can take him easily, he steadily increases the pace and fucks you harder and harder. You involuntarily moan with his thrusts, fully giving yourself to this man.'
  373. 'Dr. Petrovich lightly slaps your ass a few times, and you groan louder. He''s making you feel so good! After a few minutes you can''t take it any more, and you try to stifle your moans so you don''t scream the whole clinic together while you have a thunderous orgasm. Your legs buckle under your weight and give way, but fortunately he pulled his dick out of you on time and catches you in his powerful arms. He carries you to a table and puts you down on top of it, with your legs spread towards him.'
  374. 'He immediately guides his cock back into you while your body quivers, still not fully recovered from the orgasm you just had.'
  375. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  376. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
  377. gs 'stat'
  378. act 'Sex on the table':
  379. *clr & cla
  380. gs 'stat'
  381. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_10.jpg"></center>'
  382. 'He picks up the pace again and fucks you hard and fast like before. Your body no longer listens to you, and you find yourself eagerly bucking your hips against his thrusts. You feel that tingle starting up inside you again... if he keeps this up, you''re going to cum all over his cock again in no time!'
  383. 'The doctor smiles at you while he pulls his dick out, and says: "I bet I could give you another type of orgasm... one that you maybe never had before. Wait here, I''ll be right back."'
  384. 'You kind of hear him say something, but at the same time you''re still too stuck in your own world to realize what he just said. When the high from your orgasm wears off, you look around the room. Where did he go?'
  385. 'Just when you were about to get off the table, he returns with a big jar of lubricant in his hand and a latex glove on one hand. He motions for you to turn around, which you obediently do.'
  386. 'Several of his gloved fingers dip inside the jar, and when he pulls it up you see the lubricant slowly dripping from them. He puts them against your tight sphincter, and spreads some of the lube over it before thrusting three fingers in.'
  387. '"Ouch!" You cry out when you feel his fingers stretch out your poor asshole... you were not counting on that! It hurts a bit, and you feel a bit uncomfortable when he pulls his fingers away and spreads more lubricant all over his cock. Before you can object, you feel the thick head of his cock pushing past your sphincter, stretching you out even further.'
  388. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
  389. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
  390. gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 5, 'sub'
  391. minut -= 5
  392. gs 'stat'
  393. act 'Anal sex':
  394. *clr & cla
  395. pcs_ass += 1
  396. gs 'stat'
  397. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_11.jpg"></center>'
  398. 'You want to pull away from him, but you''re trapped between Dr. Petrovich and a wall. He slowly moves his hips, letting you get used to the size of his thick rod inside your tight little butt. It still stings a lot. Despite your best efforts you can''t relax your anus, only slowly getting used to the size of him.'
  399. 'When he begins to speed up you nearly cry, and groan loudly with every thrust.'
  400. 'He softly mutters: "This won''t do, you''re going to alarm the entire clinic if you keep screaming like that!"'
  401. 'He takes his penis out of your ass, and you feel relieved. And, to be honest, rather turned on. It didn''t feel very good yet, but in a way you want it to. Maybe after a few more minutes?'
  402. '"Come on, get on the floor," he says after he throws his coat down. He spreads some more lubricant over his gloved fingers, and smears it over your slightly sore butthole. Guess he''s not done with that yet...'
  403. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
  404. gs 'stat'
  405. act 'Sex on the floor':
  406. *clr & cla
  407. gs 'stat'
  408. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_12.jpg"></center>'
  409. 'To your surprise he ignores your butt for now, and drives his penis into your cunt instead. He fucks you with short, rough strokes... almost as if he''s fucking the annoyance out of his system. It doesn''t feel very pleasant at first, but soon you begin to moan and enjoy the feeling again when your body relaxes.'
  410. 'When he notices you''re gasping faster, he quickly pulls his cock out of your snatch and rams it inside your asshole in one fluent motion. You cry out loud, partially from the pain, and partially because you''re frustrated... you were so close! Despite the discomfort and pain you''re experiencing from his dick in your ass, you rub your clitoris... partially hoping it will take your mind off the pain, and partially hoping you can still get that orgasm you were so close to.'
  411. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  412. gs 'stat'
  413. act 'Anal':
  414. *clr & cla
  415. gs 'stat'
  416. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_13.jpg"></center>'
  417. 'Now that you''re so aroused, the anal sex doesn''t hurt quite as much. You furiously rub your clit while he pounds your stretched asshole roughly, slowly losing your mind when a second orgasm hits you. Dr. Petrovich must feel your anus contracting around his cock when you cum with it inside you.'
  418. 'He was close as well, and after you ride out your orgasm he gives it a few more thrusts before he pulls out and moves his hips towards your face. He grabs you by the hair and guides his cock towards your mouth, and you obediently open your mouth to let it in.'
  419. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  420. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  421. gs 'stat'
  422. act 'Let him cum in your mouth':
  423. *clr & cla
  424. minut += 5
  425. pcs_horny += 5
  426. gs 'boyStat', 'A68'
  427. sexpartkno = 1
  428. spafinloc = 12
  429. gs 'cum_manage'
  430. swallow += 1
  431. gs 'stat'
  432. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_14.jpg"></center>'
  433. 'You feel too tired to object, even if you wanted to. You have no choice but to take his load in your mouth, and obediently let him shoot all his sperm inside you. As a nice touch, you show it all to him before swallowing his load and licking your lips. He moves his slowly softening dick towards your mouth once more, letting you suck and lick it clean.'
  434. 'Then he lets out a satisfied sigh and begins to put his clothes back on, as if nothing happened.'
  435. act 'Get dressed too':
  436. *clr & cla
  437. minut += 5
  438. pcs_horny += 5
  439. gs 'stat'
  440. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_15.jpg"></center>'
  441. 'You follow his example, and also put your clothes back on.'
  442. 'When you''re both fully dressed again, he has a wide grin on his face: "Well now, one good turn deserves another. Considering your line of work, I suggest you come visit me at least once a week."'
  443. 'You happily agree with him: "That''s true. Thank you doctor, I will make sure to refer my friends to you if they ever need a check-up too."'
  444. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  445. gs 'stat'
  446. act 'Leave':gt $curloc
  447. end
  448. end
  449. end
  450. end
  451. end
  452. end
  453. end
  454. end
  455. end
  456. end
  457. end
  458. end
  459. end
  460. end
  461. if narkoman = 1 and storyline > 0:
  462. act 'Seek help for your weakness and pain':
  463. *clr & cla
  464. menu_off = 1
  465. minut += 5
  466. gs 'stat'
  467. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_1.jpg"></center>'
  468. if gpoli_doctorhavesex = 1:
  469. 'You go to the doctor for help with your addiction, since you trust him enough to know he won''t tell your mother.'
  470. '"Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>. What brings you in today?" Dr. Petrovich says with a smile.'
  471. '"Hello, Doctor. I''m feeling weak and I hurt all over," you reply.'
  472. '"Well, let''s take a look, shall we?" the doctor replies as you get up to stand by the examination table.'
  473. else
  474. 'You go to the doctor for help with your addiction.'
  475. '"Hello, young lady. I''m Dr. Petrovich. Do you have specific complaints, or are you simply here for a check-up?" the doctor asks as he comes into the examination room.'
  476. '"Hello sir. I''m feeling really weak and shaky and I hurt all over," you explain.'
  477. '"Let''s take a look, shall we?" the doctor replies and gestures for you to stand next to the examination table.'
  478. end
  479. act 'Continue':
  480. *clr & cla
  481. minut += 5
  482. gs 'stat'
  483. 'You tell the doctor about the white powder you''ve been sniffing while he checks your temperature, blood pressure and pulse.'
  484. '"Lift your shirt so we can have a listen," he tells you as he warms his stethoscope by breathing on it.'
  485. 'You lift your shirt and bra above your breasts as instructed and the doctor presses the stethoscope to various places on your chest. He places his left hand on your tummy to steady you as he listens to your heart and breathing, occasionally bringing the stethescope to his mouth to rewarm it. The hand on your tummy moves in small circles that slip steadily lower until his finger tips slip just below the waistband of your clothes. Unlike any other doctor you have seen before, Dr. Petrovich listens by pressing the stethescope against your boobs. Does that even work?'
  486. 'He also warms it more often now, and it feels moist and warm on your nipples. To your embarrassment, you could feel your nipples begin to get hard. You''re not quite sure, but you''re fairly sure Dr. Petrovich was just having fun for the last few minutes of that examination.'
  487. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_2.jpg"></center>'
  488. 'He nods: "Well, so far everything is OK."'
  489. 'You notice that there is a certain sparkle in his eyes when he looks at your <<$titsize>> breasts with interest. You feel embarrassed at your nipples hardening even further, and try to think of bad things. You silently think to yourself: "My mother is watching! My mother is watching!"'
  490. 'To your relief, the tingle you started to feel in your pussy goes away.'
  491. 'The doctor tells you as he steps towards the door: "Please undress and sit down in that chair. I will be back momentarily." Then he leaves.'
  492. act 'Reluctantly take your clothes off':
  493. *clr & cla
  494. minut += 10
  495. gs 'stat'
  496. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_3.jpg"></center>'
  497. 'You sigh. Is this guy even a doctor? He was way too eager with your boobs, and you suspect he has other reasons to want you naked.'
  498. 'Nevertheless, you feel terrible and really need this check-up. You reluctantly begin to take your clothes off.'
  499. act 'Sit in the chair':
  500. *clr & cla
  501. minut += 5
  502. gs 'stat'
  503. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_4.jpg"></center>'
  504. 'You quickly undress and climb into the chair. The leather-like surface feels strangely warm on your bottom, and it takes you a moment to realize that it is heated. You fidget nervously as you wait for the doctor to return.'
  505. 'After what seems like hours, the doctor comes back into the room. You notice his face seems redder than it was and his hair seems to be a little damp. He has also taken off the apron-like smock he had on before. He continues with his examination, taking your hands and arms and massaging the joints and flexing them. He does the same with your feet and legs. To your surprise, he also examines your ass and pussy, easing his gloved fingers into first your pussy and then your asshole. He even speads your lips apart and pushes the hood back to expose your clitoris which he gently massages for a moment before suddenly getting to his feet with a deep sigh, his eyes lingering on your exposed pussy for a moment too long before he seems to give himself a little shake. You''re glad he stopped when he did... if he had kept doing that, you would''ve gotten wet for sure!'
  506. $gpoli_sick = ''
  507. if cumcondslip > 0:
  508. $gpoli_sick = 'are suffering from toxic shock from a spent condom in your body. I removed it as soon as I found it. If you were feeling sick, it should slowly subside.'
  509. cumspclnt = 8
  510. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  511. end
  512. if preg > 0:
  513. thinkpreg = 1
  514. knowpreg = 1
  515. $gpoli_sick = 'are pregnant'
  516. end
  517. if venera > 0:
  518. if $gpoli_sick ! '':$gpoli_sick = $gpoli_sick + ', and you have a sexually transmitted disease'
  519. if $gpoli_sick = '':$gpoli_sick = 'have a sexually transmitted disease'
  520. end
  521. if $gpoli_sick = '':
  522. '"Well, other than the fact that you are addicted to cocaine, you are completely healthy. Truth be told, you have a very mature body for a girl your age." At these words you see the corners of his mouth twitch, and you think his trousers look a little tighter in his crotch area than before. "But that''s not what you are here for. Now please get dressed again while I write a note for your mother. I''m not allowed to give you the cure to your addiction without her permission."'
  523. 'Your heart begins to race when you hear that, your mother can''t find out! She would kill you if she finds out what you have been up to!'
  524. 'You quickly blurt: "Wait! Could you please just give me the shot without telling her? Please?"'
  525. 'He looks at you sternly and shakes his head: "I''m sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, but you are not an adult. I need her permission to treat you, those are the rules."'
  526. else
  527. '"Well <<$pcs_nickname>>, you have a problem. You <<$gpoli_sick>> as well as being addicted to cocaine. I''ll have to write a note for your mother, I can''t treat you without her permission."'
  528. if venera > 0: gs 'pav_clinic', 'std_check'
  529. 'Your heart begins to race when you hear that, your mother can''t find out! She would kill you if she finds out what you have been up to!'
  530. 'You quickly blurt: "Wait! Could you please just give me the cure without telling her? Please?"'
  531. 'He looks at you sternly and shakes his head: "I''m sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, but you are not an adult. I need her permission to treat you. You''ve been a very bad girl, you know..."'
  532. end
  533. act 'Offer him money':gt 'pav_clinic', 'spravka_money_pale'
  534. act 'Try to negotiate':gt 'pav_clinic', 'spravka_arrange_pale'
  535. end
  536. end
  537. end
  538. end
  539. end
  540. if StoryLine > 0 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and Gspravka < 3 and motherKnowSpravka = 0 and home_owned[2] = 1: act 'Go to the gynaecologist for a referral': gt 'pav_clinic', 'referral'
  541. else
  542. 'The clinic is closed. It''s open every day between 06:00 and 21:00.'
  543. end
  544. end
  545. if $ARGS[0] = 'referral':
  546. menu_off = 1
  547. if pcs_vag = 0 and stat['hidden_vaginal'] = 0:
  548. *clr & cla
  549. minut = minut + 15
  550. gs 'stat'
  551. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gin.jpg"></center>'
  552. 'You quickly undress and climb into the chair, spreading your legs and resting them in the stirrups. The leather-like surface feels strangely warm on your bottom, and it takes you a moment to realize that it is heated. The gynaecologist examines your vagina carefully with a speculum, and silently mumbles something to himself.'
  553. Gspravka = 30
  554. GspravkaT = 1
  555. Gspassed = 1
  556. 'He confirms that you are still a virgin, and tells you to get dressed again while he prepares your referral. While you put your clothes back on, he fills out the form at his desk and stamps it before handing it to you. This should keep your mother happy for another month...'
  557. act 'Leave':gt $curloc
  558. else
  559. *clr & cla
  560. minut += 5
  561. gs 'stat'
  562. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_1.jpg"></center>'
  563. if pcs_vag = 0 and stat['hidden_vaginal'] > 0:
  564. 'You quickly undress and climb into the chair, spreading your legs and resting them in the stirrups. The leather-like surface feels strangely warm on your bottom, and it takes you a moment to realize that it is heated. The gynaecologist examines your vagina carefully with a speculum, and silently mumbles something to himself.'
  565. act 'Have the check-up': gt 'pav_clinic', 'referral2'
  566. else
  567. 'You''re a bit nervous as you enter the gynaecologist''s office. Your mother expects you to get a referral from him that states you''re still a virgin, except there''s one small problem... you''re not a virgin any more! Maybe you can work something out with him?'
  568. if gpoliuborka = 2:
  569. '"Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>. What brings you in today?" Dr. Petrovich says with a smile.'
  570. '"Hello, doctor. It''s time for my monthly check-up again. My mother needs a referral from you to make sure I''m still a virgin," you reply.'
  571. '"Ah, yes. For... school, right? Let''s take a look," the doctor replies with a chuckle as you are already on your way to stand by the examination table, like last time.'
  572. else
  573. '"Hello, young lady. I''m Dr. Petrovich. Do you have specific complaints, or are you simply here for a check-up?" the doctor asks as he comes into the examination room.'
  574. '"Hello sir. I''m here for my monthly referral. My mother needs one from you to establish I''m still a virgin. It''s for school," you explain.'
  575. '"For... school?" he asks, a tad confused. Then he snaps out of it and replies: "Anyway... let''s take a look, shall we?" as he gestures for you to stand next to the examination table.'
  576. end
  577. act 'Have the check-up':
  578. *clr & cla
  579. minut += 5
  580. gs 'stat'
  581. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_2.jpg"></center>'
  582. 'The doctor breathes on his stethoscope to warm it up and says: "Lift your shirt, please."'
  583. 'Lift your shirt? What does that have to do with your virginity?'
  584. 'He sees your hesitation, and reassures you: "I''m just doing some basic check-ups while you''re here anyway. Now... your shirt, please?"'
  585. 'That makes sense. You expose your <<$titsize>> breasts to him when you lift your shirt up, and he examines you. You''re no medical professional, but you''re fairly sure he''s not supposed to put the stethoscope on your boob like that! Nevertheless... you need him to give you that referral, and calling him out on it will definitely not help your cause.'
  586. 'You decide to humour him and just let him play with your boobs for several minutes, after which he nods happily and says: "Everything seems to be in order."'
  587. 'There is an eager sparkle in his eyes when he looks at your bare breasts. The pervert!'
  588. 'He continues: "Now get undressed and have a seat in the chair, please. You can put your feet in the stirrups."'
  589. act 'Undress':
  590. *clr & cla
  591. minut += 5
  592. gs 'stat'
  593. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_3.jpg"></center>'
  594. 'You reluctantly take your clothes off, trying to put off the moment as long as you can. You know he will find out about your secret in a moment. Nevertheless, you don''t have any other option. Maybe you''ll get lucky and he won''t notice?'
  595. act 'Sit in the chair': gt 'pav_clinic', 'referral2'
  596. end
  597. end
  598. act 'Admit you''re no virgin':
  599. *clr & cla
  600. minut += 5
  601. gs 'stat'
  602. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_1.jpg"></center>'
  603. if gpoliuborka = 2:
  604. 'You pause for a second, and then decide to just confess. He was going to find out anyway during the examination.'
  605. 'Hesitantly you say: "Mister Petrovich, I have something to ask of you. You see, I... I''m no longer a virgin."'
  606. 'He nods understandingly: "I see." That''s probably not the first time one of his patients told him that.'
  607. 'You continue: "But... my <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> thinks I''m still a virgin, and I would really like to keep it that way. Could you please help me?"'
  608. 'He looks puzzled for a second, and his eyes widen when he realizes what you''re asking of him: "You mean... fake your referral? That''s fraud! Do you have any idea how much trouble I could end up in if I do that?"'
  609. else
  610. 'You pause for a second, and then decide to just confess. He was going to find out anyway during the examination.'
  611. 'Hesitantly you say: "Mister Petrovich, I have something to ask of you. You see, I... I''m no longer a virgin."'
  612. 'He nods understandingly: "I see." That''s probably not the first time one of his patients told him that.'
  613. 'You continue: "But... my <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> thinks I''m still a virgin, and I would really like to keep it that way. Could you please help me?"'
  614. 'He nods again and says: "I see what you''re getting at. I might be able to help you, but I''m running a big risk by doing that. What''s in it for me?"'
  615. end
  616. act 'Offer him money':gt 'pav_clinic', 'spravka_money'
  617. act 'Try to negotiate':gt 'pav_clinic', 'spravka_arrange'
  618. act 'Just accept the referral as is':gt 'pav_clinic', 'badend'
  619. end
  620. end
  621. end
  622. end
  623. if $ARGS[0] = 'referral2':
  624. *clr & cla
  625. minut += 5
  626. gs 'stat'
  627. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_4.jpg"></center>'
  628. if stat['hidden_vaginal'] = 0:'Once you''re nude, you have a seat in the gynaecologist''s chair and spread your legs in the stirrups.'
  629. 'For the next few minutes, the doctor gives you a thorough check-up. He spends a bit more time on your asshole than he probably should, but then again - maybe he''s just being thorough.'
  630. $gpoli_sick = ''
  631. if preg > 0:
  632. thinkpreg = 1
  633. knowpreg = 1
  634. $gpoli_sick = 'are pregnant'
  635. end
  636. if venera > 0:
  637. if $gpoli_sick ! '':$gpoli_sick = $gpoli_sick + ', and you have a sexually transmitted disease'
  638. if $gpoli_sick = '':$gpoli_sick = 'have a sexually transmitted disease'
  639. end
  640. if $gpoli_sick = '':
  641. '"Well, you are completely healthy. However, you are also no longer a virgin." At these words you see the corners of his mouth twitch, and you think his trousers look a little tighter in his crotch area. "Please get dressed again while I write out the referral for your mother."'
  642. if pcs_vag = 0 and stat['hidden_vaginal'] > 0:
  643. 'Your heart begins to race when you hear that, your mother can''t find out! How could this have happened you''ve never even had sex!'
  644. else
  645. 'Your heart begins to race when you hear that, your mother can''t find out! She would kill you if she finds out what you have been up to!'
  646. end
  647. 'You quickly blurt: "Wait! Could you please just write down that I''m still a virgin, so I don''t get in trouble? Please?"'
  648. 'He looks at you sternly and shakes his head: "I''m sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, I can''t do that, that''s fraud! Do you have any idea how much trouble I could get into?"'
  649. else
  650. 'The doctor frowns when he gives you the results: "I''m afraid I have some bad news, <<$pcs_nickname>>. You <<$gpoli_sick>>.'
  651. if venera > 0: gs 'pav_clinic', 'std_check'
  652. 'You''re also not a virgin any more, obviously."'
  653. if pcs_vag = 0 and stat['hidden_vaginal'] > 0:
  654. 'Your heart begins to race when you hear that, your mother can''t find out! How could this have happened you''ve never even had sex!'
  655. else
  656. 'Your heart begins to race when you hear that, your mother can''t find out! She would kill you if she finds out what you have been up to!'
  657. end
  658. 'You quickly blurt: "Wait! Could you please just write down that I''m still a virgin, so I don''t get in trouble? Please?"'
  659. 'He looks at you sternly and shakes his head: "I''m sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, but you are not an adult. I need her permission to treat you. And I can''t lie on a referral... that''s fraud! Do you have any idea how much trouble I could get into?"'
  660. end
  661. act 'Offer him money':gt 'pav_clinic', 'spravka_money'
  662. act 'Try to negotiate':gt 'pav_clinic', 'spravka_arrange'
  663. act 'Just accept the referral as is':gt 'pav_clinic', 'badend'
  664. end
  665. if $ARGS[0] = 'gynoblow':
  666. *clr & cla
  667. if gpoli_doctorhavesex = 0:gpoli_doctorhavesex = 1 & guy += 1
  668. if $ARGS[1] = 'referral_blow':
  669. Gspravka = 30
  670. GspravkaT = 1
  671. Gspassed = 1
  672. forge_referral = 1
  673. end
  674. gs 'stat'
  675. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_7.jpg"></center>'
  676. 'When you try to move your head, it has nowhere to go. The doctor''s erection is in front of you, about half-way in your mouth now. Behind you, his powerful arm is keeping you in place. You decide to give him what he wants and stop resisting, slowly feeling him thrust his cock further and further into your mouth. At first it''s easy, but his thick cock makes breathing more difficult the further it goes down.'
  677. 'At one point it feels like he''s just fucking your throat carelessly, and you nearly gag when he pushes his dick all the way down your throat and holds it there for a few seconds. When he pulls back, it is fully coated with your saliva.'
  678. 'You gasp for breath while he pulls you up, and hear him say, "That''s it, take it all!."'
  679. 'He carries roughly pleasuring himself with your mouth until you realize he is about to cum.'
  680. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'rough', 'deepthroat'
  681. gs 'stat'
  682. act 'Let him cum in your mouth':
  683. *clr & cla
  684. minut += 5
  685. pcs_horny += 5
  686. gs 'boyStat', 'A68'
  687. sexpartkno = 1
  688. spafinloc = 12
  689. gs 'cum_manage'
  690. swallow += 1
  691. gs 'stat'
  692. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_14.jpg"></center>'
  693. 'You feel too tired to object, even if you wanted to. You have no choice but to take his load in your mouth, and obediently let him shoot all his sperm inside you. As a nice touch, you show it all to him before swallowing his load and licking your lips. He moves his slowly softening dick towards your mouth once more, letting you suck and lick it clean.'
  694. 'Then he lets out a satisfied sigh and begins to put his clothes back on, as if nothing happened.'
  695. act 'Get dressed too':
  696. *clr & cla
  697. minut += 5
  698. gs 'stat'
  699. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_15.jpg"></center>'
  700. 'You follow his example, and also put your clothes back on.'
  701. 'When you''re both fully dressed again, he has a wide grin on his face: "Well now, one good turn deserves another. Considering your line of work, I suggest you come visit me at least once a week, but first go and see my colleague and get yourself cured."'
  702. 'You happily agree with him: "That''s true. Thank you doctor, I will make sure to refer my friends to you if they ever need a check-up too."'
  703. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  704. gs 'stat'
  705. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  706. end
  707. end
  708. end
  709. if $ARGS[0] = 'badend':
  710. *clr & cla
  711. minut += 5
  712. gs 'stat'
  713. Gspravka = 30
  714. GspravkaT = 2
  715. if dildo_gyno_check = 1:dildo_gyno_fail = 1
  716. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gin.jpg"></center>'
  717. *nl
  718. 'You sigh, understanding that there''s nothing you can (or would be willing to) do to change his mind. Your gynaecologist takes an empty form from the pile and fills it out, stating that you are not a virgin. He presses his stamp onto it and offers it to you with a disappointed look in his eyes.'
  719. 'Dejectedly, you take it from him and get ready to leave. How are you going to tell your mother?'
  720. if $loc = 'kuhrPar':
  721. act 'Leave': gt 'mother', 'referral'
  722. else
  723. act 'Leave': gt 'pav_clinic'
  724. end
  725. end
  726. if $ARGS[0] = 'spravka_arrange':
  727. *clr & cla
  728. minut += 5
  729. gs 'stat'
  730. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_1.jpg"></center>'
  731. if gpoliuborka = 2:
  732. 'You really need this, but you understand you''re not in a good position to negotiate. Nevertheless, you try to plea your case and beg: "Please, Dr. Petrovich. I don''t have any money to offer you, but I really need that referral! My mother would kill me! Please?"'
  733. 'He has a wolfish grin on his face as he gets up from his chair and walks over to you, putting his hands on your shoulders. He softly says in a soothing voice: "Well, if you really need it that badly... I think we can work out a deal. It''d just be between us, no one else has to know."'
  734. 'You become hopeful, even though you feel a bit uncomfortable. You carefully ask: "Erm... okay, that''s great! What kind of deal are you thinking of?"'
  735. 'The doctor continues in his soothing voice: "You see, <<$pcs_nickname>>... my wife is away on a business trip, she won''t be home for weeks. I''m a man with needs, and my job is very stressful as you can imagine. I need you to help me relax... relieve the tension, so to speak. What do you think? Do you think you can help me with that?"'
  736. 'His grip on your shoulders intensifies a little, and he massages you while you think it over. You''re perfectly clear on what he wants from you now... but is it really worth it?'
  737. else
  738. 'You really need this, but you understand you''re not in a good position to negotiate. Nevertheless, you try to plea your case and beg: "Please, Dr. Petrovich. I really need that referral! My mother would kill me! Please?"'
  739. 'He has a wolfish grin on his face as he gets up from his chair and walks over to you. He softly says: "Well, if you really need it that badly... we all have needs. I bet we could work something out."'
  740. 'You softly mutter: "But... what if..."'
  741. 'He looks at you playfully and asks: "What if what?"'
  742. 'You continue: "What if I have no money?"'
  743. 'He smiles jovially at you as he reaches out for you. He puts his hands on your shoulders and you automatically give in to him, slowly letting him push you down to your knees.'
  744. 'He smirks at you and mutters: "I understand why you are no longer a virgin, you little minx! So eager to please..."'
  745. 'Your face is at the same level as his crotch, and he slowly undoes his pants and drops them to his ankles. His erect cock is pointing at you eagerly, a bead of precum slowly dripping down from it. You can tell he wants you badly.'
  746. gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist', 'hard'
  747. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  748. act 'Grab a referral form and run out of the room (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  749. *clr & cla
  750. Gspravka = 30
  751. GspravkaT = 1
  752. Gspassed = 1
  753. forge_referral = 1
  754. gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist', 'hard'
  755. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  756. gs 'stat'
  757. 'This is your chance! You quickly grab a nearly filled out form from his desk and run out of his examination room. Dr. Petrovich pulls up his pants again but doesn''t even follow you, knowing this would be way too awkward to explain to anyone else in the clinic. Looks like you win this one!'
  758. 'A while later, you fill out the rest of the form and nod to yourself as you think: "This should get <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> off my back for another month..."'
  759. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  760. end
  761. else
  762. act 'Grab a referral form and run out of the room (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  763. end
  764. end
  765. act 'You really don''t want your mother to find out...':
  766. *clr & cla
  767. minut += 5
  768. gs 'stat'
  769. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_6.jpg"></center>'
  770. 'You take another deep breath, and slowly put your hands on his groin. To your surprise you feel that his cock is already fully erect. Looks like this was the payment option he was hoping you would go for!'
  771. 'You massage it through his pants for a moment, and drop to your knees. He pulled his erection free from his pants while you were dropping to your knees, and you guide his stiff cock to your mouth with your hand. If you want that referral to work out for you, you''re going to have to work for it.'
  772. 'You lick the tip of his cock teasingly. It''s a nice cock for sure, and the thought of servicing it even turns you on a little. Just because he more or less blackmailed you into doing this, that doesn''t mean you can''t enjoy yourself at the same time...'
  773. 'You slowly envelop his cock with your mouth, and begin to suck the head. After a minute or two you feel his hand at the back of your head. You want to raise your head and ask him what he wants, but he forces you to stay where it is and slowly pushes his hips forward, making you take more and more of his rod inside your mouth.'
  774. act 'Give him a blowjob':
  775. if venera > 0:gt 'pav_clinic', 'gynoblow', 'referral_blow'
  776. *clr & cla
  777. if gpoli_doctorhavesex = 0:gpoli_doctorhavesex = 1 & guy += 1
  778. gs 'stat'
  779. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_7.jpg"></center>'
  780. 'You want to move back, but there is nowhere to go. His stiff cock is in front of you, and his powerful hand on the back of your head pulling you in closer. The masculine smell of his throbbing cock fills your nose as you breathe and you have to admit, it excites you!'
  781. 'He begins to relax a little, letting you pull back until just the tip of his cock is between your lips. Then he pulls your head closer again, forcing his cock deeper each time. At first you''re okay, but at a certain point you can''t keep up any more and gag on his cock when he thrusts it in deep again. From the sadistic grin on his face you can tell he quite enjoys you gagging on his cock, and he suggests: "Try breathing through your nose, might be easier."'
  782. 'You do as he says, and it does indeed make things a bit easier.'
  783. 'Soon he is fucking your mouth, your saliva drooling down his shaft and over his hairy balls. The air of the office is filled with wet slurps and snorts as he pounds his cock into your mouth deeper and deeper, sometimes making you gag involuntarily as the head of his cock slips down your throat. With a sudden thrust, you can feel his curly pubic hair against your lips as he forces his cock down your throat as far as it''ll go. You panic as you can''t breathe, but Dr. Petrovich just as suddenly pulls his dick out of your mouth again. Thankfully, you get a chance to catch your breath.'
  784. '"I think that got me lubed up properly," Dr. Petrovich says with a lusty voice. You can tell he is very excited now, and are not sure you want to find out what happens next. Nevertheless, you''re too far in to back down now. He urges you: "Come on, now it''s time to go deep."'
  785. '"What do you mean?" you start to ask but get your answer almost immediately as Dr. Petrovich raises you from the floor, and bends you over the chair. You can''t help but let out a moan as he begins to rub the head of his slippery cock against your engorged clitoris. You didn''t realize how excited you were getting while you were sucking his cock!'
  786. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'deepthroat'
  787. gs 'stat'
  788. act 'Continue':
  789. *clr & cla
  790. gs 'stat'
  791. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_8.jpg"></center>'
  792. 'You can feel your arousal rising when his body touches yours. As Dr. Petrovich keeps massaging your clitoris with his cockhead, you can feel your juices start to leak from your swollen pussy and run down your quivering thighs. You can hear the wet squelching, as he plows his throbbing cock between your soaking wet pussy lips. You close your eyes for a moment as you feel him push against your sopping wet cunt... it feels so good!'
  793. 'Your tender flesh resists for a moment, but then surrenders. You feel the walls of your vagina stretch open, letting the invader in. You let out a passionate groan as he fills you up completely.'
  794. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
  795. gs 'stat'
  796. act 'Let him fuck you':
  797. *clr & cla
  798. pcs_vag += 1
  799. gs 'boyStat', 'A68'
  800. cumprecheck = 1
  801. gs 'cum_manage'
  802. gs 'stat'
  803. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_9.jpg"></center>'
  804. 'Your body feels like it''s getting hotter and hotter, beads of sweat forming on your forehead and upper lip. With every thrust Dr. Petrovich fucks you faster and harder, and you can feel your excitement growing too. Involuntarily you start to moan and gasp for air. You groan louder as you become more aroused. His hard hot member penetrates you ever deeper, without giving you any pause.'
  805. 'You silently think to yourself: "I hope the room is soundproofed..." as the sound of his body slapping wetly against yours and your cries of passion and his animalistic grunts fill the room.'
  806. 'You can no longer control yourself and have a thunderous orgasm as the doctor keeps fucking you relentlessly. Waves of bliss sear your nerves and your mouth opens in a silent scream, as you are consumed with pleasure.'
  807. 'Suddenly, Dr. Petrovich pulls his dick out of you and you almost fall to the floor. He catches you with his powerful arms right on time, and lowers you on a table where once again feel his cock slide into your quivering vagina.'
  808. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  809. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
  810. gs 'stat'
  811. act 'Sex on the table':
  812. *clr & cla
  813. gs 'stat'
  814. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_10.jpg"></center>'
  815. 'Again he starts with short thrusts but soon picks up the pace. Your body is no longer under your control as you feel your hips rising to meet his thrusts, an electric shock coursing through your body. Everything ceases to exist, except for the wonderful feeling of his hard throbbing shaft moving in and out of your <<age>> year old pussy. Again, you feel the overwhelming power of an orgasm come closer and closer.'
  816. '"You come so quickly, <<$pcs_nickname>>," he pants in your ear. "I will be right back, we are not done yet. Just wait here."'
  817. 'You only vaguely heard what he said, but as convulsions continued to beat your senses after your orgasm, you''re not sure what is next. These current sensations leave you puzzled... do you want him to fuck you more? Do you want it to be over? You just can''t tell.'
  818. 'Just when you were about to get off the table, he returns with a big jar of lubricant in his hand and a latex glove on one hand. He motions for you to turn around, which you obediently do.'
  819. 'Several of his gloved fingers dip inside the jar, and when he pulls it up you see the lubricant slowly dripping from them. He puts them against your tight sphincter, and spreads some of the lube over it before thrusting three fingers in.'
  820. 'Ouch! You let out a painful sob when you feel his fingers stretch out your poor asshole... you were not counting on that! It hurts a bit, and you feel a bit uncomfortable when he pulls his fingers away and spreads more lubricant all over his cock. Before you can object, you feel the thick head of his cock pushing past your sphincter, stretching you out even further.'
  821. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
  822. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
  823. gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 5, 'sub'
  824. minut -= 5
  825. gs 'stat'
  826. act 'He fucks your ass':
  827. *clr & cla
  828. pcs_ass += 1
  829. gs 'stat'
  830. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_11.jpg"></center>'
  831. 'You want to pull away, but you''re trapped between him and a wall. He slowly moves his hips, letting you get used to the size of his thick rod inside your tight little butt. It still stings a lot. Despite your best efforts you can''t relax your anus, only slowly getting used to the size of him.'
  832. 'When he begins to speed up you nearly cry, and groan loudly with every thrust.'
  833. 'He softly mutters: "This won''t do, you''re going to alarm the entire clinic if you keep screaming like that!"'
  834. 'He takes his penis out of your ass, and you feel relieved. And, to be honest, rather turned on! It didn''t feel very good yet, but in a way you want it to. Maybe after a few more minutes?'
  835. '"Come on, get on the floor," he says after he throws his coat down. He spreads some more lubricant over his gloved fingers, and smears it over your slightly sore butthole. Guess he''s not done with that hole yet...'
  836. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
  837. gs 'stat'
  838. act 'Sex on the floor':
  839. *clr & cla
  840. gs 'stat'
  841. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_12.jpg"></center>'
  842. 'To your surprise he ignores your butt for now, and drives his penis into your cunt instead when he gets down behind you. He fucks you with short, rough strokes... almost as if he''s fucking the annoyance out of his system. It doesn''t feel very pleasant at first, but soon you begin to moan and enjoy the feeling again when your body begins to relax.'
  843. 'When he notices you''re gasping faster, he quickly pulls his cock out of your snatch and rams it inside your asshole in one fluent motion. You cry out loud, partially from the pain, and partially because you''re frustrated... you were so close! Despite the discomfort and pain you''re experiencing from his dick in your ass, you rub your clitoris... partially hoping it will take your mind off the pain, and partially hoping you can still get that orgasm you were so close to.'
  844. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  845. gs 'stat'
  846. act 'Anal again':
  847. *clr & cla
  848. gs 'stat'
  849. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_13.jpg"></center>'
  850. 'Now that you''re so aroused, the anal sex doesn''t hurt quite as much. You furiously rub your clit while he pounds your stretched asshole roughly, slowly losing your mind when a second orgasm hits you. Dr. Petrovich must feel your anus contracting around his cock when you cum with it inside you.'
  851. 'He was close as well, and after you ride out your orgasm he gives it a few more thrusts before he pulls out and moves his hips towards your face. He grabs you by the hair and guides his cock towards your mouth, and you obediently open your mouth to let it in.'
  852. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  853. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  854. gs 'stat'
  855. act 'Let him cum in your mouth':
  856. *clr & cla
  857. minut += 5
  858. pcs_horny += 5
  859. gs 'boyStat', 'A68'
  860. sexpartkno = 1
  861. spafinloc = 12
  862. gs 'cum_manage'
  863. swallow += 1
  864. gs 'stat'
  865. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_14.jpg"></center>'
  866. 'You feel too tired to object, even if you wanted to. You have no choice but to take his load in your mouth, and obediently let him shoot all his sperm inside you. As a nice touch, you show it all to him before swallowing his load and licking your lips. He moves his slowly softening dick towards your mouth once more, letting you suck and lick it clean.'
  867. 'Then he lets out a satisfied sigh and begins to put his clothes back on, as if nothing happened.'
  868. act 'Get dressed':
  869. *clr & cla
  870. minut += 5
  871. gs 'stat'
  872. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_15.jpg"></center>'
  873. 'You follow his example, and also put your clothes back on.'
  874. 'When you''re both fully dressed again, he has a wide grin on his face: "Well now, one good turn deserves another."'
  875. 'He takes place behind his desk and quickly writes out your referral, stating that you''re still a virgin. He offers it to you: "I believe this is yours. Now if you don''t mind, I have other patients to attend to."'
  876. 'You feel cheap for a moment, when you accept the referral. Nevertheless, you''re off the hook for another month... that''s worth something, right?'
  877. Gspravka = 30
  878. GspravkaT = 1
  879. Gspassed = 1
  880. forge_referral = 1
  881. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  882. gs 'stat'
  883. if $loc = 'kuhrPar':
  884. act 'Leave': gt 'mother', 'referral'
  885. else
  886. act 'Leave': gt 'pav_clinic'
  887. end
  888. end
  889. end
  890. end
  891. end
  892. end
  893. end
  894. end
  895. end
  896. end
  897. end
  898. gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist'
  899. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  900. act 'You can''t do that (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  901. cla
  902. gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist'
  903. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  904. gs 'stat'
  905. 'You frown. You really don''t want to have sex with him, sex is what got you into this whole mess in the first place! You try one more time: "I can''t do that doctor. Please, show some compassion... could you give me a break, just this once? I just need some time to figure out how to tell my <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> about all this!"'
  906. 'His gaze is stone cold, without any sign of compassion. He says in an even tone: "So be it. Sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, but that''s not how it works. I''m running a big enough risk as it is. If you''re not helping me, I''m not helping you."'
  907. act 'Try to negotiate': gt 'pav_clinic', 'spravka_arrange'
  908. act 'Just accept the referral as is': gt 'pav_clinic', 'badend'
  909. end
  910. else
  911. act 'You can''t do that (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  912. end
  913. end
  914. if $ARGS[0] = 'spravka_money':
  915. *clr & cla
  916. minut += 5
  917. gs 'stat'
  918. if gpoliuborka = 2:
  919. 'You don''t want to have sex with him! Having sex is what got you in this mess in the first place.'
  920. 'You think fast, and blurt out: "I can pay! Would that referral be the same if I were to pay you for your time? I could pay you well!"'
  921. 'The doctor strokes his chin as he thinks, and offers: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I don''t know... I''m not here for the money. However, a private patient wouldn''t count as a minor, so I would have no obligation to tell your mother."'
  922. 'He continues: "The standard consultancy fee is 2,000 <b>₽</b>."'
  923. if money >= 2000:
  924. act 'Pay him the 2,000 <b>₽</b>':
  925. *clr & cla
  926. minut += 5
  927. money -= 2000
  928. gs 'stat'
  929. Gspravka = 30
  930. GspravkaT = 1
  931. Gspassed = 1
  932. forge_referral = 1
  933. 'Without giving it much thought, you say: "Deal!"'
  934. 'It''s not cheap, but this way you get another month to think of a solution before your mother finds out you are not a virgin. Dr. Petrovich takes your money and fills out a form, stating you are a virgin. He stamps it and hands it to you, and you carefully put it in your pocket while thanking him.'
  935. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  936. end
  937. end
  938. act 'Just accept the referral as is':gt 'pav_clinic', 'badend'
  939. act 'Try to negotiate':gt 'pav_clinic', 'spravka_arrange'
  940. else
  941. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_5.jpg"></center>'
  942. 'You carefully suggest: "Well, what if I give you money?"'
  943. 'Dr. Petrovich seems insulted by this suggestion, and angrily says: "Enough! I am a professional doctor, I swore an oath! You can''t bribe me, it would go against everything I stand for!"'
  944. '"Please? I could really use your help... please..." you beg as tears begin to fill your eyes. You sob: "I don''t know what else to do..."'
  945. 'He shakes his head resolutely and eyes you up and down as he says: "I would like to help a pretty young girl in need, but taking a bribe could get me struck off the Medical Register."'
  946. 'He lets those words linger in the air for a while, talking in a tone as if he''s not opposed to helping you. He''s resolute about not accepting money though, and is pausing to see if you will suggest something else instead.'
  947. act 'Just accept the referral as is':gt 'pav_clinic', 'badend'
  948. act 'Try to negotiate':gt 'pav_clinic', 'spravka_arrange'
  949. end
  950. end
  951. if $ARGS[0] = 'spravka_money_pale':
  952. *clr & cla
  953. minut += 5
  954. gs 'stat'
  955. if gpoli_doctorhavesex = 0:
  956. 'You really don''t want him to inform your mother... perhaps you can bribe him? You carefully suggest: "Could you overlook my age if I were to pay you for your time?"'
  957. 'He tries to reject you, but doesn''t sound very convincing as he says: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I don''t know... I didn''t become a doctor for the money."'
  958. 'A gleam of greed appears in his eyes, you definitely have his attention. He offers: "However, a private patient wouldn''t count as a minor, so I would have no obligation to tell anyone anything. It would be like you were never here!"'
  959. 'He continues: "The normal consultancy fee is 2,000 <b>₽</b>."'
  960. if money >= 2000:
  961. act 'Pay him the 2,000 <b>₽</b>':
  962. *clr & cla
  963. minut += 5
  964. money -= 2000
  965. pcs_horny += 5
  966. gs 'stat'
  967. 'The doctor carefully counts the money, and then goes and prepares an injection from a bottle marked "0.45% Sodium Chloride Injection USP". You swallow nervously as he fills a rather large looking needle with the unfamiliar chemical.'
  968. 'He tells you to bend over. He seems to have some problems finding the correct spot for the shot and you feel his hand squeezing your ass cheeks in several spots. What''s taking him so long?'
  969. 'For a moment you you''re afraid he has to stick the needle in your asshole, as he even rubs you there. Fortunately, he finally settles on a location and swabs it with some disinfectant.'
  970. 'You feel a sharp pinch, then the feeling of a cold liquid being injected into your ass cheek. It isn''t as bad as you thought it was going to be, but you''re still relieved when it''s over.'
  971. '"There, all done," the doctor says with a satisfied tone. He warns you: "It could take up to 30 days for the symptoms to fully disappear. Just be sure not to snort any more, or the cure will not work."'
  972. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  973. end
  974. end
  975. act 'Try to negotiate':gt 'pav_clinic', 'spravka_arrange_pale'
  976. else
  977. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/gpoli_5.jpg"></center>'
  978. '"Well, what if I give you money? I can pay you!" you suggest in desperation.'
  979. 'Dr. Petrovich seems insulted by this suggestion, and angrily says: "Enough! I am a medical professional, I swore an oath! You can''t bribe me, that would go against everything I stand for!"'
  980. '"Please? I could really use your help... please..." you beg as tears begin to fill your eyes. You sob: "I don''t know what else to do!"'
  981. 'He shakes his head resolutely and eyes you up and down as he says: "I would like to help a pretty young girl in need, but taking a bribe could get me struck off the Medical Register."'
  982. 'He lets those words linger in the air for a while, talking in a tone as if he''s not opposed to helping you. He''s resolute about not accepting money though, and is pausing to see if you will suggest something else.'
  983. act 'Try to negotiate':gt 'pav_clinic', 'spravka_arrange_pale'
  984. end
  985. end
  986. if $ARGS[0] = 'spravka_arrange_pale':
  987. *clr & cla
  988. minut += 5
  989. gs 'stat'
  990. if gpoli_doctorhavesex = 1:
  991. '"Can I, I mean, can we, er.. how.. is there something I can do for you? My mother really can''t find out!" you sob in desperation. You''re in terror at the thought of what your mother would do if she knew.'
  992. 'The doctor knows he has you cornered, and drives his point home: "Well, <<$pcs_nickname>>, you really need this treatment. I think I can offer you a different option. It would stay between us, of course," he says as he puts his hand on your shoulder.'
  993. '"What do I have to do?" you ask. Deep down inside, you feel like you already know the answer.'
  994. 'The doctor decides to be straight with you, and says: "You see, <<$pcs_nickname>>... my wife is away on a business trip as usual, she won''t be home for weeks. I''m a man with needs, and my job is very stressful as you can imagine. I need you to help me relax... relieve the tension, so to speak. So, I''m going to fuck you. I''m going to fuck you any way I want. If you do good, you''ll get your medicine and I won''t tell your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>>. Deal?"'
  995. 'You knew it was coming, but you''re baffled by his audacity. He stares you down while several thoughts race through your mind... you really need this treatment, but is it worth it?'
  996. else
  997. '"Can I, I mean, can we, er.. how.. is there something I can do for you? My mother really can''t find out!" you sob in desperation. You''re in terror at the thought of what your mother would do if she knew.'
  998. 'The doctor knows he has you cornered, and suggests: "We all need things, <<$pcs_nickname>>. If you help me with my needs, I can help you with yours."'
  999. 'He continues: "You see, <<$pcs_nickname>>... my wife is away on a business trip, she won''t be home for weeks. I''m a man with needs, and my job is very stressful as you can imagine. I need you to help me relax... relieve the tension, so to speak. What do you say?"'
  1000. '"What do you..." you hesitate. You know exactly what he''s suggesting, but you can''t say it.'
  1001. 'The doctor puts his hands on your hips and smiles at you confidently as he says: "A beautiful girl like you always has other options."'
  1002. 'He gropes your <<$titsize>> boobs for a while, before he moves his hands to his trousers and undoes his belt.'
  1003. gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist'
  1004. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1005. act 'Run out of the office (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1006. *clr & cla
  1007. gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist'
  1008. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1009. gs 'stat'
  1010. 'In a panic, you grab your clothes and run out of the office. You know you can''t talk about this with anyone... if you say anything, Dr. Petrovich would tell your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> about your addiction. You quickly get dressed again in an empty examination room, wondering how you''re going to get out of this mess now.'
  1011. if $loc = 'kuhrPar':
  1012. act 'leave': gt 'mother', 'referral'
  1013. else
  1014. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  1015. end
  1016. end
  1017. else
  1018. act 'Run out of the office (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1019. end
  1020. end
  1021. act 'Do what you have to do':
  1022. *clr & cla
  1023. gs 'stat'
  1024. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_6.jpg"></center>'
  1025. 'You sigh and slowly slide down from chair, kneeling in front of the doctor. He undoes his trousers and lets them drop to his ankles, exposing his semi-hard penis. You grasp it in your hand and reluctantly begin to lick his member while rubbing your hand up and down the shaft. As his cock begins to get harder, you become fascinated by the changes to his manhood. You find yourself starting to get involved in pleasuring him... maybe this won''t be so bad after all. To your surprise, you think you might even be starting to enjoy the feel and taste of his hot flesh. You move your hand faster, still licking his now fully erect cock and his breathing slightly accelerates. You think maybe that''s it, maybe he''s about to come...'
  1026. 'But, no. Instead the doctor lays his hand on the back of your head. You want to raise your head to see what he wants, but instead he pulls you towards his groin and your <<$liptalk>> begin to stretch over his slippery cockhead.'
  1027. gs 'arousal', 'hj', 5, 'sub'
  1028. gs 'stat'
  1029. act 'Give him a blowjob':
  1030. if venera > 0:gt 'pav_clinic', 'gynoblow'
  1031. *clr & cla
  1032. if gpoli_doctorhavesex = 0:gpoli_doctorhavesex = 1 & guy += 1
  1033. gs 'stat'
  1034. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_7.jpg"></center>'
  1035. 'You want to move away, but there is nowhere to go. His stiff cock is in front of you, and his powerful hand on the back of your head is pulling you in closer. The masculine smell of his throbbing cock fills your nose as you breathe and you have to admit, it excites you!'
  1036. 'He begins to relax a little, letting you pull back until just the tip of his cock is between your lips. Then he pulls your head closer again, forcing his cock deeper each time. At first you''re okay, but at a certain point you can''t keep up any more and gag on his cock when he thrusts it in deep again. From the sadistic grin on his face you can tell he quite enjoys you gagging on his cock, and he suggests: "Try breathing through your nose, might be easier."'
  1037. 'You do as he says, and it does indeed make things a bit easier.'
  1038. 'Soon he is fucking your mouth, your saliva drooling down his shaft and over his hairy balls. The air of the office is filled with wet slurps and snorts as he pounds his cock into your mouth deeper and deeper, sometimes making you gag as the head of his cock slips down your throat. With a sudden thrust, you can feel his curly pubic hair against your lips as he forces his cock all the way down your throat. You panic as you can''t breathe, but Dr. Petrovich just as suddenly pulls his dick out of your mouth again. Thankfully, you get a chance to catch your breath.'
  1039. '"I think that got me lubed up properly," Dr. Petrovich says with a lusty voice. You can tell he is very excited now, and are not sure you want to find out what happens next. Nevertheless, you''re too far in to back down now. He urges you: "Come on, now it''s time to go deep."'
  1040. '"What do you mean?" you start to ask but get your answer almost immediately as Dr. Petrovich raises you from the floor, and bends you over the chair. You can''t help but let out a moan as he begins to rub the head of his slippery cock against your engorged clitoris. You didn''t realize how excited you were getting while you were sucking his cock!'
  1041. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'deepthroat'
  1042. gs 'stat'
  1043. act 'Continue':
  1044. *clr & cla
  1045. gs 'stat'
  1046. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_8.jpg"></center>'
  1047. 'You can feel your arousal rising when his body touches yours. As Dr. Petrovich keeps massaging your clitoris with his cockhead, you can feel your juices start to leak from your swollen pussy and run down your quivering thighs. You can hear the wet squelching, as he plows his throbbing cock between your soaking wet pussy lips. You close your eyes for a moment as you feel him push against your sopping wet cunt... it feels so good!'
  1048. 'Your tender flesh resists for a moment, but then surrenders. You feel the walls of your vagina stretch open, letting the invader in. You let out a passionate groan as he fills you up completely.'
  1049. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
  1050. gs 'stat'
  1051. act 'Let him fuck you':
  1052. *clr & cla
  1053. pcs_vag += 1
  1054. gs 'stat'
  1055. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_9.jpg"></center>'
  1056. 'Your body begins to get hotter and hotter, beads of sweat forming on your forehead and upper lip. With every thrust Dr. Petrovich fucks you faster and harder, and you can feel your excitement growing too. Involuntarily you start to moan and gasp for air. You groan louder and louder as you become more aroused. His hard hot member penetrates you ever deeper, without giving you any pause.'
  1057. 'You silently think to yourself: "I hope the room is soundproofed..." as the sound of his body slapping wetly against yours and your cries of passion and his animalistic grunts fill the room.'
  1058. 'You can no longer control yourself and have a thunderous orgasm as the doctor keeps fucking you relentlessly. Waves of bliss sear your nerves and your mouth opens in a silent scream, as you are consumed with pleasure.'
  1059. 'Suddenly, Dr. Petrovich pulls his dick out of you and you almost fall to the floor. He catches you right on time in his powerful arms, and lowers you on a table where you once again feel his cock slide into your quivering vagina.'
  1060. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  1061. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  1062. gs 'stat'
  1063. act 'Sex on the table':
  1064. *clr & cla
  1065. gs 'stat'
  1066. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_10.jpg"></center>'
  1067. 'Again he starts with short thrusts but soon picks up the pace. Your body is no longer under your control as you feel your hips rising to meet his thrusts, an electric shock coursing through your body. Everything ceases to exist, except for the wonderful feeling of his hard throbbing shaft moving in and out of your <<age>> year old pussy. Again, you feel the overwhelming power of an orgasm come closer and closer.'
  1068. '"You come so quickly, <<$pcs_nickname>>," he pants in your ear. "I will be right back, we are not done yet. Just wait here."'
  1069. 'You only vaguely heard what he said, but as convulsions continued to beat your senses after your orgasm, you''re not sure what is next. These current sensations leave you puzzled... do you want him to fuck you more? Do you want it to be over? You just can''t tell.'
  1070. 'Just when you were about to get off the table, he returns with a big jar of lubricant in his hand and a latex glove on one hand. He motions for you to turn around, which you obediently do.'
  1071. 'Several of his gloved fingers dip inside the jar, and when he pulls it up you see the lubricant slowly dripping from them. He puts them against your tight sphincter, and spreads some of the lube over it before thrusting three fingers in.'
  1072. 'Ouch! You let out a painful sob when you feel his fingers stretch out your poor asshole... you were not counting on that! It hurts a bit, and you feel a bit uncomfortable when he pulls his fingers away and spreads more lubricant all over his cock. Before you can object, you feel the thick head of his cock pushing past your sphincter, stretching you out even further.'
  1073. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
  1074. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
  1075. gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 5, 'sub'
  1076. minut -= 5
  1077. gs 'stat'
  1078. act 'He fucks your ass':
  1079. *clr & cla
  1080. pcs_ass += 1
  1081. gs 'stat'
  1082. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_11.jpg"></center>'
  1083. 'You want to pull away, but you''re trapped between him and a wall. He slowly moves his hips, letting you get used to the size of his thick rod inside your tight little butt. It still stings a lot. Despite your best efforts you can''t relax your anus, only slowly getting used to the size of him.'
  1084. 'When he begins to speed up you nearly cry, and groan loudly with every thrust.'
  1085. 'He softly mutters: "This won''t do, you''re going to alarm the entire clinic if you keep screaming like that!"'
  1086. 'He takes his penis out of your ass, and you feel relieved. And, to be honest, rather turned on! It didn''t feel very good yet, but in a way you want it to. Maybe after a few more minutes?'
  1087. '"Come on, get on the floor," he says after he throws his coat down. He spreads some more lubricant over his gloved fingers, and smears it over your slightly sore butthole. Guess he''s not done yet...'
  1088. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
  1089. gs 'stat'
  1090. act 'Sex on the floor':
  1091. *clr & cla
  1092. gs 'stat'
  1093. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_12.jpg"></center>'
  1094. 'To your surprise he ignores your butt for now, and drives his penis into your cunt instead when he gets down behind you. He fucks you with short, rough strokes... almost as if he''s fucking the annoyance out of his system. It doesn''t feel very pleasant at first, but soon you begin to moan and enjoy the feeling again when your body begins to relax.'
  1095. 'When he notices you''re gasping faster, he quickly pulls his cock out of your snatch and rams it inside your asshole in one fluent motion. You cry out loud, partially from the pain, and partially because you''re frustrated... you were so close! Despite the discomfort and pain you''re experiencing from his dick in your ass, you rub your clitoris... partially hoping it will take your mind off the pain, and partially hoping you can still get that orgasm you were so close to.'
  1096. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  1097. gs 'stat'
  1098. act 'Anal again':
  1099. *clr & cla
  1100. gs 'stat'
  1101. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_13.jpg"></center>'
  1102. 'Now that you''re so aroused, the anal sex doesn''t hurt quite as much. You furiously rub your clit while he pounds your stretched asshole roughly, slowly losing your mind when a second orgasm hits you. Dr. Petrovich must feel your anus contracting around his cock when you cum with it inside you.'
  1103. 'He was close as well, and after you ride out your orgasm he gives it a few more thrusts before he pulls out and moves his hips towards your face. He grabs you by the hair and guides his cock towards your mouth, and you obediently open your mouth to let it in.'
  1104. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  1105. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  1106. gs 'stat'
  1107. act 'Let him cum in your mouth':
  1108. *clr & cla
  1109. minut += 5
  1110. pcs_horny += 5
  1111. gs 'boyStat', 'A68'
  1112. sexpartkno = 1
  1113. spafinloc = 12
  1114. gs 'cum_manage'
  1115. swallow += 1
  1116. gs 'stat'
  1117. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_14.jpg"></center>'
  1118. 'You feel too tired to object, even if you wanted to. You have no choice but to take his load in your mouth, and obediently let him shoot all his sperm inside you. As a nice touch, you show it all to him before swallowing his load and licking your lips. He moves his slowly softening dick towards your mouth once more, letting you suck and lick it clean.'
  1119. 'Then he lets out a satisfied sigh and begins to put his clothes back on, as if nothing happened.'
  1120. act 'Get dressed':
  1121. *clr & cla
  1122. minut += 5
  1123. gs 'stat'
  1124. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/gyno/sex/gpoli_15.jpg"></center>'
  1125. 'You follow his example, and also put your clothes back on.'
  1126. 'When you''re both fully dressed again, he has a wide grin on his face. He tells you: "Well now, one good turn deserves another. Wait here, I''ll go get your shot."'
  1127. 'He goes and prepares an injection from a bottle marked "0.45% Sodium Chloride Injection USP". You swallow nervously as he fills a rather large looking syringe with the unfamiliar chemical.'
  1128. 'He tells you to bend over and uncover your ass. He seems to have some problems finding the correct spot for the shot and you feel his hand squeezing your ass cheeks in several spots. What''s taking him so long?'
  1129. 'For a moment you''re afraid he''s going to stick the needle in your used asshole, as he even rubs you there. Fortunately, he finally decides on a spot on your ass cheek and he swabs it with disinfectant before aiming the syringe at it.'
  1130. 'You feel a sharp pinch, then the feeling of a cold liquid being injected into your ass cheek. It isn''t as bad as you thought it was going to be, but you''re still relieved when it''s over.'
  1131. '"There, all done," the doctor says with a satisfied tone. He warns you: "It could take up to 30 days for the symptoms to fully disappear. Just be sure not to snort any more, or the cure will not work."'
  1132. 'You quietly mumble: "Thank you doctor," as you straighten your clothes.'
  1133. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1134. gs 'stat'
  1135. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  1136. end
  1137. end
  1138. end
  1139. end
  1140. end
  1141. end
  1142. end
  1143. end
  1144. end
  1145. end
  1146. end
  1147. if $ARGS[0] = 'maternity_ward':
  1148. pcs_know_mward = 1
  1149. $menu_arg = $ARGS[0]
  1150. menu_off = 0
  1151. *clr & cla
  1152. gs 'stat'
  1153. minut += 5
  1154. lact_ev['gpoli_temp_var'] = 0
  1155. if hour >= 6 and hour <= 20:
  1156. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/mward.jpg"></center>'
  1157. '<center>You are at the maternity ward. There are alot of babies and nurses taking care of them.</center>'
  1158. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  1159. if lactation['active'] > 0 and pcs_gpolimilkdonation = 3:
  1160. act 'Talk to the nurse (0:05)':
  1161. gs 'stat'
  1162. *clr & cla
  1163. menu_off = 1
  1164. minut += 5
  1165. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/old_nurse.jpg"></center>'
  1166. 'Nurse: Hello <<$pcs_firstname>>, how can I help you?'
  1167. act 'Leave': gt 'pav_clinic', 'maternity_ward'
  1168. act 'Donate your breast milk (0:15)':
  1169. *clr & cla
  1170. lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] = 0
  1171. pcs_gpoli_donationsessioncount = 0
  1172. !!if rand(0,100) = 95 and orphanfeed = 0:
  1173. !! orphanfeed = 1
  1174. !!end
  1175. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/pump_room.jpg"></center>'
  1176. 'You talk to the old nurse and she leads you into the quiet room.'
  1177. !!if orphanfeed = 1:
  1178. !! 'It seems like there is a crib with a baby inside in this room, too.'
  1179. !!end
  1180. act 'Have your breasts pumped':
  1181. *clr & cla
  1182. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/pump_room.jpg"></center>'
  1183. 'You sit down and take off your top.'
  1184. if lactation['breastmv'] > lactation['breastmm']*8/10:
  1185. 'The nurse looks surprised at your engorged breasts'
  1186. 'Nurse: Oh dear! These look painfully full. I hope the pumping will make you feel better.'
  1187. end
  1188. if pain['nipples'] >= 60:
  1189. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/sore_nipple.jpg"></center>'
  1190. 'The nurse looks at your sore nipples and frowns a bit. She then grabs a small tin, and takes a bit more of the yellowish cream from the tin.'
  1191. 'She applies the cream to your nipples. It feels nice on your nipples and they hurt less.'
  1192. pain['nipples'] -= 20
  1193. else
  1194. 'The nurse grabs the nipple balm and applies it to your nipples. It feels nice on your nipples as she rubs it in.'
  1195. end
  1196. lactation['nipple_cream_applied'] = 1
  1197. act 'Continue': gt 'pav_clinic', 'maternity_ward_donation'
  1198. end
  1199. end
  1200. act 'Check your file (0:05)':
  1201. *clr & cla
  1202. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/formular.jpg"></center>'
  1203. 'The nurse hands you a file on how much you have donated so far.'
  1204. '<br>----------------------------------------'
  1205. 'Analyzed milksample measurements'
  1206. 'Volume in ml: <<mward_donatesv/10>>ml'
  1207. 'Fat in %: <<mward_donatesf/10>>.<<mward_donatesf mod 10>>%'
  1208. 'Lactose in %: <<mward_donatess/10>>.<<mward_donatess mod 10>>%'
  1209. '<br>----------------------------------------'
  1210. if pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation_count > 0:
  1211. 'Total breast milk donation statistics'
  1212. if pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation < 100:
  1213. 'Donated milk volume in liter: <<pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation/1000>>.0<<pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation mod 1000>>l'
  1214. else
  1215. 'Donated milk volume in liter: <<pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation/1000>>.<<pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation mod 1000>>l'
  1216. end
  1217. 'Donation count: <<pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation_count>>'
  1218. 'Average milk volume per donation in ml: <<pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation/pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation_count>>'
  1219. 'Paid money: <<((pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation/50)*100)>><b>₽</b>'
  1220. '<br>----------------------------------------'
  1221. end
  1222. act 'Leave': gt 'pav_clinic', 'maternity_ward'
  1223. end
  1224. !!act 'Mammography (1:00)':
  1225. !!
  1226. !!end
  1227. end
  1228. end
  1229. if lactation['active'] > 0 and lactation['breastmv'] > lactation['breastmm']/8 and pcs_gpolimilkdonation <= 2:
  1230. '<br><br><center>One of the nurses looks at you suspiciously.<center>'
  1231. act 'Talk to the nurse (0:05)':
  1232. *clr & cla
  1233. menu_off = 1
  1234. minut += 5
  1235. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/old_nurse.jpg"></center>'
  1236. if preg >= 0 and pregtimes > 0 and pcs_gpolimilkdonation <= 0 and lactation['pc_aware'] > 0:
  1237. 'You walk up to the nurse'
  1238. 'You: Uhm, Hello...'
  1239. 'Nurse: Which one is yours?'
  1240. 'You: Mine? I don''t understand...'
  1241. 'The nurse looks at your face then down at your breast and than back at your face.'
  1242. 'Nurse: Well, you are obviously lactating, so you came here to breastfeed your offspring?'
  1243. 'She concludes on you, giving you a rised eyebrow.'
  1244. elseif preg = 0 and pregtimes = 0 and pcs_gpolimilkdonation <= 0 and lactation['pc_aware'] > 0:
  1245. 'You walk up to the nurse'
  1246. 'You: Uhm, Hello...'
  1247. 'The nurse looks you up and down, rising an eyebrow on you.'
  1248. 'Nurse: You don''t look like you ever had a child, how come you are lactating?'
  1249. 'You are surprised by the sudden and precise analysis of the nurse.'
  1250. 'You: How... how do you know?'
  1251. 'Nurse: I''ve been working here for ages. Trust me ... I can tell by the smell. Now why are you lactating?'
  1252. elseif preg = 0 and pregtimes = 0 and pcs_gpolimilkdonation <= 0 and lactation['pc_aware'] <= 0:
  1253. 'You walk up to the nurse'
  1254. 'You: Uhm, Hello...'
  1255. 'The nurse looks you up and down, rising an eyebrow on you.'
  1256. 'Nurse: You don''t look like you ever had a child, how come you are lactating?'
  1257. 'You are confused by her comment and tilt your head at her clueless.'
  1258. 'You: Huh? What are you talking about?'
  1259. 'The nurse points at your breasts, circling around the pen in her hand.'
  1260. 'Nurse: Your breasts... You obviously have milk in them. Trust me, I''ve been working here for ages and now how lactating breasts look like.'
  1261. 'You look shocked at her, then down at your cleavage, no idea how to react.'
  1262. 'You: This can''t be, I''ve never been pregnant... I mean... why should I be lactating?'
  1263. 'The nurse eyes you up and down again, frowning a bit worried. Then she get''s up and reaches her hand out to you.'
  1264. 'Nurse: Come with me and we have this checked, okay?'
  1265. elseif preg >= 0 and pregtimes > 0 and pcs_gpolimilkdonation <= 0 and lactation['pc_aware'] <= 0:
  1266. 'You walk up to the nurse'
  1267. 'You: Uhm, Hello...'
  1268. 'Nurse: Which one is yours?'
  1269. 'You: Mine? I don''t understand...'
  1270. 'The nurse looks at your face then down at your breast and than back at your face.'
  1271. 'Nurse: Well, you are obviously lactating, so you came here to breastfeed your offspring?'
  1272. 'She concludes on you, giving you a rised eyebrow.'
  1273. 'You look at her, then down at your cleavage, no idea how to react.'
  1274. 'You: This can''t be, I mean... why should I be lactating?'
  1275. 'The nurse eyes you up and down again, frowning a bit worried. Then she get''s up and reaches her hand out to you.'
  1276. 'Nurse: Come with me and we have this checked, okay?'
  1277. elseif pcs_gpolimilkdonation <= 0:
  1278. 'You walk up to the nurse'
  1279. 'You: Uhm, Hello...'
  1280. 'Nurse: Which one is yours?'
  1281. 'You: Mine? I don''t understand...'
  1282. 'The nurse looks at your face then down at your breast and than back at your face.'
  1283. 'Nurse: Well, you are obviously lactating, so you came here to breastfeed your offspring?'
  1284. 'She concludes on you, giving you a rised eyebrow.'
  1285. else
  1286. 'You walk up to the nurse'
  1287. 'You: Hello...'
  1288. 'Nurse: Ah, it is you again...'
  1289. 'She looks you up and down'
  1290. if pcs_gpolimilkdonation = 1 and preg = 0 and pregtimes = 0 and lactation['pc_aware'] <= 0:
  1291. 'Nurse: So... changed your mind and want me to have it checked?'
  1292. elseif pcs_gpolimilkdonation = 1 and preg = 0 and pregtimes = 0 and lactation['pc_aware'] > 0:
  1293. 'Nurse: So, why are you lactating again?'
  1294. elseif pcs_gpolimilkdonation = 2:
  1295. 'Nurse: So, did you clear your mind up and want donate your breast milk?'
  1296. else
  1297. 'Nurse: What do you want?'
  1298. end
  1299. end
  1300. if pcs_gpolimilkdonation < 1: pcs_gpolimilkdonation = 1
  1301. if pcs_gpolimilkdonation < 2:
  1302. if lactation['pc_aware'] <= 0:
  1303. act 'Accept her offer':
  1304. *clr & cla
  1305. minut += 10
  1306. pcs_gpolimilkdonation = 2
  1307. lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] = (func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 5, 1))/100
  1308. lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] = 0
  1309. lactation['pc_aware'] = 1
  1310. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/pump_room.jpg"></center>'
  1311. 'The nurse leads you into a room. It is quiet in here. There is a chair a table and a breast pump.'
  1312. 'You sit down and the nurse invites you to take off your top.'
  1313. 'Reluctantly, you pull up your shirt and present your breasts to her.'
  1314. '<br><center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/tits/t<<tits>>.jpg"></center><br>'
  1315. 'She reaches up her hands and professionally weights your breasts a bit. Then she grabs up at your areolas and presses them down.'
  1316. 'To your surprise white drops start to develop on your nipples. The nurse gives it another squeeze and suddenly little streams of white liquid jet out of your nipples.'
  1317. 'You: Oh my god!'
  1318. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/tits/lactate_start.jpg"></center>'
  1319. 'The nurse looks up at you with a caring expression.'
  1320. 'Nurse: No worries, this can happen from time to time.'
  1321. 'You are still surprised and perplexed by what you are seeing.'
  1322. 'You: I am lactating!'
  1323. 'The nurse takes a small wet wipe and cleans your breasts, then signaling that you can cover yourself up.'
  1324. 'Nurse: You know, we always need breast milk here. You should think about donating your milk. We will even compensate you for your efforts.'
  1325. 'She nods and cleans her hands.'
  1326. 'Nurse: But I think, you should leave for now, so you can get used to your new ability...'
  1327. 'She opens the door to let you out of the room'
  1328. act 'Leave': gt 'pav_clinic'
  1329. end
  1330. else
  1331. act 'Explain yourself':
  1332. *clr & cla
  1333. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/old_nurse.jpg"></center>'
  1334. if preg = 0 and pregtimes = 0:
  1335. pcs_gpolimilkdonation = 2
  1336. if lactation['induced'] = 1:
  1337. 'You: Erm ... I used a breast pump on myself...'
  1338. 'You blush a bit from embarresment, while telling it to her.'
  1339. else
  1340. 'You: I don''t really now... it just started some day.'
  1341. 'You explain, blushing from embarresment.'
  1342. end
  1343. 'The nurse nods at you professionally, then pulls some paper together, while she looks really thoughful. She then looks up at you and starts to speak.'
  1344. 'Nurse: Have you ever thought of donating your breast milk?'
  1345. 'You: Donating?'
  1346. 'Nurse: Yes, donating. We would pump your breasts and collect the milk. We can use the milk for the mothers that are not able to breastfeed yet. We also offer a bit of money for your donated breast milk.'
  1347. 'You look at her with wide eyes.'
  1348. 'Nurse: So, what do you think?'
  1349. pcs_gpolimilkdonation = 2
  1350. act 'Give it a try (0:15)':
  1351. *clr & cla
  1352. minut += 15
  1353. pcs_gpolimilkdonation = 3
  1354. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/pump_room.jpg"></center>'
  1355. 'The nurse leads you into a room. It is quiet in here. There is a chair a table and a breast pump.'
  1356. 'You sit down and the nurse invites you to take off your top.'
  1357. if pain['nipples'] >= 60 and pcs_knows_nipplecream <= 0:
  1358. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/sore_nipple.jpg"></center>'
  1359. 'The nurse looks at your sore nipples and frowns a bit. She then grabs a small tin, and takes a bit of the yellowish cream from the tin.'
  1360. 'You: What is that?'
  1361. 'The nurse looks up at you.'
  1362. 'Nurse: This is nipple balm. It helps with sore nipples during pumping. Don''t you now this?'
  1363. 'You nod your head and watch as the nurse applies the cream to your nipples. The cream feels nice on your nipples and they hurt less.'
  1364. pain['nipples'] -= 20
  1365. 'You: Where do I get this stuff?'
  1366. 'Nurse: You can buy it in the pharmacy...'
  1367. pcs_knows_nipplecream = 1
  1368. 'The nurse finishes rubbing you nipples with the nipple balm.'
  1369. elseif pain['nipples'] >= 60 and pcs_knows_nipplecream > 0:
  1370. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/sore_nipple.jpg"></center>'
  1371. 'The nurse looks at your sore nipples and frowns a bit. She then grabs a small tin, and takes a bit of the yellowish cream from the tin.'
  1372. 'She applies the cream to your nipples. It feels nice on your nipples and they hurt less.'
  1373. pain['nipples'] -= 20
  1374. else
  1375. 'The nurse grabs the nipple balm and applies it to your nipples. It feels nice on your nipples as she rubs it in.'
  1376. end
  1377. lactation['nipple_cream_applied'] = 1
  1378. 'Nurse: Okay, I am going to pump a bit milk off first, to check the quality and if you are able to donate enough. So this time you won''t get paid for your milk.'
  1379. 'You nod and pull up your shirt. The nurse takes the pumps and puts them on your breasts. She flicks a switch and you can feel your nipples being sucked in with force. The pump slowly working your nipples.'
  1380. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/pumping.jpg"></center>'
  1381. lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] = (func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 4, 15))/100
  1382. lactation['breastpumped'] = 1
  1383. pcs_orphanfeed = 0
  1384. if lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] >= 1000:
  1385. 'Your breasts are able to fill both small bottles easily. The nurse nods at you confidently.'
  1386. 'Nurse: Yes, it seems you are able to make good amount of milk. You could breastfeed a baby with no issue.'
  1387. elseif lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] >= 500 and lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] < 1000:
  1388. 'Your breasts are not able to fill both small bottles. The nurse rises an eyebrow on you.'
  1389. 'Nurse: Okay... it seems you are able to make enough milk for a 50ml donation, but you could have trouble to breastfeed a baby properly.'
  1390. else
  1391. 'You have trouble to fill the bottles to the first mark. The nurse shakes her head disappointed.'
  1392. 'Nurse: Mhmm ... your breasts don''t seem to make enough milk. You can still come here and get yourself pumped, but we need at least 50ml for a valid donation.'
  1393. end
  1394. 'The nurse detaches the pump and allows you to dress up again.'
  1395. if lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] > 500:
  1396. mward_donatesv = 500
  1397. else
  1398. mward_donatesv = lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume']
  1399. end
  1400. if salo > 40:
  1401. mward_donatesf = 60
  1402. elseif salo > 20:
  1403. mward_donatesf = 45
  1404. elseif salo > 15:
  1405. mward_donatesf = 20
  1406. else
  1407. mward_donatesf = 10
  1408. end
  1409. if pcs_energy > 30:
  1410. mward_donatess = rand(69,80)
  1411. elseif sick > 1:
  1412. mward_donatess = rand(0,45)
  1413. else
  1414. mward_donatess = rand(45,69)
  1415. end
  1416. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  1417. end
  1418. act 'Refuse to donate':
  1419. *clr & cla
  1420. 'You refuse to donate your breast milk. The nurse looks disappointed in you as you leave.'
  1421. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  1422. end
  1423. else
  1424. pcs_gpolimilkdonation = 2
  1425. 'You: Well ... I don''t have a kid here... I was just looking around for a bit'
  1426. 'You look a bit awkward at the nurse as you try to explain yourself.'
  1427. 'The nurse nods at you professionally, then pulls some paper together, while she looks really thoughful. She then looks up at you and starts to speak.'
  1428. 'Nurse: Have you ever thought of donating your breast milk?'
  1429. 'You: Donating?'
  1430. 'Nurse: Yes, donating. We would pump your breasts and collect the milk. We can use the milk for the mothers that are not able to breastfeed yet. We also offer a bit of money for your donated breast milk.'
  1431. 'You look at her with wide eyes.'
  1432. 'Nurse: So, what do you think?'
  1433. pcs_gpolimilkdonation = 2
  1434. act 'Give it a try (0:15)':
  1435. *clr & cla
  1436. minut += 15
  1437. pcs_gpolimilkdonation = 3
  1438. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/pump_room.jpg"></center>'
  1439. 'The nurse leads you into a room. It is quiet in here. There is a chair a table and a breast pump.'
  1440. 'You sit down and the nurse invites you to take off your top.'
  1441. if pain['nipples'] >= 60 and pcs_knows_nipplecream <= 0:
  1442. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/sore_nipple.jpg"></center>'
  1443. 'The nurse looks at your sore nipples and frowns a bit. She then grabs a small tin, and takes a bit of the yellowish cream from the tin.'
  1444. 'You: What is that?'
  1445. 'The nurse looks up at you.'
  1446. 'Nurse: This is nipple balm. It helps with sore nipples during pumping. Don''t you now this?'
  1447. 'You nod your head and watch as the nurse applies the cream to your nipples. The cream feels nice on your nipples and they hurt less.'
  1448. pain['nipples'] -= 20
  1449. 'You: Where do I get this stuff?'
  1450. 'Nurse: You can buy it in the pharmacy...'
  1451. pcs_knows_nipplecream = 1
  1452. 'The nurse finishes rubbing you nipples with the nipple balm.'
  1453. elseif pain['nipples'] >= 60:
  1454. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/sore_nipple.jpg"></center>'
  1455. 'The nurse looks at your sore nipples and frowns a bit. She then grabs a small tin, and takes a bit of the yellowish cream from the tin.'
  1456. 'She applies the cream to your nipples. It feels nice on your nipples and they hurt less.'
  1457. pain['nipples'] -= 20
  1458. else
  1459. 'The nurse grabs the nipple balm and applies it to your nipples. It feels nice on your nipples as she rubs it in.'
  1460. end
  1461. lactation['nipple_cream_applied'] = 1
  1462. 'Nurse: Okay, I am going to pump a bit milk off first, to check the quality and if you are able to donate enough. So this time you won''t get paid for your milk.'
  1463. 'You nod and pull up your shirt. The nurse takes the pumps and puts them on your breasts. She flicks a switch and you can feel your nipples being sucked in with force. The pump slowly working your nipples.'
  1464. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/pumping.jpg"></center>'
  1465. lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] = (func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 4, 15))/100
  1466. lactation['breastpumped'] = 1
  1467. pcs_orphanfeed = 0
  1468. if lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] >= 1000:
  1469. 'Your breasts are able to fill both small bottles easily. The nurse nods at you confidently.'
  1470. 'Nurse: Yes, it seems you are able to make good amount of milk. You could breastfeed a baby with no issue.'
  1471. elseif lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] >= 500 and lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] < 1000:
  1472. 'Your breasts are not able to fill both small bottles. The nurse rises an eyebrow on you.'
  1473. 'Nurse: Okay... it seems you are able to make enough milk for a 50ml donation, but you could have trouble to breastfeed a baby properly.'
  1474. else
  1475. 'You have trouble to fill the bottles to the first mark. The nurse shakes her head disappointed.'
  1476. 'Nurse: Mhmm ... your breasts don''t seem to make enough milk. You can still come here and get yourself pumped, but we need at least 50ml for a valid donation.'
  1477. end
  1478. 'The nurse detaches the pump and allows you to dress up again.'
  1479. if lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] > 500:
  1480. mward_donatesv = 500
  1481. else
  1482. mward_donatesv = lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume']
  1483. end
  1484. if salo > 40:
  1485. mward_donatesf = 60
  1486. elseif salo > 20:
  1487. mward_donatesf = 45
  1488. elseif salo > 15:
  1489. mward_donatesf = 20
  1490. else
  1491. mward_donatesf = 10
  1492. end
  1493. if pcs_energy > 30:
  1494. mward_donatess = rand(69, 80)
  1495. elseif sick > 1:
  1496. mward_donatess = rand(0,45)
  1497. else
  1498. mward_donatess = rand(45, 69)
  1499. end
  1500. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  1501. end
  1502. act 'Refuse to donate':
  1503. *clr & cla
  1504. 'You refuse to donate your breast milk. The nurse looks disappointed in you as you leave.'
  1505. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  1506. end
  1507. end
  1508. end
  1509. end
  1510. elseif pcs_gpolimilkdonation = 2:
  1511. act 'Offer to donate your breast milk (0:15)':
  1512. *clr & cla
  1513. minut += 15
  1514. pcs_gpolimilkdonation = 3
  1515. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/pump_room.jpg"></center>'
  1516. 'The nurse smiles and gets up, then she leads you into a room. It is quiet in here. There is a chair a table and a breast pump.'
  1517. 'You sit down and the nurse invites you to take off your top.'
  1518. if pain['nipples'] >= 60 and pcs_knows_nipplecream <= 0:
  1519. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/sore_nipple.jpg"></center>'
  1520. 'The nurse looks at your sore nipples and frowns a bit. She then grabs a small tin, and takes a bit of the yellowish cream from the tin.'
  1521. 'You: What is that?'
  1522. 'The nurse looks up at you.'
  1523. 'Nurse: This is nipple balm. It helps with sore nipples during pumping. Don''t you now this?'
  1524. 'You shake your head and watch as the nurse applies the cream to your nipples. The cream feels nice on your nipples and they hurt less.'
  1525. pain['nipples'] -= 20
  1526. 'You: Where do I get this stuff?'
  1527. 'Nurse: You can buy it in the pharmacy...'
  1528. pcs_knows_nipplecream = 1
  1529. 'The nurse finishes rubbing you nipples with the nipple balm.'
  1530. elseif pain['nipples'] >= 60:
  1531. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/sore_nipple.jpg"></center>'
  1532. 'The nurse looks at your sore nipples and frowns a bit. She then grabs a small tin, and takes a bit of the yellowish cream from the tin.'
  1533. 'She applies the cream to your nipples. It feels nice on your nipples and they hurt less.'
  1534. pain['nipples'] -= 20
  1535. elseif pcs_knows_nipplecream <= 0:
  1536. 'The nurse grabs a small tin and takes a bit of yellowish cream from it.'
  1537. 'You: What is that?'
  1538. 'The nurse looks up at you.'
  1539. 'Nurse: This is nipple balm. It helps during pumping and prevents nipple soreness. Don''t you now this?'
  1540. 'You shake your head and watch as the nurse applies the cream to your nipples. The cream feels nice on your nipples.'
  1541. 'You: Where do I get this stuff?'
  1542. 'Nurse: You can buy it in the pharmacy...'
  1543. pcs_knows_nipplecream = 1
  1544. 'The nurse finishes rubbing you nipples with the nipple balm.'
  1545. else
  1546. 'The nurse grabs the nipple balm and applies it to your nipples. It feels nice on your nipples as she rubs it in.'
  1547. end
  1548. lactation['nipple_cream_applied'] = 1
  1549. 'Nurse: Okay, I am going to pump a bit milk off first, to check the quality and if you are able to donate enough.'
  1550. 'You nod and pull up your shirt. The nurse takes the pumps and puts it on your breasts. She flicks a switch and you can feel your nipples being sucked in with force. The pump slowly working your nipples.'
  1551. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/pumping.jpg"></center>'
  1552. lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] = (func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 4, 15))/100
  1553. lactation['breastpumped'] = 1
  1554. pcs_orphanfeed = 0
  1555. if lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] >= 1000:
  1556. 'Your breasts are able to fill both small bottles easily. The nurse nods at you confidently.'
  1557. 'Nurse: Yes, it seems you are able to make good amount of milk. You could breastfeed a baby with no issue.'
  1558. elseif lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] >= 50 and lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] < 1000:
  1559. 'Your breasts are not able to fill both small bottles. The nurse rises an eyebrow on you.'
  1560. 'Nurse: Okay... it seems you are able to make enough milk for a donation, but you could have trouble to breastfeed a baby properly.'
  1561. else
  1562. 'You have trouble to fill the bottles to the first mark. The nurse shakes her head disappointed.'
  1563. 'Nurse: Mhmm ... your breasts don''t seem to make enough milk. You can still come and be pumped, but we need at least 50ml for a valid donation.'
  1564. end
  1565. 'The nurse detaches the pump and allows you to dress up again.'
  1566. if lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] > 500:
  1567. mward_donatesv = 500
  1568. else
  1569. mward_donatesv = lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume']
  1570. end
  1571. if salo > 40:
  1572. mward_donatesf = 60
  1573. elseif salo > 20:
  1574. mward_donatesf = 45
  1575. elseif salo > 15:
  1576. mward_donatesf = 20
  1577. else
  1578. mward_donatesf = 10
  1579. end
  1580. if pcs_energy > 30:
  1581. mward_donatess = rand(69, 80)
  1582. elseif sick > 1:
  1583. mward_donatess = rand(0,45)
  1584. else
  1585. mward_donatess = rand(45, 69)
  1586. end
  1587. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  1588. end
  1589. end
  1590. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_clinic'
  1591. end
  1592. end
  1593. else
  1594. 'The clinic is closed. It''s open every day between 06:00 and 21:00.'
  1595. act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_commercial'
  1596. end
  1597. end
  1598. if $ARGS[0] = 'reception':
  1599. *clr & cla
  1600. menu_off = 1
  1601. minut += 2
  1602. gs 'stat'
  1603. 'You walk up to the reception and ask for help with your problem'
  1604. 'The receptionist looks you up and down and tells you to visit the maternity ward. Someone over there would be able to help you.'
  1605. pcs_know_mward = 1
  1606. act 'Leave': gt 'pav_clinic'
  1607. act 'Go to maternity ward (0:05)': gt 'pav_clinic', 'maternity_ward'
  1608. end
  1609. if $ARGS[0] = 'maternity_ward_donation':
  1610. *clr & cla
  1611. menu_off = 1
  1612. gs 'stat'
  1613. if hour >= 6 and hour <= 20:
  1614. lactation['nipple_cream_applied'] = 1
  1615. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/pumping.jpg"></center>'
  1616. 'The nurse attaches the pumps and switches them on.'
  1617. if lactation['breastmv'] >= 0:
  1618. 'Your nipples are worked by the pumps, pumping your milk out, first draining at your collected milk resevoir. You feel the pressure in your breasts easing down.'
  1619. else
  1620. 'Your nipples are worked by the pumps, pumping your milk out, you feel the pressure in your breasts easing down. Then your breasts tingle from the milk production as the pump demands more of your milk.'
  1621. end
  1622. act 'Continue':
  1623. *clr & cla
  1624. lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 4, 15)
  1625. lactation['breastpumped'] = 1
  1626. 'After 15 minutes, the nurse detaches the pumps from your breasts.'
  1627. if lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] => 50000:
  1628. lact_ev['gpoli_temp_var'] = (lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume']/50000)
  1629. pcs_gpoli_donationsessioncount += lact_ev['gpoli_temp_var']
  1630. pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation_count += 1
  1631. pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation += (lact_ev['gpoli_temp_var']*50)
  1632. if lact_ev['gpoli_temp_var'] >= 12:
  1633. 'She looks astonished at the at the marvelous amounts of milk you made as she stores away the <<lact_ev[''gpoli_temp_var'']>> bottles that contain <<lact_ev[''gpoli_temp_var'']*50>>ml of your breast milk.'
  1634. 'Nurse: <<$pcs_firstname>>, this is so much milk, I think a cow would be jealous!'
  1635. 'She laughts heartily and you blush a bit.'
  1636. elseif lact_ev['gpoli_temp_var'] >= 10:
  1637. 'She looks amazed at the at the copious amounts of milk you made as she stores away the <<lact_ev[''gpoli_temp_var'']>> bottles that contain <<lact_ev[''gpoli_temp_var'']*50>>ml of your breast milk.'
  1638. 'Nurse: Oh dear, where do you store all this milk in your breast...?'
  1639. elseif lact_ev['gpoli_temp_var'] >= 8:
  1640. 'She looks surprised at the at the large amount of milk you made as she stores away the <<lact_ev[''gpoli_temp_var'']>> bottles that contain <<lact_ev[''gpoli_temp_var'']*50>>ml of your breast milk.'
  1641. 'Nurse: Dear, this is really much milk...'
  1642. elseif lact_ev['gpoli_temp_var'] >= 6:
  1643. 'She looks pleasantly satisfied at you as she puts away the <<lact_ev[''gpoli_temp_var'']>> bottles containing <<lact_ev[''gpoli_temp_var'']*50>>ml of your breast milk.'
  1644. 'Nurse: Oh, this is pretty much milk.'
  1645. elseif lact_ev['gpoli_temp_var'] >= 4:
  1646. 'She looks satisfied at you as she puts away the <<lact_ev[''gpoli_temp_var'']>> bottles containing <<lact_ev[''gpoli_temp_var'']*50>>ml of your breast milk.'
  1647. 'Nurse: This is a good amount of milk.'
  1648. elseif lact_ev['gpoli_temp_var'] >= 2:
  1649. 'She looks satisfied at you as she puts away <<lact_ev[''gpoli_temp_var'']>> bottles with <<lact_ev[''gpoli_temp_var'']*50>>ml of your breast milk inside.'
  1650. elseif lact_ev['gpoli_temp_var'] = 1:
  1651. 'She looks satisfied at you as she puts away one bottle with 50ml of your breast milk.'
  1652. else
  1653. 'She looks satisfied at you as she puts away <<lact_ev[''gpoli_temp_var'']>> bottles with <<lact_ev[''gpoli_temp_var'']*50>>ml of your breast milk inside.'
  1654. end
  1655. elseif lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] < 50000 and lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] > 0:
  1656. 'She looks at you a bit disappointed.'
  1657. 'Nurse: Mhmm... I am sorry, but this isn''t enough milk for a valid donation. You only made <<lact_ev[''gpoli_milkedvolume'']/1000>>ml of breast milk.'
  1658. else
  1659. 'She looks at you disappointed.'
  1660. 'Nurse: Mhmm... I am sorry, but this isn''t enough milk for a valid donation. You made no breast milk at all.'
  1661. end
  1662. lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] = 0
  1663. if pcs_gpoli_donationsessioncount > 0:
  1664. mward_donatemoney = (pcs_gpoli_donationsessioncount*100)
  1665. else
  1666. mward_donatemoney = 0
  1667. end
  1668. lactation['nipple_cream_applied'] = 0
  1669. minut += 15
  1670. if lactation['breastmv'] > lactation['breastmm']/2 and lactation['breastmv'] >= 100000:
  1671. 'The nurse looks at your breasts'
  1672. 'Nurse: Looks like you could go for another pumping...shall we?'
  1673. act 'Have your breasts pumped again': gt 'pav_clinic', 'maternity_ward_donation'
  1674. else
  1675. act 'Ask to donate more': gt 'pav_clinic', 'maternity_ward_donation'
  1676. end
  1677. act 'Enough for today':
  1678. *clr & cla
  1679. gs 'stat'
  1680. if pcs_gpoli_donationsessioncount > 0:
  1681. money += mward_donatemoney
  1682. 'You put on your top, and the nurse hands you <<mward_donatemoney>><b>₽</b> for your donated breast milk.'
  1683. else
  1684. 'You put on your top'
  1685. end
  1686. act 'Leave':
  1687. lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] = 0
  1688. gt 'pav_clinic', 'maternity_ward'
  1689. end
  1690. end
  1691. end
  1692. elseif pcs_gpoli_donationsessioncount > 0:
  1693. 'Sorry <<$pcs_firstname>>, we are closing now.'
  1694. 'You put on your top, and the nurse hands you <<mward_donatemoney>><b>₽</b> for your donated breast milk.'
  1695. act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_commercial'
  1696. else
  1697. 'The clinic is closed. It''s open every day between 06:00 and 21:00.'
  1698. act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_commercial'
  1699. end
  1700. end
  1701. if $ARGS[0] = 'std_check':
  1702. if GerpesOnce = 1:
  1703. 'He continues: "You have genital herpes. Unfortunately, the complete cure for this disease is very expensive and we can''t cure it here. On the upside, herpes is dormant most of the time and is quite manageable, if you take good care of your body. When it is dormant, taking vitamins regularly will make sure it won''t show itself."'
  1704. if Gerpes >= 3:
  1705. if GerpesNapr = 0:
  1706. GerpesNapr = 3 & '"Your herpes is currently active. I''m going to put you on a course of herpes shots, in order to suppress it into its dormant state. You''ll need a total of 3 injections (no more than 1 a day), each injection will cost 450 <b>₽</b>."'
  1707. elseif GerpesNapr > 0:
  1708. 'You need to see the nurse for your herpes drug injection.'
  1709. end
  1710. else
  1711. 'Your herpes is currently in a dormant state.'
  1712. end
  1713. end
  1714. if SifacOnce = 1:
  1715. sifNapr = 1
  1716. 'You have syphilis. The cure for this disease used to be expensive. However, this deadly disease can now be with a single shot.'
  1717. 'The injection will cost 1,000 <b>₽</b>, you need to see the nurse for your syphilis injection.'
  1718. end
  1719. if TriperOnce = 1:
  1720. 'He continues: "We found gonorrhea. Fortunately, we can cure this disease."'
  1721. if TriperNapr = 0:
  1722. TriperNapr = 5 & '"I''m going to put you on a course of gonorrhea injections. You''ll need a total of 5 injections (no more than 1 a day), each injection will cost 750 <b>₽</b>."'
  1723. elseif TriperNapr > 0:
  1724. 'You need to see the nurse for your gonorrhea injections.'
  1725. end
  1726. end
  1727. if KandidozOnce = 1:
  1728. 'He continues: "You have thrush. Unfortunately, the complete cure for this disease is very expensive and we can''t cure it here. On the upside, thrush is not that harmful and can be treated easily to the point where it won''t trouble you. When it is dormant, taking vitamins regularly will make sure it won''t show itself."'
  1729. if KandidNapr = 0:KandidNapr = 1 & '"The pills are available at the pharmacy, across the street."'
  1730. if Kandidoz < 30:'Your thrush is currently in remission. If you take vitamins daily, it will stay that way.'
  1731. end
  1732. end
  1733. --- gpoli ---------------------------------