@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+module Program
+open Argu
+open FsharpMyExtension
+open FsharpMyExtension.Either
+type FilePath = string
+type Txt2qspConfig = { Path: string; Args: string }
+let qspSourceExt = ".qsps"
+let changeExtensionToQsp (path:FilePath) =
+ System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(path, qspSourceExt)
+let decodeGame config (src:FilePath) (dst:FilePath) =
+ if System.IO.File.Exists config.Path then
+ let args = sprintf "\"%s\" \"%s\" D %s" src dst config.Args
+ let startProcString path args =
+ printfn "start: `%s %s`" path args
+ let drivenOutput = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
+ Proc.startProc (fun e ->
+ drivenOutput.AppendLine(e) |> ignore
+ ) path args
+ |> fun code -> code, drivenOutput.ToString()
+ let code, output = startProcString config.Path args
+ if code = 0 then
+ Right dst
+ else
+ Left output
+ else
+ Left (sprintf "txt2qsp not found in '%s'" config.Path)
+let doFile txt2qspConfig src =
+ let dst = changeExtensionToQsp src
+ if System.IO.File.Exists dst then
+ Right (dst:FilePath)
+ else
+ decodeGame txt2qspConfig src dst
+let doDir txt2qspConfig dir =
+ System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir, "*.qsp", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
+ |> Seq.map (fun src ->
+ doFile txt2qspConfig src
+ )
+type CliArguments =
+ | Working_Directory of path:FilePath
+ | Txt2qsp of path:FilePath * args:string
+ | Source_Path of path:FilePath
+ interface IArgParserTemplate with
+ member s.Usage =
+ match s with
+ | Working_Directory _ -> "specify a working directory."
+ | Txt2qsp _ -> "specify a txt2gam (path : args)."
+ | Source_Path _ -> "path to encoded game (.qps) or decoded source game (.qsps)."
+module Parser =
+ open FParsec
+ open Qsp.Parser.Generic
+ open Qsp.Parser.Main
+ let parserStmt str =
+ let emptyState =
+ { emptyState with PStmts = pstmts }
+ let p =
+ spaces >>. pstmt
+ .>> (getPosition >>= fun p ->
+ updateUserState (fun st ->
+ { st with LastSymbolPos = p}))
+ runParserOnString (p .>> pAfterAll)
+ emptyState
+ ""
+ str
+open Qsp.Ast
+let patternMatching pattern =
+ let rec f acc stmts =
+ stmts
+ |> List.collect (fun stmt ->
+ if stmt = pattern then
+ stmt::acc
+ else
+ match stmt with
+ | Assign(_, _)
+ | CallSt(_, _)
+ | Exit -> acc
+ | Act(_, body)
+ | AssignCode(_, body) -> f acc body
+ | StarPl(_) -> acc
+ | If(_, _, _) -> acc
+ | For(var, from, to', step, body) -> f acc body
+ | Label(_) -> acc
+ | Comment(_) -> acc
+ )
+ f []
+let main argv =
+ let parser = ArgumentParser.Create<CliArguments>(programName = "Utility.exe")
+ let enc = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
+ let results = parser.Parse argv
+ let results = results.GetAllResults()
+ results |> printfn "%A"
+ let txt2qspConfig =
+ results
+ |> List.tryPick (function
+ | Txt2qsp(path, args) ->
+ { Path = path; Args = args }
+ |> Some
+ | _ -> None
+ ) |> Either.ofOption "notDefinedTxt2qspConfig"
+ let path =
+ results
+ |> List.tryPick (function
+ | Source_Path src ->
+ match String.toLower (System.IO.Path.GetExtension src) with
+ | ".qsp" ->
+ txt2qspConfig
+ |> Either.bind (fun config ->
+ doFile config src
+ )
+ |> Some
+ | ".qsps" -> Some (Right src)
+ | ext ->
+ Some (Left (sprintf "expected .qsp or .qsps extension but %s\nin\n%s" ext src))
+ | _ -> None
+ )
+ |> Either.ofOption "not defined path"
+ |> Either.concat
+ let tree =
+ path
+ |> Either.bind (fun path ->
+ match Qsp.Parser.Main.startOnFile enc path with
+ | FParsec.CharParsers.Success(tree, st, _) ->
+ Right tree
+ | FParsec.CharParsers.Failure(err, st, _) ->
+ Left err
+ )
+ let parse locs =
+ // the ideal solution would be to parse the text on the fly, but need to somehow define the boundaries of Stream
+ let terminator = ";;"
+ printfn "input statement (`%s` — end):" terminator
+ let rec f acc =
+ let line = System.Console.ReadLine()
+ let acc = line::acc
+ if line.Contains terminator then
+ List.rev acc |> System.String.Concat
+ else
+ f acc
+ let str = f []
+ match Parser.parserStmt str with
+ | FParsec.CharParsers.Success(pattern, st, _) ->
+ locs
+ |> List.map (fun (Location (locName, loc)) ->
+ locName, patternMatching pattern loc
+ )
+ |> Right
+ | FParsec.CharParsers.Failure(err, st, _) ->
+ Left err
+ tree
+ |> Either.bind parse
+ |> sprintf "%A"
+ |> printfn "%A"
+ // |> uncurry System.IO.File.WriteAllText "output.txt"
+ 0