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[Code clean up] Clean up code validation errors.

Myles Croft (Hooded Silence) 5 meses atrás

+ 1 - 0

@@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'starlets':
 	AlbinaQW['startletsday'] = daystart
 	starlets_practice = 0
 	gs 'exercise', 'tier2', 120, 'agil', 'dancero'
+	gs 'exp_gain', 'dancero', 2
 	pcs_mood -= 5
 	inhib_exp += rand(2,4)
 	if perform_lvl < 35: gs 'exp_gain', 'perform', 1

+ 8 - 30

@@ -114,8 +114,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] ! 'end' and $ARGS[0] ! 'checks' and $ARGS[0] ! 'count' and $ARGS[0]
 	grange = dyneval('result=strpos(''skinny   slimx     well pr   thicker   thickx    massive   monstrous'',$ARGS[0])',mid($temp_dick_girth+'x',1,6))/2
 	!! first let us determine how slippery are pc''s holes
-	if anal_slip < max(1, 8 + pain['asshole']/2 - pcs_ass) _ 
-	and mid($ARGS[0],1,4) = 'anal' and arrpos('$ARGS', 'anal_finger') < 0:
+	if anal_slip < max(1, 8 + pain['asshole']/2 - pcs_ass) and mid($ARGS[0],1,4) = 'anal' and arrpos('$ARGS', 'anal_finger') < 0:
 		!! cum
 		if cumloc[3] > 0: anal_slip += rand(cumvol[3]/15, cumvol[3]/10)
 		!! spit
@@ -127,14 +126,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] ! 'end' and $ARGS[0] ! 'checks' and $ARGS[0] ! 'count' and $ARGS[0]
 				anal_slip += 8
 				ar_anal_lube = 1
 			!! PC lube
-			elseif auto_anal_lube = 1 _ 
-			and arrpos('$ARGS', 'rape') < 0 _ 
-			and arrpos('$ARGS', 'gangbang') < 0 _ 
-			and arrpos('$ARGS', 'rough') < 0 _ 
-			and arrpos('$ARGS', 'beast') < 0 _ 
-			and arrpos('$ARGS', 'BDSM') < 0 _ 
-			and arrpos('$ARGS', 'bound') < 0 _ 
-			and arrpos('$ARGS', 'humiliation') < 0:
+			elseif auto_anal_lube = 1 and arrpos('$ARGS', 'rape') < 0 and arrpos('$ARGS', 'gangbang') < 0 and arrpos('$ARGS', 'rough') < 0 and arrpos('$ARGS', 'beast') < 0 and arrpos('$ARGS', 'BDSM') < 0 and arrpos('$ARGS', 'bound') < 0  and arrpos('$ARGS', 'humiliation') < 0:
 				gs 'arousal', 'auto_lube', 'anal'
@@ -145,8 +137,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] ! 'end' and $ARGS[0] ! 'checks' and $ARGS[0] ! 'count' and $ARGS[0]
-	if vaginal_slip < max(1, 8 + pain['vaginal']/2 - pcs_vag) _ 
-	and mid($ARGS[0],1,4) = 'vagi' and arrpos('$ARGS', 'vaginal_finger') < 0:
+	if vaginal_slip < max(1, 8 + pain['vaginal']/2 - pcs_vag) and mid($ARGS[0],1,4) = 'vagi' and arrpos('$ARGS', 'vaginal_finger') < 0:
 		!! horny
 		if vaginal_slip < pcs_horny / 10: vaginal_slip = pcs_horny / 10
 		!! cum
@@ -160,14 +151,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] ! 'end' and $ARGS[0] ! 'checks' and $ARGS[0] ! 'count' and $ARGS[0]
 				vaginal_slip += 8
 				ar_vag_lube = 1
 			!! PC lube
-			elseif auto_vag_lube = 1 _ 
-			and arrpos('$ARGS', 'rape') < 0 _ 
-			and arrpos('$ARGS', 'gangbang') < 0 _ 
-			and arrpos('$ARGS', 'rough') < 0 _ 
-			and arrpos('$ARGS', 'beast') < 0 _ 
-			and arrpos('$ARGS', 'BDSM') < 0 _ 
-			and arrpos('$ARGS', 'bound') < 0 _ 
-			and arrpos('$ARGS', 'humiliation') < 0:
+			elseif auto_vag_lube = 1 and arrpos('$ARGS', 'rape') < 0 and arrpos('$ARGS', 'gangbang') < 0	and arrpos('$ARGS', 'rough') < 0  and arrpos('$ARGS', 'beast') < 0 and arrpos('$ARGS', 'BDSM') < 0 and arrpos('$ARGS', 'bound') < 0  and arrpos('$ARGS', 'humiliation') < 0:
 				gs 'arousal', 'auto_lube', 'vag'
@@ -319,10 +303,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] ! 'end' and $ARGS[0] ! 'checks' and $ARGS[0] ! 'count' and $ARGS[0]
 			if pain_coeff > 0:gs 'pain', rand(pain_coeff), 'mouth', 'stretch'
 			if pcs_lipbalm > 0:
 				pcs_lipbalm = max(0, pcs_lipbalm - 1*max(1,stim_time/5))
-				if arrpos('$ARGS', 'rape') >= 0 _ 
-				or arrpos('$ARGS', 'rough') >= 0 _ 
-				or arrpos('$ARGS', 'gangbang') >= 0 _ 
-				or arrpos('$ARGS', 'beast') >= 0:
+				if arrpos('$ARGS', 'rape') >= 0 or arrpos('$ARGS', 'rough') >= 0  or arrpos('$ARGS', 'gangbang') >= 0 or arrpos('$ARGS', 'beast') >= 0:
 					pcs_lipbalm = max(0, pcs_lipbalm - 1*max(1,stim_time/5))
@@ -738,10 +719,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] ! 'end' and $ARGS[0] ! 'checks' and $ARGS[0] ! 'count' and $ARGS[0]
 		if arrpos('$ARGS', 'maso') >= 0:          pcs_hairbsh = iif(rand(30, pcs_hairlng)>125,rand(-1,0),pcs_hairbsh)
 		if arrpos('$ARGS', 'prostitution') >= 0:  pcs_hairbsh = iif(rand(30, pcs_hairlng)>150,rand(-1,0),pcs_hairbsh)
 		if arrpos('$ARGS', 'unknown') >= 0:       pcs_hairbsh = iif(rand(30, pcs_hairlng)>200,rand(-1,pcs_hairbsh),pcs_hairbsh)
-		if arrpos('$ARGS', 'anal') >= 0 _ 
-		or arrpos('$ARGS', 'anal_strap') >= 0:    pcs_hairbsh = iif(rand(30, pcs_hairlng)>220,rand(-1,pcs_hairbsh),pcs_hairbsh)
-		if arrpos('$ARGS', 'vaginal') >= 0 _ 
-		or arrpos('$ARGS', 'vaginal_strap') >= 0: pcs_hairbsh = iif(rand(30, pcs_hairlng)>240,rand(-1,pcs_hairbsh),pcs_hairbsh)
+		if arrpos('$ARGS', 'anal') >= 0 or arrpos('$ARGS', 'anal_strap') >= 0: pcs_hairbsh = iif(rand(30, pcs_hairlng)>220,rand(-1,pcs_hairbsh),pcs_hairbsh)
+		if arrpos('$ARGS', 'vaginal') >= 0 or arrpos('$ARGS', 'vaginal_strap') >= 0: pcs_hairbsh = iif(rand(30, pcs_hairlng)>240,rand(-1,pcs_hairbsh),pcs_hairbsh)
 		if pcs_hairbsh > 0:
 			if arrpos('$ARGS', 'bound') >= 0:     pcs_hairbsh = iif(rand(30, pcs_hairlng)>270,rand(0,pcs_hairbsh),pcs_hairbsh)
 			if arrpos('$ARGS', 'sub') >= 0:       pcs_hairbsh = iif(rand(30, pcs_hairlng)>300,rand(0,pcs_hairbsh),pcs_hairbsh)
@@ -764,8 +743,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] ! 'end' and $ARGS[0] ! 'checks' and $ARGS[0] ! 'count' and $ARGS[0]
 		if pcs_makeup > 1:
-			if (arrpos('$ARGS', 'bj') >= 0 _ 
-			or arrpos('$ARGS', 'cuni_give') >= 0):        pcs_makeup = iif(rand(pcs_makeup, pcs_makupskl/10)<3,rand(0,1),pcs_makeup)
+			if (arrpos('$ARGS', 'bj') >= 0 or arrpos('$ARGS', 'cuni_give') >= 0):  pcs_makeup = iif(rand(pcs_makeup, pcs_makupskl/10)<3,rand(0,1),pcs_makeup)

+ 6 - 6

@@ -10,21 +10,21 @@ $locat['elene'] = ''
 !! scheduled weekday events.
 if week <= 7:
-    if (hour > 5 and hour < 7) or (hour  = 12 or hour = 13) or  hour = 18:
+    if (hour > 5 and hour < 7) or (hour  = 12 or hour = 13) or hour = 18:
         $locat['elene'] = 'kitchen'
     if day ! 7 and hour = 13:
         $locat['elene'] = 'sauna'
-    if (hour >= 14 and <= 17) or (hour >= 19 and hour <= 20):
+    if (hour >= 14 and  hour <= 17) or (hour >= 19 and hour <= 20):
         $locat['elene'] = 'lounge'
-    if hour > 21 and < 6:
+    if hour > 21 and hour  < 6:
         $locat['elene'] = 'bed'
 if day <= 3 and (hour >= 8 and hour <= 11):
-    loc_switch = rnd(0,1)
+    loc_switch = rand(0,1)
     if loc_switch = 0 and sunWeather = 1:
         $locat['elene'] = 'garden'
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ if day <= 3 and (hour >= 8 and hour <= 11):
     killvar 'loc_switch'
 if week = 6 or week = 7:
-    if day = 6 and (hour = 19 or hour = 20)
+    if day = 6 and (hour = 19 or hour = 20):
         $locat['elene'] = 'church'
     if  day = 7 and (hour >= 9 or hour <= 11):
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ if week = 6 or week = 7:
-if day = 5 or day = 6 and (hour >= 8 or hour <= 11):
+if (day = 5 or day = 6) and (hour >= 8 or hour <= 11):
     $locat['elene'] = 'village'
 elseif day = 7 and hour = 8
     $locat['elene'] = 'village'

+ 1 - 2

@@ -92,8 +92,7 @@ if hour >= 8 and hour < 18:
 		act 'Do your homework (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
-	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg' and kanikuli = 0 and week < 6 and nerdstudynight['day'] ! daystart and hour > 14 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and SchoolBlock = 0 _ 
-	and (class['school_grades_above_40'] + class['school_grades_above_70'] + class['school_grades_above_90'] <= 20 or grupTipe = 3):
+	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg' and kanikuli = 0 and week < 6 and nerdstudynight['day'] ! daystart and hour > 14 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and SchoolBlock = 0 and (class['school_grades_above_40'] + class['school_grades_above_70'] + class['school_grades_above_90'] <= 20 or grupTipe = 3):
 		act 'Join the nerd''s study group': gt 'pav_library_nerdstudy', 'nerd_study_night'

+ 0 - 22

@@ -114,28 +114,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'res_events':
         'You enter the communal area and are greeted by a gaggle of excited girls who immediately call out and surround you. You spot a small group sitting down and taking a selfie with a tablet and you look around and see Madam <<$npc_lastname[''A3513'']>> watching over the proceedings.'
-		killvar '$mod_student_table'
-		killvar 'mod_table_count'
-		i_student = 1
-		:student_meet_loop
-			if mod_table_count = 6:
-				$mod_student_table += '<tr>'
-				mod_table_count += 1
-				$mod_student_table += '' + '<td><table bgcolor=<<$theme[''table_bg_alt'']>>><tr><td align="center"><img  height="100" src="<<$npc_img_path['A<<i_student>>']>><<i_student>>.jpg"></a></td></tr><tr><td align="center"><<$npc_usedname['A<<i_student>>']>></td></tr></table>'
-			end
-			if mod_table_count < 6:
-				$mod_student_table += '</td>'
-			elseif mod_table_count = 6:
-				$mod_student_table +='</td></tr><tr>' & mod_table_count = 0
-			end
-			i_student += 1
-		if i_student <= 9: jump 'student_meet_loop'
-		'<center><table cellspacing="3">'
-		'<<$mod_student_table>>'
-		'</table></center>'
-		killvar 'i_student'
 	if $ARGS[1] = 'birthday':

+ 1 - 1

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	minut += 45
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><h1>Welcome and Introduction</h1></center>'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$npc_img_path'[''A295'']>>/295.jpg"></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$npc_img_path[''A295'']>>/295.jpg"></center>'
 	'As you and your group enter the halls for the first time, you are greeted by a matronly-looking woman who will be your warden during your stay.'
 	'"Welcome, students, to your first night at these halls. I''m your warden, <<$npc_firstname[''A295'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A295'']>>. If you have any problems or need assistance, you can find me in the room to the right." She gestures towards a door with a brass plaque that reads "Warden".'

+ 2 - 4

@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'ballet_courses':
 		$setloc['StageImage'] =	'<<$default_img_path>>intermediate_class.jpg'
 		$setloc['StageImage'] =	'<<$default_img_path>>advanced_class.jpg'
-	ends
+	end
 	$location_type = 'public_indoors'
 	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'ballet_courses':
 			gs 'exercise', 'tier1', 120, 'agil', 'stren', 'danc'
 			gs 'exp_gain', 'danc', rand(1,5)
 			'you enter the classroom and the practice barres are set up for usage. You start to perform warm ups before your introductory ballet lesson starts along your fellow students.'
-			basic ballet
 		elseif pcs_danc >= 50 or dance_skill <= 74:
 			gs 'pain', 3, 'legL', 'stretch'
 			gs 'pain', 3, 'legR', 'stretch'
@@ -261,7 +261,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'ballet_courses':
 			gs 'exercise', 'tier2', 120, 'agil', 'stren', 'danc'
 			gs 'exp_gain', 'danc', rand(1,10)
 			'you enter the classroom and the practice barres are set up for usage. You start to perform warm ups before your intermediate lesson starts along your fellow students.'
-			Intermediate ballet
 			gs 'pain', 3, 'legL', 'stretch'
 			gs 'pain', 3, 'legR', 'stretch'
@@ -273,7 +272,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'ballet_courses':
 			gs 'exercise', 'tier3', 120, 'agil', 'stren', 'danc'
 			gs 'exp_gain', 'danc', rand(5,10)
 			'you enter the classroom and the practice barres are set up for usage. You start to perform warm ups before your advanced lesson starts along your fellow students.'
-			advance ballet
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Return to the studio reception': gt 'pushkin_ballet_secrets', 'reception'