فهرست منبع

[changed] Significantly simplified SMS_selfies :)

anjuna krokus 7 ماه پیش
3فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه153 افزوده شده و 160 حذف شده
  1. 95 101
  2. 52 51
  3. 6 8

+ 95 - 101

@@ -43,15 +43,21 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'show_sms':
-	$temp_curSMS = $SMSMessage[ARGS[1]]
-	$SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMS_selfietext
-	gs 'telefon', 'show_sms', ARGS[1]
-	$SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] = $temp_curSMS
-	killvar '$temp_SMS_selfietext'
+	$temp_curSMS = $SMSMessage[SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']]
+	$temp_curReplies = $SMSReplies[SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']]
+	$SMSMessage[SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']] = $SMSSelfieVars['text']
+	$SMSReplies[SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']] = ''
+	gs 'telefon', 'show_sms', SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']
+	$SMSMessage[SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']] = $temp_curSMS
+	$SMSReplies[SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']] = $temp_curReplies
+	SMSSelfieVars['text'] = ''
+	killvar 'temp_curSMS'
+	killvar 'temp_curReplies'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'exit':
-	gs 'telefon', 'show_sms', ARGS[1]
+	gs 'telefon', 'show_sms', SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']
+	killvar 'SMSSelfieVars'
@@ -63,13 +69,15 @@ end
 	!!                                                           !!
 ! $ARGS[1] = control string
 !  ARGS[2] = telefon['SMSid']
 ! $ARGS[3] -> onward = return string
-if $ARGS[0] = 'selfie_menu':
-	gs 'phone_selfies', 'Phone_selfie_totals'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'send_selfie':
+	killvar 'SMSSelfieVars'
+	$SMSSelfieVars['control'] = $ARGS[1]
+	SMSSelfieVars['SMSid'] = ARGS[2]
 	!! Create the return string
 	$temp_return_string = ''
 	sms_s_n_args = arrsize('$ARGS')
@@ -81,80 +89,66 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'selfie_menu':
 		jump 'add_rest_ARGS_loop'
 	$temp_return_string = mid($temp_return_string, 1, len($temp_return_string)-2)
+	$SMSSelfieVars['return_string'] = $temp_return_string
+	killvar 'temp_return_string'
+	killvar 'sms_s_n_args'
+	killvar 'sms_s_i'
+	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'selfie_menu'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'selfie_menu':
+	gs 'phone_selfies', 'Phone_selfie_totals'
 	! reset temp_SMS_selftext
-	$temp_SMS_selfietext = '<table width=80%><th>Selfies</th><tr><td>'
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] = '<table width=80%><th>Selfies</th><tr><td>'
 	temp_locationCnt = 0
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''showlocation'', <<temp_locationCnt>>, ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', <<ARGS[2]>>, <<$temp_return_string>>"><<$selfieLocDesc[temp_locationCnt]>> selfies</a>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''showlocation'', <<temp_locationCnt>>"><<$selfieLocDesc[temp_locationCnt]>> selfies</a>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
 		temp_locationCnt += 1
 	if temp_locationCnt < arrsize('$selfieLoc'): jump 'LocationLoop'
-	$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''exit'', <<ARGS[2]>>">Exit</a></td></tr></table>'
-	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'show_sms', ARGS[2]
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''exit'', <<ARGS[2]>>">Exit</a></td></tr></table>'
+	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'show_sms'
 	killvar 'temp_locationCnt'
-	killvar '$temp_return_string'
 	killvar 'sms_s_i'
 	killvar 'sms_s_n_args'
 !  ARGS[1] = temp_locationCnt
-! $ARGS[2] = control string
-!  ARGS[3] = telefon['SMSid']
-! $ARGS[4] -> onward = return string
 if $ARGS[0] = 'showlocation':
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] = '<table width=80%><tr><th><font color="maroon"><<$selfieLocDesc[ARGS[1]]>> selfies</font></th></tr>'
-	!! Create the return string
-	$temp_return_string = ''
-	sms_s_n_args = arrsize('$ARGS')
-	sms_s_i = 4
-	:add_rest_ARGS_loop2
-	if sms_s_i < sms_s_n_args:
-		$temp_return_string += '''<<$ARGS[sms_s_i]>>'', '
-		sms_s_i += 1
-		jump 'add_rest_ARGS_loop2'
-	end
-	$temp_return_string = mid($temp_return_string, 1, len($temp_return_string)-2)
-	$temp_SMS_selfietext = '<table width=80%><tr><th><font color="maroon"><<$selfieLocDesc[ARGS[1]]>> selfies</font></th></tr>'
+	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'listretrieve', ARGS[1], $selfieLoc[ARGS[1]]
-	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'listretrieve', ARGS[1], $selfieLoc[ARGS[1]], $ARGS[2], ARGS[3], $temp_return_string
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<tr><td colspan=3><a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''selfie_menu''">Go Back</a></td></tr>'
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<tr><td colspan=3><a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''exit''">Exit</a></td></tr></table>'
-	$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<tr><td colspan=3><a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''selfie_menu'', ''<<$ARGS[2]>>'', <<ARGS[3]>>, <<$temp_return_string>>">Go Back</a></td></tr>'
-	$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<tr><td colspan=3><a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''exit'', <<ARGS[3]>>">Exit</a></td></tr></table>'
-	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'show_sms', ARGS[3]
-	killvar '$temp_return_string'
-	killvar 'sms_s_i'
-	killvar 'sms_s_n_args'
+	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'show_sms'
 !  ARGS[1] = the index of the location in $selfieLoc[]
 ! $ARGS[2] = the selfie location (park, home, etc)
-! $ARGS[3] = control string
-!  ARGS[4] = telefon['SMSid']
-! $ARGS[5] = return string
 if $ARGS[0] = 'listretrieve':
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'c')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_clothed_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'sw')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_swim_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'u')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_underwear_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'n')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_nude_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'b')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_bath_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'sh')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_shower_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'ft')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_titflash_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'fa')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_assflash_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'fp')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_pussyflash_selfies',	ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'c')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_clothed_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'sw')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_swim_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'u')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_underwear_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'n')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_nude_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'b')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_bath_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'sh')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_shower_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'ft')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_titflash_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'fa')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_assflash_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'fp')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_pussyflash_selfies',	ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
 !  ARGS[1] = the index of the location in $selfieLoc[]
 ! $ARGS[2] = the selfie location (park, home, etc)
-! $ARGS[3] = return string
-!  ARGS[4] = telefon['SMSid']
 if $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_clothed_selfies':
 	!!Loop for clothed selfies, dynamics set variables as mixing them in loop instructions is bad
 	if selfieClotot[ARGS[1]] > 0:
@@ -166,14 +160,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_clothed_selfies':
 			!!setting value to unmixed variable so it can be checked in the if below
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_closelfie[<<temp_clocnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 3: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 3: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'clothed', ARGS[1], temp_clocnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'clothed', ARGS[1], temp_clocnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_clocnt += 1
 		if temp_clocnt <= selfieClotot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_clocnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -190,14 +184,14 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_swim_selfies':
 			!!setting value to unmixed variable so it can be checked in the if below
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_swim[<<temp_swicnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'bikini', ARGS[1], temp_swicnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'bikini', ARGS[1], temp_swicnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_swicnt += 1
 		if temp_swicnt <= selfieClotot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop1'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_swicnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -212,15 +206,15 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_underwear_selfies':
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_undselfie[<<temp_undcnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'underwear', ARGS[1], temp_undcnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'underwear', ARGS[1], temp_undcnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_undcnt += 1
 		if temp_undcnt <= selfieUndtot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop2'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_swicnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -235,14 +229,14 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_nude_selfies':
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_nudselfie[<<temp_nudcnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'nude', ARGS[1], temp_nudcnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'nude', ARGS[1], temp_nudcnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_nudcnt += 1
 		if temp_nudcnt <= selfieNudtot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop3'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_nudcnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -258,14 +252,14 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_bath_selfies':
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_bathselfie[<<temp_bathcnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'bath', ARGS[1], temp_bathcnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'bath', ARGS[1], temp_bathcnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_bathcnt += 1
 		if temp_bathcnt <= selfieBathtot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop4'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_bathcnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -281,14 +275,14 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_shower_selfies':
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_showerselfie[<<temp_showercnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'shower', ARGS[1], temp_showercnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'shower', ARGS[1], temp_showercnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_showercnt += 1
 		if temp_showercnt <= selfieShowertot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop5'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_showercnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -304,14 +298,14 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_titflash_selfies':
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_titflash[<<temp_flashtitscnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'titflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashtitscnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'titflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashtitscnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_flashtitscnt += 1
 		if temp_flashtitscnt <= selfieTitflash[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop6'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_flashtitscnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -327,14 +321,14 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_assflash_selfies':
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_assflash[<<temp_flashasscnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'assflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashasscnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'assflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashasscnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_flashasscnt += 1
 		if temp_flashasscnt <= selfieAssflash[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop7'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_flashasscnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -350,14 +344,14 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_pussyflash_selfies':
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_pussyflash[<<temp_flashpussycnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'pussyflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashpussycnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'pussyflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashpussycnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_flashpussycnt += 1
 		if temp_flashpussycnt <= selfiePussyflash[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop8'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_flashpussycnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -415,10 +409,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'take_selfie_menu':
 	$temp_return_string = mid($temp_return_string, 1, len($temp_return_string)-2)
-	$temp_SMS_selfietext = '<table width=80%><th>Camera</th><tr><td>'
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] = '<table width=80%><th>Camera</th><tr><td>'
 	if $phone_loc ! '' or strpos($ARGS[1], 'c') > 0:
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<a href="exec:gs ''exp_gain'', ''photoskl'', 1 & gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''Phone_camera_selfie'', ''<<$phone_loc>>'', '''', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ARGS[2], <<$temp_return_string>>"><b>Take a selfie</b></a>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<a href="exec:gs ''exp_gain'', ''photoskl'', 1 & gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''Phone_camera_selfie'', ''<<$phone_loc>>'', '''', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ARGS[2], <<$temp_return_string>>"><b>Take a selfie</b></a>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
 	!! Flashing selfie
 	if $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $phone_loc <> '':
@@ -428,20 +422,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'take_selfie_menu':
 			locIndex = arrpos(1, '$selfieLoc', $phone_loc)
 		if strpos($ARGS[1], 'ft') > 0 and (pcs_inhib >= 35 or exhibitionist_lvl > 0 or $phone_loc = 'bedroom') and selfieTitflash[locIndex] > 0:
-			$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<a href="exec:gs ''exp_gain'', ''photoskl'', 1 & gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''Phone_camera_selfie'', ''<<$phone_loc>>'', ''tits'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ARGS[2], <<$temp_return_string>> "><b>Flash your tits for a selfie</b></a><br>'
-			$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
+			$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<a href="exec:gs ''exp_gain'', ''photoskl'', 1 & gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''Phone_camera_selfie'', ''<<$phone_loc>>'', ''tits'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ARGS[2], <<$temp_return_string>> "><b>Flash your tits for a selfie</b></a><br>'
+			$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
 		if strpos($ARGS[1], 'fa') > 0 and (exhibitionist_lvl > 0 or $phone_loc = 'bedroom') and selfieAssflash[locIndex] > 0:
-			$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<a href="exec:gs ''exp_gain'', ''photoskl'', 1 & gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''Phone_camera_selfie'', ''<<$phone_loc>>'', ''ass'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ARGS[2], <<$temp_return_string>> "><b>Flash your ass for a selfie</b></a><br>'
-			$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
+			$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<a href="exec:gs ''exp_gain'', ''photoskl'', 1 & gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''Phone_camera_selfie'', ''<<$phone_loc>>'', ''ass'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ARGS[2], <<$temp_return_string>> "><b>Flash your ass for a selfie</b></a><br>'
+			$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
 		if strpos($ARGS[1], 'fp') > 0 and (exhibitionist_lvl > 1 or $phone_loc = 'bedroom') and selfiePussyflash[locIndex] > 0:
-			$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<a href="exec:gs ''exp_gain'', ''photoskl'', 1 & gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''Phone_camera_selfie'', ''<<$phone_loc>>'', ''pussy'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ARGS[2], <<$temp_return_string>> "><b>Flash your pussy for a selfie</b></a><br>'
-			$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
+			$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<a href="exec:gs ''exp_gain'', ''photoskl'', 1 & gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''Phone_camera_selfie'', ''<<$phone_loc>>'', ''pussy'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ARGS[2], <<$temp_return_string>> "><b>Flash your pussy for a selfie</b></a><br>'
+			$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
-	$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''exit'', <<ARGS[2]>>">Exit</a></td></tr></table>'
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''exit'', <<ARGS[2]>>">Exit</a></td></tr></table>'
 	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'show_sms', ARGS[3]

+ 52 - 51

@@ -150,48 +150,49 @@
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-	$temp_SMStext = ''
+	killvar 'SMSBuilderVars'
+	killvar 'SMSBuilderReplies'
+	killvar 'SMSBuilderImages'
 elseif $ARGS[0] = 'end':
-	killvar '$temp_SMStext'
-	killvar '$temp_SMSreplies'
-	killvar '$temp_SMSimgs'
 	killvar 'stb_i'
 	killvar 'stb_maxi'
-	killvar '$temp_SMS_reset_flag'
-	killvar '$temp_SMSRepliestext'
+	killvar 'SMSBuilderVars'
+	killvar 'SMSBuilderReplies'
+	killvar 'SMSBuilderImages'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'reset':
-	$temp_SMS_reset_flag = 1
+	SMSBuilderVars['reset_flag'] = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'send':
 	temp_text_width = max(10, 90 - 2 * len($ARGS[1]))
-	$temp_SMStext += '<table width=80%><tr><td width=<<temp_text_width>>%></td><td collspan=2 bgcolor=pink style="padding-top:5pt; padding-bottom:5pt; padding-left:10pt; padding-right:3pt"><font color=black>'
-	$temp_SMStext += $ARGS[1]
-	$temp_SMStext += '</font></td></tr></table>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '<table width=80%><tr><td width=<<temp_text_width>>%></td><td collspan=2 bgcolor=pink style="padding-top:5pt; padding-bottom:5pt; padding-left:10pt; padding-right:3pt"><font color=black>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += $ARGS[1]
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '</font></td></tr></table>'
 	killvar 'temp_text_width'
 elseif $ARGS[0] = 'send_img':
-	$temp_SMStext += '<table width=80%><tr><td width=10%></td><td collspan=2 bgcolor=pink align=center style="white-space:pre-wrap">'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '<table width=80%><tr><td width=10%></td><td collspan=2 bgcolor=pink align=center style="white-space:pre-wrap">'
 	if $ARGS[2] = '': $ARGS[2] = $ARGS[1]
-	$temp_SMStext += '<br><img src="<<$ARGS[1]>>" alt="<<$ARGS[2]>>" style="horizontal-align:center; max-height:90%; max-width:90%"><br><br>'
-	$temp_SMStext += '</td></tr></table>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '<br><img src="<<$ARGS[1]>>" alt="<<$ARGS[2]>>" style="horizontal-align:center; max-height:90%; max-width:90%"><br><br>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '</td></tr></table>'
 elseif $ARGS[0] = 'receive':
 	temp_text_width = max(10, 90 - 2 * len($ARGS[1]))
-	$temp_SMStext += '<table width=80%><tr><td collspan=2 bgcolor="#D4CEF9" style="padding-top:5pt; padding-bottom:5pt; padding-left:10pt; padding-right:3pt"><font color=black>'
-	$temp_SMStext += $ARGS[1]
-	$temp_SMStext += '</font></td><td width=<<temp_text_width>>%></td></tr></table>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '<table width=80%><tr><td collspan=2 bgcolor="#D4CEF9" style="padding-top:5pt; padding-bottom:5pt; padding-left:10pt; padding-right:3pt"><font color=black>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += $ARGS[1]
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '</font></td><td width=<<temp_text_width>>%></td></tr></table>'
 	killvar 'temp_text_width'
 elseif $ARGS[0] = 'receive_img':
-	$temp_SMStext += '<table width=80%><tr><td collspan=2 bgcolor="#D4CEF9" align=center style="white-space:pre-wrap">'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '<table width=80%><tr><td collspan=2 bgcolor="#D4CEF9" align=center style="white-space:pre-wrap">'
 	if $ARGS[2] = '': $ARGS[2] = $ARGS[1]
-	$temp_SMStext += '<br><img src="<<$ARGS[1]>>" alt="<<$ARGS[2]>>" style="horizontal-align:center; max-height:90%; max-width:90%"><br><br>'
-	$temp_SMStext += '</td><td width=10%></td></tr></table>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '<br><img src="<<$ARGS[1]>>" alt="<<$ARGS[2]>>" style="horizontal-align:center; max-height:90%; max-width:90%"><br><br>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '</td><td width=10%></td></tr></table>'
@@ -211,24 +212,24 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'add_reply':
 	$temp_reply_str += 'telefon[''SMSid'']">' + $ARGS[1] + '</a>'
-	$temp_SMSreplies[] = $temp_reply_str
+	$SMSBuilderReplies[] = $temp_reply_str
 	killvar 'temp_reply_str'
 	killvar 'stb_i'
 	killvar 'stb_n_args'
 elseif $ARGS[0] = 'private_set_replies':
-	$temp_SMSRepliestext += '<table>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['replies'] += '<table>'
-	stb_maxi = arrsize('temp_SMSreplies')
+	stb_maxi = arrsize('SMSBuilderReplies')
 	stb_i = 0
-		$temp_SMSRepliestext += '<tr><td>' + $temp_SMSreplies[stb_i] + '</td></tr>'
+		$SMSBuilderVars['replies'] += '<tr><td>' + $SMSBuilderReplies[stb_i] + '</td></tr>'
 		stb_i += 1
 	if stb_i < stb_maxi: jump 'SMS_reply_loop'
-	$temp_SMSRepliestext += '</table>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['replies'] += '</table>'
-	killvar '$temp_SMSreplies'
+	killvar 'SMSBuilderReplies'
 	killvar 'stb_i'
 	killvar 'stb_maxi'
@@ -236,61 +237,61 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'add_end_img':
 	if $temp_imgs[0] = '':
-		$temp_SMSimgs[0] = $ARGS[1]
+		$SMSBuilderImages[0] = $ARGS[1]
 	elseif $temp_imgs[1] = '':
-		$temp_SMSimgs[1] = $ARGS[1]
+		$SMSBuilderImages[1] = $ARGS[1]
 	elseif $temp_imgs[2] = '':
-		$temp_SMSimgs[2] = $ARGS[1]
+		$SMSBuilderImages[2] = $ARGS[1]
 	elseif $temp_imgs[3] = '':
-		$temp_SMSimgs[3] = $ARGS[1]
+		$SMSBuilderImages[3] = $ARGS[1]
 if $ARGS[0] = 'private_set_end_img':
 	stb_i = 0
-	if stb_i < arrsize('temp_SMSimgs'):
+	if stb_i < arrsize('SMSBuilderImages'):
 		if $SMSPicture1[ARGS[1]] = '':
-			$SMSPicture1[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSimgs[stb_i]
+			$SMSPicture1[ARGS[1]] = $SMSBuilderImages[stb_i]
 		elseif $SMSPicture2[ARGS[1]] = '':
-			$SMSPicture2[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSimgs[stb_i]
+			$SMSPicture2[ARGS[1]] = $SMSBuilderImages[stb_i]
 		elseif $SMSPicture3[ARGS[1]] = '':
-			$SMSPicture3[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSimgs[stb_i]
+			$SMSPicture3[ARGS[1]] = $SMSBuilderImages[stb_i]
 		elseif $SMSPicture4[ARGS[1]] = '':
-			$SMSPicture4[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSimgs[stb_i]
+			$SMSPicture4[ARGS[1]] = $SMSBuilderImages[stb_i]
 		stb_i += 1
 	killvar 'stb_i'
-	killvar '$temp_SMSimgs'
+	killvar '$SMSBuilderImages'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'add_sms':
-	if arrsize('temp_SMSreplies') > 0: 
+	if arrsize('SMSBuilderReplies') > 0: 
 		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'private_set_replies'
-		$temp_SMSRepliestext = ''
+		$SMSBuilderVars['replies'] = ''
-	gs 'telefon', 'add_sms', $ARGS[1], $temp_SMStext, $temp_SMSRepliestext, $temp_SMSimgs[0], $temp_SMSimgs[1], $temp_SMSimgs[2], $temp_SMSimgs[3]
+	gs 'telefon', 'add_sms', $ARGS[1], $SMSBuilderVars['text'], $SMSBuilderVars['replies'], $SMSBuilderImages[0], $SMSBuilderImages[1], $SMSBuilderImages[2], $SMSBuilderImages[3]
-	killvar '$temp_SMSRepliestext'
+	SMSBuilderVars['replies'] = ''
 elseif $ARGS[0] = 'show_sms':
-	if arrsize('temp_SMSreplies') > 0:
+	if arrsize('SMSBuilderReplies') > 0:
 		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'private_set_replies'
-		killvar '$temp_SMSRepliestext'
+		$SMSBuilderVars['replies'] = ''
-	if arrsize('temp_SMSimgs') > 0: gs 'SMStext_builder', 'private_set_end_img', ARGS[1]
-	if temp_SMS_reset_flag = 1: $SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] = ''
+	if arrsize('SMSBuilderImages') > 0: gs 'SMStext_builder', 'private_set_end_img', ARGS[1]
+	if SMSBuilderVars['reset_flag'] = 1: $SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] = ''
-	$SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] += $temp_SMStext
-	$SMSReplies[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSRepliestext
+	$SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] += $SMSBuilderVars['text']
+	$SMSReplies[ARGS[1]] = $SMSBuilderVars['replies']
 	gs 'telefon', 'show_sms', ARGS[1]
-	killvar 'temp_SMS_reset_flag'
-	killvar '$temp_SMStext'
-	killvar '$temp_SMSRepliestext'
+	SMSBuilderVars['reset_flag'] = 0
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] = ''
+	$SMSBuilderVars['replies'] = ''
 ! $ARGS[1] = displayed text
@@ -301,7 +302,7 @@ end
 ! $ARGS[3] -> onward = the return location.
 ! gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send_selfie', 'Send a sexy selfie', 'c|b|ft', 'band_tour_anushka_SMS', 'Week8', 'Choice_a'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'send_selfie':
-	$temp_reply_str = '[Selfie] <a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''selfie_menu'', ''<<lcase($ARGS[2])>>'', telefon[''SMSid'']'
+	$temp_reply_str = '[Selfie] <a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''send_selfie'', ''<<lcase($ARGS[2])>>'', telefon[''SMSid'']'
 	stb_n_args = arrsize('$ARGS')
 	stb_i = 3
@@ -313,7 +314,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'send_selfie':
 	$temp_reply_str += '"><<$ARGS[1]>></a>'
-	$temp_SMSreplies[] = $temp_reply_str
+	$SMSBuilderReplies[] = $temp_reply_str
 	killvar 'temp_reply_str'
 	killvar 'stb_i'
@@ -343,7 +344,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'take_selfie':
 	$temp_reply_str += '"><<$ARGS[1]>></a>'
-	$temp_SMSreplies[] = $temp_reply_str
+	$SMSBuilderReplies[] = $temp_reply_str
 	killvar 'temp_reply_str'
 	killvar 'stb_i'

+ 6 - 8

@@ -45,15 +45,13 @@ end
-!	$ARGS[1] = Return string
-!	 ARGS[2] = telefon['SMSid']
-!!	$ARGS[3] = Location where the selfie is taken
-!!	$ARGS[4] = State of dress in the selfie
-!!	 ARGS[5] = is the index of the location in $selfieLoc[] and $selfieFilePrefix
-!!	 ARGS[6] = the selfie number
+!!	$ARGS[1] = Location where the selfie is taken
+!!	$ARGS[2] = State of dress in the selfie
+!!	 ARGS[3] = is the index of the location in $selfieLoc[] and $selfieFilePrefix
+!!	 ARGS[4] = the selfie number
 if $ARGS[0] = 'SMS_set_selfie':
-	$temp_imloc = func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_get_imloc', $ARGS[3], $ARGS[4], ARGS[5], ARGS[6])
-	$result = '<a href="exec: gs <<$ARGS[1]>>, <<ARGS[2]>>, ''<<$temp_imloc>>'', ''<<$ARGS[3]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[4]>>'', <<ARGS[5]>>, <<ARGS[6]>>"><img src="<<$temp_imloc>>" style="horizontal-align:center; max-height:90%; max-width:90%"></a>'
+	$temp_imloc = func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_get_imloc', $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], ARGS[3], ARGS[4])
+	$result = '<a href="exec: gs <<$SMSSelfieVars[''return_string'']>>, <<SMSSelfieVars[''SMSid'']>>, ''<<$temp_imloc>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[2]>>'', <<ARGS[3]>>, <<ARGS[4]>>"><img src="<<$temp_imloc>>" style="horizontal-align:center; max-height:90%; max-width:90%"></a>'
 	killvar '$temp_imloc'