# gschool_randperson !! arguments: ... !! gender : 0 for male, 1 for female !! excluded_first_name : can be '' or you can provide result of previous invocation, so you can compose non-repeating pairs of people !! ... : 1 if you include grupTipe, 0 otherwise, look at examples below !! !! example: !! $rand_girl = func('gschool_randperson', 1, '', 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0) !! $rand_girl1 = func('gschool_randperson', 1, $rand_girl, 1, 1, 0, 1) !! !! Having grupTipes (social groups) !! 1 - cool kids !! 2 - jocks !! 3 - nerds !! 4 - Gopnik !! 5 - outcasts !! 6 - teachers !! examples above instruct to choose random person from: cool kids, jocks and gopniks !! NOTE that in $rand_girl1 zero values for outcasts and teachers are not defined - undefined values will be zero by language !! Thanks to that you can include new social group and you don''t need to make changes in all places rand_person_ind = 0 rand_filtered_ind = 0 :filter_loop rand_person_ind = rand_person_ind + 1 if rand_person_ind >= ARRSIZE('grupTipe') : jump 'outside_filter_loop' genderMatches = ARGS[0] = npcPol[rand_person_ind] nameIsNotRepeated = ARGS[1] <> $npc_firstname[$static_num[rand_person_ind]] grupTipeIsLegal = grupTipe[rand_person_ind] > 0 grupTipeMatches = ARGS[grupTipe[rand_person_ind] + 1] = 1 if genderMatches and nameIsNotRepeated and grupTipeIsLegal and grupTipeMatches : rand_filtered[rand_filtered_ind] = rand_person_ind rand_filtered_ind = rand_filtered_ind + 1 end jump 'filter_loop' :outside_filter_loop if ARRSIZE('rand_filtered') > 0 : random_person = rand_filtered[rand(0,ARRSIZE('rand_filtered'))] $RESULT = $npc_firstname[$static_num[random_person]] else $rand_gender = IIF (ARGS[0] = 0, 'boy', 'girl') $RESULT = '<<$rand_gender>> you don''t know' end KILLVAR 'rand_person_ind' KILLVAR 'rand_filtered_ind' KILLVAR 'rand_filtered' KILLVAR '$rand_gender' KILLVAR 'random_person' KILLVAR 'genderMatches' KILLVAR 'nameIsNotRepeated' KILLVAR 'grupTipeIsLegal' KILLVAR 'grupTipeMatches' --- gschool_randperson ---------------------------------