gadforestswamp.qsrc 6.7 KB

  1. # gadforestswamp
  2. $location_type = 'secluded'
  3. if $ARGS[0] = '1':
  4. $loc = 'gadforestswamp'
  5. $metka = '1'
  6. $location_type = 'secluded'
  7. $menu_loc = 'gadforestswamp'
  8. $menu_arg = '1'
  9. menu_off = 0
  10. gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
  11. gs 'stat'
  12. '<center><H4>Swamp</H4></center>'
  13. if month >= 4 and month <= 10:
  14. if hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
  15. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/gadforestlostswamp.jpg"></center>'
  16. else
  17. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/gadforestlostswamp_night.jpg"></center>'
  18. end
  19. else
  20. if hour >= 8 and hour < 18:
  21. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/gadforestlostswamp_winter.jpg"></center>'
  22. else
  23. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/gadforestlostswamp_winter_night.jpg"></center>'
  24. end
  25. end
  26. 'You come to the edge of the swamp; you can see a hut in the distance.'
  27. 'You can go back into the woods or try to get to the hut through the marsh, but will you have enough strength and agility to overcome this obstacle?'
  28. act 'Go back to the forest':gt 'gadforestlost','4'
  29. act 'Try to go through the mire':
  30. *clr & cla
  31. menu_off = 1
  32. minut += 10
  33. swamprand = pcs_stren + pcs_agil
  34. gs 'sweat', 'add', 15
  35. gs 'stat'
  36. if ($clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $clothingworntype ! 'swimwear') and CloSkirtShortness = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/goswamp.jpg"></center>'
  37. if ($clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $clothingworntype ! 'swimwear') and CloSkirtShortness > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/goswamp_ski.jpg"></center>'
  38. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/goswamp_nude0.'+rand(4,5)+'.jpg"></center>'
  39. 'You entered the swamp and felt your feet starting to sink into the mud...'
  40. temp_gads = RAND(1,100)
  41. act 'Give it another try':
  42. if swamprand > temp_gads:gt 'swamp_yard', 'start'
  43. if Enable_nogameover = 0:
  44. if swamprand < temp_gads and temp_gads >= 90:over = 10 & gt 'gameover'
  45. if swamprand < temp_gads and temp_gads < 90:pcs_bushcraft += 5 & gt 'gadforestswamp', '2'
  46. else
  47. pcs_bushcraft += 5
  48. gt 'gadforestswamp', '2'
  49. end
  50. end
  51. end
  52. end
  53. if $ARGS[0] = '2':
  54. $loc = 'gadforestswamp'
  55. $metka = '2'
  56. $location_type = 'secluded'
  57. $menu_loc = 'gadforestswamp'
  58. $menu_arg = '2'
  59. menu_off = 0
  60. gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
  61. gs 'stat'
  62. ! unbrush hair and remove makeup
  63. pcs_hairbsh = 0
  64. if pcs_makeup > 1:pcs_makeup = 0
  65. ! clothes wear out
  66. ! if dirty = 0 and ($clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $clothingworntype ! 'swimwear'):dirty = 1 & dynamic $clothingworntype + 'H[<<clothingwornnumber>>] -= 10'
  67. !!add remove clothes if worn out
  68. ! if dyneval('RESULT = <<$clothingworntype>>H[<<clothingwornnumber>>]') <= 0:
  69. ! 'Your ripped clothes were barely holding together, but now they have finally fell apart.'
  70. ! 'You are naked now.'
  71. ! gadforest_clothestorn = 1
  72. ! gs 'clothing', 'strip', 'gadforestswamp', 2
  73. ! end
  74. gs 'stat'
  75. '<center><H4>Swamp</H4></center>'
  76. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/panicswamp.jpg"></center>'
  77. 'You are stuck in the quagmire."I''m stuck!", you think in panic "What do I do?". '
  78. act 'Call for help':
  79. *clr & cla
  80. menu_off = 1
  81. minut += 10
  82. if pcs_sweat < 10: gs 'sweat', 'add', 10
  83. if week = 6 or week = 7:temp_gads = RAND(1,3)
  84. if week < 6:temp_gads = RAND(1,5)
  85. gs 'stat'
  86. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/gadforestlosthelp.jpg"></center>'
  87. 'You are exhausted and begin to scream for help...'
  88. act 'Wait':
  89. if temp_gads = 1:
  90. *clr & cla
  91. minut += 10
  92. hunters_here = 1
  93. hunterhelp = 1
  94. gs 'stat'
  95. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/handshelp.jpg"></center>'
  96. 'You hear men speaking and begin to shout louder. The voices come closer and finally, someone''s strong hands grabbed you and dragged back to solid ground.'
  97. 'You are so tired from your ordeal you pass out.'
  98. act 'Wake up':gt 'swamp_yard', 'start'
  99. else
  100. *clr & cla
  101. minut += 10
  102. gs 'stat'
  103. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/panicswamp.jpg"></center>'
  104. 'No one responds to your call, looks like you are all alone.'
  105. act 'Contemplate your life':gt 'gadforestswamp','2'
  106. end
  107. end
  108. end
  109. act 'Try to get back to the woods':
  110. *clr & cla
  111. menu_off = 1
  112. minut += 10
  113. swamprand = pcs_stren + pcs_agil
  114. stren_exp += rand(0,1)
  115. agil_exp += rand(0,1)
  116. gs 'sweat', 'add', 30
  117. temp_gads = RAND(1,100)
  118. gs 'stat'
  119. dynamic $swampclothes
  120. 'You decide it''s wisest to try and turn back...'
  121. act 'Give it another try':
  122. if swamprand > temp_gads:gt 'gadforestswamp','1'
  123. if Enable_nogameover = 0:
  124. if swamprand < temp_gads and temp_gads >= 90:over = 10 & gt 'gameover'
  125. if swamprand < temp_gads and temp_gads < 90:gt 'gadforestswamp', '2'
  126. else
  127. gt 'gadforestswamp', '2'
  128. end
  129. end
  130. end
  131. act 'Try to go on to the hut':
  132. cla
  133. *clr
  134. menu_off = 1
  135. minut += 10
  136. swamprand = pcs_stren + pcs_agil
  137. stren_exp += rand(0,1)
  138. agil_exp += rand(0,1)
  139. gs 'sweat', 'add', 30
  140. temp_gads = RAND(1,100)
  141. gs 'stat'
  142. dynamic $swampclothes
  143. 'You decide you might as well keep going forward at this point...'
  144. act 'Give it another try':
  145. if swamprand > temp_gads:gt 'swamp_yard', 'start'
  146. if Enable_nogameover = 0:
  147. if swamprand < temp_gads and temp_gads >= 90:over = 10 & gt 'gameover'
  148. if swamprand < temp_gads and temp_gads < 90:gt 'gadforestswamp', '2'
  149. else
  150. gt 'gadforestswamp', '2'
  151. end
  152. end
  153. end
  154. end
  155. if hour >= 6 and hour <= 20 and month >= 6 and month <= 9 and boletus + bilberry < 10 and swamp_day ! daystart:
  156. act 'Look for mushrooms and berries (0:30)':
  157. cla
  158. *clr
  159. menu_off = 1
  160. minut += 30
  161. temp = RAND(1,2)
  162. swamp_day = daystart
  163. if goforest < 20:goforest += rand(0,1)
  164. new_boletus += rand(4,5)
  165. boletus += new_boletus
  166. new_bilberry += rand(4,5)
  167. bilberry += new_bilberry
  168. pcs_mood += 5
  169. gs 'stat'
  170. gs 'gadforest', 'clothes1'
  171. 'You spend half an hour wandering through the woods in search of mushrooms and berries and manage to find <<new_boletus>> kg of mushrooms and <<new_bilberry>> kg of berries.'
  172. act 'Continue': gt'swamp'
  173. end
  174. end
  175. $swampclothes = {
  176. if ($clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $clothingworntype ! 'swimwear') and CloSkirtShortness = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/goswamp1.jpg"></center>'
  177. if ($clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $clothingworntype ! 'swimwear') and CloSkirtShortness > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/goswamp_ski1.jpg"></center>'
  178. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/goswamp_nude0.'+rand(4,5)+'.jpg"></center>'
  179. }
  180. --- gadforestswamp ---------------------------------