
Thanks to https://git.catrenelle.com/Christine

Scarlett Schäfer 2 年之前
共有 3 個文件被更改,包括 215 次插入1 次删除
  1. 1 1
  2. 二進制
  3. 214 0

+ 1 - 1

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ echo.
 echo Building ...
-python txtmerge.py source raw.txt
+python txtcompile.py source compiled raw.txt
 txt2gam.exe raw.txt berlin.qsp > nul
 echo Build complete


+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# "usage: txtcompile.py <input_dir> <output_dir> <output_filename>"
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import io 
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+gitBranch = "nobranch"
+gitBranchDetected = False
+	from pygit2 import Repository,GitError
+	try:
+		gitBranch = Repository('.').head.shorthand
+		gitBranchDetected = True
+	except GitError:
+		print('Git Repository not found')
+except ImportError:
+	print("Notice: you can speed up the compiler by installing pygit2.")
+	print("You can install it by typing: pip install pygit2")
+assert len(sys.argv) == 4, "usage:\ntxtcompile.py <input_dir> <output_dir> <output_filename>"
+inputdir = str(sys.argv[1])
+outputDir = sys.argv[2]+ '/' + gitBranch
+if not os.path.exists(outputDir):
+    os.makedirs(outputDir)
+def getProcessingArguments(text):
+	regex = r"\s*!!\s*PROCESS\s*:(.*)"
+	match = re.search(regex, text, re.IGNORECASE)	
+	arguments = [""]
+	if match is not None:
+		arguments = [x.strip().lower() for x in match.groups()[0].split(',')]
+	return arguments
+def foreach2while(text):
+	regex = r"\s*foreach(X?)\s*[(]\s*(\S+)\s+as\s+(\S+)\s*=>\s*(\S+)\s*[)]{"
+	match = re.search(regex, text, re.IGNORECASE)	
+	while match is not None:
+		currentOpen = 1
+		currentPos = match.end()
+		arrayEdit = 0
+		if match.groups()[0] == 'X':
+			arrayEdit = 1
+		while currentOpen > 0:
+			nextOpen = text.find('{',currentPos)
+			nextClose = text.find('}',currentPos)
+			if nextClose == -1:
+				print('Error')
+				sys.exit('Syntax error')
+			if nextOpen != -1 and nextOpen < nextClose:
+				currentPos = nextOpen+1
+				currentOpen += 1
+			else:
+				currentPos = nextClose+1
+				currentOpen -= 1
+		text = (text[:max(match.start(),0)]+'\n'+
+				match.groups()[2]+' = 0\n'+
+				'while ('+match.groups()[2]+' < arrsize(\''+match.groups()[1]+'\')){\n'+
+				'\t'+match.groups()[3]+' = '+match.groups()[1]+'['+match.groups()[2]+']\n'+
+				text[match.end():currentPos-1]+'\n'+
+				'\t'+match.groups()[1]+'['+match.groups()[2]+'] = '+match.groups()[3]+'\n'+
+				'\t'+match.groups()[2]+'+=1\n'+
+				'}\n'+
+				'killvar \''+match.groups()[2]+'\'\n'+
+				'killvar \''+match.groups()[3]+'\'\n'+
+				text[currentPos:])
+		match = re.search(regex, text, re.IGNORECASE)
+	return text
+def syntaxAdditions2qsp(text):
+	# Since foreach is translated into while it has to be processed before while is processed
+	text = 	foreach2while(text)
+	text = while2qsp(text)
+	return text
+def commentsPurge(text):
+	purgedText =  "\n".join([line for line in text.split('\n') if line.strip()[0:2] != '!!'])
+	return purgedText
+def trim(text):
+	trimmedText =  "\n".join([line.strip() for line in text.split('\n') if line.strip() != ''])
+	return trimmedText
+def while2qsp(text):
+	regex = r"\s*while\s*[(]\s*([^{]+)[)]{"
+	match = re.search(regex, text, re.IGNORECASE)	
+	while match is not None:
+		currentOpen = 1
+		currentPos = match.end()
+		while currentOpen > 0:
+			nextOpen = text.find('{',currentPos)
+			nextClose = text.find('}',currentPos)
+			if nextClose == -1:
+				print('Error')
+				sys.exit('Syntax error')
+			if nextOpen != -1 and nextOpen < nextClose:
+				currentPos = nextOpen+1
+				currentOpen += 1
+			else:
+				currentPos = nextClose+1
+				currentOpen -= 1
+		loopname = 'sys_loop_'+filenameCleaned + str(match.start())
+		text = (text[:max(match.start(),0)]+'\n'+
+				':'+loopname+'\n'
+				'if '+match.groups()[0]+':\n'+
+				text[match.end():currentPos-1]+'\n'+
+				'jump \''+loopname+'\'\n'
+				'end\n'+
+				text[currentPos:])
+		#print(text)
+		match = re.search(regex, text, re.IGNORECASE)	
+	return text
+#for filename in os.listdir(sys.argv[1]):
+for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(inputdir):
+    for filename in files:
+        filenameCleaned = ''.join(e for e in filename if e.isalnum())
+        filePathOld =  os.path.join(root,filename)
+        filePathNew = filePathOld.replace(inputdir,outputDir) #os.path.join(outputDir,root,filename)
+        if not os.path.isfile(filePathOld):
+            continue
+        if os.path.isfile(filePathNew) and os.path.getmtime(filePathOld) <= os.path.getmtime(filePathNew) and gitBranchDetected:
+            continue
+        msgParameters = ""
+        with open(filePathOld, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
+            text = file.read()
+        arguments = getProcessingArguments(text)
+        if "commentspurge" in arguments:
+            msgParameters += "c"
+        if "syntaxadditions" in arguments:
+            msgParameters += "s"
+        if "trim" in arguments:
+            msgParameters += "t"
+        print('Processing '+filename+' -> '+msgParameters)
+        if "syntaxadditions" in arguments:
+            text = syntaxAdditions2qsp(text)
+        if "trim" in arguments:
+            text = trim(text)
+        if "commentspurge" in arguments:
+            text = commentsPurge(text)
+        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filePathNew)):
+            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filePathNew))
+        with open(filePathNew, 'w', encoding='utf-16') as file:
+            file.write(text)
+outputfilename = str(sys.argv[3])
+with io.open(outputfilename, 'w', encoding='utf-16', newline='\r\n') as outputfile:
+    #for file in os.listdir(inputdir):
+    for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(outputDir):
+        for filename in files:
+            filepath = os.path.join(root,filename)
+            with io.open(filepath, 'rt', encoding='utf-16') as inputfile:
+                text = inputfile.read()
+                # EOF
+                if text[-1] != u'\n':
+                    text += u'\n\n'
+                outputfile.write(text)